Newspaper Page Text
The Mtcluffi
J II. Willis.
Enteieil at the po-L<ffiee at Conyers a*
svcond-class mail inatier.
Saturday, Due. 28, 1895.
3 mo, o mo. 12 mo.
^ r«.’"o ?
J limit ho | i t.oi)
2 4.00 7 50 10.00
4 “ 7.50 12.00 20.00
V column I 10.00 15.00 25.00
% “ i 1H.00 30.00 •V, (10
j 3'.00 50 00 ICO < 0
Locals 5 vents per lino ,. - hi-t. ui. tr
tion ; 2'/. for each enbaniiwm. in
sertintiY Regular adv. each 50m per inch
first, insertion; 25c lor
, . . ——— m-m
We have severed our con
nection with the Conyers Week
ly- For ten months we
endeavored to give our readers a
good paper, How far we have
succeeded wo leave for others to
say. We are not, however, un¬
mindful nor ungrateful for the
many coniplimentvy words
spoken, or regrets expressed at
our leaving. We turn lover this
week the material and good will
of the paper to Mr. J. H. Wal¬
lis who is a fine practical prin¬
ter and an experienced newsp'a
per man who will further im
prove theWEEKi.v We commend
him to the citizens of Conyers
and Rockdale as a young man
worthy ^of their support and
confidence. Mr Wallis will car¬
ry out all incomplete advertising
and subscription contracts. All
who still owe for subscriptions
for ’95 will pay over to him who
.will receipt for same. All whose
%io expires first of January
’9« are expected to come for
wafd and renew during the next
two'or v three weeks. Give him
your support and he will give
you a county paper of winch
you may be proud.
Again adieu. \
J. B. & J. H. Reese.
For the kind expressions con¬
tained in the above we feel
most grateful to the Messrs.
Reese and we shall exert our¬
self to keep the Weekly up to its
usual high standard of journal¬
istic merit.
If in the past the Weekly
has failed to reward a friend or
punish an enemy—if its pair
record shows aught for which
it should ho punished—we have
only to say that it has again gone
to its commercial judgement,
a judgement not unlike, in its
effect upon the paper, the con -
version of a sinner. A sinner
converted is cleansed from all
iniquities—a paper sold or
transferred, is born again, hence
we may justly say that the pa¬
per appears before you to-day
in a new life, Hmv long it will
be able to keep its place in the
ranks of the blessed wo dare
not say, but our effort shall be
honest and sincere.
Just here we deem it expedi
n.Hfncv ^ Hint H.O Wm*iv ' will
e emoc a . T _
_ .
iy o say moie, or > \en
fruit ye shall know them.
In •m effort to nuke* a good
paper we earnestly ask the peo
pie to help us, and unless we
accorded this co-operation we
cannot hope lobe phenominally
Trusting that onr .abo ra may
not be iti vain and that our
tforta will be appreciated, we
jgreet you, citizens of Conyers
and Rocktiale.
Very respectfully,
Joe Ilf. Wallis.
the ”?» tunes /»«■'<' it is ^ ltetessarv U P °, that :th
you subscribe for t®s paper.
The New Year.
Before we issue another oaper
the old year, with its great rec
ord of events, stirring scenes,
joys and sorrows, will nave
been ushered into the past. Its
record of crime will rest paral¬
lel with its record of good,
and each, at the proper time,
will be brought forth tomeas
ure our souls At each recurr
ing new period 'of time it is well
for us to pause and ijeflect upon
our record in order that we may
lie better fitted to live—an bon
or to our Creator, and a great
upnotdmg , sustaining .' .
pijjor ana
OUl ^,i.t..u _ j vilizalioil vni/.auou. Tt is
plainly our privilege and duty
to improve with each succeed
ing yea • in those qualities that
noble manhood and
womanhood, and while we are
seeking to obtain the riches of
earth let us not neglect to pros
per as well in possessing our
selves of those higher qualities
that distinginsh us as a nation.
The Exposition Closes.
Next Monday closes the great
Cotton States and International
Exposition, and the Hood of vis¬
itors that have been pouring in¬
to the South’s great city for the
past three months will come to
a close..
