Newspaper Page Text
ih>u mi; *441 %mh:ii:i> tih mii,.
Vhv Georg** (nulil \% #• %pp*lnte|
Triwirr for Mm Mta*’# I ttrlunr.
Tl* Mcrllng nitd HurrlMfci *l lh**
i onui ami >flo Ooii I*l 1 ulertaln
niruii, l**J i %n* lilm. Ilrlr-M
--llrnc. rlr.. Hm* I uuntraa'
Writing of i * . *n, ff it Owr. e
OonJ.t u* rr * tor i C. .n- .
f'nsrtei.a; I . -*er. I* inn • * r
#!■*!• c.i •*( a. N 'a York World *>
Tht : rs n*.r. that the Ca t U*n •
*•*... -a. to . . n r*x* mI ft <•
nj-M i r (rt. i t* i • i l
in* . * rr .r . > Th* . *.r# *U.i> * x
tr*n>’ > # •r*l t< *
'The * *c*rt***- oaw lh- \V nl r rr
JH i ini.l . f li r b Ii * rf tii n>• In* •
Avimt lii Boio *t* Ho*-, •►jritf lu: i
m ikin'i ko into dMAli.'- of t*- * T* .1 -
w .i*o to h*r rw ;*
Bio#** m ik> I' t • f ’ 1 •* r
ter, eh** hogget) I \x U o ! i r> s ; c
atono* rhtrh will hart in . ♦
feet In## lie .ilra l * k - t
rx;OMiri of hw- |>n *>M . ,t **?
(DIMM B*m ha*..* to Owi * iu f. r
•r* Uo-i throe *i*\ it I * o
morr*xx Tfni;' t t I -*••■
Cor an hour wn'h ) ftftf • *-r th* !*•
fi .irv* e f * - | * # i'*
it*** rto|> ha* • n r • s * m • x
tratvog i*• H t m j
tt>* lh n r . i \ ':*.*• ■ 1 i
• ■
tun* M* w.ii.i* l I* ap; unm I -,f
a tru*t * w * 'o • r*n <
Thtf.itif .; that h* • ■; ur** I nls r
• *f*Hni.. Ua* i mini **itfr*-l .>fi nrr'-ffri' i t
r.© lu ■■■• *r i • • pr• • - WO
Gar-orge *t< .i 1 **| .ii <1 mi’ *i o ill
to i i • H* l Mar * • 1 *aln from
a* ad Cor rt* l '
••UuiiilNur." < nnnt'a Knlhrr 'no
I*ia* 'ft ' I t i
w. A Mil.) lh. ; >fi i r *thn
won r ogrr** W*- both f‘‘l that *• > r a;
CBiaiki wvi adimniAttr tii* tru*-t njth ha* h
parmmon? Itor.i trim -Mt!: ulty wll* i a'
ti.if* r**
Tii* ♦ *#>t hfUt • rvii* l a r* tf h . r* b
m new**!. .tii to-night all Pari* ctuUi iu
>• fpKUiAtlnc • to h** *t■ mo Horn
of lh* (Vum'a m nr- h< # arl* I *r; a a
**f**n ihat h wont sihmit t> < • <\>r
su* d opntftmi’ttKKii- *i;*■ .m* -of fho 'io-ilb
Mi.d t hAI -aflN tii’. or > |r • * f ling - may
U for t >th r# la al tft*
TT-t .■* MarQm- Itofti -f . in• r
in tr f butt <f mnii r.. ul*. t< The
fan* i* h* e*|*ct** i t■ 1* tr -
t*-e htmfHf Tht- would him
a rommiw&iCMk on th- lUk’ ■Hr a of >ll I if j
root.' \ whi h would hav* h-a f.irtai.*
tn tt.-aalf ala! a uttwifrml’lo h*- po r Mar
quif But floor* tk>*4d took h* wlmf !
ou* -4 hit* *aU* tm offering o a Iminiaiar |
lb* tm-i gratia
H* w > her** l*t nmmer t. I• l
that- whole <ju'tioi* He haa plan*., it I* j
l>r*u. <*** tlAit uUI enforce itnmt**)iat i 1
raducal rhanp-s in the Cwit n o *
of liun*;
Ih* I oußtraa' Income.
Anna tiouiU'f inooenc wh> Pm nt > y*;ir
whTi eh*- bo. .*mo th*- Count*-a* Castellano.
In the la#t four yir* th* CaOlellan*#
eoudd hav*- ixpcnt without mi*
ing the principal of her fortum Ap#ar*
t-cifly. they live.i wtftUn thtr income 11.
ftrat y*at.
Hu* the Income l* rob* and with it S-.-
3*j 00l> mor*-—in four years*’ Th t.
U SI.SiidMKJ" yr. or ie >riy sM.*a* n
rmM*vh Neither the Ater . V-indcrbllt*
nor Roek**fei|erH. who nr* ftr r * her than
the (>oukh anywhere n* *r that
lU-kkloa. he owee 14.400,000
What haa it gtm>- f<*r Kverythlrg
A ya.-fit. the Valhalla. >*t •■**
and tlw* race-track coat th* litll* Kr* n h- j
mars more. Jut |>4*mi*i went U >
than ?ii m*-n%hw after their marring* -
buy a irtte at the **m-r *f th* Avenue Iti .
Uoix i Boulonne and the Avenue Mala
koff. on whi< h the apendthrlt started hl !
