Newspaper Page Text
( News on Route 4
Mrs Hilary Roland one of our
charming young ladies visited
relatives in Powersville last week.
Mr »-iid Mrs T A Greene spent
Tuesday in Macon shopping.
Cupid has been working very
mysteriously—not in our section
very recently.
MrWB Buchman of
is spending a few days with his
uncle, Mr C H Fuller.
Mr Cartlon Procter who is
working in Macon spent Sunday
with his family.
Miss Clara Poole was the guest
of Miss Hilary Roland Sunday.
MrRoyAuthoin was seen out
this way Sunday night. No one
knows the trouble.
Mr Claude Bartley has pur¬
chased a new horse and buggy.
Look out girls or you will be
Mrs V A Greene and Miss
Bertha Seay made a business
tour to town Monday afternoon
and report a most delightful time.
Announcement for Constable
I hereby announce myself
candidate for Constable, subject
to the election oj 1st Saturday in
December, for the 9th militia
List. Houston county. I will ap¬
preciate your II. support, HANCE.
By order of the Mayor and
City Council the tax books will
open on the Nineteenth 19th of
October 1908 for the purpose of
collecting the last installment of
City, School. Water and Electric
Light 'Paxes. Books will remain
open 10 days.
W. M. Blewster, Clerk.
The Governor Treutlen Chapter
The Governor Treutlen Chap
ter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution, will give an
entertainment at the home of the
Regent, Mrs George T Harris,
on the afternoon and evening of
Oct. 23rd. The admission charge
29 cts includes the tines and
refreshments. Let alt come, and
spend a pleasant evening and
aid in a laudable cause tbe com
pletion of the Georgia Column in
Memorial Continental Hall at
Washington, D. C., ajirrai lRgfiam
A In ■v riiic ■p
.. yd
Effective . lugust 1C, 1908
■a* u. ir*ti
Lv Brunei ink *, so a m (»00 p m
« * Way urns S .15 a m 55 p m
Doushis it 55 a in «i 25 p m
At pit •era Id 10 m 10 " .pm
iV Thomasviln , 80 a m 6 45 p m
Moultrie 8 48 a in T 50 p m
r‘ ton 111 0 00 p m
At Filzverald HI v in 10 00 p in
LV Kitr.geiald 1 1 00 aTn 10 30 p m
Cor dele h } l 111 11 45 p lit
* i Yiiemr 10 54 p 111 12- 04 a m
(Yglefhorpe j 55 p m 1 15 a 111
Manchester •< < h P m 0 30 a in
3 * I 25 a m
Ml ia 1 p m 1 45 a m
.««' **■
Lv Al Senoia Atlauta 10 ? 02 ’ ’ n ;> in ! if) ’ in J 'ij
h a
ho. ,)< 1 40 K. Ill
LI u ,■ 2 I A m
iu a n
A »'.• r* ■*rnr Tfin,
>U'U r:.< s-rm i-Wn
Wax ;r. m
w cl: 11 , in
Pullman, draw in: room,
l r car a between Atlanta
Thom vilie on trams leaving
AtUuPa S.GO p In ; leavi
asville l •iO P m.
tions at Atlanta fur ah
East and West, Electric
vestibuled trains.
<4 The Standard cf Excellence
in Service. *•
i assenger
Terms; % Monthly accts.
Monthly, Weekly, Due First of
and Cash. Each Month. j
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Gents’ Furnish¬
ings and a New Stock of
j Pure Food Groceries
Call and buy, phone or send your orders, or notify |
me and I will send for same. All goods delivered I
free of charge in city. Credit will only be extended |
to reliable parties, 2 nd we will do our best to laid
your trade and give satisfaction.
i Weekly Accounts Cash Buyers Will
Due Once a Week Phone 47 Save Monev Here
Come And See Samples Of Children’s Pictures.
W. 1. WHITE, The Practical Photographer
BsaiBgp ■U
£ |
& Sn Ye r I
0 1
Time I
01 den 9
Sfv | 1
I | 1
Before the advent of modern high art | | jj i 1
t ready-to-wear Clothing, our forefathers, j |
when they wanted a new spring suit
used to stand for measurement and
**=•- trust to luck for fit.
But now-a-days with the perfect system of advance- tailor- | |]
ing, you have only to come in for a “try-on. J J The clothes I
are here ready to-wear —modeled for men of all weights,
heights and thickness, And whether you be slim or Stout— |
long stout, short stout, or just “regular made v 1 wove a suit for you j 1
No waits—no delays—no guess work—and at tWO-thirdS
the price of the home made kind.
