Newspaper Page Text
thf morning Views
r.'t '!!'•< Ut ‘ * In. or|>..rnted IH*
r * 111 F.BTILI.
tnouns fiHi;r.Tm> him \vin:n
--i m>h hi: m *dh wien iis.
BEGAN a three-days tour.
i.\ i:m < un u.o\n will iiwi: n
4 ia im i: to in: %it him.
|lr <ma l*reillct I >*iuot*rii tlo
in uni li iiii~mi il IhMiMMTiilir Pnrfx
in !•• I'lirO f Y*# < Ins Air
|li*in* *li• l*r#|M**d fr Trusl-fm
|M i iulisoi the liu|Mirtni 4|ii*Hoh
u i |•s ii .1 #*ff© ©s#if# n r.\|iiiialMi
ißt, \ut mi l.ninrinlUi.
i Nov. 1 William J Drynn this
e f- . I K>n hi# three-day#' ltlm rary
t ,f t .Mr. -ons u v.i ~t < on-our"-
§i . }. -Irvi-l inU Mt-tiu it: vrnu
r- :.t •: i w ~ .1 oi* m!.
j .. 1. library, und w* d# n#’ was
r • m>und ii tha* th*- pr->dd*ntutl
, w .t* liter.illy *lr rr*'l to the
( . fi, I .y i ijU.ol of policemen. who
i I, i, r iiii* if*n*cnl #up#Tvb :**\ of
r Han Don, w. l io ha<l ridden with
, r> io fr#tn the ratlw *> ii
, . -in xx .# v ■ rt< <1 fn>m th© I>© ir
: !..i station by th** Cook County
i .rn • ..through D* rU>m #:r* * k
. ti \iir.l. Clark #tr*:, Mad#s<,n. La
,;|. ■ i It.iudoipn #tr#-tf. which \vri
With .umanit y. Thf hour w is * -i***- {
, ~,||y , I I#: - U;. i thousands of Working
,.i,u .ii i oili©#* inployi > had Just com
. , ■;■: i ii>'# ii Km ui* 1 *%\ . 1 11 • 1 the
. •■mu; ,• tin* !• inucrutio * .i.imi’lon.
l lay an in extelhnt v*i and
, \ ll-.. | t-> go *1 i fT.i t in reducing
t t .' in of (hiir.s that gre# b 1 him
, .n In was Introduc'd t> Mh ha* .
v ..j.i - •. . pr -M it of t • county com-
Hi ,h h v%as applaud'd ulin -'
, -i ml nt its . >n< hi on in* was
vi ti t* th auditorium, when* hi* too* i
,n#-r. at trr which h.* i r ee* * i* don his j
ir -*f tb© *t of tlv city,
i .r* In tn.oh* eight •• T* • ' h**s. nil of |
,v' h w -•■• made to lurg# crow#!# In hi. ,
.t tl. publi library Col. lir> m
-oi l 1? v*at .:
l*nrt> No t In*** r s.*cliin.
iii*. ipatty i.* t la* irty
tii pi,i ! 'tilar cl it*.** or *n • tt<>u, un i
i • i . . irt> of any parii ular '-thHi
1 ? . j irt> .f nil who at- wlllittK
i kiv. -.H-b y • f iir conij*'■libation *t*
.. . \k th* > rr>. iv** ir.m ui- ty J
; . Mi*■ yln is.- triumph !**?* ro m*- j
1 v..iinato an.l hon* st
i *i' I • I|rvc tnat tn** hiMt four i
t *\* taiiiiat tin- Im'iio - m* 't <! *
i mi - lull, party is *io * •Hi'.**n aUv<
t tits inil n, i*d that * • It.-puh
l ir t \ i? the • v>Uitlc i.atv | tr#>
*iu- i* m*n ounm i pron st ieal>
.. tv*- tln.u.i *•- of th ‘oti:itr> to
* t.- II v a f*w finan *b rs, and th**
*.f th** oountrx Iy a f*w of
i . a ti < t nit.ym* < -
Mr I try a dev* -f* and hi' nfiro
i t* i *h-uss *ii *>f the trust ipi*~>-
ii .in.; v in ti.i th. wmi m-n
--in Ms pi*• v>' *s * h* - *f tit**
... 4 ;/M H ■ to I cbm h •
ti t. l* i!, i;t.ii*• t latii*t. **i. • :rl*t
r **! <t; . w ,;*h ill* lb ~-ib.h an
i-- , itu *• -•-*•■ to b -*ro\ ll* *l*-
, , 4 v. i ti v** cap* I th** * •*. m of in
;.l :-i rn. wil h i* -•- th ii*.**r
, -.rttiiiUN iinn the mat. ami
. p..i Im i * i*. i jh*l im It i.-: ip
. • i. b* aid. 'b.i'. i* * r‘in
. pr *|' c.i* r*ii* f. Th v . on
iiilsm i ,*• . i try thimrs an
* i*- \\* dvmaii*! a r*nu ... w* pro
-1 . \.* will pp > m r* ii'4\
**U • 1< V* 111 * hoivst. Vi- III* Wfl* l\
t. t int if yu mak* m* l’i
| aVC * of I*. •X* 'Hive will b* U *1
' a. ik i imp v.i.; f.*i a private m*>-
i to live under tii Am* i an Has.
'I be Itcincclicm l*rii|ioM*d.
,*•. .... t, |u; n t! f‘ ••
•\• r> t I!:- I id art! a . , lha’
•i ,i will iot h*- ?♦ ii* a•• to en
to r. i < it ' pt i • •* hom. 1 ■
r . n.ak** ii i:n|M*s in.c f r iri\.*t*
* l.v;pt to live, Mill, th**. Mot ♦*, V.* plO
ii. be for* an > *<i (*■'• a ' i.*n oruaii
, • i. . t
it Mll.t'l ilk out a lie**.no fjo:n!
i f ! ia. go’.ciimi nt Ih f-t that |
• i a \\ pr<-i t -.• wm r
I . I*7,.■ I OUI -f tti" :to k .11*1 th lt
t ..j m i’.-mi- I show that if is ian
... ii.oi >o; >.• z* .my ! it. hof bu.->i
> -l.ou'.'i you he**it.?* tr. '•hat a cor
i i m tin- • t•- *.f it* .. .I. until
fiat it t /.'Ho: I** th i • i- >
‘ n.. an, * ji*-* mit s warn ui * tn
i i. wt’h dii* vir - aral not **. stall l
i n*i i- im a h gliw.iyman ar.d *x
•n tn* ph. y m oti- ot mo
i .
tint tl. rin *A will p v*
- 1 b, 1. v. that if ippli dit w u I
cry • > ti; • • niiop*. > on I pi •
v i* atb.n o' in w ■ ’ii**s
t in ftpi.*!: If you hav a hotter'
1 \\|i; . ik** ). ur m in* iy All t
t.. 11*1 . i aunt r\ of f a • ta w
1 *
. b*.*laKp which is as bad ui*.
- t . thin iKillli* ul bind ik
t ti* riu 11 mil. Not .\,nuMioi.
i .hr Hall, on flu* N *.th S.l*-. Mr. i
i*. l: puMt. an sp* aker will t-*<•■
b nt’ji nt- s* tin* of I** ' •
• ; . .a amiy "f * hundrsl th*u- ,
■ i. aid attempt to d< fetal if. >* ’
n ■. - t*d to make the.
• tt is only p miotarily
b. . . th* authority nuthorltinjr j
mxt y* .ir; yet every mu. w •> |
approve *f the 'tr.- *f th* .
va- f r in artni *f 11 ‘ n. ■
•Plv Kv**rv mn wt .* \**t‘ s !!*•
an ticket, vut • f*r an imp -r: 1
at. 1 when I ray Imm rial- j
barm it Im hot
* J*fTr >r. won .t:*upion
*•l wa - mm an Ii r!*i :*• .!• # -
' 'k in men when th' ;"id*’ ask
• n hi. and J*?fe!*‘on nave them
•i on nisi pave them * d l -f
• •uk’ht tl.* .<ntltu f u
' a for their protection. Th* K*'-
• m ;rn.o ext* nd the •*
y* i.l *•*- I Slums Th* v
p pr.a 1 th* President aI"V r
I bit v*u to beware of it Pr* '*
" h i on?.crown th** cor t'tution.
a Pr* ski* nt lit hijffer than Cm*
there is r.o way Of -*tvpiia:
it u ui: President and no *•>■“
•he Pepubllrnnfi lell you t *t
• * r to .IK OHS tl* money rjuentlon
,! iu that there Is l greater
!** *!• ;de*l even thia the
t o Tell then, you ear. eet
r■ ey quMfition any time, but you
**•! t/> settle your form of
r **'' ’ w hen It i n attacked.