"Had Marlda fMLi*'* which w t* to re
produce the famoms Petit Trianon An
other SI. I* went for rtarting h*- \ .1-
ac*- A chateau at Pan rout s>**ooo
TY> get hin wife into th*- emart* -t eet In
Parts. th- Faubourg Hi Germain *ri*to> -
rmey. Coant lk>n* dropped tl*i •<*,* at . moat
marxwlou# Me on th* grounds of hi-* r* -*•
Hkaioa. at the comer of fh* Avnu* iu
liota de Boulogne and th*. C* r !#■ dew Aca- j
One Petr I oat *:iOO.H ,
Tta fete was i modernised reproduction
of the fete given to celehrut* th-- mar
riage of Bouts XIV and Marla Ther* ..i, j
daughter of Philip IV of Spain Tli#*rc
were ?iv performert, W*> serx’ante and rt ••• .
gueot* After tha fate .Part* *> iety m -
captod the Amertran Counties
But thin w m only * droj> In the hu k* t
The lively ttle Count want*-*! to ges into j
the Chamier of Dfputl- * Pran • •• Con - ■
jrr- Ha did His *fimiaign ro**t sr** <v
The I'ounteo# Iwriilf •p--nt for a I
eMe in th*- Hu* Pierre Charron f.r the
ore* lion of a permanent charlthe hasaar 1
in memory of her mother
The Count** clothe* were the wonder of
Part*. He made it a rule never to wear
gair of trouaer* more than twice lie
accumulated 1.000 pair*, whi* h tok to
gether wltit h . iotaing and pet *n!
•dooiment* sUX*.*di> fr-m hi* wlf*- -* patrl
many H< l*ought s’**• • \\ rth <' bri
brae. Jewel* mad furniture One -,k • j
coverlet cOit $.*.000 lii?* stable *t
ion What w*a* left of the went
fur the Counters * clothe* living exio-r- *
charity, the malMenani c if th** \*-ht an.i
the keep of the stable The cheapest It* m \
In ft* whole list was th* support cf is.
chlllren t*orn to th** nobh- pair
# voar* ago the < a-t* Han*--* beg in to |
millionaire* who received verv v* r fr*m
Amen v !*• raugnth* * uni f $*•"" ■••*1
earned by the railway ami t*•'•
gr fc|>h * • IT>l atb Nt' lllt Up !•>' th* ! *!*• J-%> '
Ail Part* knew this S* v* ral time* work
stop|M*i on the i*l*H'if.l r- i marhh jIU
along tha Buis *l> p.• ul- gn- l* atis* ft.*-
4‘ount **oil*it’t rxi- the w *1 to buy tn r.
material *r t* hla u rkm* ti *> .•
eionully a creditor Mo and 'I hc C.*unt to* k
a fixer i*n th** l’.**ut -* t* r* u|. ll*-
dropfe*l P" 'I". Th*- pula*, i t untin |
I pit l \mrrlcN for Pnnl.
A > car ago the Count w>• .• ?* * 11 1 x i
pressed for fu.*l Not that * ildn t
c>me *ver here la. t January * regal
style, with fourteen trunks, two Ui.y
lioys. several maids, tun* an*l x *lei
iu|m rh suite of staterooms on th* l’
tagn*- sr.d plenty of tin* clothss But wouit
Is that to a French count w!m murrt*-<l
a Gould*’ The till* cost but a few thou
sands and the short stay t the Waldor’
AMoria a mere laigatell*-—<*aatel!an*- w -
her* f. r millions with which to keep
electrifying "tout Paris.**
A c< 1 shudder greeted them Tnc bridal
iwtr hod *l* p.irle*! In to the a* < l.iirn
of hundr* dr who came to see them off
and the k I-.- *s of nil the Gould*. Not .
Gould mtt them on their return. Th** lit
tle ounte*- wept Tti# y drove in a pub
-11 ha*-k to the hotfl.
Next d.v the <*ount strode liatightily
Into th- >f!ic> of George Gould Inst* 1
*d t e fond giver-away of th bride five
year.*- te for* he fournl the .iim shr*-wl
man of l, *i who w | rf* ct.y if
fsbl- tut .> eedutaly unlvTtdlßß. Parbleti!
No n*.o*x 1
Mr iou m ul *.| very frankly, sc*
tb* story mr - t..<J hi- French brother- (
in-I • w tow* f. u .id have to llv#- within
M* vrif. t • • *; i ” • i Oiinl demand* I
some of her priori;.* M* ran up against
n snag In c • *>; 11 of Jay Gould - will
prohibit!* i *\ if f strode oit
*win after it w *- kroan all through the j
Wall street dinri. >t he was nn appll- .
cam lui a iuwn from ItuMcil d.igc. lio ,
war.ted So fw a: 1 t!* wanted It quiek
|\ b*.i ,m I* wm in . hurty tor* 1 bnk
t*> P.*u- M* Hg' wasn’t in a hurry
Ii • i . ii and and not t • • *t m‘-- * it
Th* -. urltx ee med too fur ren#otd from
Th* <kuUlf Were astounded. The re -
si t w • 11. ;t a fr i sir , ’ *d *t
*lf irg * 1 K>u!d • ! H *:.,;< i ihdr.w
their i'ppoGtion and fl, • ■* w*• lv at.
rd to ti Count T • .*?. .-ail‘d
awx% f.a|*p> ni I triumpt u.t \ and t w
t **ir Biota y . |jm tr * ■ *. i i**i n A
mill.on In b than • re a nett
I lie t nrttiip null Mu t rtnic
A r*r b k i- th* 'mi* • ri*ri.i~r
*u> •* the N* xv V.-tk P ' • th* it*. a *
w , ‘ • * .i t • r •• a-
’ tn tn- xx"-. * ' • * ' i ■
l, lH f • w• r. t * 1 xx. t.'i |-
! nr iiih! lh* i fi am !kkl little
* • , • ~t up • , * . -ptel ■ J*r and bt*
■ .ur unb mad*- or mirrl. 1
: - r * .|; rluf f;•
It- xvto i: tht G< .1 I r r>* > w* i t in
* . ; . <,H' *1 fi *ir?ix th it it*’rf’.i ,
fh *• u *mr rt .< i . son vv J
*<. tuur* -, mii.M if), wrii'l* 1 Pr**i h ro- |
f, . t • \! *n. . i- t*i *• !u>i.- . 4**l I
* dopar a xv< r*l f * *ul .** t dvitSini;
i . • • son wi • x\ • Im ' I
• I
*t > k Marquis 11. aine * !
