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About The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1883)
1 HE CONYERS FOOLIHG THE C 0 '» And, ys ; Ben Carter ha 1 ‘ heaps c< $fr’’ a lie expresses it, at Rock creek, west of Laramie, the other day. B- u j s a typical western cwboy—i whole* poll led, dare-dv\il tuioclier of sleets, a teliow w!.o wi 1 d vide tin last do], lar will, friend, or ride anything tha' ha* not more than tour legs and v ears a saddle. Ban In* One weal: p .int, a fi.ndnes* for the j.ilnhurie .,cid annihilator which Wyoming barkeepers retail as whisaey. ami when he is “iub” he is windy and ready tor any harmless mischief Ou the day referred to B h was at R»cky creek loading stock A doziti or more of hi* brother cowboys w.-re in town, and after the a duoti* duties inctdeul to crowding twenty w ire steer* into a cur thytu the hu ilder* i.dended were ov«r. the b -y» begin to “boi-zj u. ” and hv tlm lime it gut dark enough to light the lamp* the »*1<*'U keeper found tha i.e hadn’t any that were fit to dn duty a* illuminator*—the boy* had shot them to piece*. Evmy tmi« a lamp would fall the m irk*mau win* a<si*ted at t e pi« -m o te u <»t said lamp won d uhverfuily wr.itz to the b ir ami pay for it, and then try again. The la->p market was active lor a lew minutes but the supply wa* limited. B n hadn't taken a hand in the shooting unite* a* y**i, but h d made it a point to drink with dt succc*slul m.iik*men, so tnal strictly spesking he wasn’t sober. Finally he awoke to action. Se.ziug a iwolv' r from a compan- 1,111 and drawing his own, he sj rang to the uitiiier of the room and ffe nvvru i iiiinsclf of a Bpeeoli. lie told thr boy* ll)cl iliey <1 gill to b ' ft* tamed of ihciuselvc.-. II0 V* 51 perfect l»<ly hiniself, and it shocked 1,iin to wiiiici** such disgraceful p.o cwddigs. He had been »pi>oin ed a* * deputy sheriff on his la t, visit to I.dHinie, and had decid 'd to arrest every mother’s son ot tlum The buy* protested against such a strange procedure, but li fl mrisheiJ his guns, tied liiem lie hud the who e Until S ii'e* at Id* back, an 1 i . 1 * pm'iou.-ly order'd them into an empty warehouse near, the dmir at which stood open. Tin- nov. liy ot tlie thing somewhat muddled the boys and Athmit a word tin y filed into tue tenipurarv prison mi 1 Bun closed ghe door. He then iu tl»-d around and found sivcral big chains, with which he securely fastened them, and, wi'h the dignity * high priva'e in a state militia corps, in muted guard on the outside. The boy* ventilated their prison cell a* #e!l asib-y c >uld wiih what ammunition tliey hud. and then dropped off to sleep. In the nitiriiiiig 13-n rclea*e<i them, aftrr exacting a solemn prnmin to behave themselves like gentlemen and ladies thereafter. The hoy* walked over to the hotel as meek ** latnh*. When laling their breakfast they noticed that an unusual amount of hilarity seemed fo i r vail in the dining room. The 1 e d »od only wader lunch 'd boi - lerously while serving the amp, the cook poked his heal through the doorway leading to th ' kitchen and drew it btok again quickly, and a *eri s of Comanche war whoops that were positively painful to their lis¬ tening ears gradually subsided into a low, mellow laugh, which made tha plates on the tables fairly jingh Sounds of mirth also floated iu from the office, uutil finally one ot the boys went out t<» inquire the cau«e. He caiue back preaeaily, and ihe most ignorant Judge of the emotions as ehowii by the human features could l«ve told that he wa* madderuoa woiheii. He consulted a moment with hi* companions, and then cal'ed