Newspaper Page Text
»•••»••*• ••• ...Publisher
{ if '.Vi hte--
Potted Swiss cheap at Pierce &
f 15e
(ois' 9 - by the thousands at Fierce
^ Lawns
lOfliff'®. B. B. flour for $1,00
^ . brafed B.
f* "Stewart’s-”
rr ^ .o flf genuine Ciba mo
tl ar p 8
F am -• The curtain Lace, for
Its» rd at Stewar , s.
^perya advise give Perfect
ffee very body to
Patent a trial. It is the finest
Mr? market, Call on U. F. Har
pi in the
jgr ABr°- for sale
Perieci Pastry Patent flour af
^kHarre r’s cheaper than at any oth
.lice in the city.
ffe have something that will be of in
Lttothoae adm have houses to rent
5(11. Call at this office
ifundreds of fin* young malts can now
L ! found in this section.
Jfr A jf. Plunket has moved his saw
Ljijast outside road. the in-sorpration on the
| ( g»lem
, (r j, H. Almand will hare his dwell
rem r ddeled at an"e»rly day.
f enjoyed fine rains all the
Islington has
jar* for county offices
jSng o«t. They suffering are early terribly birds. for
The c orn crop is
in fin’s immediate section and will
total fclure if we do not have a show
^ a
[i soon.
A „ »ccasion*l fine beef finds its way
(tniir beef stalls.
The man who savs the stock law is
wt for the best interest of our people
jmerally speaks selfishely and regardless
olthe truth.
Puties having pears for sale can find a
pod market for them a» this office.
Parties ha’ine houses to rent can have
them ret led and attended to by calling
»jMit«nr office.
I Ldconsiderate ifill some of our subscribers be so kind
a® t° bring ns a Fad of
itovswood? We need it just at this par¬
ticular moment. ,
Hie McDonough girl who couldn’t, get
Lfeet in a tub that wonld come in at
lie door hasn’t washed them vet. Brotb
L r Brown should prevail on her to jine
Ihe "HardshtT’s.
Bill Hudson says the next time he
niche* a string of horney heads big fish
md «triped headed terrapins can go to
Conyers now has six carriage manu
totories. and aiill some claim that be
dupe we have on’y two Far rooms in fuff
Must prohibition hos hurt our town.
Such talk surely must be bosh.
It sound* Rt range to us to hear a gen
tletnan; one in good standing with his
tech, making Sunday school speeches
it one time to children, and at another
writing article* encouraging the sale o'
whisky in their midst. It may he con- 1
intent and right, but we can’t see it in
that light.
Our merchants ha*e commenced to
pnrchwe their fall goods. Now if they
*111 properly advertise them and let the
people know that they have what they
not and at prices as low or lower than
eliewhere, their trade will show no signs
o! falling off—even if prohibition—the
pe»t builder (?) of towns, should happen
to invade our city.
Harper A Brother coniinues to sell the
famous P. P. P, flour tbe best and whit¬
ed on the market.
If two bar roooms can’t furnish enough
whiskey for the amount of trade that us*
to come to Conyeis what drinkers this
county must produce? Is it possible
that the whiskey merchants demand the
erection of another distil’erj?
Whenever our town is run on the right
principle the little money that our prop
erty holders have to pay as taxes which
they claim was at one time paid by fbe
whiskey men with profits on whiskey
eold to stimulate and cultivate tbe taste
°lyoung men and stisfy the taste of older
one* and rob women and children of
their daily bread, will perheaps he saved
to their precious pocket. There is no
fouht more expense attacked to our city
IPwernment than is really necessary.
Ihe Macon & Brunswic Extension,
Swann A Stewart, Stewart & Thompson,
'F J. Green, A. E. McDonald and D. P.
Farmer & Co., have carried more trade
from Conyers than the so-called aboli
l>on of whiskey. We defo any roan to
M roe the person who has quit doing bis
trading at our place becaus he couldn’t
S*t a drink of whiskey whenever he
wanted it. Just name one and we’ll «c
knowledge the "corn.”
