Newspaper Page Text
I liavd now one <>i tne best founcF
rj« in the United States making two
qualities ot Cook St me for *W\ viz :
l4ie “ New Pilot ’’ and the ‘ Echo’
i have just received a >c:\r load
1 *hem, and have opened, -my business
for the season in wnerf the eh gum
store rooms in the Niglft building.
fhevery latest improvements and
tlic best *iuterials are put on these
stoves and 1 will sell them at pricer
never before known in this plaet
dome wee for yourself and especially
exomine my fine r‘ove the. “ New Pi
**. ” ft, EoBKins.
Look Here.
»8@“f employ this method to asf fill who
are due the former firm of S. .1. Cowan
■it Son to come forward snd make settle
ments at oi^e. Vv T e 'have waited long
■and patienffy. and-as we are anxious to
dose onr fxveks we ask yon to come for*
•a- a J and settle now. 1 f you cannot pay
oil in money come amt settle by note'as
we must done our hooks. I can he found
ot the Millinery rto e of Mrs. 1*. A Cow
an and S J, Richardson on Commerce
street, Conyers,Ca.
S. .T. Cowan.
— m—
W B ft? B SilTK.
n^hey keep always on hand the very
1 nicest freslmst meals, in the way oi
BEE F & P O K K,
Backbone &;
AIho Mutton. When vou want nice
menu, gixid weiuhts and cheap prices,
r 1 *!! at the City Market fiist door above
BoHt-Otfice Conyers, Ga.
^9ne oT the most vahmfde fots in the
•city. In tire very com ter </ the Imsi ness
portion. SfitmsK! on tdm corner of cen¬
ter and Corntneree ntrecit« and fronting
-ttve railroad, fknown as tbs old Dan
Scot* lot. It is s capital business lot and
no mistake. For terms, panfcnlars ike..
csiU’on John II. AhinuiS 'atJ. H. Almatid 1
A fjfJn’s store.
/^\ 1 BY B. M. WOOLEY, M.
It I \ 1 .IOM f Atlanta Ga.
HABIT 1 Reliable evidence given
CURE fund reference Whitehall, to cured
patii nts iihysiciaris. Office 05 and
*>t ^end for my book on the Habit
its Cure,
\ \ / 1 By Dr B M Wooley
\l \ IIISKY J Atlanta, Ga.
V IbinkinG 1 No pain. No loss of
V CURE, f time from business.
Cures the disease and destroys aU
for stinmlsutR. Book of panicnlavs sent
sent to any address fi«e. Office at -<>5
WfciNilmtl street.
—• ♦ --
State of Georgia Ilookdnie -ei uutv
Whe'f«8 John <>. ; lkili<ui. n -x. e«
i*r of Mnry 0. Ms Ozbimi peiitions reprewnis to
dtt court in mfiiHliisiefoii duely filed
tnai he has lul'y Mary
G. Usdurn«stat-e. Tliia is IborOfme
to c>ie all j. ersons CnnceTii.-d heirs
moi.’b.Hwiitocs to show if any
they can why saiil .oxeeMixr should
not be discdiarged from h>s exeeuu-r
ship sml receive letters «f dismission
<x tbs ?25» ii m !f,y n Novembei
•JO 3. a. hVamuns
. j Ordinary.
r m
7 .
BtfffRS Though joint and flher
ghikken in every with
ftrti- and ague, or i«)iong remittenf, the
•♦yetem o'ant virus may with yet Hostetter’e he freed from Stomach the matig- Bit
• lens, protect the system apainst it with
this beneficent anti-spasmodic, which is
tfnjherjnore complaint, a supreme remedy for dehili- liver
itv, rheumatism, constipation., Tiidiiev dyspepsia, troubles and
-other ailments.
for gmle by all Druggists aud Dealers
Dealer in
g a 3
V VJ T f* to 11C-1 < 1 UO « if i
Merchandise, _ ^ - .
• (Mr». G. Oowan s old st^nd.)
loniBcrre Street, Conyers, On.,
Keeps a’wnys on band nice cantiies-.
aimed ,ckkIs, cabbage cider, emona<h
CMi <<-. A good lu £ ill bott(’n) prices. Cal.
The Biggest and The Best !i
Cj H H AD ii :
« >
v_> j-j
s>- THE k—=i ■y O*
/J Tv /i / / :
r C X*
( ( / :
Dom/eli -y, \ :
cz we 9 /
/ '
CO D / ' \ co cc ~r~ r 'l ri\ y- ^
\ ; ■ V
TvT. t u k
i 2 months for the small sum of
p c 7 ✓ 2 o
x / \nd it and the Atlanta VVcckH
Constitution ( ' i 2 months for
* 2, 0€ /
• - j ■
j. ; CJ ii? a alt I m 9
Official organ City of
Official organ Rockdale Count •
raj m / / j
OUt / J
Ofev 'x r \ t Cl •j I • SC 1 101IO * j * IT CX 6 CU , j ICQ „ ,*
• -j -5 and -1 in •
Cj -I UlCKlV n ncait . manner,
r H im 7 L'l) 1 nl rJa -1
Address or call on J- 70 A v .
