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Ch.mtci to Literature, science, anil Art, tljc Sons, of temperance, obii iUasonrn, ani> ©cncral Untdliciciuc.
nfifu ■> R. ff • Grand Lodge of the- Stale of Georgia,
’ ([ t jts Annual Communication , field in Savannah,
in June, 1-49.
The Annual Communication of the R W
C; r:l jiil Lodge cif Georgia was held at DeKalb
Lodge Room
THOMAS E. FLOYD M TV. Grand Master.
g H WMiEKS, /£• G . D. Grand Master.
jM BIVINS, R. IF <WW TV a rden.
] p COLLINS, /*. TV Grand Treasurer.
|{ 11. (IBIFFIN, 11. TV. G. It*irresentafive, So. 1.
I \\ . ANDKRSON, ft. TV. G. Representative, So. 2.
(1 \V. ADAMS, TV. G. Marshal.
J()>. FFL L TV. G. Guardian.
Tin*Grand Lodge was opened in ample form ;
the Grind Master appointed J. IL Johnson, Grand
Secretary, protein.; E. S Kempton, Grand Ch ip
liin, pro ttm.; and W. M. Davidson, Grand Con
ductor, pro tern.
p. G. J<-. Felt,offered the following resolution,
which was unanimously adopted :
R-solved, That the M. W. Grand Master be
authorized to add, temporarily, to either one of
die Standing Committees, where members are
M. \V. Grand Mister appointed P. G’s Conne
lv, 80-ev, Wing and J. M. Anderson, on the
Legislative Committee, and P. G*s Callaway,
Woodruff, West and E. Both well, on the Judi
ciary Com ini r*ee.
P. G. Jos. Felt submitted the report of the Le
gislative Committee, which was received and
ail opied.
[\ G. M. Anderson offered the following reso
lution, which was adopted :
llsnk'il, Thar the Side-degrees be conferred
upon all R- G’s in waiting.
The Grand Warden and Grand Marshal re
tired and confer red Degrees upon all the P. G’s,
with ihe oxer ption of P. (J. Evans; they were
then introduced, and the Grand Lodge Degree
conferred upon them.
On motion, the reading of the minutes was dis
pensed with, and they were confirmed as printed.
M. \V. Grand Master submitted the following
report, which was received, and referred to the
Executive Committee :
Tithe It. fl . Grand Lodge of the State of Georgia:
The constitution which governs this body, re
quires that the Grand Master shall make a report
of the staie of the order, in this jurisdiction, at
every regular communication. The object of this
provision evidently is, that the members of the
fa id Lodge may be informed of the progress
which his been made during the past year, and
that ativ irregularities and deficiencies which may
love been noticed by the Grand Master during
hh term, and which are widioul the legitimate
sphere of his control, may be submitted to this
9dv for legislative action. The failhfulaud dili
gent conduct of your predecessors has rendered
thisiifi easy and a pleasant task. The constitu
tion, trained by iheircare, has stood the most eom
ph*te nt all tests —that of experience. The fiscal
arrangements, which they have devised for die
nuinteimuce of this branch of the order, have
ciju died the most sanguine expectations of their
uumors. Nothing has come under my observation
daring the pn>i year denoting a necessity for any
cb.ingc these*matters?
t he unexpected illness of the Grand Secretary,
h / !l ‘h j rsit impossible to give a detailed statement
G *he present condition of the finances, and the
’ of members. The papers connected
!V : 1 office will be placed lo the hands of the
nave Committee, who will be able to afford
‘ 1 ‘h-sirpil information.
* K 'entire liabilities of the Grand Lodge having
discharged at the last session, and none of
| u.\ moment. contracted, it is to be presumed
Butt, tiller (he payment of the expenses of this
p"'. J’ l^’. re l )e a surplus, subject to vour
j* lve hundred dollars have been invest-
ain^)nt y ‘ d resolution passed at
’ that"\v\ CuininiJ,llcal i°u, and l would recommend
Lrand p. ‘ 1 ln k v re, nai:i * n l^e h l)t ie
The ;US(1 l . . l ' uret ’ applied to a similar purpose,
enon a. !*en per cent, is not more than
allow” for mm ! he wants of the Grand Lodge and
thin!* it 1 1 investment every year. J
tained uv. ,eDI therefore that it should be re
i the j- 11 e l^e burden is not too onerous on
I soon t ()n . ln,lfe V ( >dgt>s, it will enable this body
P°rt, iccu aiulaie a fund sufficient for its sup
peude j U U ] com * n gent resources may be ex
af} ()r( |j 1,1 H<Jvai icing ihe interest of the order, and
dicti ,i ,J '^/•* H * to an y Lodges within its juris
j migL • w ~c ,f through accident or misfortune,
i deri Ve | ln S ur lem i ,or ary difficulties. The income
I hom . llle prosperity of the subordinates
T . r ! ad Ulster to their need.