And now comes Mr. Sam Kates of
Henry county with a curiosity in the
•hape of a young calf with only three
e**. The front legs are all right, but its
"d? tapers off from its ribs back and
ln *tead of having two legs behind
otl 9 one. It seems to experience
1 klfi trouble in gitting
satorally with its front feet and
W tShqjd one. Itisaveritable
•h* like of which WP have nevpr
i»* r d before.
bore even are quite nutnorous all over
the county.
The new residence of Mr. D. M. AI
mand is very neat and pretty.
Who was it bad his girt sl»pp ( d off his
knee in the 1st ward the other night l
A negro boy by the name of Reed
Mitchel fell from the ditch train & few
days since and was killed.
Messrs. C. J Almand, Joe Almand
* n< ^ AlcOoid will open a merchan
dise busnras in Carrol ton next Septem
^ er * They are young men of fine busi
ness qualifications and are hound to sue
ceed wherever they go.
pubnc Th^ library is no place is more we needed knovv of than where here, a
We mpn bere( manyo{ tbemj wbo shoul< j
take hold and work up an interest in
this matter. Will they do it?
Mrs. Gregory, while on a visit, to rela¬
tives in our city, was stricken down with
paralysis last week and died in a few
A great many cases of fever are repor¬
ted thronghout the county.
A little child of Jfr. Joe A. Hollings¬
worth, of Atlanta, was bro ught to this
county for interment on last Monday.
Some weeks ago we made a notice of
Mr. Thomas Andrews being run over by
a train of cars in Atlanta and killed. We
are glad to learn that it was not Mr
Thomas Andrews formerly of this place.
The proceedings of the Womans Mis
sionary Society have been misplaced and
we cant get hold of them. We will be
glad to have the secretary furnish us
with an other copy and we promise to i
be more careful in the future*
The Covington Enterprise, like oursel¬
ves, took holiday l»st week. T ie Enter¬
prise is a progressive journal.
The Weekly is now run at a monthly
expense of $16. We do all of our work
ourself. Who can show a smaller ex¬
pense account for a county weekly whose
advertising for the dull month of June
amounted to $ijo?
Mrs. Dr. Sims, nee Miss Lollie Sum¬
mers of Mitiedgeville, is here on n visit
to her mother. We wieh her a most
pleasant stay
B. B. B, flour for sale by Harper & Bro
is a tip top article and the cheapest on
the ma rket. Call an 1 get a sack or
more—at 90c.
Remember when you want coal, and
want to get good coal cheap, you should
call on Messrs. Pierce & Quigg. They
can give you exactly what you want,
Parties wifltiiu - to purchase some nice
lumoer very cheap cun get it by calling
at this office.
Bead the Sheriff’s sales for August in
this issue of our paper.
A wash pot in the district of Sheffield
has been in use for 120 years It'is in
^ood condition ex epting the legs which
nave been burnt o f.
Wheat threshing la about over and a
tine crop has bten sa-.ed-.
The lawn party at Dr. Travis’ a few
evenings since was “Muchly enjawed,”
The Moor-Land Institute commence¬
ment next week.
The little story in last weeks Solid
South about tho little tellow who did not
know that “Tom was dead” appeared in
ibis paper sometime ago. The Solid
South seems to have a mania for repro¬
ducing sorry things.
The flies are monstrous bad.
Snakes are very scarce for the season.
Unless rain falls iu a very few days
the corn crop of this immediate section
m a grand failure.
Some portions of our county have Dot
suffered for rain this year, while others
are burning up.
As we po to press there is some pros
pect of rain.
The petition business is a complete
Trade will soon begin to boom again,
write up your advertisements.
When you want things advertised so
the people will see them bring them to
this office.
Col. Peek has as fine a young colt as
we svei saw in this county.
We regret announce the death of our
young friend, Clarence Carr, in Rome,
formerly of this place. He was a noble
Mr.’R. Crossly, of Florida, in town and
looks handsome.
Preaching at the Primitive church to
night by Elder Eubanks.
Andy Cooler writes very well.
Don’t forget that Pierce and Quigg are
the coal men.
Two dollars and thirty- ive cents worth
of work has been accomplished on our
streets this year. What town can pro¬
duce a better record ?
We are glad to sje so many of our peo
pie having their residences renovated.
