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«H—-p— 71 pin "l^gT
1 •t' 5^ £j£«r
* : r -_JL.-^ j. UJ t JCJJUJ __E3. fo B J 0
The best place to buy is where \ on can get what you can get what you want
a t the 'east cost I keep a full stock ana sell extra low for cask. Y rf'n. )ii are
invited to come and look through and i“5 <*et niv prices before you part With
your cash. YoiTget good goods for the least money at my store.
THE census and persons
away prom home
during JUNE.
The count of the peopio in the
United States will began in
larts of the country June 1, and
end m the cities two weeks la
ter a0 d in the rest of the coun
trvbefore the close of the m'onth.
Tbs people are to be counted
ll, 8 i r places of residence, but as
many persons and families
be away from their homes
ing Lat June there is some will not be
Counted. such persons
If they are not coun
W, the locality in which, they
will be misrepresented
l, a{ extent, and in some cases
lii»misrepresentation may be e
tough to effect the represents -
,lon in Congress of the sia‘e
fr 0 m which they come. Local
Lille and state pride, therefore.
Luld influence all such ab
Liitees to take reasonable p>v
tmuVvsfts against being omitted
itwnenumeration iu tlicir places
,( residence. Such omitions
re ujost likely to occur in the
trjje cities where families
Hr homes uul go elsewhere
frtile summer. The occur
Lee of the Paris t-xposion this
bar is likely to increase the
kinuber absent from the coun-
1 •
in all cases of contemplated
far nee the head of the family
sr.quested by the Census
Ifti to communicate with
of the district
he Jives. Ho is also re
JMi'i's'ed to leave information re
Biding his answers to the ques
pus which are to be ask;d
fiili some responsible neighbor
Pki will agree to see that it
pchc8the enumerator on his
Pistils, Sucli information
p'Kitt better be left as a mem
pitHiidum iu writing, as in
pit case it is less likely to b»
perk.-oked. The question to
pich answers are desired ap
ij primarily to tho population
Ptalso to all farms and man
■duringestablishments. The
■ being published from time
plissie in the press of the coun
taking this trouble the ab
tl citizen will do justice to hie
kbity and his state, and tna
M’y aid the Gensus Office in
r fTt'ortnance of its duties.
* woman who had ignored a
wna to appear as a witness
a 'ense recently tried in Weft
"^and, Kan., was brought
i fJi 'c the court by the sheriff
fj Nswt>r for What
contempt. ‘
P 1 * 11 tnudam,’ said the judge
f re! L “have you for not
r lu 3 >he summons of the
ft':’ “I hain’t got none,
Jud o e ,” she replied, ‘only
W small pox down at our
‘•“‘’l thought you
% - r sorter prejudiced agin
l G °wt was instantly ad
^wwithe p-LoWn judge, sheriff
itampeaed for the
CONYERS. G, , SATURDAY, MAY 26 . 1900 .
The Methodist Advocate, on
der the heading ‘Pious Scramps’
says :
“Just at this time our country
needs a religion that will make.
a man pay his debts. Shouting
won't pay old accounts with
God or man. We bounce
mto a man and put him out of
the church if he goes to a
or a umatre, but never say a
word to the pious old scamp
who never pays bis
Preachers and people who don p
pay their debts are doing * 5le
church more harm than dancers
for there are more of them
the church. Readers are wo
gelling close to you? Then lav
down your paper and go and
pay up and read on with
And don’t you stop paying he
cause (tie‘statute of limitation,
excuses the open account who ii
you made for bread and meat
You muat pay h in cash or (M
will make you pay it m fire and
brimstone. God knows
such excuse for paying «8‘h(mm
stead exemption. ’ When vm,
raise that excuse to keep fr, m
paying debts you can stop sing
ing, “When 1 can read my
titles clear to mansions in the
skies. ’ You’ve none up there.'
The blank schdules to be used
in the next census are now be
ing distributed by the Census
office to the enumerator, who
will start to work on June let
The schedules contain questions
which some persons may think
prying, purposeless, or exces
sive in number. But their num
bar and character have been de
tannin c by Congress, not by
the Census. Office, and all of
‘hem have been asked in pie
vious censuses, The only im
portaut change since I860 is
chat some questions have been
People are often offended at
the question, ‘How old are you?’