I'epubliean party want* to dtacu a
v 'Piextlon they will have an * p
f ■ of doing HO. in some of th -
c Übm4 un ruth l
Pnriy of Tonal** Mode Inefleetl .e \.
utull on IteinorrMti<* i mi.11.l it.*
ilt I Ii 1 e:ikt**.
<’hb i->* Nov. 1 i\ur e<‘k ,( w. ** thrown
it \V bun J. pry in :►-.i 4 t Jut he
•■ ft t < Central Hal Milwaukee
•vt-mi.-, wh. r. hi bad c* ti 1 1 tu ad
T • wer.* thrown l*y ta* .r four
yoatiK m* 1 on** of w .om. John K M>*r-.
*1 sign j lii ier. w.m 1 . . ail ui.dei arr* t
Tr. oth. r tieti * ip*d
Mr i.ryan had ju-t p*- * I 1 r uch the
• i** r f tla* huk.kiu; .-1 w.> w i.kii c t*-
v -tf*l hi- cart a ■ win f air k- ivlu/
•' * at ..Mil*- t ih< s .in- inotia i.t *> . r 1
h<-ad Mild Kirn- k in th* erowii b* yoinl,
I • v* uit ini it oet Mr. Bryan i
he 1 ft the hail.
*b * *kc w ii h la< k* l a grrat *i* l o?
fr. ah. struck Policeman Culkfit*
e*l ’ n t!-*- *■• • ).• • 1 n.d atr* int
ikiwn his f.n * ' 11I kit • w 1 en * n wh.
lhr-w th*- .jjk- .n*t 11 .1 .■ .i rush f r
them Myers w 1 th* only* man whom h •
> *ul.j . .itch, th* oi..t t- l!pped away In
the cr*w*i.
The hull w 1 surroun.l* 1 by a large
row*l in Is M.Mkn 1 tt i>*<arne k own
that *v4 had .* n thrown at Mr. I'.r .1 ..
the *x* Ib iie-nt wim int*-n** A liundr* and
nn-n n:a; a rusfi f>r th* |.n-* 11. r, and ?
w.i* only by *b-|H t.ite cffi*.t' tha ul
kli. - nvit .... -I ■ hobl *ii t. he maa
Several *f!l *rs in*- I*, hi a sir tun an i
ill the ofle-er w* r- * **tn. 11* * I t . u •
i.i*-ir < lob t>*furc th* row.l wo il.l k\e
,1 ait I rind allow M l t* b pi and 1
t lie pa t r**l w ikon.
When U • k* and up at Went North avenue
i’oib * it.. 11 Mv* rs i rl ir* I js-sluv* ly
I. 4 he had t a row’ll no ♦. if Mr ftryun
I • rsonaliy *11..1 . .*l 1•* n ntUm whai
v* r of hittiiik* him H* *l* in*.l that C*
hi- aiixb > to obtain . -d vi*w of the
• in.)i*! *te n h* It H th h ill, h* I*v
r--\v*l 1 * *•* t tl earn . *-l taf
th*- drrw i im I .1 a him w4h h‘s w i'|i
in *rder t*. rnak- him stand back. H*
• mod to wht \ ind
ing aixl thy promptly hura*l the
at the <lriv*-r. an*! that jus: a . they ii*l
- Mr r.r •an ir. through the *k.or
w*ay Ma r- ! ar*tha: a*- w• a 1 >*m
.* rn a I would re v* 1 have thought of
thrwi;i4 kV nt the ** of his
H* *]• • 1 tc I to civ • nim- ft iris
lotni'iin'":.'- ind eoukl xtv* 1•• • xpianatl*>n
f wh' tii v had com- th* ni**;r.k *ar
r\;iik b*i egsp in th-lr |* >k - *-.
ir. %IU .'lilt Ilfll#lMS.
Small llraulfa ll.*w iirtb-.l W*rl4ers on
Tarrant llulns.
N.-w York Nov Y%’.rk on the ruins
of the Tarrant ***•• and the adjn.nt
pro|M rty was p :*die-I to nlplit to the fuil
P-nlt of the vmtra* torn* power. The shift
of men vrhteh went t. work <lurim th**
• arly ; art of l ie evening numi*erel 4sn
The b* >f efTons of the for*-* w*r* x*r
t-I In Wtirr- -tr* -t. which tip emtra
tot> h *!•• fo have *• • ir by Saturday n mmi.
Th*- s'ur ii f**r bwii* m i> iielng tiuxhol in
th* rth 5-: *s.ri • r *f tin- Tarrant
buiidiio . w r.* r*- w 1- th* stall wav *w ..
w hich it Is re(w.*rtHft the Kirin • m.d.c *-*i
by tlrro lice.* a tosh to • : Jurt
I**-for** th*- **xpic**- iob took place. N<
o*ll s w- fout *1 lit * u *-;-*t tlurink th*
.ri j*;rt *.f tii. *.• ti 1 1• *r onvilili.k
w.-drh w*ui.i Itwii • a • tin n* ar |*r- -••lita
of Uxllt-s.
Testlni. ny r-K.r.lm;- the <au:e if the
ti j - *i*i p• <*i ir.n to and and y*
ttdav. v. i' I b*f-r< th*- district uc*.r
-11. \ hit*- th . fi* rr,*•*>!
Fire Marsh 1 C* • It Sierv, and Super-
Inteiider.t Murray in tin* uvitrAuu r -stinted
•he t*e?*-t iru'dfy ltd*, t • iCi-Menc As
sistant I 1 • r a Att.irn \Valh wis pr -
int aid 11 * k a V 1 5 it. th*- IfejUliv
Th** bo > flt • V mi lt wsi- four. I
in thf rtrn?* -f V \ rr ts ■ tr*> t. op -oi*-
f.i* T rr ltd *••'! din.* **!a\ This is the
first Ikklv feur.d
lf:\% %Ht Flltt !l l.(:.%!. \ OTfTH**.
%*i tl-lniperljill**t * A 111 Nutleri
1 .1 \.-w \ nrk.
N* •. York. Nov. 1 Th** * ui.paiKM r* m
mii.u- **f tit** anddn p rdali-t cub at 1
n*tii k *1 . *ff** 1 raw.rd
>f $;••• for ih*- HM.**t and *-onvi ti -n f
any pemon 111* • *!> regtut* rl tntl i le
gally voting ut th* co.nlng- *1 tl n A
r.immlt ** f lawy* -*i w i pp* ' **l t*
i* 1 -iratlon ar*l t * p*i- T *-
committe Is r<mpf** I * f Ju < II r
n; 1* V Illnri h; FlwardM S’*•• :,
Austin <; F**x of N w York, kklwlri I: 1 -
rlt S;n tii * t'a . ad Herbert IV
Ilium 1 lof Buffalo.
Podttrs will l * pt* in ever* county f
tt* stub of N- v \* k w irnln. \*ders . nl
railing apen’i'-r. to i •!.
. x-1 i. I j ; , M IOSB # l l . It.
(.rnmi .lur.x in Pfif* , roi b v 'i#l t#i
tin*#* I outfit ifxtllclinetit#*.
N* xv York, Nov I.* It I# #a *1 to ni 'ht
In Pat# .-on N J that •• tr and Ju y
acting upon the iln© la I-• dawn v. t#-rd.iy
fur their guidinc# Dv Judge Idiot , t;
ifieniuun foun‘ i tru# ‘1 ndt im t
fur r.ii*‘ aiii h*nii# i-J .g ilnnt W i t- .
