Newspaper Page Text
CONYERS, GA,, APRIL 13 , 1883 ,
From this date ad Ordinary’s ad^
vertisements will be inserted iu the
Cox ye us Weekly a public gazette
published in Rockdale County, Ga.,
and this is to give notice that this pa¬
per is now my legal advertising medi
urn. O. SEAMANS,
April, 1SS3, Ordinary.
lid-con <1 (fedted and the au¬
thor of th« Hallockletters
seat back 1o the Senate
After three days hard work the
convention has at last nominated the
Hon. Henry D. McDaniel], of Wal¬
ton county, for Governor, As no
nomination could be made by the en¬
tire body a conference committee
was appointed composed of G Bacon,
6 Boynton, 4 McDaniell and 2 Cook
men, which reported last night in fa«
vor ot MeDanull —the report being
received by the house and the gens
tlemau unanimously nominated,
Col. C. A. Niies is a most excel¬
lent correspondent.
The Constitution as a constructor j
oi tables is simply immense 1 !
Republicanism still holds a big
hand iu Georgia. Watch the ras¬
Just as the Constitution said—no
just as the Macon Telegraph said—
Bacon went iu ahead.
Fresident Arthur is in Floiida on
a gamboling tour, with Jay Gould
backing him, Cliet is a good uu.
It the gubernatorial conventions of
Georgia would .-avel around it would
knock the show business in the head.
The day has about dawned when
the Constitution, Joe Brown and
Colquitt cannot dictate the people of
We say three cheers for the Mas
con Telegraph ! Long may she live
to fight corruption and battle for lion
cst Democracy.
— ■ ■■ ........- - ■ a n On» «
The Macon Telegraph is now the
boss table erector ot this grand old
commonwealth, Tho Constitution
will please take a rear seat.
The people of Georgia should turn
their attention to the raising more
asses for the farm and not so many
for gubernatorial conventions.
Coi. Livingston, of Newton, made
some very fine talks iu the late con
vention. Tin CoL is a man ot con
siderable more power than looks.
—---- I
If you want a copy of the Georgia
Major, the best humorous paper in
America, you ean got it and this pa¬
per 12 months for $200—the price
of the Major alone.
The great ring w ith headquarters
at Atlanta, Ga., can now see then
power broken. When such men as
Henry D. McDaniel gi ts in office
they can’t run the Executive depart¬
Geoigia Democracy is pretty lim¬
ber when she tries lo be. She never
fails to recognize a republican cat
when she hears its mew. Gen. Pee
Em Bee Young may be a very smart
man—we cant say positively.
We bad the profound pleasure of
meeting a large number of the “Geor
gia Press’ in Atlanta this week—
Gantt among the rest. Larry is par
exceh nce the most complete new?,
paper man in Georgia lie is carry¬
ing Lis Banner high.
It has been charged that one of the
He kept the convention locked
the sole purpose of keeping the ho- j
tels crowded wi.h delegates. We|
liaidly believe the charge H ue.
EmT.rns Weekly :-To-day being too
wet to plow several of my neighbors I
gathered in to see my fidi pond. Afer!
an unsuccessful effort to ratch some with j
a book and fine, we concluded to
off the pond. With shovels and spades 1 „!
we ^ Lad it down, and, , tom, , sur -1
prise, we found fish from four inches to
two feet in length and weighing from
four ounces to five pounds, and in quau -1
titles too numerous to mention. We \
killed enough for a fry one of which was i
a of female, iu Laving two compact four and a like half the ounces ggs j j
eggs roes •
of a shad. Suppose there were about j
fifty thousand taken from her. All who j
ate of the fish pronounced them extra j
good with a swiefrnss not common to
other fish. There has been much said !
about the Carp, and I will add that any
jierson who thinks they cannot be made
a cheap and profitable fpod are badly !