and are apt to wonder vrhat use
the Government cau make of
their replies. Taken as a vvhofe
the replies are as important
any clasa of information the
Census office collects. Age re¬
turns penetrate and elucidate
every other branch of statisti¬
cal knowledge. They show
where child labor is prevalent,
and where the proportion of
persons able to support them¬
selves is large or small- They
reveal the great number of
ored children and the short life
6f the negroes under present
conditions. They make it pos
eible to ascertain whether the
average leifgffi of life is increas
ing or decreasing, ho>v many
the nation contains wlm
are capable of voting or of bear
ing arms, and whether the
ative number of children is
oreasjog or decreasii g,
In Mohammedan or semi civ
ilized countries liKe India house
holders are often unwiling to
answer the question regatding
the sex of persons in the house,
but m r tv l z-d countries where
f,| ie >S exe. are regarded as on an
a]jfv> ^ such unwillingness
^ appe&r> The auswers
lo the qu , Htions 8 ] um that in
n al! citie8 the females out
UUfnh ,, r 6 | ie males and that the
sftme J8 truo 0 f m0 st 0 f the states
tfje Atlamic coa8t . T hoj
hGief is widespread that taking i
|}|<# wofl(1 in general there are
lllore f t , m des a ij ve at any given
t ,] tlie than males. But census
staiistics show ttiat we cannot |
esplam the great excess of males
(over one and a half million) in
u e United States by iwmigra
lkm ah)Q0> for wheh the for
eign-born are left out of ac
count> thert} are 8t ill about 600
000 more males than females. -
F,«v would dispute the necea
f or a8 king questions re
j dtr• g race. All arguments
rt ,^rdu^ tVe future of any par
ticu]<tr tace in this country, like
jhQ Indian, ill© negro, or the
Chma||Mtl> mu8t hi(Jfee upoU
the returne in the census. With
Ind ttll8f m0 re 0 v. r, it is of
lfae hjghest iniportiir , ce to | eft ru
w!mt eucw68 the policy of the
Governmeot baa met with in
tablishing them apart from
their tribes and reservations,
and whether such Indiaus are
increasing or decreasing,
Some mothers may shrink
from staring the number of chil
dre u they have had and tne
number who are living. But
f, om the answers to these ques
dons the country will learn
whether the native American
population is holding its own,
or w | jt , i 4 ..-r,as some havaclaim
KC j ( p. being gradually sup
p. ;a!llt >,i ami displaced by the
children of recent immigrations.
[ n the iigiit of such explana¬
tions, end only a few of the
most important questions have
been touched upon, it may per¬
haps be clear to the
public that no ques¬
tion has been order d by Con
or has been asked by the
e which, if proper
as 2 d c •qv otiV answered, will
not lead »s iggeative inferences
regarding the American people
and their work.
From Savannah News.
The office of the comptroller
of the treasury at Washington
is now sending out an average
of $500 000 per day of new cur
rency ordered by the national
banks under the financial law.
Niue ha no red bands are on the
wa ltmg list to have platen en
<jt ived the notes winch they
Will use m making Up t e 10
per cetc, increase pt rou»«>.
The bmau of engraving * mi
priming, working at a htghj
is turning out about
15,000 sheets of hills per day
Arrangements have been made,
however, for increasing the ca¬
pacity of the printing office to
40 000 sheet* per day, which
would make the daily Output
$2 000,000. There ought to be
no scarcity of crisp, new bilk
next fall, when it comes time to
harvest cotton wheat and votes
The heiress ought to make a
capital wife.
If a girl is willing to marry
on the 13th of the month there
isn’t a bit of superstition in her
make up.
While the foil is waiting for
AO fl PP l rtunl ^* tli0 Wlbe rn&n.
n,a ^® 8 one '
' 4>
Reavitlfut eyes grew dull and dim
As the swift years steal awe3%
Beautiful, willowy forms so etinl
T.osc fairness with every dey.
But she stilt is queen and lmtit charm* t«
spare beautiful
Who wear* youth’* eotontt —
Preserve Your Hair
and you preserve your youth.
•‘A woman, is as old as aha
looks," says tho world. No
woman looks as old as she ia
if her hair has preserved ita
normal beauty. You can keep
hair from falling out, restoring
its normal color, or restore the
normal color to gray or faded
hair, by the use of
Ayer’s Hair Vigor.
■ O 0 UR m | R1END 3 no 0
I feel that it is my duty to occasion*
aily call the attention of my friends to
the fact that I am keeping my stock
UP and prices DOWN. I am buying
close and selling close. This is a help
to all Who trade with me. When you
need anything co ne in and get my
prices and save moneY.
Helton’s Livery Stables;
When you want a good, safe turnout one that you can
drive with
One that looks vveli and goes well, call on me.
Good drivers furnished if desired
Terms very reasonable.
Sale City Granite & Halo Company-
R. H- POTTER Manager _.
praetival £)asign@rs and Sculptors
Dettlei* lit
Eastern «n<l l^orolg-n Oranit© mid
Mail orders given personal attention.
A girl with a sunburned uu.-e
ir positive proof that beauty is
only skin deep.
The. best way to conquer an
ger ii to give it a tlose of kind
O J*k. Bt TP CV S^L X jQl •
Bean the The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
ProfcHMioimi Notice.
I have opened mi r>ntce in (ton
yera in Commercial Hotel, Rooms,
in eonneetioss witt) vny Atlanta ofliee
and will Im in Conyers one week in
each month, commencing on the 3rd
Monday. Anyone wishing to make
nn engagement with me can column
niente with ine at my Atlanta office,
12)^', N. Forsyth street.
Dr. J. O, Beamans, D. D, S.
NO. 21
The trouble with many peo
pie ia that they are wise today
■uul otherwise t< morrow,
INot,i<;« <0 Teaehei'M,
State School Coni miss inner
Glenn informs mo thnt in th«
preparation for the annual exami¬
nation for teacher’s license the
following hooks will he used:
Branson s edition of Pago, sold by
American Book C »., Atlanta; Ar¬
nold s Way mark h for teachers,
with supplementary notes by E.
C. Branson, and Manual of Meth¬
ods, both of which can bo obtain¬
ed at my office.
A. IJ. Hammock, C. S. C.