There are others who should join the
A genuine schandal ts about to break
out, Shot guns may be brought into
ln every section of the state where the
question has been decided in favor of n<
fence it seems to work well. In some
counties, persona who were bitterly
posed to the new system, now say they
would not have the old fence laws back
£*ain under any consideration.
Meetings are getting to be quite nu¬
merous. The more the better.
The price of chickens has g eaU*' re
due -d—coming from 4o to if rents.
There has been a *nte p- n Drop plant
nd and with rains will come a bountiful
Conyers is the possessor of *8 bloom¬
ing widows. Six months ago there
were over 30 of them here.
We learn that the pic nic at Tucker's
Mills was a grand affair. We are sorry
that we could not attend.
There is a man living in this county
r ver 30 years of age who has never run
for an office, voted, bought a drink of li¬
quor, smoked a cigar, went a fishing, sho*
a gun or rode on a train. Who can beat
him ?
As we had no regular issue of our pa¬
per last week we could say nothing of
the closing exercises of*Messrs. Guinn A
O’Kellv’s school. While we did n it at¬
tend all of the examinations we learn
that they were highly creditable, as were
'he speeches, recitations etc. Tho ad¬
dress of Hon. A. II. Cox, of Atlanta, who
was most happily introduced by Hon.
w - L. Peek, was splendid. The sociable
at night was numerously attended and
greatly enjoyed. Mr. Guinn has taught
school here for more than twenty-five
years and no one has a greater fondness
for the work than he. No one has ever
worked more to build up our school in¬
terest or worked more unselfishly, lie
it a good instructor in his brandies and
we predict for the school which he has
built up at his own cost for the public
good, a fine patronage.
We understand that some coment has
been made on our signing the petition
carried around by Mr. Petty. We make
it a rule to sign almost all petitions know¬
ing that they amount to nothing, espe¬
cially such a ridiculous one as Mr. Pet
ty’s asking to be relieved of fines. We
are known to be sgainst the whisky
raffic but in favor of the retail system
to the present restrictions. We don’t
mind signing petitions or such things
provided there is no money in it. Pe¬
titions are humbugs ot best, ff yon elect
1 representative let him represent you.
As have been asked ... to write . an ar
tide on friendship we willingly but feeb’y
make the attempt.
Cicero has well said, ‘•Friendslrp is
the only thing in the world concerning
the usefu’ness of which all mankind are
agreed.” Friendship seems as neces¬
sary an element of a comfortable exis
fence in this world as fire or water, or
even air itself. A man may drag along a
miserable existence in proud, solitary
lignitv, buthis life is scaice life, it is
nothing b«t an existence, the tree of life
being striped of the lea vps of hope and
the fruits of joy. He who would be
happy here m ist have friends. Friena
diip, however, though, very pleasing and
exceedingly blessed has been the cause
J the greatest e miseTv to men when il
, has , been unworthy and unfaithful; for
just in proportion'as a good friend is
*weet a false friend is fall of bitterness,
\ faithless friend is sharper than a
horn; it is sweet to repose in some one;
but O, how bitter to have that supp< rt
mapped and t, receive a grievous fall as
die effect of your confidence.
Fidelity is an absolute necessity in a
rue friend; we cannot repose in men
unless they will s'and faithful to us.
Solomen declares that‘‘there is a friend
that stieketh closer than a brother.
That friend, I supppose he found in the
pomps and vanities of the world, He
had tried them all he passed through all
their joys, but he found them “vanities.’
Poor Savage spoke, from experienee
when he said, "You 11 find the friend
ships of this world a show, mere outward
show; Us like the harlot’s tears, the states
man’s promise or false patron s zeal, fud
of fair seeming, but illusion all.”
A week ago last Saturday night Col
Benjamin Watkins, a Sheffield gentle
tnan with a sttong antiprohibition lean
ing, tilled his stomach with corn juice
and in company with a few colored lads
proceeded to “raise ’ the town, That
they fully succeeded no one doubts, for
from early night until the wee sma hours
the nium uper itself, end and of our when city marshal was PanJimo’; Bellab
Str ife. |M
fixing to offer up a Drake as a sacrifice,
provided lie could be caught which was
a little doubtful judging from the head¬
way said Drake was making when he
ran over and killed Mr. Win. Shipley’s
ffne Jersey calf. In arresting Sir Ben
the marshal was compe ted to use his
billy quite freely and when he came out
of the calaboose Sunday morning he look
tike a bull dog that had beed run through
a thr shing machine. He gave bond,
went home, and after recruiting came
back this week an l stood his trial Judge
Helms decided that he had enjoyed at
least $ to worth ot fun and notoriety be¬
sides all cost and placed the charges
accordingly. He was given some time to
get up the money but failing in this and
refusing to go to jail a dozen men were
summoned to put him up. This they
lid after considerable trouble, and he
no** languishes securely in the calabcose.
