Newspaper Page Text
qLO in paragraphs.
once erfiing People and
If you haven't already visited
l Exposition your last opporium
to see the grandest show the
ih has evar witnessed, is fast
ssing away.
p a v bird hunters have been put
* V V“« ‘tv O-Inv •« h« i
A mte-snerdi)^ seve, weeks with
t t> of \V V Fleming
inn in South west Geoi|pa.
Mr- ami Mrs. S'oval], o Allan -
1 , am visiting Mrs. Tutnfr in the*
ty Lula Guinn has go 1 ue for
Miss brother,
few days visit to her
r Chess Guinn, of Covington.
Mr. Sim Smith and family, of
likens, spent Christmas hire with
Mr. Albert Roberts of tlanta,
Tuesday here. ' Albert
pent last
numerous friends iu Conyers
8S welcome him.
[ko are ever ready to
Genial Earnest Turner, of Eiber
L js visting in the City this
Mr and Mrs. D. N Hudson,
pe- J several davs of the present
*eek with their son. Mr. E. M.
[udson, at Newnan.
To-day the Masons of White
ouse have a festival at their lodge
30m. The Conyers brethren are
ivit6d and some of them will
oubtless attend.
The Lithonia Masons had a dinner
last Thursday, and some of the
brethren of Philologia lodge atten
led. The tine was pleasantly
Last night the Masonic fraternity
lad their annual installation of of*
icers and festival of St. John the
(Evangelist. If The occasion was one
enjoyment for the familirs of
Virgil Ahrtitnd, son of W. M. Al
pand, of Atlanta, came to spend
Christmas with his grand mother,
|Mrs. J. T. A* lair. On last Wed
■ne3day he went hunting with a
[young [was friend. By accident his lacerat¬ gun
dkchargod, completely
ling and tearing up his left hand so
[that it had to be amputated- Drs.
iGninn and Turner did the work
(taking the member off above the
prist. We are glad to state that he
is doing well.
Rev. W. F. Reagov will preach in
the court house to-nr'rrow at ll
a. m atid 7 p. m.
The Paper Mill Sunday schoo 1 ,
h ad, on Thursday evening last, a
joyous time at the Christmas ente:
Linment. The presents were many
(and some of them valuable. There
rvere about two hundred people
present. Mr. D. M, Almand is su¬
perintendent of this school, and he
has done » good work this yaar,
(which (entire is greatly appreciated by the
The subject of Dr. Quillian's ser¬
mon Sunday morning at the Meth
pdist church |wili be “The dying
(year." Everybody invited.
If your name is not on our sub¬
scription list, see that it is placed
(there at once. We need your sup¬
The Weekly invites the people to
visit its office in the Masonic build
ling, mxfc door the bank. A cordial
welcome awaits you.
Mr. Geo. W. Trotter, a cotton
buyer at Monroe, Ga., committed
suicicide last Saturday morning by
drinking a quantity of laudanum.
He was hevemy years old. Had he
.iven the matter proper con-idera
he might have .vddrfth, .vil
ieec and consoled himself with the
hought that ere long he could die
n honorable death
3 ublic School will
Jonday, open on
Dec. 30. Tardy entrance
uadrance ^irregular to pupils attend.nce and is . g«..
0 teachers. Let us cooperate to
ase tbe spricg term as successful
8 can be under all circumstances.
W. P. Flemixg.
Mr. J. B Spark.-, of 'Washing on,
D. C., ‘after spending several riwjfc
wih his friends here, has retururd
to his h f 'me. II s was the first E-i
-cripti u we received to the
Mr S. L Ann and brought in’o
our office the first job w<>ik and the
second subscription to the paper
upon our entering upon control o'
tbvseme. We thank tho gentlemar
and assure him of our appreciation.
If the friends of the Weekly in
the country will take it upon them
solves to furnish us the news from
their respective communities wa will
Among the old familiar laces tba»
have greeted us kindly rime our
return to Confers, and for whom wo
have a deepaSbction dating from eur
earliest, accountability, we may men
tion Mr. Geo. P. Tilley, Dr. C- H.
Turner, Mr. Allen D. Summers, Mr
Jim Hudson, and others. These
chiefs have been greatly honored by
their tribe, and in their old age they
are pointed to with pride and de -
dared worthy the emulation of
young braves.
Mrs. Mamie Shaver is visit¬
ing relatives iu Atlanta.
We are very sorry, indeed, to
hear of the critical illness of
friend J. N. Hale. He was very
suddenly prostrated Thursday
night. We sincerely hope to
see him up in a short time.
Miss Lula Guinn entertained
a select party of friends at her
home last Wednesday evening
in honor of Miss Ruth Almand.
