Newspaper Page Text
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F L.. A c t eafi2£ v P Mam* < J— ’« ■« C > • ImMt' i
My stock of season able goods can’ C' * - b C
« %*
surpassed in this section and it is economy
Ci a '•sr -
i: 'o 4 A'
V' ‘
'V- H
~- i • ^
r' ‘ ;\j Wii fc 1 ■•:?■ T'f
(( |MRS.H0PK1N5 N m
\ MAKE a
W e invite every! t\ v > i X < I i ^ > r 'ny W war Srarr-vd fN a iMN |flM w to** <*>- \- &*>' BtJsUS.-K4 W MM Jfs* o ***** m PPHMP SuRr mat m <3 O) m
T-fte letters ffeekly 1
J. H. WALLIS, Eoitor
En tubed nt the po.totticf mi < • iv,• r- n
si con«i-< luss mail mat er
Saturday, January 12, 1001.
—en “----- line 7 -'als 5 cents per 1.>r lit t inner
tior ■ 2 ! s cent*for each *ut>s< quern in
inrtlrui IteifnlHradv fibe. pel in. t> for
flrsr ItjKPrtlon : 25c for eneh Mul»-e« t . ent
dUBdURIl’ITON HA l a..
One year, in tidvancr...... ......... tin
fSix mouths, In advance.......... cite
You can't lose- Allatmt. A
8rpt»:Miou»l kidnapping bn* oe
currtd in that city in uhich
BiiSs Fiasu , a Well developed
Idgb' rtudt t\t, of the T. 1 I 1 -
t:(.'logical tchool ha: ptenuna*
b!y loht hi« freedom and is n< \v
being held for lammm.
A ourtg man is an Ab bemn.ii
and liia fidlnr is not wealthy. *'
Hut At lama must be nhteiun of
the times and this is a kidmt| j—
jiing pen'od.
Tho changes in the new tax
law of the Stale # r«quires <x
jni HS, telegraph and telephone
companies to return their prop
oily to the coSipltoller ju-t as
the railroads do. Hicjc e d*-al
era must pay ten dollars tftx,
and the same amount is levied
against dealers in cigarettes
Cnew-os only have to pay "tie
h:tlf of Urn old tato. Tlieve are
the important goucra! changes
The holiday trade in Georgia
has been so rrmarkable as to at¬
tract the universal remark of
tuectate papcifl. course,
ten cunt, is at the bottom of u
&!!; and thi8 only is a surges . of c an approa 1 o
Georgia could be tho
around, wi,h barf, ,n* f ope,
ations direettd to the )Oi.r u
round money-making, .as is
afforded by her resourceful op¬
Am.mgThe Tnll Timber.
Some paper having discover¬
ed that Go! .A A Powell, of Tex
rs is the tallest man in the
United States, just because be
stands =tvt n fet t ten inches in:
his s'oeking feet. He I unis- j
vdie 1 iineB calls attention to two
Kentuckians who claim that
to buy here. You will
appreciate our CijO a ±~
Ij^G when you see it.
All my goods are first
c ass and you get the
best in quality andtLo -» Q
best value for your
money here.
piv-iinineiice tin niselvos— ID
by” bates, of Harlan count),
now farming in Ohi^>, sovho (to-c
ten iuchos, and “Henson” Honk
of Shelby county,, now in the
police service of Kansas City,
seven feet nine in< hes.
Am them no ‘•even-footers in
Cborpiii? If $0 let them stand
up so that they may be seen —
Atlanta Journal'
V\ orry.
We get, Hie follow ing from the
Matietta Jouinal and command
n, to those uf our readeis wlio
are given to w or-v ing ;
•‘There is nothing in tin*
(world or in the human dieposi
•'«'» «• *••*».»
ns does woiry. It, ifl the smet
cause of the condition < f
tenlliHof the sick peo| le, the
1 ne. vous folk, tim msHiie 11.