Conyers Georgia.
y r /
{woe we v //7 m effmie///.
■w TO! ■ »». ! A mnbtoaiioTi of JEro
W/a V m toxide a X)ebUity Bar!c palatable and of Iron, Boss Ehosphvrw; form jPenit'wa » JFor in
WK tite, Prostration f of A-ffpa* i
Pouters it is indispensu of Uo ■
SSV.XT1S313S Writaa:— PURIFIES BSV. J. L. TOWNr £,
After a tliorough cf the Industry, Ill., says:*—’
ISON TONIO.,1 take pleasure t TH£T
in stating t::at I have been f £ 0111 ! / most excellent “I remedy consider for it
tlie debilitated vital force**
of the greatest
■where a Tonic is neces¬ wmm *4
sary. X reecHcnmend it jj*
as a reliajSvi'5 remedial cl 9**
doubted agent, posaressinrr un*
nutirltiv«» and
restorative nvoperties.
tou;sr.n., av., 2 , wax -■ ----------------
----------- ,
r::ro-r: rt ck its. HARTST- KSBIOI^'S CO., t: 31?. x*»sr.,.s?. LOm.
1 BIESEL - CT5 usic,
fctwSSti a favorite prescription .of one ertfeSI
m.-.»* rot.'d fc:id . i'-o,-isi'!jl specialists mtjm l-g.
topUinstLlM cavesope/^o. & CO., Brussels*** Louisiana, Mo. au .-,
AiJ.-aca CB. WARD
sin mmm£SB ! m ~mmmm I
mimmm Healthy
action to the 1.1 ver
__ KoC-tipiig. SiugjtstJ.
Pursly YejctiHe; Pries 23c. ill
, m m «JTT 5 S
j ^-y ». ff ^m zcss^esxjssszzsm3 C>
PI ii teas I hxs s
to _ tsgESEoassEseasBtBisssstzj
'D l S © f3 D £ R E D £- S T
T 19 lii.-nt^es of tha huanm These
•fcymi)loi::.:;j.ii!icatctte’rrc.t;,-:c‘iicc: sell Jiossov
■Appetite, JSoivils COii'i;vc, f
.aelw-, ottoe-eof.aK, aversion i -:5
t sertica of fcady or ;l>IskA, UrwatatJeri
of tai-A i, IsTilftbtlJty sS in- J.jCt /
snivita, A rcctlnjE of Uav!ns ttcj^ccU-r.
. ---- av • mminvin, Finite
U 'iUztfi bclci'c tUz yA'«OS '-5 «*<« iifjiily mih ca. fto- 1
«rfae, foii-irt, ;
-Cty l iver. AssiLivox'iii'.f-Jf-.tUJ ii r 2 hciL* rxtio’von e v ^ iO
•pif lei vi 5 no o i'j. removing ; .
stiv.i Siiiu Is
ttt.f,» ii ?0 fiwlueJXo..'ov
1 •
x/ll}} do:!;" wnrk u:n’ a - ;Lpd«ioct
if y H i ^ TT/V-Tll HaL
or scut ity f'TC'id’b'fiT* «» v i r«‘Coipt of
( ivifr-W, 44 a' Y iVrr^'t, /orlc.
yuil'5 raiili C? 8EBE1PT3 FBE».
'Vvtg experidiics in curing diseases of the Skin am!
Nervous I>ebZliiy, Intpoi nicy, JUervuriui wrgnmc
Weakness* LiXiictlviib ftpeidivlly i>onorrha*u, frt:ai«'‘l .*vphilitfc on seit-mitfc and priiihjjdes.
v.ith and - ure remedies, tail or write l«r J>ist pfQucii
lions r 0 b c atiKweredby thosedcsirius t-rei im«i»tby ma t.
** //'PorMins^ilFr ring iron! Rupture »h'Oul£ se: d thrlr truos.^?
ar»d leurii ►amet hiug to t heir advantage. It i» not a
Addrarun, J Hi. BUTTS, 12 K. 8 tu Su, St. U,r%. 7L^
---—.wTl,^ -
1 «£ mzhtzs 9?
•cxpcviefico. poison
y on r s v s» <> 'j with Drutrs, but Rst
/ il Jlook a.icl B’.'oiM Qii.-tcks,
4 v I , rt:st , riptlous Tree’’ ann KSertric HcU l#um
bug’s, vliich it exposes. Price ARdrrs^
WE F-UBL5SHEB. Box 234, Milwaukee. Wia»
" |
foih''YfoYfoy-..'A 'ki”’•' . '>ui< DiK
’ -/"r ir iYY
• »yireoiicnf-A.
f .:
v :',
■ fig ivcili'.lf.
■till. - k-mili ; mrs. 1 ."til - Vi*: ■ •■fTr.'-S i.
iU'iiiiv lui i-i : :i ‘i ■ t lt> >. r . L rry »r h i 'r--t : <-f on
for i. >’ silt.-. - .11 < ('M’.rir r m.eti «*t,v. I fit ■i +t s«.ri
'•'tug -!u» liLf. a ml ti-oci .■; 1 'ir-. >• ■•i o,i
Hei*voiia 3 Sri“liar.stics ?
