Newspaper Page Text
WP Speaker the uonx
[Attest— Joseph Sturgis Clerk. •'
* la Senate, concured in, 21st December 1539. •”
Presiilent of ih Senate.
Attest—David J, Bailey, Secretary.
Ap’ <■•••, and, Decenber 24th, 1839.
RLE!* J. McDonald, Governor.
Ife L . 145-
BROUGHT to Jail, on tt.e 13th uli.a negro
man, named AHEL, about 5 feet 6 inches in
height, 30 years of age, and says he belongs to A,
Moultrie, living in Grahtimville, Beaufort District
South Carolina, and runaway in January last,
may 4-95 P. G. SIIICK, Jailer.
BROUGHT to lai), on the 28th ult. .negro
man, named SAMPSON, about six feet in
height. 23 years of age, and says he belongs to
James Hope, living on May Hirer, Beaufort Dis
trict, Siittlh Carolina, and runaway in March last,
may 4—95 P. G. SIIICK, Jailor.
Brought o Jail, on the 21st iost. a negro
. man named B ARNET, about 25 years of age
live feet six inches in height, and says he belongs
to Mrs. Busina Blalock, living near Edgefield
Court House, South Carolina, and ran away llielso
of April last.
tune 1-119 P. G. SIIICK, Jailer-
Brought to Jail,
ON the 18th inst, n negro man, calling himself
ISAAC, says lie belongs to Thomas Tyson,
of Houston county, in this State,and run away Ist
March last. He is about 40 years old, and 5 feet,
5 inches high. P. Cl. SIIICK, Jailor,
juiie 19 135
Brought to Jail, oil the 1811 l tilt, a negro
man named JOH V,about 5 feet six inches in
height, 22 years of nge, and says he belongs to
Alexander Hush, living in Beaiifnit District, South
Cuiolinu, and runaway in December last.
may 5-95 P. G. SIIICK, Jailer.
senber announces to Ins fntnds that lie
•ins taken the store recently occupied by Mcssis
Boston and liandal, in Market square, and that lie
lias pisi received liv recent arrivals, a well select
ed stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, and which he
idlers wholesale and reluil, at the most reduced pri
5 Ithds. Porto Rico Sugar,
5 tlu St. Croix do
5 do N Orleans do
25 hags Kin Coffee,
20 do C'tha do ‘
20 bbis. Baltimore Flour,
10 do Canal do
20 £do do do
50001bs Georgia and Northern Bacon,
20 boxes Soap,
20 chests Tea, different qualities,
300 sacks S.dt
.*OO bushels Liverpool do
10 firkins Gnslieu Butter,
5 bin's Molasses,
3 do Lamp Oil,
20 bbls. Northern Hum,
20 do do Gin,
15 do do Brandy,
5 pipes Holland Gin*
2 do Cognac Brandy,
20 casks Madeira and M.laga Wines,
10 do Tent-rifle do
Together with an assortment of Shot, Nails
Lard, &c. Stc.
it.ay 13 * 103
FRENDEKGASThas just rec’d. per
• bfg Excel, and other recent arrivals, the
oltowing articles, which he offers cheap for Cash.
American Ginghams, Scotch Ginghams,
Printed Lawns, French Cambric,
Corded Dimity, Swiss Muslins,
Mull Muslins, Plaid Muslins,
Bordered Linen Cambric Ildkfs, Ilcm Stiched
L C Ildkfs,
Gent. Silk Pocket Ildkfs; Gent. Silk Cravats,
White, brown, black, and slate colored Hose,
White and black French and English Silk lluse
and half llose,
White and colored Cotton half II se,
Low pricec Prints, Checks,
fancy Shawls, fancy Scarfs,
Frilled top Gloves, childrens Socks and Hose,
Feather Fans, black Botihinet Lace, Mitts,
34, 78, 3-4 brown Shirtings and Sheetings,
ißed Tick,Shirting Stripe,
Striped Homespun, Furniture Dimity.