Priced $10 to $35.
i s e min P 'I n J
Is LliO U HU u 1 1
IS )
420 Third St. Macon, Ga. ft
s; ; 1 i
Sept. 27 1908.
£) ear Friend:
Have yon gone back to
I have•
What do you have fpr
I get some nice
cookies and chipped
and cheese and
at the grocery .
1 Mama says its lots
! nicer and cheaper and
’ lo le tr ouble than
t s s s
! baking up things for me .
i And then mama helps
1 me with my lessons too.
she says that is
than spending so
much time in the kitchen.
1 Your friend,
That’s why she gets so many things all
ready to eat from.
W. K. Thweatt’s,
\v A ^ .m hi? . KsJi 1
A k fte
- \
sis over.V \ ■ J
) ’I
V i 1
r f j/
-i*- - / (i
‘The local K P lodge entertain
the members, their wives and
friends with another one of their
delightful banquets as the Hall
Wednesday evening Oct7. Mr I'
N Royal acted as master of cere¬
monies atfd performed his duties
; n his usual comical and enter¬
taining manner. After the open¬
ode an address of welcome
was delivered by Mr H A
ews followed by an address on
fraternity by Col A C Riley. jyj r
T C Eberhardt chancellor com¬
mander delivered an address on
friendship. The hall was decora
ted in lodge colors and roses,
palms and ferns. An elegant re
past was served consisting of
oyster stew, barbecue, pouJtrv,
salad and cake. The lodge is
growing and these affairs are
looked forward to with great
The members of Olympia lodge
No 116 K of H desire to express
their sincere thanks to the ladies
who so kindly contributed both
ill the delicasies of the season
and in attentive services at ’.their
banquet Wednesday evening. By
their earnest labors in beautify
ing the hall and attendance at
the banquet they gave the pythi
ans a treat which will long be
remembered and cherished as
one of the most delightful and
enjoyable occasions in the history
of the lodge. By order of the
James E. Bledsoe, K of II & S.
Guardian’s Sale
By virtue! of an order from the court
of ordinary of Houston county, will he
sold to Hie highest bidder for cash on
the first Tuesday in November, 1908,
before the court house door of Houston
county, between the legal hours of sale.
the following described property, to-wit:
All of that two-eighths undivided inter
est in the following tracts or parcel of
land, to-wit:
All of that tract of the Jno. T, Sande
fur land lyingrind being in the Tenth
district of Houston county, Georgia,
that lies west of a line running due
north and south through lots of land
Nos 150, 151 and 152 and extending to
the Factory mill pond, which line was
marked and staked off by W. L. Carr,
surveyor of said county, and on
which line there is a fence; said line
and fence dividing tins tract of land
from the portion owned by J, O. Sande
fur and connecting the western portions
of said Jots Nos. 150. 151 and 1 which
lie west of said line and fence, the land
described comprising 108 acres of land,
more or less, and being the land occu¬
pied by J. C. Thompson at the time of
his death.
Said land sold for the support and
maintenance of the minors of J. G.
Thompson, deceased.
This October 8th, 1008,
Nannie J. Thompson,
Guardian cf Nannie L. Thompson
and Gussie Thompson.
Sheriff’s Sales
Georgia . TT Houston . county; . y,
Will be sold before , f the „ court ,
„ nouse dour , in tbe , to^n , of , -o Perry
said state and county , wiulxn the
legal hours of sale to the highest u
bidder for cash, on tbe 1st Tues¬
day in November 3 908, the fol¬
lowing described property bo
wit : 50 acres of land in the 32th
District of Houston county Ga.,
being the North west quart of
lot number 54 in said 12th Dis
trict. Levied on and being sold
as the property of Robert Clark,
deceased, in the hands of Horace
Clark, Administrator to be ad¬
ministered. Levy made to sat¬
isfy a fi fa from Housten Super
ior Court returnable to October
Term 1908 thereof, in favor of
Duncan & Duncan Vs said. Hor
ace 3 Clark, ' Administrator of ;
Robert Clark deceased. Tenant .
in possession notified in terms of
the law. This the 7th day of
Oct. 1908.
Also at the same time and
place tbe one-half undivided in
J terest of Ben T. Mitchell in a
1 certain house and lot 7n the town
j of follows; Port Valley the 33a., North bounded by Main as
■ on
Street, South by lands of J, J.