The great show has been a
success in every way, and the
benefit, that will be derived
from if, to the Southern States
is inestimable.
To Atlanta, the plucky city
that planned and executed the
grand enterprise in the midst of
the greatest financial depression
the country ever experienced,
belongs the glory, and well may
she feel proud of the success
she achieved. The whole coun¬
try admires her pluck and the
unprejudiced will sing her
praises constantly.
The depression that will nec¬
essarily follow the close of the
Exposition will bo trying, but
the spirited citizens \yho have
made the city will be slow to
weaken under the reaction.
However, the good results of
the great show will soon begin
to appear upon the surface and
Atlanta will justly be the first
to feel it. In the meantime, we
give three cheers for Atlanta’
Preident Cleveland succeeded
in knocking out the Congress¬
men this Christmas. That Hol¬
iday adjournment didn't ma¬
Christmas watermelons are
a very unusual sight, hut there
was a wagon load of them on
the streets yesterday, and they
were readily disposed of ,—Au¬
gusta Chranicle.
The disabilities of ex-Ooufed
erates have been removed by
Congress and these old braves
can now join the Army or Na¬
vy and light for Uncle Sam.
The colony of Northern peo
pie who have settled in Irwin
county seem to be making
very good progress, especially in
the building of the new town’
which they have christened
Fitzgerald. They are. located
iu a section where thrift and en
terprise will speedily tell and
there is no predicting the extent
to which they will aid m bring
mg that section to the front.
Congressman Crisp is
his own as leader of the demo
cratic nunocity. Even
who oppose his financial view’s
^^^4° ° ' 1 1
>ouieeeive a copy of the
Weekly , we trust that you mav
e Xam T 11 carefu11 ? a ? d f ould
it , meet your approval, step in
to our office and subscribe for it
We hope to improve it with
succeeding issue-w will
make it a newspaper contain
ing aU the news every week.
1888 — 1896 ,
If onr our memory serves us
correctly, we left Conyers in ’88,
eight years ago. Within that
space rnanv important changes
have been wrought, not only in
ourself, but in the people of
Conyers, and in the town
In former days we could pass
along the streets with a youth
ful knowledge of every
al with whom we met, wliiie
to-day we meet strangers at
every turn. A new spirit
to pervade the town—a spirit of
push and enterprise predomi
nates with the people. Her lib
erality and generous considera
tion nonors the people who con
stitutc her citizenship and kin
dies the admeration of all who
behold it.
Eight years ago we departed;
to-day we have returned and
planted our flag in the district
of oui birth. It is not a hostile
banner seeking to disrupt or de¬
stroy, out cue that bears on its
face the declaration: Peace,
good will
We are glad to get back and
we trust that our joy may not
diminish as our citizenship is
prolonged from year to year.
At a distance everything ap¬
pears hopeful for Cuba to gain
her independence. While Con¬
gress is parleying with regard
to the recognition of the rights
of the insurgents, the rebels are
marching on to victory. Every
patriotic American should feel
a keen appreciation of 'the sue-,
cess of the patriotic and liberty
loving Cubans,
The sudden death of Mr. Ed
N. Wood, which occured in
Atlanta this week, was sad in¬
deed. It will be remembered
that he contributed several very
interesting continued stories* to
the Solid South, when it was
first established here by our es¬
teemed fellow citizens, Col. Jno.
R. Maddox and Hon. M. I).
Irwin. Mr. Wood was an excel¬
lent writer and a most worthy
We are uot willing to believe
that the farmers of the South
will be blind to the plain sug¬
gestions of their experience this
year. They are in a distinctly
better condition than they were
a year ago. The explanation
of the fact may be given in one
sentence. It is because they
planted less cotton and raised
more provisions.—New Orleans
The Atlanta papers have un¬
doubtedly doue their duty tow¬
ard making a success of the
Exposition and they have
every reason to feel proud of
the result of their labors.
The big dailies have been
calculating wliat actual war
would cost. Would it not be a
good idea for some of them to
make the calculation and tell
just what tlie‘prospect of a war
cost US.
