Newspaper Page Text
For Mayor .(>. \V- Clemmons
Couiicilmen ist "aid :
(J- W. Weaver, P. K. Christian, ...
“ J:! Ward. •
1 >. N. Hudson .1. ’ W. Langford 15
“ 3d Ward.
T. H. BrySns, Newton Hollingsworth.
II persona art here by prohibited
from hunting upon my land on yellow
rifer—either at night or in the "day.
B. N. Mclvniglit.
Short Doings
Wheat and oats booming.
Kurmuda setting is popular,
is s'ight'y indulged r :•
hog killing in.
You can buy potatoes for 30c a bush,
The schools promise to be very good
next year.
Horse trading is quite lively for the
last few dava.
Your bovB lrora 3 years to 30 , can
1 stilted . , at ' J. + A. , & r /n T. I 1. >. Stewart o s.
We may now expect to have fun with
the candidate. The candidate is gener
aly a very funny man.
There is a vast amount of talent now
aspiring io municipal honors.
(Jull and Pee tligt ex-ejuisite 110 -
tion department of J. A, & T. I).
The patent churn man is now on top.
No family should he without a patent
When you want sc’ect cream cheese,
sausage, dried beef, apples cocoa nut
cabbage, onions, Ac call on Fiaiik
Harper *&Bro.
Thirteen patent churn meu were in to
see U8 last w eek. Three of them escap
ed with their lives. If coroner Oaks only
knew where to look he would find a job
1 hat would help him to “smile” fora
Parties wishing to purchase brick can
•get them by calling at this office.
When you have a sick horse call on
Dr. Hamby. He has some new reme¬
dies that never fail.
A negro was found dead in Sheffield
Ihfrotber day. An old mule with wool
i ml hto'vd on hiR left hind foot told the
u ad story. Noteven au inquest wagin'
«,«d m, so plain was the case.
ri mill Beruhart and other styles ot
av Stewart’s.
TtWs new roads have been opened dp.
Tmcmmest styles of dark full and
ioit i e'liuts, none like them u.’se-
1 l» ,ust arrived, at Stewart’s
v-.j,.oii seed is hard to get even at 2 oc.
.a buihel.
The celebrated Cleveland all wool
'tilled Jeans from 7 to 9 oz. for boys
.and incus winter wear, at btowari’s.
tTe learn that one or two new stores
•will be opened out here in a short while.
We don’t care bow many.
A few only. Picture fames left
Stewart’s. Call early.
There has been considerable barter in
town for the last few weeks and it is
bringing good prices.
WaNte neither time nor money, but
make the best use ol both by calling
early at, Stewarts,
Morgsw and Butts comities
against prohibition las; week. Butts by
a majority of 20 and Morgan by
White Irish liucuent ‘>5 cts per yd
at Stewart’s. Nice f. r baby ^ aprons.
Au eutiless variety of ladies’neck'
war at Stewart's.
The Kirkpatrick iand will be sold on
the first Tuesday in November.
Hudson sells the best Shoes aud there
is no disputing it.
A new variety of stook jowders,
“said to work wonders.” Call fur
the red tin box, at Stewart s.
Mr. ltagesdale a beautiful strawberry
blonde of Lithonia, w’a* in town this
week on a society visit.
A fresh arrival of shirts and collars
at Stewart’s.
Clever Henry Henderson is keeping
store for Mr. Thomas A. Elliott at pres¬
Mrs. Parr, mother of Mts. W. B. Over
hay, accompanied by her family, are here
ou a visit while en route to their new
home, Florida.
Col. J. N. Glenn has had some im¬
provements made on his dwelling.
Dr. Travis, the best cancer doctor in
the world, is his offipe furnished
Capt. J. M. Summers and My- Jack
Wood have opened a the
Bently Building, aud can furnish the
hungry with the best going. Jack is the
boss cook, and don’t you forget it, whi e
the Captain is as clever as he is fat.
Several children have recently died in
tfid arousd Decatur of diphtheria.
