Newspaper Page Text
\ djj w. l. icsnaos and j. b. duxblb.
That Basket Mketixo.—The “Basket
Meeting" referred to in the Opinion of last week,
appointed to come off at Smyrna on Saturday and
SunWy lait, proved very tatlafactory to the good
|i iM-vIe of that vicinity. The Babbath School cel*
*■ “ the Friday previous, was a decided
I the public wonhipof the t wo fue
lling day* was largely attended. A deep in-
va» manifested ;by the lorge concourse of
present, nnd many wore made to “ rejoice
the hope of the glory of God." The services
protracted, and are expected to continue for
resent week. Several addition# were made
tliK Church, nnd the anxious scut was crowded
I'enltenb sinners, seeking a remission of
: TiiAT u IloimiBLJfe Affair. m —T1io Opinion
for Sunday morning made mention of a woman
rrrjm Campbell county Who gave birth to a child
Uu u wagon yard, near this city, on last Friday
'■ 5gbt, cutting its throat ar.d casting it into the
hlvy. At the time tho paragraph was penned,
0 party who were in pursuit of her, had uotro-
Urnt&< tlovrevor, Deputy 8h< rJff, Hubbard and
1 mi tel apt Murphy, who followed her to her
Acrfu-law’s, Mr. John Watson, in tho aboVe
n.jApJftmuuty, returned to the city about one
o'- f!c1$Yii.; Sunday. When they arrived at Hr.
W.\ ih|y found Mf». Susan Wutsou in bed, not
able t»» Ip’ar the fatigue of bringing her to Atlanta.
Hut tho party who had uccompanled her to and
fr »n tlu-city, a Mr. aud Miss Teal, were brought
hi-H under arrest, each of whom deny knowing
anything ol the affair. They were, however, ro-
ijuuired to give bond for their appeurancu at the
■. lolicr term of Fulton Superior Court. Mrs.
Vntxon acknowledges frankly that sho is the
■••-her of the child, and says that It was born In
i tiro privy and thrown into the pit by her, but de
nt 0* cutt ing Us throat. She also says that neither
T&l nor bis sister knew anything of the trainee-
Host. However incredible as It may seem, the
iiiothcr-lu law of this woman denies positively
knowing that Mrs. Susan Watson was even preg
nant; and we must give the statement credence,
its tiro family of Mr. John Watson, of Campbell
county, bear a# good a name for integrity us any
family in the State.
Airs. Watson is comparatively a voting woman—
her husband having only been dead only about
«h years. Our latest information In regard to her
in tint fihe was rapidly sinking, and it is thought
site could live but a few days.
JI.UTV Family.—Lt.Tim. Murphy and
>f his aids caged a calico crowd last night,
Tin- City Hotel was full, about midnight. No lb
E of thu “arrivals" wo* furnished for publication,
Ira* the Xymjih da Tact, white, yellow and black,
were fully represented. We are pleased to learn
l at Itroud street Bridge, and other fuvored local l
( ; •< Mere visited with success, and hope the visit*
nans bo continued.
J Hathkk a strange ulfuir won brought to
' tlit iu the city Wednesday. In tho hoi
( ' loretl woman, the bones of a human being were
j nnd in a #tove, burned almost to a cinder. Hr.
VAIviguy and others, pronounce them the bones
/'j a human, but seem to doubt their being thoscor
ji infant. The woman any* sho was dellv
. . child the night previous; that It was still born;
■ m I that her attendants took and harried It off U
I ■ uiy it. lint thcfc parties to whom she refers do-
! .|,y knowing anything about tho affair.
H 1 Thk Weather.-— Wednesday was ono of
' ,u"warmest flay* of tile season. llain and
' pine, nnd rain with little or no air stirring,
*ji-red the day decidedly unpleasant and alto-
•tlicr disagreeable. However, it is lino
.* young docks," and will soon wonderfully in-
/.reiis^Tthc already large crop or mosquitoes.
I Tin: City.— 1 Tho city la unusually quiet,
Whether It It attributable to the improved state
ol' public morals or a scarcity of money, is a ques
tion wc leave for others to decide. While wo hope
it is the former, a friend who " knows tho ropes,"
insinuates it Is possible that it is the latter. Wc
have long heard it said that" necessity was tho
Another of invention," but never have understood
biat it had such n salutary effect upon public mor-
■-U If this bo so, might we not truthfully ex*
Vlulm: “ Messed are the poor-ror they shall not
u.rcnk into tho cnlabooscl"* License.—It scents that tho
'•/ht of producers to sell their commodities on
\iho streets of Atlanta without a license has been
i Wade n .'test question lie Tore our city Municipal
/•cunt. The Judgment of tho Court In the case,
, which was rendered In favor of tho producor, sus-
Hulnlng him in tho right to peddle out the products
* fills lalKir, certainly is u correct one, nnd we
cannot oonceivo how any unbiased mind could
(txpert any other rendering. We have had oeca-
\ slon to examine the “books" •four “City Fathers"
ou the subject, nnd while lt was known to us that
inKsvstcd parties held the reverse, we never have
been ablo to so construe the ordinances on stroct
j peddling as to make it applicable to tho producer
i who may chooso to offer his commodities lbr salu in
j our market* A more unreasonable demand could
not be mnde, and a more stupendous outrago upon
tho legal rights of tho planter could not bo
granted than such an Infringement. However
mi^li interested parties .object to tho rendering
/ ol the Court In this case, not only tho people, but
•*1 tl highest tribunal in the land cannot do other-
■ wish than sustain lt. Tho right of tho planter to
g Vend the proceeds of his labor to the best advan-
Is one of the highest prerogatives of an
A.u-rieancltlxon, and one that wo Imaglno will
be ivoucluafcd to the planters of Georgia long
a.Lcr tho bowlings of its calumniators have sub-
‘ Idled for want of breath to alku-« it. ( (
Ixfanticidb.—In yesterday’s Ohxion
e gave Vol. 1, No. 1 of an hftroUcldc case. To-
Uay we contlnno the story um'.or the hind or Vol.