Atlanta . to
is preparing econ
omize after the Exposition,
Street travel in that city will
cog j. ou j,. ti uee cell ts after the
ta *
The farmer is the man who
the ff eds nil!ilonai t| le worl(i re w ; ould ) V lthoufc starve. hl “ A |
the farmer for what he eats,
The farmer should of be recogniz- j
ed as the greatest all men.— l
It is now suggested by some
political prophets that the tar
lviff be a live issue iu the
J to'suppluut the ‘financial
There Is No End.
Telegraphic messages from
Washington carry the infomia
MOU that President Cleveland
and Secretary Carlisle have de
cided to issue bonds in the sum
of $100,000,000 without await¬
ing the action of Congress upon
his, Clevelands, special financial
1 message. They claim that the
situation demands immediate
{action and they cannot hazard
J the credit Congress of the discusses government and
v bile
acts, perhaps indifferently, upon
the great problem,
It is the old bluff of protect
the government’s credit by bor
rowing money. It is the same
> old story, only a few precautions
have been thrown around this
deal, ‘keep up the hundred mil¬
lion gold reserve.’ The Morgau
Belmon't syndicate were, as us¬
ual, consulted, and have agreed
to take all they can get. The
wap?) with England, the ac¬
companying financial panic in
Wall street and a demand for
another issue of bonds, all with
in ten days, has given the peo
pie an opportunity to view the
financial situation as it is. The
issuing of bonds continues, our
national debt increases, and to
top it off we are advised by the
head of the nation to retire half
of our money. The people are
quietly musing over the sugges¬
tion .
The people will forget the
Venezuelan boundary dispute
in their serious contemplation of
the new .$100,000,000 bond issue
that Mr. Cleveland will author¬
ize some time next week.
A tariff bill has passed the
lower house of Congress, mainly
increasing the duties on articles
in common use, enlarging the
governments revenue as a
means of securing relief to the
treasury. The bill provides for
an increase of forty-four million
dollars per year. It is a repub¬
lican measure without a par¬
ticle of democratic favor.
The Atlanta Journal speaks
of another movement on foot to
loca te a second large colony of
Northern people in Georgia.
If the plans materialize the col¬
ony will occupy some eighty
thousand acres of land in south¬
ern Georgia.
What will be the new wo¬
man's station in the event of a
war with England? We predict
that in the event of j that dire
catastrophe she will be found in
skirts, cap and apron, in the hos¬
pitals administering to the
necessities of the sick and
wounded with the same patience,
fidelity and angelic grace that
have characterized the women
of every war period that Amer¬
ica has ever seen.—Savaunah
We are in the midst of the Christ
mas festivities and every body seems
to be having a good time. The old
folks are happy because they have
{heir children and grandchildren
with them- The young men and
women are as merry as can be, for
they have just married are just go
ing to enter that heaven sanctiooed
relation in a short time. Thechil
dre n a* e jubilant because S«nta
Claus has been so liberal with his
presents this year,
The schools have dosed,
The boys have prepared a large
fr eh supply of ammunition, nnd
nothing to mar their pleasure.
Home of our people are moving
and wifi SOO n be ready to begin
another year’s work.
I. C: U.
We would be glad to have
you become a read- Vd of the
Weekly. \
Besides an
ambition to
succeed, and
to make
& a* ood newsy
paper, it
our desire
the fact, also,
that we
do your
on notice.
Onr outfit
is very near¬
ly complete
and we will
take pride in
giving our
patrons the
very neatest
work that it
is possible
for us to turn
out and at
Give us an
to verify
assertion we
nun ICu
Our office
is in the Ma¬
sonic build¬
ing and we
will be glad
to have you
call on US;.
mTTn lUll ■ ^ WEEKLY
Will be sold "
•Jamisty, on the first Tuesday J L'" •
said next, at the court ho„
in county, within .he le^d honr
s. , sw:ftj^*> 5 jw «*;
d strict of or is in.U !y ,leVr^ol r^,*s he a h
dale county, Georgia. R
°* the Said land if' levied 1 d
4 ns property of George p
an execution issued from 1
'•)t 4 p court of rnve-tu.enti Atlanta in fav. Aoenl r of n ,p
PorHffn 0 ' 516
mn--, limned, acainst f. If
Jones. 'I’J’is oth day 8 .id )Jr'
of D rcemher Sheriff?
