A Friend of the family. (Savannah, Ga.) 1849-1???, October 18, 1849, Image 3

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[Revised and Corrected Weekly .] 1 ; itten tion will be given to this department of the paper, and planters fretting their supplies and selling their produce at or quotations. m ,y re!)’ “l™” b _ A nffcUESi From to aTiTICLE ST” fFrom to j ' * 20 21 River 8 00 10 00 I'nirkV..'. Rangiirg, for export 600 900 Manilla....lh 1® . White Pine, ciear.. 30 00 40 00 s4* ‘ kv 10 10$ £ De. do inerrable f2 00 15 00 k? ot “ * lb t Bed OakStaves.... 12 00 16 00‘ “* “13 i While Oak Pipe ... 3& 00 60 00 !? I houlU 13 5) 14 White Oak Bbl .... 20 00 25 00 strf, 950 10 Shingles, Cypress.. 300 350 P/ ,in f .... Do. other kinds’ 900 , ‘V*’ cwt 359 4 Lime bbt; 75 1 grrs<l>* - <5 5 ) 625 Molasses, Cuba gal| 21 23 r!!hen Fritne... 21 22 New Orleans 28 30 j. 18 djvTnk, 4d. to 20d lb 41 41 ‘"'• Irnifretti.... 37 3d JCacal Stares, Rosin..bbl 2 Georgia made. 15 10 Tar, Wilmington. 250 3 Ta ° Northern made. 13 16 Tuvpentme, Soft. 275 &* .Nortlwrn— g ]n Varnish 24 26 C#’ R, ° *.... 10 12 Oils, Sperm. W. Str’ed 13.) 135 . ‘ .... 9 Id Fall Strained.... 125 130 Lag" l . { orx 5 50 Summer Strained C**l, .VV'j’inferior lb Linseed bbl 85 CiUtus.J I" 1 ’ ’ g 9j Whale Racked... 62 V/ hi Z ’ .... I® 10l Tanner’s IxmL.. 15 16 si'i'li!nFair!!.. 1"§ 11, l Camphine 62$ r” Good Fair. 101 Potatoes bbl 2 ov> 050 ..... II Frime 10 5) !l 50 ’ Tiried 12j 13 Pipes.... gross 5) 60 CV.. 15 16 Porter doz 175 275 n'own 4 7 Peper , Black lb 9 10 i flirting, 8i0wn....; & JQ p w e \?lH.cung , Brown Muscatel ” 1 Bleached ” j Bloom |ji;, l ;:'sVjV s .‘iNo. jo j* 2 , i : li";*,'.;;: I0 I8 God and Prime-. H 3) t. n, v Cod. cwt 4 459 Sugar Cuba,MusMo...lb sj 7 fli *’ H('rrin,smo’d.bo*. Mackerel,Xo.l .bbl Havana, White.. Do No 2... New Orleans 6 61 Do’ No. 3.... l*oaf. 10 lo£ r-.ur Baltimore H. St.. 600 625 l.ump I 10 I<>^ Fl \ eW Orleans Salt, Liverpool sack, l 1 12£ Canal 675 700 Cargo bush I Georgia Soap, Am. yellow ....lb: 4J 64 cn 68 80 Shot , all sizes 6} _ 7 Oat*, do 40 Segars. Spanish Ml 2 25 asnvorcder keg 375 559 America 2 6 „ Vl Extern 100 100 Tallow, American... .lb 8 7 ’ North River 90 95 Tobacco, Georgia 7| 12 Ihdts, Dry lb 7 Manufactured.... 10 40 Dry Salted Teas, Pouchong 25 75 [, on pi I. .Scotch ton Gunpowder 75 1 ’ English lb. 2$ Imperial 75 1 Swedes, assorted.. 4‘ 5 41 Hyson, 75 89 lloop 109 5 * Young Hyson.... 5) 75 Sheet lb 4\ 5 Bohea Nail Rods 6* Twine. Bagging 20 M lb! 9J Seine 25 30 , Pig and 8ar.... 109, 575 600 Wrapping Paper rm 50 1 Sheet j 7 White Lead I6 59 900 Having accepted the Agency of the Washington Union for this ( itv, persons desirous of subscribing for the Daily, Tri-Weekly, or Weekly paper, will please leave their names with the subsciiber. Tkrms— Daily paper, $lO per annum. Tri-Weekly, sdo do Weekly, 2do do E. J. PURSE. i SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE COM'Y OF GEORGIA. Asburi Hell, Pres. & Treas. J. U. Parsods, Sec’ry. Prof. C. F Me Cay, Actuary. The above Company takes Inland, Marine and Fire Risks, ami Risks on Negro Property, on the most liberal terms. It is how inmost successful operation. Its condition and success I will be fully explained by application to the Agents, who are prepared to take Risks. JUII e 7 6 mo WAY 6c KING. Agts. TO THE VOTERS OF 3d DISTRICT, G. M. j Gentlemen: I am a candidate for the office ot JUSTICE M)FTHE PEACE in your District, at the Election to be held at Justice Robert Raiford’s Office, on Tuesday, the J3id instant, and respectfully solicit j T our support. octU * PETER G. THOMAS. • ]tFI:LLO W CITIZENS.