Newspaper Page Text
L city of London expends more
r ^15,000,0°° every year in caring
the p oo?
! ausnension bridge between been New de
L an d Jersey City has
practicable by United States
ie President of the Imperial Academy
>ekin has undertaken, by command
he Emperor, to translate “Hamlet”
Le underground system length of railways of
jondon, L England, nearly has three-quarters a over of
U are absolute tunneling. f
A picture, thought to be a Rembrandt,
once in possession of La Fitte, the
bus Dirate of the Mexican gulf, has
come ' to light in a squalid cabin out
tansas City, Mo.
merican orchardists must soon meet,
lounces the American English Agriculturist, markets of
[competition in
le g r owers in Australia and Tasman a.
! imports of choice apples from these
er points has already increased to
li an extent as to affect British fruit
is proposed to irrigate the arid re
!S of Idaho. Snake River, with the
of a 200 mile canal, will, they assert,
rate 10,000,000 acre3 at a cost of
10 per acre, A writer, describing
region, says, boastingly: “Here are
grander than Niagara, grand cliffs
canyons, immense caves and craters,
nta'ns and lakes.”
In English built collier, expected
jrtly at Rochester, N. Y., competitor is looked
bn [ as being a dangerous
the honor ot being the biggest steam
tier navigating fresh water. Her hull
|f iron and she has a capacity of from
|0 to 2200 tons of coal. She Chicago, will ply
ween Charlotte, Detroit,
[luth, and other points on the upper
es in the coal-carrying business.
^ | new profession has been started in
Louis, that of solicitor of marriages
I the Justice of the Peace. A great
[ny people procure marriage licenses
P do not know exactly where to go to
re the ceremony performed. Then
I solicitor steps forward, arranges the
[ole [tain matter satisfactorily and gets a
percentage out of the Justice’s
for his trouble. It is a queer busi¬
es, [y but, unfortunately, does not pay
well as yet.
There is in a Southern insane asylum
I eight-year-old boy who has never
en awake since the hour of his birth.
! was the child of a paralytic mother,
d has delicate features and a high,
life forehead, with long, black curls,
p arm is not larger than an ordinary
in’s thumb. He lies on his bed year
ter year, taking no note of anything
»t passes. Twice a day he is aroused
0'agh to take a little nourishment, and
en relapses into sleep.
[England, [unties, has especially been suffering in the midland
from a severe
Pgue of small green caterpillars. To
hlk ia the woods means to have dozens
[the [d it little is pests falling down one’s neck,
^respondent a relief, cables a London
of the New York Sun, to
[wthat them has certain been means of putting an end
unearthed from a news
[per It upon of 1312. the A gardener of that period
pars means of taking the eater
by kindness. In each of his
Bested bushes he put warm p’eces of
pollen rag at sundown. The cater¬
ers crawled for shelter to the comfort
»le woollen, and in the morning were
ten and shaken into the fire by thou
D< b- The same plan has been success
Hy adopted by persecuted British
'-elwjnn Taylor, a mining engineer
1 coal expert of Pittsburgh, thinks
Jural gas is giving out. He says:
L P | be two years at furthest coal lands
red selling for what they were con¬
F e worth before natural gas was
Fought of. This will be due largely to
ailtue of the gas fields to supply the
Panels made upon them. Gas, like
1; will ia time exhaust itself. New
s Ws may R e opened, but taking all in
~ the outlook for coal
3 was
se a”i Ul “ nt large smce natural fields gas came in
,,, 3rra iUe gas are playing
nrl 4 all ii ? sy has seen its best days,
b the wells in the
alleys Beaver and Ohio
are going. The prospects for
rids lar S e enough to take their
° f total failu place in
L. means. re are not bright by
The big natural gas com
«™a ret0! ?“ ,h,s “ * .nd .re
ie?? or makin S thousands g fuel. of debars on a pro
iific-ant. gas This is sig
eean my two years will
aend to natural gas as fuel.”
Governor Seay, has appointed W. A.
