Newspaper Page Text
A Rumor Corrected.
It has been rumored in and around
Conyers, that the woman I once married,
and tried to live with, (nee Mbs Vannie
Alraand) quit me. This is a me of the
blackest type. The tr .h of it. is this -.
I sent her home, and had go- d reasons
f>r doing so, and she swears in her in
torroga'ories, that she left m house hy
nay okpekb. It has also been to'd that
I was repenting and wanted to get her
back This is an infamous me. I never
made any such propositions. I was too
glad to get rid of her, and will be sorry
for the next man that gets fooled. It
has been told by some of her close kin
that 1 followed her around at the Anna!
Celebration at Decatur. This report is
•without foundation, and is maliciously
false. I never saw Her, if she was there,
and didn't look for her no way. She
ewoJin in her plea of property, that she
had two hundred and seventy-five dol
lars ($-*75) in money when I sent her
home, and she swore in her interrogate
lies that she had 180 dollars at same
time, and I have receipt from her for
($1«2.I0) one hundred and sixty-two
dollars and ten cents, that I paid her
when I sent her home. This is a nice
■way for a religious, christain professsor
to swear. I regret that 1 am t'orcod in
justice to myself to write the above, hut
it is facts, and I am responsible for it,
A. II. IIambrick.
December 1, 1892.
Atlanta Herald.
The marriage at 8 o’clock last
Wednesday eve ling at Trinity
Methodist Cbuicb lhat united Miss
Ora i’radwe’.l and Maj K. J. Guinn
was one of tho inort brilliant wil
nessecl in Atlanta this season.
The church was beautifully deco¬
rated with palms and ft ms and pot¬
ted plants.
The bride wove a handsome gown
of white silk aud carried a bopuet of
bride roses.
Miss Pearl Couch, of Senoia, and
M'bb Furlow Anderson were the
bridesmaids. They were attired in
lovely cream gowns of some clinging
meteriul, and wore long tulle yeils
caught with orange blossoms. They
carried Marechal Neil roses. The
ushers wore Messrs. J. H. Stiff, Rem
Crawford, Harvey Anderson andC. B.
Hudson, of Conyers, Gn,
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Chalmers Fraser, assisted by
Rev. "Walker Lewis.
After the ceremony an elaborate
reception was given at tho home of
lire bride's parents on Irwin street,
Jlere the decorations weio very
The bride is the eldest daughter ol
Captain aud Mrs. 8. D Bradwell, one
of the oldest and best known farni -
lies in Georgia- sbo is a young wo¬
man that makoB friends wherever
she is known.
Maj. Guinn is assistant of the
bride's father, and is honored by all
who know him.
One jierson In every nine Is left
Owls have a very acute senoo
There fire nrai lv 80(H) stitches in a
l»ir of hum!-Re"'ti b"<>ts.
One million ddlafsia g"ld weighs
8,6F58 pounds avoirdupois.
Globes and mai s were the iveution
of Anaximander, fl ( S, B- O.
The first i>air of apeetacles was
made by Spina, an Italian, 1299.
John NeDarby of Salmon Falls
Mass,'has double to<th all round.
Chain shot were the invention of
BeWit (ho great Dutch ttilmoral. They
were first u-ed in 1(100.
A >1 r. Hynlt of Boston l a- a Mexi¬
can bottle which is still alive, though it
hss eaten nothing in » year.
The most important Japanese holi¬
day is the Feast of tho l antern from
JubrlBto 16. It is the Jiiniibc Dec
oration Day.
K you want leather, shoe up
as et c, call on J. W. Carter.
Trust a woman’s 'uncut, but
not her feelings.
Yard wide sheeting nt 6c yj^r yard
at H. P. & D. M. Alimind & Co.
Ilood'a Pills cure consumption by
uK'oring the penatalio action of iLt
i. iuieut&ry canal. They aie tho ■ esi
Jan ily cathatic.
Car load Sweet Water Tally fluui
lit H. P. ife D. M. Alniuud ii Go’s.
H. JP. A D. M Aluiaud A Co- wii
m 11 you good nine ounce j uus at
‘Jf>c per yard good school boy j t - JUU
n 1 wool till mg at 25c p. r yard
Seed wl eat mill lje at J. J. Lang
ictd’s. •
Uais to fit any head at J. J. Lang
Coustipation, and all troubles with
the ilegestico organs aud the liver
are cured by Hood’s Pills. I'tie
quulied as a dinuer pill.