Its a pity that his family, a smart one.
should suffer for bi» wrong doings, but
we guess it cant be otherwise. Ben is a
splen (id farmer but his love for whiskey
is the cures of bis life.
‘•How long do you tbi ifc it will,
v ” ,lr Mh * r ,,e * M * v,v J «
flow » ^ otti.-ef asked the
gist of the bad boy as lie was buying
sotna arnica and court plaster.
“O, the doc says lie could come
down now it ! © would on sonve street
where there were no horses to scare,’’
said the boy as he bought some gum,
“but he says he ain't in no hurry to
come down till Iiis hair groan out
and he gets some new o’othes made, j
Say, do you Wi t this court plaster and
stick it on!’
Tne druggist told him how the i
court plaster worked, and then asked
him if his pa couldn’t ride down
•‘Itide down ? well, I guess nix He
would have to set down if he rode
<b wn town, and pa is no setter this
'rip, ne is a pointer. That’s where
he pin-wheel struck him.”
“Well how did it all happen?’’
ai-ked the druggist, as be wrapped a
yellow paper over ti e bottle of arnica,
»nd nvisted the ends, and helped
the hoy stick the strip of court
plaster on his nose,
‘‘Nobody knows how it happened
t-»nt pa, and when I come near to n-k
him about it he feels around hie night
shirt where his pistol pocaet would
be it it was pants lie hid on, and tells
me to leave hi* sight, forever, and I,
have too, quick. Yon see he is a
,'raid I will gel hurt every 4th of July
md he told me if I would t fire a fire
•raeker all day he wonld let me get
our dollars' worth of nice fire-works
and he would fire them fov me in
lie evening in the back yard. I
oromised, and he gave me the m< ney
and 1 bought a dindy lot ot fire*.
works, and don’t you for get it» 1
had 3 lot of rockets and Roman c»n
dies, ' and six pimvheels, and a lot of
">^ . er c ,a8ors ’ an<J , 80m( ‘ of . these , cnn *
" on firecrackers and torpedoes, and
i box of parlor matches, I took
them home and put the p .ckage in
, mr big 8Ul ff # a chair and put a new s
” a P er OVl-r t “’H 1 -
Pa always takes a nap in that
<tufLd chair after dinner, and he went
Qtotbe sitlir ,„ room am j j ])cai . fl
... djmog . poodle ,, dog , out . of ,
’«<" m r
chair, and h^ara him ask the
log what he was a chewing, and
jn«t fhen the explosion took, place,
;UK ] we rushed in there. I tell you
w bat I honestly think* I think, that
dog . chewing . tb it box of , , b.arloi ,
0 was ^
“Niches. This kind that pop so when
you step on them. Pa was just going
to set down when the who’e air was
filled with dog, and p» and rockets,
au d evert hi-g. When I go! in their
^ t s(> , a 1 ovr , j to t
th , ?‘Hf ,t 1 . , he
limn 0 pants > an ' ln \ tire. I ra grabbed ( ‘a"’"» p
P* 8 were a
a pail of this indigo water ihai they
had been rinsing clothes with and
throwod it Oil pa, or there would ’t
hf|Ve be , n p ‘ , 8ce |lini W
8, *P eilU0 lhat wa f 1 burut- . ^ . .
he threw a camp cha.r at me and told
me to go .0 Gebenma \\ hen pa e
pants were out his coat-tail
up an fi a Roman candle was firin
blue aIld rod ba Us at legs, a-d a
rocket got into h.9 white ... yes'. rn ,
scene beggard drscription, like the
Racia. A »i ss „ cl,a Se , got .1
term, anj IreuJ liar an top oi' t’te BO.
