Newspaper Page Text
J! al c‘s MU'chin.
J. N. HALE, Editor.
Anno i noements : — For Congress, ton
dollars; for State Senator, seven dollars;
for County Oilices, five dohars.
Mr- J. J. Langford left Tuesday
uioruing for New York and many
other nortbeasten and western C'tbs
to purchase his fall and wintor stock
of goods. He will buy one of the
largest and most complete stocks
ever bought in this market; he will
pay spot cash and, people may expect
bargains such as have never been
seen here before, his new store rooms
the hansomest in middle Georgia-are
no v about completed and will be
ready for his new goods. Watch
Iris eoluras for his advertisement and
you will see the many magniftieient
bargains he will oiler you. There
will be no use in going to A'lanta
or other markets for goods ol an}'
kind for he will beanie to furuish you
cheaper and belter goods, poth as to
at) la and quality.
In his letter of acceptance, the
longest on record, Mr. Harrison
deals with a variety of topics
which are not likely to command
much attention in the campaign
or have much effect on the elec¬
tion—such as the repeal ot the
State bank tax, ocean carrying
trade, reciprocity, silver, gerry¬
mandering and his foreign policy,
etc. He takes up the Force bill,
though hardly in that vigorous
spirit in which he once urged its
enactment, but sufficiently, per¬
haps, to encourage a solid South.
Very naturally he devotes much
attention to the McKinley law,
which ho claims bus conferred
great benefits on the farmer and
the wage earner, as web us the
country in general. In support
of the claim that wages lias ad¬
vanced he cites Peck’s New York
figures, though it. has been pretty
well sliow'u that they amount to
nothing. Perhaps the most stri¬
king and significant aspect of the
letter is its appeal to farmers.
Much space is devoted to show¬
ing the ben-fits conferred upon
them by reciprocity, by the Mc¬
Kinley law, by the Agricultural
Department, etc., all of which
looks as if the President is rath¬
er anxious about the effect of the
Alliance movement in the North¬
west.—N. Y. Herald.
fesmsi / 'A.:"' mM #$|fj
em a:M
T-n;h tlie method mid results when
tSyrgn of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
aim bendy refreshing; promptly to the taste, Kidneys. and acts
yet on the
; :c and Bovels, cleanses the sys
t iii effectually, -”id fevers dispeh-. coids, habitual head
a hes and cures
vmisiipatiou. Syrup of Figs is the
d'-cc-l remedy pleasing of its kind ever pro
to the taste and ae
(A d'ic? to the stomach, prompt in
iUi aetioa and truly beneficial in its
Uhy cs. prepared agrocable only from substances, the most
tiv A t-nd its
excellent qualities commend it
;..i ami hav.<> made it the most
ear i ic!-,'. > ■ » . i-.'.Tl.
nip < s is for sale in fOc
... i bottles U hading drug
3 y reliable Mi. t 't? igict wht
1 \ ‘> 0 « ht ve it on 1 .. id will pro
r r>>inpily for any one wb-
ad ru cept ry
'vyz. ,rv. rosx, A.K
Tie Hater fieri
Is now in charge of Mr E. A
Xeary, a (inn machinist’ who
has pur all the machinery in
picnic condition and can gin
vour cotton making tye pret¬
tiest lint posible. He will gin
as cheap as anyone, See him
before you have your gining
I will pay the highest cash
prices for old cotten seed.
Open up the tenth day of Sep¬
I pay special prices to gin
ners and controllers.
W. 0, Cooper.
Agent for Gate City Oil Co
Com To AMeis
We have opened a first
class Blacksmith and repair
shop in rear of the Hotel and
near the Livery Stables, and
are prepared to do your work
in first class order, at shoeing reason
able prices. Horse a
specialty. All work warranted
try us. Respectfully,
L. T. Frrill & Co.
Mr. G. P, Klliottformerly oi
the firm of G. P. Elliott, Con¬
yers, Ga., wishes to thank all
ol his old friends and custom¬
ers for their past favors and
patronage, and inform them
that hd has just enterrd into
his new' and elegant store room
in Lithonia where he can be
found with the new firm of G.
P. Elliott Son k Co. and would
be more than glad to have any
and all of his old frieids cal'
and see him. The new firm
now preposes to double the a
mount of stock earr’ed by the
old firm of G, P, Elliott. Any
one having barter to dispose of
will fiud id largely to their in¬
terest to call on him as Litho
nia is the best market for bar¬
ker on /.he Georgia railroad.