Sentiment is g.'otified |miljudic-e
History's heroes wete sdfish men
&A e f¥ic&
^ V;j
’doth the method and re-Tts • Ner
Byrap of Figa is taken; i’ ispleasan and
aa-a refreshing promptly to the taste, Kidneys, act
gently Liver and yet Bowels, cki. on uie
effectually, dispel.-. ' J . head¬ r-ys
tern cmd-s
aches and fevers and cnat, habitual
constipation. Syrup <:■' Figs is the
duced, only remedy of its kind < t and r pro¬
ceptable pleasing the to stomach, th ac¬ in
its action and truly la in its
effects, prepared agieeobie only fr-va e most its
healthy excellent and qualities s. nend 's, it
many all and have <
to mu . - nie.;t
po] iyrup of Fig is for sale in 50e
ami 1 #1 bottles by all 1 ling drug-,
gists. Any . ?L do dn who
raay 60*1 have it on hand will pro
'ThT-'V substitute ' A r ‘ ‘ '' J ' a I
LOUISVILLE. Hi. *£i? man. as
The better part tf v,; IB IilB
The Best Salve in t' woild for
Cuts, Bruises, Soros, h ! ■: ■ >ou .
Fever Sores, Tetter, (' • • ■: 'tm
Chilblains, Corns, nnc .t i S o ! . - p
lions, aud positively c i . r
no pay required. It is mute.
to giro per
2S cents per b 'X. For t :;’-- i> , L’<
W. II. Lee & Son.
Jennie Aumold ) Li’-tl fur Divorce
vs. ;-in Rockdale O.,
Jiff It L. Aksot.d.) Sept. It KK' the
appeaviug the Sheriff to tin' iu ... iho v abov<
return of
sta'ed case that, tho defendant dues
not reside in said county, and it
further reside appearing tlmt he tir doer. ofore nut.
in said state: It is .
ordered by llio court that Foi vise he
perfected on tho defend > at '-y the
publication of this order once the a
month for IV ur jii'.milis, bi [•.
next term of 11. COUPv io HaleIs
W«mr, a n.-- a.•■•. taper pub -Bed i
said county
So Ordered
Riciuap H. Ci.ack,
Judge The S. defeuciant, prc-sidiii •■. L. i wy,
Jiff !, :•
therefore requreU to ' ap|ieai
at. the next Sepevi; r i •; -•.!
Roi'kdalo eouuty, to a i I.
bel for divorce.
Wimess, Hon.fiii d if Olavk,
Judge of said court. This Oct ‘if,
1892. NV. T Uuson, Clerk 8. 0
Hu jots Jit heart tha never lov* \ n
People ovcrlookd the imp rrtauce of
pormaneutiy ivuiliei, ! ; an
were satisfied with tn r-. ::cfi i
but now that it is gin ally kno-in
that, Syrup i f Fi sw b permanently
cure habltua' oonaumption, wt-U-in¬
formed pit'plu will n.»t 1); ■ .-■( ; •<..
atives, which t et for a £** .me oat Una
y injure the sy-tern.
MMTYt yu.y
eou^’ft: Nov. th. he ,
7 u: . v di • .... (
court house do . in he ,v., ■J i;.
on the fir-t Tv.e duv in Depend), y 1-9J,
within thelasal hours of suie, t admin
pwiper;y liiiid J.vingaud to‘wit:' Leim; OnL' in ■ ■■ • ■Y
th<‘ tenth (10 -
tSTSS^iSi district of originally Newam. n n Roch-
5 . 'acres
hundred and twcutv-om (iai)
sstJsjs'W M .1. L, (hi t;i An the ■ .".Ah :U ty
r ; . u ;
the lands of O. V. Abv. . • A.
Fincher ; on thenut by the OL D.
F. Scott at d -Vis- Et 11. Cliri-tai-i • on
and tbe north James by the lauds o VI. i’< Irwin
\V. F. tpnrk and on the c,i-.t
by tho lands Cl bind, O. II. A1 .:u ,| ihcrc
are upon said two tew-cs houses
stable, ciib, good water ,vc. Ti-.crc
25 acres of oti.iiml lores', some ml field
limber, about 9 acres oi fr.V.i l.n,d cicnr
ed. 'iheiois reserved u;. u .-.,ld l-.t 7
one acre for a buryi ns? gruuuu.
Hi? .... Mine tinie .. place, ttndm
me, an -
deil one-teudi in W. acrisof land
more or less ly u.p and l vu ... n; Hotv.y
Creok district ot i.oe.;.’ :o eo nlv
kuo puit \n of as the the cld-McUo.- "lilthpHe;• atd acc. being »
uuu oouauea n- tol ow> ; On the soa*ii
t.v the «•! John St-o »er§ i on Jli*'
• use d by the th« lands nh by of th< V. Ol. ;e tdiue
hi on l. : D. C.
