Newspaper Page Text
< y
' 883.
1 \ r GA, MAY 4TH, 1
■ ■ i
H as coolish
m i ic nic season is fairly open.
■ SP Court beats the Superior.
r Justice are not running
1I pi of our farmers
of the corn has been ploughed
ri 'Vn Z»chry has the flnest wheat in
■i 1 I r county* ^ unusually healthy at the
II flarcity
^nt time- in town
' jnirsioner Henderson was
fliesday- farmers have iQjpt farm
° ur
1 U lately unusually
Loro® 8 an d hawks are
1 hr, H- QttSS preached is Jonesboro
L L Sunday- school will
Presbyterian Sabbath
n Ge at Stone Mountain, to-day.
BLdeome window Stewart’s. curtain lace is to
/cis y ard at
I gen shad we three meet again?—
Lleon, Aik Wood and Crowley.
' Harper sells the best cigar for
i 9 in town.
■ mosey in Geor-
35 P e °P le were killed
[jiytheiecent storm.
Gjffieeld has the finest wheat prospect
1 1 in the county.
- district
5f, Jack Pierce spent last Sunday at
_L father’s in DeKalb county.
yhen there is no contest the democ
^■L | 0 f Rockdale is pretty Doc Langly, dead. of New.
ife noticed clever
mcounty, in our city, this week.
) -
■ « ie f r uit crop in this county of every
■ ■Ar promises to be exceedingly fine.
f res h arrival, of brocade and satin par"
H' Bels. Now’s the time to get one, at J.
i D. Stewart’s.
Termor predicted that April would
B teecold and cloudy. Vennor is now
; oe Johnson is wearing an exceeding
smile- What in the world can
Hlftbematter, Joe?
■ i number of communications crowded
ijfl lifts week.—Jonesboro week loser. News. So the
is a
9 H if it is not very far off, secure a hard
^■(wart’s. ■ rse flue trunk for the occasion at
■ ladies’ collars nice at io cts, nicer 15,
Hier?nice 2O and 25 and extremely nice
|iff 25 to 6octs—at Stewart’s.
S Judge Carr is a fine lawyer and should
I It admitted to the bar. The fees he has
jaid out would make a man rich.
Iiyou wish to get married procure
license and call, one wedding only, so
lit this week—at Stewart’s.
Rubber and cellu’oid roch combs, and
; a most elegant and low priced line cf
ass, just in, see them by calling at Stew-
1 in’s.
A Parties desiring job work of any kind
fill do well to consult us before making
contracts. We guarrantee the lowest
I iVe learn that our young friend 'Char¬
ier Hudson will soon lead to hymen’s
t her Atlanta heiress. Success to you
ii boy.
Chicken fighting is getting to be quite
popular with our sportsmen again. Sev¬
eral dollars changed hands at the main
last week.
Col. Gus Hamby is the best horse doc¬
tor in this county and one of the best in
(testate. When you want a horse doc¬
tored call on him.
There is a professional man in our city
fl siio has not bought anything on a ered
it in ten years. Moral; Nobody ia fool
®ough to credit him,
We had a very pleasant cal! from Mr.
Geo. W. Knox, of Social Circle, this
l wek. He reports the damages done bj
t T
the storm as very severe.
Kockdale can boast of more fine cows
(tan any county in the state. The stock
law has been a great blessing to our peo¬
ple ia this respect, and hundreds of oth
cattle is scarcer now than was
tV6r known in this section and it seems
ts the case all over the state. It won’t
fce long, we guess, before carp will take
ke place of beef and hogs.
1 Messrs. G. \V. Weaver & Brother have
| reen their stock of goods to Mr. John
s store on Center street where
m be P ,eased to see everybody
fl i Wants bar S alns -
4 clever little Conyers housewife in
ee P'ug her accounts for two weeks had
two dollars for buttermilk. At ten
I Cf Ets a gallon twenty gallons were rep
|Reated. “ ttemi fik. Rich must be a bad baud on
I I fY -ur lri & ° Overbay Sbortl rea is P er > for sale by Messrs.
one of the most com
' e ‘ e niac hines in use- being particularly
a Pted to the lands of Middle Georgia.