-mar 26 63
The Subscriber,
RESPECTFULLY informs the public in the
lower end of town, that he has fitfed up a
large and extensive store,adjoining his residence.
East Broad street, for the sale of groceries, provi
sions, wines, liquors, &c, all of the choicest and
best qualities, which will be sold very little over
first cost, for cash or shot t credit.
Just received per brig Wm Taylor, from New
York, and fiow open :
lObrls Albany pale ale
50 brls canal flour
20 firkins Goshen butter
2 pipes, Holland gin
2 do Cogniac brandy
20 brls No 1 mackarel
10 In .I mess pork
50 do Irish potatoes
20 kegs lard (leaf)
Together with a large and well selected assort
ment of summer clothing, suited to all classes.
Seamen’s clothing of all kinds —Tarpaulin hats, boat-
I, ami's clothing, Ac Ac. , ,
All the above articles constantly kept on bands—and a
regular supply of provisions received f rom the North every
two weeks. ‘
Families areuld do well so give a trial to this Lstablish
Jus* I—ll 9 Hast Broad israet.
\ Wvk%^Vßm
f -
The above is a “British Whig Trap, to catch Voters.”
(Invented in JEngttnui.)
I>. Dctniiscy,
HAS recently received and offers for sale,
his store in Market square
500 yds Ingrain and Venetian Carpeting
200 pcs Frfcncli, English and American Prints
150 do low priced tlo
20 do white and red Flannels
12 do Apron Checks ,
18 do Pongee Silk Ildkfs
15 do Satinet
10 do Negro Cloth
30 do plain and lig'd Swiss Muslins
50 do Cambric and Jaconet do
75 do plain and fig’d Cap Laces
43 do Mohs’ hi Del.nines
zG do blk L. Siring and Gro DeSuisse Silk
15 dc figd and coi’il Silks
10 do plain ar.-dfigd Satin
8 doz Lace Collars
25 do Muslin Capes anil Collars
10 do fancy Silk and Clially Shawls
20 do Prussian do
75 do Spool Cotton
10 do blk Silk Cravats
50 do India Rubber and Wehb Suspend,**
100 do Woollen and Cotton j Hose
100 do ladies while, blk audcol’d Hose
10 do do white and blk Silk llose
30 do do Silk and Kid Gloves
50 do men’s Woollen, Berlin and 11. S; Chives
300 Cotton Head Ildkfs
An assortment of Lace and Gauze Veils
75 lbs blk, white ami col’d Flax Thread
100 prs Hose, Whitney and Duttil Blankets
300 Silk and Cotton Umbrellas
30 boxes fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons
500 pcs room Paper and Bordering
20 do French and English Mcrinoes
4 bales 4-4 brown Sheeting
4 do 3'4 do Shirting
3 cases bleached Shirtinys and Sheetings
6 do ladies Florence Braid Bonnets
4 do do plain Straw do
8 do do colored do >
20 do Shaker Bonnets
Ladies and gentlemens’ Cloaks
Gentlemens’Overcoats, dress C.ats, frock Cnat3,
Cassimere, Cloth and Satinet Pantaloons, Vests,
&c. &c., which he offers wholesale and
at reduced prices.
Navaiuiali Poor House & Hospital.
July 1, 1840.
Committee for July anil Aug. Messis
v * A B Fannin and Charles Green.
Physicians, Drs. Arnold and Tufts.
All applications for admission to the Hospital
must be made to the Visiting Committee —unless
in cases of urgency, when any member of the
Board may admit. WM, DUNCAN,
July 1-145 President s. r. u. & h.
Lump Oil, Elour, Ac.
YftFfc BBLS best quality rectified Whale Oil 50
bbls superfine Howard street Flour, 50
chests Hyson Tea, for sale by
ap 30-92 MICH’L. DILLON
Boat Found.