Austin judge of probate of Elmore coun¬
ty, to fill the vacancy caused by the re
signment of John A. Lancaster.
The town of York, a town of 200 peo¬
ple, on the Alabama Great Southern
Railroad, near the Mississippi line, has
quarantined against the world. No pas¬
senger from any point will be allowed
to get off at that point. Armed guards
meet every train, and no amount, of
health certificates will enable a passenger
o stop there.
Augusta will levy a tax of 1 per cent,
in order to get the city in shape for the
Mr. Robert II. Richards, a prominent
business man of Atlanta, died of heart
disease while on a visit to Asheville, S. C.
Henry Kennedy, a carpenter, of Au¬
gusta, Supervisor Farmer of the Port
Royal Railroad, -Higgins, and Mr.
Williams, a boatman, and an unknown the
man and woman were drowned in
recent floods.
The Georgia Railroad ran eight en¬
gines and loaded cars on its bridges
across the canal at Augusta to keep them
from being spept away by the flood.
The bridges gave way under the exces¬
sive weight and several wrecked engines
is the result.
A cold-blooded murder was committed
in Atlanta Saturday night. A colored with
man named Si Campbell, quarreled when
his wife late in the afternoon, and
the womau had retired for the night, and
was sound asleep, Campbell deliberately
placed the muzzle of a pistol close in to rapid the
woman’s face and fired twice
succession, killing her instantly.
New Orleans is discussing a belt line
railway scheme, intending to build a
grand union depot, into which all trains
can run. As it is now, the traveler who
passes through New Orleans has to
make a transfer, and the belt line and
union depot is intended to do away with
An awful crime was perpetrated
Breaux Bridge. Friday night, when a
gang, supposed to be composed of five
members (so far unknown), attacked a
negro cabin, and shooting through the
wals, mortally wounded a colored
womau, who died a few hours afterwards.
From there they went to another cabin
where they outraged colored women,
and then whipped a colored man. The
negroes have made no affidavit as yet.
The white population are very much ex¬
cited over the matter, and resolutions
were adopted pledging declaring protection to the
colored people, and that the
perpetrators of the outrage shall be pun¬
North Carolina.
At Charlotte, Sunday, a daring incen¬
diary set fire to the ice factory, and but
for quick work the building and ma¬
chinery would have been destroyed. The
factory had been idle since August 1st.
The incendiary had used quantities of
rosin, cotton waste and shavings to start
the tire.
Fire broke out at Beaufort Sunday and
spread rapidly, burning the sheriff’s of¬
fice and three other and buildings on Turner
street; Handlers Hou^e, on Dicken¬
son street, and a two-story house occu¬
pied by colored people. The Winfield
Chadwick building was partially burned.
Loss about $10,000 with very little in¬
The weekly weather crop bulletin, of
the North Carolina weather service, says
that on account of the excessive rainfall,
reports as to crops are the worst ever re¬
ceived, not one is in the the least favora¬
ble, save those as to rice. Rot and black
rust are effecting cotton. Tobacco is
growiug green and cannot ripen before
frost in many cases in Durham, Person,
Orange and Granville counties.
A white man named Clauduas Parish,
of White eounty, was before a justice of
peace Saturday charged with com¬
mitting an assault on his twelve-year-old
daughter. After hearing the evidence
of the child, her mother and brother,
which was conclusive, Palish was com¬
mitted to jail. The case caused a de¬
cided sensation. Parish was brought
here quietly to escape lynching in hi3
own section.
A wreck occurred two miles east of
Waynesboro, on the Chesapeake & Ohio
Railroad, on Thursday, which delayed
trains nine hours. A misapprehension
of train orders led to a collision
between the east bound mail and a
freight train.
Steps have been taken for the construc¬
tion of an electric line of cars from Rich¬
mond to the historic battlefields of Seven
Pines or Fve Oaks. The distance is
seven miles, thousands of old Union
soldiers visit the field annually from
Richmond, at a large expense. This line
will minimize the cost of the little trip.
