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About The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1883)
-3 err- ^"3 O -< CO w r " CONYERS, GA,, JUNE 1ST, 1883, The Constitution says the Del ore murders been captured. Gus Guinn thinks of going regularly into the stock driving business. We regret to chronicle the death of Miss Betsy Ann Richardson, which sad event occurred at the residence of her mother , in this county, to day, after a short but painful illness. The following appointment for Sunday next, at Rock Chu ch. colored, has been handed us for publication : Preaching at ii o’clock, a. m., by Kev. H. D- Brook ins, at 3 o’clock p. m., by Rev. H. O Boyd, and at 7j p. m., by Kev. D. F. Green, P. E. Bishop Hokey is expec¬ ted to arrive to morrow eveningand if he does will preach Sunday evening. Seats reserved for the whites all of whom are cordially invited to attend the services. Dr. Quigg will preach the Com¬ mencement sermon of the Middle Georgia College June the ‘24th. THE MURDERED DEFOORS The DeFoor murder has again drill. •ed to the surface, ai.d this time there is a strong probability that there will be a banging as a final chapter to this brutal and ghastly tragedy which four years ago created such a profund sen tation throughout Georgia. This time the voluntary confession of one of the murderers has caused the arrest of one and by his t me probably two others. The names of the murderers are Joe Johnson, Tom Savinger and John Browu, and it was the first named who made the confession which will again op n the old trage. <iy. Johnson has been making his home in Macon for sometime past and ena day last week he was arrested in that city, and subsequent to his ar rest he confessed that he, Savinger and Brown we e the murderers of old man DeFoor and his wife. It appears from the meagre tacts that can be gatheri d that Johnson had a sweet¬ heart in Macon,, and the first time he ever mentioned the killing of the old couple was in his s'eep. The scene at ike bedside was in an incoherent manner reviewed by Johnson while he was a'-■sleep, but at the time the girl, who was awakeued by tire talk' iugs and groaniig of Johnson, paid hut little attention to it. Finally and after a long acquaintance with John¬ son, the woman observed tko fres quency of hie mutlerings about the murder, aud ultimately prevailed up on him to tell her what it meant. At first Johnson refused to comply with her request, but after a while he told the woman that he and two confeder¬ ates were the persons who killed old man DeFoor, at their home near the Chattahoochee river in Fulton county four years ago To the woman he recounted tho crime, giving in full its details and (he names of his asso¬ ciates. The story alarmed the woman and she repeated it to some friends, and the result was it finally reached the ears of Lieutenant Wyly’ of the Ma oon police force. This official, know ing that Mr. Bridges Smith, the city editor of the Telegraph & Messenger was conversant with the crime, iin parted his knowledge to him. These two gentlemen gave the matter their attentive consideration and the more they investigated the matter the more apparent it became to them that there was something in the negro,s story. Johnson,s arrest followed this conclu¬ sion, and after he was imprisoned he made a clean breast of the whole hi fair, flis confession covered the crime, and the came leading to it, the wanderings ot himself after that night and gave the names aud homes ot his confederates. The confession was written out by Mr. Smith, and read to Jokusou who acknowledged it to be true, After receiving this confession, the gentleman opened com municatiou with the executive des partment, whereby they learned that there was a a reward ot f1,000 for the apprehension aud conviction of the murderers. Then they began an inquiry, and ascertained that Torn Saviuger, one of the prisoners named in Johnson’s confession, was living in Fulton county, ani that Brown, the other person named in the same pa¬ per, was living in Coweta county. Having ascertained these tacts and being convinced of the troth of John son’s confession by statements made by him showing an accurate knowl¬ edge of the crime aud how it was committed, the Macon officials under¬ took the capture of the two murder¬ er* at large. In effecting the cap¬ ture of Savinger, they were compelled to come to Atlanta where they ar„ rived Wednesday morning. Soon after reaching this city they sought Chief Connolly* to whom they made known their mission, and to whom they showed a copy ot Johnson’s con¬ fession. This paper wai such a care¬ ful resume of the fac’s attendant upon the murder that Chief Connally could not disregard it upon the the¬ ory that it was another Asa Gunn affair, and with alacrity he