M Nl -u r Ai# xui J* r ('ample i . WlUim
p. rh aiil <2* r, K:r, tu # o n- t n
vvif i h*- decth f J# tin c It *-* hi# t**r,
which occurred two w**-k. •* t*.-iu:ht
Pr.i tl* ally ill*- w •.!• -• -on of tin*
j* rale I Jury to- lay w.. taken li* by u-
The Jury ! i rot • * fftp!*-i© it* work
until after th-’ '< art till ri># n #* fh.r
was t> report of in#* fir, ling of th* I** r.
to Ju*b* Dixon, but it i ©x§H# t*‘i i t
i,j.' xr. ••* 1 Jir#-• # will or" t t ■ •* * ■ 11 1
- hortly after * ofKtuu h- ur 1 ill •
morning at;l hand up th# i- -II ‘imt-ul •
II NUNN II \II K IN iH*lltl>'
\\*#. Fiirtilslf#*#! Pros Isloaia I*> Brlf
ili **(•#• #*-r (.-rmnn
i.*>ndon. Nov. I. -Th*- uyi.i'n ,f the
Britisli ale tner Gerfuati xx iiicii ar rive*!
her® to-day Ir m Tabu * v. hou'h A •ic #
r , |iurts that on i* t -*. when anuiit * ■
mil## w#-st t-y outh of Gibraltar -ii
in with a railing v. #•-. In di-Hee#. T •
proved j be he 1 tii***#r bsiw Ih
i due l, t ap: Marian! while:. Lied rr .*
1 Mobile. Aug 4. f- r Pa ms. in |h#
Mediterranean. Th© Mnducta has lost h*
, T><l jt tor* ; * n<l > ,art ,>f ,>rk 20:1,1 ln
’he recent gal#** and had ©Do #uh
-1 :, t |n-d injury to her bulwark* Sn* *-ih
-f,ort of provision® and th® tjenmiu sup
-1 plied hvr with a duantUy.
itHl'l IILIt \V* 1: TO
JOMA % \li 4
\sm:kt inn iiwi: vruou koit
HOM>l i:i 4 i*!4l>^.
Ntiflounl f 4iii in il l •■• 4 In Im IlniM*-
i-ritlic I.cutler* \r- Try li.k i I *r
ririr** \ otera I liey %linmtlnlt
\ liter* >*t l*- 11.- |lcterrel by 'A Inn
lltey lull I'tireaf*—lieiuocratie ll**-
•11 and i* r
by t'liein 11* Inti im ill alliin.
N w Y : k Nc.v 1 Tii* It* i'ubli an N .
;ti nnl Committ*a- t** lay is * and .1 formal
statement t von rn j.s follow -
”>?r Crok* r, Up lo ad of the Pem.H-ratic
o:.;iii .-..ti n it. New Y. ik, h-s o i* t**l hi-*
;U i*;ti nt— t.i ; iili. r m ~t tl •
I next Tic . il. I iti < ilh. tlii'V < •
Mho result of the • am 4 inn iKUinst them
■to eject the *!• **ti*ii ufli rs aid ait* |**>*
:.s tun . f the bab a Ihx< s by foie*- Thv
u- oundiiiK aiiatcf l- tr ri* r has b.--n up
prov**l and 11 •tr r.•I I y • tor Jones, th*
! ehulrman < ( the i * uv** ratu* National
; c* remit ice.
I.* H pub! teal) fnrty la; ilw a M*>* 1 > fur a f.d- v.-i- und an hone it
curd A dishun* st election 1 p * dbii* il>
1 t (.rough Uni. lie Mi* h i now thr*-it
! * lied t.y the I b nnxT.iilc leaders, 1m mus
jan * pial number of inspectors fr>m b *th
! parti* .*-- ,b po sent t -very pollftw
plai’e. aid s* tOliK ;** t Vl* il. ' tors Ir*
it..: interfere i w tii the \ -tet must l
■ nduct* ! fairly Too I>.-mo**ritlc |! r.
>ti • .ally i* 1 ml no tv p to ouTj-tiWi r rh
! '.sp.- tor*, v. a* to-ver their party * x!k*
j i*‘*-i# appt-ar to require violent interfer
i nc
"Not%vlthat.-iiuilf i: :h- antibun ement f
Mats I• n..i* rrttl p d•> of rerroruing v**t
' ur* ateft hurglarljring ballot boxes, the
' lieputb! un \ ?i*>, l C>mm*tlee *l* or*- t*>
state t* the puMx- that th*- li. puhii *n
! mull. 1 k •'l -*■ nati*na.. t..t* a..*l l< ai. have
.ik*ti m* astit *-r- to i; ir* th*- pr.U’*ti-ii
dt- rig at of •vt ry v -p-r in t: • Tend
ing e;. *ti,.n ot*l tha 1 the vo:- • tab -
ptoieriy cuunUii and rccordnl ns ■ t
Th * *Hnniitt*- ii*-refor* i-lncailsh ill
wa rs that h*-y most n*i I *• *l* t* rr* i bv
thus*' thr*-at- of the r>**mo*ratie i* a*l* 1
j from * xemsinr the rbtht of Miffrage .*n
ITu s*l iy ue\t. for every citiacn p •-
t iti* *1 l y c.w to prot* d.-i in hk- ht-%
hlKlicsa prlvib-K*-. niu\ w* ail. -* * to 1
tha- hi. vote m; ill n o !*•• prot t.-i •
nil hazard* "
1111 v im rn;
Itoonrxclt llennttneeK Mntcmenln of
.Vone* anil 4 ruki-r.
Jamecfown N Y . N*v. 1 CSov It *or.*
veil fini - h■<! th*' 1 * xt '* the last <1 y of
h|s New York*- tour in this f to
night after having travea- I thr u'h v
’OUh'ss. it..iking tlflis-n sp vr'. *• .l irin
1 1* *Vi>
The two clofo wher* th- m- * Im*- \va
: war* it iMinklrk iti*i J ,rn**-t**wn
lbs *la* *fi •;* Ir. 1 .* th* *lr) -ml ut led i
*.f tin se cedi'# w-re llovor* and wth le. ro e
1 • 1 k*. 1 it hard Ci -k* r a I Na t 1 l
1 <TtnirirKii. .bin* for tl*-lr !!• g* : atiltod
I *n the .utiUiig f th* .all*.t- v. and Ii tlov.
i*o s* *ii . .gii.■’*#■*l 1 in n i.*-m* t*
vi* Irnei* !•*• h Uunkitk a *1 Jim* -
lown, aii'i * ;** i*ll> ii 1 ■ lif ,** • • to
nigh; there v- r* tinmens- 1 a ll* : *•♦ s.
A* I a*.hi 1 < **v l<**s**v*dt f*ti*l
Mr Ifry.iti V* f li* u* rurti Mr *’r**-
ker. r* | * s**nf tr.*- for *- which inl I r
. Ud- *listi.**i* .-ry . aid 1... W lb- y
champion the * iti* of r***t. f ni*l
I• 11 c• ot uj*- :t,nc >y f>r r fraud t'u
vi dl*t *n.’.r*.l !•; th- f*op * at *•
i* 1 • Wit *. ra. • r* t* ■ *<•• ■*- i-piMli.itum
I from .Mr Hry.ii: and with t*a*’i.iv
1 * xpr**-.-•-1 *- -our.ic rn tn avprnv.d **f
S**nafor Jot v-h*< t* 1 arinli Mr llry
, it.> i.*ii I ir.v is. Mi Cfo.< r Ims
lj iiora st. \; i-nt an*l th- law • - •
*,** ri rl- t *>n ebvtion day n\t
j !b- ho lone rid-* In so many wrd with
; ' '*• app:.. .r!, i ttly *Mpr** • and. of t!o* tn
-| :inil i. id* 1 -of his |>urty Hueh nivi e
I 11 tmlri. ,|ii. f- • to t,V w •> In w hi' n
the metni *-rs liis party have for the first
Mx w *-*• ks •• *n < erduettng their
I align."
M\hi s m i. 1 in: i>ii 1 i:iu:m 1;.
