Newspaper Page Text
of *1 insurance. TILLEY
repres ent the BEST cora
in the world.
% b fe fa fa i
y m . aa ^
us before buying your
VA can save you mon
|H MffiPiffiEI®.
Rockkale County.— To
11 Jja Y Concern: T. G.
m L form applied , to the
Led !8 in due
lor permanent letters of ad
lion on the estate of Mrs. M.
Uteof said county, deceased,
[pass upon October, said application 1895. on
Monday in
[Oiler my hand and official sig
jis6th day of September, 1895.
A. M. Helms, Ordinary,
|I^KookdSe 1 |u
pLiuN Cation vs. ( P6 pl()r Court Ke
|1 Bosses* J turnable to the OcJ
tober Term, 1S9;>
px I. Rossek, Dft. , Greeting,
itof the court in the case above
Hereby notify yon that on the
lot August, 1895, The Atlanta
UBuilding and Loan Associa
L n action of complaint, etc.,
Ijoii, returnable to the October
kof Lcaption. said superior court under
You are further no
ItB present at said court, to he
[tie first Monday in October,
answer plaintiff’s complaint.
lit thereof the court will pro
injustice shall appertain. Wit
itton. Rich’d II. Clark, judge
jtourt, this 5th W. day T. ot Huson, August,
irk S. C. Rockdale County, Ga.
v .—To all
< ou'-cru : Mrs. Alice JI.
m due term applied to the
ior v'T'er.cut letters of
mi the eca'e of W. 1’.
Bate of said c mitv, deceased,
Bi' pass upon siid application
Hvst Veil.lay ia Grtoher, 1895.
Buad .t mi ,'k! i: ( i ami < fficial sig
■ Tlii- lit ’i Jay of Sept. 1895.
BIeims, Gidiiiiiry J;o ( Julale (,'o.
!a, Rockdale County. —To all
may Concern: T. J. it W.E.
administrators of the estate
padwell, ■applied deceased, have in
to the undersigned for
Bli the lands or place known
leplace belonging to the es
■teased and said applica
■eheard on the lirst Monday
liext. This 12th day of Sept.
1 A, JI, Helm-, Ordinary.
Bockdale County.— Fan
pi., having applied for a
ps |hte support out of the es
(bessed, husband, J. Wesley
and Ihe appraisers
Mg hied their return in
pi this is to cite all persons
te I will pass upon the
fUst Monday in October
FPt. k 12th, 1895.
Ordinary Rockdale Co.
pcsiuLE H having County.— Mrs.
applied for a
r support out of the es
phusband, C. D. Cushing,
ffiie appraisers appointed
Pir return in my office,
pte all persons concerned
,s upon, the same on the
® October next. This
B. A. M. Helms,
Ordinary Rockdale Co.
poALEC ounty.— To all
pneern: John II. Al
,5e ior m applied to the
- permanent letters of
estate of J. Wes
L P te sa id county, de
Pass upon 6aid appli
rst Monday in October,
■ A. M. Helms,
rj l nar y °f Said County .
a a ke line of all
ter and Shingles.
ILL£ Y & Quigg.
lulity Fast wd Always.
- ._dji
DR. W. H. LEE,, has the
exclusive sale of these celebrated Glass
esin Convert, Ga. From tire factory
of Kellam & Moore, the onlv optical
plant in tee South. Atlanta, Ga.
fie (loamy lews.
Beautiful cotton picking weath
The meeting at Union has just
closed. They had a gracious re¬
vival, there being nine acces¬
sions to the church, all on pro¬
fession of faith. Rev. H. S.
Bradley conducted the services,
assisted by Dr. Moore, of Oxford,
and Dr. Quillian of your city.
We are glad to know that Miss
Nora Simmons, who has been
sick with measles, is able to he
up again.
Mrs. Richardson, of Lithonia,
is visiting relatives in this dis¬
Miss Minnie Cook is visiting
relatives and friends this week .
Collie Simmons together with
his friends,Zenas Field and John
England came from Atlanta last
Sunday on their bicycles and re¬
turned the same day.
As soon as “Uncle” George
Tilley stepped in Thompson
Stewart’s door a few nights ago
the friendless ones who loitered
there knew that allwas not rirrht. o
lie wore a perplexed look and
lines of determination could be
traced upon his face, his air was
mysterious and to the friendly
greetings of the crowd he an¬
swered not a word. Suddenly
the conversation was hushed,
and the gaze of the crowd was
centered upon “Uncle” George.
He had moved his lips as if to
speak, but the effort died in a
tremulous sound akin to a moan.
Again, and again did he try to ;
articulate but failed, but finally
when despair had about displac¬
ed the determined look, he ut¬
tered in heart-rending accents
these words : What is it that
makes more fuss than a pig un
dor a gate?” The waiting crowd
heard, and at first the silence I
was awful,then deep muttirings
of indecision were heard, which
suddenly ceased and from amid
the throng in a low hesitating
voice came the answer: “Two
pigs under a gate, 5 > The effect
was wonderful. Mr. Tilley pull¬
ed his hat over his eyes to hide
his emotion but ere he did this
he cast a lingering glance upon
h im who had spoken and mut¬
tered “Too true,” and turning
he plunged out into the dark, i
.'dark night.
We have made arrangements
with manufacturers to sell
Paints at wholesale.
Tilley & Quigg
i Unit Dill Of Inti
Has been displayed by Miss
Emma Riley in the selection of
Hats, Bonnets and Millinery, j
Therefore she leads the trade in
Conyers in this,“the latest out.
Come earlier and get your
your choice. 05 “*Store room
post-office building. 9-7-4t.