" • u - M. AUSTIN, 0 '
Will he sold on the first Tu esda .
Jan tjfm „ n
11 a?v, next, at court hd»s«
Rockdale couutv,, with*; r the "
hours cash, th Of s following ilo, t „LjV* hie|, e t, l.idder 1“ ^ or
t property • ’
A f^o-nf'hs fJhndivided interest •
s’xti-iiv 'ero S pf land, more 1,1
lying in the IfitH district orUjS ,
of y
Henry no .v liccUdale county ’Mat at 1 v i„ S
lauds of J, L Rate on north H
ry west. on east Part an.l of couth land lot and 258. John MiersTn tl?
fifths undivided interest Said land"
in said
levied on as the property of A T ii ‘
mock and Harriet A. Hammock am
f.V execution issued to satis
an from tA.,, i„ s i if
of 475th district, . 0
court G. M
dale caunty in favor of G. \v. , p"
Gain against said A. <fe a
T. Hammock ' anr i
H. A. Hammock. Levy made by T idS' V
Simonton, L. C. This Nov. 28ffi Sheriff?
W. PI. M. AUSTIN, 0,
Also at the same time and pl ace the
following property, towit: All that
tract or jiarcel of land lying and Geor"u brW
in Rockdale county, state of
bounded on west by lands of John m’
Zachry, D. II. Roberts and Sarah V
Fret,well on south by lands of C M
Maylor, Gleaton, Abby east Griflin by and George w
low liver on and lands of wateis estates of the Ye'" i
B Stewart, deceased, of J
and ,f. lands' A. Stew Sa~
art, deceased, on north by of
rft1 'E Fretwell and A. D. Summers
and dred Prank and eighty Bryan, containing two hun¬
ied the acres, more or less lev¬
on as property of Susie C. Grif¬
fin in the hands of J. II. Griffin admin¬
istrator of Susie C. Griffin, deceased to
suisfy two fi fas or executions issued
from Newton superior court—one in fa¬
vor of J. A. & T. U. Stewart for the
use of Stewart Bros, against J. II. Grif¬
fin, administrator of S. C. Griffin; the
other in favor of II. W. Means against
•Tames II ‘Uiffin, administaator of Su
-ie<\Griffin Tmvie to satisfy hath
fi fas. W. H. M. A JSTIN, Sheriff.
Dec. 6 , 1895.
Georgia, Rockdale Coukty. —To
A ll Whom It. May Concern : R. W.
Tucker, administrator of A. B. E.
Hardeman, deceased, applies to rae
for letters of di-mission from his
'rust as such administrator of said
deceased* and I vril, pass upon his
| plimtion on the first Monday in
■January. 1896, at my office in Con¬
yers, said county. Given under mv
hand and official signature Ibis Oct.
3rd, 1895. A. M. Helms,
All parties holding claims against
the estate of Joh i L. Scott, deceased,
or his widow, will please present
same to J. D. Scott, Conyers, Ga.,
by the first, of January, 1896.
W. W. Scott. Executor.
Nov 27, 1895.
Genista, Rockdale Countv.—Martha
Carter,eo , having applied for a twelve
mi,nth's support out of the estate of her
'ate husband, .James Carter, col,, de¬
ceased. and the appraisers appointed
having filed their return in mr office,
rJiis is to cite all persons concerned that
I will pass upon the same on the first
Monday in January, next. This Dec.
5,1895. A. M. HELMS, Ordinary.
ANTED:-Several trus.worthy
pent.lernen or ladies to travel
n Georgia for established reliable
Steady hous j . Salary $7S0 and reference expense?, and
position. Enclose
self addressed stamped envelope. The
Dominion Company, Third Floor, Oma¬
ha Bleg., Chicago, ill.
trade mark.
hJiV S’ V Cislity First »i AlWi
*4v v mJms
a m m k
DR. W. IU LEE, Druggist, has the
exclusive sale of these celebrated Glass
es in Conyers, Ga. From the factory
of Kellam & Moore, the only optical
plant in tee Foutb. Atlanta, Ga.
I represent the BEST com*
Dailies in the world.
t - HT s
See us before buying your
coal. We can save you mon