Oneilc. There mo upon "fid place
dwelling house an t-.i.'-U i out . i? ;
At the f&me ■'d ace \)i
imiuI, more or xv
Newton cO‘.gh> . 1 « . : , ? .
Ki>8 1 U
low.” : Ou the N* \Y . ud L ID
la’ ds t f li. U. ASn: ivl an " . :
hy the oHI :<iv \ t. : r- - ; Uji- II
this place ah nt 1 ; a is S rr At io -
tti « Wi«l the 1 A EUCt* L' ill A : uto of
ouHivatui’. '1 he’A are two ten
cribs, s ab ! es, *\c ; t 'Vvii t WiO-r
lino oreli»:x! Av. it is <
ficm tin* JSalem Camp v im Ui
road from* O nyuis tv>
lands e c., soUl as the prop*. or ,
Cbtateof the iu’e Kufus 4 L > tie
t etfse »*, for the I •' * IR)> ? \ \ -L>;
and distiihntion l\~ the • : ;
estate, 'ic ;- .lIn
J ohn H* <-lns:uul. AuiL'i
iho vfetateo: Ituf-is .rR. n
I hi X v. ?. !n->
R i. i. . o IN
R ' Vi. m 1 is- m J % ~W~ m /
£. % f|| A «s$8 YK
5Sw» as**
fc i. A tr.- aaGBS '• BING Y0 ; : 7 t .1 ,4 iiy WT jsl.
They fight the old style of high prices, so popular in. some towns, and are sell
ing every article in their house"for Profits Smaller Than- Ever Known In- This
Befo 1 leir goods aro from the best markets, of the best grades and
thela vies They are agents for the celebrated Domestic and Davis Sew
ing machines and have thorn always in stock. They are the finest on the mar
ket. Don't Go To Atlanta.
Don’t go anywhere but come to Conyers and see 0 S. a when y O u want a suit
0 f clothes, no matter who for, a man or boy, and you c> a 3 C safe 2 VO percent. If
y OU '\ya n t shoes, if you want hats, if you want shirts—to or bottom—anything
in the furnishing line, they have it and at special prices- They have a fine line
of under goods for ladies and children, shoes for them by the thousand and the
n Lj« XAT Vv . 8 l A. P. CAIN, CONYERS, GA *5 CENTER ST.
ifiii mlLLo re & Kr 0 I STIFF •>
I-I LG r I. G-1 v A DE PI A NOS
21 MAH ETTA AND 28 , 30 AN I) 32 N. HRO AD STH F.FT
Messrs. Miles k Stiff show in their magnificent Piano I’ui'
lor by far the most complete ami best lino of Pianos and Or¬
gans to be found in the South, consisting of such well knovyir
and time-tried instruments as the
A. B. CHASE, PEASE <fe CO. 1
And the celebrated Packard Organs,
Those contemplating tlie purchase of it piano or organ arc
invited to ’nvistigate both the quality of the .instrument the
price, and terms and it it will be found that their- prio. .- arc
ul!y 20 per cent, lower, the lasting ami loTifll qimlitie y.’
ered, that aro offered by any other first-class house, It will
cost nothing to investigate this, and may be the means of sav
in-r $ 25.00 or 50 dollars,
- £'*—[— -.3 -
n. 1,, Q XJICFI 1ST, Ti e presen ta tive
vorgia, Rockdale Cotui'y, To
vnoin it nuv coDeerr :
slater.: Rafas t.nrisiian
v- 1 in due form made apf iTaDon
ipp court of ordiuarv for leave to
,he lands belonging *o the estate
.leceascil and said application vbe
»v.«!l be passed upon on Urst
Monday ^■ti!o in November next Th : s
2 ou,j 83 s.os e ,„« m
bib n rams in
All persons ‘having dhnands svainst
the es'ato of Isaac Hambv, late oftjSock
d-.le county, iTvcsod, archer, by notified
tn re tub r in (heir demands to the uniter
rtsned ; and all persons indebted to Paid
estate arc room red to make immediate
payment. This Nov. 18, 1-92.
JxsrEE C. Hahbt, Fxicxitor
Estate Isaac Hamby.
mm. mm cossfr.