SQre you call and see one of them be¬
fore ,
Jue jojgh negro. abridge Ji m in McKnight, this who fell
aR( ^ county,two years
j ' sue d the county, has succeeded
^ getting a judgment for $1,000. He
^” ot oney ’ however, yet. succeeded in getting
tls F f bact 11 ? >elorclub r - ans bas been appointed by
“neck inspector” and
m' ne J? r he rees a girl with the least
i 0n ber Ilec k be proceeds at
■®® to rake her over the coals.
0 ver > interesting f°°t race took placq,
ai ^ roa 'l street Wednesday eve-'
kdtt bet "‘ een a caW and two Jour.g
tho F’ €ng tb ? be cad won (be race by about
- beat ‘ of Tom Bryans’ foot. Bad
°ur far niers are giving attention
lathe more
raising of horses and mules than
** have eT er noticed before. This is
tght r They can raise just and and good
he •e as can be raised ia Kentucky
^ at far l ess cost to them.
Yellow' River is just lined with shad—
Several dogs have died here this week
from poison.
Cholera is raging among the chick¬
ens in this county.
The lateness of the spring will make
the watermelon crop light.
Our girls do more than our boys—at
least they make more bustle.
When you have nothing to do and feel
like work, cultivate your charity patch.
Mr. Z. T. Aimand was in town this
week with a load of flour of his own rais¬
May opened up cold, windy, rainy and
disagrees ole generally. May it not con¬
tinue so.
The Henry County Weekly is a most
excellent paper. We are always proud
to get it.
When the money now lying idle in
this county is put to work we will see
five times.
Some of our subscribers at a distance
will gr atly oblige by sending us the
am out due.
Mr. Henry Aimand has sold his ma¬
chine and quit brick making at the city
of Jackson.
In less than two yeara the Rockdale
paper mills will be converted into a cot
ton factory.
The leaves of the forest had a hard
race to get their growth by the first of
May tills year.
The Conyers bar has improved more
than any bar in the Flint circuit during
the last few years.
The provision sales of our merchants
are much less than even tho most u an
gu J ne hoped for.
The ugliest girl in town lives on a side
street and wears a number 6 shoe. 0, I
tell you she’s the boss.
Remember, ladies, that J: J. Langford
& Co. have the finest lot of hosiery ever
brought to this city.
Mr. H. Y. McCord is having Mr. Asa
F. Sims to build some becoming addi¬
tions to his residence.
Mrs. M.W. Davis, of Covington, has
been spending gome time at her father’s,
Rev. H. Quigg, this week.
We expect to be able to give our peo¬
ple s me interesting items in regard to
the cotton seed oil business.
The oldest inhabitant remark ;d the
other day that he had seen colder Mays
than this one. Well, Maybe he has.
Messrs. Robert Fowler and Luther
Brittian, two handsome Covington boys,
spent Sunday, last, with Conyers friends
Gentlemen, don’t stand back on the
cotton seed oil mill enterprise, but take
hold and push it through. It will pay a
handsome dividend.
The time is not far distant when whis¬
ky will not be manufactured in this
state- The sooner it comes the better
for everybody.
There is no use talking, if we were la¬
dies you can just bet we would get a new
dress from G. M. Jones & Co. They
have beautiful goods.
We have men in our town worth
thousands of dollars who do not give ten
cents a month to charity. Can such as
these be Christians?
Rev. G- G. Smith, a Sunday school
evangelist, will occupy the Methodist
pulpit ox\ next Sunhay morning, and will
talk to the children in the afternoon at
the same place.
The most handsomely dressed young
manat the party was Sir, Frank McCalla
of Sheffield. He wore low neck shoes
aud a ring on his Isft little finger.
The prize package men were in the
city Sat u; day and did a rushing business.
They took in about one hundred dollars,
ninety-nine of which was profit.
Mr. Andrew Plunket has his saw-mill
now in full blast and is Ailing orders raD
idly with good, well sawed lumber. If
you want a bill filled out right he is the
man to call on.
The small .grain crop of Rockdale,
while not as large area planted as last
y ea ~ j s very promising, and some seem
think the yield will be almost if not
f u n y a s large
There ia tbe greatest abundance of
young peaches on the trees in Conyers,
The crop promises to be very large, the
predictions to the contrary notwith
The little son of Mr. J. F. Aimand
w ho was bitten by a dog, last week,
which was supposed to have b>enrabid,
has about recovered from the bite, and
no serious result is now apprehended.