the wai'er and ordered box of “forty feors.” These were sei ved cold, and tl»e Command loaded tboir weapons and marched down to the saloon, where they found B» n Carter. The kesifl.'Ui, Bronoho Bill, then and there told Ben that he wa* no gtu t l«man He had taken advantage of hi. friends, and made them ,l ie laughing-stock of the community. lie hud pretended that he wa* an autfaoriaed depn'y sberiff, when the tact was that he had on more claim to the title of deputy sheriff than Ben Butler had to the spoons history say* be hypothecated. Believing that he rv present ad the msj*rsty ot the law, they bed g veti him the regp> kedttuvtu. lit had tL.ui ,i the ‘•jo-’’ over ™""T?tid they could ti:»t wipe out «"*««* by a vane pcy .......or- .h.r.»h UUI . .hunt tbe«« ofhia boys, H« must go, 4’M1 if.t q ilck Jen is brave enoa jh, but, after h •’ had looked ov. r the crowd an I saw .hat ench man bad hi* hand on his persuader, he concluded that pernaps Broncho Bill was ii hf. lie got, and wher he had put several hundred yirds of ssgeh’Ush ^rid saad between and tlm station, the hoys, ''''‘vino no furteer use of “to. t v four*.'’ ’ ,,,, l )l >**-* ,n ' , r revolver*. Kr mi the ^ii* ruauiier in whieh Bju wa* dan «ing armuid mt hepas.*ed swiftly v, r the brow of the hill toward Laramie, oid the amount ol dust jising in bill. •loud- all around him, it is b livi d lie boy* carelessly point' p their w apotts his way whits tukt ig the loads out. USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Mis* Doot! has been giving Philadel¬ phia demoimtrA'ive lectures on cookery, and here are 24 ot her culinary jirov erhs: Tepid water is produced bv combin •'"tr twolhirdb cold and onetiiird boiling w er. Never put a pudding that is to be steamed into anything else than a dry mo ild. In making snv sauce put the butter and flour in together and your saucj will never be lumpy. In boiling eggs hard put them in boil imr water, ft will prevent the yolk from coloring blai k. Old p tai >es may be freshened up 1 v plunging them into cold water before cooking them. Boil fowl with sauce over which grate the yolk of e^gs, ia a magnifliceut dish for luncheon. In ui king a cm*? of any kind do not melt tlie Lrd in the ffour. Melting wi,! injure the crust. The yolk <>t eags binds the crust much l>et,ter than the white. Apply it to the ed(,c« with a hrmh A few dr ed or preserved cherries, with* out are die very best thiug* [lossible to garnish sweet dishes. The water used in mixing bread must he tepid ho'. If d is too hot the loaf Wjli be full of great holes. Whenever von see your unuo* boiling from the sides of tin 1 pan, you may know your flour or corn starch is ioue. Y-.u mint never attempt to boil the ■„{ adcar soup in the stock, for j, w ',u tt i wa ys discolor the soup, Iri cooking a fowl, to ascertain when it is done put a skewter into th* breast, and if the breast is tender the fowl is done. To boil potatoes succea fully when the akin breaka pour off the water and let them finish cooking in thefr own ateara. Never wa*h raisins that are to be used in sweet dishes. It ivi'l make the pud¬ ding heavv. To clean the.a, wdpe with a dry towel. There is n greenness in onlousand po¬ tatoes tha' renders them hard to digest. For health's sake put them in warm wa t ir for an hour before cooking. The only kind of stove with which you cao preserve a uniform heat is as/a*stove for with it you can simmer a pot for an hour or boil itat the Bame rate for 20 minutes. Good flour is not tested by its color White flour mav not be the best. Che test of flood flour is by tfie amount of water it absorbs. on j h :szz^zJ!, “Jz '11 on its milk 24 hours, and cream for but that r tt is to be whipped should 1 b :r, not. k be °rr but ter cream, lest in whipping it change to buter. To beat the wh’tes of egg* quickly put in a pinch of salt. The cooler the egg* the quicker they will froth. Salt cools and also freshens them. To make maccaroai tender put it in cold water and bring it to a goil. It will then be mnch mote tender than if put in hot water or stewed in miik. To brown sugar for sauce or for pud¬ dings. put the sugar in a perfectly dry saucepan. If the pan is the leist bit wet the sugar will burn and you will spoil your saucepan Cut.ats and steaks may b * fried as broiled, but they must be put in hot butter or lard. The grease is hot enough when it throw soft a bluish smo'e. In boiling dumplings of an v kiml put them in the water one at a time. If they they will mix wi h e A Sumpter county farmer Ixas a chick en cock, that crows every night twelve distinct crows- He must have swal¬ lowed a lilip utian watch When a cbick. A Kentucky dog, having beard of his characteristic, imi'ates him iu bis bark ing at midnight. The twei'e distinct barks precisley like the croamg of a ekkkeo. Auotber sign the w orld is ; is couu ig to a l ho. hi n r. The follow inc from Trott's Heel h , , . Iw , „ llrft I( , h1 . Don't go fo bed with cold feet. D()Jlt 8t#M ,, fiw hu flir D )n q Mt what y>lll do IM> , e I jn- t to aa.e it. Don't try to get cool too quickly af < r exercisinr. Don't sleep with insecuie false teeth in ’or mo th. D oi’t start the day's work without i good breakfast. D»n sleep in a room w’thout *enti’a tiou of some kind. D ..i t stuff a cold. lest, you be nut obliged to starve a fever. D.i-'t trv to ge' along without fl’min' mi.l.'ii lotiiiug in llie winter Don l lise your voice fur ton 1 speakiu. or singing when you are hoar*.'. Don’ try to get along with le *9 tliai eiight or nine hour* sleep. Don't sleop in the same undergarment you wear in the day. Don’t toast, your feet bv the fire, hut try sunlight friction instead. Don t neglect to have at !ea*tone move meat of tlie bow Is each day. Don’’ try to keep upon coffee and al¬ cohol when you ought to go to bed. Don’t drink ice water bv the glass : tike it in sips, 11 swallow at a time. Don’t eat snowt' quench thirst; it brings on inhumation of the throat. Don’t strain your eves bv rea ling ( r working with insufficient or flickering light. Don’t use th * eves for reading orfiie work in the t-ilight ( f evening or early morn. Don't try to lengthen vour your dre s by cutting chore your nigfit's re-;t.; it Is poor conoiuy. Do.i't wear close, heavy for or rubber caps or hats if your hair is thin or falls out easily. Don't eat anythin* between metis et ceptinif fmitsor a gl issof liot milk if you feel faint. Don’t take some other person * toedi cine'hecans • von are troub ed somewhat as they were. THE TUDE WALK SUii'iiu ftt the door of the Gils.'. H- Usc this morning. I ciuglit on to th«* dude wv k, and found out how ilie thing is doin'. Tin peouliaiily <d tlm dude locomotion is the wriggle of the hips, alurnut ng and this iseau-rd by turning in tin toes slightly and *tepp ng on the ball of the foot, Usihg the lieol only ns a balance, thti- prooucing the springy hopely ino'ion while the arms are crooked a little at the elbow and ke?p time with the swing of the hips T e hrad is bow id forward until a plumb line from the hose would whack the naii of the big toe. It any ot il e Ddly Newsreader* imagim* that if not the genuine dude w alk h t hem practice it ill l lie* vicinity ot Clark and Madison street, and *< e how quick *„ ihe ganiils will lecogi m- u. lhe sample I Gail was a d- filing liflie fel¬ low, and evidently knew lna luigine**. Howevor, th- dude wmIk i* no worK 1 than the gvtoiau bend of a fi w yeais since. What! it doT Brown’s Iron Bitters? Good fo -. 