mistaken. Stine have had but little at
tention. W L Peek 1
P. S. N Ighbor Shippley says he>
11'ot lake one thousand dollars for j J
Messrs Editor:—It is a matter antago
nistic to my feelings to tax the many
readers of your excellent paper in reply
to such articles as ‘ Earnest Worker’s”
friend has written. We have no desire
to lie in controversy with anybody, arid
to write of their faults, for we all have
them more or less, and I am tru'y sorry
that ‘ Earnest Worker ’ lias a friend, and
he, perhaps, lives out, of the District,
who belongs to that class of persons
spoken of in Holy Writ who have tlieir
part in the lake that burns with fire and
brim stone. May the Cord have mercy
on his sou)! He undoubtedly must be
the manufacturer of fhe article published
in the Weekly a few weeks ago which
asserted, as a wa ter of fact, that only six
names could he found in the jury box in
Loraine District- Now- if any person
dea’res to know the truth the Clerk of
the court will inform the better. We
have a list of 28 names and three or four
were overlooked by the Clerk. If ‘-Earn¬
est Worker’s” friend expects to get to
Heaven lie must repent in sack-cloth and
ashes, well, we suppose he wants to be a
grand juryman, The Commissioners are
sensible men and they don’t want mens
names i» the box who spins such long
yarns, and brays like that ugly animal
w’tii long ears. T»ke heed, “Earnest
Worker’s” friend less you Eli out of the
jury box next time where there is weep¬
ing and gnashing of teeth. You flatter
yourself very much and you have found
out perhaps under the same windy pro¬
cess that six jurymen was all the names
in the jury box in this District and that
“Old Vox” promired the negroes liis in
fluence to have tlieir names placed in
in the jury br-x. Well, perhaps ‘'Earn¬
est Worker’s” friend has liad a filthy
dream and dreamt ‘ Old Vox" wanted
to have a 'squires name arid used foul
means to get it, Lori pity such dream¬
ers. Rome of the very best people of
this district are willing to contribute
money largely to aid such fil'hy dream¬
ers to remove from tiie district. They
have destr >yed concentration at our
church by organizing little factions of
schools in each corner of the district,
that will not pay a teacher to teach our
children—destroy ing two good places at
cross roads, formerly occupied and paid
the teachers well, If these dreamers
were out of the way concentration would
once take place an.d a school house
would be erected at Union Church and
paying school that wou Id authorize a
teacher to take hold of, and our
would be educated and the
stand as a monument to the pro
citizens of Loraine, and those
passed by Union church could Bay,
is a people united heart and hand
promote the wolfare and education of
children, and Union church would
the name she bears.
Old Vox.
We copy from .the Constitution, 6th 1
an article stating that Dr. Calhoun
soon operate upon (lie eyes of fifteen j |
children now at the Blind Asylum
Ga. Dr. Calhoun does this all
charity, yet we believe State .should
him for his labor, if successful. 1st,
it relieves the suffering. 2nd,
cause they will be no longer upon the
for support.
Dr. Calhoun was, at the suggestion of
Gov. Stephens, who was always looking
out to do some good, appointed oculist
for the Blind Asylum. When Gov.
Stephens learned that sight, could be re¬
stored to a number of the inmates, lie
told l>r. Calhoun to do the work and lie
would see that he was paid.
I11 (lie midst of the lab >r and cares of
the office, and the criticisms of the press
and public, why did not some oi the pre¬
vious Governors think of this great deed
of kindness to the unfortunate? Simply
because they did not possess the heart of
Stephens, and because they were looking
after tlieir own reputations rather than
the good of the people, and especially
the unfortunate. Mr. Stephens was rec¬
ognized while living as a great and good
man, hut liis death reveals the truth, ev¬
ery few days, when*something is pub¬
lished of his inner life, of a greater man,
possessing the best heart.
The Newton County Sunday school
Association will hold their annual con¬
vention oh the 4th of may. Ro». J. F.
McClelland, of Stone Mountain, will de¬
liver the address.
News reaches this place of a probably
. . .
fa’ftl accident Winch occupied near Lo
gansville, last Sunday evening. A young
man by tlie name of Bently was careless
ly handling a pistol, which went off, the
ball striking young Robert Smith square
ly in the forehead. He was in a critical
condition at last accounts, and not ex
pected to live but a few hours.
John Parker, Wm.
VV l >a, ker r.r.d of: Aaron tr. Parkery .1 aiker, Ad
represents to the Court ot Ordinary
iu their petition duly filled anu fully cn
t< red on reeoul that they have
aJnmustered Aaron larket s <■ alt.
