Newspaper Page Text
m I ilf&S msasmm rfff
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I \3l a
11 Bars good soap, 25 cents.
8 Bars double nickle soap, 25 cents.
7 Bars M. & IT’s, best-soap, 25 cents.
Bars good soap, 10 cents.
25 Bars Olariet soap and 1 box Gold
Dust Washing Powder, worth $1 50,
going at one dollar.
1 Box Axle grease 5 cents.
3 5 cents boxes snuff for 10 cents.
1 Jar of snuff for 4c?cents.
We carry the largst liiie of TOBACCG evr carried in C( ! J f£,
and sll cheaper than anybody.
Y 1 k for Hardware
We carry in stock almost anything to be found in a first-class Hardware store
and sell at astonishingly low prices. Call and examine these goods for yourself.
anything in the crockery line at great reduction.
Lamp goods at your own price.
.Vfaubut \ Ijeagqij.
The Monroe Doctrine.
When President Cleveland
inounced his determination
stand by the Monroe doc
line, even if for a theory it
rought on war between Great
Irittian and the United States,
action met a popular cord
sympathy and approval
the Atlantic to the pacif
That was war to maintain a
fheory. land Rather than see Eng
take from Venezuela a few
miles of swamp land
I y 1 1 d ans and negroes
he power of this great
irnmeut was to be
)d between the strong and the
But what excuse can now be
(given why the government docs
Biot take active steps to protect
[the people of Cuba from the
putcheries of Spanish troops.
Public sentiment demands
decided action, prompt enerjet
ic. What excuse can be given
for the failure of our government
to meet the great demand of
the people from ocean to ocean,
—Gwinnette Herald.
A census bulletin shows that
Pennsylvania is one of the few
common wealth where the males
outnumber the female, by 74
648. A singular difference is
in the fact that while this city
has an excess of 24.720 females,
Pittsburg has an excess of 10 -
241 males. In the United States
the census shows there were
32,067,880males an 30,554.-370
males in 1890, aud excess of
1.513,510’—Augusta Chronicle.
D. March very forcibly and
truly says that simple words,
short maxims, homely truth,
old saying, are the masters of
the world. Great reformations,
great eras in human progress
and inprovement, start from
good words, sound words, spok-
6p in the fitting time, and find¬
ing their way to human hearts
as easily as the birds find their
<V (Smit
i W\ a r
V' / / yiii <>
p<*f j
Fresh p. unes 10 cents per pound.
I'resh dates 10 cents per pound.
Fresh currants 10 cents per pound,
Fresh raisins 5 cents per pound.
Two pound can cherries for 10 cents.
Two pound can blue berries 5 cents.
Twenty-four hundred matches 15 cents.
Pound good smoking tobacco, 20 cents.
Pound good chewing tobacco, 22^ cents,
Good tobacco 25 cents, sells for 05 cents.
The Value Of Fridship,
There is an old saying wbi< h
is very true, that you cannot
eat your apple and have it too.
It is so with money. But it is
not so with friends. You can
use your friends and have
them too. If it bo the right
kind of friendship and the prop
er use be put to it, the utilizing
of one’s friends strengthens
cements the friendship.
There is no capital that pays
such liberal earnings as that
invested in friendship.
That is why people ought to
endeavor to increase and
their friendships.
Even when you are opposed to
a man you cm oppose him in
such a way a manner as to win
his regard instead of his enmity.
Our of trivialities grow the
animosities that embitter a life
time. No man is really happy
who is at enmity with another
The shadow is constantly
Friendships are not so easily
formed tnat they are to be
rudely broken and the ties that
bind people together severed
with impunity. The wound may
may heal but the scar will re
main. One little act, done in
anger and on the impulse, of
passion, may cause an enmity
that all the atonement of a life
time can never obliterate or a
mend. There is* so
sweet in a life as the confidence
and esteem of true and |» ya
friends. Life is so short that no
one can afford to make any
more enemies than can possi¬
bly be avoided. Let us cherish
those whom we love and en¬
deavor to live so as to win the
respect and confidence of all
with whom we come in con
tact.—Rome Tribune.