1 ^ . cbalre wi‘h .v,ld and bur-r 3 Brown - g i ron Bitters will drive tho source of the mischief away? H<nv about rheumatism? It cured Mr. orashear, r> l, of, -n . hundreds of others. Those dreadful nervous trouble;. Mr. Berlin, of Washington, the wcil *tnown Patent attorney, was entirely relieved by Brown's Iron Bitter.,. The ailments of the kidneys "Mon¬ .— Brown’s Iron Bitters cured Mr. tague, of Christians! urg, Va., ana an army of other sufferers. Debility and languor. The Rev. J. Marshall West, Eilicott City, Md., is one of the many elergvnicn re¬ stored by Brown’s Iron Bitters. And as with vertigo, malaria, liver complaint, and headache, Brown's Iron Bitters is the Great Family Medicine. 2 Eff.ri* ar making « o secu'e a pardon tin Barton, 'he At' inta lawyer convicted of perjury. Mrs, Joseph Moore, ot Thomasville is dead, leaving a husband and child to mourn htr loss. Jaf-k P*-avy. who was charged as*au!i wi;c int* tu to muni", w acqu'itcd at * o< 'ob- r- ■ ■ "in < i'Vaireii Superi*! Uvh;L The cigar •‘Town Talk,” for sal# Stewart, is a tip-top one. legal Athtriiiemeiih, S etiffV Sal.-for 1 )er*ei>iber 1 rt-i-.. . mi he fi'S ! Tu.'mI.'o in ,„ or wi t|, i, the l-ga! hums „t sub e lol'o v ?i*j i iojm-tv to uit due house and lot lying aod l»—insr ’>> le 'own ' >f Coiners in tile KUh <Lki t originally ilenry now 1 .in kd ile •onnfv said to enn'ttin [l ] ore art * _ non- or 'es* number not known roni 1.0 nded a* ‘o'lnws: On tlm south v it.e O i, mi! road, on the w si bv the 1 (i* of \W AI ilia nd and 1) .. , lt , er, on the not th hv the eitr ei In¬ tel v ii"d nil the east !'V .Mis. Rag* ■ 1 lie. Levied c li ns the i ioper y of Man V Taylor, L \ r-v!.»r. Ai-i.-s ns Tav'«r and ^\ /, L'lyto* l.t* .*aiisty i |i | t i**’n d f( oiti i in' •! ■■ *! ice <-"'u t. n! lie ■! (i n di*'. i' M, in t-tvei nl AU c nd li & t' 1 • v. s. Mar. F iny t‘V K V Taylor Augustus Ta>l"»- «'»t , ,V /.Taylor. •’ "perty jioimed t>ui ' >’ |d ^ •' Forties in no*- 1, *i •! in’ificd. I.cvy made lo W \\ ard hv 1, 0 and u'Hirned to in T i* lie first di\ of November IS •“> A. I’. Aiitahed, Sheriff ESTRAY sale. Will he sold on the Freehold of J. W. j Hainolt'in on M ind iv tfie 19 "f N”>rm- i ier next at 10 Ochjck A. M. on lie I Cow vith horns. Medium size about, or en \esis old " arked with a crop and *'?r • h year sold as a si 1 ay tliis 1 Oct 3 oi 8 S;. A. V. Mitch el SlifT LETTERS of AFMlNIbT.iA T>N Georgia. Rockdale () unity. fo all whom it may conccin. t Where a* .Jacobus Fa ty Int* in In.- form app ied to me for permn . enl letter* ol a !iinmsinr ion on the 0 ;nic ct M. C. Petty late of said cm niy feces-ed, ami I "il! pate- up on raid appiic.dion < n the lir*t Mon d„y 10 No'cmber 18 S 3 L'ivpn under in, It mil mol oliicis! T i* 1 st t\i\y ol (_) ,ob« r, liV*^ U SEAM* NS, oci 5 Ordiii»ry. FOR SALE, One of tbe moat valuable lot* in the •itv. In the verr center of the b**iness portion. Sit cate on the corner of ecu lei- and Commercu streets nmi flouting he railroad. Known n* tho old Ibm Scot lot. It is a capital business lot ami 110 mistake For terms. jiTt culars A ■•all on John H. Aiauuni atJ. H. Almuml A Sou’s store. I BV 15. ' *. W10I.KV. M. irryf 1 Atlanta Da. 'I \ B 1 T 1 Reliable ev deuce c’v n OUUKftiud re^renin to hi'cbnil, emed imtii nts phy-icians. Office 65 U * Send lor my book, on ilie ILibit and ifa lure. ——•*t • —----— : By Dr JJ M Wooley I 1 ISKV Alliuita. I’«. IlrinkinG t No psiu. No lose of CURK. ( timefmm b isioos*. . On re- (he d sease and destroys ad ta*io for 8, *mul nr.