To all whom it may concern :—
Whereas B. F. Hill has in due form
ap|> Hed to me for letters of admimVra
tiotl <m t «„, 0 f Samuel Hill, late of
sai(1 epua ,y, deecased, and 1 wfi! pass on
<. (ia a ,„,Uenti.m on the tir-t Monday in
November next This Oot- 7th. 1892.
o. Sbamaxis, Ordinury.
_ ..
Tc all whom it mav concern :
YYlxrrt as U Y. Mi l. h*»s iu .r- ft vie,
appU *l totiu oHUoforJimuyfo- U t.'cr
of ‘ituiLii ii -ui.ii) on tho t irt't* of r>.
> ano Ihii, Inu- of ssiLt utuiiii t , dei'easuo
and 1 nv ou
the first 't.CUfcV ill A’*VuVA n -st.
This Out. V/5. O. Hi- am an-, * >r \i n*s vy.
Li:-i 1 i i.v Li iV
Ro vr iU*' NM
Wheu-a- ! . . McCan-els fidnonis
ti a tor of ?h *T. Hh*jbe t tUcea c*»i,
tits f- * i he cotu't of i n * i wry •
io this a lli.-G he Hss Ui\W i>
HnuvevV estate, mis is ve
M, heir'
- if th*
.ireBMtin s. to SHOT. > iII t . PA»V V
. ... 1st*: - i
be*1b:m>i d from tho • f.-nTVmHve
and jvvivc l*i.- h*;t "s of i - mission on
he Fii 'f unm v in M ich, Is-:;.
O. Hixexvss. 'hd-iuarv.
j hmiik yiiiik
J Hon, L. F. Livingston, of --'on
j county.
; 1 hereby annotmo.-n,;. ■ 1 iV vanC-idatc
»or tie oliioe < > county .. = Di'er ueg
7 ;f,?t.SJr»T^ w‘ r 'La Y‘ A, SH
tbeofficesatisfaoibiilv tosll Itesjict
* ,t —
run coi n { t lsksl
To the vihi-is af RockJs'e county: Ij
?sk you ' si■ • i.■ . ior re-elcctiun to
i he Fi Democ ll 111 tile Sup or 1 ourr. Thanking subject to
t ;*o in : na y you
for fa Vo, s, V. ry Hespet,
W. T. Bkos.
par. Ti , coouectok.
I hereby announce myself a dandidate
for rs-e'eetioii to the office of Tax Ool
lecb-r fur Bockdsle county. I will abide
Thanking U e people ior past favors,
am, Kespct. ' W. yj
Darai vxDocx.
This is to noiify the public th at FH am
ofBh-HffIpbievdru DeiSocratic ©
a <\ n, if any.
m K the peace otUw county tor past fa
vors, I promt 1 u elycrvl. to try to uo
iay duty in t eJutnreas in the past.
ite»; eetfutjy, H. M. Arsnr.
V. .
To the vote s of Kinckdale County :--
I ht*rei.*y a m anuctf my s*d; as a uarttii
dat.> for n> t r- * ru- n y's «-i2i?e
hvi niitlcr many «for the
Riu.uat S'n me tc re of ?ro nud
you wisi cimf'D-it- he son'* favor i
cu-iv has if to serv* the yfoih to the
irtVAi of uxy V -i r .y. I wit: abide tin*
acts vi tli dc imrutie **r micy*
i •uiu«v>»>c iys- if a e-i’i*nfe for tv
ItHnUm io the f 48 ce of Tax - ecoiver of
iub’ihi e euBiitv. subject- to the noniiita
th> V' ;\UV is n.ul Li 0:G------- i 1 Wii: JU -
- ■ -. •' best
of mv TUmikois” i'-c pivj*le of
the* c mkv f»-t their U*i*.;iicss iu '
i nga :> solicit Utcirsupt->rt. Very
.-G-vctnitv, R. L- Hrnsus*
prettiest and most stylish • no o! ■ - poods in Middle Georgia. No use to go
off—they can furnish 3 : han you can be furniched em
where. Their stool you can select to suit you their storks of f!10
ceries, hardware, crocl ned goods, etc., etc., goods of every
kind aro largo, full ami compkw.
Come to see them, coiuparc their goods and prices and you will see how thw
knock the block out of anything you have seen in years. Their cleiksajeclev
or, polite, honest and slunv Foods vw!h pleasure.
