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■^7! »-l /
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80 2
'J W. I il i Ll a_ [in 7 i V jk J_ii A 1W / v.* A /
~ 7
Beginning' next Moiul av %/ morning O i will employ JL « every dav 11 MWf jmesbSh*. S- r ■ s " 1 e
jakingt which will be about August 1st, i Ml closing out summer A
eduction in every line will characterize this closing out sale.-' We are not
loing this to make room for new goods but simply to sell goods that we don’t
ieed anddon t care to keep. We doit to sell goods that you need ami i i \ Will
ie economy for you to buy now. While this sale lasts \ ou can’t afford t o buy
without first looking through my stock.
r:i,i ff 0 Ahrfrorv 'f lm«l two whole
ll P ven t ! lcm t0 her tliat ' er y
v. irning, and now (lie 1 question was
at should be done with them,
jould she buy a doll? She shop, had
n sonic verv nice ones in a
ev had lovely checks and beauti
| brown eve* with ringlets to
1 Iph . ’ bu t \hcn 1 ; oven 1 two whole 1
limes mightn't . be enough , to
for tliov were real h<*Vutie«
A ' •m P h t won void id be lie better oat ei to to "et
o penny tops, and tnen she could
c hobby one, and they could have
chocolat«Y 1 , renllv was I
i,- time since she had tasted , any
on<r tliat sin. nlrnnut tnro-nt wli-it
•V wore 1 like Ihit chocolate drons 1
el ti'I soon be eaten * up, and 1 a then
rr nil be uolking left of her
' a not ait decide leade uc
t.t >*}• -She v „ would down to the
; hve and have good go round,
a lank
die put on her hat and ran to*
r*l Before she had
!K‘ i! eroadside V stopped at a pond
to watch some ducks
jin were swimming about on the
[ !, ‘Te was a little railing round
i' fond, and Margery climbed on
r 1 ;, 'id then felt in her pocket to
pt N die could find some crumbs to
handkerchief them; but, alas, in pulling out
r she pulled out her
”’irc too, and down they fell to
■ bottom of the pond
! ’"cr little Margery! What do
ki K think she did?
cry!” you will say. Xo;
f ? (| l down from the railing and
H 11 rather sorrowful face
mownrd. A s she went along slio
f ,n herself: “Never mind, Jlar
[■'• 'j histead s better’n if you had turn*
[! 8 * think she of the pennies.” right. Don’t
r 5 was
The D . y an Joan Chair.
Ann , n „ honil! . n0 \^
Lintrv uj 9 1 6 ar 7 ^ y a!K
an olinir fo’umlatin!^ ? 00 i . f , ° r ' U . OI
f °i:;- mt T f
ary n ,.,|. p • ‘ Y’ ed ie fl00, good >
s p in in a
if fail
l ■
t -
h hoom fob two
'Uil ,!ll;,l f, ' rPst lints green the ru«h TheUod.l seals I ■
' : of red
nr«* severe in form vviHib
»""" ol an, ™n',l ' C i
I. VTi : yr^nt woods like ash w-.i
U ' !vv white pine which is
JfcV- 'v.-r/i ricl) P Their
^ di’Lfly colors the*
n -V iu stuffs
k ?y are dpcorated.
CONYERS, fi . SATURDAY, JULY.46: ! ))!
MM* m 1 <BsaK5ad TZ~&y /1
W-L m 02 O
’•n m 3 §*y
£ m
“*~ 8For p ~
^ southern housewife gives the
fruits that "are stoned and the Ion?
peeked ones for catchup and tonia
tacs: “M;»ke a wax of one pound of
jo in, two ounces of beeswax and
two of Spanish brown, slowly mixed
together. When you wish'to put
« 1 >‘ fruit, put the bottles, niceiv
leaned, in a kettle of cold water
*** 7, ;* <nxI 1 | 10 hJ .°' i.,.,.,, hi, ' c corks ,. n _|. Q
the right size , soaking in water. 1 eel
• vour J peaches and put them in a J. pro
. , ,
‘ j v "
‘ ' ! ishlv irrii •*
„ , , . i,
bnnrtwi Wore (lie Join is m.ulo
from the hat While'the bottles arc
hot . . the . , kettle , fill .... them . with . , the .
loaches that have been heated
thrmmh = ’ cover the peaches ' with 1 the
. . , ,
Sid'^o r^e rif-oO "hcn’iii ‘l^ilh
i Kinic. J hu 1 , an ca. \ and (er
j |j lm n l ct,10< ' ” keeping fruits nr
1 J ! e ' V 1 t cr if the directions are
. . 1. uUv followed. Uaspl,ernes
blackberries and straw Jerries must
; oil on.v ten minutes, iomaiocb
nui| T sliced and boiled ~ min
utes, then strained through a col
andcr to remove the skins, returned
to the kettle and boded up lymm,
and tne bottles ailed "hen hot,
corked , , and 1 sealed , ns the . Irutis. „ .