The directors of the Atlantic & Danville
railroad have secured the money necessa¬
ry to complete the line to Danville.
State Health Officer Dr. Rutherford,
who was at Galveston on Sunday, de
clared a strict and absolute quarantine offi
against New Orleans. Quarantine
cer Blount, at that point, was notified
to quarantine against all vessels coming
to that port from New Orleans, and a
similar railroads. embargo has been placed upon j
Eolith Carolina.
The breaking out of yellow fe ver at
Hendersonville; has created considerable
consternation at Charleston, Henderson
vilie being the Summer Charlestonians, resort or a large Im
number ot wealthy
mediately on receipt of the news of fever
at that place the mayor issued orders
quarantining, it and this complicates mat¬
ters, as many women and children were
on their way home, having run from the
fever. No person from Hendersonville
or any place in that vicinity is allowed to
come to the city now without certificates.
Reports from all sections of the State
continue to be of the gloomiest kind as
regards the crops. One of the strangest
and most serious causes of the damage to
the cotton is the sprouting in the bo.Is,
a feature which has heretofore been com
paratively unknown m the annals of cot
ton planting. It seems that a good deal
of cotton was open when the rams began
about September first. The continuous
rain prevented picking, and the open
bolls had to be left in the fields. The
seeds in the bolls are now beginning to
sprout, rendering the cotton useless for
marketer any other purposes. Sprout¬
ing is reported from almost every section
of the state, and what promised in Au¬
gust to be the largest crop of cotton ever
produced in this state looks now to be in
a very bad condition.
Henry Williams, a star route mail car¬
rier, was arrested at Jacksboto and
brought to Knoxville on a charge of ri¬
fling registered letters.
J. F, Lewis, of Nashville, has volun¬
teered to go to Jacksonville as a nurse to
wait upon yellow fever patients. railroad authori¬ He was
furnished a pass by the
ties and left on his mission of mercy.
Jim Shackleford, a farmer living on
Dog Branch, whipped his twelve-year-old
daughter to death. He had ordered the
child, to bring a bucket of water from a
spring, and because she did not come as
quickly as be thought she should, he
seized a piece of plank and brutally beat
her so that she died after a few days.
The report of the Department of Ag¬
riculture at Washington, D. O., makes
the average condition of cotton 88.8, a
decline of three and a half points since
the last report. The^general average is
slightly higher than in 1887 and 1886,
when it stood at 82.8 and 82.1 respect¬ has
ively. The decline, while slight,
been general throughout the belt, except
in North Carolina and Tennessee, where
more seasonable weather has resulted in
a slightly improved condition, Local
damage has resulted in the Carolinas
from both Giuuili and excess of moisture,
the rainfall during the month being un
evenly distributed. Rust is general drouth
throughout Georgia, and with the
and shedding of bolls has seriously re¬
duced the condition. Alabama has suf¬
fered from heat and drouth and in some
sections the month closes with . appre¬
hensions of damage from excessive and
continuous rainfall. A decline in Mis¬
sissippi and Louisiana is the result of a
marked excess of moisture during the
last two weeks of August, The severs
storm which swept over these states on
the 19th and 20th prostrated the plants,
and continuous rains have beaten out
the bolls and caused some rotting. The
crop in Texas was beginning to suffer
for moisture when tho rains of the latter
part of the month came, seasonable over
the greater part of the state, breaking
the threatened drouth and arresting the
decline in the condition which had se
in. In Arkansas the average has been
lowered by locally unfavorable seasons,
drouth in some sections and exces.-ive
moisture, especially toward the close of
the month, in others, causing a reduc¬
tion. The month was favorable in Tennes¬
see; seasons good, and but little com¬
plaint of rust. State averages of condi¬
tion are: Virginia 84, North Carolina
84, South Carolina 83, Georgia 85. Flor¬
ida 90, Alabama 87, Mississippi 88, Lou¬ Ten¬
isiana 79, Texas 78, Arkansas 87,
nessee 95. The crop is generally by
somewhat late and picking delayed and
unfavorable weather. Caterpillars mentioned,
boll worms are frequently vigorously
and doing damage where not
fought. The first is found most fre¬
quently in Georgia, Alabama and Louisi¬
ana, while the latter is noted chiefly in
Texas, It will of course, be understood
that this report relates to the status on
the first day of September.
