Newspaper Page Text
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jh. /^ v f wuLiaa pjtfa *' C K -. ,-^fcjI «
xUMBER l 4 -
G- - i ::c . '■ ■ ‘ XX§S crt- tc:.t Hie hair was om
£??$ la? y .sy.ttcra•>'<!» ■ , , • „ , ; >co ; v preparation, the
XM h; Yss'U’’ M uS# v u..riu, on
" -• {£&« :, ; re- Cf .‘Aw ibe demand that w e ar, Aati-Hatrino, now jr=trodiic.n t r
\ fifeS»CflSeT ' 1 under the name el «acws
J 4 E Tk E cHi^eir:>.sEiT.
|H£; ■*
pSEMMM %> j&vww
■TcW?-’ 5 - ' r ^_S[LKDKEsU *^‘ 0 ^ d s B i ar y or Commission to Agents.
I Xl *** DtAiSOMD Co. OYCS.ES. 3 0 Ladies’Cushion Tires,
u liras, STRICTLY grade. , $ 95.00
085.00 high
shicn liras, lio. 4 , Oonvariible Solid Tiros,
* $35.00 $S 5.00
I V.A “ Tiros,
ju 1 Solid Til?*. Ho. 4 , 7 i -* Cushion
$5^.00 $ 95.00
1 mm mm Ml machine any No better price. made at
He 5
m V Bicycle Catalogue Free.
hQ ;: $ 85.00
Lrj^- p XjOA r EIjI-^ ASMS OO.j
* # MASS.
of G uns, Riga, kavolvera, Sporting Good* of all kinds, etc.
mm :
Si I luXsj
f \
e/ficfl sb t»s
'or Catalogue and Prices, write the Manufacturers,
Tomlinson & Webstar !!*> Co.,
OkS Cv TK-! CO a T t Z YM-HGG elf2 tr.ZZL
: Tcr> * £
>- * i
\K:X g / fsmii m/\ ; \ p
; \
/Vi y (0 S *
Zdj&r-'- .A ^ < *
tvoon riKiba, ok rAisTBO.
r. Honor, tintiroly different from Cheap Western
*<. Live DeaSors wanted, Territory given.
GS9 m ir4 1 ZJ rr limn A f”3 r» r;i v • r.* r-y | r^-si CD 2 kvTg .
ETUST-CLAGE ar ■ X XIVI "i." heqpbct.
S its, / <
5 « X
— ---
n ffp\? v \ ysj- f\Y ; 4? \ /
X / X
%. ft, j\/'\ ' -M > tJr \
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Am f>. tr*r; f, fi k rm* .a-s' -■e-; - JjV -
j \J k .; •. t R if e. w .... 1 r *< v ‘ «
* *
ire Pianos W'M: SI m
* Eg °ING
of VL c**?- yle I • - - cr -. it >. .
t# r hr HI - "cifcIY ^ havMitS ! 9 . r ‘" Dl ° 40 " m
- ey :U
^ '
jgSLM 5«AND NOW! MIG Brnm ^ I %
Ma* e * *« eta es-AU*.*': 1 ' A
0 Pond approve t hQ new,
4 Piano Co hflasonic 183 Tremont Temple, St. Boston
So ill .< alii: nee pio.; e at Abbevhh
forced Y\ iinderly tb take to ib \\ UvAi
with bis third (arty i/ear! t> co
no'v ‘ shed the woods."
The cniunpion ‘inau <i family” b V
aimed in ibis country fom Fieinisi
Poland. Ills name is John Nab f,
and twenty-four sprigs ndoni- iL<
f arnily tree. " ,
Tiie twelflii plank m-lbe • pia Coin
of ibe People’s party is the one < i
which Southerns oiumbic. It is m
right iu ihe west, but is too slick lu
be loyal Soutberner.
No longer Hvil or Ok velum. 1 —it n
Deino iacy and .white supremacy \ e.
Third puny ism and negro rule r ba;
is just i be size of it and you cun’,
make anything else out of it.
The twelfth demand of the St
Louis platform may pe deuied a
much as possible, but it’s theie ai
the same and it is smelling pretty
much like rot en tiniDer.