[tof tho same case. Now developments having
been made, a search In an old well, where a young
child was found, and suspicion resting upon one
Pink Bead, a colored woman, led to her arrest.
! A Coroner's inquest was held, and a verdict ren
dered that the child came to its death by being
i#st Into the well by said Hoad, and the forcible
Application of rocks, sticks, etc., breaking its
ikull, which Is said to havo been done by the
knowledge and consent of its mother, Sarah Tar
ver. Further investigations were going on at a
Lite hour last evonlng before Justices Unuldlng
Apd Butts. Hut of the result of this investi
gation wo aro not advised. If, however, of
nffleient Importance, we will give Vol. 3 of this
Affair to morrow.
W* find somo good hints as to domestic
moiuy in these days, thrown out by some en
;htoned cotemporary, who says t A pura p at the
J»r, a dairy In the yard-* kitchen under tho
fmo roof—a ceek In g stove Instead of afire place,
CUilt to hold a half oord; seasoned tael sawed and
(Pllt and plaeed under a convenient shelter; a
\ pftjhiof machine Instead of a washtub; these and
r iher eonvenlencee fUfnlihed to our wives Would
then to mnnaya their domOSUO UffWn wllb
S W J:+*** tae former number of servants, and
was sadly disappointed and greatly mortified
next morning when he discovered that some one
had stolen the two hind wheels of bis boggy,
We submit that such things are too bad. Fan Is
fkia; Ipit such outrages should not be recognised
even amoung thieves who would act honorable
even in so disreputable a calling.
Extenhivk BuboIaArt oh a Small
BOALg.—'Wednesday night last the cabinet shop
of Md Owens. Whitehall street, was entered by
on expert thief who snoceeded in carrying off all
tho tools belonging to the shop. From the amount
of tools Mr. O. lost, It Is reasonable to infer that
a dray was in requisition, as it is evident that
they could not have been carried uway by
even two men. Entrance was effected through
the cellar, (join, thieves, Justice will overtake
you after awhile.
Better.—-Mrs. Sanaa Wataon, of Camp
bell county, who is charged with infanticide, as
referred to in the Opinion of Tuesday last,
informed, is rapidly recovering, and it Is thought
she will soon bo well. Her trial will come off at
the October terra of Fnlton Superior Court.
Committed.—The woman Pink Heed,
charged with the murder of tho infant child of
Sarah Parker, mado mention of in yesterday’s
Opinion, was committed tojail yesterday to await
trial at tho uext session of tho Fulton Superior
Court. Sarah Darker, being considered danger
ously 111, lias not been brought to trial.
Tiie Farmer.—Attention Is directed to
the advertisement of The Georgia Farmer to be
found in the Opinion of this morning. The field
of operation lor tills enterprise is certainly an ex-
tensive one, aud one in which much good can and
should lie accomplished. The fanners aud plant
ers of Cherokee Georgia now have un opportunity
of patronising a journal published exclusively in
their interest. The enterprise Is commendable
auil worthy of success.
Commencement.—Tho Annual Com
mencement exercises of the Atlanta Medical Col
lege came off a> was announced at the City Ilall
on Friday. The exercises of the day were opened
with prayer by the Hev. Hr. Wilson, after which
tho Degree of Medicine was conferred on tho fol
lowing gentlemen: Jume-t T. Hester, Thomas C.
IIodg*on, CJ. W. Champion, Walter S. Maltbic, A.
W. Winn, W. 1*. League, Win. H. Stallings. A. G.
Dowdell, Win. M. Judsr n, Joseph Cl. Street, Jno.
11. Drake, Thou. H. Cook, C.C. Oliver, X.T. Bur
nett, K. K. Dixon, J. K. Henley, Geo. W. Durham,
W. L. McCool.
After conferring the upon the candi
dates, Prof. Alexander Means addressed tlie class
•or a short time in his usual eloquent ami happy
Then followed the Valedictory on the part of
tho Graduating Class, by C. C. Oliver, of Ala-
•f the graduates. His address, though
h more onto nnd comfort. d
o bo had as la time, bait, then
i!co{B become abnolutcljr am
1 worthy of tho name, wtll t
r attempt to conduct their household opera-
s after the former manner with the few domes-
i now at command.
’ DWArroixTKD,-*-A gontlortan by tty
Aftima of Sewell, from Alabama, who spent lost
(Wednesday night with Mryolbrook, of this city,
short, was erudite and patriotic.
The Valedictory ou tho part of Faculty was de
livered by Dr. J. M. Johnson, of Atlanta. This
was an ablo address, and delivered in an eloquent
and forcible manner. Tho exercises concluded
with the benediction by Dr. Wilson.
The commodious City Hull was crowded with
the beauty ami intelligence of tho city, ami every
thing passed off to the outiro satisfaction of all
l*rof. Clark’s Silver Hand, which was on hand
In duo time, regaled tho audience at tho conclu
sion of each address during the course of tho ex
Atlanta Mineral Simuno.—Yesterday
we paid a visit to this spring, and were much
pleased to sec that onr enterprising Mend, George
Johnson, lias things so admirably arranged. The
spring has been beautifully nnd substantially
housed In a neatly painted and tastefully con
structed little arbor. Mr. Johnson has also erect-
cd nu elegant building within twenty-fivo or
thirty yards of tho spring. Tho basement to this
house is fitted up in lino style, for a confectionery.
The second story or main floor is divided into
several departments. Them is a gentleman’s
parlor, a ladles' parlor, a ladles' dressing room, a
ball room, nnd u verandah or colonade, running
tho entire longth of ono side and one end of tho
honse, which is a delightful place for the evening
and morning promenade. To the sldo of tho
house opposite tho colonade is a spacious flooring
to which Is attached a covered stand, intended to
be used by tho orchestra to dispense music from
time to tlmo to tho seekers of pleasure who visit
this spring.