It was giv< n o it. that Rev. Sam Jones
would iiii the Methodist pulpit on last
Tuesday night, but owing to sickness Re
vas unable to Radii the appointment.
Augusta and Macon ladies refused to
appear on the stage in the Atlanta Musi'
cal Festival with Levy, " the bigamist.
They aeie right
It is said that Mi. 1 ). X. Hudson has
succeeded , . . producing , tine quai- ,
in a very
icy .4 M, Con M. J«*y o„w by cod
ine her on persimmon-, locusts and po
tato peelings.
Mrs. A- M. Helms left this week for
Gaiusville, where siie goes to visit iier
sick sister,.Mrs. Karnes.
Astrononieis say that the heavens will
be ablaze with meteors to-night. You
will he well lepaid by sitting up and
watching die display.
The Messrs. Grenade will enter the
merciintile business at this place soon.
Mrs. Bridueil, an excellent lady of De
was knocked from the track and
killed by the dow n day passenger train
last FriJay morning.
A much larger area is being put
wheat by our farmers this year than last,
A huge area has also been put in fall
The Savannah News says that Ken
Watkins is a negro. Bet yon wouldn't
tell Ben so to his face.
M,r. John Spence, of LawrenceviUe, is
j ea ,j t
Luther Almanil has gone into busi
ness on his ow n hook in tne brick build¬
ing just below Mr. G. I*. Elliott’s.
Lish Maddox is making some improve
ln , n i s ; n pjy 8 ( 0 re room.
Rev. Dr. Boring preached an impres
sive seryion to a large eongregation at
the Methodist Church in this place last
Sunday morning,
Mrs Parr and children, of Alabama,
are Visiting relatives in our city.
The hog crop in Rockdale is twice as
large as last year. The cotton crop was
a failure, but our farmers are well off in
the way of provisions.
Ice was plentiful this morning.
Tfiere is considerable emigration from
SUU (j 0U ;t t present to Western states.
Tlie Stajday issiie8 of the Macon Tele
graph contain more chaste, eutertaining
reading matter than any paper in the
Miss Anna Stroud, of iValton county,
and well known in Conyers social circles,
w as recently marriel in Texas to a rich
old bachelor.
Mr. D. 0 . iriiite, of Atlanta, paid us a
pleasant visit yesterday.
Sweet potatoes are selling in Coving¬
ton at 25 cents a bushel. They are worth
75 in Conyers.
Old and experienced fanners say that
the second crop of cott lias hcen uo
killed, and will not open.
Nathan Curry, well know n to every
unto, woman and child in Koukua»
county, died Wednesday : ight.
Bence to bis ashes.
J ack Wood lias returned, and is mak
iug himself as unanimous as a thawed
fly. Now lot Kill Overbay, Harvey Flow
ers and Bob' Crowley put in appearance
and Conyers will be herself again.
The fellow Who ran over the wire on
Mill street the oilier night let fall some
remariis almost as stupendous as his fail.
The air is st ill laden with the perfume
of brimstone and blue blazes.
It again becomes the painful duty of
fbe Star to record the death of another
® ld a " d P^°“ in ® nt citizen °f, our c ‘ ty -
CtJ- , Enoch Steadman, so well aud , favor'*
ably known throughout Georgia, died at
bis home in Midway, on last Wednesday
night’ of malarial lever, aged about 64
Co1 ' Steadman was a native of Rhode
ltflai ; d ' but hltd bueu a cUizeu ° f Covin »'
ton for more than 20 years. t He r was a
man of fine intelligence, aud broad and
progressive ideas. He was a member of
the Baptist chuic'.i, and vlieti in the full
tl j a mph of his faith.
c,ose of the war he was theown
er of t/tdar Shoal faerory. and much oth
er valuable property in our county. He
was a ma11 o f S«’at liberalitv, and when
fortune smiled upon him he bestowed
his chanty with unstinted hand. But
re.ierses came, and his extensive pro
perty was soon swept away,
A few weeks ago he visited his planta.