The two service trains on the lower
section of the Georgia railroad collided,
the other day, smashing up the engines
and seriously injuring four of the train
hapds. Mr. Joe McCord and Mr. Bill
Robinson were the conductors of the
The Examiner may now be considered
as dead, and Solid South the best paper
in the county—except the Weekly. We
never fail to give every deserving euter
pirse»all the credit it will bear.
There is a young lady on Mill Street
who was three years old at the com
mencementof the late unpleasantness,
and she to,d her Sunday School teacher
last Sunday that she tvould soon be 18.
Here s material fora repetition of the
Ananias or Saphira tragedy.
There is no doubt about the fact of our
people 1 giving in their property at a
ure {3r below its actual value. This
not as it should be. Give in your
erty at i s real worth and your tt»xes
will be much less, and your county stand
So much money has to
be raised, a pci- cent, sufficient will be
'er ed on the property given in to do it,
have moved their stock of goods to
the store room of Mr. John Green
on Center Street recently occupied
by John W. Aimand. You are
It is said that earth has no joy like a
woman in a new spring bonnet.
Meal has been reduced in price of
late. We are glad to note the fact.
The Masquereade party has been
postponed until next Tuesday evening.
Mrs. E. B. Rosser, of Atlanta, is on a
visit to friends and relatives in our
The Sunday schools have mounted
and are triumphantly riding the picnic
Mr. James Kirkpatrick, m excellent
citizen of this county, died last Monday
Several candidates for admission into
the Christian Church were baptised
here this week.
Gov. McDaniel cannot talk much, but
he is one of the best bass singers in the
whole country.
Senator Boynton was married on last
Monday evening to Miss Sue Harris, of
Walton county.
Dr. John Riley and Col. Sinilh, of
Lawrenceviile, spent several days in our
city, this wees.
When McDaniel is inaugurated, Geor¬
gia will have had four Governors in the
past six months.
We are sorrov to see Mr. Jim Win
burn suffering with a very large felon
on his left hand.
Misses Mariam Price, Sue McCalla and
Lulu Killebrew are spending the week
with Mrs J. L. McCalla.
If one may judge from som mysterious
whisperings, the fragranc; of orange
blossoms wi'l soon b irden the air.
The infant of Mr. Jasper Hamby died
on last Monday evening. We extend our
sympathies to the bereaved farther.
The demand for jugs and bottles in
Rockdale county ought to be met by a
Rockdale jag and bottle manufactory.
As an inventor of pure fiction and true
fabrication, there is a man in Conyers
who cannot be equal'ed this side of—oh
With good and competent tearhers at
the head of a free school in Conyers, in
six months you could not rent a house
in five miles of the place.
Tw0 negroes escaped from Covington
jail on last Sunday night, by poshing
out of the wall a large stone and them
crawling through the breach.
The question of afree school is being
rr»rJlJa 0 T:;,G»»S;rf',;l:
school. Let us have it by all means
Eleven hundred head of cattle were
shipped from Georgia to Texas last
week. Stock raising is bound to become
one of our most important industries.
Mr, Owens, oi t.'ih county, has Yin
adjudged insane and sent to theasyluni.
Mrs. Owens is a most estimable lady,
and we trust she wilt soon be restored
to reason and friends.
Miss Da Meaner, a very loquacious and
sprightly dam sel, of Atlanta, li.napart
ments at the calaboose. It will be
cold dav when the Covin^Hm Star gets
ahead of us in the mater of “ society
Work is progressing rapidly at Ko.o
nedy’sfactory and in a few more weeks
the factory will be in operation. The
Messrs White and Brand are full of vitn
and energy and push speedi'y to
pletion every enterpise they take hold
Charles George is wanted in Rockdale
county for an assault with intent to nvir
der. He now occupies a cell in the cala
boose and is awaiting the arrival of a
Rockdale official, who will carry him
back to the scene of his misdeeds. He
was captured in Atlanta by office!