*. F, 10 k of paidculars sent. sent. t« anv address lies, Office at 65 Whitehall street. 1 , U , JA .1 1 > BOOTS, SHOES, & H A R N E S S, OONYFRS ° A ' ne ‘ 1 fiil " 1 <«der*. anil 1!" all woik work and I insure *» i*f«ct" I also a fine fine of hand : d naidiiiie ;nn»»p lianies*. bridle*, bits, . .-he*, eol lars buckles etc , inflict, e v rrvtinng Con „ e( . tm j wit j, ha me**. My work i* host, my prices the bottom. (Jail ami me sep. 21 3mon. VIGOROUSHEALTHrofiMEN TESTED 5YEARS gm FOH. -V by in tbonsanns „ , w \ice f scUmUflc of cased. m^cilcal Founded prin- ou ..gfi7»vJr h S b repuSMon __ . »n * SMWSS kXWtlf'SZ jufloeu^o flio fteat of the diAcast; makes tfSFpecifle metjts of life wj 4 -*; have bccnwaAtvd arc felTen back. The buoyant cneufyof the bruin an»toii»s'-'U larsjfHcm renders tiio patient cheerful; be gains strength NERVOUS with RKUILITY, rupldity. obscuro diseases, orfnnlc ballUnar weakness, tbc skill and o! nmncroti6 beat physlci.tns, resuli for youthful indiscretions too (i‘co Indulgence* tntd over bi-ajnwork. l>o not temporize whilo tudi cueuiles Inrk lu your system. Take a remedy that has cured thou ami »iocs not interfere with you attention to business «>r tranpa aiiv pain or ineonvenJetice* ( P«mph>t giving An*t'>nnc»l'V tcortV TllartratUuia. ahiWt « i I ivim the Ptort *} m that they een be wton d to ptirtect tDAnnooc, at d ■ fitted 1'orth9 dtiti** of a* 't p<rwrr m E#nt freo to any one. :udy ooid ONJjY by th» * HARRIS RF«SEDY GO-MPfl CHEMISTS. 3 -) 3 >iffite:h. 8 t. ST. LOUIS, MO. tno Kestti’i tra; tc 5 « XX tve m«th» S 3 , tire* antes tJ H ARRIS RjEW E&Y CQ., 6T -M^ Jertjfta (Wimmmp wntr »«TSu«aaf .V#.. ar»t FL' rs w ■'> *uue< ,' ■ cor.-: l tte.-f.Tii *. XSviSi . til *r vro|/^c»t n^.r-rr*,.-.. ‘iveh .tfTT. rtxmpblet iU*- i;*<*»% ei a*-i s' u. *pp!tc*t,V a Vi.;;V (ft mv> & l 1 havenotv one >1 .• L< «1 li n'd ns ,,, ili 1 oiiiril >i;.ti w funking I j i,i Iiiic« < 1 t’oi 1 . ->1. O' to. in* , ci/. til,. “New P.|u. " mid tin- ‘ T'-lm 1 h-tvf j »*t !"•“ ud ti c!«r ).; .l o tn.-m. ami !.;iv- »-p< ’nd mv t.u-inx lor the s. u*. n -it one f.t t»'« ti Si 'l " i oi 111 * )ll i !m Night. bn Miut • 'fi h v is iii.pioveu nt* am 1 Ito lie*, materials nr" J in or i h. j -' stove* hi d I will sell them ft' j.riee ii. v-r h'hue known m 'In* plici 0m e tie.* for vour.-e'f «''d • sitt-cialh ex ’ intUe IIIV tinn Vole t lie >'ev 1 " l ' ,, I . llop. |;»*. GINS, GINS! E. VANWINKLE fi. CO, AJAXLTAOTl'iiSRS OF Cotton Gin?, Feed ers & Condensers i Cot: n Presss*, * 'il Machinery tuid Saw Mills. V ^ -iousj ■ jit S A w GIN A N1) 3ELF-FE EDE! I, K\iiet*d by. Iv VAN A INKLE & CO., At/lie In 1 erii 1 11 rial Cotton Kxi>n e 'ion. A''fiii'11. <ia., 1881. Awarded be' 1 -est Mtuiplc, best general re-u ts in (t'uuiny. and best constru -tcd Ma ritnu 1 lie first p, ize, $100. or S®1^ no dm. F **. Kick*. 1. M Smed»'H, MissiSs 9 ’ip : V\. K. Barrows, Couneticot, Judge*. H. 1. Kimball, Director Gon. Also, fiist 11 inium at the SoHth (,'urolinn State Fair* and tho Georgia fi SOS. This Gen i* in iron frame, sted •I’ .f vtl.i"g o f the W i tot itmunal and guerantwd. ' IF W ■j i iji»o ill R:* V f f ® II Nkli iUs^ coni# ( : m Ol) UliLE SCREW PRESS. « ml t" be th® Press in the wor'd. S'litahlc for Horse, Steam and YTa'er power. Take* up but little room iz - and Packing can go on at the ti L. V’ANWINKSE & CO., Atlanta. G i. $2,00 '' ill g®t tfl* ... ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTISUTION and THE 00 H YEKS WEEKLY. one whole year! J a* «x,UU Will get the Cosyirs Wkekly one year wben paid in ad vance. Whe» sent by mail $«.