Newspaper Page Text
many other ailments when they
have taken hold of the system, j
never Rets bettor of Us tva accord, but
Constantly r- ' • T ■ o arts
thousands v! o a defective j
heart, but Will They I
don't want t! t-j worry, 4
Don’t h: i K - & as i
they have boo: n t
heart disc v Sti cl
case o' ' 1
who wr;:
“I had hc-cn-. i"v r ,c;; t;?arz 9
my heart li u r t >-t coatiDually,
Tho first 13 yea: od all the time*
trying several QiGS,
until my i:ci or cit was only a
ion of time as
d not s’ i cured,
.lit *3 .7
j'| SC, ver ■<
■ eomplt y -ly d
aged, ur 441 I
a 1 G lied, proppef hccaus 1 half I
Pi If
,.t wp. Think
it my time had
Vi. come X told my fam¬
/ ily what >—< wanted
pone. But on tbs
tho recommendation. Of Jirs, Fannie
of And, r , taking
Dr. Mil ■ ' Heart
and wonderful > ■:i day:; 1 was
working a„i' 4 ;n Mu u i
Tnencefl f-a;:'• vhich i . 1 -y
work, and I hi
years old, 6 ft. f - and weigh 2501bs.
I believe / an £ 4v rural, and
I am now only an xha,, < veryone shall
know of you r wond” .1 remedies.”
Dycsville, Ohio. Silas Farley.
Pr. Miles Hoart Cure Is sold on a positive,
guarantee tliai. .. • < ! .-, Jo will iy unfit.
All druggi e . -J. ; botil-s Jo; ;> or
it fey will tie.sei.i. r, ;■ Medical j ... , on receipt fil&iart, o>’ price
the Ur. Miles Co., Xnd.
Dr. M Hes art Cure
Restores Health
Whereas the 1 ■ a d in / : in¬
finite \visd>*ni 'ecu fit to re¬
move from U '■ By d> o’honAug.
20111,1805, our tieloved and high¬
ly esteemed pm lor, Kid-, r E. L.
Wood, of on . . . ml: i, Ga.
lie wai; coi47;■ -d ■ o hi ; n ■<! ,.ud
room forsov.'.: t.i■ ;!'> ; with la
grip and im5 t timt. He bore
his affliction . arndh a fol¬
lower of flio ' id h vvly .Je¬
sus. God i i t on him into
the home id ■ :x f oined ones,
and we rejA- o - he cannot
suiter auv io.r or./. ; hat he will
ever no wil d . of whom he
80 loved to G : .
Brottier V. d vraf bom in
Epurlanlnii o, 1’ .■■;: i«-i ,S. 0.,Eept.
5,1833. Ili.i ed'e-r moved to
G wiimelt e< '-he Ga., in i eMO,
where lie ./r. . >. J !y joined
llebron B.i; < umi when he
was leu or A y> ors old and
las member- d oiaincd there
until after G r. I ie moved
to Stone .
1867, where : a very ac
live pari, in eh ! work and
was set up: ■ i > : ’■ i work - >f the
ministry r •' \ . la or. lie
served a nr .nr- ia- - -
pastor, among i d n 1 7s home
ehmbb v. loved and
uml hold in hi:;! ( 'em by the
people of llie to' ii and surround
ing country.
Whereas the deceased brother
by his until i and c-msm
crated lah-u > In:5 won our es¬
teem and t confidence as
pastor be i
Rksoi.vkp 2sr. hat by the
death of Bit or Wood the
church has loM faithful pastor;
the cause of (. AIM one of its
most zealous b, Teates.
i.SOLV i;i> 1*4 l the chin ’
as elide r esteem of
her de cea
page iti . a- 1> k with
this tesli 11 ten
Rksqu a c< „„ ; ,,e
these rest to the
•a 11 1 at
- * 0 tended' o sympa
tffies in t JO our or ' O
"•'•ivetnei nnfv '
to publish
Mayor, A. C MeCalla
.unyor pro tew, >1. H. Irwin.
Clerk, George F- iii ev.
Tret surer, J. C. Steponson.
* ■;!< f l’uln- , W. LL M. Austin.
Marshn!, E A- Harper,
h'.xeut Overset r, VC 17. Smith.
J. P. Ti ley, M. C. Summer?, J
It. 1 win, VV. Jones, L. J. Al
mtnd, J 6. Johnson,
standi:-:g committees:
Street: L. J. Almand, -P. II. Irwin
r : J. i‘. Tilley, J. W. Jones
;» utihuy: J. S Johnson, M. C.
.• n \t\ mers.