McWilliams yesterday.—Tuesday s Con¬
If our people will work harmoniously
together for its advancement, there is
nothing to prevent Conyers frori becom
ing the most flourishing town in Middie
Georgia. he first stop in this d jrec
tion should be the establishment of a
free school- Let us have a mass meet¬
ing at the court house in die near fumre
to consides this question.
Covington has several prominent citi¬
zens who are opposed to that place hav¬
ing railroad connection with South-west
and North-east Georgia. Tiie slate has
provided a home at Miliedgeville for all
such unfortunates, and those citizens of
Covington who are interested in her
progress and prosperity should see that
they ?.re sent there.
There should be some law enacted to
prevent the incessant seining that is done
in our streams. Three or four seines in
small creek, where the thousands
of little fish are pulled out on the sar.d
bars and left to die, can almost clean it
ol fish in a few hours, There is al to¬
gether too much seining, and it is gen¬
erally done by careless, ignorant hands
who have no thought or care for the
hereafter or protection to theyoar.g fish.
it should be sque’ehed.
The city of Jonesboro finds its-lf in
debt; the amount to be raised to run it
the next year $1,900 and an income of
only $1,15°. We ad.ise them to do
away altogether with a city attorney;
pay councelmen no salaries, and the
Mayor a small one; make their clerx do
the tax collecting and let him be a
yer; let the marshal be tax receiver and
put a special tax on every business ac
cording to character and size and (here
will be no trouble about finances to run
the city of Jonesboro with out the taxes
formerly raised from rum shops.
Tn Conyers a man can walk into a dry
goods house and buy a cooking stove
into a beef market and get a liver .pad
or a bottle of pat-nt medicine, and in to
a drugstore and buy silks and satins, In
a few more years we- exspecc to see our
blacksmiths running prouision depart
ments in connection with their iron bus
in ess and our millinery establishments
carrying v heavy and elegant stock of
harness, and our clothing dealers making
wagons and bngg es a speciality. This
is not according to the eternal fLness of
NCJIBEKS 3 . 5 . AX 3 7 .
/// A vorfa /
a (:o:)--
„ selections firstsclass in
In this line their s'oek _ is very large and their ev
ery particular, and embraces prints of the latest and noblest styles, the
cheapest and best linens of all kinds; fine damask ladle cloths, towels, lian
kerehiefs, napkins &e in end'e«s variety, at law figures; all kinds of hosery
from the cheapest to the first grade in mens, moinen’s, children—the greats
est bargains in this line of goods ever offered to the people all ot kinds this if place. la¬
Trimings and Embroiderie’s of evry disetiption and style;
dies wear, fine chalks, brushes, pins, ties, and the PAR. EXOELENCE
Carsat mad. Window shades fine and cheap, fine oil cloths, carpetings, and
tickings, sheeting-, shirtings, cambrics, ghinghams, checks, bleockings ask
in fact everything in this line that is ever wanted or called for and we
ihe ’adies especially to call when tney want any kind of beautiful new dress
goods notions or other Dry Goods. No trouble to show goods and we
want to give you our prices for we know that they will please you.
(_L(J /-t ArnTTixtr 1 nli\Lr, tt nA « TC 1 D, 75 C 11 i lULS au c B n
We have a heavy stock ot all grades and styles that we are selling lower
than was ever known before, Jents clothing, Hats and Shoes and ladies
fine shoes we have many beautiful goods of the very latest “notion” and we
especially invite all to come and examine ours before buying. We mean
exactly what we advertise and when you cail on us you will find it true.
We ke»p the very fullest kind of a stock of both.
HeavY and FancY Groceries.
When you want them dot) fc foiget to cal] on up lor we can supply you
End will not be undersold in any ot these goocK Sugars, coffees, syrups,
can good?, rice, grits, potatoes &o. all sold low dow. We have
/\LL \ T T r' 1 IX 1\ f) H/fpn’O ivl 1G 0 C [ T D D T L T I C DO. C
1 \ 1\ flour, OUl L and oth
From 11 nickl’s worth cf soda up. Corn, meat, oats, syrup r
provisions, hardware, woodware,'glassware, tinware, plows, hoes, plowstocks, otters
carpenters tools anci everything else in ihi“ line they need. We are
ing special inducements aud ask you to call and see us. We are agents for
I that
Elegant Sewing Machine.
