Newspaper Page Text
Knrv«a■ fUR
The fliihhh lmg flhhhhhhh.
jiEfns jjinal
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oaii f KPrSnilJl CIOUll-l.
Mr. JO Sawyer tode atoito. tri,, to
Atlanta Monday •
Mr. T J Jones is a new Ham? added
to uuv ii-fc this weeek, Wo ar ‘ always
glad to mark a new name on our 1 st, j
Jordon & Goodman will kee > tlion i
Oonyi'rs gallery open until Dec. 36th.
will be ope i Christmas day.
Fr. CO Wallis and family f'e now
residents of Co ye -«. They occupy the
house 3 :st above J! r. W U Wallis’s.
Miss May 3 , of Camak, is vith Miss
Ida Norman this week.
j oST— A shoat weighing 100 or move
lbs., was stolen or strayed from my home j
hst Thursday mght. 1 be finder i\ 11 be
rewarded by returning same to Dr. W
H Lee or Charsie Lee.
Ov, jug to rush of tr ade Jmden & C rod
man phonographers, wi’l stay iu Oon
yers until Dec. 26th. Wi’l be open
ChristnuA day.
-j ,
The death of ML.? Lillie Mr Kown 00
cm red at her home at Joaesboro, Ga',
last Moudav afternoon Miss Alctvowu
is a sister of Mrs j H Wains of this place,
time She to and tea for the late*!, past te-* year she »J£* grew.
wrse until her death. We extend sm
Cere sympathy to the bereaved relatives
aud friends,
Mr. Frank Broadnax, of College Park,
spent several days here last week witn
1 Tends.
j r. E. L. Hancock has been off of the
Subnrb.m traiu this week on account of
:■j. ckness in his home. Mr. Harrv Ctf. g,
of Augusta, h?.s been wo-king m h;s
'- llr ' e0 ’ •, !
P ox. J D. McClendon aud , Flo-noy
l 1 s <hi u « ’ were ' N in i it lion i a Sunday.
U t. Premia Almand returned last
Tin rsemv from a p otracted visit to rvl
td.Vcs in ♦Burkhead and Madison. M vs
Ft- mi* gays she always enjoys her Visits
to iieckluxad. r
A ninmage^f much intere twill take j
, L T •*» h ““ . ’ e
Vi :w x “* s oa!, ‘ ' "• '
which Con;, ers wnl , 1 finish'the f groom.
1 A TCi-rtou liWn Stewm
f HTom PhmJtetaii went to Atlanta
juo. i Norton informs us that he w ; ii
get unrried between this aud the first
of January.
Mrs. Mel lie White, nee Miss
M ,!! e Richard attended the fun
c > and burial .of Master Pau
L t , aut here last Monday,
s dead quarters
C. ■ •-a. NTA CL
% a ^ J w.
" 5 Oxir store this season will be filled with Christmas
good r* We have always bee n HFABQiUABTERS
for Xmas gifts, and this season our assortment is
far superior to anything ever shown here, and i
- 9H 5^: ■ 1 r Prices Can’t a ■H EO r ‘ k
& = >
anywhere. w e have presents suitable for old or
young. We cordially invite you to calland examine.
It will he be our pleasure for to decide show you and then
it will easy you to that
If# ffiilli T© ©li©w C@#S® A 2 && ©If®
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Dr. I~ i» ii«v<"8 » .voliderfu
Christina? irntlu. His drug atoll 1
i. il Ij Vr? i<- 11 ' r chock full of i-leimn)
and im hns ten , ei’ks bn
present* c
* • firs'
s\ aeio»n ]:i J Itvv . lP at
though 1 ' that til'? false reports in
lvgtird t „ small pox in Cm,yore
Would keep people from the coun
t>T, b»t t«a« is o„ a l.oo,„ since
a have learned there is
no danger in coming here.
We will not ist tie a paper next
week, as the '‘devil” would !L.e
to go hunting We will try and
give pur readers abetter paper in
the year 1901, than we have ever
given them. We vvi h everybody
a merry Christmas andahnppy new
We notice Dr. Lee is proposing
to pay the rail road fare of custo¬
mers coming from Lithonia, Al¬
moil and Redan, provided their
purchases with him amount to $ 8 .
To whom it may concern It A Al
tnahd, ^te o A dm! nistVAtor ’ of S 1) AlmRiid^
retur n applied for
] e j. teigo r dismission as such admiu
fstrator. and I will pass upon thesame
sj turei t!lis , 0ct . 4 rll , lwxi.
A. J>1 itelms, Ord.
Bring mo your photo and have a
a reproduction made on a scarf
pin, buttons, breast pins or a
in medailian. 1 ee me. All work
guaranteed to please. Elliott.
