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J.B.& J. H. REESE.
linlei ' it U.i- ; , . a .
m. eoinl-< r ;j j t; t r.
S.w'mmvi’, 8, J ±, 189,3.
AD\ ■ -i TEH.
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~ i.M-i, fo
M't ti<»* Lir i*u r> U* i tn 5
iii.-t in « r . i‘»«i ; So- ior v .tv n M.ii.Mjquen:
i a- .
MYSU Ii‘T/ : >N itATKS:
One * <■ ,
»si x untci \
.Last Gummy there was an
♦•ailb qualm m ff Ol u'ufaB killing
three hail.!; 3 p ' pie.
Brother Anderso ( TtheCov
ington S!i m an ci ithusiastic
silver man.
Judge Emory Speer will make
the opening speech at the expo¬
sition on the I'dh. We can say
in advance that it will lie, a.
good one.
It is a question whether imtui
gration will be to the advan
tage of our country. It appears
that we have more people here
now than can g *t profitable em
ploy men t.
“Madison’s ‘first bale’
9 cents. Covington’s first
brought 7 cents. See Mad
ison Adverb or. The first bale
gold in Cony, s brought 10 cents.
See ? Fee ?
Mrs. Lo Jackson, divorced
daughter of Rev. Sam Small,
married a Mr. For 1 this week.
It was a cv > of - wo at first
sight. Tb v will live in Rich
mond, Y I.
Edit,or (.'! ment wonders why
Jim Hull mia Frank Reynolds
don’t got; married, Wo knew
that, they were very fond of
each other, bn> nad no idea that
it had gone i : d, far.—Rome
Thai was a G.Mtvssmg acci¬
dent ill All: Ida Thu red ay last.
A w ild cor get. loose, ran down
grade striking e little boy and
his sister. The boy was killed
instantly and the sister died in
a few hours afterward.
An Association of Baptists in
N. C. oxcludt d four churches
from fellow M i> because they
would not adopt U mpevance
resolutions, ins is not
fistic nor atr. o r [ 0 ji 10 f,. eo .
dom of thought clu tidied by
Bunt i d .
3 ,dht Monday Yv'illiam O.
Grot'll VV;:-; i (fitted in Mor
ganh sup M;or court. G reen,
!io kill:• < u 1 “ lu »
’'J.'-, v. a ; ( h; i w ih the
ol murder. ■ received tne
eougratulnlu of many
friends and thw.* was consider
able applause v hen the
was read. 3Ie a,id bis young
wife,the t a use. ail the trouble,
went to a boanii ; g house
received ivngra'ul dious.
The Rome Tiibune oompli
nients the citizens ol the city on
the lull upon the path of
gross made ior last several
months upon thou*
in resources and
and morals. It says :
Just what has been
plished would be
; were it not reducible to com
j mon calculations of facts and
figures. The increase of spirit¬
ual and moral feHing and sen
timent has been simply won
d erf ill.
Tlie two pages of die Atlanta
Sunday Constitution devoted
“Wants, Bargains, Business op
portunitic.-i, etc., m !scale that
many people want employment
| ana many want to change to do
some! lung else than that which
they are doing. All this shows
vmrost in the country
: gold set , at ,
silver nor men can
visions made at home,
and a fair price for cotton
r-lieve the situation and men
will beccme satisfied to pursue
the even tenor of their ways in
y u; j r various callings.
The article of the Journal
upjn Democracy and Sound
Money strikes the key note of
the situation. The silver men
charge that the sound money
men will not stand to the party
if a silver man is nominated for
President in We think the
reverse is most likely (though
we hope not) that if a gold man
nominated the silver party
j li0t s t alK ] to him. Happily,
j hoWever> the platform of ’92 is
oue ou w jh c h all democrats can
stan(L It j s the Bible of demo
cratic faith and should be ac
ceptable to all citizens.
The sermon preached by Dr.
Quillian last Sunday night was
a “clincher.” He discussed the
subject, “That which a man
soweth, he will reap.” He han¬
dled all classes of sowers who
sow to the flesh, and will of the
llesh reap corruption. The earn
playing sowers, the round danc¬
ing sowers, and then the indif¬
ferent. church members bring
the church to reap coldness, luke¬
warmness, etc. The members
who road the Sunday Constitu¬
tion will run to the train to get
it, after which their minds are
led off on things of the world—
not in a frame for worship. The
conclusion of bis argument on
this line, though not so express¬
ed in so many words, leads us
to say that Sunday papers are
a curse to the religious element
of this country. No doubt tlie
reading of secular papers on Sun
day mornings unfits the mind
for tlie sacred duties of the Sab
bath day. The young are enter¬
tained by such articles as the
peters of Bill Ar, ), and Sarge
Plunkett, short serials andsocie
ty news ; the merchants look
| over the market reports and the
deals of exepauge, while the
would-be speculator glances an
eager eye at the “futures” for
December or January, in fact
there is something of a worldly
nature for all sorts and various
. lasses, wl ose miuds are not
lixed upon matters pertaining to
religion. Y\> verily believe the
j bunday paper is no good to aoy
1 p k I 5 0 ATE IIh Should Use
13 3~ljD3niJi'XZ33LsZl’:&
| exerts a wonderful influence in
strengthening her system by
I JHving through the proper chan
nel all impurities. Health and
strength are guaranteed to result
, tram its use.