tendered his aid to the Macon officials in se¬ curing the arrest of Savinger. By the confession of Johnson it was us¬ ed tained that Savinger was living near 'heoidD. Foor homestead and ' it was to that portion of Fulton coun ty the officials went, There were I four of them. They were Chief Con nally and Dotective Win. Jones, of Atlanta, and Lieutenant Wyly aud ex-Chief Hurly, of Macon. After i reaching the neighborhood indicated in the confession, the officers ascer¬ tained by inquiry that Savinger was living about a mile from Bolton, aud pi a field they found him at work. The four officers surrounded the fidd and gradually closing in on Savinger came upon him before he had any idea of their proximity GEORGIA. Rockdale County— J. To all whom it may concern: T. Adair having in proper form ap¬ plied io me for peimanent letters of administration on the estate of James G. Kirkpatrick, late of sa.d county, deceased, this is to cite all aud singu¬ lar the creditors arid next of kin of said .lames G. Kirkpa'rick, to he and appear at niy office within the term allowed by law and show cause it any they can why permanent letters ol ad minis'ration should not be masted to J. T. Adair on James G. Kirkpat¬ rick’s estate. Witness my hand of fictal signature. O. SEAMANS Jane 1st 1883. Ordinary. Judge Furish Furman, of Baldwin comity, thinks the cotton crop this year will be a million and a half bales short. OPIUM HABIT TO DRUNKENNESS. lively, "kEUSY* upeedlly »nd permenently cured try GOLD IIKMF.DIKK, containing •in of Opium. Truth Invite. lnveetlK»tlon. encen beet In the »t«». Kev terme, pampb ed proofs, sridriNM, w. c. beuaiit, u. »•> ■7 1-2 Rrewt at., A tlmtA. A«. rf 9, When you want a Terrell scrap® or your buggies or wagons repaired, call on W. V. Almand. SHERIFF SALE FOR NE Will be sold bofore the court house door in the city of Conyers, between the lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June, next, the following described property, to wit, one vacant 'ot oi land supposed to contain three-quarters of an acre, more or less, in the i6th district of originally Henry now Rockdale, it being itt the city of Conyers and bounded as follows : On the east by the First Bap¬ tist church, on the south by Rufus Christian and R. A. Almand, on the west by Mrs. R. A. Jones and on the north by Decatur street. Levied on as the property of James A. Kennedy to satisfy a fifa issued from Rockdale Su¬ perior Court in favor of Geo. W. Knox ts. J. A. Kennedy. Property pointed out by plaintiff. A. P. Mitchell, Thi* May the 2nd i883. Hliei iff. GEORGIA, Rooxdale County.— Whereas, Susan C. Kirk pal lick has applied to me for the setting apart in valuation a homestead in realty, and I will pass upon the same May 28th 1883 at my office at 10 o’clock, a m. May 11th 1883 O. Seamans, 2t, Ordinary. NOTICE, This is to forbid all persons going through my lands, either fishing hunt¬ ing or otherwise. Fair notice. II. L. Shiplet. D. Vaughn, 55. T. Almand. SPECIAL LOCALS Mothers, the children’s summer suits have ceme at Stewart’s. Your boys from 3 years to 30, can bo suited at J. A. & T. D. Stewart’s. When you want a stylish straw hat, Call at Stewart’s We notice cottouades at Stewa t’s that looks like fine oasssirners, at 25 cts per yard. Grain cradles by the dozen at Stewart’. White Irish linens at 25 ots per yd at Stewart’s. Nice for baby aprons. Muslins 5 to 15 cts and cotton wos ted 9 cts at St cart’s. Sarah Bernliart and other styles of gloves at Stewart’s. A fresh arrival of shirts and collars at Stewart’s. A new variety of stook powders, “said to work wonders,” Call for the red tin box, at Stewart s. An endless variety of ladies’neck¬ wear at Stewart’s. A few only. Picture fames left at Stewart’s. Call early. Come oue, come all, the old and young, the short, the tall, the rich, the poor, we please them all. Count¬ less bargains await your call at Stew¬ art’s. Fresh grits, rice, meal and white peas at Stewart's. A nice light hoe, for the boys, at Stewart’s. Perfect Patent Pastry and Peek’a No. 1 flocr at Stewart’s. If it is not very far off, secure a hand some sine trank for the occasion at Stewart’s. I have for rent two good dwellings— one three rooms with t wo good fire pla¬ ces and one with four rooms, kitchen &c Both well located. Pine water, fruit and gardens. Call at this office if you want a good dwelling cheap. J. N. Hale. LIVER WRIGHT’S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS Secure Healthy action to the Liver and relieve all hit —— «^^i^^ious troubles. Purely VegeUtle; Ho Griping. Price 25c. All Bruggisti. Georgia, Rockdale Couniy— 4 \ 7HEREAS John Parker, Wm. VV Parker and Aaron G. W. Parker, Parker, deed, Ad¬ ministrators ot represents to the Court ot Ordinary in their petition duly filled and HI* tered