Georgia is ringing with Denocrati.
doctrine. Whoi eur it is presentid ii.
ils true light, opposition vanishes auc
eulbusiastie support, comes, wherevti
it is opposed to the doctrine of Third
paityisin it is victorious. On with ib
light, and never cease it until the vih
tory is won.
Xbe aigumtul usuU ui luvur ol tb(
paueiou pluiik is uu an.usujg out
TuiiV biq Uii.l b( CfiUbt tut Lu.t
bo dors v.’tit pa d .ue uiiltacuce Ol
tweeu tbe dcpnctalcd cumucy aim
Lola ibul iLtnloie ibe toluitib
should be. liavtu t tbetoluuais btiL
paid \ety liberally biuce ibe warm
; u i.k ous, and is not $135,1)00,000 ^ eai i
Aau be idea ull this do two wiougt
evei i. a ce a ‘ngbp
M. Liviugeo u's speich at ' onyerb
sb/. * •;c read bj evi i'x ilemocrat ii
G(3v/, b u. It coutaius b "iuc
sound e use, and pours out ibe only
cbaiuitl tbiuu^b wbteb ti.e Ai.iuiict
will ever be a Ole to in in Biiccobb ikl'in
deuiandb.—Athens Banner.
The only way iu which lo heai lb'
breach between the Democrats oi
Georgia is to convince those who an
tlnnlutig of leaving ti.e ranics tba
their course win result iu bauu to
theiqbest interests. Vihilicatiomwould
ue unpardonable; rhetoric would be
useless; equivocation out of place,
ibe only way is to preach sound doc
trin and convince their minds bj
arugument. Tbe men are our frinds,
they are honest iu their couvictious,
and they will listen to all our argu
inent if we will advance it.
Stand by tbe eld ship, tbe storms
are raging now, nui they 11 not last
forever when tbe election tolls around
and tbe rrnoke oi tlie gnat ^ olitieui
battle shall have rolled away, tbe men
vs bo can ied her safely over tbe break
eis by the strength of their good
right arms and honest heart will have
reiomptnse enough for tbeiqlabois iu
ihe knowledge that they have kept the
white man on top.
Says Georgia exchange: “ A country
editor alter leaving all earthly borrow
behind him found himself at tbe gate of
hades and was examined as to bis profes¬
sion or business while on earth, ‘i have
been editor ol a Georgia country weekly,
ei!, .said old featun, y ou can t come in
iiKiZt as I have lots of your unpaid jPHHi
bubtenbtrs inside and y ou -v oulel be»ug uud (piarrebiug With_them all toe
tune 1- ore’s » pi chfork, go and start a
liUie l ades ol y our own.
The Philadelphia Times asserts
t.iai the pension lax ou this country
would crubli any of the ilebi-burdened
uionaiciiies of Europe. Ami yet the
farmers, wLo are seeking relief, are
asked to support tbe f bud party,
which favor# an enormous back pen
sioli steal
Af.e. three week'e no ice, tbe
[ an y pd pie were able to gatbei only
about sixty persons iu um-s meeiing
at Irwmton on Friday, anil omy two
tbi ds of lLo-»e we.e in faver ui tiie
uiovamnt. Tins tbows that the
moveuitnt •* .euo“iadm b ' in Ui-urgu
News Froiii YVushingiun.