THE G. A. R.
The 22d annual encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic was held
at Columbus, Ohio, and lasted three
days. Nearly 200,000 people attended,
and the parade display. of 70,000 lYm. veterans was a
magnificent commander Warner,of Mo.,
was chosen as for the ensuing
year. An invitation from the state of
Georgia and city of Atlanta for the next
meeting, to be held in Atlanta, was re¬
ceived with great favor, but as it had
been practically promised decision to Milwaukee,
Wis., changed; for 1890, that could not
be however, an agreement was
made that the 24th encampment will be
held in Atlanta. It goes wilhout saying
that Ailantians will put forth some noble
efforts to make it one of the grandest
affairs that has ever taken place in the
A Cincinnati bound freight train h- av
ily laden, dashed at full Epeed into John
Robinson’s circus train, which wa- stand
ing at Corwin station, Ohio, The ca
boose at the rear of the circus train was
s lit in two and four sleepers ahead of it
telescoped. No damage occurred to the
animals of the circus proper, which were
in long trains ahead of the sleepers-,
Four men were killed and eight- e-n
| j
It hag been discover ed that Directoi
; Putin of the secret police of St. Peters
| burg, Russia, is in the pay of bandits and
of thieves and has received a heavy trib
j ute from tne proceeds of their robberies,
j Political correspondence at Vienna,
ga tbe negotiations between Russia
and (j le yaticau for the establishment of
diplomatic relations have Pobiedonesteff, collapsed, ow«
j n „ tbe opposition of
procudator of the holy synod in Russia,
of the Polish clerical authorities in Aus
tria and of the ultramontane cardinals in
; jj ome
Bitter feeling has been engendered at
Pittsburg, Pa., over the establishment
of a parochal school by the Catholics in
the first ward public school building.
j Seven Protestant ministers denounced
Catholocism from their pulpits on Sun¬
day. Arrangements were made for mass
meetings in that city and also in Alle¬
gheny to protest against religious the use of public
school buildings for purposes.
T. J. McGuire and Samuel Remer, em¬
ployed in a South Omaha, Neb., packing¬
house, engaged in a beef-skinning con¬ and
test. The match was for $50 a side
the gate receipts, Two dead beeves
were brought in, and when time McGuire was
called, both men set to work. subject first,
removed the skin from his
doing tho job in four minutes and fifty
two seconds. Remer’s time was five
A strange malady has affected the vil¬
lagers of Franklin Park, N. J. About
four weeks ago a sailor named Garrett
son returned from a trip along the
Southern coast, and soon after his return
was stricken down with a disease which
the doctors called ship fever. He died.
Within a few days a number of those
attending the funeral were stricken dowti
with the same disease, and in 1 he past and
three weeks six others have died,
now there are a number sick with the
fever, many of whom, the doctors say,
will die.
Counterfeit five and one-dollar bills are
being extensively circulated in New
York. The sub-treasury officials say
they are so skilfully executed that they
would deceive almost every one unless
carefully scrutinized. The paper in the
five-dollar bill is a trifle thicker than it
should be, and the head of Gen. Grant,
which adorned the bill, is somewhat
rougher and less evenly executed than cn
the genuine bill. The one-dollar coun¬
terfeits : the paper is more nearly like the
genuine paper, but the same defect is in
the head of Martha Washington as in the
head of Gen. Grant.