A YAWL Boat, supposed to belong to a ship or
brig. The owner may have it on paying ex
expenses, by applying at this office,
juiie 22-3 t 162
tf* LBS Georgia bacon, hog round,
for sale by the subscriber, south
side ol the Market, in Boston & Randle’s old stand.
june 24-139 D. DEMPSEY.
CRATE O , handsome, assorted, forsaleby
june 25 140
CASH STORE--Just received and will be
sold cheap for cash.
Molione black Ita an silk
Do blue blac do do
A few pieces c red do
Silk scarfs and fancy shawls.
may 16 106
) 50 tl.ut. Congress and Spring Water, in
quart and pint bottles, fresh, just received per
brig Clinton, and for sale by
june 18 THOS. HYERSON.
Sugar and Molasses’
lIIIDS prime Muscovada Sugar
do Cuba Molasses (new)
for sale by MICII. DILLON,
june 25 140
“■ AiWk BUSHELS Baltimore corn, a sti
JLxPvFx"perior article; landing from Eleanor
F< r aale In lots to suit purchase! s, by
jy 98 167 M. DILLON.
P’lllilS, Octobaa IS. 1810.
W 1 Georgia--Mclntosh County.
HERE\S Mrs. Aim Sherman amt Nathaniel
M. Calder have applied to me for Letters id
Administration upon the estate and effects of But
jamtn Sherman, late of said county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite aid admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased
to be and appear at my office, wi'liin the time
prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have,
why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at my office, this sixih
day of July, eighteen hundred and forty.
J ul > 9 151
ot paper, payable to Joseph Sirman, for £3O
eaab, and signed Morgan G. Swain, Jason 11
Kemp, Francis Jones—payable one day afterdate,
£l3 bate been paid on the whole. The notes will
he given to the owner, on paying the expenses ol
this advertisement, by JAMES DICKSON,
Broughton street.
may 10-ts mg
MP RE A IHili GAST oijlrVThe foTiovT
• mg articles at usual low pi-flies for cash or
city acceptance.
10 11 12-4 best quality Whitney Blankets
Colored Blankets
Blite and grey Plains
Plain and plaid Linsey*
Blue, black, brown and grey Satinets
fdo do do do green Broan G'ot|- f
3-4 brown Shirtings
4-4 do. Sheetings ,
5-4 do do
6-4 do do
7-8 bleached Shirtings
4-4 do do
5-4 do Sheetings
6-4 do do
6-4 do Irish do
10-4 Barnsly do
11 4 do do
12. 4 do do
Shirting Stripes
Colored Homespuns
White Flannels
Red do
Yellow do
Green do
Brown Canton Flannel
Bleached do do
Bed Ticks, silk, cotton, worsted
Merino and Cashmcr* llose and j llose
Swiss Muslins
Jaconet do
Mull do
Book do
Plaid do
Jan 15 I—ly
fPHE undersigned requests any person claim
ing Iron, now ill Patrick Foy’syard, in East
Bro a d atreet, to come forward, prove prnpeitv,
pay charges, and remove it, in three days from
J llne 5 123.1t*
HAY AND BEER—I 99 b undies prime
Amboy Hay. 15 brls Read’s Stock Ale, just
received per brig Clinton, and for sale by
june 16-132 M. DILLON.
Domestic Hransl, Ac.
BBLS Domestic Brandy
50 bbls N. E. Rum
10 bbls Peach Brandy
5 lihds of West India Molasses
5 bbls white Havana Sugar
2 hhds N. Orleans Sugar
50 bbls Howard st. Flour
50 bbls Pilot Bread
10 kegs Goshen Butter
20 do Leaf Lard
20 quarter boxes bunch Raisins
10 boxes Tobacco, 16s to the lb
5 quarter casks Cognac Brandy
■3 pipes Holland Gin
‘1 iihd St. Croix Rum
10 quarter casks Malaga Wine
5 do Tcnnerifle W ine
12000 first quality of Spanish Cigar*
100 half and one gallon Jugs
100 do Demijohns.