Of 4 mime It *tn** x *-l f \\ niibi Ynf Now
Offend qunkiTß.
A '?< .■ -1 v N Y Nov 1. in r pon-** o
many It *• 1* • '.**l <v Ito -• vlt
1 fitm members * f the F#>cl-.y of Friends,
n i:*dvt: to 1 circular i •t -.| s >m* w* .ks
ii litwler ** of I hii.i • Iphi 1. (piotfng
*h* Govern* r opinion r / irdlng Friends
•:id 1 .*i, - *-M-• .’• • fa-op!- . la ’.ds “Ufe )f
Thomas 11. Ifeist*n " the fSovernor to-day
1.. .*■ puf’li bi*
j ~,l ii*- af-resold elrciila. wa distrlbifte l
j amora the rn* mb* of ti * S *•! a y of
I'M- sals throughout J** i;ns. Ivanl i. Indl-
II a. irhio, Maryland and N* a York and
was iiddr* .**l %*> th*- fjtencily voters.
"I .* - niei .* 1] ioiml tn 4fi* Is
i* fo IhW*
\ iss. of r* •#* *t*aia ivu. utd-Ht
•it * • h ittfnl * ’he 1* 11! ■ • -lithv
u *%'*h of • • lon 1 |s * . -* of fur
• 1* 1 t.*c *. vx* * . *•' *r I*l > s r *l . a.
.* X .. bad I I. xi * . f t W.l* i; ] in
tin b*i * run . I,’nai ,ii\ V *pi t. as
’ i.r4ic • * -at’i* a • i/4-n ,*.- a *lo*-. f N*
r ..: v. V !s ••*• %% o k n, • *r ,1 . m l
ti. hi tor ,V-i r e • <an give a g ! r# i
i n wd• v •* • * i t* * *l*.* 1 i<>
|. .* *. * . V l-> 1 f *•* •4. ~ia 11 tr y *
TV** answer I a*Mr- • 1 x\ , am F
\\ ii i ’ 11 •’ Pap' ? •*• ,*nd if. !! .'*•• c Ji\ •
• J tl’? VH\ >
TANARUS • rndrr <•> *f min*’ wbleli ( . orn-
I* le*d *f •e i wb.i- *1 w** wr lt* u ft. teen
V'xV ii,-* was !ii*iii{fi| f. x;r • tliy
*) 4g* • c*n r.i J • I x\ ; r. he rr. ir *%■*.* at*
• :♦* I*l *p *l* i’ .i-j of 'hi nti
; • **n id-.jnat*- pruu. <*Mon, f >• :u a *t.
j|r ae. . !•* unit .i ,0 *v fa t 1 bav**
( ;>r- ; in* ■ -nvteiinn* .ti b, 1: *n**f but
Wer** i ’W to rets ’ll* the • Id* <-- I
dir. I . ( irtlair !\ ph-a It ♦ at l • oul i
t, l- t o - rued I* off. n- lv*• to Ihe H*
, J.r> *f I • ctkl- h b-*-l wh' s 1 so* iai
! il'Mirx t.n i c-.vl*- right* utisrcs#- Justly
'.’fiir.iuid i4fd%ers'l r- j <
II NN N % I* %ll> IlhM
UfptlHiron Rn#" Needed the %M of
the Paliee.
Chicago. Nov I.—Mark Hinna bowed to
n storm of hlsse, catcall* and cheer* for
William J Bryan in the big circus tent
Int li*toted and Thlrtk :h atreeu 10-Oigilt,
gvi*:.4 up ins attempt t g*t 1 hearing
until the pe •*• nsi restoi*-*l *>rd-r
i r 'orty-fiM mlnutvx th* m< hal -
wlil an l then seventy i*:i tncn took .1
imnd and it arxl the .iteh s
MW 4 I. IMis I Mil W %
IHselares If Will i.lxt* ItcK4ml-> l
*r**a***l %lii|rlf.
Phk il • \’\ 1 Harry S New N
tl.u),i4 lb pu un imimltt* emari from In j
din wan 1 uinpuiibd Mirk Hantm t*>
l*rt W ayne an*l o*b*r inilni nt thiit sta <■
;**ri. 4*l today at lb-pubd.ani na
tional heitdf|UMrieia
"Its*dial; 1 j - if**p. HspubHi-jn th s y-ar |
*•> \ui.d ai *i* j; Hid M Kinley maj ••
if > wjt Is gr .iter Hum in IV* \ l
aim- ;u*- tauitr.iry ,r* hum* a.hng mi
ta. Til’ll II i*s* S'.lt •tt i a- it
iy Iti-p 1 *!!*• ■ a Mi. hlgan or Illtnoto."
\ llesall of 1111 old I'ninllx t|uurrel
Hirnern Was >ll fo lieofli ly
\\ Ilex 4 . W lleoxon.
l-.'auirtton. (i.i N.\ 1 C 4’ Ktowwr*
w di.’i t*> and. I!*' this morning by his
fafh* r-tn-ia a . WI. v (’. VYllaann.
iw * y*or 1 • , .w*-t .% fnpioysl
*n th* Wti* 4...X*** farm ui •! Il\-*l in the
W and \. r t irnlly Aft# 1 a f* vv inuiiin-
WdlcoKon r* e.v.d a -li.' !• f-*r IT v
IS. A hi* h >• Illul t IlilV*- rip* lied into
holt* la. time | 'ii#'* *I. W'iU , *x*ti'e
frtaai,i- * bum f. .t In an*l * i v -* f this,
tort t’o jM*.h* is*rl‘**al it t* ITw* r’ in- |
l ifuatlcn f#*r \\ i.'.x**n' daugiiter
It \\,is n• km.- u*-f.>r a rupture in
? family * . uu*-*l in*l Wlh' .oti I* fi !to
own h**m*-. Ills wjf. <ii,.l .laughter taking
:he part of Flowers iigtiinxi him • S** n
after th;s . nrr#-*i ITowais an*! Mis* WI,
■ **x**4i w* r* inartifxl
A f-w m urthH ag> W iic.x>n returned
to hts h*m*. mu! i* w i- thought thui all
hnl U ■ ■unit r( .*t’. k-'l At any rif* no
.. i.’t' tn. ut w ki.oAti f uni 11 I** *Uiv
Wik oxon rid F*w r 4 w nt hunting tills
morning arid return* and t* th** non-* about
’• **<***.’. Niikxly knew f tV .r r turn
un# ; a shot wh** h*md mar tlt** hoti-**
Mi s W’ilcoxoti itat daught'-r > .n out and
found I-'lowt-rM *ie .*l by V l *x-n's ha il.
Wtl -:.4#i . .im*- t t.iwn 'rrm*-*ll i • i *1
gav*- him## If up W F J* nk&r.e an*l sai
have dm employ*-*! t** d.-f* r.*l f im
luiii Wi ■ x>4 l * x'd* fmu li. ni • h<-
nu.l* fr*i|u*-nt thr* .its that h* xv ull kill
Fb*w* r I; w t 'hough* by those who
kn* a th** man ti .it th* s* w**r dk
threats. I- .w \* r. a*- h* won kn- w io .*•
a ;>. -al- man. and *f extr.-mely fil n l
ly i itur. It l> th#ught that in ■ ni* wiy
th *d* 1 irna • whl Ti h i*l t *•• r f#mnjl*l *r
It . fci -m* ilm*’ was !■)•>.' ho*l l**twea
tbi-rn t-. -iav with tr.igl* r*raP A rn
n. *m*!it trtl will Is* tiel.l t. -m- now
Wi. <l\Otl i* *4 •*4*: * I i'g, ye.ith .i 441:.] III! .V
--*-r TV
Tier** wer*- . wilr*#fi.*s r> if*- killin'
Flow# rs c.itne to this county about ihrec
. i
• I. .( ; ! -r thoUf. r.t by s im- to b - U’l
; ban* e 1
sme f the \ pp## Ift tine til* \ |i|ir#n-<*(S
b> flic f|fi#*eii ire f uiixing f oi
feidcrnhlc 4 rt(i l#i.