School: J. R. Irwin, L. J. Alrnand
f .'barter o'e : W- JoneiS J. Ii.
I; Win.
4 'r J A. Gain a, J . R- Tilley.
Ordinary, A. M. Helms,
v h vi;, \- T. H«won.
ShriiiIf, tV. H. M. Austin
O’rria-ui'fir, John E. W biti.ker
Tax Cdllector, E. F. Cook,
Tax Receiver, R. L. Hudson,
Survey or, It. A. Gumn.
('oi oner, L. T. Earril!.
(di.uotris Court llrst Monday On
wictl month.
. uper i or Courts first and second
V; ..ip,:’'s in April and October
Town, 4 h Monday, f«i h month
l ( ffiEd, 1st Saturday ei cb month
Creek. 2ml biuurun.v, each
Lorraine, 3rd Saturday, each
Church .Directory
Primitive Baptist: J. F. Almand,
pastor. Preaching second Saturday
and Sunday.
Baptist: B. D. Ragsdale, pastor.
Preaching 1st and 3rd Saturdays
and Sundays. Saturday before the
1st Sunday conference day. Sunday
■Ghoul 9:15 a. in. D. M. Almand,
Methodi-t:’ Dr. J. W. Quillian,
pastor. Preaching every Sunday,
niiidav' School 0:45 a. m. H. Y.
McCord, Supt.
“ : r.Y'i\::i;u : Rev. L. G. Hond e rson
pastor- Preaching 2nd and 4th
Sundays. Sunday School 9:30 a. nx.
T. D. O’Kelley, -Supt.
Wan run To Runt. —A good
horse for light roadwork. Good
pay. Call on E. P. Guinn, oppo
site Banner office. 7-20-tf.
This office for neat, up-to-date
job work.
Jm Woman's Safe and Kell able Friend. Believes monthly
pai H.cwieH Sold nervousness an it hysteria and restores to perfect
health. by druggists and dealers for $1 a bottle. Pain*
phlet mailed on application. If you can’t get it from your drug«
gist, send $1 to t Ire proprietor and he. will send to you pr*
p dd by express. Charles F. Bisley, Wholesale Druggist, 6S Cor*
Unit St, , New York.
SEPIA Will restore Gray Hair and Whiskers to a browf
or black in a few minutes $1 a bottle.
John if. Alni^nd,
1 Sanl| 3 is Gonycps, Q-a.
Gault facilities for valuable papers
Solicits accents of firms and individuals.
Any accomumdations, consistent with safe banking, extende .
Big Frollts ON
Returning prosperity will make many rich, but notvhere can they make s
much within a Jmit time as by successful speculation in Grain, Provisions an 0
L FOE EACH DOLLAR INVESTED can be made by our
1 orii-iot-d by us. All successful speculators operate on a regular system. of the
is a'well-known fact that there are thousands of men in all parts
; ■ . Mai-.-.' who, l>y systematic trading through Chicago brokers, make largi
| UJ 7)'nits every year, ranging from dollars a few thousand to $60,000 dollars $100,000 for the man who by thus, in
I a imudrcil <>!■ two hundred up to or more
I vvho invest a few thousand. ,
It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits „ from , comparatively In
I vtnali investments on this plan are persons who iive away from Chicago and
i vest through brokers who thoroughly understand systematic trading.
Our p’.-m does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade, but covers
. so that whether the market rises or falls it brings a steady profit that
oile s up enormously in a shot t time.
WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual on successful specu
inti iillu Daiiy Market Report, iuil of money-making pointers. ALL FREE
plains margin trading fully. Highest references in regard to our
i ^aiiGiug and aucces.'. Tor further information address
THOMAS & CO. , Bankers and Brokers,
241-242 Rialto Building, Chicago, Ill.
Twenty Years Proof.
Tutt’s Liver Pills keep the bow¬
els in natural motion and cleanse
the system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, con¬
stipation and kindred diseases.
“Can’t do without them”
R. P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va.
writes I don’t know how I could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
years. Am now entirely cured.
Tutt’s Liver Pills
An item is going the rounds
of th0 P ress to the effect that
Ilam, of The Georgia
Cracker,” made $7,000 during
tlie jiast year, Lest this state
ment should drive 7,000 more
men into the weekly newspaper
business, it might as well be sta¬
ted that Editor Ham made that
vast fortune on the lecture plat
form. (But now, this explana
tion is likely to make 7,000
more lecturers !)
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
The following prol lem is giv¬
en by a Macon man to be solved.