Ivee P tl,cm 1,1 « c0 ? ! ' ,lr >' l lhlcc - :, j p
vou l!?c ,in rans ’ ]? 1 ic!n ,n 00 ,1
. ‘J hav dc
v ' atcr as 5 oon f 8 f,llc : * a vv ,'
mouth , funnel, perforated ladle, t
so u " t1 f rui ! an(1 R ? nl n P i nstiU1,h ;
while , the fruit is . boiling M . hot, , and
>' ou wil1 nevcr lose jt ”
The test of the fidelity of a
tine] by tho “powers that be" has re¬
sulted happilv 11 in the case of an Ital
ian soldier who “held up” the king.
kmg Aictor Emmanuel is fond of
making himself personally acquaint
ed with thc thoughts and feelings of
his soldiers and for testing their
courage and fidelity. walking j
The other day he was j
alone, dressed in black, in the Quiri- j
n ..j r ar( ] ens , and approached a sen
try on guard, who at once presented
“You know, then, who I am ?” thc
king asked.
“His majesty,” was the unhesitat¬
ing reply. king smiled and continued
his walk, making as though he
would pass the guardhouse. |
“Your majesty cannot pass this
wav,” the said the sentrv resolutely. to‘hear | j
king pretended not
and walked on.
"Without orders from the
poral of the guard I must not let |
an, one pa*, u o. even lhe kin-!”
Victor Emmanuel, pleaccd and
filing, turned hack, saying to the , !
man. “You are right!” captain of
Thc next morning thc
the SJnWV (Vsbrien t0 ^njc!, t ] ie
b "' vp ] » <h9
fexteuu<#d visit to
oier a fine silver watch, nearing me
arms of the house of Savov aivl t!io
. . .
». *«
usefulness of liquid fur has been
sini phiic(l In tne elimination foi
the present at feast ol one mass of
wor ^ ^ or ? nl *. c i 1 ^ claiinofl that
new ", ou e R rme v
f! 1,cl ? nt - W e reier to its use as a
blasting agent. recently road before the
A paper
British institution of mining en
? . n,ccrs , k v , ‘ Vr r * A.. , t,cn uesui .Wrilicd )CU
«? n,e tcst * recently made in the
Simplon , tunnel witn cartridges
which consisted of a wrapper filled
with a carbonaceous material and
P lar01 ' I" “ lr , “■‘"iL" 1 l,e
' v:ls
cartridges were kept in the light, , at
J . !C wor , ‘' • in ^ , face °! l he r0ck * 1
t!le v were m l\ nrcd for ff ’ ' hc '
- lifted quickly . placed
thev were out,
in lhe 8,101 holes and detonated nitli
» '•“« *>“ ««“ h rilMr 1 ">’ 1 l, «
; ] t wa3 f 0l md that, owing to the
J ( cva J p 0 rat i on tire useful life
* short.
Thc Cfjrtri(1 whic)l wore ,h n -e
j nf ,] lps j n ^iameter by eight inches in
j entrl | j )at ] t0 p e f ir ed within 15
in :r u i e c, a ft er being taken out of the
}j 1 id air; othenv is e there was dan
f f misfire. It was chiefly on
his acc0lint „ iat the tests were dis
conf j )Ulc( p Tlie disruptive effects,
however, v o -3 comma raid
to those o a
The Ladyfi:h.
Superintendent Spencer of the
New York aquarium spoke of the
fighting fishes lie has down there.
“Strange to say, the ladyfish is the
hardest fighter to bo found. Now,
some ladyfish agree and are happv
together. When they disagree and
fight, they go at it just the same as
women * They bite, gouge, and, so
fo k te each ot i, or ’ hair out.
„ s
The on!y difference is that the haiy
otl a j s j ts g Ca | es . When a scale
i P once torn off. it never grows on
again. Angel fish sometimes light,
Trout in some of the basins start to
fight, and we have to separate them,
But when it comes down to a rough
and tumble fight the ladyfish will
beat any of a similar size and
Telephony In Berlin.
An observant European corre¬
spondent writes us: “One”afternoon
about a fortnight ago a shower
cam e down in Berlin, and, although
H.ere was not the slightest in.hea
tion of lightning or thunder the
whole telephone service of Berlin
was suspended tor several hours. It
*' as . l > ie ra that . 05t I I r,d,CUl ever «" heard s j ,ie of f f. It
seems that the minute a drop, of ram
falls they shut up inotolopl,one cv
changes and ad hands go out for
beer. They don t do ,t anywhere ex
<*ept under the administration of .lie
Iki.hpost.there being no such non
sense in Bavaria or \\ urttemberg. ,
-Wwuical YTerld aaJ Knpscer.
i Table Decoration?.
1 0ne ,ho satisfactory
° r most
run and artificial lights witnout
green and vice versa under the in fin
enee of pis or oloetricity. \ jo'cl
changes its hue and yellow appears
faded and pale away irom the sun.
Red is a triile d:in;rerous in combimi
tion and contrast, although very
cheerful and effective if used m win
tormvhen warn, tints are acceptable.