< .-n.*::.v tr o*i M lfquU had scrap* I
to ! • land of fa j|o b*dte for tn j
s *1 purpnr* ~f hunting gr • :!> bear** in
th* Hs k • Th* C net *. *i go We
* i i * ra * nv
I tli'k * **!• % tn litni.
ur •- Mti: ■ r. ing sph th* \b ■ in*'u
hounds in h* m**t George G*mal i
A imr i v wii i*eir j fori l to vii 'a* j
“I • luring ro . .rr ~1 ard tjeorg*
* **. g - *i-i i vr* <i the littf. •
French Count to in a party, t a-t 1*
rp to lh* tin- O' G.orgf ii** i) - jnvl- !
*'C:on * ’..'•* i; it-.- i 1 i>. mi pi >\ ,i cin t- r*i 1
lu* k H ~*d nai*. lift* **f lot Mes. t**i
h* t • i u .. id|> i >t h* v ,
> mii* >• * i jug r • goi|a(tali** (o Is* < one *
'f ’ tnf *’ ** in .ii Mr. Para it Hi** j
eii had p a I ihi- te*rlhi file for i |
II tic by taking • lrn t*> NVwp.*rt with h* r
lo Nuviu- rht tVmid * *ng* i b • **th*--
!*- r lilt!* a .*>. ad ; a >1 >r • rr* -• ?lx*
gair.' of billiard a*.* h* I*l on. H* amused
Newport rgeiN ding.x t it kt • vxn • the
fowher-pufr Cutipf ’ but I.* fatbd to
tplure any bins tout I h f.r r t i* old
Martp.p w u*l ;.m *r, i*r iMg gam* |
lb |*ttld nr l' t i 11ta rstlot • to Mi- Vir- j
gin la r wn* xx > n< **f t . b* t ad
\ertl*ed .*f Am* r.m h* l* • Th* C* nt j
'!--•> I . and fM, >1 r * |.V. ' Mi
air *-xm tn* I *.* him tr i turra 1 frm !
him with a sudd* tn * - that fd ■*l h!s nil* I
■ dy thou i
|*4gn* ||. |rft \ at*! reftirr* I to
New York where h* Uv* *1 in i b • >r.lir.g !
nouse in Thirty--* urd **freer. Theft * an.
hie goo*l for tun* In ra pit 4 e s>ri..vx*tl j
horse i stle George G uid e t horoughbted j
in lh* Monrn Hurt.
%nnon••**•> I.iigugeiWetit.
The Can allun party was r tn* about |
!hr*- \\--k- \Vh*'i It r*' rn* I Count I
Ci telliiw gave t littl* dinner, lu- credit i
now tK*i!)g immens* At this dinner h* an- j
trounced his cngagerDerif to Miss Anna j
Gould, who ha*l I*e n *- * of the C.madi in
party Th* day following this announce- I
roent tit* Count movrd from h - shabby |
l>o.irdg)g ho.;-*- t*> a magniftc* i t .tiitr- In
th* Waldorflf IB' spent ipon-y lavishly |
with Jeweler# and tailors, ordering th
bills sent to the \V ildorf. wh r* th* lulls I
were paid. Among fh* ***• bills was a heavy
one for hi wedding outfit
The oplendor . f th*- w.-ldtng still i
fr*uh in h public min i After th** wed- j
ding the Count rs*k hi* trM* m*l hl
wlf* ‘s money t> Purls Paris w glad to j
*et him H got a warm wslrom- Almost
Immediately 1 e;> rf* ta-gan t*> drift l*a* k
at>out tin- wav in win b th** Count w i-*
making the Gould g*ld fH He iit on* ** j
I** sun to build 1 pal. * * Ihnt m nl* fh* 1 !
old Casteliane < hat#Mux l*ok Ilk*- thatched
cott ig*-s This new Trianon e not ev* n I
fir. *h-d t*e !. * ti.ughf it Count h*-
•p*nt >?m*"t PC ' <* lre <l\ on it As *
- *r* of h‘*ns- w .mining the CmttMcss gave
dini> r f*r the hut. lr*<B *f w -rkmen nnd
their famllb wh> w* i# engaged in build j
Ing tb * won*l* rful p 1 * ♦ The stones used ,
are the same as th*s• usl in tb famous
Are and Tn mp’ . morbl#* pillars i
w-ere tb* he* that *. >ui b* found in
Italian quarries
*tnrtle Politician*.
Th*- Count has heeom** enough of #m
American t*l hw* pow*rfil i
money may be marl* in polltl* s it *tru k .
his fancy to '-liter the Chamber of
put It and he spent money on his
•amptlgn in * u.\ ft,at -*artl*.l French
p>litb im It P ->1 I ihat he spent
00 to win ids r* it n* * • ;**ceed. h* use I
many more Am* r i I.<!lars In a s ni**-
w bat ridiculous attempt to re-iv*tibll*h a
m iarcfi\ His htt I:•*-.11 - • f*-rx *r Involv
* i him in two duel? It? l*o*h of which he
run ceded In r.itr hlt.g in- optMinent be- j
f. r* his ojTxmoni - ratche I him
Tiring of -|** ndttig mllli n- on anew |
hous*. h qui> kly sp* m on the |
> acht Valhalla, whicii he rarely used,
though he constantly k* pt it in commis
sion at a eost f thous of dollars •
year -Shortly after this th* Count *■ I 1
■> '!• to IMwin Gould f*r s4.flhfM. amt
■tun* i in tr* - h Hi* first * * tebratlon of
l- new • >h ua ' ■> IjU\ a s.v*i.*■• lot an I
give it t>* a charity t..xnar
From ;*o!i?i< s |j,* Count turned hi* at.
tent lon to the racetrack, establishing rac
ing stable* on which he h* nt lavishly
* hout-and-- without having any winners In
his stalls He had th* -MtUfaetlon. how
ever, of estairllshing r*W styles In pad
* l*** k *at* and of ent*-rt lining famous
x.#- 1 in his ra tr t k r** r that h* won
much i.otort.ty In ing on* *f the l* a*l
era Iti the crowd that insulted President
BautsU it t ‘.* < • in 1 Prlx
Plunged tn Stock*.