I.on*lot . Nv 1- (ju** ti \ iCtoria ha# ip
Irv s| the .pp*tn , m*nt of l.*rl Salisbury
! is |*r* mier and l**r.i privy s* il. the Mar
j qui>- of lan di'Wti* u* v’cr tary of mat
(for foreign . flair- . Mr. WTHl.itn St .f*hn
; llro*lri(k a** Secretary <>f Slat.* for War.
J U. lairi if S* il -ri.* ns ttr-t lonl kA the
i uimliaity. tit l Mr C. T llltohi* a S# r -
taty and Hiat*- f. r h*m- affairs
A .oiling to this list #f ttpiH>lniments.
Mr Georg# i •; • i tht first lord ti
the admiralty in Salisbury's la*l
abinet ibr Mat He w White Htdb'V. who
I ;••* i.4 en M’cr.’iiin of for home <f
firs ur! \ 'milt Crow, wtio w;i' l*r.|
. privy -*xd. hav*- be* n *ir* pp* and In the for-
I niatJ. n of the n*-w caldn. t.
T*h- new .ip’Mttn* m* nt donut • v if* #n
fh:j"i, IMV wit* la* •x* *pt 1- ri f that
*.f lnrd !. if lowa* th' y ar* g. rurally
I approved Mr Hlb hl r*uard l .* an
•*x * I’Mt choi*-* S vim! ot • r ( .'lanif* 1 *
ar. r.* ot*<l In miri* r offl -s. but on the
whl<. It l*H*k*- a Ihouirh 1.-r*! Hdlbbury
*h*l nut intend any radical Innovation-
Th* appoint me * *d Ix>tl H*!lriir. hla
brother dn-iaw m th* iMlmlralty chttl
;* rur- t • r... i ■ -rt’l* I'm The Knrl has
• !..##*i I r* uni.m i but it I fit Hint a
more .PMUiguish# 1 man rh* u'.*l have .e.-n
lo| f ’.ii:* 1 t. s ;ch an im|*orianl jour.
Am ■*! ni e* pmb , n* vv
rm tits Is tail **f Mt fieurg* VVvndh un,
tvha w.i ariaimentary tTub-r S- r*niry
.f Star*- f->r War to mi* * * l Mr ti*rakl
Fail...i a * * f *■ -rd.irv for Ireland Sir
Va#t * w W .it* iii’iley is iik*#y b be
rniMal t* th** p* * rag*-.
and i • i: I • liit 1 * x
! pres- them '-Iv* s .(* quit** sail*.b*d with
th*- r * v. rirrang ine r Th* other paper*
are dlswit ~#f|* >1 11n’*lr#l *l*n inr* h
• i . . i
t* . cha -• ■ j* illy In v aof #l* io'-"*
of Sail dairy - N-rvl***s to the foreign
ofH* *
i:\mrr mrt.iiN t \tt n i-tiik.
l.#ritf und T#ebnl#*nl tj f#**#f I•* %ke|
bx tlfornc) (.rain.
New York. Nox 1 -The h#*ntln; In the
pr*K ***lln.'e f* X*.u:e the r# m#/V.*il to the
Cn<"d H;a *s Court In Georgia of John
F . \V. T at.d i: H. Gay r* r n*l Benja
min Orwu, ii cus* I of coneplricy with
former Ca;#f. oherdn M. Crtrt*r to ile ♦*•.*• #:* vi-Ti.m* nt In connection with
harUir in ; v in-n w.i •m tl ,’.| I*.-
H>r I id'.d Hiat* * • HhieMa
In- |,y.
T .* ou* * amir iiion f I rg’riecr It
* Hlfd % t .i* * p* rt for ti.* *J* fi . by
Fill. *1 St i -s I list *I. I Att*> i, Mar.on
F*e a *.f (b-org i wh eon*l*iu.d Tha
*1 4* etiun# as I <#*ij* ■% •• r' w*r# t * -n.’. il. My
i: !**> rern.r.'i r I *♦ ill- sb.nd the entire
lay. The .pier !<* I*y Mr Krwtn w r *
ion#r *i.t Ir ' *b*- and lb*' m*wt r* w* re i
•* -r.i • it li I'.’* e*t'*rn' • I •.I i r; hi* fly
wiifi the • i,f <l. i tile n#t
ir*-. ♦ n s ..r id s ond muibpl**
i \m !u;ii fiitt i iaii m rrnvr,
Itoeri# Nfferxxurtl ll*|eiii# *1 I heir
< a|H* Town, Nov 1 -It transpired to-day
that .* Il <*r eomtnondn * apture#l n 11 rl•I e r
outp of tdti y men in the vicinity *f
tietuva. Or: :v and aflerwar*!'* hei*| up
h Cap Town mail train, looted the oaf
ring#;- r#J paMtigcra. deatroyed the
inat.e, ret '*re t.. t - ttain and dv aimtard
*n tho ftiproah : fun armored train Not
w.thing to re hampered, the Boer# infer.
t* leaned the prisoner* they had capture*!
Fourteenth t.#ei t tlnnlln.
Tien Tain, Oct. ll.—The Fourteenth
I’nlted Hiatr* Infantry Heglmrnt has
starisd for Manila. *
%n \a it on i in: i u nin
uoimw so hi (mil ** nr. w w i*i i
OFF %T roilH\ I 11.
Mnuber* f lloomi* Netxafe \V**r*
#lll tli #* U ll* f* III* hth i •* fair—< 40-
11 it 14 Wn% Ciuir l >*ml##r IlMtn
rlek —Heim i*r ( fxtxn \Y i* lix|r#**l in
Tr x iiiu I*' v< |nx rn ft- ll*“ f
Hnta—W i >• 111 F*- llfiu llelxx ••#•11
flic Nli'ii.
VuloMii. Go N<>v 1 H i* ak l **it t**
•lay I .st a ilgf t . ari# i I t nlgtif **•
h#' *■ j*** 11 i* ti 1 big l• u I h* 4* * *; git
* lore •* I'temf th. Slat* Fair.
There * i dir-. b \ I • H't *i. -**tn* if
111#* in*.’inta-r *ll.d it l 11 ul r t and lii-d
Mr Hardin >f Wilke- mh I ibletl |*y
Senntor llamrl k
Mr IJiirb- v.. put *V *•’ train a
, .*j-\t f*. *i* il 1 treat mem.
Several out m< tn * ilnc.udiii Mr.
('mu. *f Ci athatn i**•* i\• 1‘ i clit Injuri* •
in th*- effort to - ■ p.irat*- tii 1”* tij:* t* t t
It I-# Md that t • men wo e Ih* I- t •*!
frl 'n*.- nti'l wl.iaky is v* * to th* < atif
of th#* imuble
Tim* n int**r> f th* 4l*’ii* ral A " Hlitl)
who uinit kwn f • s|H-nd ■ *lin h*u • ••
tti*- fait have i* n v* ry rfi-ent In ta<k
ing :ilut th*' Ui.f. rtun ib ... urr* n • l*
t w ci*n Semib*r H itnri' x of * arroll and
Mr Harden * j Wiik*
The m* t . with -**v‘ral **thr a* i# t*ilk
itig M* • -*re ll.ttni: k *t.d Harden w# r#
b#:h ilrUikin ; and Uah w. i* playing witn
each otlur.
A Mr Cowart w i ai-** in the parts
an.l Mr Harxb n niupp-.l him f*ev# tint# n
In a playful wav Htitnrk k .*in and t*
in- off# tide I that Cowart *ll*l not r •nt
the blufr iiiul tl.irt'l Harden to Hap him,
at tla un* ’a • •*."; • ki.ii •
xmalur f nnn Mart.