Gladstone is an early riser,
but only by the exertion of his
will power, for lie is fond of
loitering in bed. He is fond
also of afternoon tea aud of a
game of backgammon, and he
can s ieep whenever and where
ever tie pleases.—Ex.
Art of Going to EGd,
There ;s redicuiotjj Uilow
over in London who is trying to
convienot? people that no one un
derstancis themtnf goiiu. tolled,
This may be true in England,
win-re thev s:;y people
I keep clean without
five times adav, but if s Ft
in 1 las country', where it would
|be voted by a large mij -riiy
that the ait which is not under¬
stood is that of “getting tip.”—
If the puglists could light as
hard as the” can talk, th ’
world would soon bo at their
In the current man'or of t e
North American Review Statis¬
tician Mulii ill not only disap¬
proves the assertion that the hu¬
man-race is deteriorating, but
demonstrates that the greatest
average prosperity is found in
the most thickly populated conn
tries, Not until the United
State? is called upon to supply
the necessities for 210. G00.000
people 1 th > prophets of
evil bo heedel. Until that
time 'arrives, if indeed it over
does come, conditions fn the
United Stares will continue t >
improve. Just now the immi¬
gration drift is south ward. Ac¬
cording to the Mullmll statistics,
four limes tho present popula¬
tion of the South would only
make that section the more
prosperous.—Walton News,
Genial Bill Nye.
Millions of the people of this
country knew Bill Nye through
his writings, which for ten years
past have n ahitained a won¬
derful popularity.
Many knew tho man and lov¬
ed him for his noble qualities.
His death has touched a host of
hearts with sadness There is
always something peculiarly
pathetic in the death of one who
lias contributed to the amuse¬
ment and pleasure of the pub¬
lic, and to the genial humorist
who lias been taken from us
we may appropriately apply
the line of Punch on on the
death of Artemus Ward
■'Ha'li gone to the land of no laughter,
The man who made mirth for us all?'’
Bill Nye will be missed by
many and most of all by those
who knew him best. —Atlanta
Senator Iloai has introduced
a bill to “protect American
women, attractive by beauty
accomplished, from the
of foreign adventurers,
whether titled or untitled,” ac
cordining to the dispatches,
This is tho first time we have
ever heard of wealth being set
down as an accomplishment.
Generally speaking, the matri¬
monial rapacity of the foreign¬
ers is seldom exhibited unless
American _ i has a bar
f' l »
and then the woman
in most cases appear very aux-
10US to aid the foreigner. The
American woman with beauty
and accomplisments of mind is
usually abundantly able to take
care of herself.—Ex.
The threat that the new wo
will soon be heard in con
gress lias no terrors 'or the
American people. They are so
disgusted with the old woman
in the upper house that they
are prepared to welcome any
such change as is 5USS ' S
Detroit Free Press.
The go! ! is Mi I being i
i'ru'ii Use tsvasuiy. Jt woi.‘
be uia iv tuoii i s before n on
bo ills will t(> tO i)f ibbU
e •. Tiie •j«*ld at uuinrd is be
-g mnint iiael on a credit.-
. J our!n .|.
__ _ -CT __ _____
Weak, IlTitaDle,! IVZ&
“5 Was No Good on Earth.”
Dr, AUtcs’ Nervine strengthens
the weak, builds up the broken
down constitution, and permanently
cures every kind of nervous disease.
“About one year ago hens a filleted
with nervousness, sleeplessness,
Creeping sensation in nty legs,
/Slight palpitation of tup
Distracting confusion cf themind,
Serious loss c j- lapse of memory.
Weighted down with care and
wotrry. X completely lost appetite
And felt »«£/ vitality wearing out,
S teas weah, irritable <tn<l tired,
Sly weight teas reduced to 160 lbs.,
1st fact £ teas no good, on earth •
A friend brought x.
mo Or. Milos’ boolc,
“New and Start¬
ling Facts," and R a>
I finally deckled
to try a bottle of
Db. Miles’ Ee
cratlve Before I had Nervine. taken vS g l
ouo bottle I could
Bleep ae well a3 a 1 $
10-yr.-old appetite returned boy. My mm
greatly Increased.