We also noticed that the roads lcadiug to the
spring havo been put in admirable order. Tho
City Council has opened n new street, running
from Kllis and Hunter streets to tho spriug, thus
rendering It not only accessible by the pedes
trians atui parties on horseback, but by carriages]
An immense amount or work has been done on
tlds property, ami it now begins to lio un orna
ment to that portion of tho city. Tho splendid
condition that this spring has been plumed in by
Mr. Johnson tenders u visit to it decidedly pleas
derstand there will be a grand opening
ball at the Atlantn Mineral Spring Hill Cottage,
Thursday night.
Violators of Revenue Laws Arrested.
Mr. J. M. storm, ol'Marslial Elyea's staff, returned
to the city Saturday from an oflicial tour through
White, Hall, and Jackson counties. Ho brings
this city, under arrest, llnssell Savage, of White
county; James Talbert, ol' Ilall county; aud Tali-
Tuggle, of Jackson county, all under charge
of violating tho Internal Hevcnuo laws. All of
them were, on yesterday, committed to prison to
await trial.
Agricultural College.— 1 Wo lcuru that
the subject ot establishing no Agricultural Col-
lege at Stone Mountain, will be brought before
the people of DcKalb county at a public meeting,
which is to eomo off at Decatur noxt Tuesday.
The ,,'oroni in this enterprise propose to establish
a college complete in n’l its parts as a 11 ter My
school, to which wlU bo attached a «UAtment of
not only thcoretricnl, but practical agriculture. Ln
connection with the Institution there will i>o
fields, gardons, etc., which the studenta
required to cultivate during their hours of leisure
from tbuir studies. The products derived from
this labor will bo appropriated for tho benefit of
tho institution, thus affording yonng men an op
portunity of procuring an education and paying
for it with their labor. Tho introduction of sueh
a school system certainly is an end devoutly to be
wished for in this Mate; and is ono that would
not fall to result in tho accomplishment of good.
Last Evening tlio employes of the car
factory of the Western and Atlantic Railroad
met at tho hall of Engine llouso So. I, to enjoy a
repast furnished by Capt. Grambling. It was an
occasion ol much good feeling among thoso who
partook of tho hospitalities extended. Cham
pagne and tbo Teutonic beverage flowed Dooly,
and nimble tongues und sparkling oyes offered
many gratulatlons to the gallant Captatn who
had called them together to partlclpato in these
convivial nativities. Tho center of attraction
and tho object of general remark, was tho mas-
•Ivo gold watep worn by Copt. O., which has on
Us glittering face tho following t “ Presented to
W. G. Grumbling, Sapt. Car Factory, W. & A. U.
B., by tho Employes of bis Dept, August, 1*17."
Agricultural Meeting.— 1 Tho citizens
of DcKalb county Will bold amagrlcultural moot-
ing at Decatur, Tuesday noxt, commencing at 13
" ' ninent gentlemen have
\ddrcss tho people. Tho
provement are respect*
1 It is especially do
oor tho country pco-
latter of vast impor-
that ihottld engage
Special Notices.
legal advertisements of tho Ordinary of Gordon
county, Georgia, will bo published lu the Georgia
Weekly and Daily Opinion.
sepS~w4t D. W. NEEL, Ordinary.
tlce tho legal advertisements of tho ofllco of
Ordinary of Carroll county, Ga., will be published
in tho Opinion, a newspaper published in Allan-
ta,Georgia. J- M. HI.ALOCA, Ordinary,
sept wit
further notice, the advertisements connected with
the ofllco of Ordinary, Sheriff, Clerk ot tho Supe
rior and Inferior Courts of Chattooga county, Ga.,
will be published in the Opinion, a nawspapt
published ln Atlanta, Ga.
C. C. CLEG HORN, Sheriff.
8AM*L HAWKINS,Ordinary.
Clerk Superior und Interior Courts.
Hummcrv ille, Aug. 28,18G7. augOl—wit
Sr* xoticeT— HEREater until
further notice, the advertisements connected with
tho office of Ordinary, Sheriff, Clerk or tho Hope
rlor Court ot Paulding county, Georgia, will ho
published lu the Opinion, n newspaper published
In Atlanta, Ga. 8. Ji. McGItEGOR, Ordinary,
I’. i\ ALI.GOOD, Sheriff.
Clerk Superior Court.
Dallas, Augusts?, 1WJ7. augUO—wit
hereby notified that tho HOOKS of tho LIN
TION, of Atlanta, Ga., aro now open for contri
butions, in the hands of
J. L. DUNS ISO, ITosdout,
M. G. DOBBIN'S, Vice-President.
tlce that all the advertisements of Sheriff’s Sales
of Gordon county, Ga., will l»c made in the Opir
ion l ewspaper, published in the city of Atlanta.
Calhoun, Ga., August 27,1867. ung60wit
will he published in the Atlanta Weekly Opiniou
until further notice.
E. W. CLEMENTS, Sheriff.
Cedar Town, Ga., Aug. 27,1867. augHO-wit
tice that all thu advertisements of Sheriff’s Sales
of Bartow county, will be made in the Opinion
icwspopcr, of tho city of Atlanta,
W. L. GOODWIN, Sheriff.
Cart. r>vill.-, Ga . Am?.26.1.-67. ;mg27-w4t
•ertising of Gwinnett county will hereafter ap
pear in tho Georgia Weekly Opinion.
Lawrcncovlllc. Ga., Aug. 19,18G7. nng20-wlt
IOR COURT—COUB County, ga., August 17 1967.
Until further notlco all tho legal advertisements
cmlnating from this ofllco will bo published in
the AtlantafOpinion newspaper.