M^bmgtoh, p C, April V\Mk
My. Ha ikon's visit to Nev
York lliis-Veek, while obstnnsi
oiy hji the purpose of attending
lie-laying ol’ the corner, stork
f the Grant monument, is h
'f aHty f'or the purpose of set
ling-the question of Ins caiwh ■
,acy for a renomination. Hi
nil carry with the two men win
were taken into the cabine,
solely to bring about this ro
iiomlnalion—Secretaries Fostei
and Elkins—and while then
obese political manipulators win
meet the republican bosses 6i
New A ik and other statqs aim
try to make bargains with then,
Secretary Foster has just re
uurned from Ohio, where hi
went to lay Harrison wires, ana
there is reason for believing, al¬
though he maintains the con¬
trary, that he found the anti
Harrison sentiment itqp. strong
fur him, and that the Ohio dele¬
gation will go to Mineapolis uu
mstructed. With such states
as Pennsylvania and Ohio send¬
ing uninstructed delegations, n
necessary for Mr. Har¬
rison to capture the New York
delegation or lluovv up l-he
Senator Teller is doing all lit
knows how; to do to make him¬
istration. Not satisfied With
charging Mi’. Harrison with ha\
mg been in league with the
money power lobby .to defeai
tlie freecouiago bill iu tn« fjiuiee
no knocked the bottom oat o;
a very nice little scheme which
Mr. Harrison has been coucoct
ing for elect, ring purposes
by offering ■ olution, which
was adopted he Senate, call¬
ing upon the Re sident for in¬
formation as to •>'iiat steps have
been taken toward.the holding
of an international moiie
tary conference, and for copies
of ail correspondence with ,gov
ernment invited to participate
therein. Senator Sherman
made a hole for Mr. Harrison to
crawl out by amending tlie res¬
olution by adding “ it not in¬
compatible with the public in¬
terests, ” but Mr. Teller intimates
that Mr If.- would better not try
to make use of it. It is known
Mr. Harrison has had secret
agents to agree to take part in
such a conference, anti it is said
that they have succeeded mget¬
ting a number of them to so
and that the conference is to he
held when it will do the lepub
licau putty the most good—just
before tlie election, when all
sorts of promises can be made
as to what it will'do.
Senator Palmer has announc¬
ed himself a candidate for the 1
presidential nomination, . . ana , lm , I
endeavor ^
says hu will to secure
the support of the entire Illinois
Senator Cali has offered a
resolution which, if adopted and
carried out would get together
some very valuable information.
It provides for the appointment
of a committee to inquire
the present value per mile
the railways of the L. S., then
present capitalization and the
difference between such
izatiou . ami their actual
their gross and net receipts,
number and CO mpen is tli »n of
employes, amount >f bonded in
ucbWdness and capital and
stuck; ,ifc.;d a list » 1’ StOi Iciiai n\:
uid bpndi oldera, giving U.eir
reside. Me
The Senate, iu its usual pon
derous way, is 'ciscussing the
House Chinese exclusion hi!!.
The republicans, are trying Y ’.
hard i , to , make purt-v 1 . • capital 1 out
ot the dellioei,ttic , S (it e by v t iit , 11
representative Hockwell, of
New York, was retained in his
seat, notwithstanding the re¬
pent of a majority of the elec
ions committee in favor of the
•ontestant Representative Mc
viiliin, of Tennessee, voiced the
general democratic as well as
lie common sense view when
lie said of it: “ I cannot see
io\v it can affect the democrat
c party. It was ,a .case upon
Ahich men could honestly differ
mil upon which Lie}' did -differ.,
Mr: Rocwell had'fhe advantage
of the skill with which his case
was presented, and there were
many minds, that were not made
dp until the final presentations
of the case. The very length
if tlie debate and the pet feet
freedom which nuuke 1 it was
sufficient to show country that
i ha democratic House was wiil
ing to listen, to every phase of
tlie case. ”
Some gossip has been caused
Liy the i Veport licit/ Ml. 1 lail c
•was very brusque in his refusal
of the invitation to accompany
, . .
.ur. Harrison and tile ailuiims-
tratiou party wliicli is to go
.ako ,,art in by in* «» y-
Mono of tne Grant monument,
m Wednesday. Mr, Blaine is
t leaWamsi^n; Uh-.c r«
never any love displayed o> him
for General Grant in Ins life
time, and he declines to make a
pretense of it over, his grave.
Senator Voi'hees says of the
platform adopted be the. lud -
ana democratic convention: “ it
is a sound platform, embracing
tariff reform and a currency of
gold and silver and legal tender
paper (greenbacks) on an equali¬
ty with each other. This is the
old democratic platform, and
no new departure toward Wall
Street.” He adds that the state
ticket is a splendid one, with a
practical farmer at its head, and
that it is certain to sweep the
Statu into the democratic col¬
umn this year.
PctiifnMl iGiccs.