1 ' IO(^ hy frequent complaints of the
to call the altentiou of the Rep-
resenratives to .the great irregularity of the time
in the returns and .reports of the different Lodges.
These reports are required to be made out and
submitted to the installing officer previous to the
installation, and it is the duty.of the officers of the
Lodges to transmit such reports immediately to
the Gran<J Secretary ; a failure to do this produces
contusion in his accounts, and may embarrass the
treasury of die Grand Lodge by the non-pavment
of funds properly due, and upon the receipt of
which, a certain calculation may have been made
in regulating the expenditures or contracting en
gagements. The evil might be remedied bv im
posing a penalty upon such Lodges as failed,
within a reasonable time, to send in their regular
During the past year dispensations have been
granted for five new Lodges, and application lias
been made for a sixth, but at so late a period that
a dispensation would have been needless, and
the application will be submitted directly to the
Gr ind Lodge for a charter. The application and
accompanying documents will be submitted to
the appropriate committee, and 1 beg leave to re
commend that charters be granted to all of them.
These Lodges are located in the rapidly in
creasingand thriving villages in the interior of the
State, and we may well hope that, as the resources
of Georgia are developed, as the bounteous pro
visions conferred upon her by nature shall have
been made available by the resources of art, as a
teeming population shall inhabit her hills and fill
up her fruitful valleys, that our beloved order,
gowing with her growth and strengthening with
her strength,” may tend to knit more closely the
ties of friendship between the people of her ex
tended territory, and induce that unity of feeling
which lies at the foundation ol the prosperity of
every State.
The number of copies of the proceedings of this
Grand Lodge, from its organization, has been
primed in accordance with the resolution passed
at its last communication, under the immediate
direction of the Executive Committee, and are in
the hands of the Grand Secretary, subject to the
disposal of this body.
The progress and condition of the order through
out the Union will be fully detailed to von in the
report of the R. \V. Grand Representatives from
this Grand Lodge to the Grand Lodge of the Uui
ted States. 1 may be allowed to remind you that
you form a constituent part of a great body num
bering more than one hundred thousand members
upon its rolls with a revenue of nearly a million
of dollars, devoted to the sa; red purposes which
form the basis of our order. Let our march be
onward ; let us strive to be among the foremost
in the cause of Friendship, Love and Truth, with
i fixed and earnest hope that the Giver of all
Good will smile upon an institution whose end
and aim is charity.
THOS. E. LLOYD, Grand Master.
The Grand Secretary submitted his report,
which was received and referred to the Execu
tive Committee.
The Grand Treasurer submitted bis report,
which was received and referred to the Executive
A communication was received from Miller
Lodge No. 10, which was referred to the Legis
lative Committee.
An appeal from Mountain Lodge No. 27, was
presented and referred to the Judicial Committee.
The roll of Lodges called.
Representative W ing presented the by-laws
of Oclockounee Lodge No. 12, which was refer
red to the Legislative Committee.
Past Grand Patten offered the following reso
lution, which was adopted :
Resolved, That t lie election of the Grand officers
take place to-morrow, at 4 o’clock. P. M.
On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until
4 o’clock, P. M.
4 o’clock p. m. June 6, 1849.
The Grand L >dge met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present, the Grand Officers and Repre
sentatives of 21 Lodges.
p. G. Pal ten presented a memorial from United
Brothers Lodge No. 5, which was read and re
ferred to Judicial Committee.
The Executive Committee made the following
ieport, whieh was received and adopted :
The Executive Committee report that they
have examined the annual reports of the different
Lodges, an I had them published with the pro
ceedings of the last year. They herewith annex
a report of the different Lodges, ending June
30th, IS4S —lodges, 27 ; number of members,
1 ,ffs4 ; revenue, $10,012 71 ; dues to Grand
Lodge, $1.042 98.