This is therefore to cite all persons
concerned, heirs am cm itor>, to
raase > " c Sa ' d
adunmstraiors should not be discharg
ed trom their administration and res
q{ 1)lsujissiou ou lho
fi „, Mood-V in J ur<N 1883,
q SEAMANS, Ord’y.
Match 2, Sm
G1 ORG1 A, Hi ck<ln!e County—
HEREA8 David Graham, Ad
minis!tutor debonis non, with the
will annexed, of Josiah Graham, ’
dec'd, represents to the C*ou-t of Or
in his petit i n duly filed, that
lie has tu! y administered the esta'e
Josiali Graham. 1 Ins is there
to cite nil persons concern-d,
and creditors, to show cause, it
can. why sa d sdininisuatoi
not be discharged from his
# and Letts et
receive rs
on the first Monday in
18 °- U " *’
Feb 2 , 3 'U. Ord’y
The ghosts have again made their f.p :
pearance at the old college, in greater
numbers than ever.
Hebry D. McDaniel has been nom
inated, and we suppose the sun will
hereafter have to rise in the west,
When Mr. D. N. Hudson heard of
the nomination o f McDaniel he
knocked the head out of a kit of
mackerel and told the hoys to “wade
in.’' Capt. Zachry cut up so many
antics that it was supposed that he
had discovered another come!, while
Jim Tilley comm -inded Anthony to
‘ turn Turk loose.’*
This is to give notice to the pub
lie generally that my store will ire
ke] t open till 9 o'clock at night after
this date. M. It. Stewart.
D. N, Hudson has received a mag¬
nificent Spring stock of ladies dress
goods, shoes, clothing, hats and iu
fact everything, which he is offering
very low. Give him a call before ma¬
king your purchases.
The most elegant lit of prints and
dress goods in the city at D. N. Hud
son’s. The ladies should call and ex¬
amine his stock.
m mmmtm
Secure Healthy
Ej W action to the Liver
ward relieve all bil*
— ______ - Ions troubles.
Purely Vegetable; No Griping. Price 25c. All Druggists.
The property of Mrs, M. F. T iys
lor near the the First Baptist Church
fronting Win. Ovi.rb-.iy and joining
Mrs E. H Stewart, will be soM in
Conyers on the fir t Tuesday in next
moiiili. Titles good.
“I T]
lb. Groat Specific for Nearilgia and Headache
Atlanta, Ga.. Feb. 4 li 1879.
Messrs. Hutc’ningson & B-o :
Having thoroughly tested your
Neuralgine I cheerfully recommend
it -o all who suffer with neuralgia
and headache. T . M. Wood,
01 Howard, Wood & Co,
Messrs. Hutchinson A Bio..—It is
with leal pleasure that I add illy tes.
timony to the great virtues ot y-mr
Neuralgine as n specific tor neuralgia
and sick headache. Such a remedy
ig a blessing and all sufferers should
keep it. on pand. J. R. Ridley,
jng Cathedral street, Baltimore.
& .-r.j
r ..%r A,;s| j
- f t
fi itrEI 3,
lilf 1
A0ML m
Backache, Neuralgia, Soreness Sciatica, of Lumbago, the Chest.
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell¬
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil
tiff a safe, sure, simple and cheap External
Remedy A trial entails but tho comparatively
j AIR" titling outlay ““ h of * TO 50 chmp Cents, and everyone pruof pufferim-. 01 Ilr
Directions in xi»y»n iamgimg»«.
^ DEALr ’ Ri
I “ tr/MNwrwS^'i V fjrXsA,Jj.££. ssZ vU.,
i<ait/tnare, srd., V.8.A
M () ORE’S
Atlanta, Ga.
The best Practical Business Scliooj
{n ^ g oulb> g end for Circulars.