For sale on reasonable terms, by
mar 3—24 At the Market Dock.
IHoliev. ~~
MR. JOHN MURPHY, Market square, will act
as my attorney, during my absence from
the State. i. F. O’NEILL.
f'g I 171
Oik BOXES, manufactured 16 to the Ib. fur
aale by MICH DILLON.
Cfiatiinm Superior Court.
MAY TERM, 1840.
WJTIEREAS, Michael, a Grand
vv Juror, summoned for the present Mv term
made default.— Ordered, that he befitted’ in'hr
sum ol S4O. unless good and sufficient cause of
excuse be filed with the Clerk of this Court
on or before the fiist day of the next ten.-;
and whereas, Joint A. Hemerling, llughS. Wads’
James A Norris, Jas. B. Norris, George 11. KeiftVr
James McDonald, John Stuart anti William 11.
Smith, Petit Jtirots, summoned to attend the”
present term, made default—ordetetl, that Huy
be severally fined in the sum of fifteen d.,liars
each, unless they do file sufficient catisesnfe.rcuse
according to the statute in such cases made and
provided. And, whereas, VV. . Thomas, and
William Gorham, Petit Jurors,made default at the
present term, a part of said term.—Ordered, th. t
they sevi rally fined in the sum of ten dollats each,
unless good and sufficient excuses be filed accord
ing tolar.-. And whereas, William Gulpin, James
Roberts, Alexander Watt, J. F. Thomas, F. Charm
pion, Patrick Hart, VV. II: Lloyd, W. A Pitman,
J. F. Setrure, Thomas M. Turner, Alnnzo DaY
I homas Butler, T. C. Sullivan and Francis Tt uche
lut, Talismen on Hie Petit Juty, summoned to at
tend the present term, made dt f.,ult,—(Order, and,
that they he severally fined in the t-u-Tiof fjfie. n
dollars each, unless they file good and sufficient
causes of excu c with the Clerk of thisCouit,
in the lime prescribed by law And where-,s
Robt M. l’liinizy, Henry F. Willink. John Rubin
son I). F. Scranton, John Mallory, N. B Knapp,
Joint L. Cope, jr, James A Cl fiord, J. F. Herb,’
Eli Pittman, Henry James, J D Uel.noy, C. E
B .rie. W J Harper, C L VcNisli, Joseph Densler
James Palmer P K Wait S B Hill and John 3
Coombs, , aliimen on the Petu Jury, made de
fault at the present term.—Ordced, that they be
fined in the sum of ten dollars each, unless good
and sufficient excuses be filed with the Clerk of
this Court, Oil or before the first day of the ensu
ing January term.
A true extract from the minutes.
EDWARD G, WILSON, Dep Clerk, s c c c.
aug 12
rH7 WO good Draft Morses. Also a pair of first
- a - rate Carriage Horses, aud a very gentle well
broke Poney, for sale by M."DILLON.
.)i.v 2 . is
For Fever ami Ajao.
CE OWANDS l onic Mixture, and Tonic or Yc-
S get able Febrifuge Pills. Just received and
t.-r sale by TIIOS HYERSON.
fug 7 176
j)V the subscriber, at the burning of I,is resi
15 dence on the 7th June last,’ a volume ot
“ Charlton’s Poems.” Whoever has it. will con*
fer a favour by returning it. 1). POSTELL.
July 25 165
months after date, application xvill be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Chatham County,setting for ordinary purposes,foe
leave to sell the real estate belonging to the latr
Nicholas Marlow, deceased, for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of tile said Flstate.
Adtn’or. of N. Maiilow, Deceased.
Feb. 27, 1840. Iw4m
To Rent.
STORES, No. 1 and 2, Waring’* Buildings, at
present occupied by Mr. A Bennett. Pos
session gven on the Ist November. Apply to
Cash, Cash, Cash, and nothing but
Cash, ot City acceptance will an
swer ray purpose.