'makes nn-u \v» ak and cowardly
it makes women hysterical, and
saddest ( f all, it, torus away
i the heart from God, and bids us
worship th« idol of despair,
Sound inn » pt ople excuse why
saying they cannot lu In it,
souotitms limy say that they
a oi h born with anxious dispo
siiions. Hut no matter for tbo
cause, or the physical <>r meta¬
physics rendition, we know
two great facts: (mo is that it
j s wiop.g to worry; the oilier
u UH ue can conquer the temp¬
tation to worry. It is wild and
wicked foi men and women to
goon wealing themselves out
weakening their vvotk and
making the nisei vs nuisances
by anxious feelings and thought
aii d words and deeds and habits,
The Home He reliant.
j^ n exchange asks “v;ho is
lhe bo me merchant ?*’ and then
answers IttUSl) • •
»-}{ e is. the man who helps
^ f t ‘“ i, e8 . reera > NuU ‘ vv ,,> k on
Uw K (
dren, or perhaps your own;
he helps keep up the churck
you worship in: he is (he
who builds up a hotue , ,, lhe \a.ue , of r >oi:r
property. Every subscription
that is p issed around has Ills
name on it. He is a man who
cannot t fford to swindle you
Self interest if nothing vise
would cause this. lie
his share of the expense o| good
government, and stays with it
i h sunsmue uud
‘'hV?. 0.3&U& ccmfopt
ma:3K __>
pesierc !2-\ v
The Patent LeaVw Shoe
That Won't Brash Tbr©’
Fit and wear,comfort and -
sendee—that’s the story of
Monarch Pats, the patent
leather shoes that are dif¬
Long-lived shoes, he
cause there’s life L n the
leather; comfortable shoes,
because they’re made right.
Monarch Pats have cor- 1
nered foot comfort. Wear
them and you’ll believe it.
Monarch Pats head a fam¬
ily of great shoes in every
jin dnaof pro?parity ;iml ad
•When \ou have shopping to
do remtinber tint home nier
chant ))
We c.ontsiiler the above a pm - -
feet answer and we ask
: readers of they know a more
; deserving perron? \\ o confess
that we do not, arid suggest
that as a mark of appreriati• *»i
tf npt from it setise of justice
it i ■> on*' duty to spend our mon
'ey vvith them. We do ;t wioiio
when we go to A tboita. to Imy
that which we could get of
home merchant," and for n iv
plains we usually, pa.v two pri
Our m eve hunts, are
friends and dnr helpers ,',ndl, and
t n,n,h,.„l,)hO r ( fri,„,l
.... W lion all ,, pull ,, together . , we
are building tip our town atid
all concerned.
After Holiday Advertising;.
Printer's 1 uk for the last week of
the year offers to business men a
number of timely suggestions. Un¬
example: ''If you need advertisbur
at all you need it during the doll
spelt that follows the holiday season.
Don’t think there is no in posh¬
ing for iuuiness. Don't get an idea
that people quit buying goods with j
the passing of Christmas. Thy be¬ I
ginning of the new year is a, very
good time to ger. new customers star¬ I
ted with you. That your competi¬
tors step or decrease their ad verris- j
ing immediately after the holidays!
is the very best reason why yon}
should not do so."—Mariet n Journal
There is n comely widow in New- |
imrg, fm!., wlm desires a husband.
It is wei! enough however,' for pros¬
pective candidates for ber band to
be fold that she lias already had
u’ght husbands, all of whom are
dead. Two of tier husbands died
natural deaths within a year of their
marriage, three of them obtained
within one to two y ars,
beeaure they could not live in peace
ith the woman, and later die t mu
: nraliy. am! three others committed
suicide. The three suicides each
jumping into a cistern as the means
of their exit Last week when she
................ I
ed that s!ie miglit try the venture of
matrimony again if the right man
came along.
The business man who fails to re- |
i cognize tlie value of advertising, and j
HCt accordingly is not abreast of the
times. A study of the newspapers
and m mazines of the day will In ins
forcibly to mind of the doubting of
tlie id .! » held l»y the most success¬
ful com en s in every line of human
j industry — Rome Tribune,
j CASTORIA. lta kind tfcu Ha.? Gms Et-7
Bears the i
n £rci * * E>02 nowikia CT3 as: u
' LI
? > :*• V.W J -Vinar? Uf
V Nn S 3 ■
*t> ivL- er- y stock of st033 gives you choice of
many of the best makes. You get sty e,
tit and quality at right
p 1 iC 0. -The same is true
cf cur other lines. See
our dress goods and un¬
derwear and get prices.
We make it to your in.
terest to trade with us.
Largest and best stock.
% a® n £.:<
trill Apb ft 0% ill
r n Cure
'mma J f: -• '
DhjoM:- i’iil y oa eat.