A Roman cablegram to the New York
Catholic News announces that the decree
of the holy office on the Knights of La¬
bor question, favorable forwarded to that organiza¬ Cardinal
tion, has been to
Gibbons. It will be remembered that in
April, 1887, his holiness, concurring
with ideas set forth in a letter of Cardinal
Gibbons in favor of the knights, decided
that there was no cause for action. The
Pope also decided that in Canada, where
a mandament had been issued against
knights, members of the order could re¬
ceive absolution on promise of obedience
to future decisions of the holy see. The
matter having been placed before the
holy office, th.s decree is the result. It
settles for good the question as far as
Rome is concerned,—provided, and aims of of course, the
that the constitution or¬
der remain the same.
The Norwegian hark Nor arrived in
port at New York, having picked A. An¬ up
and brought back Capt. William
drews and his cockle-shell dory the Dark
Secret, who was supposed to have been
been swamped. lie und his boat were
taken on board in latitude 46, 18; longi¬
tude 39, 50, about fifty miles more than
half way across the ocean. Skipper An¬
drews is as brown a3 an Indian and as
chipper as a cricket, He said: “I was
just two months and one day alone in my
little boat. In that time I spoke four to
twenty-two vessels, but saw only
sails. I hadu’t tasted a morsel of warm
food or drunk a cup of hot coffee in all
of that time, because my alcohol stove
got full of water. I took one hundred
bottles of Ilygeia distilled water with
me, but it was all gone. August 19th I
spoke the Nor, and asked her captain for
pork and water. He was willing enough
hut he looked me over and declared I
was a fool if I didn’t come aboard and
go New York. So I didn’t need
much coaxing to get me to abandon the
trip and return, especially as I had bad
some trouble with sharks.”
Two Swedish farmers named Ole Jobn
son and Hans Erickson, of Nebraska
City Neb., made a strange bet on the
presidential election. A written agree¬
ment was drawn up and placed m the
hands of a prominent business man
According to its terms, in the event of
Cleveland’s election, Mr. Johnson for¬
feits to Mr. Erickson his wife, Johnson
to have and to hold against the lawful
claims of any and all persons whatsoever.
If, on the other hand, General Harrison
is elected, the agreement stipulates that
Mr. Johnson shall receive from Mr.
Erickson one Jersey cow, valued at $50.
All the parties to the wager are in earn
est, including Mrs. Johnson who ex¬
presses a hope that Cleveland will be re
One featuro of the epidemic at Jack
sonville during the past week is the fre¬
quency with which it has attacked phy
sicians and clergymen and other active
w-orkers in the cause of the sick and suf¬
fering. Drs. C. J. Burroughs and C. II.
Mallet't were both prostrated on Thurs¬
day, and Dr. Daniel gave up and went
to bed on Friday. The ranks of the
clergymen have been thinned, but all who
are sick give signs of early recovery.
The condition of Rev. J. B. Bickrell is
not so hopeful as could be. wished, but
has not as yet become critical. Bishop
Edwin G. Weeds is still well and doing
good work at all times and places,
Bishop Moore and the Rev. Father Ken
ny (recently recovered) are both active m
tne work of nursing charity, and may be
seen at almost any hour of the e.ay en
gaged in the noble mission of relief to
t e suffering. Just about enough new
doclors have come in to fill the local va
c ncics caused by sickuis?. More are
n eded. The following temporary as- H.
signmenls have been made by F.
Caldwell, who has charge of the medical
corps. Dr. A. W. Knight will lake the
territory east of Market to East Jack
sonville; Dr. Clay will take
La villa, north of Beaver street,
snd Hansomtown; Dr. Donc-hue, of Cary
ville, Fla., will take Campbtll’s addi
tion, Fairfield and Oakland; Dr. George
C. Mathews and Dr. Eddy, of St. Louis,
will take Lavilla, south of Bean street;
Dr. Vahoo, of Ocala, will take charge
of East Jacksonville,with headquarters at
Dr. Fairlie’s drug store. I)r. Bryant, of
Ilouston, and Dr Shetral,of Savannah has
been assigned to the district bounded by
Clny street, on West Marked street on
the east, and Springfield and Hansom
town on the north. There is room at
St. Luke’s hospital to accommodate thir
teen more patients, and the hospital is
now in excellent condition. Six private desire
rooms, suitable to patients who
isolation, are vacant and they are neatly
furnished and most comfortable apart
jnents. Dr. Sollnce Alitcliell says he has
thirty patients now at the Sandhills and
nmpfo accommodation He for sixty to or seven- out
ty more. proposes move
and make his home there until
the frost puts an end to his labors.