If. M. HAMMETT, Clerk,
nuffil-w4t Superior Court, Cobh county. Ga.
legal'advertisements of thu Ordinary of Bartow
county. Georgia, will bo published in tho Georgia
Weekly Opinion.
J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary.
Carte rsvlllo, August W, 1867. aug3l-w4t
.■-ral advertisements pertaining to this ofllco will
be published in tbo Atlanta Weekly Opinion.
JOHN BRADY, Sheriff Butts county.
Jackson. Ga.. August 19.1867. ougf3-w8t
further notlco, tho advertisements connected with
tho ofllco of Ordinary. Sheriff, County Judge,
Clerk of tho Superior and Inferior Courts of
Urccno county, Georgia, will bo published in
the "Opinion,” a newspaper published in Atlantn,
a. EUGENICS L. KING, Ordinary.
J. If. ENGLISH, Sheriff.
Clerk Superior und Inferior Courts.
August 27th, 1*17. aug29—w4t
Notlco is hereby given that hereafter tho adver
tisements from the ofllco of tho hhoriffof DcKalb
county will bo published in tho Atlanta Opinion
Decatur, Ga., August 16,1867. aug22—w4t
tice that nil tho legal ndvortisemonts from the
office of tho Ordinary of ^Gwinnett county will
hereafter Iks published In tho Atlanta Opinion.
G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordinary.
Lawreneovillc, Ga., Aug. ill, 1867. Augtl-w4t
tice, all Legal Advertisements from tho Office or
tho Ordinury ol Fulton county will bo published
In tho Atlanta Opinion.
Atlanta, August 13,1807. augl4—\v4t
tteo tho advertisements of tho Sheriff's Bales of
Cobb county will bo mado In tho Atlanta opinion
newspaper. A. F. JOHNSON,
sheriff of Cobb county, Ga.
Marietta, Ga., Ang. 17, l»n. nug21-w4t
Opfice of tux Court of Ordinary, August 19th,
1*17.—Notice Is hereby given that hereafter the
legal advertisements of this office wil bo publish
ed In the Atlanta Opinion.
ang*L-W4t J. T. STEPHENS, Ordinary.
In oonfohhlty to General Order No. 49, Headquar
ters Third Military District, dated August llth
1867,1 and to soctlonJl,5TT,:of the Code of Georgia, the
legal ddvertiiemenU from the office of Ordinary of
Fayette county will be published in the Weekly
Opinion, published In Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 15,1867.
augl«-wlt EDWARDCONNOR, Ordinary.
tlce that all tbo advertisements of Sheriff's Bales,
for this county, will bo made la the Opision
nowspaper, of the city of Atlanta.
Sheriff Fulton county.
Atlanta, Ga., Augustl3,1S77. aug!4-w4t
Goneral Order No. 4'.), Headquarters Third Mili
tary District, dated August 12,1867, and to section
3,577 of tho Now Code or Georgia, tho advertising
connected with my ofllco will hereafter bo done
in tho Opinion, ln this city. August 14,1867.
nugt8—w4t Special Bailiff.
Legal Advertisements.
W ILT, be sold before the Court House door, ln
tho town oft artersvillp, Bartow county, on
the first Tuesday lu October next, tho following
property,to wits
Lots at land Nos.956,993,99!, 099, all In tho 17th
district ami 3d section of Bartow county, levied on
as tho property of Atnsi A. Btroup. (incensed, to
satisfy nil.fa. from Bartow .Superior Court in favor
of la-wls Tmniin and -John A. Erwin vs. D. A. Tuff
and J. GYtyals, administrators of Amsi A. Btroup,
Also, at Fumo timo nnd place,one brick house
and lot in tins town of < artcrsviJJe, now occupied
by John J.'Jones as a law office, levied <>n as tho
property of John J. Jones, to satisfy ail. fa. from
Cass Superior Court in favor of Alexander
Todd vs John J. Jones, principal, nnd Robert H.
Jones, security. Property pointed out by defen
Also, at same timo nnd place, one lot in tho town
or Carte mi lie, on which Daniel Handler now re
sides, levied on as the property of Wtu. E. Jones,
satisfy sundry tl. las. now in my hands;
cs: two ,
i favor of Alexander Todd vs. Wm.
»: nnd ono Justice Court 11. fa. iu favor of
Williford vs. Wm. E. Jones. Property
s attorney.
id place, lot of land No.
Legal Advertisements.
Gordon County October Sheriff Bale#.
IT ILL be sold before the Court House dooi
„ Y Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga., on the first
Tuesday in October next, between tho legal hours
ofsalo, the following property, to-wit t
One south half of lot* Sot, 106 and 107, contain
ing one hundrod and sixty acres, more or less, at
thu property of Isaac Bates, to satisfy ono Bupor-
lor Court tl. f», in flavor of U. M. Young vs. said
Bates. Property pointed out by defendant.
Also, at thu same timo and place, will be sold,
one lot of land, No. 190, ln tho '.4th district, tki
suction, Gordon county, levied on as tbo property
of Thomas Harkins, to satisfy sundry Justices’
Court 11. las lu my hands, In lavor of Plobuck A
Orr vs. Thomas Harkins and James Harkins. Tbo
abovo property wan levied on nnd returned to mo
by a (.'onstable. Property was jointed out by
Also, at the same time and place, will bo sold
lots of land. Xos. 191,202 and 203, in tho 14th dis
trict, 3d section, Gordon county, levied on os the
proporty of William 11. Bailey, to satisfy sundry
Justices' Court 1J. fas. in my hands, in favor of J.
II. McClendon, und others. The above proporty
was levied on and returned to mo by a Constable
and pointed out by John Malone.
Also, at tho samo time and place, will bo sold,
one lot or parcel of land lying west or Western
and Atlantic Railroad, levied on as the property
of James D. Ingles, to satisfy two Bupcriur Court
U. fas., one in favor of Sams, Bel man A Co., and
ono in favor of Barns;* Camp. Property pointed
out by J. L. Camp.