Hartley, East by Burns line and
West by town lot of Albert Tar¬
ver. Levied on and being sold
as the property of Ben T. Mitch
eh co satisfy a fi fa from Justice
court 528th District G- M. Hous¬
ton county Ga. in favor of Dow
Law Bank Vs said Ben T‘ Mit¬
chell Def’t. Levy made by Con¬
stable B. Smisson and turned ov
er to me for sale. I’his 7th day
of Oct. 1908.
M. L. Cooper, Sheriff.
GEORGIA Houston Con*. iJ
By virtue of the auth„ Y ;
resolution of the stockholr!!- r 0
the Port Valley Am r «of
Club,will be sold before th* d- •
National Bank in Fort ^ If®
Georgia the 28 day at eleven o'clock pi'o? n I oa ey
of October
public bidder ha’ca.h, nut-cry, the «, folding? the j ; -
scribed property to wit- hUe '
That lot in the City 0 f p
Valley, the same being w ort
0 (l ,..
South side of what is known ®
the seventy Rye seven lot. Said feet lot Jionti
street and running back- on Maco D
( il ) e v on the East of said to an
renting - said lot and
* i on ald alley * seventy
ee l (, t being
particularly . , described _ in
trom O. L. Martin Trustee, a deed
N alleyAmuesment to tb
anb recorded in book 6 Club
Y 1 tbe Clerks office Page , 305;
of jj oustoi
Superior Oourt, .and , , being . th
lot now occupied by said Clutf
together with ali building s and
I improvements on said lot. O01ff
subject to a debt of Nine Hundred
Dollars and interest on the same
at 8 per cent interest from the
day of 1908 due to
Brown and recorded in the
Clerk’s office of Houston Sapj.
rior Court. Also at same time
and place on the same ter ms all
of Club, the consisting personal property of of sal
and stage fixtures and opera chairs
also balls and pins and scenery bowl™
alley, also one first class standi'
piano, almost new, tine tone, an
other fixtures, such as stow
chairs &c.
Said property sold for A 'll 1
purpose of paying the debts q
the Club and the balance of pro
ceeds of sale for distribute
among the stockholders of -. j
This is a chance to buy;
magnificent and valuable pieces;
property. Titles good.
This September 23rd 3908.
C. E. Martin, A. C. Riley,
Secretary. President
Citations of Ordinary
Georgia Houston county;
To whom it may concern.
Sidney Hicks Jr. has applied!
Administration on estate of Mol
lie Rutherford, deceased. This
is therefore to cite all person
concerned to appear at the Nov
ember term 1908, of the Court!
Ordinary- of Houston county, anj
show- cause, if any they have
why said application should, mi 1
be granted. a
v V I Y r ituess my official signature 1
this Oct. 3rd 1908, Ordinary.!
Sam T- Hurst,
Georgia Houston county:
W. L. Williams and D. L. Herd
erson have applied for Ad mini:
tration on estate of J. 0, Hendei
son, deceased, , . This is .therefor
7 to cite all persons concerned i
appear at Novem ber tei ...
Q8 ’ f the cour ), G f Ordinary
Houston county, and show cats
if any they have, why said app;
cation Witness should nob fficial be granted, signal® j
my 0
this Oct. 3rd ''908.
Sam T. Hurst, Ordinary
AdfiiifiisIraRr’s Sale
By virtue cf an order fre .1 the®
of Ordinary of Houston comity, Noveffll*
sold on the first Tuesday in
1908, before the court house di
Houston \bounty, bet-wi-i a t-n
of sale, and to the 16M l.'H ‘
hours m
T S llG anus, to-w
All ot that o’ * one-eight 11 undi dint
est in the following lands, to-vya:
Ali. of that tract of the - • the r T
fur land lying and being in
district cf Houston county. y 0I |
tha! lies west south of a through lino runinug,,
, north and extcii®^ *
I Nos. 150, 151 and 152 and
Factory mill pond, which
m arked and staked off by J
county surveyor of said county • J
and which fence line dividing there is this a feucc^^J tr f l<
frqin the portion owned by J- ■ [fj
fur and connecting the 151 western jv-J
of saidlots Nos. 150, and a fence. ! m •
lie west of said line
described comprising 108 acre
more or less, and being tut
pied by J. C. Thompson at
his death. Hie est»J
Said land belonging to toOTj
Willie J, Thompson and si ild
debts and for distribution among 3
heirs of his estate. October^* nQ
This 8th da, of
Clerk Superior -.'Houston corf
Administrator ’ on the estate
Willie J. Thompson.