Newspaper Page Text
T a I J OONYMR .-r V j i ljj £ *: L j v
, r ±, JU8 r ■ C TTT1 -TL- A>
m L" yf A*S*
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£% ccord to us a fair showing' and we will do you good Our Groceries and
Jon lection cries are good and new an dour prices are just right, Now com va -a
iliment us With a fewtrial orders and we will strive to merit your confidenc L'
y continued favors. We guarantee » satisfaction.
i 3ee 10 McDonald
to iUl
tyly undertaking establish
L is well fitted up and
my stock of undertaking
ids is complete.
Attention prompt and ca
parses free of
[W. iulertalcci* V. Amaiiil,
Sc Embamev
,rred Plymoth Rock
IMy hens arc direct from
pri prize winners and
f cock was Taylor’s show
bkerel. Mr Dorsey wrote
I; ‘ You have as fine a
of Barred Roe-ks as any
iy and should raise some
allow birds - -
• m xt season.
15 for II 25.
I. G. Walker,
Conyers, Ga.
The Kind You Hate Always Bcugirt
We are now
s offer to the trade sever
! Leadings Brands of
lizers. These goods
een used in this section
a number of years and
actual field test
1 oved to be second
hne w hich is a better
\ emendation . than any
|fing have we might cottonseed say. meal
; so
•‘■kl acid. Thanking
pple 1 for past
c solicit a CO IItill
die same.
Very Respectfulls.
For information as to Routes
Schedules, and Rates, both
1 mm nit Mill
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable information.
Jno Ferguson, A G Jackson
T. P. A. G. P. A. , 7 .
Augusta Grfi ■
S E Magill, 0. D Cox.
Geu’l Age, Cen’i Agt,
Atlanta, Athens.
W AV Hardwick, W C Me Mi lien,
Gen’l Agt. C. F, & P A .
Macon. Macon.
M It Hudson, .. W M McGovern,
T.F. & P. A, Geii’i Agt.
Atlanta:, Ga. Augusta.
All work guaranteed to please
Office up stairs over J. II. Al¬
im and & Co’s, store.
Con ye; ts, : Ga
Every time a woman de
his vanity gets a
shock that. puts it to sleep.
If a man would live to a ripe
old age he should get his name
on the pension roll.
A thumb on the hand is far
better than- three lingers of
whisk y in the stomach.
When a man knows he is in
the rignt it matters not what
others think.
The more delusion some peo¬
ple have the more happiness
they enjoy.
Mauy a mm becomes a pes¬
simist when he begins to har¬
vest his wild oats.
Some people you like utvil
they find you'ont, and some you
don’t liKe until you find them
The wild boar is a danger¬
ous animal. The tame bore is
seldom dangerous, but he’s a
If a minister aims his re¬
ntal Us at himself he is pf.eUy
suite to hit nine-tenths of his
It is also a consolation to a
man after he has made a ser¬
ious mistake to have some one
say he did ihe| best he® could
tinder the circumstances.
Says an old bacheloi: “No
one eve*’ heard a married man
boasting that he had never
made a mistake.
A FRICANA will cure Constipation and
is a wotJ<3*rfui Liver Medicin® It.
We represent some of the
best Fire Insnrance Companies
in existence and ask the public
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
F SM A sSTcu r u Eczema and Ca
i Melton’s Livery wee;
When you mnl a good, 'safe turnout one that you can
Ono that looks welt and goes well, call on me.
! Good drivers furnished if desired
i Terms very reasonable.
At Atchison Kansas, a weal
thy man disguised as a farm
hand, hired to a farmer in cr
der to learn the true character
of his daughter and if she was
the right kind of material for a
wife. The ‘ laborer” soon found
the girl to he the pink of perfec¬
tion, wooed and won her. This
fellow certainly had a good head
on him hut if his example is fol¬
lowed by wife hunters, the crop
of old inaids will soon be awful
to contemplate, The parlor
smile and society levities have
brought disappointment to man*
a poor devil who thought he
was marrying an angel with
out WJUg3. “rfhe” turned out
to have no wings and w ith poor
prospects of ever sprouting any.
Definition of Home.