Dr. Porter received the following tele¬
gram: Camp Perry, September 10.—
Dr. S. Y. Porter, Jacksonville: ‘‘Suggest
to the people coming here that they may and
bring sheets, pillow cases and towels,
get them some evening after fumigation. fresh
No pillows. Will fill cases with
pine straw.r—Hamilton.” Saturday’s
weather was somewhat pleasanter poured scorching as no
rain fell, but a hot sun
rays down without mercy and exhalation
arising could be s en line thin mist.
“This is yellow fever weather,” said a
doctor, “and you may now look for a
large increase in the number of cases, but
it is a great relief for the sick, and that
we think good.”
The weather crop bulletin, issued from by
the signal office, says that reports
the corn belt, including Indiana, Illinois,
Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska, indicate
that the weather during the past Week
has been especially favorable, and that
the corn crop, which is very large, is
generally secure and past injury from
frost. The frosts which occurred during j
the week along the northern border of
Iowa and in Minnesota, Wisconsin and
Michigan did some damage to the grow¬
ing crops. Over the west portion of the
cotton region, including Alabama and
Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louis¬
iana and Texas, favorable weather dur¬
ing the week greatly improved all grow¬
ing crops, and cotton picking is in
progress in all these States. In Norlh
and South Carolina all growing crops and
arc seriously injured by heavy rains
dangerous floods. The weather during
the week was especially favorable for
tobacco in Kentucky and Tennessee. The
weather in New England and the middle
Atlantic States was generally unfavor
able for ripening crops, Farm work is
The marriage of the Duke of Aosta, j
a brother of the Kmg of Italy, and j
Princess Letitia Bonaparte was cele
brated at Turin, Italy, with great pomp.
The civil ceremony took p ace in the
grand hall of the palace in the presence
of princesses of the houses of Savoy,
Braganza and Bonaparte, Generals Men
abrea and Della Rocea, Signor Crispi,
Siguor Farini and other dignitaries. the At
thc conclusion of the civil ceremony
party proceeded to the chapel of the
p?lace, where the religious service w as
performed. Cardinal Alamonda, Arch
bishop of Turin, delivered the address, i
Afterward the newly wedded couple ; |
went to the Aosta palace. They were
escorted by about six hundred gentlemen
on horseback. In the square of Victor
Emmanuel the procession halted, and the
kin" and queen and the Duke of Aosta j
“4 hi *wa . mti “ j
were accorded a popular ovation. I
sort. i
the right
Subscriptions for the relief of the af- i
dieted in Jacksonville, Fla., in one day Of in j |
New Y'ork amounted to $14,331. of
this amount $12,000 was the donation |
°resentin“ V Mayor^Hevntt°a'$10 ,OAkT gohi j
The Tramp’s Unhappy Lot.
Old Gentleman (to tramp)—“I nomadic sup¬ life
pose, my friend, that in the
you lead, there are a great many draw
UfLC ks?^
Tramp (bitterly)—“Yes, sir; there are
some drawbacks, of course, but I suffei
(more from “move ons.”— Time,
NO. 30.