1^ and another on. took alter a girl
that m. invited to dinner, ’ and tttnok
she . , to wear ot stocks . .
ings, so one ma s
mg, a good deal too dig r for . her, home .
After things got a little quiet, and
we opened the doors and windows to
let out the smoke and the smell of
burn , dog hrir, and pa’s whisker-, the
ft« *«-««*«• „ , **»»>»«. , < „ «~1 ,
a policeman came to tho door and
asked whftt was the matter, and pa
told him to «»o along with me to Go*
r.enna, but I don’t want to go with a
policeman. It would give iue d«ad
away. Well, there wa6 nobody hurt
in*u;li but the dog and pa. I felt
awful sorry for the dog. He hasn't
got hair enough to cover his self. Pa
didn’t have much hair anyhow, except
by the ears, but he thought a good
deal of his whi-kers, cause they wasu’t
very gray. Say, couldn t you send
this anarchy up to the house ? If I go
up there pa wilj say I aip the big'
gest fool on record. This is the last
Fourth of July you patch me coles
braied- I am going to work iu a glue
factory, where nobody will ever come
to see me." And tne boy went out
to pick up soine squib fi, escrack«rs,
fiat bad failed to explode, in front of
fie dr'g Jlorr.
Augusta is to have a new. building a; -
sociatn n.
Cotton is opening lively in son then
Uncle Bobbie Green of Clayton is nov
io* years old.
Col. Jaa es M. Horton, Union Point,
died on the 3rd inst.
English sparr >ws have become indigo
noU3 t o Greenville,
Thirty five thousand pounds ohexpb
s ves are stored io ths Atlanta magazine
Atlanta’s death rate for the three pas;
moths is over 130 a month or 394 fur th
three months.
The machinery for the lilherton cottoi
seed oil mill will.cost over >$ o,0oo.
A woman is to become the geueral
livery clerk in the post office at Darien,
An Athens mule was struck by light
ning the other day.
Six hundred dollars has been refused
for a year old Jersey bull by Mr. Jidney
Hughes of Athens.
Cherokee county raises a gooi^deal of
tobacco and it is all manufactured within
her own limits.
Catoosa county farmers are said to be
more nearly out of debt than they have
been for 15 years.
Atlanta people own at least twenty
silver mines in Mexico, nti believed to In
very productive.
The Brush Electric Light end Tower
Company has withdrawn itsproposition
to light Columbus.
There are more Ilian one thousand pei
sons in Laurens county who have not
given in their taxes.
Two South Carolina negroes are to be
hung on the 10th of August
You can get the finest beef at Gu*
Osborn’.- to-day and to morrow.
Tho protracted meeting going on
at the First Baptist oliurch conducted
by the pastor Rev. J. M. Brittain is
quite encouraging.
\Ye are pleased to see Mrs. J. M
Brittain, of Coxing ton, in town thi
we* k.
A few nights since a young Indy ot
our plac* was disturbed by something
bethought to ben cat tipping across
the foot of her bed. She brushed ai
it and went biek to sleep. Again sin
was disturbed and r iis ng herself ir
the bed saw a large negro mm slsnd*
mg at the foot. She called and hi
went out at an open window, II.
was pursued and although be could
he sei n fer a good ways, succeed'd,
in making good his escape, The
young lady has plenty of nerve and
says had she had a weapon could hin t
killed the villain. A pity that shr
did not have one.
Col. Sanders Walker, eccompauied
by some v iile friends and uiugers,
were in our town on last Mondry
1 mkiiig up good things about the no
fence law, and immediately all the
crackers in the county surrounded
hem. Some men are too mean for
die devil to deal with.
‘ , c, rc,Ies of ^
10 *« ,
third Uislriot, Stone Mouutain As*,
30ciatio „ ;
TheGenrrft , Meeti * f ortbiB
^ ^ bfl heM
w,th , lhe , . lil t, . tchur h ®t Kington
‘F * ‘’
T'7T'J °!' M ° n th ‘
third Sunday in August, , and lasting B
J‘ w k,n V , ' im0 . ”“ 111 d , “'’™‘ l,rc fl> »arly * ^ on J -'«' ri.
dan ' ’ h '“V.P .“<* eel Am -ith P''
“* ' " "* “
rungements will be made to enter¬
. all who 0 ^ boos
tatn coiue. «r s and
. hearts , Urge enough entertain
are to
a full delegation. Come in the Spirit
of the Master, and let us have a
sweet reunion. A programme of the
meeting will so n be piiblirlied
Yours fraternally.