on record that they have fully administered Aaron Parker’s estate This is therefore lo cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, io show cause, if any ihey can, why said administrators should not be diseha g ed from their administration and res ceiae Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in Jure, 1883, O. SEAMANS. Ord’y. March 2, 3in. FOR SALE. If you want the best bargain ever of¬ fered in a bliek store, centrally located, in this place, call at this office. I have property in which there is big money for some one. Call early at this office. J. N. 11 ALB. GEORGIA Rockdale County— adininis TT -hereas M. U. Waldrop, Yv trator of the estate ot Levi L. Waldrop, dec’d represents to the court of Ordinary in his petition due ly tiled and entered on record that he has fully administered Levi L, Waldrop’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from bis administration and receive leiiers of dismission on the first Mo iday in August 1883. O. SEAMANS, April 27 3m. Ordinary, DISSOLUTION NOTICE, This is to give notice that the co partnership hertofore existing tween W. V. & Z. T. Almand in the blacksraitliing business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Z T. Almand retiring. All outstanding accounts will be collected by W. V. Almand, W. V. Almand. W. Z. Almand. Conyers, May 4th 1883. GEORGIA. Rockdale County.— Wh*reas. J. N. Nix and J. E. Lev rett administrators of J T. O. Nix, dec’d represent to the court in their petition duly filed that they have fully administered J. N. O. Nix's es¬ tate, this is therefore to cite all and singular, the kindred and ei editors of said deceased, to show cause if any they can why said administrators should not be discharged from their administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in September, Next This May 11th 1883. O. Seamans 3,u Ordinary. CITY MARKET! -BY W B & P B SMITH. ■:o: r Phey keep always on hand the very j[ nicest freshest meals, in the way of BEEF & PORK t -SAUSAGE, Backbone & Ribs. Also Mutton. When vou want nice meats, good weights and cheap prices, call at the City Market tiist door above I’ost-Oliice Conyers, Ga. ’1 HE QUEEN CITY BARBER-SHOP, -;o: FRANK LYNCH Cousorial JSutist in €ijar§c -:o: Haii cutting in the neatest and est style, Shaving, Shampooniog and Dyeing executed with neatness dispatch. JCSC’Located in the Night builning first floor on the left up stairs. The Dress Maher's MAGIC SCALE. W * * y y •» 1* i«not a 4 * •» ’ el or chart, but % *col« ot i tshe*. n With it* i*dy can cut from any fwhion plate, makinr a nartrrt fit without 8UMMKR* altera tic no. Acute wasted. 8. K. Soa. Ageat, C*nyer», GO. MERIT! SIMPLICITY!! PERFECTION!!! --:o: By it you can cut any garment. The only system in the world that is in one small piece. Satisfaetiou Guar¬ anteed. Price with instruction book$3 Book and lessons $5. Strict atten¬ tion given to letters ot inquiry. Local and traveling agents wanted. MRS S E. SUMMERS. Gen. Agt. Conyera, Ga. 2m. lb* Great Specific for Neuralgia and Headacke Atlanta, Ga.. Feb. 4th 1879. Messrs. Hutcbingson & B-o : Having thoroughly tested your Neuralgine I cheerfully recommend it io all who suffer with neuralgia and headache. 1. M. Wood, Oi Howard, Wood & Co. Messrs. Hutchinson & Bro..—It is with leal pleasure that I add my tes limotiy to the great virtues of your Neuralgine as a specific for neuralgia and sick headache. Such a remedy >8 a blessing and all sufferers should keep it on pand. J. It. "idley, 136 Cathedral street, Baltimore. FARM GATE, The best thing in the way of a gate ev¬ er introduced in this county is the one now being made and sold by W. Almand of this place. It is durable, easy to work and cheap. Every farmer should see and have the gate. Farm rights tor sa’e. Call and see. W. A. Almand. 4 times. MAC017 COMM COLLEGE, MACON, CA. JH.&N.M. ALMAND CONYERS GEORGIA. Have iust received their new spring goods. Call and examine goods and learn prices Keep constantly on hand a lull line of Dry Goods, Notions Hals, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and everything usually kept in a first-class dry goods house. A large lot which we are row offering at cost for the cash. Come and see. dSOftSBISt, ss 9 C. It. Sides, Suvar Cured H im*, Lard, Chffee. Sugar, Rice. Svrup, Molases i Fine flours, Pei feet Pastry Patent, Ciuterss Fancy, Heckers Selfraising I flour and many other brands. Tne celebrated Snowy Ash and Ran Tucker I cigars and a lull line of chewing and smoking tobaccos. Hardware ot all 1 kinds. Plows, hoes, plewstocks, rakes, hoehandles, shovels, cradles ect. I STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. Just received, a fail line of cooking stoves and stove fixtures, which they j «ill sell low for cash or to prompt paying customers on