Vflten IS had taken the sivtii bottle
Jlly zeeight increased to 170 ba.,
27:s sensation in my legs was gone;
Ely nerves steadied completely;
Sly memory teas fully restored.
Sly brain seemed clearer than ever.
jf felt asgendasany man on earth.
Sir. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is
A great medicine, JT assure yon.”
Augusta, Mo. Walter II. Burbank.
Dr. Miles’ Nervino {3 sold on a positive
guarantee All that the first bottle will benoflt.
druggists sell It at, 81,6 bottles for $5, or
It -.j 111 l.osen!, prepaid, on receipt of price
by tko Dr. Milea Medical Co., Elkhart, Inti.
Dr. Miles’ Nervine
Restores Health
‘i '» / Hr 1 a
w IF /A
;-A ;
JM * F . -J P4
Hm 1 m 2# s
S his fit* s m§i m I DYSPEPSIA c^fCC?^© no
i \ H
p/’j m a: if MALARIA ^
ft a
f This great remedy is indorsed by ffo l M | F *¥• &
physicians, and prescribed by them *"* *
all over the world. VP ABm I r r
u: Positively guaranteed to the most § HHy
U: cure
fa stubborn cases. The formul is published j YV
plainly on every bottle. As a tonic it is Ay Pf^PLE3
r ■ 0 i BLOTCHES 1 w
’■ i
D S 8 t’Z vsaUFf-- & OLD SORES
4. arsapar® tsX . as 4 blood I
For Female Complaints and Fl
tems building it acts up like run-down magic, sys¬ fry 4 J, POISONING
a bottle and be convinced. f RHEUMATISM
fro^i / -k “Was ohv * VV extract icians, doctor a rheumatic uedared tre from itnif sufferer nt mv at book condition Mineral for of 18 \\ month?*. hopeless, testimonials. ells, 'i’es., but Derived or ns Hot a last no Springn, benefit resort JSCROFULA&c
,‘ise‘l V. P. P., Lippman’s Great Hemo;iy. Through its use 1 am
-day a^\;‘/^J p, jji nrSt leading Grocers, VVazahacbie, Ter.
Indorsed by J3. VF. Feakc.vs, Druggist.
“ P P. P.. Idppman’RGreat Remedy,cured m rt of difficult breath¬
ing and palpitation of the heart. Had not slept on cither side for IJWONDERFUL
t.vo years; now I sleep roundly » Dc Lcon> TcI
.. Sworn to and Scribed l£or ; rncV_ XoUry pu;jUc
“Suffered for years witli a eirafireeable eruption on my tare. f
inau’s Various Great reined Remedy, L stalled completely to Cai-t. remove J. cured it. D. Three JOHNSON, me.” bottles Savannah, ol P. 1’. P., Inpp- Ga. 5 REMEDY. >.» I
15 S old by all Druggi sts SEND FOR
LSPPMAN BRO’S. proprietors, 1 \ BOOKLET.
NO. 9
Give The Devil Mis Dues.
A print in x oO ce is usually
consult red a, rather tough place*
and tha uewsptpor worker a.
mi;h'y la! man. Statistics,
howi ver, do not bear out that
'dea. Of.).803 convi ts in (lie
^Inte penctentiayv of Texas
there is not a printer or
p ipet man, while there me min
i aer-, doctors, hanker, harl e-rt'
photogrpher , bar-keepers.
cook and members of all pro¬
fessions and callings.
T he ptinter gets a bad name
In cause the nature of his busi¬
ness reaches him to detest shams
a;ul ! e scorns the lij’pocrite.—
Exc v ang i.
Th >. p> laion appropriation
th's year is over $142,090,000.
Ob tl o?e j e sions and bonds
—Marietta Journal.
Everything points to an enor¬
mous acreage this year’ Load¬
ing dealt rs say that Atlanta
has soi l n lai ly $4,000,000 woifch
of stock the past tinea months.
The dealers in farmers imple
ments and harness and tho
fertilizer factori s have done a
heavy business. It is predic¬
ed that the outgrowth of this
spring’s enormous mule trade,
throughout the country, will
bring cotton to 4 cents next fall
and there will be no market for
liorses and inu'es next year.—