Also, at the same tliuo
at tho same timo and place,
' '—*‘ J the property of
Superior Court
.Joseph Will
, ... sumo timi ,
t, lying in the 17th district and 3d sectiou
Bartow county, levied on a "
d John s. Owen:
1077 A r
uud from Bartow Superior Court in favor of
iinett II. Conyers against Thomas A. Owens
.... I John fe. Owens. Property i>ointcd out by oue
of tho defendants.
Also, at samo time and place, ono store house in
Kingston, levied on a* tho property of Johns.
Owens, to satisfy one fl. fa. Issued from Bartow
Superior Court in favorol's. J.C'ox,bearer, against
Powell and Owens; nnd one fl. fa. from a Justice
Court In favorof Goodwin A Stocks against I’mv-
cllAOweus. Property pointed out by defendant.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land No.
190, in the 17th district and •'51 section of Bartow
county. Levied on as tho property of Mark A.
Hardin, to satisfy a tl. fa. issued from Bartow Su
perior Court in favor of Bennett II. Conyers,
against Joseph Dunlap, principal, and Mark A.
Jlardin nnd J. 31. Anderson, securities. Property
pointed out by defendant.
I pin.
erty of Christopher Dodd. -
issued from Bartow Supcrioi
Bennett II. C<
And n
itl No.
i, and
iml 3d
in favor of
I. Kurpe and
Andrew Hamilton, uiafci
endorser, nnd | Hffi
In favorof lie
Christopher I
pointed ou& by
Also, at the same time and Hnee, one two-liorso
wagon. Loyled ou as the property of Caroltno
Young, a tl. fa-.issued from. Bartow
yi*. Farinw against Jc»ou Dodd,
. . . id and \Y. C.'Gllluin. l'ropo
i. by the defendant, Christopher Dodd
>»unty 0>«fTlir favor 6f P. G. 1 'nitampaJ,
.'uroline Young. Property point 'MiViypln.'-itiff.
Also, at the same timo and 4 * * -l.orsfl
vagon; levied on as the property ■ - A. J. Brews
ter. Also, one buggy; Icvieif»
of A. J. Brewster. Also, ono cow anil
«*«» as tho property of A. J.‘Brewster"
favor of G. M.
ci ty pointed out l
ui u. Vfiuiiagii iii. w MIWSIV ouu ll
rior Court U. fa. in favor of \Y. C. Brogdon. Pi-
erty pointed nut liv defendant.
Also, will I.
ono inula and buggy, levied..
Joseph Willingham, to satisfy
ll. fa. in favor of B. II. Conyor
inglmm, maker, und Wm. M. Denman, indorser.
Property jiointcd out by defendant.
Also, will lie sold, nt the samo ti.„u «..<• umtu,
me sorrel horso and ono dark colore»l mule, levied
in the property of William A. Nesbctt, to satisfy
onr County Court ll. fas. in favor of J. E. P
Property pointed out by defendant.
Also, at tho sunte time and place, will bo sold,
one lot ot land, No. 83, in the 7tb district and 3d
Kcction of Gordon county, levied on ns tho proper
ty of John A. Pulliam, to satisfy two Bupcrior
Court fl. fas ono in favor of B. 11. Conyei
John A. Pulliam, Humuel Pulliam, maker,
William M. Denman, indorser, and ono in favor
of Jl. Ji. C on yen vs. John A. Pulliam, and Samuel
Pulliam and J. M. Fields, security on stay.
Also, will be sold at the samo timo and place,
one lot of land, eontaining 145 acres, more or less,
number not known, but known as tlio homestead
place. Levied on ns tho property of James Q.
boatman, to satisfy ono County Court fi. la. in fa
vorof Milner A Parrott. Property pointed out
by defendant.
Also, at tho samo timo and place will be sold,
ono lot of land. No. 299, in the tith district and 3d
section of Gordon county. Levied on as tho prop
erty of Abner Lewis, to satisfy ono County Court
ll. fa. in favor of Milner A Parrott. Property
pointed out by defendant.
W ILL he sold before the Court House door, in
the town of Summerville, Chattooga coun
ty, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday In October next, tho following pronor-
ty, to-wit: * 1 1
Franklin Gaines’ interest In 40 'acres of land,
being the south side of lot No. 19, In the 13th dis
trict and 4th section, levied on as the property of
F. Gaines, to satisfy a Justices’ Court ll. fa. from
the 925th district, G. M., in favor of Edmondson A
Allen vs. F. Gaines. Levy mado nnd returned to
me by a Constable.
C. C. CL KG HORN. Sheriff.
August 28,1867. iPrs fee $2A0] augSl-wtils
Legal Advertisements.
. JP&LP* *° 1J before the Court JJonse door, Ja
* * tae towa ofLawreneeville, Gwinnett coun-
on the first Tuesday in October next, dur-
ty g fo.wn** h ° Ur * ° f ***** tbe folu>win g proper-
6ne hnndrod and forty acres of land, more or
less, in the sixth district of said county, the tame
Parts of lots 236 and 268, whereon tho de
fendant 110 w resides, und on the old shallow Fowl
road, adjoining lands of Drury Thomas, Green.
'Kins. It. R. Jurner, and others. Levied on a-i
tbepronerty of defendant, to sattsty oost on an
execution issued from the Superior Ourt or
ln fav0 *' of Thos. If. Jones vs.
r!^ rrl .^ n ani110 »«tihfy one fl. f*. issu^t
from tho Justices’ Court of tho 544th Dlit! G. M
Sira ,avor ° f wm - «■*» «’•
Also, at the same time aud place, oue hundred
county, infovor of Win. F. GlosioraYs. Richard
and Thos. A. Klrabro and James
fondant’ cur ‘ tles * A *°P«rty pointed out by dc-
Also, nt tho samo and place, cighty.flvc acres of
w" or loss, tho samo being parts of lots
Nos. (863) three huud.ed und sixty-three, and (37»
thlrtv-sovcn, in the seventh district of said coun
ty, it being tho place whereon tho defendant
rajas: sasastiKMj
— ... ....—HKd! Leviouon > t
i cost II. fa. issued from the Court
others, on tho Bhodburn Ferry r
satisfy one cost 11. fa. issued
Ordinary of said county, in favor ofO. T. Rake-
straw. Ordinary, vs. Francis 8. Corbin, principal,
and Thos. Pittman, security. Property pointed
out by plaintiff.