The New No, 4 Victor, which is without a superio , for a’l the fine quali
j-q ^ood work. We sell ihern low down* Ooroe ftod see also tbe
Famous Well Elevators,
The best arrangement that was ever placed in a well. Come and exam
jne this and we know you will buy. We can give tbe best referenses on this
and show you many ill use.
j When you want goods ot any kind remember that you can get them; and
j get tin* b st goods and at prices that no other house can under reach by
| |,, v <■ rr y a large stock of clocks and elegant fine jewelry. Fancy and
H.,,ivv Groceries, A complete stock of Hardware and Dry Goods, Notions,
H it- 11 rots and Shoes for the million. They defy Competition, and tell tor
the cash so low t hat their prices can’t be beat. Call at this stove when you
Goods at Bottom Figures.
When you want a real nice cooling
drink of soad water or lemonade call at
John W. Ilaygood.
Athens factory yarns, Peidmont sbeet
ings, shriting?, drills and cotton checks—
fresh arrival at Stewart.
Tne difference between aspring chick
en and a spring poet, the latter is hatch
ed out of a soft shell,
When you want the finest meal ever
aeon in the market buy that ground by
Carr & Overbay. It is nice and don’t
von furgetit.
You can get this paper from now until
tSS.y for the small sum of 65 cts cash.
Now is your time to get the best weekly
paper in Georgia.
Mr. John H. Aimand has built three
elorant dwellings in our town. We wish
W e had several more such men—our
town would build up more rapidly.
Mr. James P. Harrison has purchased
the interest of Rev. C- A. Nunnally in
tiie Christ tin Index, and the paper is
now owned by Mess. Harrison & Whor
We notice that several of our citiz ens
are having their residences painted and
otherw ise fixed up. This is right, noth¬
ing is so valuable to a house as a coat of
good paint.
We notice that somebody is making
inquiry through the Solid South as to the
wherabouts oi the old library &c. We the jrarty can be accommodated by
calling on Dr. C. II. Turner,
Mr II. S, McNair is renovating the
residence and premises of Airs Smith on
i McDonough street. This is a ve.-y pretty
place and when completed will present
an elegant appearance.
Owing to the continued cold weather
our gardens are far behind, W a will
state for the benefit of tiie public, while
on this subject, that our garden is e <
ceediugly poor and all vegetables left on
our steps will receive special attention,
Its about time for Prof. Co\vh< rn
to giTe notice of another leciure here,
We are almost tempted to pronoenee
j t j. e p ro f ^ double acting failure,
Now would be a fine time for
Prof. O’Kelly to have his college put
j n to a residence, The weather is
jus t right.
We put in a small local for a hou e
in this town and they sold on its ac¬
count 3 dresses and a quantity of
other gotds,amounting to about 2o
or 30 dollars. And yet some seem to
think that judicious advertising docs
not pay.
It will cost Hc-r.ry county two
thousand or twenty-five hundred dol¬
lars to veplace the pubi c bridges that
wer* swept away by the freshet. It
is not unhkelydbat an extra tax will
j be leviid for this purpose.
We notice an advertisement go¬
ing around headed “Hail Stones
big as Pumpisins.” That beats us.
We learn that a movement is
foot to establish a guano
here, We advise our faimers to
right hold of it. It will save j
thousands ot dollars and make you
neat income from your money.
A young man from Ja-per county
was # arrested here the other day.
w is searched for weapon but nothing
but a horse man pistol, three bowie
knives, a six shooter and three
t les of whisky were discovei ed.
being of a quiet disposition, having
only sho t two niggers and put a few
balls into the court hou?e door, he
was released on his own recogni¬
D. N. Hudson has just received the
finest stock of shoes ever brought to
Conyers—custom made and of the la
test styles.
GEORGIA Rock lale County—
By virtue of an order issued by the Hon.
John D. Stewart judge of tiie Superior
Court of said county, will be sold at pub¬
lic out. cry (unless sold at private sale be¬
fore that time) in tbe city of Conyers,
Ga., on the 19th day of May I883 the en¬
tire stock of goods belonging to John W.
Aimand, consisting of drygoods,notions
hats, boots, shoes, &c , hardware, family
groceries &c., show cases, scales, &c.,
including the entire stock o f goods of er
ery description, and all of the store fix¬
tures belonging to the store of the said
John VV . Aimand- The said stock ef
goods are now in the Night building 011
the corner of Centre and Railroad streets,
and will be sold and delivered in said
building. Terms sale cash.