After treating her friends to a
display of fire-works, the party
was led to the spacious dining
hall where dainty refreshments
were served most gracefully •
The evening was full of pleas¬
ure for those present.
It pleases us to return our
grateful thanks to Mr J B Reese
for favors by him
during the past week. He is a
cultured gentleman with not a
particle of selfishness in his
make lip.
On the evening of the 30th of
December the Conyers Volun¬
teers will entertain their friends
with a festive sociable at their
Armory. The occasion promi¬
ses to be of much pleasure.
We will gladly furnish sam¬
ple copies of the Weekly on
application. We may not know
you but we would be glad to
have you examine our paper
and become a subscriber.
Maj. E. H. Almand has been
elected superintendent of the
Baptist Sunday school. Maj.
Almand will make an excellent
superintendent and the school
will grow iu interest under his
From every source come tid¬
ings of good things to eat. The
noble ladies of Conyers seem to
have fairly outdone themselves
m their culinary preparations
for the holidays, and ’tis well
that the lords speak in glowing
terms of their “better-half.”
Better-half, indeed ! What a
r farce „„ «rf ‘life would u * De without vi f
tliem ! ! Think of it, ye gentle
men of single n eusseclness,
go ye ana 1 get married.
j Mr. T. H. Bryant, better
known among his
friends here, as Tom, spent
Christmas with his family. As
a “ kni S ht ° f the g ri P ’ he 1S a
Sliccess 1 as a clever jovial gen
tlemen he has no superior, and
we trust rt,a t he d^ble hi,
sales during the New Year,
Miss Della Jonea ot Atlanta, is
the guest of Mrs. J O. Hardin,
\ ..
’Tb e Misses . Davis of Covington .
are tbe< ^ Uf ' s,s jl iMr ' and Mrs '
A - J- Summers- * -
The young peop’e oi the City
eDjoyed a few hours socially at the
home of Hod. W. V. Almand
Iasi Thursday evening. Mr. Ed Al
maud did the honors of tbe occasion,
The entertainment 'at th
Baptist church last Tuesday ev
enin-i was fine. The decorations
were beautiful, the inscriptions
choice and presents abundant.
The occasion was one of enjoy¬
ment. .
The town authorities turned
tho boys h>-'se on iuosday oven
last to *-nj 0 y their Christ
mas fifew-udes. They made
things TiwA until midnight
with bond fires, sky rockets, ro
man candles and bunch craek
ers. This hiileousneRs became
very annoying to the older peo¬
ple, but the. perpetrators thereof
worked at the business with a
relish and earnestness as if their
salvation depended on it.
Dr. Stewart received on the
Christmas tree at the Methodist
church a handsome twelve dol¬
lar lap robe—a present from his,
Sunday school class.
We are sorry to learn that
Mrs. Judge Reagan has been
quite sick th is week. Glad to
know that she is now improv¬
Christmas was rushed in
with beautiful days. Since
the two first the weather has
been somewhat variable, with
rain, wind cold and clouds.
The newly elected city offi¬
cers will bo installed the first
Monday night in January. At
this meeting they will appoint
the marshals, the clerk and
Drs. Hawthorne and Hatcher,
and Prof. Cox, of Atlanta came
down last Thursday night and
went shooting on Friday. This
is what we might call a divinity
bird hunt.
Mr. Hanchet, of New York,
was at the Commercial several
days this week. He was on a
prospecting trip, and was much
pleased with this section.
Mr. 0. S. Ilavgood, who had
charge of the poor farm, has
moved to his home in town,
Wo welcome him Mr. W. A.
Almand takes his place at the
T i is year will be a live cm in
politics national, state and local, By
all means keep with the profession
by taking tho Weekly.
"When the records are made up
at the end of the week, wonder how
many poor souls weie rushed into
eternity by murder, manslaughter,
and accidents incident to Christmas.
Taking in the whole country the
number will doubtless run into the
thousands This ought not so to be
for it should be a time of “peace on
earth an I g od will to men.”
The Christmas tree at the Meih
odist church was quite a success on
last Tuesday evening. The little
ones were made happy, and the old¬
er ones enjoyed the occasion.
Robert Beck, of Lithonia, now a
student at M>rcer s was in the city
a short while last Tuesday. He re
ports Mercer in fine condition and
expresses himself highly pleased
Joe Hu S h Reese is spending
Christmas in Putnam with relatives c
an nen s ‘
Come right this way and snbsmbe
fjr the ConyeiB Weekly. Every
man woman aD( j child in
should read it.
The Presb\terian Christmas tree
entertainment was fine. Everybody
who attended have many good
words and compliments.