About this time the enormous Inromp *f
:h ;xh of th* Goul*l tJit*- 4*l for hi*
xx ite h*l heeti ..b pkt* 1 that tin- Count
I 1 •
p> k*-t It probable that the Ibairse
sheared hlni . * ■• .'W ver for he eoix
* I t - xvUv to com*’ t" Ameri * with him
I* 4i I lie I r 4 Mitli l** 11 Mittdnxx,
'lxx 1 •!xx iv- great xx die bread rat
* r, tog* th* r with pa-try. hot bt-**ult. and
generally us. .1 coffee.
"For sown v*-ar.s ther*- was no noli ca
l' effect;■ from this diet, but finally the
inevitably b *pj*ii.i My strength b**g.m
to fall, mind gr* xx dull >n*l stupid I
* >ubl et blit little (oo*i find could not
digest that,
'1 had always been of > happy and
sunny di**i***lflon. but now be* am* m*-
rosc and miserable and v*-ry cranky to
!* other itifinln'rs of ti** family.
"One morn tig .* new food . all*, and 'drape-
Nu ippeat nvarad
it had * lifter nt* than h usual
n alth Bmhls. There xx o* rich, pleasant
•l ixor that .m* a ■ • *tttsfy m* per
f* ■ 11> 1 b* > am* las twill'd with Grape-
N u 1
"I have now us* and this foo<l three
months my str*tig*M - p.-rear'd gr* il
ly. my mir.l is rmw * I* r ; r as a l> IT
and 1 *an g* thr. u'i th' \v* ,*r i*r.d t*nr
of a *1 iy without fc* hng at oil exhausted
I sleep perfectly and have gained upwards
of ten pounds In xx* ight
"I have nofi.*e*l that strng. h'afthy
people enjoy Grata -Nuts as well u, st> k
)m ople, and It seems to furnish mre
nouriahmi-r t than meat or any fco<| 1 have
ex.r seen. You can puhb* 1 this hat
pi*-as< omit my nam* " Platis
mmith. N*h., P O. I to* V >| This man’s
nam*- will be given by th* Postum Cereal
Company.. Bid., at Battle Crevk,
-imrt St. Julian and Whitaker Streets.
\\ * nr. off- ru 1 fin* of Bd*c Tuii.irkiMr In **lor* b :..* k and white, re.
|• v I >1 all a • X ..■ ■* w * . I - pri* • a* *X\a> OUt of I *
~*i.i. ►it ■ p *ltv- * • 1 'rn . t * • i v t: *in ■ •’• • • pi ‘• **
1 i .. Figured and sir pt ■ Mot an 1 lerakirla.
I # ., , . . j .4,r n*l Pile k Piqtie Cm It rakirts. in * gr* a.i xancty of color-.
< f led tioura
Bi.iijm fi.>b*l Cos*r * itnbrt* • r. lerskirts. <1 • !’* flout.* ♦ Kk*
I . j, |.\, ra \ Pal l c -vot rnb-'**k'G *i*iiu* f!*> ** tnmm*d with Ida* k
hi aid ........
\ t . , Pit. r. | F >!m t •I* • M- t* • rii''*l H it* n1 n l*r*;< rs a* * ordtor.-pi at* and
I!.. >* *!.ul>i> r if! * ....... T -tt*
hi, y\ a* Muii Cndetdtlri.-. with flout.. • it full X. Wait** Mue a l’n*l*-r-kirts em ro iery trimmed flounc*- ra
l.„ \\ t. Muslin rn i**rskiM • trimni** 1 flounc. *kV
l, |( i Mus.n I 'ndersklrt#, emnro lei • at *1 fnrrrtiori trimmed flounce 7N.*
in I • t m*ir**l that hi# purpose was •
ot twin finat'.* ini u . i--.mii e from his wif*
r* nt.v* - Tb* Goulds however, re -civ* I
their i. ■ tt.fh'-r-in w cowlly N*
m r r of tl * Govt id family was at *he
(*s<r to gr**-! hmi. but. inx tn* Count
vv shown lepafit in th*- Paris pi|H*r*
xx kii m ir*l the Count xvnh fi"**tig from I
a li -t of creditor** It wt then tbnt he
s.w ’ I th* * ablea with challengea *o
French*ditoi -
It whs t-< Go*!.*l Indepondarn e in h.s
xvlf* • • -‘ i them to a hotel lr.s. a*l of
to Lak* w • >*l wo re they declare*! th t
tb*- fJotiM lotiidcomt' to ace tnrn if th**> j
ar*d I. * * tb* m. Soon after Helen tb>ull i
the ~■* i< cm.iker lbrt oral the *',*. 1
Milan-- were wen in Mia# Gould hu
• t theop*ra Ba* rln the ex*ening Georgo
Gould visit ed tne box. .tn*l the skits
x* em! to have *. tired fr the Count xv i
• rxortly returned to Park#.
It never ha# been mad** known whether
ta* Count mad* gt*od his noller.gcs ?
■b. Fr* wlltorj* ur that h* o? t:n**l
nr<\ firi!*n*ll *• :* the reault of
h!- vi-a h*- r *
FI.OH 111 %*h 4(11001. TAV.
Whitt I.Ni’h t nnnt) MitM Payr—Other
'1 n I In lift*e- \ew.