Senators f’ann nn Shipp utxlertook to
vvren*di th*- k ib frxn< Hatiub k h.ifid.
iml -th r* - .dv.'.J r’.ight injure f***m
the ke. ii triad*'
T. aril film • f !r m th*ee xvb* li* !•
him. Hnmrl k etru. k If ir.iii: *.i> th* h* ti
xxi h hi. knit* in;\V !n_- a v. ry .<• i■ u <
wund. tr*-,iking tl bla*b- of in knif’-
liar i* nwa pul off if th* train at F*r
">*th f- r m*d. *1 tr# atmeii ifi th* tu I
il imrl k .tie) lnfll t* and a painful wound
*-r hi-# own ti *iwl
It i -aid by th** member# of the party
hat of th* men w♦ re in th* I* - **f
burn* r Ju # tnUiUt#- b fore * ■* •*
.ujrred It i* #a I*l to hu\ b*n airnp.v
i i-* •>( t( m i h **b am! ail *f th**
member# of the pirty #l* plot*- it- t.i. Nov ! lb pr-’ Har
den arrived b. : • l•-t.igiit f:**ni F* r ytli
II- i# n**t -• rl u-1 hut • lie ••aid
11. ally, flier# le t.' fig i ■* abaiit
th* matter H'-ii.iUu Hamrick and I nr*
(11* il. St 4'f fii.l li I lU'M t * Whale
matter •\* 'dln '■ and 1 In is I *i* ik
f>r th#* S* n#it**r **'•' xv h* ri 1 any that
lie Atltlrexv'a I.e* ilnf ore In Joint
v*'4|n T#-Mlbt.
Wa-* Inrb'ix. N*. 1 S* uitor Hi on vr.i
in the city today for • f w hours, b* in,:
Juk buck from * two w* *k trip through
Illinois rir and Irviiam. wh * he hi b* o
lu#y H'umptrig (• r Ifrvan 11* I* ft to-nigli;
for Atlanta when h will arrive Friday
nfierno* n ll* will rnak* an id.lrer- to thi?
| C.ercral A#-* tnbiy Of the rtate Friilir
S' at or I tors >n fia*# !>• *-n very buoy In
! thH c.iniaalgit. and ha tak**n iult* an
o live ind prominent part in Hi* political
battle which will *! bl. 1 next Tu#"*
day Although he i# *•-' kb g r* -election iff
the hand-* < f the !.. g itur* whU h !<* now
111 e tl Atlai ta 11 W. ; •'•tti!*' Ui
accepting 111* all .r t . 1 lemocr ill • coni
mitt**- to rnak* :•* throughout th •
country, a #l h v. a c**ntent t* |**v* Id
re-election 111 the hi! "f the n* ;de. :i#
i it#* thought b* could do tri *-. good to th.
. iiiHi- of I efm <*r i out d-' cf hi own
lUDCOIIII 19V H)H tt*' TIM N! ..
If If u#t lie I'firfilHlteil l# file Ife
fi-iolniil I re#- #f
Frankfort, Ky . Nov 1 in ih. Court
of Appeal# uM*.ri). v. of # X-S-. r-t try * f
State Cni*u I*ow.-r# w#ie granlwi an *ir
der rom|K 1 liaise th* • -rk *-f the S -tt Clr
* if it Court to furnieh • < * i*> f Hi*- re*.r*l
of Iv.v.* r* tr.a. in th* low* r court ft
of <■ Tb* nMi davit *.f I’.'iv* i ond
eevrrii of h - frb i. l - vv# * fll* lowing
that h* had rxt#-n*l**l ail of hi# f*r*un,*
in hi- 1 and fer.-* tr*l I# now • pauper. Tn.*
time for nilfiK IV 'V' .-' api* al ir-rn t •
J'jdam# nt n. nt* n ln hlrn to Ilf#* Imprison
ment. w .-* ext* il*iol until Nov H
Teitt# Xlnnn xxa* ll*t ri*t I x *.
Dull.!-. Tex.. Nov. 1 lt*i**Mt* from
North* rn and North t . rtral T*’. i> ahoiv
Tutwiav', etOf.i. t*i l:;iv • Vcr*.
ibftructlv®. Hour** W'te wruk I In
Kaufman. KiiLv liiil. Collin# iihd Griy-
M>n > UuntUe Thr**** p#*r-*t war* kill’d
ai.ii several HCrloudy injured Crop- #uf
f#>rt*l •
I'rrilinlil) l.##l iti
Portland, Ort*.. Nov. 1. A * abi gram re
ceived In t":# t> fown Fr. .o Hat**#
tha: th* Kva. which left l*ort!ani Oct
with a cargo *f (i*>ur lor Via bvo#to# k
and I long Kong ha# h**#-n lost a :*i. The
I * - 1 . • . Mi '
s'.Ktior# if th* *rg r* elv and th- #. <.
gmtn but no |mlcii ar • w*r* i lvn.
Aiifbliix Arr*l %lMtt It.
Berlin. Nov 1 —The K< l< honxci*er to
day, offletally t and definl’eis d* nb* tha
there ar** any e< ret *djt r• : # b the It* r
*#t Anglo-German c*<nu*#i * Th- :wip'*r
4 > # C
ycr> the nut#, the full t# x' o? when w •
punished Oct 2 0
l.ord llobert# Drlnyrd.
Ix>nd on Nov 1 A dlspotch to the
Rvtning Standard #ay# that Lord Rotoru,
who wn# #chedutecj io leave South Afri
ca Nov 15. ha# postponed d iur<iir.-
owing to one of hi# daughter* ledng a
Huffercr from anicrlc f**vr at Pretoria. |
Fix** f flic l*xxer# Max c iurrnl I * -
**#*i#J I iuiiii 11 x i#i#*l Tltrr#* t **•'
I ###l#*r I txl r#l < inn#**.
Wa- ,!>* i..t Nov 1 Th* #l.gnm**nt *f
| th.- p. s\. **. the i riil'di-Gi tin in agr- •
! Ill* nt |h HOW complete
\ id*- f tom ltd' ar and Aualrli. Shoo atl
•nt to tie ogre* in* nt w m #?x|iected
oh! K to if <tr i***d i ii r* at i it* with <•* r ,
lit .i . J-ipoii I* tin* cdy *uic *f th# Pow j
I ••!> wlii a liii civ*n un. oo#lillv*ca as** id 1
i tie agt* m if.
\ t * ft I tt* 11* W ill U five of • •
!***s\*u '* unit #! ti ill it"- i* no# #f the
*4i# Tiu*nl. v!* . lit .it Britain, Germany, I
! 1 i , \ ustr).i and J.ij n. tn -of lb*
- .-wa i *• i'ul • k Suit. . I'rui '■• .*nd
I in- la, .i •pi th** • iia-*” r* la flag t* th* i
•*p nd- ci and th i rrit*> kntevrily **f
*‘ii.t i but wHi la* I . l*. *• !••*• third
I . .*ii• * i 'iitliiK tu ii) iir pro*-# line in case j
n\ i own • !/• i i* r 1 * rv
In i-tt ni * n.- t lr.l .douse It ala r**
f**l **i tile tw.l ( os'! t t|b paid*-* to tti* j
K ‘ Iti .111 .! \pr Ii , H Y illt !. tl
tc xx*ui*l iii -i|f> h* r ultiiu i' a or*iiiiK
io IrcijfiiHnt .• s.
Tile dll' f IT t of til** evell llige ll.a
j le**n t* bilng llv- #*f the P.tvx ifr* ti un
igteein* iii t r* p. t th** "t*|*. ii *|*r' tin 1
the Im of ‘’iilni. iti.l t• consult
Huong th* tmulvef. us in the futur- *
i- o' inv **f the otfmr iVwcrw eought
* ink*' Ch.ti* h. t* rrmry Th* #* *'th**r
l’i'Wi i- a th* lit gutiatiotie have itow
' * ti ip* <l. it * tii I nit* *i Slut- .
Ft in* ** and Hu- hi As t** tti#- l'nl**.l
Stiie . ther<> I- *f t'ltiir-. no |hv.-ibiili>
*-f an tii Gitlve in t iking ••rntury. ►*• Hi m
the i. rniH t.f the third clan#*- would up
I - I-* 41 If l It 1 .!. i W (Mild
brine ibuut t'n< urretu aetkm of tie five
I'ow *', 111 no either of th* • t w.i
to extend their domain In
I IIUI l: -I (Ml I 111.1.T111.1t.
knirrifii. I*rrfi*c iiiml krr Fi
flr*lx 11 %e#'irl.