*QTS100 ^ covers Tuition, Stationary, .
bosrd etc, for three months
I have removed next door to Dr. Lee's
Drug stove and as I now have more room
I will keep a much larger stock of Mil
linery and fancy goods than ever before,
l'o not fail to call and examine my stock
and prices before buying elsew here,
Mrs. A. M. Lee.
p 1 <
Will be ike on to all 188 applicants, 3 .^ ana to cue
tome ■boa re of last year without illustrations, ordering: it It contains
t 175 pagm directions prices, accurate ;
descriptions and valuable for planting
I6t«0 varieties of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, j
Plants, Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to aU, ©spec- i
tally to FERRY Market Gardeners. & Send Detroit for it * 1
D. M. CO. Migh,
'T'liey keep always on hand the very
2 nicest freshest meats, in the way of
Backbone & Eibs.
Also Mutton. When vou want nice
meats, good weights and cheap prices, above
call at the City Market first door
Post-Office Conyers, Ga.
088 SRA&
Center Street,
Keeps always on hand a
Frail Asrcl
Dry goods, Notions, Hats, Caps,
Boots, Shoes, Groceries and
—All Kinds,—
Hardware, Tinware, Woodware,
&c&c. Also a quantity of rice Gan¬
dies. Fancy Groceries, Apples, Oram
ges, Nuls&e. In fact a full stock of
goods, at prices that will defy coins
! petition. The highest market price
I paid (or ali kinds of produce in goods
■at bottom figures. Call and see for
1 yourstlt.
The Dress Maker’s
r W' f JVff i ''T
ia the
Magic Scale,
bei mg one-ninth its
actual size . It ii not a mod
el or chart, but a scale of inches,
With it a lady can eut from anyfAahion
piste, nuikinc a perfect fit without alters*
tioue. Agents wanted. MRS. s. E. SUMMER*
•J r Gsa. Agent, Confera, Ga.
By it you can cut any garment. is
The only system in the world 1 hat
in one small piece. Satisfaction Guar¬
anteed. Price with instruction book $3
Book ail(3 lessons So. Strict atten¬
tion given jo letters of inquiry. wanted.
Local and traveling agents
MRS S E. SUM MERS. Gen. Agt.
Conyers, Ga. 2 m.
P E Pietcc—J M Anderson—N L Willet.
Cotton Factors and Commission Mer
chats. 19 Jackson st-,
Augusta, Ga.
Believing in higher prices for cotton in
the near tuture, we offer to make the
most liberal advances to our farmer
lends, on cot (on stored vitL U’.
D. N. Hudson has just received 'he
finest stock of shoes ever bi ought to
Conyers—custom made and of the ia
test styles.
53 South Broad Street Atlanta,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes & Window Glass
—Headquarters for alljkinds of—
ms© passes $ AT WHOLESALE.
Guaranteed equal to anything made. Send for color card and prices.
Ijag-We a'so keep as fine line Machine, Eugine and Cylinder Oils as is
kept iu the City, and are
Headquarters for any and all Sixes of Glass.
F. J. Cooledge v% Bro., 53 South Broad st, Atlanta, Ga.
k ■gr-n ag. t tr .sair
r _ J in ! !
CD V£,-*1IU± ■ mmam
Having been established fo»* I 55 year?, and carrying one ot the largest, |
fullest and most com pie stocks in the country, we can sell goods as low a*
any, and we guarantee sitialaction. When you want.
Call on
—o —
Wagons, &
For the next thirty days I will of~
tor any of my buggies, wagons &c.
at strictly cost pricis. I have a large
lot of them, both of Western and my
own make. If you want soruetlrng
good, now is you time to call on
J. W. Langford
Administrator, Executor and other
advertisements of the kind can be in¬
serted iu this paper cheaper than
elsewhere. Remember our rates are
the lowest. Be sure and call and see
us before making contraets with any
(unisonal in tf juiqe
Ilaii culling in the neatest and ne w
cat si vie, Shaving, Shampooning and
Dyeing executed with neatness and
dispatch. &yLicated in the Night
bu’luing first floor on the left upstairs.
Thi- is to give notice that all persons
aie hereby warned not to hunt, fish or go
through our lauds without our permis¬
H- T. Wallace, J. F. Marston,
March iiith, 1883.