Tall.i tv* ** . Nox 2 Hon William N.
54heat#. * - **iii*crintcn*lent of public m
stru* tion y.-st' r*Uy maAi*- th** s**mi-an
; * ..ti p|a>rtionniejß of the one-miil plate
h-Ht] tax to the peveral counties t cord
irur to :h- average attendnn- *• of pupils
|,n th* f r* s hH>l- *>n the baels of V 0 cent#
per pupil, as follow#:
Baker Immv*. Brevard. s4*; Calhoun,
I IXT ?'►. Citrus. s3>'4 xi), Columbia. sl.4‘S F;
1- S*'?*x. r*-'4. Duval, U.H46.40; Kacambta,
!f! 77x (■*. Hamilton. ?* . ♦**. Hernando.
! SJV.tft. Hillsborough. 1:17140. Holm
1744 I- ff* rs- n $1 M- >. UifayeWeTi^n* l
M iri<i. fj ♦'•(4*' Monro.*. I'dl.b*. Orang**.
| $1,123 M; 4>-reol. S3M 10. P.IWO. s.'*3 JO.
Polk, li lt*** ♦<*. Putnam. $1.01.7 si*. 8t Johns,
S9K; Sumter. $774.40; Suwannee. $1,347,
Walton, tm*- s*>
No iptudntment 1- made t* the other
s%xent en -omitl* s l.c.i!is** th*- court/
•uperintei-.l*-rit# have not yet file | th**lr
annual r* porta, which were due in Mr
ip eits uffice on July 15. last, and fr* in
which data mu t la- obtained fo making
this api onion men t.
Robert A French of Pena.i ola has been
nppointes! naval ae< ret.iry. with th* rxiak
of colonel on the staff **f the Govern r
J Hudson Curry •>( Palmetto has I non
! granted |**rmission to organise a ii\i*lon
of naval militia at that pl.t ••. to take th**
pWo* of th* Port Tampa divisl n. which
j ha# Nen dlpbanxied on t • oti:.t of tha
loss of member# by r*m< to other
Guv Bl n #h m has made the following
Axil appointments
Frederick Gilmor** of Pensacola, to be
notary puhll*- fxr the state at large
Moses W Bee of l, k*>ile, to !>e notary
public fur the stat. nt large
For the firs* time in several years the
marrmg record of Beon county for Octo
ber shows the white# B> be ahead of th**
negro-'. th re having been fiv* whit* mar
r>ag' and four colored
W \V Hrown. agent for Selle# A- Gray'#
Hhuw. is her** to arrange for a date on
which to exhibit.
mm iaijst# uiitn \ititi
Police stopped Then* M|rikfnac on
Mtreel# f \**xx 1 ork.
N* w Y.i’k. Nov : S’\ sp*aker# of ♦ w -,e
go* !.1 Labor party who Insisted on t ilk
irig t. an enormous crowd at Seven'h and
Av* line C to-nuht wvr* urr*-te.l by tha
|xoli* Th* men rr• >t* *4 r** Arth r
K* p. William T Km ♦ 'I. David B• r.
luit- . i*l t. r, lrvlf g H. \Vi is:*a tier
•iixd Max Stork
K. * p xx.- talking to . crow*! of ibout
>*•. ti litng them that there *• no freedom
for peopb* when a f**w own the Instru
ments by xx fii h -• *• • **u 1* # for till ir pro
• Jud. xvioui Poll- email Farmer told him
h* in l l no |* rmtt • • sp* ik there u I that
h - nu~t -t*; K- **p k(? >n. saying that
Chb'f Dovety wu!d he notified and *hi*
i he had * righ* tx s|* Farm* r pullel
bun *fT *h st m*l, and f* a ring trouble *s
! fin* crowd y* ll**d aiul hissed ut him. he
| s*nt t > the station for help. Another
mm w. -*f t up Tie r *xx 1 xv ( threat
ening *l growing mor* botst**rvu#. un*l
another * *ll was s- nt to th* -ration house
A ting Cpt. Cully and thirty policemen
j th*t. cam* *
Gully fount Keep talking to a rapidly
Ki,nx eg crowd in*l h* xx * urr* **t<l Kin
..* tried to talk an.l a** xx rr • I \s
one Hociultst w.*** arres***! another to*xk
his p i *■ *n the st.itai. and xxas urr *• I
tn hi-* turn, until ther* wen no more
sp* a kero.
The crowd hoof* ! t u poll- ♦ nd the offi
• *>r* *iiraged large*| the crowd Th > y
-. .I it:* ir . tubs on * cr* it many ti* ,*B
list drov*- th* < r*wd buck frum the strr* *
! fi- neg !t. Then It • x t..>k tn men to
! th** stut!<>n hous* They w# re m cells
• tv i pbrt tim* xx :* n t‘i # xx. r* bailed
i out .
Monnnii'iil t* Pnrndl.
Ivondon. Nov 3 John Redmond snv
*>x.ll. as fh** trust* e *f the P.irn*dlii fund
it tot pir* fi/i • A\< r:hil* th* vsl.W* *‘f
th* lute Chari' Stewart Pirneil, which
xx u pu' chnsed by Mr IVivtan th** *b-r
c*y when sol.j at auction by th* Kind
I* judge** court, they wi.l .1* vote the fund
I*. the • rection of a uiuiiurmsi; to Parnell
in LtubiU#
rue of the Feat urea the Xfnicl*
I It % Will Present.
Wsy rose, (h Nov. * —The directors
un i everx :.>dy ■ inn*** bd xxith th*- Way
r*ss F.*r A##o.’iatk>n are anticipating
the biggest time ever witness**! in fi*nith
Georgia during the big fair next we* k
Attnictlons r- air*-ad\ 1* ginning to roll
into the ground**, while Secretary Bh44rne
Is receiving score# of applications daily
fx*r , Th- i ->.j l- *r** xv har
moniously !** make tie event a grand sue
•*•* in every sen.-*- of th*- word.