St P t raliurg. Niv I Th#* text of tin
\nni. un. Ftoundr md itu >1 m an-xx*r
j fo the n*#e an .--.vcr lug tti# AngluG*-rmaii
u:r> riant *at China arc ih*w gefxi ally
h-r.- Ih- > nr* * •aisnii • hi
tir.'U in f'lb.xfaiKH', whowiig fht th*-*
ini** i’• *w • 1 ur. in |w*rf#-#M act url
Tn# iorr< !iiiid*-.i ln*r* of Ih** A#-m.c|
. *i .1* i iui #*M/.**i t*. any f'mi till
f '.a prulu -.l an *m • ilenl * fT* i. Intth in
gov rniinni arui pilvaf** rlrclca In ihftn
1 *Tt >*.
Tti#* Itu—lin mlntu. r of for*lgn nffuirM,
• u t Fain • i.-rf, * **p i.*i ii return * .
1 '♦t I i-i i-i iiiK In tin middle #f Novi-tu
b* r.
( 111 I I I * 111 111 1.1 ■II (NV
They Nr* Sitltl f It** Miu>nrrrinu
1 It 111 ••• *- I'rlHonrr#.
Berlin, N*\ 1 Com*i irih:’ impatience
* * “ in* i.f f| r news from
<'h!iu I# finding *xpir*wlon her#’. The In
t rei. I- that tbrmun c*i # rixliip over
I * uc Info 1 (nation k vary t.rn*t
l.eif-r from private' in Chlr begin <> i
find (heir vx 1 y lnt< tu# .■*'* I#] liem.e ratic
l oI**• * . r, ‘r*rkg linn tin German troop* i
cl • no i|u rtt-r 'l*i Bremen Ibj.'g.r i
I- I# (• . t If I.till | • 41. lj ,
lin I’d in. xv 10 - i|d h#* witne' <d Hu- (ol !
low irtg ...
S y . mlk- * uijhlv . som*- ni th* m not
> ,f adult tx* i lied ft/et ter by th* r
t'U l.lli ' ' It'eli b I*. *|y |.y tt<e 42# Milan*, j
tu|Mil*4 .* 4 ( III* tr oWti giav. Und
jHu n h#.t #:i rn.j •* .*’
| The Hull * f *ta I. r \ *lk /a ltunjc t.rlnt
| ;| • "unnurit i!i< i fr.itn p.- kln in will* I. th*
| Will* I MIX '
N '• '"I *• tr .tr#- tk* ri All ar** #ht or
iji'f'’ hly, * d>r# I io v#• anmiutiitlon
•n Sun.l t lift# • ik M ,i w. nn l to b.iyo^iei
1 1 H l
#*n* *f ..ui reitro.niei An entire hat Milo,
pm rule#! th* in .u*l cuiuiirvl s-v**(ity # ou?
nilv** It won cruel Ii w.* lial*- "ibubl
HIM K 111 Id. IV f | NHFMMt.
Il* \N 111 Nxif Mlnlnfer ( otiirer In
Tltn f 4 ii|in-hi .
Wie-hine* Nov ‘ K r-iirv I lav I.
*: * • vbl# and c.Hnmi ion* r Ilor khill an ap
imlntm# ni i- hu m lor #f th- Am.-rlem
1-. niOfl m Pekin. lie h.IN b#* a .lire led
b t r<- ••* *1 at oiu* fr#ri Mimgbui t<
P'-liln lo a- Mlnluter C’ng*r :n ihi* i
•ap • tty In On i.#--gotL.tioi. f r a final j
• Ml* merit The |uii|-* to up *lnt ( on.
ni!- d*M.*-r Ho* kidll m*l Gen VN'tlin.n f# Fo*
*>niint *l*ol*o# with Minister * om* t in 1
. COfulU’ t tb*- lUC' tltthJlM H i* .I Hlltoii *|
**!•<> I"’ iic it api*#-*!ie I r# oth-*i
Power wa* to appoint ornrnie.-l*n*-rH
imivii.ii hi *t I’rrnwi H.
t Ii Iti llifilornii f Spoke Itefor#* f ar
tit-ale liiafifiite.
Pitt#hurg. I*i . Nov : - VVu Ting Fang
I the Chin*-a* mbdafi r. xv;h th© prlncltsii
! ajvaicer t the fuuiwt rn *lay exerci##*# at
*'irn*gl' Institute this afternoon. Mud*
! ur Wu aa|#l In part.
" ha* i gr*ut #l*al t## learn from
! this young republic. I hope, however, that
“tie will learn, no* tin- rirt# #*f war. which
hav** for aol#* *-n*l and atm th* destructimi
‘ of Ilf*', but ih© art# of imv'v, whb u rnak
i for th** hopplne## oral we,fare of in#- p#*
;*• No ration can become really great
by war. True gre itn#*# doe# r.*# ll#* In tin
• xt* nt of territory nor In th#* #tren<tn of
| bat *a ! ns. but In the character *f tl.#*
• l-I*> l**r#im |a*r#onal oIM. r v nion, I am
i la* l.t * and t th© b# 11# f that tfi** An# n<an j
p-o|di' f#***# the ilefnrnt# of int I* rail !
j greatness tn a high b gree The !*• and *f |
: loftin' #’* *f charai ter I*# to fmtnnt'nn bound- i
i* p**w-r witi * Mbulng It Wealth 1# '
im. r Where * m you fin*l such v.i#t ac
umulatlona of wealth In prlvwt** hands nn
itn Atn-ri i with #m llftle ntteiuiunt evil
foil by society? I have men countries
ai*. r. u.* rl* h #tdt tb* 2****r unl the
lM#*r rur>* th#' rich Th©r® 'money I# the
loot *f all evil.* Th® r**ver-# e-* mn o b**
h*> . ,i-. in America Her® the rich u-c
t!. im'i'i m#aim at their dbjosal for
1... b n* ht of h© pop . und th#-
hive g#>-i r *t#on t bl# - ihe rl* h.*'
Thai Third f Inure.
Berlin. Nov. 1 The of this city
<t u . i!i* tally in el#- th* following an
noun *cm®nt t-lay .
* Ah the ttdr#l clauae of th‘ Anglo-Ger
man* i# jo ofierate in
th* event of on* Power i* ting in oppoai
*l I! to th** principle# 111* I and *Wfll, It ’eU#**a
to I*** imiiortant. ait the Powers accepting
Iteeelpt f llr Anawer#.
Berlin, Nov. I.— The evening papers
printed n semi-official statfment that an
swrra to the Anglo-German agreement had
been received from all the Powers. Fran *e
ond Hueota making n reservation regard
ng arel le 3. #lmilur to that made by the
| United States. anl Japan making no re*-
| crvailon whatever.
5 CKNTd A copy
hi: <!%iH.i' HittPtr
im \ i ii to r vTim k.
riT mi in no %t iiit u i>h
i o% i in.ii .11 h r in rim:.
%*>lAlnnl District liHiriuM nlmriM*
latte** Onf IlMlcmrnt Jours IfiMlr
\ olimli* rll y —%l**•••*• I ••ll* t l*i*l
rli'k'a %lliil*ter liiat llruu* I*
||11•-rf Out 4 Itrrlts mi l*nt
rli'li'* II *'*| mc**l Pm trick
r*iill • llmlail.
New V.*rk. Nov I T. • and ilh of *h*
4\ '4lt v lit it hi* Mm.T
-nn ti vn **• opart incut* -n S ;*• in, tho
it*-ti§>c *f inr* N**w Yrk tto?tie>. Al
in it ’I Patrick. lo r*h eh* k* for I.iikk
amount* %\ rh |>ur|* rtnl to I* b/
h* mi '
i •t* • m k-** ilravMi on 1 1 . il the di*-
"\m v b> if** 11 1 k oftl ■ .I ♦ Iha ( Mr. Ill***
w. * \y true dead it the iin* 1 1*•* < hpi’kit
w**r** |*r• <rnt* l. the -tib *.|u**itt ciawu v
Patrick Mr lit- •* lial in*ti* him by
will to 4itt>t*i <>f ht ••> 1 i ♦*, which
n <otints Ii Httvvthrrt from f ••* ■> to
If* <*4i.nm. the chant** of forgery l*>lh 4*
r* turds the cheek- nit f fit* wlii ptac**t
.* ln*l Patrick iiml Mr Ii! ** * \ tl> t.