Will be ofierd for rent to the
hiahest hidderfor the season
ot 1892 and 93 before the
J >" >* c ™>™
.•.hoar oi\ “ t.u. y '-0 ..... ■ " hi ^
Sept. 5, 1892.
SuptTen tender.!.
i’uMic Ginery.
221 will sgiii cotton for the thir¬
tieth, and will gsiarantee satis¬
faction as I have always done.
I thank my r --e 'U\- ■: < u:V r- v tc:
patronage i hope you. v» ill j
continue the : •:> r.'.e.
G. P. Sawyer.
mu H farm
Sb, f :• ;. i
toral Mta.
Hon. L. F. Livingston, of Newton
for representative
Rockdale county: Dr. J. A. Stew
James C Barton will ash the Rockdale support
the vt rs of the people of will
the office of Ordinary He a
the democratic notnin’tion. _
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of county Treasurer and
the support, of every citizen of our
countv. I will abide the Democratic
nomination, if any. If elected I will fill
office s;itisfacTir:l' r to all. Itespct
J. E. Whitaker.
To the voters of Rockdale county: I
ask your support for re-election to
Clerk of the Superior f ’ourL subject to
the Democratic primary Thanking you
for past favors, Very Bespcfc, Huson.
W. T.
I hereby announce myself a dandidate
for re-election to the office of i ax Col¬
lector tor Rockdale county. I will abide
the Democratic nomina ion, if any, and
promise faithful service if elected.
Thanking the people for pact favors, I
am, Respct. Daniel W. Murdock.
This is to notify the public that I am
a candidate for re-election to the office
ot Sheriff of Rockdale count y, subject Thank to
a Democratic nominal’on, if any.
ing the people of this county for past fa¬
vors, I promise if elected, to try to do
my duty in toe future as in the past.
Respectfully, W. H. M. Austin
To the voteis of Rockdale < ouuty :---
1 hereby announce my s df as a candi¬
date for election to the Ordinary’s office
1 feel under many obligations for the
kindness shown me bore of ore and hope
you will continue the same favor. I will
pledge myself to serve the people to the
best of my ability. I will abide the
acts of tlm detncratic primary.
I announce myself a candicate for re
election to the office of Tax Receiver of
Rock'la e county, subject to the nomina¬
tion if any is had If elected I will dis¬
charge the duties of the office to the best
of my ability, 't hanking the people of
this county for their kindness in the past
I again solicit their support. Very Re¬
spectfully, R. L. Hudson.
To the people of Rockdale: Having
been unfortunate in health and I ’f-s of
stock, l ask the support of the people of
this county for one term as coumy
Treasurer. I will abide rhe Democrat!:
nominotiou if am'. I earnestly solicit
the aid of my fellow' men and will at¬
tend to the office if entrusted to my care
in a manner that will give satisfaction to
all. itespec fully, J. E.
Can You Find the Word ?
There is a 3-inch display advertise
ment in this paper, this week, which has
no iwo words aiike except one word.
The same is tr» T e of each new one ap¬
pearing each week from the Dr. Harter
Medicine Co. This house places a
“Crescent” on everpshing they (hem ma’<e the
amt publish. Look for it, i-eml
name of tne word, and ihey will return
Rook, Beautiful Lithographs or .Sam¬
ples Free.
Ls the (trice of health. Bui. wi'h all
cur precaution there are enemies always
lurking about ou systems, only wait
ing a favorable opportunity to as i ert
themselves. Impurities in the blood
m»v be Hidden tor ye >rs or even for
generatio n aud suddenly break for h.
uiiderm n ng hemtn and lia-ten ug
death. For all diseases arising- from im¬
pure blood Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the un
equalled and unapproaehed remedy. It
is King of them ail, for it couq a s dis¬
Will you heci me warning. The > I
perhaps if the -are approach of ikt? I
more terrible disrate Co 3 isTimi)ti<Mi. A^k
if you can afford for the sa : o
of saving 5 t.a , to run the riss and do
nothing for it. We snow from ex
perience that Shiloh’s Cure will cure
your cough. . . fai. 'J . . 1
why more the-., •< .Viiihou L»<v!>v w. . ■
void the pa.w -ear. It itiiovescroupa-uu j
• hooping cough at one . Motners, do i
not be without it. Lor lame back, sidi
or chest use SbilolTs lkirous Piaster, ’
•"old by Dr. W. E. Lee & f on- ’
Is it not worth the small sum of 74c. I
to free yourself to every ••
distressing vouuifaiuts, if y S I
call at \ ou i. alizer, •n<i <ret Ixst » leAes bo- .> printed Shi- J
ou-ry l
111! i!