J. M. Brittain, Pastor.
Covington, Ga„ July 2, 188.3,
An exchange remarks that weiss beer
is thrawed sand paper. Well, let weiss
beer alone and drink ginger ale. That
is pepper and wind, and can hurt no
b >dy.
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Bartow
Bighamenteitained a large crowd of men
at the Methodist church. It had been
previously atinou iced that he would
speak from the subject "Cause and Ef
ioct ” which were deduced from •' What¬
soever a man soweth that shall he alsfl
reap,” He discussed this theme as a pre
ventative, warning the people to ward
off the evils of viscious and passionate
indtil ences by the short comings of oth¬
ers. The rubject was masterly handled
and might he termed a word in season,
The sowing of one’s wild oats in
for a while is insignificat, ip
with tbe fearful retribution of
tbe harvest in the fall of life. - Solid
We are glad to say to our, many cus¬
tomers that!our corn mill has been re¬
pared,since the wash* way and is i ow ini
ts good or better order for making, good
inral than ever, hef-re, and it you wank
good,sweet corn bread once had,,
'come to see us. We are at,'the mill at
> >11 hours, van saw in two or Direo<
weeks. 3 . R. Yatighr c Bf >.
---- • --
Motht-re, the ohildietiA auintmiv
nits have come Hi SteWUVl\.
Your hoys from a y fti’s to 30; cun.
.0 suited at J.. A &.T. ib Sb-W-iiri’s.
Whoa,you want a, at.y iijili stray,'
tat, Coil at Stewa/tV
We notice cotpuiades at Stvwa !»'$.■
.hat 1 looks like fine oasssitneis,. at 2A,
'-’s p< - r ynnh
Grain uratihs by the dozen ftfc
While 1 Irish lim ns ati 26 ots per ydi
it Stewart’*. Nice for baby aprons.
Muslins 5 ,to 13 c’s.ajid QoUnn w.os
•ed 9 i ts. at Si cart’s.
8 rah Bciulnist and oilier sjyI®soifi a.l &i ewari’s.
A fr.csii arrival of shirts and collaw
it Stewart’s.
A new variety of stock powders*
‘said: to work wonders,” Call for
he red fc n box, at StewaBt’s.,
An endless variety ofladies’neclt*.
w 0 ar at Stewart’s.
When you want a- Terrell scrape on
- our buggies or wagons repaired, calf op
IV. V. Almand*
Cotton Gins, Feed
ers & Condensers,
Cotton Tresses, Oil Machinery and.
Saw Mills,
r-VAN W/*H.[l
If® i;
p 1 '
Exibite 1 by.
At the InUTiinti mil Cotton ExpOr
s tion, Atlanta. 6a„ 1881. Awarded
:’or best s-anijile, la st oonstrimted general resu'18 Mi*
in Ginning, and best
• hint- tLc first prix', $100. or golj
B. 8. Ricks, T. M Sme Fs, M ssi***
*il p;; W. E. Bunowa, Conneticiit,
Judges. H, I- Kimball, D rector Gen.
Also, first |itniinui at the Smith
Carolina Slate Fa rs and tho Georgia
This Gen is nn iron frame, rt" I
hafis, everything of the very b
material and all guaranteed.
Nif! $
n %
I mp
3 I
!•*-v M I
, ill
L5 w
*Tt*ma *■* '
Said to he the Press in the world,
Suitable for Horse, Steuiu and Water
Power, Takes up but little rooiq
Ginnipg and Racking cun go qi\ at thp
same titue.
Atlanta, Ga.
One of the most valuable Jots in the
city. In the ver? center af the business
portion. Situate on the corner of cen
ter and Commerce streets and fronting
the railroad. Ifnown as the old Dap
Scot! lot. |t is a cap’lal business lot and
no mistake- For terms, part culars Ac.,
‘'-all on John H. Almand at J. H. Almand
A Son’s store.