*5 «1I be the pric* Address, THE WEEKLY. (Jonyers. Ga. 'A^cOiT A First-class ift m OS Cl m ■ [ Busi ness Sc hool *“ Equal to North Sovt 1 ’ COLLEGE, any or - Send for Circulars, free A CON, GaT" W. M cXAV, - Prtnotpa'' ijo»«**.-Xervouw Wottknesc, ^onorrI If^MUty, ue»*, nyphlHtle ImMt Jncy, and McmeW Orgaake AiTectioon tun dully treated ou Micotiflc pri»«»pleft «f with *afr and sure romMies. Call or write Co." LiM ms tions to be a .sv ored by these desiring tre»; tment OulrtoirtoA by . ?HMa«Mterlnv ton. Rapture .Solid to i V*s*.earv-ui.'ialry WfiTTS. 10 ISolradrautacr. J» I. S«k SC, UU S*. MitSwol Itoh. ** Bit. UTABbUbiU «TEB TEIBiy YSAkB - i»J * • v —ner's Uniat Habits. i Ci ••. ruory and studious men some* nr - ’..ecome prostratted before they :-v it Those who spend much .imp in close mental work and neg ect to take enough exercise' often ind their stomachs unable to do the . VO rk of digestion. The liver be comes*torpid. ^The bowels act jr serveasitionceclid. regularly.!tThe brain Their refuses to becomes failure, and there preac is hing a a state of general misery. So many minis¬ ters have been restored to health by the use of Brown’s Iron Bitters that the clergy generally are speaking tc their friends of tins;medicine as the very best tonic and restorer t'ory know of. It restores ttdn and • at •_*fv blood to its prosier cooditjer Lvton* ing invigorating it up with the purest ^ id most Science has preparation made, c* k i con that ever is plea: - ant to take, and acts immediate!/ with r the happiest result^ ” not o:. on the parsons, but on other folks as Well - 8 -••t NOTICE, Partin* owing J. A W. E. Tmdwelt Co. must oome forward and *•■' >• , i. once, u* the estate is obliged t»> t>« wound up. Call on F. 8 . Tieadwell, in charge of p*pers, at tlieir old etand. Conyers Gjt., October lat, i 8 »j NOTICE. Raving had my **w mill ,m I needing money to have it rejo * . f •arnestlc ask *11 who are dn* >e *n- i.» - o conic, forward and niak* r'd-n-v'* with me. I need the men* r I 1 *;!* you to come forward and o c a. ««*-. Youe, Ac., A. N. FU’MCfcli. 1 uEORGE 'KEN dON, Dealer m General Merchandise, (Mm. G- C'owau • .1 t<N •ree Wrwi, i'»»is *i Keep* always m> V M ..W, -anned good cabb*. . • • ’ »*all I *. etc. A. good lineat tmn* m u 1 ■ , and see nim. HF.tDQU A C MMERCIA i. 1 i N T - IN, OWENS MOTEL ’ » . / **j .. t J j; riiOmiTE v I Newly fitted up. ' ’I the beat the mart'• IF .<* meet all train*, s > • • u t « OOYINUToX.....................TF.i'HUlA. A. P. TfflPGB. 13 Bbom* StkV''* ...... ATT <Ik. AUsts and htifi'"r'> 'Witffi ' 1 . French and A me %-j ‘ *V* • t% t Hit*. Averill L'Ia' 4 I’-'ti* iVitpanv. A \ fhf sfrrr tTfi p \ * r (’WA'V. Patrif' Liquid, * ■ f .♦ •* * wall*, reeonimee''. »(' 7 '.‘ - ill Ae""fi < ’■ n- t .-hudfarv I'o-t'i-' ittte of brent It iit.on vfm. M. J ed" - ' T -4 !’ •' .»**> Vorrierlv *ib' * ^ - « ,r JORDAN * • Cotton I actors A M Com Merinarri' r • A't-'ifD' / \ «K ‘ |»arMi r ,l'*-l|li. I, Q lick : |" mpi V #, s V 1 \iy j>“» tt ♦ i • t" \ s ♦' r ’ t'> - ‘lent t! \*i - v r * «*ry 11 *'i‘len’ i rtjj»« *» • i* , \ ft ‘ ■ f A - t■ ('* a •) 'f I »i !hL (Jaik.>* ,m wv Till J » ^ » - • -■< ft ’f ' H -"• x *rv •<&*'l ¥<■ y.w P jfr &t' • S& : w||B tap; I “4 pa, & gS T"t-4 '***::jrb "• * * r *- i# t*»t (Irt SSrr wtflt ai"! hi" 1 *' • * ( -ns r"l*iltt«St, ltl» at, in Itu: ■ Df "i *>»Vtjt* mt tirua *.ii ' I'.'i'’. S.iiKirS nl - »t- - e»«tlt HV'.Itl#! if ♦ I i Wiiell«'' ..i :* -1 •> »!•!•»* 1 ii*. v’ltMi i* f V -iiuil> **•■, '♦ < mt, '*>-► vn»ifks />•!?' ify. *..•’> r - * ,fc — e *