Recently a London maguzin
sent out 1,000 inquiries on tt*
question “ what is home? ,,
selecting the classes to vespom
to the question it was particulas
to see that every one was rep¬
resented. The poorest and tlj<
richest were given an equal op¬
portune y to express (heir sen¬
timent. Out of 800 replies re¬
ceived, seven gems were select¬
ed as follows;
1. Home —A world of strife
shut out, a world of love, shut
2. Home—The place where
; the small are great and the
g reil t small,
3. Homo—The father’s king
don;, the mother’s world and
the child’s parad se.
4. Home—The place where
we grumble most and are treat
ed best.
5. Home—The centre of our
affection, round which our
heait’s best wishes twine.
6. Horne—file place where
the stomachs get three square
moal3 daily and our hearts a
7. Home—The only place on
earth where the faults and fail¬
ings of humanity are hidden un
der the sweet mantle of charity.
—• -*<>► •
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
| Signature W/.
Many true word is spt ken 1
when two women have a quar
’If a man conceali the truth
h(J licH in ;im bush.
A dentist may be painstaking
but he gives a lot of pain.
You need not ) ack up any
worries. Yon can get, them any
where as you go along.
•I reckon John’H git tlie office’
said a rural cimpaigne-, fer
he‘a ruuin’ like the devil!’
And how does the devil run,
my friend?’
“ Like greased iiglHinn;!'
( « And what ia greased light,
“Well, an you don't ‘pear to
have much knowledge in that
head o your 1 11 , 1 explain to
’'Oil ' Greas.d lighMun', my
-iend, is bottled thunder tarn
d lo » i -e!“
. -. 0 — *
O A £25 *2? 3?f. X JA. •
Bears tho Tiie Kind Von (lave Always Bought
Higns-tcro. Wi
Some people p'ay for brya
and then expect cake.
Of all .the paths that lead to
a woman’s heart pity is t’n
straigh trsf
As am omen of success, in¬
dustry is better than four-leafed
Pendelope—I heir that you
became engaged to him the sec¬
ond time you saw hi n.
Clara— Y'e-; but I assure you
that I was not to blame for the
delay. -
“John writes,” said the old
man “That he’s laid down his
arms an’ is cornin’ home.”
‘•That’s orfull” exclaimed
the old woman, < V but ef the
poor boy gets heio wiih his
legs I’ll thank the Lord !’
n \ 1
‘above ;a24ofr- a _, !A \ ‘tiCOkG.A
SEA. 1 11 i till Up? AGkKTULTURAL College
M CO Main Builoino.
| r f JIT
A college eTacnlion in 'Jie reach cf all. A.E.,
n.S., Normal and Business Man’s courses.
»ood laboratories; discipline; healthful, good invigorating- moral and ch¬
ain®; religions military i-.tfitter.ces. ell' board in 1
of apest produce; t -'-'
-.tatef ahiindi nee country expenses
from 875 to §150 a year; board in dormitories
or private families, hipecial license course for
toacbers; fall faculty of nine; all under tin
m-.itrot cf tbs Co-education University. A college 'fheinsti-: pmpar
ttnrv c!as r . of sexes, j
-.ution founded s,-ocially fer students of limited
means. Send for catalogue to the President. I
* *i, S. STBtvaar, A.Jl.
NO. 9
My shop is comfortable,
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
M.y attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up.
5 can’t take plain cod-liver
oil. Doctor says, try it. He
might as well tell me to melt
lard or butter and try to take
them. It is ton rich
will upset the stomach.
you can take milk or cream,
so y° ,J can takti
Scott’s Emulsion
H is like cream; but
feed and nourish when cream
will not. Babies and
dren will thrive and grew
fat on it when their ordinary
food does not nourish them.
Persans have been kno wn to gain
u pound a day when taking
ounce cf Scott's Emulsion. It gets
the digestive machinery in
order so that the ordinary food is
piopcr’y digested and assimilated,
50c. and Iti.cjo, all druggists. New York.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
I ras. f
Goner! Merchants.
Street’s Old Stand..
The people are invi¬
ted to call and exam¬
ine our goods and hear
our prices. Folito atten¬
tion to all* Your pa¬
tronage solicited.
Give us a trial.
P. S. Several good
buggies and a wagon for
sale cheap.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Of *9 .i