Newspaper Page Text
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1 DON'T »•* . t V FORGET \ s^asp^ T 5® s csLjs&u b i JdL TT j***** V. V3 g-jje-- V ? flip
e : > A A A ■V, I r £ OUT SMI a
»• JBlTT
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. • \» [They Stock January 1st. 1901.]
Pont Buy a Wagon
. *
■rm .^ 8
We have just received asolid carload of the Famous Fish Bros 5 one
and two horse wagons; These wagons are guar -inteed to be the
Stiwest. Most- Durable and Lightest running Wagons made.
Having bought in Car lots we have secured the best pries and lowest rate of freight and we are going t<> give our customers the benefit,
We have a nice assortment of Open and Top Buggies that HABNESS If you need a s t of Buggy Humes?, you want lo see ouy
O stock before §'Oti buy.
we are going t A sell FOR THE NEXT 30 SAYS at regular 40
•• r
igcEaiWjLM®;^ «#
/ • y
Messrs. Other Tuck ?r and W. E.
Ttovall had a narrow escape while
hunting Tuesday evening. Their
dog flushed a drove of bir Is about
dark on Mr. Wo d e Bern’s farm
close to his Tenant horses. The
boys shot so fast it attracted the
attention of Mr. Berry and he took
liis gun and proceeded to investi¬
gate. His darkeys had bee killing
hogs and Mr, Berry thought they
had fallen out about the mea v , but
found Stovall and Tucker (only
shooting) but no birds had been
Prof. W. L. McCullough and Dr.
Everitt gave Mr.TV. E. Stovall
some fine vocal music
Mr. W. E. Stovall and Dr. Ev
critt were in Atlanta Tuesday on ‘
Dr. H. V. Hardwick ,of Conyers
was in the city a short while Thurs
day morning.
Dr.S.W. Everitt, thechampion
bird shit, says he is willing to give
It ip that it takes a man With
more expariance than himself to
learn a Greyhound how to point
hi .'ds.
Mr G W Cain, the popular * fcrav
e ,. mg salesman , forG. f.DoddGro. l
C". WAS in t) see our merchai ts
a short time time Wednesday J even !
II be I
Other Tucker and Red I
R iy visited fair ones at Newborn
Sunday, . . |
Mr. J. E. P-bbs viri'ed the
City. Sunday.
-Mes-rs Ptft-t Tucker and Hemy
attended preaching at Mt.
ai)or Snn ^T‘ .... .
Rev. E. A Gray preached a very
serman at Shiluah bun
Mr. Bill Hardin, of Conyers,
through our city Monday
N. O. Arington, the popular
for H. Y. McCord Co
in city Monday.
. “Hot Bones.”
■ Three Papers a Week
i This paper and the Atlanta
Twice-a-Week Jour¬
nal for
Here you get the news o t the
> world and all your local news while
»;lt Is fresh, paying very little more
than one paper costs. Either paper
> Is well -worth * 1 . 00 , but by special
arrangement we are enabled to put
. in both of them, giving three papers
a week for this low price. You can
. not equal this anywhere else, and
. this combination Is the best pre
mium for those who want a state
paper and a home paper. Take
. these and you will keep up with the
^Besides general news, the Twice
* a-Week Journal has much agricul
. turai matter and other articles of
■^‘aVcontributtonTbTsam j->hn t Jon” mpie
Mrs. w. H. Felton, CP
Graces, Hon. C. H. Jorda C and
> other extinguished writers.
subscriptions r^^th papers. You
can set a sample c^py of either pa
per here on application.
CONYERS, GA., PEC. 19, 1900.
(Last Weeks Letter.)
We are having some cold rainy
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hicks spent
last Wednesday in Conyers. •
Wo are glad to note llrat Mr.
Thomas Hicks is slowing improv¬
Mr. Wood P per and wife v'si
| ted relatives at Cora Thursday.
Mr. T. A. Stowers returned
home from South \\o?t Ga , last
Wednesday. His relatives and
| friends were all glad to welcome
him back home again.
Mr. Joe Maddox and family
spent Thursday at Cora as the
i guest of their sister Mrs. Claud
Mrs. Florence Kenuett visited
her mother at Cora one day this
i week.
Miss Willie Turner spent lost
Wednesday with her sister, Mrs.
Hol lings worth.
Christmas will soon be here and
every body is expecting a jolly
time at Cora
Mr Eli Hull hns returned home
from an extended visit to. South
West Ga.
death , of , Mr. ,, T Leo- Roy Ogles _ ,
by o o cur red at his home Tuesdav
, “b j r pr ■*=> leaves a wife and sev
eral c zr lldren -to mourn Ins loss.
The fu eral service was conducted
. | R v q Eakesand Rev. Mr.
, jTroutma., at „ Protect ohnr.h , ,
Thursday morning.
‘•‘•Pflirfy. 9 9
(We welcome Mr. Mrs. Miss 11
Muster- “Pan y” as a p.orrespor
deutfrom Cora, she will
drop us a nolo wb will send her
stationery and stamps. Eu.)
Tax Collector s Notice. .
I will be at court grounds following for pur¬
pose of collecting lax on
Sheffield :—Sept. 26, Ocr. 23, Npv.
21. 20,
Honey Creek:—Sept. 27, Oct.
Nov. 23.
Lorraine:—Sept. 28, Oct. 30. Nov.
The remainder of the time I may
be found in my office at Turner Bros,
store in Conyers. The books will
close December 20. Meet me prompt¬
ly to pay you•rax,
W. G. Clotfelter T. C.
I honeby notify all parties iliat
my lands are posted. Hu: ting and
otherwise tresspassing forbidden.
Jno. F. Almand.
New 38 S. & VV. Pistol for sale
c !’ ea l'^ ol cas h- Call at this of
U! 31onths Support.
Malinda Turner, col., widow of
llios. J. Turner, col, deceased, having
applied for a twelve months support
out of her said deceased husband’s
estate, and the appraisers appointed, office,
baviim tiled their return in my
this is to notify ail persons concern- i j
ed, that I will pass upon the same
Oil t''e Is? Monday in January 1901. j
Given under my hand and official sig j
nature, this Dec. 6th. 1900
A, M. Helms, Ord . 1
ache and Rheumatism rellevea I
by Or. Miles’ Nerve Plasters-
DAVIES & NERI, managers.
614 TEM * T COURT. BELL PHONE 2239 .
Granite ami Marble Work of Every Description.
Mail orders given prompt attention.
-JL- ■tig-;; —fin i wniimn
New Meat Market.
1 have opened up a meat market in Corner store room
in Night building.
\kY\W keep n\ca, ^resh rnasia,
sausage eke., reaaorab\
Y soYtoYt'One pal r, on
asa oYk-Vae, aeoa\e.
Give ttt o cTi CGci 1 L