tion in southern Georgia, where con
traeted the fataf fever that resulted in
his death. He returned home depres¬
sed and sick, and informed his friends
that would not recover. lie eontiued to
sink until Wednesday night, when he
peace fully passed a way. His funeral
took place on Friday morning, the ser¬
vices being conducted by Elder J. M
Brittain, assisted by Re'f. J. N. Brad¬
shaw and \V. F* Kobisou. The whole
community extends sympathy to his be¬
reaved family.—Covington Star.
t- lire was discovered 111 a , box
ear on
last Sunday morning and it was opened
aud six bales of cotton put out near the
depot. The tire was in the very center
of one of the bales and had just burned
to the outside. The conductor left ear
and eottou here and Mr. Tilley bad the
tire extinguised. The fire was surely put
in the cotton with a probe, the intention
being to burn cotton ai.d o r.
E.S i 1^3 fiber
— _ **a and
BS dixie. %. ious
The Annual Conference oK m
Methodist Protestant Church convened
al Hiis place last Tuesday week and at*’
journed Saturday. The following are
some of the representatives of different
churches. . 1 . P. Nasbv, County Line;
Wm. Aver.', Lock Springs; * H. T. Mad
. .. .. «»«« . C. „
.r Cpm,*,.
diuoi ''p ar springs, ay on
county; J. N. Parker, Liberty Chapel,
_ Rockdale ,
Th(j Rev j A j£ iu wi) j serve Liberty
Chapel as "its pastor another year.
Mr. John Ogletree and several other
families will move to -sand Mountain,
Ala., soon.
Married, at the residence of the bride’
father, on last Wednesday night week,
Miss Mattie Cunningham to Mr. Mc
Wharter, of Gicen county. We wish
for them a long and happy life.
The farmers are sowing wheat an^
oa t*. A large acreage should be sowed
as it is the surest crop.
We are greatly in need of a qualified
gentleman to take up a school at this
place. Wont some one embrace the oj -
portunity. It’s a splendid opening.
Opossum burning is in full blast with
the n groes. He is in his natuial He
m<>nt, and sometimes catches five or six
a time. He sometimes drops fiie in
the leaves and stubble causes a great:
conflagration in the wilderness. My ad
vice to ’possum hunters is to keep off
other people's land. If you don't you
will be singing, “Old Alexander is a bad
old man, he made me wear the ball and 1 .
clia'n so long it made my ankle sore.
Chicken stealing has closed for this time
w ith the (col.) Brother in Black people
On last Saturday evening, as Mr. Ab¬
ner Turner, one of the best citizens of
our county, was returning home from
work, liis mules became unmanageable
and ran away, throwing him under the
wagon and giving him serious external
ami internal injuries. Hia left Band
arm are badly bruised, his head scarred
and left side badly lacerated. His inter¬
nal injuries are thought to be very bad,
and but little hopes of his recovery are
entertained. We sympathize with him
fn his mirfortunos.
There are some who owe us for sub¬
scriptions. We can't wait always on
these small amounts and they are so
scattered we cannot see every one.
Those who do not come forward and set¬
tle will receive no more pa\ er, and their
accounts w ill be sued - wntn worth so,
mi;.: I 1 .
rt '■ •: j"
lix ,i.v i' .
Lull! vi ft a .* •i . ;
Boyd out ol b :l s i ,
jail. John is cba<ged a
wut «Hi au I pair of .« «.
Butler a tew mg.his sim.
W ere recovered with him ana h,« xc n
picked up later- Our community>; now
full of petty thieves, and the oiheers keep
busy alter them.
The Whitehead House at this place,
an excellent stand and one of be t
houses in the state, is now odered 'or
rent. Parties wanting a business taat’li
pao should get thi house.
The negro Gus Campbell who was cut
bv another negro, Jim Brown, at. Mon
roe the day of the hanging arrived here
last week and died of his woud ds Sun
day morning. The coroner s j ary re¬
turned a verdict of murder ag.iinst the
negro Brow , who is ai large e may
now look for another hanging.