Not orly are the |>**>pU of Waycross
w-.rklng lik* Trojan# but th** farm* rs
hax*- at their inter*'#! aroufr*’l to tne
highest pit h They tf< going to have a
strand agrt* ultural * xhlblt and .-how to
th* work! what V\.u county is caixibb of
Tueed.ix will t*e the o;>ening *1 iy.
from then until th* end of the we*-k
♦■verything will (• wide open The races
will I** u great druwing * ard. the purses
i **lr.R Mifflcjeiit ro lrlu miiiy n-t *1
j horsemen t* bring their stabb s h***e
I On Tu* sdav th** \N lyrrusa Gun Club wiil
| begin • thr*-* day tournament. M irksm n
| from Georgia. Florida an.l Alac.ima will
| shoot lor th- prises In aldltion to th*
regular programme ther#* xx!‘.l In- a grand
pvrot* hrd* llspluy at nU f Th** fire
tv rk- will Ih- on an -Uiboratc ale
\V *ine-salay will t>* \V.iy*roa# lay The
public s* iKiotfi will b • W- and and the chll
*ir**n will !**• out in for •* Th*- MkJwav* ** will t** 111 k-s**| working order
T'i* -ly night, with new features Wed
nesday. Th** gun *iub cay pigeon shoot
will be x*ntinu*l in th*- morning Dur
ing the’uft*-rnoon thr**' exciting races will
|m pullevl off. Every night the grounds
will i-<* brilliantlx ligiited by -.s. tricltv.
• i.'htx It an.l*. eni arv*l four Imm*-n#**
r h lights l*. mg use*l f>r that purpose.
Thursday wd t-e n big *lay Bam Jones
will lv. her**, lie has teb'grapfud Becre
tary Hi .rp* to that effect. At nlitht he
will hoid town the boards at the opera
house Thursday has t**en !esiKnated
' M IKmough laiy.” Th*- Southern Jin*
Compjr y will cl.-e d*>w*n the r mil s ut
Granville, Nlcholls. Saginaw. Hazelhursi
n*l Offermau . and th* employ* - n* urlx
’ o in number, will ** glv* n fr**** trana
!■ nation an*l fr* tickets to th*- big fair
bv the company Balley's big mill at
McDonald, and Gray Bros ’ mill ut Bella
t n and Gray s null w ill b* *i*>s and lown
in tioi or of th* day nn tills day Hon.
T ti Hilliard, the boy orator of Coffee
county, will sp* ak on !*• half of Hon J
J M< Donough.
on Krblav th** cavalry tilt MII take
place. Fight tram# from the cra k rival
ry tcnuanl's of G >rgia will take pm
In th** conte#t This will b* W H Den
ham Ihy. and Plant System employ*'#
from all over the line will be here.
#l<lldne f2tx*n Thoma# 4 na#*tl
Her Heatli.
Way cross, Ga N*>\ . A runner came
to the city ils>ut noon to-day for Coro
ner Jackson Grim*# to h<> *1 an inquest
over the remain# of Mrs Tom Thomas,
who died some tim* during last night at
the home of her husband, about four miles
*.*! of town.
| It seem# that Mrs Thomas was poison
-1 rd. *il a# there are sum* rather suwoi
i*u •Ir im-tan. *' v conncl*l with the
r it wa thought advis ible to hold n
l uu*' t According to the b* j t Informa
tion at band it apfw-are that Mr Thomas
hal r tiirne*! l ist night from working on
the road, and as both h* and his wife w* re
♦umg he pour* * I s*tn* m*-*li* in** whbh
h* hu*l in th** hull-* and gave h* r som**
of it intending t* i k the other himself
As soon *- sh tasted it #b s.d*i ‘This
is jm* *n; r **o bitter Then he d* :d
--•*1 not to t ike the other and call* 1 *! in
neighbors. *1 sent hurriedly for a doc
tor, but b* fore h*- arrive*! th* woman was
Mr Thomas says h* think# someone
must hav*- gone *o hi- hous*- yesterday
and put poison in the medic* n*, as hath
he an*! his wit*- wore b**.nt He n*n ac
count for it in no other way.
M>- I** a brother of Hon Calvin Thomas,
Purca county*# representative in the
E* gr-: tur* m*t a cousin of B. H. Thomas
>f \N .ycro
♦ * |
Mil#. It Fill i.o|> TO MEXICO.
*ulclde of nn Insnn** Farmer—Other
XXityer**## Nrxm.
\\ .v. r. Ga . N iv. 2.- Mrs. II W,
lb* I left I t night f.T the City of Mex
ico, > tiled there by a telegram announ.--
i< g the and b oth f her husband 1 i-t Friday,
j Th* y ha*i b* *>ti living in t/ur*t.r# ?h*
Pi-* tht*- x*srs, near txhr.4 Mr Hi* 1
wn* <] exlrr.sivi' go and mine-* tl w- * n
rout* :<* tl ■ City of Mexi * (• •*'ans,i t
imp rf an* b >- ness xvhen *l* • h f*- in h* art
• roubl* overlook him. Mr** Heel, xx ho
xx vDillng r*datives In Wayerosv will
*• ••iti •I in San Antoni*’ Tex by l *-r
son. Haines, who was .itunding - hoo| In
’ #
Allen Smith a prominent farmer r>**ar
Fpchuroh. this county. • ommlu* I sui* id**
*rly thi- m*rning by #h*>**f!*!g bims*df
in the h *<l H- was Insin* when he . *mi
mltte<| th* n Ther** were t.nrr* brotivra,
J***l. Alfred iad Alim, nil *f whom hav.
i> *'ii lt;niat* - of the Insane ;t->y)um. Al
fred died tht re la#: xv* • k Borne year*
ago Joal and Allen were returned i.uin#
fc ure*i, but Joal hu# b#gi inaana the past
rwo year# ixnd k*pt unler guard by hi#
family Of ute AUi ha# ha*! n rr turn
Of thr mtlad' but the tragedv of this
rrurnitig put# n en*l to hi# trouble# He
was i w>ut *iw year# oid
Dr J B Walker # **am rn away this
morning The <|octor and h!# driver w*re
thrown out The f*>rmer was severely
bruise*! i{ being unconscious for neany
an hour.