T HN HE subscriber alter trying the wholesale
business, in the store he now occupies, st a
wholesale rent, for nearly two years past, finds
the c redit system will not meet his engagements.
Therefore, 1 find it necessary to humble my
self to a retail business again, and what is still
more unpleasant, 1 owe money, which must be
paid, therefore, 1 will sell any part or all my tie
siri.ble Goods at cost, and many articles less than
cost; and lower than they can be purchnsid from
tiny other store in this city, until the of No
lember next,foTcash only, or in large amounts city
acceptance, when the balance of stock will be
and at auction, A. BENNFITT,
No 1 St 2 Waring’* Buildings,
aug 17 3t 181 Market ttjoare
Drafts on Mow York.
AT sight and 30 days sight for sale by
—ii ii
HEfcYMswof Freight of the Central
Rail Road.
From Savannaft to Stations.
Bbl. Beef, Pork, Pish & Li - ; i |
!"'* j 50 75 120 50 175
“ Oil, Molasses & Lime, 60 1 1501 75 200
“ Hour, 50 75 88 100 100
“ Fruit, Potatoes, Onions, !
Beets, *cc. 38 63 8 1 100 100
“ Bread,Crackers and oth
er light ban-els. 33: so 75 JIOO 100
Corn, and Peas in hags peri j
bushel, 10 15 So| 25 25
Chairs, per doz ! 150 225 j 3 00 300 350
Carnages, four wheeled, 10 00 10 10 10 00 < 0 00 10 00
Cotton per bale round, not
exceeding 350!bs including
insurance, 100 1 10 1 45S 1 601 I 75
square do do do do. 100 1 10 135 150 1 60
(Excess tor each station of 10 <
miles Sets, per lOOlbs.)
Demijohns jugs not ex- i
ceeding 1 gallon, J 25; 25 25 35 25
Do do 2 gal. 8* not exceed- 1 1
•Off s i I 50’ 50 “£o 75 7*
Gigs, Sulkeys& Jersey Wa
rvffniUS v. . . ;6 00 6 6OC 3ro SOO
Ducks & Fowls in coops per •
head. ,25 per ct more if not : j i
J 3 I 3 4 [4
Horses, Mules & Cattle per 1 | | ** * - -f
. .. toco 110 00 10 iouo 00 10 oa
Hhds and pipes Liquor, not |
exceeding 120 gallons ‘ 200 3 00 4st 500 603
Do do Molasses & Oil, ordi
nary size, 400 5 00 675 7 sol 009
Hlf bbls Beef, Pork, Fish, & |
Liquor, 25 50 75 88 100
Do do Flour, 25 38. 63 75t 75
Do tlo Fruit, Potatoes,Onions,
1 - 1 25 38 50 63 75
Jersey Wagons wiiltout cov
lre” . w 600 600 600 600 600
Kegs Liquor, &e. not excee
n. i* f S" 01 !? 25 2 5 25 2J 25
Do da dn 10 Kalian, 50 50 50 50 50
Lumber per 1000 feet siiprr
fit-ial, XI 50fbreucli stare
of 10 mils., b J
Measurement goods per cu- i
bic foot, * r in 12 n
Oats, Bye,’ Bran, Corn Meal I
and Bice Flour in bags,per ‘ !
bushel, ;61 io 15 15 15
siV. . g M * ea i < h ‘ 50 6 3 75 1 001 00
Salt per sack, 10 jj 2 o 25 *i 00
•Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids,
Derr, Hugs, and Dogs, per j j
B’ 1 gar,’ Coffee, fiiee, Hard- j ’ °° ’ *
ware,& such other articles ‘ t
as go by w. per 100 lbs. * 88 50 63j
1 urkeys and Geese in coups
per In ad r 25 p. r ct more if
, >2 12 12 12
I lay per’bale 75 1 25 215 250 8 9
Post ami Stage Coaches and
wf oa n Wa &s° ,,s t 10 10 10 OO 15 00 20 00 20 00
All ar V‘‘| , ' V, . 50 51 76 00’ 100
All small packages, j j j 25
* In Sacks not over 4 hinhels £l.