‘oo- you no goo-, i* wi.i coot you no
mg. rioidby Hr. VV. II. Lee & Son. th-
Georgia Rockdale county •
To :iU whom it may concern: whevas
J‘ Langford and P H. Langford,
is tutors of J. W. Langford, dis
eased, lias in due form applied to the
unde.isigned leave to s --11 the land be
longing to theestate of said diseased,
I will iiear said application on the tirst
~ “ ° C “” 18 i2
0. Seamans
All persons having demands against
es ate of S H Aitoer-on, late of
county, deseased, are hereby
to render in their demands to
undersigned indebted ac- ordmg add to law; and
persons to estate are
to make immediate payment
This May 4th., 1892. John H
Admr. . Aliiand,
. H. Anderson, deceased.
GEORGIA, Rockdale County.
This is to notify all persons concerned
that Mr. J. I. Christian lias applied for
the setting apart a twelve rnon h sup
port out of ike estate of Rufus * hristian
deceased, said application tli will be pass¬
ed upon on the 12 day of September
1S92. This Aug. 9 1892.
41. 0- Seamans, Ordinary.
By virture of an order issued from the
court of Ordinary of Rockdale county
on the 1 st Monday in July 1892 will
be sold before the court house door in
Conyer-, Rockdale county, on the first
Tuesday in November 1892, within the
legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
all of the following described property
to \it: One tract or pared of land con¬
taining (151 ) one hundred and fifty one
acres, more or less, b ing part of land
lots number 84i and317, lying and be¬
ing in the 16th district of originally
Newton, now Rockdale county, and
bounded as follows; On the north by
the other lands of S. H. Anders, m de¬
ceased, on the south and east lay the
public raod leading from Conyers to
Gee’s Mill and on the west by the lands
of Nelson Uverbay. This tract of land is
known and recogniz'd it as the “home
place There is on one dwelling, good, sub¬
stantial, 6 room frame well
built and arranged, all nec ssary out
buildings, stables, barns, gin house etc.,
fine in good orchard condition, of choice splendidly fruit etc,, watered, etc.
Forty acres of this place i* in oiiginal
forest. This farm is in a high state ot
cultivation and is known in this sale as
farm number one.
At the same time and place there will
be sold the following described proper¬
ty to wit: ( 151) one hundred and fifty
one acres o Hand, more or less, being
parts of lots number 344 and 347, lying
and being in the lOtli district of original
ly Newton now Rockdale county, and
bounded as tollows: On the North by
Miss Fier i a Carr and others’ on the
east, by the public r<>ad leading from the
town of conyers the to Gee’s Mill; above on the in
south by lands described
farm known asfarru number one; on the
we«t by the lands of Nelson Overbay.
This farm is a l-o in a very high state of
cultivation. T ere is on it two tenant
houses, good water, orchards etc. Twen¬
ty five acres in woods and ten acres or
more in good bottom land. This place
is known in th • advertisement and sale
as farm number 2 .
At the same time and place there will
be sold the following described property
to wit: being (82 ) Eigh'y land tw > acres, more or
less part of lot No. 366 and
lying and being in the 16th district of
originally bounded Newton now lows: Rockdale coun¬
ty and as fo On the north
by the lands of Messrs Tat lor and Mo m
on the east by the lands of the Misses
Overton; the on thesoutn by the lands of
Hargrove estate and on the we.-t. by
the public rand leading from the town of
formerly Conyers to G e’- of Mill. the The jail farm was
a part A hi Over bay
P ; ace, has two settlement-'; line water,
two good orchar ‘s etc., and is also in a
fine state of cultivation. This farm is
known in the advertisement and sale as
farm nuinbea 3.