I ttuni*iiil* Ifrard Pmldent of
I iilt**l Min** \% nrkrri.
Wllke#barr. Pa. Nov 2—Pre#il**nt
Mit he’| mitle his last #i>e*ch to the
I'nited Min*- Worktrs of the anthracite
coa <ll *tr| t to-night at Nanticoke pre
vjous t<> hi# depurtura for IndianaroD*
Twu thouaand peopb- pi* ked th*’ opera
!'•* .*•* in whi* h the me*tit.g was held an*!
3 On thnorg-l th*' street# tn the
vicinity of the hotel, where an overflew
meeting xx *- held later.
In the course of hi# remark# President
Mitchell said:
Th* .-’rtk* of anthracite e*xil miner# 1s
now a matter of history* It mark'd an
epoch which tills the h**rt# of working
men throughout the land with hcx*c arid
higher ambition It wa# not a victory for
miner* alone, but for l.ihor In general P
it# fruit* are to be measure*! by dollars
iml <ent# w would fattier have lost ft
has Kindled in oar hearts greater lox*e of
>untry t m**an# the beginning of the
end of strikes."
llemanl of the trrsnton Conven
tion Now Fully Mrt
Haileton. Pn Nov 2 —Cuyle Bros .
i.trlppir.g contra- ’or#, to-day grnnfcd their
men i voluntary Increase of 10 per rent
In wag- All the stripping rxwitractorh
and operators of washerle# and collieries,
without exception, have now compiled with
the demands of the Bcrar.ton ton
vent ion. j •_
Nlin*rM IteMelietl Agrerment.
Wilke#harre. Pa Nov 2 —The miners
of the La'high Valley Coal Company am*
ployed at the Dorr * nee and Prospect mine
who went *ut on strike yeaterdav reached
an amicable ngreemertt o-4lav an*! ail the
men returned to work
*orinl l.nlior >p**Ler Ordered OH
I hlrngo’i Wfreet#.
Chicago, Nov. $. floe la 11# t labor orators
rain'd the red flag in State street to-night
and were driven off the thoroughfare by
the police, who were compelled to inter
f* re to atop a riot U was Socialist La
bor night tnd the speaker# had a
half dozen wagons to *t***k from along
the streets. There were frequent oli#hf#
h**tween the speaker** and the tlg crowxi
whl ri gather***! around the #tnn*ls
Shortly after midnight the crowds le
am** l*o!der an 1 red flag* wer- ra #***! or.
••very wagon The red flog was vary
large iitul in contrast woe hung a flag of
the I’nited Plates of verv small *llm*n
#ions Th- crowd took all thi-* gi*"d n
luredly until some of the D*b# #p aker#
began kicking at the Arnerlcsn flag In
a moment thwre was confusion ar.*l along
the strr*-t #ev**n of the orators were drag
ge*l from th<4r xx*gona ami nxughly treat
•<i The central d* Mil polio# wafrxn was
called and Hergi Mahoney Mer**<l the
Dobs xx ago n# to lav# the streets an 1
•h*'\ w* re ***ortel away. f**ilow*ed bv the
police patrol. A mob of 1 people foi
iow**d th* wagons until they dliapp A'Cd
in the shadows of laik** street
st>plr-# of Horrible Mnrdera by the
( hlnear Vinter#,
Victoria. B C., Nov. 2 —Shanghai po
p. r* received here to-day contain an e.llct
by the of Shan S!. commanding
the Boxers to burn the houses of the
Ghrietlan* #nd kill them One letter *t*?ev
that Mr and Mr** McDonnell, the little
girl Mr. ami Mr# Moung. Miss King and
Miss Burton were decoyed to the Yeikw
river on July K and there killed
A letter <lutM Pi An. on July 34 te.kx
of the death of four Chinese Christians.
wh*> were comiel'ed to draw- lots for thalr
live* Th*- lots turned In favor of one.
who escaped, nnd against four, who were
put to death by torture in the temple
At Fen river near Ping Yang Fu. the
Box* r# • ut crosses on the heel# of the
Christians nnd then thr**w their bodies
Into th** river The I'drlstian# of Hong
Kong and Ghee Chong districts, to th*
number of s*#. escaped to the hills and
their fate was unknown.
A Markov xx as reported on Aug. 23. a#
having been held hostage by the Boxer#
and. Mnckay and Mtaoe# Chapman and
Way were reported to be hiding in the
Kiafig Phi in m* -untaln# Bishop Favner
*lef*-nder of Pi Tang Cathedral, on reach
ing the coast, estimated that 2,hoi> native
Christiana had been killed in the Pekin
Hiiwsell KnoeLed f ho* n*kl Clear
I It roil jtli the Hope#.
Denver. Col. Nov. 2. —With Mood
streaming from cuts over each eye, Fred
erick Russell, the California hevywe‘ght.
broke from a clinch as the gong sounded
the close of the fourth rour.d of hi# fight
vxtth Joe Choynski. before the Colorado
Athletic Club to-night, and put two at Iff
punches to Joe’s body, knocking him clear
through the rope# to the floor, where he
remained nearly five minute# This foul
•ot Russell the fight, which he probably
would have, won hut for the foul. Cho
ynskl. even though very tired, cleverly
avoldeAa number of knockout swings nn !
punches, md had Russell's face badly
nit up.