Will be sold before of Conyers, the court Rockdale house | '
door in the city
county, Ga., within the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in May next,
the following described tracts or parcels
of land, to wi in the ififeh District of
originally Henry, then Newton, and now
S 1 d county of Rockdale—being part of
lots Nos , 340, 339 852 , 329, 3 1 4 and 337 .
all together contaning six hundred and
fifty acres more or less,—same now be
ing in possession of Dcfendent, arid lev
ied on as the property of sa : d B. F. Carr
dft. to satisfy eight fi-fas from the Jus¬
tice Court of the 475 th District G. M. of
said county, in f.ivoi of John Neal vs.
said B. F. Carr, dft. l evy mode.May 29th
1879 by A. P. Mitchell then lawful Cou
stable and returned to J. H. Taylor Sher
arl 1 sa i e postponed by order of plain
attorney. Property pointed out by
Plaintiff’s attorney, and the foregoing
described property re advertised for
8a i e by liis order to satisfy said fi-fas.
Tnis March 29th 1S83,
A. P. Mitchell, Sheriff.
ESTER @fiflflfl’g STELE’ 381,
—~——'l‘ll l4: M ()bl'l‘ POPU LAR—
EP‘ 5% iSiLo'r CEDLa— '7’ @3131 m—amr
~0in m WE} {51.09-—
CONYERS, 1 1 I l BA.
V ,1
■ ”4
a pai:
E gte feJIs
ip iSMIi SB j 1.
r- -
svsiftT auo&&mQ 8 .
In this, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining counties they are agt-u‘s
for the very hist machinery made, embracing the famous
33 01Sill &M X>
And all other mrchinery manufactured by Frck SEPRLiajLTCms Co.
& at their large w-*rii
%ss ©sb ©ns sisjyeiB,
The most complete reaper, and one which, by reason of its superb rr. I
taken the awards of England and America. vVe. h-indL-the Win-hip Gins
Presses, etc. and in fact any machinery you want can be had through u- lit
better rates and on better terms G than threnghany one else, C ail 011 or ad
dress Carr & Overbay, Conyers, a.
11 ... Bm I 111 ■anon BP mm $
r, M warn
rnmiPSB Mwmwm* am «r~ ■sa¬
naww mrrm ems.
Cotton Presses, Separators , Saw Mills, Planers, Sorghum Mills and' Evaporators,
y -y Any piece of machinery duplicated on slu-n no tic-4 direct from the
manufactory. It will be to the interest of all to consult vvi li me hi-fi re
purchasing. Term easy to go ri panies. Iam also ag- r.t for the-lust brand
of commercial fertilizers. Office at II. P. & D. M. A.mind's, (’omm- rc,
street, Conyers, Ga. 10-ly. J. H. DABNEY.
Steam Engines, Cot¬ WINKLE A 0
ton Gins, Presses Saw WINSHIP CO m i
Mills, Por' able Corn \ . .1 tT 9 > TON
Mills, Belting etc. G T 1
THE V: *
Also agent for the famous Auitmau & 'Naylor Machinery. You e,-:n -ave
money by calling on me. J. S. DANIELL
Ft I
lal K® Alift J
BST’The best of vebich s, safe drivers and good, fast and reli.-ib «• liv.rset
I have a'wrvs ready to suit anyone, day or night I have-horses worn u
ind children can use. Saddle horses for men and women. A1 Clie.-q
FEED. If you have a horse that you want fed and well cared f»r, ' 0,1
can have it done at my stable cheaper and fiet'er than you ean do it y<' -
self. I invite everybody who brings a horse to town to leave'him vi.t: ni- 1 .
Good lot, stal's and attention.
SAFE. Parties wishing to buy or trade horses should call. Drovers
make their headquarters with tne. BOVC1IT I pay the highest p'jA-a
for corn, fodder, hay, oats etc. />. A. SIIA It P, 4 >
fN-Al' 1JV.
s Sfl#
. :...
1 ■T.
mi .
: * 17 / ■Y
Cr’-'TY''' T i 1 •"
Wholseale Webe Sjuthern Decker Tepot B others for ESTEY and Gate OKGABB- C ty PxAr tjUl""" u
--X - s I ©lAi? m -
*§S“N«bodv v.iii nnderbuv us. Nobody esn undersell us.
Estey Organ * Company Atlanta,^ Oa^
553230 EJ‘EE'EL'TPA. (M15235: "EVzwfizwy in
BEE”‘I"I'0«hn uuum Um: L‘Vk'l‘_) .