Also, at the samo timo and plnco, fifty acres of
land, inoroor less, iu tho seventh district of said
county, number unknown, adjoining lands of Asa
Harrison, Reuben Wallis ami W. ¥"Glossom, tho
same being thonlaro whereon James Ktmhro now
resides. Levied on as the proper?• of Jame*
Kimbro, to satisfy a fl. fa. Issued from the Supe
rior Court of said county, in Tavor of Wm. F.
Glossom vs. Richard Adums, principal, and Thos.
A. Kimbro and Jus. Kimbro, securities. Proper
ty |>olntcd out by defendant. Jas. Kimbro.
Also, at tho same time and place, twenty-five
of G. T. Rakestraw, Ordinary, vs. Thos..,. *» men,
Wm Rogers, and A. R. Smith, Executors of Gcorgo
it. Waters, deceased. Property pointed out by
Thomas J. Waters.
Also, nt the same timo and place, ono hundred
bushels of wheat. Levied on as tho property of
Thomas J. Waters, to satisfy costs on Ihc‘follow
ing executions issued from the Superior Court of
said county, to wit: One in favorof Russell A
Shaffer vs. Thomas J. Waters; ono in favor of
Milton A Chandler, vs. Thomas J. Waters; one in
favorof Daniel Lockridgoand Anion Lockridgc,
vs. Thomas J. Waters; two in favor of H. K.
Strickland, .vs.' Thomas J. Waters. Property
pointed out by defendant.
Also, at tho samo timo and place, one hundred
djrhty-tlvo acres of land, more or less, in thu
district of r- 1 -* *--• •
of land, more 0
liitn district or said county, the samo being park
of lot No. 602, and adjoining lands of Daniel Har
ris, Clara Brooks, Benjamin Crumley, and others,
'••ing ou tho waters of tho Wild Cat. Levied on
tlio property of .John R. Blount, to satisfy ono
cost 11. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said
minty, in favor of N. L. Hutchins.‘Hr., v*. Isaao
(fount, Juno Blount, and John It. Blount.
Also, at the same time and place, sixty.sixacres
of land, in tlio tilth district of said county, tho
same being part of lot No. 356, nnd mljoining land*
ot' David Ethridge and others. Levied on as tho
iperty of Willis Chandler, to satisfy a fl. fa.
:ied from tho Justices’ Court of the 316th Dl*t. #
j. 31, in favor of (J. T. Rakestraw vs. Willis
Jhandler, Elijah IF.; Beam and David Carter.**
August 30th, 1867.
W ILL be sold before tlio Court House
door, in the town of t 'urtersville, Bartow
county, on the first Tuesday iu November next,
between tho legal hours of sale, the following
rty, to. wit: Two cow* and calves; levied ou
: property of W. C. Smith, to satisfy one
— .1 1'.. 1 » Bartow Superior
S IXTY DAYS lifter date apj.l
mado to tho Court m Ordinary of Bart*
county, lor leave to sell all tho real estate belon„
ing to F. D. Boalifold. laic of suM county, do-
uni. Bold for " ’ ’ ’
of salu decei
that tho legal ailvortl.omontt Utuctl front tho
Sheriff', ofllco of tho Count/ or Monroo wilt
hereafter ho pubUihoit in tho Atlanta Weekly
Opinion. WILEY J. Sll-KS, Sheriff.
Fonyth, Oa., August 10,1W7. augto-tvtt
tice all tlio legal advertisements {font the Sheriffs
offico of Clayton county will ho published In tho
Atlanta Opinion. J. A. McCONNELL, Sheriff.
Jonesboro. Uit.. Ang. 10.18»f. angOO-wtt
tlco all tho legal adrertUomonta ffom tho ofllco or
tho Ordinary of Clayton connty wilt bo published
in the Atlanta Opinion.
, c. A. DOLLAR, ordinary.
Jonesboro, qa.AnguiH0.lBT. angoo.wlt
tlco alt tha legal advertisements or tho OfUccro
of tho county Court of Clayton county wlU bo
published In tho Atlanta Opinion.
11. K. HOLLIDAY, J. C. C.
Jonesboro. Qa.Ang.lO. lhgh augto-wtt
tico all legal advertDenionU ftom tho office ot tho
Ordinary of DcKalb county wlU bo published ta
tbo Atlanta Opinion.
Decatur, Gfi-i Aug. 10,1867. aug!8wit
GEORGIA, Gordon County.
TT appearing to tho'Court,by tho petition ol clem
I cut Arnold, that Mary Man-i.dec’U., did, in liefl
life-time, execute to Thomas M. Hedger her oblt-l
gallon to executo titles in foe-simplo to said
Thorno* 3L l’lcdger for half lot of land number I
twouty-sevou, In 15th district and 3.1 section of
Gordon county— tho saidTii'oma# M. I’lcdgor hav
ing transferred tho sabl obligation, with tho land
and all tbo right* thereto, to said Clement Arnold,
your petitioner; and it further appearing that tbo
| *aid Mary Munu departed thts lire without execu
ting titles to said land, o'- by will or otherwise
providing therefor; and it further appearing that
Mild Thoiugs 31. l'lcdger hi-* paid the full amount
of tho purchase price of s id half lot of laud; and
tho said clement Arnold, purchaser or said land,
iKdltiona this Court to direct Wesley Hnghcn,
administrator upon tho of Mary Manu, de
ceased, to cxcciiU) to him titles to said half lot of
land, iu conformity with said obligation:
Therefore, all person? concerned aro hereby no
tified and required to file their objections (Ir any
I they havo) in my office, within tho time proscribed
by law, why said admin strator should not be
ordered to oxd-ute title 6 "•» sabl laud. In conform-
I |ty w IIH said oblige lion ^ ml iUs further ordered,
that a copy of this ttul> .B published In tlio Gkor-I
wia Wxjkay UriNiox, lu forms of tho law, for the
b *vo of thirty days, i i
Bxiraci Vo:it the f intei, this August 31st,
1867. *" \ W. NK"’
*epl.v—WvO-l | l’i int.-.’s
.*\W. NEK I., Ordinary.
