Newspaper Page Text
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\ call the O 9 pmak o «u4 l«®K Kan* Jiww/* rs L /Jl- < pt'juJ «rrt«*W /-.*! H'X'I 1 < V&iwtma JK. fmnf •W kBMA/ i ■X '•m* /OK A » (VMJMfWT MfrM 5 wr** 3. tr k-*t H Mh O ?"< .* rocenes.
A. ^ m* ptmJ P**aX6* w MINk w Q c*^ r*t- c r*» p pnfsmt >»w IMUUl fRW» v* 4* & ^»>a# • /**» 1WM fUt*J / 99 w m** r- P* fc*< WlfrV > fOm> A* W w NH1«0( :a tr' V **■***- I?r»*K J MMi * pami A J** Jw Vy.if' tm/m ■ #V P
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9 '*Nk
out * table. l+ts** 4 o £ tom? m o r*\ «ar * c panT* » 5PW* f If w X’ 4KU>v 0*9 GT- fair" C Vrrta to** * ’srMtonf. WW )a»m 9 r**n # B»U SC IMI bar w’ s. <
tarter of all kinds.
ns official Beiuns ef tie Mini.
Town. Simfld. lion'. Crk. Lorrain. Total.
.........258 j +•;> r .2 no ;v?9
tjWATO.v:........ f\Xi)LBU ..........lit 52 58 22 240
Town. Hhftfki. Hon. Crk. Lorrain. T**tal.
.........228 J :s 87 85 las
Kimsev : ......... 50 IS i) It 84
Roukks:............. ....... (it) fit 24 27 172
Mok bison: , ......... 39 5 7 58
GOLTCiUTLY : ........
T-wh. Sh-fltl. Hon. Crk. Lorrain
Tubnek:............. 247 146 do 46 504
....... 84 252
AI.MANIO............ ....... 124 88 Cl
Town. Shell. I. Hon, Crk. Lorrain 'Total
i Helms: ....... 250 114 8S? 80 482
Cook; 182 8S 88 51 Hoi)
Town. ShefUt. Hou. Crk. Lorrain Toial.
SKiMAX: 868 197 121 79 705
Town. She fid. Hon. Crk. Lorrain 'Total.
Austin :................ 289 80 20 49 4>4
Swann:................ 133 111 90 33 878
Town. BiicfRi. Hon. Crk. Lorrain
lira: .............. .....123 99 17 20 801
//rtisox: ........ . .. 110 69 21 . 22 212
Tcckkk:............ ..... : 143 'ft no 81 27 L
Town. Shr-ful. iron. Crk. Lorrain. Total.
PtOTm.TKU:........ 78 85 S 428
r.nvYiOKS:................ 61 3 c;
Jvky:........................ 26 20 ot 185
Moon:........................ 87 9 « 124
Town, Shpfid. Hon 1 . Crk. .Lorrain. Total.
............ 867 192 120 75 754
Ccixn :............ ........... 872 180 120 80 774
hnniiLT,:........ HOO •232 122 80 704.
Si; QfInnKKmfifa Vffl E—'»< Hkm QUO! um h CDSS s
When you want a good, safe tur nout one that you car
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on me.
Good drivers furnished if desired
Terms very reasonable.
T\ [Vi. K i r 7 - t j \ H Li ON
till City 6 IWMIC. r.72,,7> it 4 «. rmmi • ■MMW.I.p cro t^iww A »« CTO
5 ,
R. H- POTTER. Manager
'Rraetivs,! Cosigners and Sculptors
2>enlci- Xji
and Koreign Granite and
3 Iar!)lc.
‘ j s given personal attention.
i ■..
CONYERS, ( - l ■ \ \ 3 SATURDAY, MAY 19. 1900,
Polk County Florida, a j>1 ace
for those who. have ''Tiling
hands and honest hearts to se¬
cure a home ■ a place where
health and happiness con be se
cured at the least cost; the rich
man’s pleasure garden: the poor
man’s pa rad ire. We have gaz
on the rich farms and elegant
homes of the .Nor! is aid Eas¬
tern states; we have looked
with delight upon ihe beautiful
homesteads wliicli cover the
valley of the father of waters;
| we have looked with wonder
: aud admiration upon the broad
l and fruitful Western prairies
with their boundless living
| vvea’fh; we have stood upon the
tall (teaks of the South Amer¬
ican Andes and beheld with
wonder aud delight the resour¬
ces of that grand and glorious
laud, but in no one place have
we seen so much to admire, so
much to please, so muca to hold
us with unfeigned pleasure and
delight as is spread out before
us in this sweet land of flowers.