________ ,
This is the season when mo'liers are
, rmed ou acc0 nnt of croup. Cough It is quick I
ly cured by One Minute Cure,
which children like to take. Galley Drug
Co. I
Sheriff’s Sale.
Will V,» sold ou the first Tuesday
ju j ajin{il .v, 1301, at the Courthouse
■ ,, Tnickdiile cottntv, within ;
" , : ' i.ou,; T,|, Of sale, following to Urn liigl est i
, f the prop.. 1
rtv- ' One eleventh undivided inter-!
district of •
originidly Henry, now hoekuah
V ‘ Han'i 8 ?nm-t?b? public ^^1-; road
.• „ ,.-1 east bv ;
runn ug iroin Academy elevlnt.i street to Joe
” undivid
James Also one
od interest in one house and eight.a-:
cres of lain in same district and
.■until, r- :i , bounded soum iy
Geo W. Warren, cast and north by
Jumps’. Alsu one eleventh
interest in one house and
< ommeive street-in the city of Con
hounded .‘ast hy \V V
«• i h by \V V a i maud, west by
| v\ uletitotu south by
i street, fronting twenty feet ou
JjefM a»
of Pleasant Turner, defendant in flfa.
<« Ml, 22 t T u ™“; A ‘'
Also at same time and place one
eleventh undivided interest ip one
house and twenty five acres of land
in the Iflth pistrict of originally Hen¬
ry, now Reekdale county, bounded
sonrli hy Huff, west bv Mrs. Zeke
Harris, north hy Moriah Jones, col,,
and east by public road running from
Academy street to Joe lames'. Al¬
so one eleventh undivided interest in
one house and eight acres of land in
same district mi l county, bounded
south by Geo. W Warren, east and
north b'v Thompson O’Kelley, west
public road from Academy street
to Joe James’. Also one eleventh
undivided interest in one house and
lot on Commerce street in the W city V of
Conyers, maiid. bounded east by and, Al
north hy W V Aim west
by Geo. W Gleaton. south by Com¬
merce street, fronting 20 fret on Com
merce street and running the hack sixty of
feet. All levied on as prorert
Loyd Turner, defendant in fi fay,In
favor of J H Almand & Cm. vs Lyod
Turner. This Nov.29, WOO.
W II M Austin, Sheriff.
Also at the same time and place
one eleventn undivided interest in
one house and twenty-five acres of
land in tlie 30th district of originally
Henry, now Rockdale comity, bound¬
ed south by Huff, west by Mrs. Znke
Harris, north by Marmh Jones, col.,
and east by public load Janies’. running from Also
Academy street to Joe
one-eleventh undivided interest in
OI13 bouse and eight acres of land in,
same district and county, bounded
south by Geo. \V. Warren, north and
east by Thompson Academy O’Kelley, west by
public road from street to
Joe James’. Also one one-third and
one-eleventh undivided Interest in
one store tious*- and lot on Com merce
street in 11 . - City of Conyers, north bound¬
ed east by W. V. Almand, \V. by
W. V. Atmaud, west by Geo.
Gleaton, south , by . Commerce street, .
fronting. 20 feet on Commerce stieet
and running back sixty feet, AH
levied on as the property or bherman
Turner, defendant in ff fa, in favor
of J. H. Almand & Co.
This Dec. 6 th, 1900.
Also at the same time undivided and place in
will be sold one-third
ter-st in one hundred and forty-six
acres of land,more or lesson 1 he lotn
district of originally bounded Henry, north now by
Rockdale ounty, G
Jud R. Rosser, east by George 11 -
ami west V,/ Mr? Potts‘and Jud °Rj
Rosser. J.evied on as the property.
iffo.y virtue of a fi ff in Tavot^oT'j
H Almand <fv Sou, 'i E Rroadnax,
transferee, vs G H Fee, issued from,
Justice Court 476 district G, M.
Rockdale county. Levied on as the
property of i, H Fee, to satisfy said
fi fa, Deo 6 th, 1900.
W H M Austin, Sheriff j
{he May |ng Bumpay.
, ilrista Emm
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We extend to one and all a cordial.invitation to visit our wonderful display in New and
Beautiful Holiday goods, especially selected with a viewto meeting the every requirement?
of the gift makers of this locality. Our magnificent stock includes innumerable attrac
dons perfectly adapted to meet the requirements of people who are in search of gifts for
old and young, expensive or inexpensive; in fact, now is the time and this is the place to
get just what yon want and just what will please the person you desire to remember. The
pt i. es are right on every single article i in this entire stcck, a d we will satisfy you in this
respect as you were never satisfied before. Don’t you fail to see our attractive Holiday
Display, containing everything the heart could wish in the line of Christinas Goods.
O ttj 3E JK