PoTTage green is a I wavs plea-tug,
«*meehlk e.peculg. in in cumber s.m.ner, ,t when u n tuns j
are obtainable everywnere outside
of city limits. Large and small
ferns will keep their fresh greenness
if, when gathered, they are placed
”" e ovcr ,h %° llcr Jo>»P»ellv « i
l,M " l”<»-e «l or eanllioani
ami then sprinkled or even nn- !
nie y ef . "? . 00 ,, ,1 M " ler . antl , , ,n a
cooL ifnrk place for several hours,
Terns so treated have been used '2 1
hours Inter for ehtirch decor.. I ion
H.eir natne •*.*'«* mold. - *>*» «”-»*
Afraid of His Own Medicine.
The philcnpliic reader with a
sen.-e of l.umor will he interested
in :lie ease of the Chicago paraehule
manufacturor who was accidentally
looked into his shop by ihe janitor
the other day. Thc shop was on the
third floor, and tliore were para
chutes on every hand. Neverthe
less, the manufacturer shouted till
he attracted attention and then
waited till the fire department
brought a ladder and took him
Maxim Didn't 5’ctnember Him.
When Maxim, lhe high explosive
expert, was in the publishing busi¬
ness in Pittsfield, Mass., in early life,
he one day had some trouble with a
prSiaf ll aTr'
JiMtA --:7K i
-■ ■
4^ “' -
j li
’ il /
'jjt: W*
“i didst «abk vou wm did it j
new employee, and it suddenly |
reached that acute stage when itj
f0 emed necessary to pummel the of
f t .„dur. The next dljr ..Mr.
Maxim, who has a chronic inability
t o ’recognize faces, was hurrying
a j ong the street he caught sight of
a m .m whom lie thougnt he ought
to know, and, hast^ig toward him,
& uteeJeJ hU Urt 4
Dainty Butter Pate.
If yon want vour butler to look
s& i ^;ar‘v i :, , L B i:
& buy the commuted *« hoaMs for mak
* 7 * ti sm
ti || vou are ready .to bo«yin. Take
a pjj of butter about as bin as n wa!
IU1 ^ put it on one board, and with
the other pat it down till it is about
an eighth of an inch thick. Then
roll it. place it on ihe butter dish
and do ihe 0 ext in the same wav.
In hot weather'^ese shojdjl by
,) irn ,„,. ; nt( , n ,,.i ......... if vml V
want to make i ■ ion, some hours he
foi . e using . aru ] only placed on the
dish when wauled
p or char Hard:.
A little of I’.,- ioliowing mirlure
wcM r „|, M every nitjht after
„, nasning ne i,j nr . win ...mi nrpV pre\om pnt clmns cnaps it if at at times during the day you are
careful to drv vour hands thorough
f„|' | v f, f . r vvashiim- Jp One tahleenoon
0 f . r ! v r in and the >1, juice of two
^ ’ Sl»ke wed nether he
f oro l]K i n g, An excellent plan is to
t:ePn u ow j 0 f 0 atmeal on vour
waslmtand S X and rub a little over the
ai altcx U drying 0 mg.
A HRlCAMA will cure Kcreini and Ca
tarrb to Stay Cured.
rr.w 3^ ^ til tfiS'ST S-cro-g: III III B-g 3 fu¬ ll I ST LT
to 2 ;
•Infants /(Hii.DRfeN^'
Promotes Rest.Confains Digeslion.Clieerful
ness and neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not iN arc otic .
/lint/j/cut Seeds*
Jlx Ss/wrt *
O&heUe Sails -
sinix? Seed *
Uimi Sepd. -
Clnnfinl . Suqtir
h’aitcryfven Flavor.
Ap'rf’ct Remedy Stomach for .Diarrhoea Cons lip,-,
i iiuo Sour
; vYorms.Convulsions.Feverish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
FacSimite Si^nalure of
r- c:D
A i -~xvy
224c Ft/■ \ £ t
AdyM'l'Uf'JP.AL College
■£bS®“ Msin Bu,.owo.
| lanwjv
! lj $|gS 'j Sjkjfl
. lfe ri l : l
A coii^a c.incntiou i.i;’;! rcnciiifai'. A.n.,
“iteiU, V',SS*!Jll'i« wo i. »
KUUt » •■nwt.fcoii'inv nroduceji-xpenw* domiiiori.-*
f rom ^ 75 $ T $o a v.ur; u-a,.i i»
V.ntr. 1 VfVui u*ttty. *h«
a wifc® r i-w
*»'*.ry cii.« co-i'rincai .in <•( opxo*. !'":
Reotl the adveitisetneiils in
this pa{ or.
STIi li
Li *J J "3 X r i Wdl
71'or Infants and Children.
t JECV..
T!iq KM You Have
Always Bought
Bears the / (\!»
i II k3 wD
For Oyer
Ffiiri -^51 ears
T ^H5D KUIB 111 % t*
COMP*"*' NE " o«R C.TV
rwt CCP»TAO«