Hale <fc Sigman will sell you a
cook stove for $7.00.
Will sell you ;i fifty dollar, G
hole—the very best range—for
$24.00. Better ranges than have
been sold here for $08.00.
In the Stove line call on Hale
& Sigman —they will cut the bot
tom out of prices.
Can sell you an organ, piano,
sewing machine or bicycle lower
than you can buy it in the State.
ESN !>
eM '
SUP Pi ip. ?
V* Mi \jk
You, nor maki you throw
your p0 M b 00 k* into our store,
neither do we expect to put you
into a trance- No! But with
your open eyes you shall see,
and with y onr ears you shall
hear of our great cut 'prices.
O ne might as well try to lift him
self in a bushel basket as to under
Should bear in mind that Miss
Emma Riley is the leading Mil
liner in Conyers and carries a
complete stock of everything in
that line, in the store room of
the post office. 9-7-4t.
Pointedly Penciled for Functual
Mr. Mike Hudson spent last
Monday in Lithonia.
The family of Mr. Summers
spent a day very pleasantly at
their plantation last Thursday.
Read the advertisement of
Stephenson & Turner, who offer
the people bargains in their line.
Read the card of Hale & Sig
man and bfiy your stoves,ranges,
organs and pianos at low prices.
Summers & Hudson offer you
the best of chance? to mane mon
ey by saving it in buying cheap
Prayer meeting was continued
from last Wednesday night
through the week at the Bap¬
tist church.
The prayer meetings which
have been held in the Methodist
church for ten nights closed last
Wednesday night.
We are glad to know that Rev.
A. J. Beck has a good school in
Lithonia. He is a good teacher
and deserves patronage of the
We are sorry to learn that Mr.
Richardson, of Covington, io
very sick this week. He is the
brother of Mr. Malaclii Richard¬
son, of our town.
Clifford^igman, son of L. H.
Sigman, took the position as
post office clerk yesterday. He
is a bright boy, who will make
faithful clerk. We wish him
abundant success.
We took dinner with Dr. Stew¬
art at the Sunday school celebra¬
tion last Wednesday. His fam¬
ily and others had their spread
together, and it was a good one.
Everything that was palatable
and good was there, and we en¬
joyed the treat.
A young Mr. Reagan, who
lives in Newton county, cut his
foot very severely with an axe,
severing two bones. He cameto
Dr.Guinn last Thursday and had
the wound sewed up and dress¬
ed. As usual the doctor made
a neat job of it, and we trust
Mr. Reagan will soon be healed.
We wish our subscribers to
read carefully The Weekly, and
ask every one to make an effort
to bring us one new name. We
call attention of advertisers to
our column as a good medium
in which to make their business
known in Rockdale and sections
Charlie Langford visited rela¬
tives here last Sunday. He rode
his bicycle from Atlanta to this
place in less than two and half
hours, a distance of 31 miles.
Last spring he won the prize of
an $85 wheel over a Kentuckian,
and a second prize, a silver ser¬
vice, over an Alabaman,making
the race of ten miles on the pub¬
lic road leading out from Atlan
Ij'CLa^a.'bcr, Coal, S2xi:n.g"les
AVe keep on h ind at all times We carry a full line of nice
all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, etc. Doors, Mantles, Sash, Blinds aDd
Always see us before buying- We can save you money*
The Sunday school celebration
on the old academy grounds last
Umrsday was an interesting oc¬
casion for both the old and
young. On account of the late¬
ness of (lie season it was not so
largely attended, yet it was none
the less enjoyable. The opening
song, “We are Gathering,” was
beautifully sung, with Mrs El¬
liott at the. organ, after which
Rev. Roan offered the opening
prayer, suited for the occasion.
Another song and then Mr, J. A.
Clotfelter made the welcome ad¬
dress in a few very appropriate
remarks. After another song
Dr. Quillian delivered the ad
dress of the day. upon Sunday
school work. He spoke at some
length in his usual chaste and
pointed style, interesting his au¬
dience. We have not space to
give a synopsis of the discourse,
we note, however, that he em¬
phasized the idea of ignorance
among children, and particular¬
ly older persons who are igno¬
rant of the teachings of the scrip
tures, and the great error in hav¬
ing persons as teachers who do
not know the lessons to be
taught. This should bo correct¬
ed, and teachers should not only
be well informed but should bo
Christians in order to teach di
vin>i things. The speech conclu¬
ded, anothe'r song, and then din¬
ner was announced. The din¬
ner was, as is always the case on
such occasions, bountiful and of
the best style, truly a feast to the
inner man.
After dinner we had more sing
iag, and then a speech by Rev.
Roan, in his earnest, happy
style comparing the Sunday
schools of ante-bellum days with
the present progressive work,
some of which he thought inno¬
vations and not so good as the
( ( old way;” yet he was for the
Sunday schools. He was follow¬
ed by Rev. Simmons, in his own
unique and peculiarway drawing
the picture of an ideal home,
ideal church and ideal Sunday
school. The benediction was
pronounced by Dr. Quillian and
the people dispersed to their re¬
spective homes, much the hap¬
pier for the going out and spend
iug a day of profitable recreation.
Dr. Stewart, who is an excel¬
lent presiding officer and one
whose heart is in the work, was
re-elected president, with Robt.
Hollingsworth clerk. The cele¬
bration for ’9G will be held the
last Saturday in May. Every
school in the comity is expected
to join the association, elect a
vice president and attend in
We have moved across the
street, where we are better pre¬
pared to give bargains to our
customers. Please call and see
our goods before you buy.
2fc. Street & Lackey.