Mv wife wns boilriddpn for Piehtcen months,
, after using BRADl-’lRUrs FEMALE REGU
imiuntui BEGruTon co.. atuxta. m.
Scid ty all ErAggist* » f ?1,C3 per bottle.
Y Don’t Limp
I Through Life
\ racked by Rheumatic pains. It
handicaps your whole career.
p’|‘ Of course you wouldn’t if you
Hi could help it—and you can.
i 1 „ f.CI!«cs liYpr
k % A <lajAReuial^iG /Jpheilinalk .
I a» (mEr
'W \ I K-.
fjf goes straight to the Liver, where ■A
wr Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dys- y-:'D
ff §?/ pepsia, Headache and most s
other ills start.
It cleanses this organ and T
i makes it active again—the acid i
leaves your blood, and you’te
wJ cured. Testimonial below.
mf 0$ I have been treated for general
debility and chronic rheuraatism for
ten years without any relief. Three
bott les of your medicine has cured me.
S. F. CLARK, Warrenton, Fla.
Ash Ytmr Druggist or Merchant For It.
Sole Proprietors,
m 7 Knoxville, Tennessee.
J » t V y. t » t l »
Roc's medicines for sale by:—
II. P. & D. M. Alruand& Co.
Stephenson & Turner, Conyers, Ga
W. E. King, Kings, Ga.
Garbo-Digestive i
Positively tlie one Remedy for the
treatment of
, Simple end aggravated forms ol
Palpitation of tbe-Hjeakt.
Does your food sour after eating?
Are you easily confused and excited?
Do you get up in tlie morning tired and
unrel reshed, and with a bad taste in the
UK ll ll?
Is there a dull, cloudy sensation, at¬
tended by disagreeable feelings in tin
head and eyes?
Are you irritable and restless?
Does your heart thump and, cause yen
to -p for breath after climbing a
flight of stairs?
D v 9 it distress you to lie on the lei!
sid e ?
ID ve you impaired memory, dimness
of vision, degression of mind and
gloomy forebodings?
T ese symptoms mean that you arc
suff ': ing from Dyspepsia and Nervous
There is no other remedy extant that
has done so much for tnis class of trou¬
bles as
ScGli’s ilarbo-Digestive
If your cn c e has resisted the usual
methods of treatment we arc particular
iy anxious to have you give tins Com¬
pound a trial.
We guarantee relief in every case and
wiii cnoevfully refund your money
should our remedy fail to produce the
most gratifying results.
Please remember tliat the appellation
Patent .Medicine does not apply to
Scott’s Garbo-Digestive Compound.
um t nervous troubles a specialty for
years We court investigation and
us DIGESTiVE f 0r the formula COMPOUND, of scours CARBO1
which we
wiii mail on application, that they may
satisfy themselves of its harmless'char¬
acter and excellent virtues.
Scott’s Garbo-Digestive Compound
Is the most remarkable remedy that
science has produced. It has succeed
ed \v here all other medicines have failed
, ’f!,!tie? 11 DDfDDDD r DI^s \l
pm B
America on receiot of price.
fund Don’t forget that if results we cheerfully re- j
your money are not sat
isfiicii'ry. Order direct if your drug¬
gist does not have it.
Address all orders to
| kd imailj. Co
i '
i Uans reeommtnd it. All dealers sell it, Genuina
b isirade marli turd crossed red lines oa wrapper.
V \sg
4cm 111
W lea tin that Stephenson & Turner
bought the first new bade of cotton raised
in Rockdale county this year. They stand at the
head in tire commercial business of our little city,
\ as cotton buyers and general merchants. Go to
them for your goods they can undersell anybody
1 on Bagging and Tics, Meat, Flour, Corn, Meal,
s Syrup, Molasses, Web Rye, Fresh Turnip Seed,
^ s Sugar, Coffee, Salt nails at doc. less for than huge anybody size sacks. else,
They are selling for
^ as they bought large quantities when they were
very cheap. Get your Hardware from them,
| X Shoes, g0T Clothing, Rocking Dress Chairs, Goods, almost Trunks, to give Furni- away.
■ J^STThe best place in town for Tobacco—smok
\ ing and chewing. Cigars, Fine Cream Cheese
\ \ at 12dc. per pound. Harness and Saddles, Lace \
Harness and Sole Leather at a bargain. Horse
\ Collars, Brooms, Rope, Buckets, Tinware, Lard, \
j | Hams, Steelyards, Hats", Crockryware, Sheeting, j
Checks, Caps, Books, Laces and thous
| j ands of articles not herein mentioned. Come \
everybody ; everybody invited to come : 1 You
\ shall have our best attention.
i Don't fail to come, as you will lose money by
staying away f> am
! Mm & Turn s B
IT P. I P. M. Almand Co.
Will he in the market to buy all your cotton this fall, having
made arrangements with one of the largest cotton firms in the
South to buy for them.
Tlie time is here, and cotton is coming in. We will give you
highest market price.
1 £ MI i m .j.
, I
i V
Dr. W ee ^ Son,
Drugs, Medicines,
Paints and Oils.
Spectacles, School Books,
Fishing Tackle, Base Balls,
Base Ball Bats, Etc., Etc.
^^prescriptions carefully compounds
DR. W. H. LEE.
Neaj Job woi^ d
this Office.
X i i
. J