It artificially digests the food anSalds
Mature ia strengthening and won*
itiucting 11 the exhausted discovered digestive or*
gang. is the 1 atest dljf'sV
ant and tonic. No other »reparation
can approach it in efficiency. It hi*
stanjtly. Dyspepsia, relieves Indigestion, and permanently Heatthura. ;n;ro$
Fiatwenec, Sour Stomach, 115 : 1 = 33 ,
Si ck ffeadac .fits he, G a s tr al gi a, C r 1 mps. a na
all other re? of 'urmerfectdigestiaiv
Prspcrea tv E c os’W'u &Co. Chico? >.
jr"tVoese TJian HOw».
A {jwitle.imui who iwns'nije of the 1
illicit estates la the norpi of Ireland,
while in his (Titrdctis o::e tnorniiig. 110
tieeO one of the lnhorers very badly
v 'lud rmi nsUrd initt.
rL.T ' '
iti troth, yer honor, worse tuck.”
.trpiiMi .tint
-\y< H. call nt the house this evening
&l) ' <:l1 " ;,v ; t,!< ‘ r' n;i,'
Kina. "ITI leave an oh) suit of mine
with the butter for you."
A few days later, when showing a
party of visitors through the ganlens.
tie was much annoyed m see Mat tout;
Itiii. if possible, more a scarecrow than
"Why are you sti!! wearing those old
clothes. .Mat - '" lie asked
"Rale, yer honor, they’re the best I
have." replied Mat.
"Hut did you not get the suit i left
for yon the other day?" asked the gen¬
"Indeed, an I did, thank yer honor :
kindly.” replied .Mat: "hut. sure. ! had
to lave tin'll) at homo to be mended." —
Loudon Tit-Hits.
50 YEA*10*
'<m m i i T-TJNT IMI BSfii? a
-7 v Trads ?.1ar:i8
ADTonesw^ing ashet^ f».ud do-?crtrtiG ,> ir.ny
rjDlokly asccTtsiia our opinion free whet-h^r an
mvoMtfon i- 8 ! probably r 'tencnblo. Cnmrminloa»
Gov.s Atvictlv cor HvientlnL Hainibookon f*ntents
scut free. Oldest ncrency for se v Turinf? patents.
r:\tents taken through Munu & Co. receive
Special notice^ without c oars e, in the
Scietitific Htwrfcatt.
L hnn<l»on~lv iUustrated wcek’.r. I,nree*t clr
cul!it,ii>n ,>( ai.y soiennjic 1 -rrruil. Terms. 13 E
roar ‘ four months, H. ,Sold &y all nrwsdoaicr*.
IVUINM Branch OHco. %. 0 o. Oi> 3S,Ero V St.. —^ WashiLaTon. Hew O. Y^rk C,
vonI<1 n't Imagtof.
Dncle Si. from Upcreek. had just left
an achln.ii tr.olar at the dentist s and
stopped at a lunch counter for a sooth
tag" beverage.
“Uinnae a cup of enwfee." he said,
sitting down on the first vacant stool.
"Draw one!” called out the girl be¬
hind the counter.
•••null's what he did!” responded t’n
cle Si. with a delightful grin. “Ho'w’d
you know itV”—Chic-ago -thane.
!.Horary Vote.
She was a bright girl at Mount IIol
yoke college. It h:i|rpcucd that day
that they bad hash for supper and
meat halts the nest morning for break¬
fast. "Yes.” she said as she glanced at
the table; “Review of Reviews this
morning.”— Boston Journal.
Subscribe foi iu;: vYjeskly.
A FRICANA will cure Constipation ano
i* h wonderful Liver Medicine. Try it
A Manilla cablegram says
that Fd’ipiuo lad*es attended
Gtneral McAitLur’e reception
in “native costume. J ) The
Memphis Scimitar thinks the
r fleet must be unique, for, as
it is informed, that costume
usually consists of au agreeable
smile and a string of beads.—
Notice to Debtors And
All persons holding claims avainst
the estate of Burr .) lUafbnt deceased
are requested to present, same to the
undersigned those properly authenticated,
s!so indebted to said deceased
are requested to make settlement.
W. S. Marhut, Exc’t.
This is to give due ntVt'cn that tlie
fi Hi of Wood & Hollingsworth las
dissolved by mutual crlment, 31 L
Wood retiring. .J W Hollingsworth
having bought both the stock and ac¬
counts, all fcifetf le inept s will be made
M L Wood,
J Vv Hollingsworth.