On Guard
Thewarningcough ,
* s the faithful sentt
n-'- I' tell* of the
PProach of con-
W&Yz sumption, which has
Killed more people
than war and pesti
combined. It
elite 11 s of painful
®S®Mfc] ct,t 't s ' sorc lun Ks
weak throats, bron
chins, and pneu
monia. Do not auf
fer another day. It’s use-
W less, for there’s a prompt
r and safe cure. It is
which cures fresh colds and coughs
in a single night and masters
chronic coughs and bronchitis in
a short time. Consumption is sure
ly and certainly prevented, and
cured, too. if taken in time. A 25c.
bottle for a fresh cold; 50c. size
for older colds; $ I size for chronic
coughs and consumption.
“ 1 '**** kr<>pa bortl-of Avar's Oi*nrr
IVi-toral on bamt Then nw, tj ßl „ |
cold I ult a lltile of it anti I am
OD .T; ‘. J *““ O. lU'Qron,
Oil. 10 taw. El Paw,, Teiaa.
Anheuser-Busch Bottled Beers
arc without a peer —
* Budweiscr,-Tiworithur
Black & Tan 9 “Tke American fV'tf*
if \\'&? Anheuser-Standard
Export Pale
Exquisite, -'Amencm Wten*p—
The materials used for these brews are the
very best obtainable. “Not How Cheap;
but How Good” is the motto of the
Anheuser Busch Brewing Ass’n
St. Louis. U. S. A.
f, i fimou* food-drink ihil phrilcUlu recom- .
. — V ///}Jr mend In nurln> mother*, the eoneeleeceot,
fi ’** *** - the eted. the feehU. U rrde hr '*<• lluctn,oi.
TUI: l.ithotcraph aiul Department of the Morning
News i* one of the largest in the .South. It is equipped
to do the best work in at! branches of printing. Its plant
is modern and is operated hy skilled people . . .
. Bank Bonks of all kinds Is our ape Malty,
k D* t*"iT Slips and general hank
M.ti*ner> the Morning News doe# in a
s ip* rk r sty.* Ai.l no bank, it matters
rot how small, should be without our
lithograph che* k bo* ks.
Wr* make n specialty of doing out work
4' xx-11 .* lithograph work for all man#
f* iur:n. pbmis not ni;v In Georgia, but
4. A .* l *44fiii F’orida and the Carolina#.
Vfidtr thl# he.ui j. ern w .racwl Guuk Fac
t r - Pk-w Works. r Darp**ntine Plants.
t \\ Mills. Kuutulrie# Breweries. Machine
Shops, iu fact til k:iuts of enterprises of
t‘ i- chancier.
1 hu tune#* man. no matter where he does
l.ij iif-r-* i afifor*! t> be without *>* at
* stationery If he thr# nothing but #rU
h-. • be o;ght to have it The Morning
T* *N**ws mnk' x a specialty of doing neat Job#
IT r country m*r, bant a An*l it tak<
til*asurc in s* tiding namples with prt**##
,Rrom which selection# maybe made
iRe. ord Books for counties. Tax Hooks,
(‘ftlcla! Sta*:*n**ry for towns and cities,
L' Bank- and Form# uf every descrip
tion w ar• . j iipfM l to lo quickly ar.d
\ heap and w ll
f a of iho
. • 'il h ' i“ -Il u(*cnlk>n Is d-volod. I*
i trt<> lari.'.**' ..‘fiibjlsntn.'ot In tho *tt.
C i.l ;> o|x rit..| hy the heat ■ritsta lr> thi'
country \V. I'h'.rfutly furnish e*t:mai<M
on,! "ihniit * imp!** of ltihmrr.irh work.
When writing to us address the /lorning News Job De
partment. Do not think that you arc consuming our time by
asking us questions and writing for estimates. Whether we
get your order or not, we shall he glad to offer the best we
Mornino News .lob Department,
Learn a Profession
Without Going Away to College or
Leaving Home or Quitting Work.
for complete sueeess In life Is one of the Ten Free Scholarships In Tb*
International Correspondence Schools of Scranton. I*a which the MORN
ING NEWS will pr tnt to the ten persons having the most votes by Nov
30. 1900.
Gather all th* Vollnf Goupon* you nn. nn<! win one* of th* Fr** S^h^lar
*hlp* narrKd b*low Through on- of th* m you ran qualify for a GOOD *ai
*• ri#-l position, and not lose a day from work or l*rive your hom* while itudy*
(lnclii'lmg Gomplft** El** tn ii Outfit.)
Cut out lh* att i Dr i Voting Cou
pon, anfl m.ul or bring it to tha
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Htvannnh, Oa.
Each Coupon must !>• ar thr n im
of thr parson for whom you wish to
All these One Wine* and Udinrian Imported by ui In class direct from ,
the grower* In Europe.
Our St. Julian CUid Win* from Kvoreat. Dupont A Cos of Kordea it F
Prance, la ona or tnair ep..table . And one at extremely low price.
The Chateaux Leovll e. im of tholr oupertor Claret Wtnaa. well known *” £
over the '.'tilled Stale*. p
We also < arry In bond riatet wtnoa from thla celebrated firm In caaka p
Our Rhine and Moelle U me* are Imported from Martin Douls, /rank- >
tort, Germany are tie beat that ome to tha United Stataa,
BODKNHLJM la very fine arid cho ip.
NIKRS i I:! N aiao very mod. ' £
R! 1
RAUnNTHAX. aelected grape* very elegant. ’ . m
LIF.UEUANMH.rH quite celebrtled i
MAHi'OIim'NNKH CABINET levant and rat J
TOH ANNISBI’RGKR I* perfect lon. ►
Special Brandies are Imported dlreot from France by oa. In cere* and eak* r
(I eluding Com plats Drafting Outfit)
(I lu ling Complete Drafting Outfit.)
'lncluding Complete Dcslgiung Outfit)
St. and So