— John E. Davis Esq. intend in; to retire in January next from the office of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts, I announce myself as a candi date at the next election, and respectfully solicit your suffra juiv 2(5 WM. H. BULLOCH. ITFELLOIV CITIZENS. —1 am a candidate for Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts ot Chatham County at the election in January next, and respetlully solicicit joui suf frages. july 26 IL I • AKIN. (0* ELECTION NOTICE— Mr Editor —Please an nounce EDWARD M. PRENDERGAST, Esq., as a candidate j t"r the office of Sheri tl ot Chatham County, at the election in Jan uary next, and oblige MANY VOTERS. , Fellow Citizens—l am a candidate for Clerk of the Su Nor and Inferior Courts of Chatham County, at the election in January next, and lespectfully solicit your suffrages. w'i 2 JOHN F. GUILMARTIN. COUNTY ELECTION.—We are requested to | announce that Maj. ELISHA WYLLY will be a candidate • f lerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts at the election I m January next. july 26 EDWARD G. WILSON, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, | ( "nivyanccr, Collector, Accountant , and Copyist . () Tioc under J. Haywood’s, opposite the Pulaski House, r Ueturn day, Wednesday next, Oct. 24. _ rao . J OHN MALLERY, DRAPER, AND TAILOR, I * the City Hotel , I I novv onpnina ntlon to his Stock of New and Seasonable Goods, I *nd FlJß\|s:r|7 , v C , 0 , ris,st ' n ? °f choice Readv-Made CLOTHING I l no n > s ,pp ar , l ' NGGool JS,co,npnsmg every article of Gen ii IN<;UVIV SUPP 'U CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VEST ■ order in t> ‘ s iades and qualities—which will be made to I Workmen Lr OS , a ? ProVed st >' le by competent and experienced I the time tfcd t 0 give entire satisfaction, and at Prices to oct 18 I R‘ C |!L PAFI , ER MACHE GOODS.- The Subscriber is open- I SWrili! n, l stockof the above, consisting of Port-Fo- I A, W n^ Ue * ks Ink-stands, Ladies’Work. Boxes, Cabinets, M,q fn Cases, & c . I *<?.**?*" and Mahogany Desks, neat and low priced I 110| JTihi . n dar VVork Boxes, Card Cases. Porte Monaies, ■ Ile ' r *nd i e S> * eaid an d Ivory Paper Knives, Pen Holders of V p m U° ve d style, very handsome ; Pocket Books, Pa- Als o i r ii and Silver Pen and Pencil Cases, &c., &c. ■ n c f, cl ' on of new and handsome Juvenile Books for l| * lu s e *- JOHN M. COOPER- DANCING ACADEMY. MONSIEUR a. BONAUD’S Academy will open on Tuesday, 16th inst., at 5 o’clock, P. M. All his former Pupils are respectfully invited to attend—the German Band* being eitgaged for the occasion. Tuition Days—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from five to seven, for young Ladies and Master*. Terms of tuition, sl2 per term. N. B.—Pupils who have been under Mr. B’s care for two terms, will be received in his Saturday class for $5 per term. Gentlemen’s Class for Polka, Waltz, Mazurka, &c. &c., open same evening as above from 9 to 11 ,I|P. M. Terms $5 for every Dance, payable in advance, oct Id FALL TRADE, 1849. COLLINS & BULKLEY, 100 BRYAN ST. ARE now opening their Fall supply of Crockery anri House furnishing Goods. The attention of purchasers is par ticularly requested to their large and varied assortment, consist ing in part as follows r Elegant gold band China Tea Setts Elegant do. Dinner do. W. G. F. Blue and mulberry Dinner Setts W. G. do. do. Tea do, China Vases, in great variety, Mantle Ornaments I err*t Cotta Ware, splendid Bohemian Colenge Bottles, rich China Cups for Presents Wine Bottles, Cut Glass Ware, Lamps, Castors Solar and Astral Chimneys, &c. <&c. LAMPS, JAPANNED WARE, &c. &c. Solar and Spirit Lamps, Side and Hall Lamps Lanterns, Britannia and Brass Candlesticks Tea Trays, Bread and Knife Trays Toilet and Slop Pails, Cake and Spice Boxes Bathing Tubs, Coffee Urns and Biggins Egg Boilers, Oyster Dishes, Jelly Moulds Tea Pots, Plated and Britannia Tea and Table Spoons Plate and Dish Covers, in setts Venison Dishes, Nursery Lamps. Together with an assort ment of bright Tin Ware. CUTLERY AND FAMILY HARDWARE. Ivor}’, Buck Horn, Cocoa and common Cutlery, Razors and Pocket Cutlery, Twine Knives, Cotfee and Spice Mills, Soup Digesters, Fish Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Shovel and Tongs, And irons,'Fire Fenders, Porcelain Sauce and Stew Pans, bronzed Hat Stands, a beautiful article; Preserving Kettles, Wafer and Waffle Irons, Mortals and Pestles, Coal Hods, Fire Standards, Stair Rods and extra Bands, Sad Irons, Tea and Dinner Bells, Rat and Mouse Traps, Egg Whips and Slicers, Brass Spittoons, Ice Breakers, Cork Screws, Carpet Tacks, Metal Faucets, Spring Dallances. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Buckets, Brass and Iron bound Tubs, Keelers, Brooms, Bel lows, Wash Boards, Rolling Pins, Beef-steak Pounders, Crova Dippers, Lemon Squeezers, Wood Spoons, Camp Chairs, But ler’s Switts. Also, Market and Traveling Baskets, Cradles and Wagons; together with a complete assortment of Fancy and Travelling Baskets; Shaker Seives and Whisks. MISCELLANEOUS AND FANCY GOODS. Brushes of all descriptions; China and Glass Toys; Rose wood Work Boxes and Dressing Cases; Thermometers, Paper Files, Crimping Machines, Curling Tongs, Ivory Measures, Knitting Needles, Flasks, Looking Glasses, Pocket Inks, Fish Hooks. Together with a great variety of other articles too nn merous to mention. Housekeepers, Planters, and the Public generally, are invited to call, as their prices will be moderate, oct 18 3mo SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVITT. Savannah, Georgia. HAVE IN STORE—A full assortment of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, which they offer for sale at Wholesale or Retail, on the most reasonable terms. Blankets —Heavy London Duffil, own importation, heavy Mack inaw and Twilled Blankets, Whitney and Rose Blankets, rib bon bound. Plains —Heavy allwood Negro Plains, assorted qualities. Kerseys— Avery large assortment, comprising all the different styles and qualities, both fancy and plain, of Georgia and Northern manufacture. J\cgro Caps —Kilmarnock and Scotch Bonnets. I lannels —Red domestic, plain, all wool, low price to fine, heavy twilled for plantation use ; white Flannels, a full assortment of American and English manufacture. Canton Flannels —White, brown and col >red, best qualties. Linseys —Plain red Linsey,Plaid, assorted colors. Cotton Osnaburgs —From the best Factories in the State, at Facto ry prices. Burlaps—Ot flax and cotton, for picking sheets. Bro 4- Blea'd Shirtings 8,- Sheetings —A full assortment, all styles and qualities. Colored Homespuns —Mar/boro’ stripes and plaids ; Columbian and other stripes. Mariners’ Stripes and Apron Cheeks —Different styles and qualities. Prints —A very large assortment from low price to superfine. Sattinets, Tweeds 8f Kentucky Jeans—Full assortment plain and fancy colors. Cloths , Cassimeres and Vestings—A large variety. Diapers —Iluckabuck, Scotch, Biid’s Eye, Russia and cotton Dia per ; bro. and bleached linen table damask and table cloths. Linens — 44 to 12-4, all qualities, from the best manufacturers. Dimity —Furniture, all widths; a large assortment of furniture Fringes. Hosiery —A full assortment, comprising cotton, woolen and silk hose. Also ladies’ and gents’ merino and cotton under shirts and drawers. Umbrellas— Silk and cotton. Also Parsols and Sunshades. Window Shades and Curtain Materials —A large variety. ALSO Ginghams, English and French Prints, Mousde Lai nos, Cash meres, black and colored Alpaccas, English and French Merinos, Gala Plaids, Worsted Damasks and Moreens. With a full assort ment of all styles of Dress and Fancy Goods. oct J 1 GALLS. English Linseed Oil. just received per barque Texas, and for sale by ’oct ll JNO. G, FALLIGANT. WANTED TO HIRE—A good Cook and Washer, for a family of three persons, tor whom liberal wages will be gi\en Enquire at this office. oc l- H SITUATION WANTED Ay a middle aged man, who has been for a number of years engaged in the Waiehouse of the Central Railroad. Satisfactory references will be given. A moderate compensation is all that is required. oct. 11— ts WANTED TO HIRE —A Negro Boy,about 14 to 16 years old, of good oharacter, and well acquainted with the city. En quire at this office. Jf oct 11 , For St. Wary’s, Via Darien , St. Simon's Island , Brunswick , Bethel , Jcf fersonton * The steampacket IVANHOE, Capt. P. McNelty, 7 -f i 8 no w receiving freight and passengers at Ferry Wharf and will leave this (Thursday) afternoon, at 4 o clock. For freight or passage, apply on board, ojto Agent _ • 9C?