GEORGLL Gordon Cousty.
tl . Gnrtington, rcu.osouts to the Court in Ills
K etiflon, duly filed and - nteved on record, th
^ a^fuUy udminlsleml Jolin W. Garlington
This Is therefore to cite all persous concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they
eau, why paid admlnbtrator should not bo dls-
charged rrem his administration, and receive let
ters of dismission on th« first Monday in March,
1888. 1). W. XKEL, Ordinary.
septl-wOm [Printer’s fee 84.BOJ
GEORGLV, Gordon county.
YTT IL DABNEY having in pr
v v • piled to mo for permanent
ministration d4boats no*,on tho oi
C. Longsmct, lato of smU county, deceased: .
This Is to cito and admonish all and singular.
tho creiUtots and next#f kin of said deceased, to
I lio and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, and show cause, if any they can,
why peri
should noi
Witness my band and official signature* this
August31^1867. D. W. ( NEELrOnUimry.
GEORGIA, Gordon county.
4 having applied to mo In proper
iters of administration upon tha
Given undor my band ami official •ljrr‘ t —
A«t B Jfl«,l»f. !>• W. ( WJ«R OtA
, liwiNxgrr coosir.
illcatlon will b«
Gordon County November Mortgage Shoriir Bale.
W ILL bo sold boforo tbo Court llouso door, ln
tbo town of Calhoun. Gordon county, Ga.,
on tho first Tuesday in November next, between
tho legal hours of sale, the following property,
to-wlt: Ono certain young red white faced cow,
about three ycues old: one largo syrup kettle; one
two-horse,« a K«.,t, iWrSy \m*U*»To of srhAnvAi.^1 e Oft
less; defendant’s crop of corn, raised6n James A.'
Cantrell’s farm. All levied on as the property of
31. E. Darker, to sality the within Mortgage fl. fa.
Augustas, 1867. aug30-wtds [l’rs foe $2.501
GEORGIA, Ctwuoix tut n.
W J1KKI.AS, it. .). Jkt.viirl . a.
plies to mo for luiii-ra of .i'i.i>i..i uati-ii on
the estate of Jniaus Stripling, d< --. « o.!;
These are. thevo'oio, to cite all and Mogul
the next or kin und creditor* of i>aiU deceasod.
ho nnd appear at my office, wilhin the lime in
scribed by law nnd show cause, if anv they eu
why suhl letters should not ho granted.
Given under my hand and official, signature,
this August 31st, 1867.
J, 31. BLALOCK, Ordinary.
scplw-'JOil [Printer's foe $3]
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
W HEREAS, Mra. Mary Grocn applies ton
tor letters of administration on tho estate
of William E. Green, lute of said county, deceased
This it, therefore, to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to file their objections, if any exist, within
tho time allowed by law. why letters should not
ho granted tho applicant.
Witness my official signature, this August noth,
1867. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary.
augffi—W80a [Printer’s feo $3|'
GEORGIA, Paulding county.
T WO MONTHS after date upifl
mado to tho JlonoraWo Onlii
W ILL ;iK) sold lieforo tbo Cnurc irousu floor in
Cedar Town, Polk county, Ga., on tho flrst
Tuesday In October next, between tho legal hour,
of sale, tho following property, to-wit:
Lots ol land Nos. 1H7, 830, Alt, 234,263,262.
261,250,257,259, and the undivided hair of lot No!
256, all lying iu thu 2tst dlsgrtct and 3d section of
said county, containing *'or{x_'* fc ,v- each Itviofl
on a# tho property of Jun.C'f'.w' 'arc, bv i
twenty-nine cost fl. fas.
lor Court in favorof the office
laid i
id fot., lying in Osinr T»n
•oik a
— — ~jry lu
said county, for leave to sell tho land oclot„.„_ ...
tho estate of D. Limloy. deceased, late of said
. d for
Limloy. deceased, lato of sa.
county. ll. 31. WHITWORTH, Adm’r.
August27.1867. nug:M>-w9'n [Pro feo $5[
GEORGIA, Pavzdixo county.
W HEREAS, L. Leo applies to mo for letters ol
administration, de bonis non, n|Mm tin
estato of B. F. Leo. late of said countv. oeMfigM
Thoso are, therefore, to cito and require all por
sens concerned, to bo and appear nt tho Ordlna
S r’s ofllco. In nt»d for said county, on or before tho
rst Tuesday in October noxt. to show cause, if
any thoy cau, why said letters should not ho
granted the applicant.
Given under ray hand and official signature,
August 27, ls67.
8. B. McGUKGOU, Onllnary.
angflQ—wlltM [Printer’s feo $3]
GEORGIA, Paulding county.
flAWO MONTHS after dato application will bo
A made to tho Ordinary in and for said county,
for leavo to soil tho land belonging to tbo estato ot'
Oliver ltussom, deceased. Into of said county.
Augjis127,J867. aug:j0-\v2m (Pro fee $5)
GEORGIA, Claytox county.
rnAlvKN UP at D. L. Duppoy’s on or about tho
A 29th of Juno. 1867, one Eslray Sow and
Shoats; tha Bow Is black, with a whlto list art
marked with smooth crop and split in
tho D— * -
r’s, ai
soven dollars.