At the 'sme time and place will be
sold the foilovvin r dc-eribad property to
wit: (114) one hundred and fourteen
acres of land mere or ‘es e being parts of
land lots No’s. 807 and 868 . lying and be
ing in the 16> h district of originally New
ton now Ro' kdale corns, y and bounded
as follows: On the north by the lands of
Mrs. 8 . E. Summers; on the ea -t bv r the
lands formerly o *ned by James Guffin
an-.l Dr. Means; oa the south bv the
lands of J. M. Zackvy and os fit * V7? I
1/y Hargrove i io buds of J . ri -.jmuii and Uie
estate There is cm thi- place
9 '°^ R;' res c>f fine pine forest; al o
a # ne a splendid of cuH-iva
} lon a ls ". ilere ^ oilu now lives.
Hits ,, . kno in ihe sale snd ad
iarm :s ■ n
vertwemeut as farm rumh>-r 4.
All ol the above described m*>
' ' '
"‘[ A ‘ Ret * **■’ ‘ u rp<* e >d ofpsyri for the -g the
‘afiotsagaius'; tue esta ea pur-
1 h (-k ; °f distribution among the heirs of
estate. lerms of sale are «s loll : <w-;
third easli; cue third to be pai d the
first tLj- of November 1898; one third to
be paid the first day of November l s 94.
Eight per cent interest from Late of sale
will be charged ou all defered pay
Bonds for titles will bo given purchasers
It is optional with pureha-ers to pay all
cash or pay balance at any time before
This July 30 1892.
J. H. Alv
S. H. oy ? to'YYt.;.
Ah uiuAy; .ay c
sou h east of Conyers.
the M* hereby es'at^fni ,Y°L CyH *
r^f 8
r 1
sarm to the ***
Lw tate and teani!°T ^u^Vtl
are 1 ”**
daymenr. to
Jobnifi ’ 4
administrator AW >
o \
Conyf first Tue-dav re %“j k l »’ 6 “* <1
i n a
&i “'» Into,
of T V ?!’ Sa e L .satisfy
hoSn<fS'”t HT H M h ^
A r?i
IK ia»
will be letoiiM 1ys ,1
he lowest bidder a t tJ
bpecfficatnuofsailpiy to be entered gy, i
calling on the Or Book&i? iinaied
AeAton and
bids Bridge will at take 10 O’clock place at pj “j
above set apart ffie contra
requested to give bon ,1 ant
tor the full completion of
and entered Rockdalecottat'eartte into the o t ,i 1Ksr
ty commission of Newton,
t'eHgtit bids, it they to thin reject s any 0
„ W. N. Proper] k’elsoi
0. St- iiuaoa
Board of commissioners.
AN ORlffi
Be it ordained ay Conyerstlutl the Major I
oil of the city of
the adoption of this orilinaiJ uj
persons shall have, build
wire fence ot fencesditeM
ning- along any public stafl
within the corporate limit!*
if any persen or persons sti
any such fence or fences as t
this ordinance, and who shall
to remove such fence or hi [i 1
notified by the marshal tow
person o. pereons shah e«L
such fence or fences, shalttel
de-ly conduct and shall be pi]
vietion before the MayorMB
tion 20 of the aineucM chart^
Adopted Sept, 5th 13J1 Jobs.
John W. Almaxd, Clerk.
Rockdale Tax assessment of Ordiaa fortDj
For county purposes*
Whereas his excellency) of Geoj
ernor of the state
assessed the forty hundred eight doj aaj
cents on sj
taxable property of tie
year 1892. It is ordered
e of the ordinary i‘o lowing of Rocudiiecj auessraej
they arc of Rockdale hereby made county) as j
1892 for the purpose I
forth and that the same
by D. vv. Murdoch Ml tel
Itookdaie county or hi
office and 'paid over
treasurer by the
For build;figasdBM iiuiiKj
and other ptmuc purpo»*l
other county c'-iiisf]
1892, thirty two toiaMI
doila s of a-i ffie
Rockdale county.
For s’rani 1892, mt sixteen u#«*]
the year
hundred dollars
erty ia Rockdale Ill eoptf
For the support «w
of for the m
poor hundred dj ,
on the
property of
vr- j,
By virtue of an order ®
& ('h'cUnary ' the \ lU
' '
.j '
.-j>. c-n **
, j
i ,,'fvofL .. 7 -a tk
y pi
; s
t i
oi A- J