One step and we are charmed
with ihe magniftciern trees, oak,
palm, pine, magnolia and
auge. Another step an lakes more
beautiful than Geneva or Co
mo: turn and fields of heroes,
and roses meet our eyes, while
.•ill the time health
breezes fan our brow and per*
fumes sweeter than ever bath— j
ed with dtlight the nostrils of;
Olympian gods reach us
from every way : here Ep¬
iconus could have dwelt
for a thousand years and never
found a fault with his food or
his cook : hero Isaac Walton
could have found sport and
pleasure such as no fisherman
ever dreamed of - here old Ho¬
mer could have lived aud found
inspiration for songs and stories
sweeter than he ever
grander titan he ever fold: here
any tar-heel or cracker
dwell iu peace and health and
happiness ana grow rich before
ho can help lumself hero the
dusky sons of Elam can take
pick or axe and “make”
money in a week than his broth
er in other sections can make
in a month, here Paddy
his spade can “coin the long
green” faster than his
hi the Klondike can pan
dust, “tank up” over
sleep beneath the stars with
other cover, and never catch
The people who dwell
are the kindest and cleverest
on earth and so honest that lock
I and keys are seldom used. We
Isay lo the poor of this section
Florida, we say fo the sick of
this section if you want to gt t
well go to Polk County Flori
we say to the rich of (his
if jou want to live a
long time and enjoy life goto
Polk County Florida. I
J. N. TTale,
People wli > never look for
ward to the future seldom man
age to get ahead.
A child sometimes gets on
the wrong trick because of «
misplaced switch¬
No woman should think of
marrying untit she acquires a
forgiving disposition.
A man who never made a
blunder is a poor otie to have
in a responsible position.
A woman sometimes Hoops
to conquer, but when she stoops
over a wash!up—aye, there's
f e rub.
Fit' ISM CE.
We represent some of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence and ask the public
generally fo see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
uslirkking isi Uk-
I east
My undertaking establish
ment is well fitted - up and
my stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and ca
Hearses free of
W. \ . AukiihI,
Uudci’tnkcr A, Kinttamcr
Boarc tha Ihe Kind You Hava Always Boudil i
----- 0 I
0 f )
O UR I” R1END m 29 1
I feel that it is my duty to occasion
ally call the attention of ‘ my friends to
the fact that lam keeping m v stock
UP and prices DO WN, I ani
close and sellins* n close. r • v his s a help
all Who trade with me, When you
need anything come in /»» aid get my
prices and save moneY.
When a woman polishes up
the family silver she seldom
overlooks the small change in
her bu d»a nd ’s pocket .
The spoilt d clii'drcn of to day
not apt to become iIih great
!m>n ot to-morrow-especially
^ ^ ie y happen to i o girls,
The mother of three small
boys says the best way to pre
serve straw ben Us is to piece
them on a high shelf in a dark
cUset. then lock the door.
Inlnnmm Laws.
Against Wives and Mothers
That Disgrace Statute Books
Iu 07 of these United State
a married woman has no legal
right to lier children.
1,1 1(5 8fcatett a vv if« has no le
gal right to her own earnings
outside the home.
In 8 states a woman has no
right, to tier own property after
In 7 states (here is no law
Compelling a m.u to
his own family.
Taking ibese things to heart,
prominent men of (Jus city have
formed the National Legislative
!*»*'«> 'or H» i.utpmK of ,lo
in « ""“y «' i,h— Now
York Journal
t «
A TRIUANA will cure Constipation «nd !
'*• is a wonderful Liver Medicine Try It.
r A
-f nfiDE
1 Designs
fjnirblv Agport;iSn our free whether an
Invention l* prohnMv putcttlahto. Comnmififs.
tions ntrlctl r m; fklcntlal. IXtuidhonk on P/itenta
bv’FA. free. Oldest agency for seeming ; nlents.
pecbd Pntentfl notice, taken without through Munn & Co. receive
8 Scktt charge, in the
«««♦, r " mnm. •
TO!at”?no?^nyeo*mi*i5c four months, ■-s Eoia TMmsjfi
rw: MM & CQMtBroaduay, JL byull ncirtrienlurn. jf
Branch OK.-c. CAS fl 8W 0r fr
V St., V/aihlncton, D. C.
NO, 20
The trouble with the average
man is that lie thinks there are
too many other snout men in
the world.
The man who is afraid to do
rght is the meanest, basest,
and most contemptible co ward
on earth.
A man may Im very truthful
•luring tin- day, hut ho will dm’
at nlg', t.
The fedow who don’t, take a
pqvr.and who do isn’t borrow
his neighbor’s is wry Ii'kiT y to
get scared pretty badly next
Monday week. When lie finds
that he ran the risk (This
hfo by not t iking the paper,
maybe he will conn an I sub-
8crihf and be ready for the next
Son o men will stand up for
the fair sex everywhere except
it) a street car.
The nun who marries for dol
hits lacks sense.
J ,
U.Tr\7iiCv'i!;j.'“ikCT' 1 *®'I' r '-" i, ‘« l '‘ on
Lorraine: SbMILhr); May It. May June / (,
H. Ci. May IS, May 81 , June 16 .
uey “ViiiaiiKlor ek; May 25, J„ )lw 7 , j Ul „
-' <*1 dm time at: J, J
Langford & Hdiim store.
<h JL HULL, n. t, it.
IVolico to Tciiehciw.
State .School Commissioner
Glenn informs mu (hat in 1 li«
I'luparatioii (or j lie tin mini exnini
nation tor teacher's license the
following hooks will ho used:
BranS ‘"''<>>' 3 «oJ,I I X
American Rook On. At = :.(a: A 7 -
Holds \\ ay marks lor teachers,
uith supplemeiitary notes l.y K,
C. Branson, and Manual of Moth-’
ods, hot h of which can be obtain¬
ed at my office
A, I).•Hammock, C. S. C.