0; in will 1 jy your c uce and give you the top pi ice,
They have a big stoc are going to sell them'if low pikes ax' uri
ing will do it. Remember the place :
C/2 U n «03» It 1 uua I fa Pi m G&5fi?rrrj-acYfi* r f M m 1 — w ■ ? Hn i» - ■ O (ET»
fl Bi s 'Pi
I i : i i
i i It! I K
K • ■ i t ! > m I
m ■ m
Are among the best arranged and prettiest in Middle Georgia, but this is not
the best thing about them, 'they ere looked after by elever, obliging clerks
in every 7 department, and are filled with the
Pi ill
■ fix'd m CI3 CD
hk II i siii Y. gr;„ - il?l ill F
of goods of every description ever brought to this place from the best markets
with the cash His stock of
cfi@e!ie:s v ®re.$$ do-oefe fenmffiiegs
of all the latest, hi si and most el re being offered at prices lower
thin they can be purchased in Atlanta or other markets. lie has thousands
ful notions, elegant hosiery for men, women and children : the prettiest
and newest underwear for everyone, and a
tapiy A IV nrr La r : y OTHING
w v a w
T hat is in every way suited ‘o the iitel-.- of our people an you can buy from him
He will. II you good good, sw D.-.h ': sad goods for a small profit. lie is
’ J QU1I .. 15. SHOES
He has an imrnensge 1 rue and cun fit anything from n Chinese infant to a Chicago
belle. He handles tha best brands and yells them under the motto for his
whole store,
“ XjOW dowst fop. OA.SS.”
Ills is a general store and he keeps every line of goods. Call and see him, bring
your barter and he will treat you right. Remember the place :
T I r ! > T 7 \C
V. 3 J s 111 )
Commerce strctif, Conyer?, Georgia, S-U
___, hi taUty fust mi Alvtff*.
I . Ihlfil
^ 1 '
has the exclusive sale of these cdebxa
ted glascs in
omYmB ... QEGGIA
Tht ' onh ; tnauufact’irin>t t'pt'claas. in
^ ‘i^ , V i-i-nmL d’?;.,;
flV „ tTOS ., i, StCS .
i wiU h:* : -ii ( >X v K < the
in t-n--h •
r > w.J»t‘ in. • li - . - J I ?VV'l :*.n ’Of- sox. ’ *■‘ 11 * Oi'Bg MlOl’t*
of . . v
I -*K a. KSTL1CY.
Spectacles, wa ; clocks
A>:i> S-I ; VE:nvAi E.
Xt?. 10 V« hltiVii-T Hire«r, Ailanta, Ga
HP mi m ’ < r - ' c * 1<J Ecre \ . t
g , < \i‘N. .o -j s-c us. We
_ ,-rippr
Will yoa h r - ! ■ -o.i prices
::.:i'i-iia ition.
II- P. & D M. A m;; -.1 - iX
—$1G0 TO $000.
Ml;- f.'nipviw- r.pd a Pfijjn™ fiOllSilh
-lOIDIT. .»».«STOCK.
I arye Stock of
Lombard A Co., A ilgUSta Ga
¥«-1- s-fi a-n-c U may L-e best to
»>'• • {.;« r \i p "t i u P i i V, l)IX 1. GliU should
'»■*!*•! IJJ 'u V ‘O t •• •' u the most, per
Y.ct ivineoifi*'
t GO L* S Hi*' i
if iv i v Is the fyrup of Figs’,
*13 tlllf-'iv? Ui't'o y t»i& Ciiiiforni •• I
S. i up Co.
l h rein ams'-un < my. *?Jf a cRndk'ate •
9- P-S:. c^tutyj
'■ a-utrer, . I ti fi -
_ -j.. ,.. e iureto i
>• aud i U , •• ’ • ii- o ut-nac the.
Uv r ii-- -• ffl'H-.i K> erve
; it , ; t - , e ... % . , ; ;ks cf
ifiutiri.. : . m ty. i
i-espet. V-. u .’■-Oi.c-riSuBat j
$12 BUYS
One Bureau
One Bedstead VVashstand
One Table
One Center Chair* _
Two Cane Seat Kocker
And One Ladies
OSLERS^ Fly Screens a SpeOW
63 & S 5 S. Broad.__.
w. |pgl E«
- _
keeping An estabffrteJ ami Sborthan busing byeJ de» s -
perienoedteachers, J gof8ta moJe
clrcul; ' rS ’
* J " ! ~
EilBFUCEiM®- 1 ®*
TJriler Gate City 8 G*
ConA j a aD1 l Trior fct-- ' ^
. 1
FISK OLt it- .. VAN1-* WBB*
- gy
goib - *
A -tECUU fJt • .fl,
■ t ,,d i -
n 1 ■ 2 J r0pt ie J
J p. BccF-tt-