We were situng on die tavern veranda.
after supjier for a ban ike, when an old
darkey with a crooked leg came along
and took his bat off and Ntid :
“Gene ’en, 1 should like to .x yo‘ a
fetv queslmn*, i»leaee.
ijpinc Z.; told LA to go ahead, he came up ; I
tb. «./.!«). -I
observtil; d<* "ah, !
‘I lost my ole woman iloorin
all she Nvas buried on I’e gravel ridge
olrer yere bout two miles. 1 nun » cut ah ;
dugnpde hotly last week to put it in a j
^ lf ace ,an it was all j amlyzed ftuu. .
‘You mean I etrltied.
Dat’s it, sab look fo’ men to git :t i
out of de grave. Jest dtm turue l :nb>
rocs an look as natci'Hl as life, fce-inwl |
nk e i was uuu talkin to de olo lady agin
Sv~. de
She t* n der on i ra>- w n> n a
was •mi
Her driv Ul rt w ag in an ol mi
it E
jy doners lur ue body. 1 o yt reck
v >
it was right to sell it ■
.-vVt-1!. tbat’n according to y. >»»r )wn
reelings-’ dun
‘.Jest so' bl was
j turned stun.
j “An “Yes.” all - to
“An r—» w >uldn t b'irt
tv driv
,,^ a i C nan
a _ I
2 u
says X&i v /[. X iV
Km yo’ tell iiV
Ufa >>
: if tla-’H wT ^
“You ought W have got at U«st tweotj -
I’-lIULi 1- 00 v i ;;/v't
I. VI! i c
d ul i - » i *’ s XiijatXl
i 't, i(tt)' S ti’ii L
“Jchl . '.c.t li . : hvcidy ilo.Hai
I!u! ’k di, dty j ay tint tuck ou
no a :ii. !’ •: ■ ' < 1 tic,ct i rice- now,
nil I knows What Tt.v.tir to ask:”
But the boiti P iiirck' 5 gone.’
: - ' ■ e.. ; y, l a i aim i mini tow
odilc" \t ves an UiJit' • ii.’c:i eu <kl sauio
u*''lau . . tur i • miS ... cut/
(toy is ' IV1 ne to [, i,. ’I i:. . . r I■ I.>ta*iiu : Ie
or i’»l luntMal ’eyi u- bi hack m a^ful”
“ L' in’ Vi fttftcn bun ifiubiuu to lose
by tin)- nfeMof the Dci.ucutaic paUyj
Georgia bus. Vv iffoii I,t odnuy to
gaiu by the .siaa-c k ot !:•• ib mcc i,cyl
Gi or:'ia h-is. .vbicli v.pii ilm fiunu iM
support, Wtiis.>;i /-v (jcorfii.
p ^"’wV'aSPlk S-:
: t I
mffi\ < ’ mk . (c
m .-■•1
p i himm Amis.
Path the-jnsthod, and results vhen
fy.v.p 'ai refreshing of Figs is taken; the it b and pleasant
. to taste, acts
' vrkly dyer and yetiprotnptly Jlov.xk, cleanses on the Kidneys, the
-'•■a_offcetual:y,, dir,'. ccida, head; sys
•he:: and f; cor:-! ana cures Imbitunl
oiistipatlon. renw-dy; By; up of md Tigs is tlie
• dy •.• m ever and ,pr>
ul a-nr/ to tho tuste ao*'
,pp; p >u , gfomneb, prompt ill
>- and truly beneficinf in ii*
f'X 4 - l ’ *X m tho ^
healthy-i '.d tm substances, ltd
. : tr! y GXCfc jjont qualities commend it
.to all and have nyido it tbs rnofct
' ^d '^T^Tfer $}. botties by all leading «b in drnf 50,
fata. Any reliable SIS! druggist Vue
"Xf cashes >¥§4 L)o accept £
to try it. no f, any
■sf Tv?
if l' - •
i\ j--v ;
jyu V. a r \
S / clmS Il'M
A <
i!. m m
^ j JU'UL
pa mm
Pg^gliSi ,r. ■ - m,
life ; ’ ^
Ult>: ao!ty 4 CQ Mims per Day
cjiYtroar, c. CSZCASO, nA.
A s in stock where
_, itiey i n we eeu stud them
- T
Hexpecj tiiiy,
C'onyer-** 1 »a.