- All freights payable by shippers, and will be stored during ♦koohcpnce of the boat free of charge. , , _ r h Freight consigned to the Agent will be forwarded free com missions. Tames sullivan, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURER OF TIN WARE, WtwvvK nf Sheet Iron, Copper and Zinc, and dealer in Ja- ORKER . , nlanished also in all kinds of P ES Some* of‘the best and most approved patterns of COOKING will be £ well as a variety of other Stoves Sto , H and shower promptly attended to. Bath.ng Inland Cashpur- Baths for sale- All orders for buy in New chasers will be supplied at prices as low as thev can y Y °rWanyw h er e whiuker . slreet|nea r Bay. AUGUSTA AND WAYNESBORO’ RAILROAD. SAVANNAH, OCT. 8, 1849. The uTKJersigwed having been appointed by the amended chaiter of the “ Augusta and Waynesboro’ Railroad,” passed* on the 28th of December, 1847, Commissioners for receiving subscriptions in Sa vannah to Stock in said Company, do hereby give notice that Books of Subscription are novv open, and will be kept open for thirty days from this date, for any or all persons to call and subscribe. The Subscription List will be kept at the Bank of the State of Georgia. JOSEPH WASHBURN,\ EDW’D PADELFORD, ‘ ANTHO. PORTER, Commissioner*. L. O. REYNOLDS, J oct 11 Imo THE CANTON CHINESE, or the American’s Sojourn in the- Celestial Empire, by Osmond Tiffany,jr. The Recollections of Antony,by Alexandre Dumas, author of the Count of Monte Christo. 4 Fanny Thornton, by Mrs. Grey. The Invisible Gentleman, by tire author of the Robber, See. The Illustrated Hand Book, anew guide for Travellers through the United States of America. Received by octU JOHN M. COOPER. *TA Dozen Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s fresh Kid Gloves, just re •JU ceivedat MARSHALL & AIKIN’S oct 1 1 TTERSEYS AND BLANKETS.—The subscribers are now pre- JY pared to supply their Town and Country friends with any quan tify and every variety of Kersevs and Blankets, at the lowest market prices. * MARSHALL & AIKIN. oct It COLOURED DRESS SILKS.—The subscribers have just re ceived per steamship Tennessee, a splendid assortment of plain, striped and figured Glasse Silks—entire new'slyles. oct II MARSHALL & AIKIN. GOODS for Children and Youth’s Wear.—A handsome assort mentof Gala Plaids, Kossuth Plaids, Tweeds and low priced Cloths and Cassimeres. MARSHALL Sc AIKIN. oct 11 DOMESTIC GOODS—Fifteen cases Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings; twenty-five bales Brown do. do.; Cotton Osna burgs, Richmond, Carolina, andfMarlboro’ i'laids and Stripes ; just aeceived and for sale wholesale and retail, by oct 11 MARSHALL & AIKIN, I ACES, Embroidery, Valentian Thread, Linen and Cotton J Edgings, new styles Lace Capes, Berthas, Collars and Cuffs to match, a large assortment; just received at oct II MARSHALL & ATKIN’S. MOORE’S Irish Melodies : illustrated —for 1850. Clarence : by the author of “ Hope Leslie.” Godey’s, Graham’s and Saitain’s Magazines, lor October. The Foitunes of a Woman: a novel, by the author of ‘ : l^irst Love.” „, _ _ Love in High Life, a Story of the “Upper Ten: by T. S. Arthur. Part 2d, History of the French Revolution of 1848: by A. De- Lamertine. The Crayon Reader : by Irving. Received by oct II JOHN M, COOPER. ALFRED HAYWOOD, CORNER RRYAN AND BARNARD STREETS, MARKET SQUARE, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. DEALER IN CHOICE FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, FIRST QUALITY ORANGES, LEMONS, APPLES AND POTATOES-—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. First quality Thunderbolt Oysters, Fish, &c. Newark refined Champaigne Cider, and Albany Cream Ale, by the bbl. O* Orders from the Country, accompanied by the cash, or City reference, punctually attended to. 9 THOMAS M. ROSIS, IMPORTER and Manufacturer ot SEGARS, No. 107 Bay-st., one door west of Drayton, at the Blue Sign.