Mr. George Jones, who has
been employed in Alabama
f^XS/TdlidZ / ' Z
1 ^ "
Dr. A. A. Jones, after a
residence of ten or twelve years
in Monticello has returned, with
jjj s f am i]y to his old home,
yers, where he will reside in
;l,e future. The Doctor:and his
family are lieartily welcomes, to
Mr. and M Joe Goode and
ttle Miss f ud Huff spent
hursday ir anta.
A number of friends haw
called upon us this week and
very kindly welcomed our ]'<>
turn to Conyers. For their
friendly interest wo arc viu-v
grateful, and wo invito them to
visit us often.
To dav we *' ring out the old nr: 1
ring >n ihe rev ” LG, ili<3 (hail
oast bury its dead and fi t :b e r. w
y i'KC put a bright faco for thy ft\tnr»*.
* 5 :v‘'>
Previous receipts . 345
This, week’s »<
Total to date G
Price for middling 7£o.
The above report was made
last week, We failed to secure
a correction in time for it to ap
per to-day.
Hymen iak
On Christmas day. at half
past two o’clock in the after¬
noon, at the residence of the
bride’s father, Miss Boyd Ogle
tree and Mr. V. C. Almand,
were happily married by Rev.
J. W. Quillian. Miss Ogle tree
is a roost admirable lady, en¬
dowed with thoic p.uuJar traits
of character that will make the
home of the groom most happy.
Mr. Almand is a young busi¬
ness man with bright prospects
for the future. As young peo¬
ple they were both popular and
as married people they will be
even more so.
The Weekly congratulates
them and wishes them a happy
new year.
A dose that is always seasonable is a
dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, the
,King of Liver Medicines. “ It keeps
t bowels regular;
the liver active;'the
prevents BiliOu-ness; and promotes
digestion in fact helps keep you well.
•‘I have watched it‘s effects in fa miles
where I have practiced, and find it ad¬
mirable; both alterative and tonic in
its action." - Dr. T. W. Mason
Maccn, Ga.
Children Oiyfm
Pitcher’s Castoria.
Mr. ,T‘ W- Herring, a butcher of
Phoen; x tily, A'a., s;iyv, May 14th,
18'.5: “For live yiar.s I hid indigesti m,
which continued to get vvor-e till mj
suffering wasiri euse. Ispiyi hunt • veil *
of dollars trying to gut leiief, but grew
worse untiil the fall of Is!);!,when I
commenced to use King's Ko.val G ftr m
etuer. I took only three hottle>, hut
began to improve from theJirgt ti*e of it
I bought t of l>r. 1). E. Morgan,
and he can tell about mv < ass. I cheer¬
fully lorornaiei.d Deriuatuer as the
be>t medicine f< r indigestion and Dys
pep*-i*i New package, largo bottle
108 doses, $1. P»r sale by 1 r. W.H.
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher’s Castoria*
We know of but one community in
the world where dyspepsia is pr.utically
unknown, and Liiat is the Shakers of
Mount Lebanou, K‘ Y. There gooc
people have been studyieg the subject
of digestion for moye than a hundred
years, anti that they understand is
pretty thoroughly, is evidenced in ihe
foregoing fact, Their Digestive C< r ii
al is the safest and best remedy in ca*!e.
of indigestion that we know of. A
trial bottle can be hid through your
druggists for the trifling sum of io
The Shaker Digestive Cordial sup
Dlies the system with foo l already di
se digestion .»d, and of .. oth°r a, food^. It aid. will Jhc
most instantly releive the ordinary
toms of indigestion, and n<i sufferer
need to be told wh?.t these are.
LAXOL is the be t medicine for cbil
dren Deotrig in place of
Ca-tor Oil.
when she became Mb*, she clung to castor!*,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
ease peculiar to their sex, errors of
youth, contagious diseases, female trap*,
Send 2 two cent stamps l# to pay post
^Fau d si nTh i s c'ouut S ^I> 'hatJ!. vtALYY
& CO.? 22 ^ so. Broad St., Atlanta, Ca
A ear 2 \ . is destin
ed to bccoi ' noted in the
JX/iStlWU t * f fr»t 4
IS 1 , i'orv . our
I ft
i count ry— a ’ ¥ r t kc if W. n which
FW jolitica 1 s.TExryv' battles will he
waged with a fierceness
hitherto u 11 kn o W11.
r in touch With
everything and prove it
am an invaluable paper
to those desiring to keep
1 &
21 |
1 I .
.. 1, 3 i advertisinir ^5 me
ilium the Weekly shall
stand at the top.
MMV s "0 n A circulation is
an incentive to advertis
ers, therefore on r sub
seristion list s mll lai ge
§ ,
fc * I 1*1/1
are reasonable.
Send Your Job Worft In!