3?r= ssaiat m’e Deeply,
J^SSSSS FIR ES ^^Add th,e,w:9a
t ™Si -
tus timrammki, Kit waukee. m
“ 2^^-G30‘i.'T.-j Saiiit|Eusi A First-Class
Y iiessSc hool
Dbvi T l tam ..-V» rt-J- ——— 1 "* ;«Equal
wmi to &ny North or Sol* if).
,1 SYr.u for Cirdulai*s, free.
ACON, GA. I VO McKAY, PVincipaf.
•Misciiiovo ______<^.a.a*ia^
’To say that malaria is mischzevcma
b to put it very mildly. It is ail the
cad more r is cvaviung, deceitful,
treacherous, sly, and underhanded.
It does its work-ill the dark, and ir
such a sly way that much of the mis
chief is done 'before it is discovered.
It saps the foundations of a healthy
System. It rebs the blood of its vital
ity, demoralizes and the liver, the confounds victim
the stouiach, makes
wish he were in his -grave. It is sad
tosec people sit down victims in their of mischiev- misery,
content to be the
malaria, ar.d thinking that noth
ing of Bhown’s can be dene I?.on for them. Bitters The powei
over try:
mischiefs of malaria has been so art
ply proved that there is no reaso:
anvbodv who car. crocure l
bottle of this Prince of Tonics sh.
otul'cr. Great is the power of malaria
and great are its disastrous effects,
greater far is the beneficent m
Ihience of Brown’s Iron Bitters.
The preparation t of iron in this-favor
'te family remedy can be taken
itlicut’ruining the teeth "headache. *or produc
..:rr constipation and ,
RAD dyspepsia in effects is BAB,
i(s on the disposition.
The man who can’t comfortably
digest his dinnef is not a delightful
RAD companion.
in its ejfeds on the household.
Itsets people at variance with each
other and makes them irregular
rnd unreasonable. °
l )AD in its effects on the purse.
A oyspeptid business man caret
manage his affairs as p
as one’ with a healthy stomach. " j
Brown's Iron Biiters ts GQGD.
T OOD hi its effects on the dyspeptic,
It gives him a round digestion,
and enables him to enjoy the food
Jte swallows.
GOOD in ids effects on the family,
It drives dyspepsia cut, and with
it the whole company of little de
_mons tiiat make home unhappy,
GOOD in its effects on business'
With a sound digestion a man can
face and overcome worries and
troubles which would wreck a dys¬
peptic. Try Br
' n’s lac "•• Bxttess
6 . W. WEAVER £ BIO n
Clofh in?, flats, Caps, Bools & Shoes also Groceries snch as S„
Coffee, Tea, Syrup. W ecall KicyGrits cs] eeial tuVaiUon Meal,<@at Meal,Tobacco lnre ’ Snuff ed’
to-our of
L '~~
Sncl, as canned tomatoes, peaches, pineapples, orders, salm. Mack
erei, sardines, c<mde d mi k, jelly, pickles, fancvsnl n
(1 s. candy both
swek, nuts, raisins, citron, macaroni, one-spoon Wk-rng powders Hors'
ford’s bread preparation, etc., - to. Cur pefl>t*-tfi T fi spices both’ ground
and grain are die very "Wt in (die market
sits raies j* isi&%,
^ V " also keep a eacA variety o‘f Fn-h Crackers, bo* plain and ttie celebrated. Lust >hoe ».rd Sto^e Polish. sweet
r o A e .. 0 d line
TaWeand Pocket cation, Crockery,*&lass andVoodware * elc
Maks fme cigars a spM.ALTY.-^a
Out-motto : Short Profits anS qniok S&iD 3 . Terms strictlv
CASH. g. m weaver <o
MsTeoiia ©eovj ft
IRON FENUG (Wrough and cast )
fi?r-cir€nlar^fcntl pricesfor all the above. Address,
m ©1?®»BAT
? E 4 4 I
,,f mM
5 \ .
in this, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining counties they a.t ageust
for the very best machinery made, embracing 1 he famous
S0if£-®K2 vB.STS>
15 £1.31? iK§s tils, S
Vnd all other mre-hinery niaanfactured hy Fr : ck & Co. at th'-ir laige W-.-rk?
®k- alS® *41-* R® M. 3
The most complete reaper, and one which, by reason of its sitpyiior*.' Y uishif
^ . , ketl tXuf ,. awards ot at, T , , We handle the
F, res?ea e{< '- : ' nd ,n <a(,t ^'y machmery yo.i want can be had through ns.
» Call on 0: aw
iJ t ^ r r;l - ( ' s ol) beiii r ieriws tbrcn<;n ar.j one *
<i,Vss Garr & Overbay.Uonyers. Ga.
_ rJ 1
JJ -1 H 1 T Cj CD j
80 S
Special AttmtiiHi Giveu To Weights Ami Sme-.
S /; <t- Sf.9 TteuimhTs St; Juf/neHi, Ob-