The Committee recommend that Buena vista
Lodge be fined twenty-five dollars, and Ridgelv,
Union, Holmes and Anderson Lodges, be fined
ten dollars each, for not sending their reports.
The printing of the proceedings of the Grand
Lodge, ordered last session, has been done, and
ihe copies are now in the possession of.the Grand
Secretary, and we recommend that each member
of the G and Lodge be furnished wi ll a copy.—
J. R. Johnson, Chairman.
The Legislati e Committee made the follow
ing report, which was received’ and adopted :
To The 11. IV. Grand Lodge
of ihe State of Georgia :
The Legislative Committee report, that they
have examined the applications for Subordinate
Lodges to be located severally at Atlanta, De-
Kalb County ; Talbotton, Talbot ConmV; Fort
Valley, Houston County ; Drayton, Dooley Coun
ty ; Americas, Sumter County,and at McDonough,
Henry County.
Dispensations have already b fi en granted to all
of the above Lodges, except the last named.—
A our Committee therefore recommend th t char
fers be granted, and that the said Lodges he
hailed respectively by the styles which they have
selected viz: Central Lodge, No. 28; Betah
Lodge, No. 29 ; Holcombe Lodge, No. 30 ; Pat
ten Lodge, No. 31 ; Wildey Lodge, No. 32, and
Beckman Lodge, No. 33.
In the case of P. G. James Silcox, late a mem
ber of Altller Lodge, No. 10, in good standing hav
ing passed through the chairs of V. G. and N.G.,
-asking a certificate from this Grand Lodge to en
able him to take his Grand Lodge degrees in a
sister State, your Committtee recommend the same
be granted.
Your Committee have also examined the manu
script by-laws of Central Lodge, No. 28, and
after making necessary alterations report them
The manuscript by-laws of Oclockounee Lodge
presented to us, we have examined, and find cor
rect. Respectfully submitted. Joseph Felt, W
M. Davidson, P. 6. Wing, John F Posey, J. M
Anderson, B. Conley.
The Judicial Committee made the following
report, which was received and adopted :
The Judicial Committee to whom was referred
a communication from Mountain Lodge, No. 27
[. (). O. F. relative to the expulsion of Brother
Jeremiah J. Waugh, and his appeal from said de
lusion, beg leave to report, that they have exam
ined the whole matter, and can find no grounds
on which rhcexpuUion could have been based
Your Committee therefore recommend the adop
tion of the following resol it ion :
Resolved , That the decision of Mountain Lodge
No. 27, I. O. O F. in the case of the expulsion of
Dr. J. S. Waugh be reversed, and that he be rein
stated, the testimony being insufficient to convict
him. Respectfully submitted, Solomon Cohen.
CL Catlin, Geo. W. Adam*, E. H. Callaway, M.
Woodruff. J.C. West, E. Bothwell.
The amendment to the first section of article!
9 of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, offered
last session by P. G. Bivins, was called up, and
the vote beinglakeri by Lodges, was rejected, as
follows :
Lodges voting in the affirmative—B, number of
votes 9. *
Lodges voting in the Negative —12, number of
votes 20.
Muscogee Lodge, number 6 —a tie.
Past Grand Patten offered the following reso
lunon. w hich was adopted :
Ilmdvud , That the first work to-morrow morn
ing be the instruction in the unwritten work of
die order by the Grand Representatives.
On motion the Grand Lodge adjourned until to
morrow morning at 9 o’clock.
9 o’clock, a. m. 7, 1549.
The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjourn men'.
The minutes of Yesterday were read and con
The Legislative Committee reported the certi
hcates of P. G. R. P. Guyard, of United Brothers
Lodge No. 5, and John Harrison, of Live Oak
Lodge No. 3, correct. P. G. HarrUon being in
waiting, was introduced, and the Grand Lodge
and side degrees were conferred upon him.