—Has on hand a large and Choice Stock of Segars, Snuff, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, and all other articles in his line, at Wholesale and Retail, at the most reasonable prices. ts sept 20 CHEAP CASH STORE.—The subscriber respectfully informs his customers and friends, and country people and every body else that wishes to purchase goods cheap, that he has just returned from New York wilh a general assortment of Goods, suitable to the weather. Among which will be found the following articles. Silk and Cotton Hosiery of every description. do do Gloves of all kinds, plain and Embroidered. Alapacas, Madonas, Lusters, &c., all kinds and all prices. Rlk. Blue and Brown Cloths, very cheap. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres. Satinets, Kentucky Jeans. Bleached, Brown and Col’d Homespuns. Jackonet, Swiss Mull and Nansook Muslins. Plaid, Striped and Fig’d Muslins. Jenny Lind and Tyrolise Hats for children. Ptince of Wales Hoods. Silk, Crape, Wool and Cotton Shawls. Very fine Long Shawls. Besides almost every thing else in the Dry Goods line which he will sell as cheap as can be purchased in the city. S. 11. VAN NESS, sept 20 Ag’t for John Van Ness. ALLEN, BALL & CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 112 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. j. mTball & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MACON, GEORGIA. ROBERT A. ALLEN, JAMES M. BALL, JOHN V. TARVER. sept 20 U FRANKLIN & BRANTLEY, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. r'fIENDER their services to their friends and the public generally. J. Our individual attention will be given to the selling of Cot ton and other Produce, purchasing and forwarding Bagging, Rope, Family Supplies, &c. . We are also bound in our special contract not to speculate in Cotton. S. O. FRANKLIN, VY - F - BRANTLEY. sept 13 . RABUN & FULTON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, se pt 13 SAVANNAH, GA. rpHE subscriber having just returned fiorn the North, with a I choice selection of French, English and Ameiican cloths, cassimeres, fancy and plain vestings, he is now prepared to make anv garments in his line, at reduced prices, for cash or approved paper. JOHN W. KELLY, Owens’Buildings, opposite the Pulaski House, Savannah, Ga. N. B- —Cutting, mending, altering, and cleaning, done at the shortest notice. Se P t - 13 ’ CHOOL BOOKS ! SCHOOL BOOKS !—Comstock's Nat ural Philosophy, Olmstead’s do, Blakes do, Swift s do, r lelp s do,Blake’s first book in Astronomy, Comstock’s Chemistry, Dra pers’do, Darby’s Botany, Lincoln’s do, Whelpley s Compound Robbin’s outlines, Grahams English Synonyms ot History Pan nock’s Goldsmith’s History of England. Goldsmith s History of Greece, Schwartz History of Rome, Pictorial History of rrancp, Kirthley’s History of the U States, Child’s History of the U. States, Frost’s American Speaker, Grimshaw’s History of the U. States, Lovell’s U. S. Speaker, Goodrich’s U. States, the Juvenile Speaker, Willard’s small U. States, Young Ladies Class Book, Willaid’s large U. States, Child’s Instructor, together with all the Readers, Spelling Books, Grammars, Arithmetic and Ke\s, Geography and Atlas, small and large Dictionarys used in the city- sale at the Southern Literary Depot, 72, St. s^- sipt. 13—4 i WILLIAM KAY. U. 8. Mail. New York & Savannah Line Steamships To have ’ WEDNESDAY, October 24. The new and splendid Steamship CHEROKEE, Lyons, I?lafer, ITTIF.iL leave Savannah as above. Passage to n New York $25. No berth secured until paid for. The ship and owners will not be accountable for any article sent on board, unless bills of lading are obtained for the same. Bills of lading signed by the Clerk on board. For Freight or Passage, apply to ‘ PAI>ET>FORD & FAY. The ships of this line carry a clear white light at masthead, green on starboard side and red larboard. mP* N o Freight received after 9 o’clock on flu* day of sailing. IdF* No colored persons will be allowed to go on board for any purpose. junelT UNION STEAM BOAT crflllMNY OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. THE very light draught steam-packefs H. L. COOK and ORE GON will be ready for service in a few weeks ; the tenner commanded by Capt. T. E. Shaw and the latter by Capt T. N. Pinlp ot, both gentlemen of experience on Savannah River.