A. P. Mitchell,
This May 2 nd 1883. Receiver.
Win be sold before the court house
door in the city of Conyers, between
lawful hours of sale, on the first
in June, next, the following described
property, to wit, one vacant 'ot of land
supposed to contain three-quarters of an
acre, more or less, in the iGth district of
originally Henry now Rockdale, it being
iu the city of Conj ees and bounded as
follows : On the east by the First Bap¬
tist church, on tbe south by Rufus
Christian and R. A. Aimand, on the
west by Airs. R. A. Jones and on the
north by Decatur street. Levied on as
the property of James A. Kennedy to
satisfy a fifa issued from Rockdale bu
pe.iior Court in favor of Geo. W. Kncx
vs. J- a. Kennedy. Property pointed
out by plaintiff. A. P. Mitchell,
This May the 2nd 1883. Sheriff.
S©”I take this method of informing my former customers, all my friends and
the public generally, that 1 have opened a store at S. J Cowan & Son's old
stand near the Court House, Conyers, Ga., under the firm name of
Where I will keep a well assorted stock ot goods such S J as are usually kept
in any first-class house having bought the stock oi Cowan & Son at a
tremendous reduction,
I will he able to sell a great many goods very low. I expect to replenish my
stock immediately with
Having been so long employed with the wellknown house of ,T II Aimand
&. Son, I feel that I ain well posted ’as to the wants of the people. Don’t
forget the place, and to give me a call. Yours Respectfully,
gSy-The old notes and accounts of S J Cowan & Son are all in the hands of W 3
Cowan. I have nothing to do with their collection here. 1 hope my old customers
will give me their patronage as befor. Respectfully, S J Cowan, with J
J Langfcrd & Co.
Have just received their new spring goods. Call and examine goods and
learn prices Keep constantly on hand a lull line of Dry Goods, Notions
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and everything usually kept in a firsNclass
j dry goods house, e&$v8rarat,
A large lot which we are now offering at. cost for the cash. Como and see.
82© 9
C. R. Sides, Sugar Cured II tins, Lard, Chffee, Sugar, ^ kice, Hackers Syrup, belfraisiug Molases
Fine Hours, Perfect Pastry Patent, Carters s Tv aucy,
flour and many other brands. The celebrated Snowy Ash and Ran Tucker
oigars and a lull fine of chewing and smoking tobaccos. Hardware ot all
kinds. Plows, hoes, plowstocks, rates, hoehandles, shovels, cradles ect.
Just received, a lull line ot cooking stoves and stove fixtures, which they
will sell low for cash or to p'ompl paying customers on time,
A complete line ot furniture always on hand. Fine Waluut and Poplar
Suits, Dressing Cases, Dressers, Bureaus, W ishstands, Marble Top Tables,
Chairs, Lounges, Setts, Picture Cord’s etc. Their slock is complete in ev¬
ery respect. Call and sec them. ALMAND. 1TT ^
J II & N M
IP iff. 2i n 1 T %f B B $
Special inducements offered to DEALERS and others in all grades of Fur-.
niture. A share of tho patronage ot Rockdale and adjoining counties earnest,
solicited. Be sure and give us a trial before making your purchases.
J i
The Spot Cash
Bry M mime
-Of ATLANTA. GA., Has the finest line of
ifpste'g ail
Sell For CASH Exclusively.
Saves all expenses of collecting, loss on bad debts and otherwise, and gives
his customers the benefit of the Lowest (.ash Prices iu the South.
---Give him a trial and you will always trade with him,
OnePrice To All!
39 and 41 Peachtree .street. * Atlanta, Georgia,
In case where money does not. accompany the ordor, ? Y! SFi 883° 1 ^
every free. ar
0 . D. Samples sent
u \1
Dry Goods, Notions, Cm roceries,
n - S Eft S tt m f*
l \
j :o:
j and } COLES ili’spli , te
8 L»>a it id »sAcid
j S tlictly S tanCiard
rTiT^ g© FeltIHZerS ELTG
*“ and
(’all A, a .. acu see us STEWART
J. A. & T. D.