Newspaper Page Text
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WE Advise everybody to give BEE McDONALD A Tria!:
You can get anything you ne d for ; our tabh From Bee B McDonald. You can get it cheap, and you wi'l beploascd \vi h it. Go to him a d see.
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Items IjDcal
and Personal.
M. H. Plunket was in Atlanta
Otis Adair was up from Coving¬
ton Monday.
Mr. and Mrs ’A J Summers are
keeping house.
Mr. Will Marbut "as up from
A1 inon yesterday on business. *
Col. R. D. Hewlitt was in At¬
lanta yesterday on business.
ITn otli'w pills can coital DeWitt’s Lit.
tie Early Risers for promptness, certain¬
ty and efficiency. Gailey Druy Oo.
Mm. Travis, of Covington, was
in Conyers Saturday on business.
vliss Sailie Hailey, was Imre
wall relatives from Lithonia Sun*
Capt. K 'son spent Sunday in
C-ovington, M hat’s the nttruetaon
boy ?
Oil Jno. R. Maddox mad) a
sli rt visit to Covington last Thurs
Miss Coon io McDonald, of At*
l .i ;ta, spent Sunday in Conyers
with relatives.
Mrs. Jas. Rhodes, of Camak. is
{ho guest of her sister, Miss Lilia
N -.-man inthe city.
Ibis is the season when moTiers are
jy-Mvoi -d on accottot of croup. It is quick
by One Minute Cough Oare, Drug
\v -n children like to take, Gailey
C !. J. M. Zacliry Was here ft
Bln-it while last week looking after
business interests.
Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Rusk were
gu m- is of the latter’s parents here
last -eek.
M iss Lilia Norman returned Sat¬
urday from a protracted visit to
if to: e Mountain and Atlanta.
I; is well to know that DeWitt's Witch
Ih.r.d Salve will heal a ourn and stop rhe
pain «t once. It will cure eczema and
ski?) <’i cases and ugly wounds and sores.
Ir i?. a certain cure for piles. Counter- that
ibifs may be offered yon. See you
get the original Dewitt’s Witch
Salve. Gailey Drug Co.
■+ Yw j >©0
m l-fY- &
i :N
m IK f ~Z£
Don’t part your cash until you get STREET’S Prices on the SAME article. It is my intention to
u howl before this thing is done with, I have a house full ot goods and to buy
r ake some competitor money
i... ere. MY TRICES!
N T STRS nr Mi r -u M ‘ ea «® Nl r ya V
We are sorry no note the severe
illness of Mrs. Jno. E. Whiteker.
We hope she may soon Le well.
Miss Millie Posey came down
Decatur and spent Saturday and
Sunday here with her parents.
Torturing skin eruptions, burnes and
so* es r re soothed at once and promptly
hea’erl by applying DeW tt’s Witch
zel Salve, the best known cure for piles.
Beware of worthless counterfeits. Gmloy
Drug Oo.
Mr. A. J. Strofn left yesterday
for Crawfordvillo, where lie goes
to spend some time with relateves.
Mr. George Malcom, "who has
been at home sick for several days
is improving, we are glad to say.
Miss Nora Johnson came down
from Atlanta last Saturday and
spent Sunday with her patents.
Don’t forget that we will take
anything on subscription except
castor oil. Wood especially
The best method of cleansing the liver
is the use of the famous litt le pills known
as DeWitt’s Little Early rise) s. Easy to
take. Never gripe, Gailey Drug Go.
Messrs. Steve Gleaton and Car
not Posey were guests of the for
mers uncle in Henry county this
LOST—A pr.iriof steel spectacles
in Conyers lust Monday. The
finder will please return same to
this office.
Carlton Richardson fell from
Mr. Jas. A. Dukes’ horse last
'1 hursday and broke his left arm.
lie is getting along alright at pres*
Leave yon I* laundry with me 1
Collie Irwin’s repa r sliop just
hove C. B. Hudson’s store and get
flrst-clas work..
Bring me your photo and have
a reproduction made on a scarf
pin, cuff buttons, breast pins or a
in medaIlian. Lee me. All work
guaranteed to please.
Roy Ellioft.
Feelings of safe tv pervade (he house¬
hold mat uses One Minute C ugh ' me,
the only harmless ren edy that produces
immediate results. It is iusalliable lor
coughs, colds, croup and all throat
lung troubles. It will prevent cousump*
tion Gailey Drug Oo.