— These boats will be enabled to reach Augusta am! Hamburg in the lowest stages of the river. The days of departure from Savannah will be Tuesday’s and Saturday’s, and from Augusta and Hambuig on Saturday’s and'Wednesday’s. Freights consigned to the Agent at Savannah, to be sent via the river, into South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, &c., will be forwarded free of commissions. aug 23 M. A. COHEN. Agent. FOR HAMBURG AND AUGUSTA. . ./> the superior Light Draught Steamer DkKai.b, Capt J. M. Moody, will commence her regular trips to Hamburg and Augusta on Friday, the 7th September, and continue running during the season, leaving Savannah every Friday afternoon at 5 o’clock, and Augusta every Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock. The DeKALB has been fitted up in superior style for the accommodation of passengers, and is comma uled by a gentleman well known on the river, and no pains will be spared to make her as comfortable as any can desire. She will touch all the Landings, both going and returning, to land Freight and Passengers, and is in tended to accommodate all persons on the River who may favor them with their patronage. Passengers wishing to go to Charleston can obtain Though Tickets on board, either through from Augusta and Hamburg./, or from any Landing on the River, at a considerable re duced rate. For Freight or Passage, apply to G. WALKER, Ag’t Augusta & Hamburg. BROOKS & TUPPER, do. Savannah. E. LAFITTE & CO., do Charleston. Freight for this boat will be forwarded fiee ot commission, aug 23 DAILY U. S. MAIL STEAM-PACKET LINE SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON, VIA IIILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. (inland two-thirds OF THE WAT.) METAMORA Capt. F. Barden. WM. SEABROOK Capt. P. BIANKENSiur. GEN. CLINCH Capt. Fenn Peck. JASPER Capt. Wm. S. Dixon. This L ine is composed of the above very superior Steam Packets, with experienced commanders, and cannot be excelled for safety, comfort and regularity. They leave Savannah every eveningat half pastS o’clock, and leave Charleston eveiy morning at 9 o’clock throughout the yen. Fare Five Dollars, meals included. Through Tickets between Macon and Charleston, Ten Dollars, including meals on the steamer* and omnibus fare in Savannah. BROOKS & TUPPER, Agents, Savannah, aug 23 E. LAFITTE &. CO., Agents, Charleston. AUGUSTA & WAYNESBORO’ RAIL ROAD. NOTICE is hereby given that Books of Subscription to the Stock of the Augusta & Waynesboro’ Rail Road, will be opened at Savannah, Augusta and Waynesboro’ on the Bth of October next, under the superintendence required by law, ami will continue open as the law requires. And whereas, subscription for Stock in said Company hav already been made in advance for a sum exceeding the amount au thorizing an organization, notice is further hereby given that the Stockholders will meet at Waynesboro, in the county ol Burke, on Tuesday the 13th day of November next, for the purpose of electing seven Directors to manage the affairs of the Company, in conformity with the charter. CHARLES W. WEST, Chairman, lid. Com, ThoS. 11. Blount, Sec’y Bd. Com. Waynesboro,’ Sept. 4, 1849, sept. 13, The Lafayette BURR MILL STONE Manufacturing Company, Bolton's Building, River Street , foot of JVhilaJcer SAVANNAH, GA., WILL keep on hand and for sale BURR STONES, from fifteen inches to seven feet; and we judge it sufficient recommen dation to say One Thousand setts of these Stones have been sold in the States of Georgia, Alabama, North and South Carolina ana Virginia—giving the most perfect satisfaction in both'Coin and Wheat. ‘ aug 3U