This January 11, 1901.
Having retired from the firm of
Wood & Hollingsworth I desire to
thank the people for past favors and
iiopp that they will bestow a liberal
patronage upon my former parti,er,
Mr. J W Hollingsworth, who will
continue to run the business at
the old stand.
M L Wood,
Having bought the entire business
of Wood & Holiingswo: ,h. I wish to
thank the public for past patronage
and ask that I he remembered in the
tut ure. All are cordial!) invited to
visit my store and get my prices.
Jno.W Hollingsworth.
Notice To Debtors and
GEORGIA Rockdale County.
All persons holding claims or
demands against the estate of Ii
J. Maddox, late of Fakl county
deceased, are r.otifie l to present
them to us authenticated, and all
persons indebted to said deceased
are requested to make immediate
Tills Oct,. 22 1900.
W. J. and J. E. Maddox,
Adm’r H. J. Maddox,
1“ 3Iouths Support,
Malinda Turner, col., widow of
1 bos. J. 1 urner. col, deceased, having
applied for a twelve months support
out of her said deceased* husband’s
estate, .*.nd the appraisers appointed,
havin.5 filed their return in my office,
this is to notify all persons concern
td, that I will pass upon the same
on the 1st Monday in January 1901.
Given under my hand and official sig
nature, this Dec. othi IF-t
M. Hi 1ms, Ord .
mSmm m
V lfp§a§ ■sfl i '
tit f'J
w Hpi
THE * k f§d i;
I have a nice' farm ’and vine¬
yard to rent located If miles above
Conyers. Parties desiring ( 0 pent
same, must apply at once to
- I) W Almand.
A house and lot in Conyers fo
sale at a bargain, or will exchange
for farm.
A M McElvany.
Livery, Feed'Aad Sale
J N Hale, proprietor.
Melton’s old stand.
Will buy somehorkes and mules.
Mules to exchange for nice horses.
r JL. ilopklii.s
CONYERS,----- - QE0R3U
Office in Night Building.
Work guaranteed.
F. T. Hopkins, D. D. 8
Ii iilo 2N T isi.
B. J. M/ Mortgage etc,, Oct.
vs Adjourned term 1900
J. T. GakXer ) Superior Court of
(Rockdale County Ga
Present, the Honorable E .1 Rea¬
gan, Judge Superior Court Flint Cir¬
cuit. .
It appearing Miller to the court by (he
petition of B J that on the 18th
day of August, in the year cf our
Lord, nineteen hundred, John T.
Garner made and delivered to B J
Miller, two promissory notes for
eighty dollars each, due Sept. 15th
and Oct. 15th, 190Q, u> secure the pay¬
ment of said instruments, executed
and delivered to said B ,T Miller his
deed of mortgage, hundred whereby he con¬
veyed to him one and ten
acres of land, more or less, lying anti
being in Sheffield district, Rockdale
county. Ga. bounded on east by Dr.
Brantley’s by Wash land,south Dennard’s by Ranesereek
west land, north
hr Dr. Bryant and Wash Rennard
lands, being the same propertyideed
'■<! to said John T Garner by B G
Burkhart, Keby, 3rd, 5900. Deed re
c >rded in book “H” page 36, Feb. 6,
190.0, in Clerk’s office, liocknale Co.
Gn.. conditioned that- if said John T
Garner should pay off ana discharge
said two notes and mortgage accord¬
ing to its tenor and effect, that then
said deed and mortgage ana said
notes should be void.
And and it,further appearing remain that said
netes mortgage unpaid:
It is therefore ordered that said John
T Garner pay into this court by the
first dav of the next term thereof, the
principal, interest, attorney’s fees
and cost due on said mortgage or
show cause to. the contrary, if mere
he any; and that on failure of said
John T Garner so to do, the equity of
redemption in atsd to said mortgaged
premises to be forever thereafter bar¬
red and for< closed. And it is further
ordered that this rule he published
in the Conykbb Weekly once a
month for four months, or a copy
thereof served on- the said John T
Garner or his months special before agent or the attor¬ next
ney. at least 3
term of this court.
ghepard B yam
A C Met alia,
Petitioner's Atttorneya.
Bv *E. the court— S. Q. F- C„
J. Reagamajudge Presiding-.
Tin’s nee. 14, 10)0.