Not much cotton in town t liis
Until you see my solid fact bargains. 1 have a
Stock Of goods that beats the record for low price?
I will close it with big stock disposed i Oi /• and it the
host pleased lot of customers you ever saw.
Be Fair With .Yourself And See My Fall St ck.
ely store is crowded with the newest of new sty
les, 7 selected with experienced care, as to quality,
and style. Depend upon me for perfect satisfac
t: ion and Value for your money.
The services last Saturday and
Sunday at Ball Rock Church were
greatly enjoyed by the large num¬
ber present
?'r. J. C. Sawyer, now occupies
a portion of the M. 0. Summers’
residence of Glade street with Mr.
G. A . Street.
Tucker & Swann is a new firm
in Conyers. .. A r. T. G. Swann
having bought Mr. R. W."Tucker’s
intores in the warehouse and plan
ng mill.
Miss Ethel Price, cue of Flip
pen’s fairest daughters, was lure
with relatives several days this
Christmas is fast approaching and
■nr merchants are beginning to re
ceive their holiday g >ods i i gr .at
Do » rt( getscared if your hearttroubles
you. Most likely yon suffer from indiges
tion. Kodal Dyspepsia Ctare digests wlmt
j you eat and aivo.nhe wmi ont stonmeh
perfect rest, It is t ne only preparation
I known of foods; that completely why it dig sis the nil class
es cures
eases of iudigestien find stomach
after everything else has sailed. It
bo taken in all r-oi (litmus and
help bat do you good Gailey Drug Co.
I If it is intention
your to pur¬
cluiso a h< r o or mule we advise
ymf to sei Mr. 1 L Langley. Read
his add in this paper.
Conyers now ha* a commerce
street. T!ie ttrdgi.iciiing of this
street has added much to its ap¬
pearance besides the much needed
Lit Go Frances, the youngest
daughter of Col. J. N. Hale, who
lias been wry sick with Scarlet fe¬
ver is fast improving. May she
soou be entirely well again.
Dr. W. H. Lewis, Lawrencevillc. Va.,
“I am i slug K< dol Dyspepsia Cure in my
Many he hvindieim of physicians depend a
pon i use of Kertol Dysjiepsia Cure in
stomach (roubles. It diifosrs what you
cat and allows you to cut all the good
food you need, piovidiug you do not
overload your stomach. Gives instant
relief and a pennant;c cure. Gailey Drug
Baarr tn» lit Rind You Han Always 3®#’
of W
Mr. Li. J. Ahnand left Monday
for Texas where he expects to make
his t'uturo h me his tiimily v. ol
leave aoout the first of Beceml jer.
It is with regret that we are to
lose this excellent family, but wo
join their many friends in v,isii : ng
for all tii ) happsness and prosper
ty in their new home.
Have you “rodished?” If you
haven’t yon had Letter do so at
once in order that you may vote
in thee ection in December.
M e would Le glad if some good
hr. ther would bri ,g us a h ad of
pine wood on subscaiption.
Mis W. F. Hardin left to-day
tor South West Georgia where site
"VI spend Eom time with rela¬
Air. Isaac G nth man was killed
by a street car in Atlanta yester
day while crossing n the Lack
Jest received a handsome line of
now Dress goods at G. B, Hudsons’.
Manzo .. Clover, he
t negro 3 ho is
| of *1 mur
, r will in Covington
“Punch and Juty” arc in town
and will snow attho coirthouso
to-night. Admission 10 and 20c.
Lhn K P s enjoyed n spn ad at
Ca-tlo (
Hall last Monduv night,
Wo underst ind the occasion \v h
very pleasant o ail present. TIPs
rapidly. is a | P‘ pillar order and is growing
Rond the ftdv.rtisoinentfl in this
-♦ •
A i all day singing will b) held
at Ball Rock Church on fhe fourth
i Sunday in shis month. Profs.
: I ■ L■ Ne .vton, of Dunwoidy, i a.
Fi »" k »■«> «
btone Mountain, will be hereto
join in the singing. Ever} body in
vitou to come and bring filled
I askots ai d spend the day.
And another singing will bent
old Bro. Whitakers on the 4;h
Saturday night Prof. Now ton will
ho on hand. Be sure and come.
W. M. Tucker,
Confers, Ga.