This city will be elivened within u few
weeks by two marriages, tb*
being a cle»er young railroader and a
lively Carrollton merchant. We extend
in advance our warmest and most
cere congratulations.
IVe learn that the Council has revok
the license of the Jones Brothers to sell
whisky in Conyers, on account of keep
inga disorderly house. Tbe council
is a wise body.
There are more partidges in this see*
tion, especially this county, than was ev
er known before. Tbe hunters say tbe
woods and fields are alive with them.
A party of three killed over two hundred
one day last week.
Eds. Weekly I would Jihe to ask
the editor of the Solid South why it is
be wiU not let fhe word “bulF go in his
paper. Is lie ** teebous ” ott the bovine ’
^ UeB 10U . ,
Clever Jefl* Almand, of Carrollton,
paid Conyers a fiymg visHt this
Capt. Jim Farmer says he has the
. fbe
f as f L ' 8 ‘ / u *o 1,1 county. Gap t. Jim
is a last boy him-elf.
=Céa/7M, @rm
j JJq EVCrV Oll6~
j - ^
ISTThat wants bargains will call at
H. P. & D. M. ALMAKD’S
for the iu-xl two months with tin*
A large stock just received pur
chased tor cash which enables us to
sell cheaper than ever before.
0 f Ladies cloaks, dolmans, Jersey
j 8cket8 etc j ea „ s> ^ ]><,„
goods, bleiebing8. do nesties and ev^
ciythieg you want.
Boots and Shoes.
or ev»: • 1 a . n'i { . * > >. ■l\ , , 35 '*
■ i ■
• )\Y. V ><: •' v
11 ooved, a!.* . I lie v f Tit it
ui an'..
.-EOcS: iii..':
f,,| l every thuut else on .kh>i 10 eat
Ar weal kept, in a rir. r. etas' slurs,, so
iwiiiii and get barge in* wiice y*)U
lifive .tie cliauci .
Wo ure needing er* ry cent that
° ,,r customers owe us and we expect
every one to conn forward and help
ns now so when we commence the
j rneeli; busiimss in IF84 we will he
j prepared to commence right He
number all who help iis now will be
Mir** m yet it in return m xt *pring,
should they need i. Remember our
inoito is
i JjiVG fl Xi
H.T 1 6 t
fl %m . , @Wm/ />
-H, P, & D. M, ALMANDr
Convers - - .
V\ ecall especial attention to our lme of
Such as canned tomatoes peaches, pineapples, oysters, salmon Mack¬
erel, sardines, eomW.d mik, jelly, pickles, candy both fancy and
stick, nuts, raisins, citron, tron, macaroni, macaroni, one spoon baking powders, Hors
ford’s bread preparation, and etc., the etc. Our best p^per and spk^ThVou^ 5
gram a re very in the market.
■ mm sssas a tm&z
We also keep a erord variety of Fresh Crackers, both plain and
Also the celebrated, Lnstro Shoe and Stove Polish. sweet
Table and Pocket A good 'ine f
cutlery, Crockery, Glass and Woodware etc
Our motto: Short Profits and quick Sales. Terms Strictly
Fiidlay Iron Works!
IRON FENl IG (Wrought and cast,
6©“Senii f r circulars and prieesfor all the above. Address,
■ •;■■■? ■ ivsr f$ * ■A I
;• via' 4 i 1 ■
( g;
“HSU! iSSggqW
In this, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining counties they are agents
for the very best machinery made, embracing the famous
SC£X*8S 58K«B8®8 JUS» 8AV r UJXX,
aramv mmmM&i
And ail other mrchinery manufactured hy Fr : ck & Co. at their large works
The complete and which, by of its superior!}, a *
most reaper, one reason
taken the awards of England and America. We handle the Winshtp tics
P resses, e ! c, and in fact any machinery you want can be had through us -
Better rates and on better terms than through any one else. Call on or a< ^
dress Carr & Overbay .Conyers, Ga. ,
r )
v ©ft on
Special Attention Given To Weight* And Sales.
841 cC- 849 Hey Holds St., Jvgvsta, G*