time, j vxnancwM ♦ A complete line ot furniture always on band. Fine Walnut and Poplar Suits, Dressing Cases, Dressers, Bureaus, Withstands, Marble Top Tables, Chairs, Lounges, .Setts, Picture Cord’s etc. Their stock is complete in ev¬ ery respect. Call ami see them. J H & N M ALMAND. JOHN NEAL AND COMPANY, -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN I. u M IE] ! r i 1 m R El Oh NOS. 7 and 9 SOUTH BROAD STREET ATI,ANTA, GA. :o: Special inducements offered to DEALERS and others io all grades of niture. A share of the patronage ol Rockdale and adjoining counties earnest solicited. Be sure and give us a trial before making your purchases. •22 D. H. DOUGHERTY 1 The Spot Cash! 1 E -Of ATLANTA. GA., Has the finest line ef DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, IN THE STATE. Sell For CASH Exclusively. Saves all expenses of collecting, loss on bal debts and otherwise, and gives his customers the benefit of the Lowest Cash Prices in the South. ---Give him a trial and you will always trade with him. One Price To All 39 and 41 Peachtree street, Atlanta, Georgia In every ease where money does not accompany the ordor, good will be sent C. O. D. Samples sent free. March 22 , 1883 . THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF u ALMAND & SON J -DEALERS IN ' i General Merchandise Etc. RAILROAD BLOCK CONYE I ( i GEORGIA. Having been established for 18 years, and carrying one ot the largest ullest an i most com pie stocks in the eountry, we can sell go ids as lew as ny, and we gnarant ee satiafaction. When you want DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, CLOTHING &C. Call en J.H. ALMAND&SON A First-class Easiness School Equal to cny North or South. Send for Circulars, free. W. McKAY, - Principal. % .....JIL -gJltlk mm wmm it Hi LitL n WM H§I.J h ■ WHS! illMlsM I <5 THEGREAT * FOB Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, J Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell¬ ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, . Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Vo Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil tut a safe, sure, simple and cheap External remedy A trial er.t&ils but the comparatirelj ii illing outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering vi th pain can have cheap and positive proof of il*» cairns. Directions In Eleven Languages. JO Ut BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEEU IN MEDICINE. A . ’VQ f>ELER & CO., 1t-nW*nore t Md., TJ, S. JL A. SHARP J 1 ■ _ sjfc. :■ CONYERS, GEORGIA.^ a LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLE BirThe best of vehicles, sate drivers and good, fast and reliab’e hurs I have always ready to suit anyone, day or night I have horse s worn and children can use. Saddle horses for men and women. All Cheap, i ■o have FEED. it done If you at my have stable a horse cheaper that you and want better fed than and well cared for, vo| ' can everybody who brings horse you can do it y 0 u 3 J self. I invite a to town to leave him with w Good lot, stalls and attention. SALE. Parties wishing to buy or trade h’orses should call. Drove* make their headquaiters with me. BOUCIIT I pay the highest priej for corn, fodder, hay, oats etc. L. A. SHAME, 45 I AMI A 'OlflSSSAH —AT CONYERS’ I I CSS T ' 5 lTT ■ Ft * DEALERS IN Is HP 1KB e SXCOftSPV SCI ;o: In this, for Newton, the Gwinnett best machinery and many made, adjoining embracing counties the famous they are agen'j very m&zmw, Enairas saw mzzs And ail other mrchinery manufactured by Frick & Co. at their large worki The most complete reaper, and one which, by reason of its superiorly, hai taken the awards of England and America. We handle the Winship Ginl Presses, etc. and in fact any machinery you want can be had through us a! befter rates and on better termR than threugh any one els-». Call on or ad; dress Carr & Ovorbay, Conyers, Ga. F. J. COOLEDGE AND BRO 53 South. Broad. Street Atlanta, —WHOLESALF,— Paints,Oils, Varnishes, Brushes & Winim Glass —Headquarters for all*kinds of— m»» miss® 9 AT WHOLESALE. Guaranteed equal to anything made. Send for color card and prices, iaj i j py We also keep as fine line Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as kept in the City, and are Headquarters for any and all Sizes of Glass. F. J. Cooledge & Bro., 53 South. Broad st., Atlanta, Ga. HBTHY Ml $wmw POPULAR- 5 t Igl : iHia i m Sffi 9§yProduction—One O c 30 m a r* P t tai every O 7 ;.’V f~ a :( ...... . « • ttn 33 O -= MOST minuies. 5 = -THE 4 ?! r> ft M8WMF Tjf’Sf'K!. Mi I ! f i 3 c (m m a; P m —IXPORTEKS DIRECT FROM ETROPK OF—— Violins, Guitars, Harmonicas Etc STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL,, MEBCHANDISK O^Nobodytan underbuy Nobody can ^ us. Ga Estey Organ Company Atlanta. LEE, W\ FI.