The Chinese exclusion bid was taken
up by the Senate on Thursday and Mr.
jj 0 nes of Nevada, proceeded to addtess
jtfi e s en ate in favor of its immediate pas
hage. Mr. Vest followed in oppositon to
Mr. Blair’s motion to consider. The debate
W(ls continued by Messrs. George, Blair,
Butler, Morgan, Saulsbury and Harris,
jt ]\j r . Blair’s amendment, as he proposed
0 modify it, was to the effect that the
bill shall not tako effect until the first of
November next, unless the pending treaty
shall bo rejected by China before that
time, but shall take effect immediately
on suc b rejection, and that the president
shall at once make known to the Chinese
government the passage of the bill after
tta agreement Senate to dispose adjourned of the bill the on
Friday the In
House on motion of Mr. Flourney, of Al
abama, a joint resolution was passed existing ex
tendinguntil October 1st the
appropriations for the sundry civil ex
penses of the government. The House
resumed consideration of the Senate bill
nmendatory to the interstate commerce 1
j aw . Mr. Anderson, of Iowa, offered an
amendment, and Mr. Anderson, of Knn
gas, also offered two amendments. Air.
Grosvenor, of Ohio, submitted an atnend
ment metking it unlawful for any com
mon carrier, subject to the provisions other oi
Hies act, to carry refined oils anil
petroleum products, cotton seed oil and
turpentine for any other shipper in tank
or cylinder cars who sh ill own, lease or
control the same in any manner, except shall
upon the condition that said carrier
cliurge the same rates of transportation and
0 f ga j d products in wooden packages
barrels in car load lots as in tank or cyl
inder cars; said tank and cylinder and
Fa jd W ooden packages and barrels being
carried free in each case,
The hoadquarteis of the American Na¬
tional Red Cross was established at the
Riggs House with its president, Miss
Clara Barton, in charge. Among tho
dispatches received was one from Col. F.
R. Soutlimayd, dated New Orleans, stat¬
ing: “Am off this evming with which eigh¬
teen nurse3 for Jacksonville,”
makes a total of fifty Gained nurses
ready for duty and in the employ of the
Red Cross, all of whom are acclimated
and have Mud the yellow fever.
A dispatch from Enst Saganaw, Michi¬
gan, says a fire has been burning in the
woods of northern Michigan two weeks,
and although several towns and valuable
property have been threatened, no serious
los-cs have lesulted up to this time. A
disaster is reported on Saganaw, Tusko
la and Huron railroad, resulting from
forest fires. Ah express train, while
running twenty miles an hour, ran on a
piece of track beneath which the ties had
burned, and the engine, express and
baggage ear and two coaches left the
rails and ran along the ground about two
lengths of the train and the ongiue
turned over iu a ditch. 'Jhe engineer,
fireman and express messengers were
thrown clear of the wreck and escaped the
n ith biuises and burns. 'The fire on
(.rack was immedciutely communicated
to the coaches and the passengers and
crew barely had time to run through the
train arid escape by the rear conches be¬
fore every particle of wood work in the
train was burned.
Cutting Glass Cylinders.
Several of the South side glass factor,
ies are now using electricity for a novel
purpose. Heretofore when they wanted
to cut one of the large cylinders of wind
ow 8 lass a f^ttie^Pittsbura
’ consisted of the pulling
? This
ont fl . om ^e furnace of a thin shred of
« „ luB8 -A } iea ted white. This was quickly end
ed around the bottle-shaped through
0 f the cylinder and it burned or
f rac tured, the glass. A pair of tongs had
to be Med in the process .
-g tbe n0W me thod the glass cyliud
“ j i d with fine wire, the ex
er i enc rc e a
tremities of which are p - in eonnec- It
tion with a small electric battery. is
necessary that the wire adhere cloself
t 0 the glass. When a current of electrio
jty i s passed through the wire the latter
becomes red hot and heats the glass
beneath it. Then a single drop of water
deposited on the heated place glass will cause clear
a clean breakage of the
around in the path of the wire,
Contrary to what takes place with the
thicker the sides of the cylinder are the
better the cut.
He Suited the Old Man.
Beautiful Girl (at dog fancier’s)
“Why, papa, there are no nice English
^Father-“I see; guess we have got
What breed is that handsome animal,
Mr. De Brute?” be¬
Experienced Dealer—ne is a cross dog,
tween a bulldog and a tiger. That
sir, if given the word, would swallow a
dude at one (quickly)—“I’ll gulp.” take ,. him. ,,
Father —
Philadelphia Record.