It is very easily done : “Suppose
I ask a man for his daughter
and he tells me to go out in the
orchard and get enough apples
to give him half what I have
and a half apple over without
cutting one, then give his wife
half of what is left and half of
one over and not cut one ; then
give the girl half of weat is left
and a half of one and not cut
one, and have one left for my¬
self. How many apples will 1
have to get ?
lilb MairuYiaTdd rjet tG
s+ill b® ^ 1
§>i)ouia im
Antiseptic, __
iTih"rtje B £c)T
R£fAEC>Vinthe World for
WOUNDS or BftUlbt6
ii^./wfisaf^ipsr 15
What is
sksssssskss sas
A I S] i
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitelxer’s prescription for Infants
and Children. It contain.^ neither Opium, Morpliin e nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing- Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use l)y
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd
cares Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castoria assimilates tbe food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas¬
toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend.
‘‘Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil¬
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good eflfeet upon their children.”
Dr. G. C. Osgood,
Lowell. Mass.
“ Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which X am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the
real interest of their children, and use Castoria
instead of the various quack nostrums which
are destroying their loved ones, by forcing
opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other
hurtful agents down their throats, thereby
sending them to premature graves.”
Dr. J. F. Kinchkloe,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
Effective June 12, 6 a. m., 1895.
No. 101. No. 104 2 STATIONS. iNo. 102 No. It 4
A. M. P. M. - I r. M. F. M.
7 15 1 05 i- T.v. Milledgeville, Ar. ! I - 50 12 5)5
7 20 1 10 Eaton ton June. “ i - 45 13 5(1
7 42 n 32 Meriwether. “ *^T 25 12 25
8 25 1 50 93 “ Dennis 7 05 12 05
8 30 j to 15 21 Ar. K a ronton Lv (i 40 11 30 35
9 15 ' to 10 Lv. Eaton ton Ar. | ;>9 111
9 30 *2 35 29 Willards ‘ 0 15 11 03
: I 5 45
•J 35 *2 55 35 : “ A'kputoii “ 58 10
9 43 ; 3 < 5 30i “ M ncheti “ 5 45 10 35
9 00 *i0< (C Shady Dale “ I 5 40 10 30
10 00 *3 20 it Kelley i . 5 22 10 15
[10 08 1*3 32 |4ft| Broughtnnville i i ; 5 0 7 10 00]
10 15 ; 3 39 !5li “ Newborn s ( 5 05 945
10 22 *3 48 m\ “ Carmel June. C7 —j » O <
C w
30 30 “3 54 m u H aiston ^ or a c A 4--- at
10 50 i 4 02 150 ! ! ,l Sta rrsviFe -a o c cc
10f2 4 17 >94]“ ('ovingfon June rfx 1C e- cc a
10 55 4 10 |65i Ar. Covington Lv. 4- lv o QO -1
*Flag Stations. £^ronn e<*t with h 11 diy trains on Georgia Bail road.
jJtfiT’Trains connect at M ohm wi-h Macon A Northern It. B. for Macon,
Madison and Athena, ’oiineet at Milledgeviile with trains for Augusta Ma
ton ond other points South and East.
J. W. PEESTON, General Manager.
General Produce Goffimi^iOn Merchant
Suikcrn Fruits il ?f laths a Ififif,
26 Little ]2th St., Lew York:,
Are headquarters and agents for the Georgia Melon and Vegetable Grower*
Association. Shippers of ft nits and vegetables will do well to correspond with
us before shipping to our market. All correspondence regarding fruits or veg¬
etables answered promptly. CaT’We refer to Newton & Brinson, Kocky
Ford, Ga., J. B. Epperson, Williston, Fia Hon. N. A. Blitch, Phoenix, Fla.
, Fa
E. W. Agnew, Banker, Ocala, Fla., H. F. Dutton & Go., Gainesville,
B radstreet’s or Dun’s agency, N. Y., and our shippers in all sections.
JC^T’Gorrespoudence solicited. Stencils and stamps furnished Oil application
y -L4A
LtM ^
•«r-b 7> Winchester Repeating-s iU.
———- —
g Our Mode! 1893 Shot-Gun is used ~~~~~ \
o now Shot-Guns
E ° by all the most advanced trap O :
0 and shooters. Single __ Shot-Rifles a
Repeating Arms as well a? sfl
Everything that is Newest and Best in
° kinds of Ammunition made by the ^
are Hat^onj o
Send a Postal Card with your address for our 112-page Illustrate naOjifL?
“ Castoria is so well adapted to children that
M recommend it as superior to any prescripti
M uowu to me.” oa
H. A. Archer, m. d.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N y
” Our physicians in the children's depart¬
ment have spoken highly of their experi
enee in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it.”
United Hospital and Dispensary, j
Allen C. Smith, Pres. Boston, Mass.