• hurl* I* J*n*-. tm ,rt. f. f |*. ri k m *1
Join i> ii *l their I* h*t i • m Jail, hitvfl
ki|*t Now Noir. ii*r* • f f.* ov r *
in* n't* hi irinl by !f. *1 \. I- ■ •m* -nts of
to-dnj. . < to I li* nvwt eel
*• hrai* and of the (Duo> •* I crime*
which Hi* .'ourtn of i iia city have b*?i
1 all**d on lo invi Hi., it.
Tin iii t in :d*nt w . . u |*.| u, to i •
di> climax wo the fi ‘ di to* • I >■♦•.
t iil.ty, that \ .*i-t j*.io had be. .j taken
to fin district .f4 tii offi •• an.l (hit
■i)itftejii(-ii! rumor tiiat he hn I m.wle i
i iNlfPlffioii to file it UtioritiiM I’.i f.ire the
pllii.l<’ had tint** to livirii If If,.- r* t*irt of
ii c.ii'f. ion v. i triii' cam* ln- more
iiitlii :tow ?- ,it *lirii! io' iiixht Jon* a
ini.l in hi **ll in tin Tonm- an< nipte.l
M.icWh* h> * uifriv; hi* i hr,, it with a p-i.
knit* given film, h** .*> . hy Attorney
I *rl k . . • nflri, | it*. T.,u mu I
f*r t*• puit***-.' of gettkng ri'i of uit
w I ti,*--*. to Pair kk'fi ail.** I *t Sin* .
It l i* l hitrii* *l Nunlrr.
Hit* ' (ini' , i l or.i n** f* Ut* . * in
of Jon* •*. i irtn of v. lit h h* ilUtricl at
trn**y'“ ftl< * yave out to .lay h * > n**tfi
iio; l*im than tl*** mnrl*r * h mllli* n ilr**
i\ Attorney l*a?r k f?t* t arioinutK
"f valunhi** |i.i|i(tn relating t, ta* t.**■.
Tlip i*kin off of M. It **■ • Joit ,
w.t?* don* l*\ th** Inttnial admlnlstrat oii
of mini'' rur*|*o. ity m -unify and
tin* filial .iftfol* .tlkn oi i t.\fl -ii it rat*-* I
w.fii nofii* iit-ii* * in ti*-, |*r Mini .iiiy * li mo
Attorney I**f rl - k *l. ;l • luvliik furnl*,l
-• l Jon* th* | -iknlf- nn* *l< non the
HiMlefneilt;. 11l tiu* rutif* HRiOli,
af cr hit ttukliial atltanpt. w a
t ik*’ti lo I*., it* v i*. 110 pit it, iiartil* *urn
tn*nl p* \**i*liti- i.tvinic l.*-*ii ju-1 |*i
tlin*' *• h v*' tiiui from *l* ath through lona
• f l*i**.-| At *M k fo-n.* I t tl * liohi.l
-tll '!**• *i. li l lo w. •*, i<tltU l tt**i,
uni th** halt *i ur* that In a fw *li>h
h* Will a vain !•*• pin * I in th* Tomim.
'l*‘ • i.*ioia* r" *■ hiv* 1 til’ll aai Into the
•halo of Mlolotuilr* Ii * . Hli'h w .a to
hav* In (-it . I*l to- i.iy un| will h had |*r* -
v *ell l* * n . ijourto >1 to aw.ill the r
is*rt uf th** 4'iuifilat w)m> hdi • x.itnln**!
imrti'Mo of th. ri'iikninn for tr* vn t,f
I”' *f W. 4 40 .till lt> ft.'l If- * .11).“" uf
th* n*w *)*’V’iop;n ti In tn* < a*-*.
I't* I I* lion ■, attorn* y f<.? i'utrlck
ml J*ute". lii* • imho* a "tit. nu llt *
‘ ••rnlfur the aU*K*l * .nfr - U,n *.f Jotien.
li* i* iy* li*' *i*o*H not t** 1 1i■ *\ Jn* -• vf*r
• oiif**r ***l ami
n** eay** J n* ** to:*l him n VV**lnrjolwy.
Jon* huh li* w.n* ork.Ml to rikn i**-v*-ra|
Htatino-nfi*, hut refuHf-l.
.hairs' I’.ftorl ill Mttlrldi*.
t’harl* K Jotim. *'r* lary aial
vHi.-f to tli4 .a*#* rnillha • Ir* . Wil
liam Miunli I* in.t h i• | *** ef
fort • if till- inornfnr lo onwi I Mi|cl<!e
In his . II in th- Torn . He ha k**l Ihii
rlk"t| t l*h of hh throat with i* small
penknife, m tklriy a t* * p wound mtl
i*'l;;hll> oj** nliiK tl e Jugular
M* wa - .11-* **.* t**.| hy or*** of ih’ k*e|>*
*r aUiut I o'clock. If* had l*een ll****l
u.K then for an hour cr mofe m*i was
e*rr* rne y w* ik lie w.nikl hve died h*l
.< *.'•< * lift* *n rnlrttrt**- Iro • r without
medp al * ir As It i-, the iroholan. a
• ut>’• on h I to a* rnk ls'er HtlmuUinn* re
[h ,i *.:>• |*fore h< *lar**l to put th*' man
in tin- urn butane* for rroivai to the iros
At the Jon- w - plnml In th*
prison w ird ;n*l |*oll>rn.n and two
k• <im r~* w* r* fuoOfcn. and to KUard him.
A lor -r r*)w a rda H o'clo k he had retrained
hi■* strenictri somewhiil, but nobody wit
liliow. *1 to *•* him.
A>, 'ant 1 listrlet Attorney Ushorn*
this f **riH)on y r v* our tin* faets con *pm
!n*: an Interview bn! with Jones In which
the Vtl!'** made II eorif* ssion.
"Tu* **luy afternoon." said Mr. oshorno.
"1 received o m*-HH|c** that Churle* K.
Jones. In the *lty | him on, dcslreci to s*w
me I went to se** J*wie an*l h** was
hrourht down to the warden's ofTh’e and
I isk*d him If he w <rit* <i to se** me He
said he did I told him that th<* taw did
n*t r.- jnlr* him to moke a * and
explain***! that anythlug he rniirht staio
rniKht Im* ti and •if u I net him ni tiiat I was
not his lawyer I told h tn that he ha I
a lawyer and that he hud better commit
w ith him If h. tlkoiiirhi It n* esasry. He
sii<l he voluntarily desired to make a
st atement.
I'MirlrU Have itlee Tablet*.
"I ther* u|e.n sent f**r fa* t MeOltl*fcy,
James liyrre. *f Horn blower, Hytne, Mil
;* r A* Fott* r Mr Miller *.f the -nme firm,
and In ilu-lr presence, Chari*"* F Jonoa
mode hta stiit* i ment to s* Without f.*-
Ing Into full detail, he st.ited in surwunco
rh *t w lvar WethrHee t* ttfl*d was true
He yald that for “mi*- day* prior to Ui**e*s
*l**.4th Patrick haul if*veil Mr. Hire ttftbl"
of a arwytah oior; that Mr. ltics to>k
th**e twbh ts from Patrick ami that Pat
rick told him to tak* th*m, a- he had
taken some himself; that ub >ot th s tlmo
Patrick and like r*at b-onie very Inti*
mate, that Mr Itur on Stiurbiy *ti'
Jon** to Patrick’s hou-e to tlemarMl car>
tain p*i- rs from Patrick that he, Patrick,
had In his puaac slon. ConUuuing, Jons
"TM‘ was about Sept. 12. ISkk'. Mr. Illce
had been bothered with constipation.
When Mr Patrick bruunht him some tab-
U ts, Patrick had said he had taken some
himself Two days after this Mrs. Van
Alst.vne advised him to c* bananas. Mr.
Kice said the hanacas clogged his stom
ach ami I tol*l the doctor. The doctor
on Fifth Pags.J