R. W. G. Representative Griffin made the fol
lowing report, which was received and referred
to the Executive Committee:
To the R. TV. Grand Lodge of the
State of Georgia :
The Grand Representatives submit the follow
lowing report:
The R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States
assembled pursuant to the provisions of the con
stitution, on Monday, the 18th day of September
last, arid the communication continued until a late
hour of the night of Saturday, the 23d of die
same month. The attendance of Representa
tives was unusually full, and the amount of busi
ness transacted more than ordin mlv large. The
reports of the executive officers furnished full j
assurance of the increasing prosperity of the!,
order, and with one important exception, the har
mony which should pervade our brotherhood, ap- 1
! pea red lo be unbroken. That exception was
r found in the largest jurisdiction; suhjf ct to the
. G. L. U. S.‘, the jurisdiction of New Yoik. The
unfortunate disagreements ‘which have torn the
. order asunder in that Btate have been so loner the
subject of discussion, in the legislatures of the
fraternity, that it is not necessary, on ihis occa
sion, for your Representatives to enter into a de-.
tailed account ot the origin and progress of the
controversy. The question was presented to the
G. E. Lo 8. by the repoit o{ the Committee on
Credentials, which is necessarily the first busi
ness in order after the opening of the Grand
Lodge. A majority of that committee reported
m favor of admitting to seats the Representatives
accredited by those bodies recognised bv the de
cision ot the Grand Bire as the Grand Lodge and
Grand Encampment of New York. The report
of the minority recommended a reference of the
certificate's ot all claimants of seats from New
York to a select committee. The course recom
mended by the minority report was adopted, and
a committee of five were elected by ballot. The
committee were authorized to sit during the ses
sion ot the Grand Lodge, and were laboriously
occupied in the investigation ot the ease until
Friday. At 8 o’clock on the night of that dav
the report of the majority of the committee was
submitted, and on Saturday morning the minority
report came in ; each report being a printed doc
ument of considerable size. The discussion com
menced on Saturday afternoon, and continued for
several hours. The result was the adoption of
the report of the majority, confirmatory of the ac
tion ot the Grand Sue. The vote stood 4? against
~L Against this decision sixteen Representa
tives entered their protest. The posi.ion at that
time occupied by one of your Representatives
towards the G. L. U. 8. forbade bun, in his con
scientious opinion, from voting upon a question,
the controlling element of which was the con
struction of the powers of the Chief Executive
officer of the order. Your other Representative,
after due and careful consideration, cast his vote
in favor of the majority report, .and in this course
die able and faithful Representative of the Grand
Encampment of Georgia concurred, it was ear
nestly hoped that the adjudicaiiou of the contest
by the supreme tribunal would have quieted for
ever this unbecoming fraternal strife, but your
Representatives are pained to inform you that
• here lias been no serious abatement ot the con
troversy. ft may be, that the late ot the order
hangs suspended on the measures which the G.
L. L. 8., in the plenitude of tier power and wis
dom, may adopt at the communication now ra
pidly approaching. The constant prayer of all
good members of the order should be, that the
wounds of that great jurisdiction may be healed,
the bonds oi brotherly affection be again extended
over all the New York fraternity, and the foun
dations of our order, so severely shaken, be ce
mented anew.
Your Representatives now solicit vour atten
tion to certain decisions and resolutions of the
G. L. L. 8., in which you, in common with your
sister Grand Lodges, are interested.
The six months term was again sustained on
the unanimous report of the Committee on the
Slate of the Order in its favor. The vote stood,
4‘J against 23.
A petition was presented from a subordinate
Lodge in Alabama, wim the consent of the Grand
Lodge ot that Btate, asking leave to hold its ses
sions once a month. The report of the Commit
tee on the Btate of the Order declared that ih<*
committee could see no impropriety in the prayer
of the petitioners being granted by the proper
authority; but inasmuch as the subject should
properly be decided on bv the Grand Lodge of
Alabama, as the supreme legislative head of the
order within that jurisdiction, they recommended
that the petitioners should have leave to with
draw their petition. The report was adopted.
In refeience to funeral regalia, it was
Resolved. That the regalia prescribed bv the
order as Odd-Fellows’ Regalia, may be worn in
stead of*, or in connection with, the funeral regalia
prescribed by the laws of the G. L. L. 8. as the
respective Btate Grand Lodges and Grand En
campments may determine.
It is for you to consider whether or not any .ac
tion should be taken by you, under this resolution.
The Committee on the Btole of the Order re
ported that a Grand officer, w ho resigns his office
I before the expiration of his term, forfeits the ho
nors thereof, and the successor who fulfils the
unexpired term, becomes entitled to said honors.
Tin’ report was adopted.
The same committee reported that no peculiar
religious persuasion is requisite for admission into
the order, and none disqualifies. The report was
The same committee reported against giving
jurisdiction to Lodges or Encampments, for a
certain time, over members holding withdrawal
cards. They add, however, that by the existing
MM BE It is