»• ti IMMU.Ii, tiinraU.
A C. ELLIOTT, { -M'praist
August 22th, 1867.
GEORGIA, Clayfox county.
F SBSOXALLY appeared boforo me, D. L.
Duppoy who, being duly sworn, deposeth nnd
■altb that tha marks aud oramts of tho abovo ap
praised Sstrays are correct, and havo not been
disfigured since be took them up, to his knowlodg
Sworn to and subscribed boforo me, this tho 29
dav of August. 1867. _ D. L. DUPPKY.
J. L. 11. WALDROP, Dep’t Clerk t C.
The abovo appraised Estrays will lie sold on tho
ilxth|day or September. 1867, on tho freehold where
taken np. aug3l-dit [ Printer's foo fit 1 ,
GEORGIA, Pauldino county.
mwo MOXTU8 after date application wlU bo
A mado to tho Honorable Ordinary of said coun
ty for leavo to soil tho land bolonglng to tho estato
0 rL. A. Core
AugvstIT, 1867. augSO—wtm [Pro fee fiS]
Atlanta, Ga., August Slit, 1817. }
. t-v ... -aid fl. iu-*. ag.iiu»t John L Ayer,aur-
vivdig partner of Ayer A Chisolm, the other
three ll. fa*, against John L. Aver anil v. o.
Chisolm, administrator of Thomas F. Chisolm,
Also, at the samo timo and place, ono town lot
in tho town of Cedar Town, known ns tlio lot
formerly occupied by Brooks M. Willingham, one
acre more or less, levied ou ns the property of F.
31. and K. T. Childress, by virtue of three cost/).
Ins. issued from saiu Superior Court against said
Also, at tho saino timo ami place, town lot in
Also, at the sam
on which John K<
containing lau at
. John L. Ayer, by virtue ol’ n
favor of the officers of Polk Sui>vrior
! Him
ml place, the plantation
resides, in said county,
- or less, levied upon as
property or o. L. Monfort, dot-eased, by virtuo
i cost ll. fa issued from Polk Snpcrior Court in
favor of the officers or said Court against said
timo nnd place, lots of land
Also, at tlio l
Xos. 49,5Dumllying in tho 1st district ami 4th
section of said county of Polk, levied on ns thu
property of llonry Richard*, by virtue «»r three
cost fi. las. issued from Polk Superior Court
against said Richard*.
Also, at the samo time and plnco, town lots Xos.
22 and 2*. lying in the town of Cedar Town, levied
on a* tho property of John C. Crabb, deceased, by
virtue ol' u cost fl. fa. issued from Polk Superior
Court against J. N. Jones, administrator of said
J.C. Crahh.
Also, nt the same timo and place, lots of land
Xos. Ki5 and HW, lying in tho lath district and 3d
-cetionofl’olk county, levied upon by virtue oC
three cost fl. la*, issued iront l*olk Superior Court
ngalnst W. C. Knight A Co., as the proporty of said
W. U. Knight & Co.
Also, at the samo time and place, will be sold
.Van Wert, in said county.
C. Knight A Co.
dso, ut the san
the house and lot mw * mi »* cn. m >am county,
whereon Dr. S. B. l»carcc now resides. levied upon
a* tho property of J. L. Flancgnn, deceased, by
virtue or two cost fl. fa*, issued front Pol"
lor Court ugaiustsuid Allen A Finnegan.
* ’— attnr “— — — "
fl. fa*, issued front Polk Super-
. «. said Allen A Finnegan.
Also, nt tho samo timo and place, will bo sold
the plantation former ly owned by Joseph Morgan,
deceased, now oceupid by T. P. Stockton, levied
on by vlrtnoof a cost ll. ra. front the Inferior
Court or said county against Margaret Morgan,
and William Hubbard, executors, Ac
August i7, 1867. Sheriff Polk county.
--- “ •*'- Inr..« MKnn '
Ug.'ilJ —\\ tils
UTinter’s feo 125.00]
W ILL lie sold before the Court Houso door la
tho town of Dallas. Pauldlngr county. Go.,
on tho first Tuesday In October next, within the
lrgat hours of sate, the following pmiiortv, to-wit:
TjOtsol'laud Nos. 101, 102, 45 and 43. in the2«l
district and 3d section, lovtcd on as the property
of R. a. Turner, to satisfy one fi.ra.from thoCouatr
Court of tald county. I- 4
Margaret Turner, adn
ner, deconood, vs. R. J
ed out by defondants.
Also, lots of land, Xos. 489, 510 and 520, in the
3d district and 3d section, lovled on as the proper-
ty of Wm. Tant. to satisfy oue fl. fa. from tno
County Court of said county, in favor of J. B.
Bone vs. Wm. Tant, and Isaac Tanl security.-
Property pointed out by C. D. Forsyth,dclendanfa
AUo. lo!« of faitd Sul. !,I(W and 1,0B1, In Iho Sd
l‘S*nd *1 «!», of .aid county, listlad on u tire
JODerty of C. Osbum. to .atttfy one n. it. frere
« County Court or .nld county, in ftror of A. 8.
Artnlnv>.c. oibuni. and J. Cantrell Imlorrer.
ri.fa. now amtrollcl by J. D. Wublngtoo, nut
pm>orty i-lntcd out mTU Wnhlnaton.
Auntumiim. P. p. A[,Lu<)oi> t Sheriff.
augSO-wtda [Printoea tbo il.mi)
GKOHaLA, Paolduio cocxtv.
CTirA.y tkal apbUea to mo lbr loiters ot
ttutnuanihlp upon tbo panoit and property
in. II. Austin, minor bolr of tv. T. Austin,
nu(W-wJM [PrlntorV ibo ta]
fcO.VBJ #t,