Freight at the above l{ ttes and under the fol
lowing Stipulations, viz :
No claim for damages on articles carried by this
Company, unless the packages are examined and
identified in the presence of the Agent of Trat s
portation, before the same are removed from the
Depot. Not accountable for the leakage of I,i
quor, Oil or Molasses, breakage cf Glass or
Crockery ware, chafing of Bagging, carriages or
Chairs. Net accountable for breakmgiog of Hol
low ware: no internal injury not clearly percepti
ble on the outs de of the package, will be allowed
for, unless established to have occurred on board
the Car; not accountable for the decay of perisha.
hie articles; not accountable for Live Stock; and
no liability for. goods evidei tty shipped in bad
order, or"for cooperage of Lime, ltaircls or Pack
ag’e'up&.iktty kind Whatever.
Ii isA(filers'ood that this Company will not hold
themselves accountable for mendings of Cotton
01 for pidage, or damage by the weatligr on anv
freight after being landed at the place of destina
tion or for loss by fire except Cotton and then only
while in the Cars.
Cl? Gun Powder Prohibi/eii. The law will bo
enforced against all persons attempting to smug
gle it on tlie road.
The Company will have agents at the SO mile
station, and at the terminous ot the Ho e, to at
tend to the delivery and forwarding of goods.
M< rchandise not be forwarded, if not called for in
thee days, will be charged the Savannah rates of
*" Pi, tre. .1. McFarland, Agent.
0? The Macon Messenger will please publish,
aug 22 -
CASH SYSTEM--T Southern Merchants
Printers, stc.—Papers. Binder’s, Bandbox ami
Trunkmaker s Boards.— The subscriber is pre
pared with a supply of every quality and size ot
writing, printing and wrapping paper, with tar and
straw Boards, suitable for trunk and box makers
and binders, at the lowest market rates for cash.
All orders accompanied by a remittance in either
bank notes, or certificates of d< p sit, will ba
promptly and faithfully executed, and sale of the
remittance made to Ike very best advantage.
To those whose business w ill not admit of their
visiting the North, the abote is submitted as
worthy of their attention; and the subscriber has
not the slightest hesitation in miking a deliberate
promise that all transactions shall be conducted to
iheir satisfaction.
Bank notes are more available remittances than
ctrtificates, and can bedisposid of at less sacri
Evidence should be taken that letters are
regularly mailed. A CHALMERS,
New Yoik. May 1, 1840. 84 Maiden Lane
may 11 mi
Direct Importations,
TWO cases superior Irish Linens, warranted
free from cotton, fer sale very cheap for cash
Who also offers for sale low for cash, super
drab De Fe, a superior article for gentlemens
summer wear; French Linen, white and brown
Linen, drill Cotton, do Georgia Nankeen; blue
black, green and brow n Camblits; Long Lawns,
linen cambriek Handkerchiefs; Russia Diaper,
bird’s eye Diaper, table Diaper, imperial Quilt*
Marseilles do, white and colored Counterpanes
a fine assortment of gentlemens’ half Hi set ladle*
Hose, silk and cotton; childrens Hose, bol bins
Lace; bnbiuet Quillings and Fldgines.
P 32 *■ B.S
AinDo y Hay anti Cream Ale.
lANDING, from ship Celia, 150 bundles Amboy
i Hay, a supericr article { 10 bbls Read’s Cream
Ale, ami for sale by MICH. DII LON.
may 6 97
V SS BUNDLES prime Flastern Hay, landing
-9 _ from brig Pandora, IJO bundles best qual.
ity Northern llay, landing fiorn brig Hilson, and
for tale by MICH DILI ON.
july 18 149
FIX HE concern of the undersigned, with F'.b.
Jcncks, in the fuel and lumber business, was
mutually dissolved before the 23d April Ist.
aug 10 178 8t WM. U. RICHARDSON.
No. 935.