Newspaper Page Text
gS-Tho Savannah Advertiser, in notic
ing tlic disaster to tlio train on tho Central
Railroad last Thursday, thus alludes to the
narrow escape of tho Express messenger,
Nr. 11111, front being crushed to death, and
his meritorious conduct. It says:
Nr. John C. Hill, the messenger ol the
Southern Express Company, was in Ills cur
or the accident, and was thrown
attlictlmool .. ,
among the wreck. When ho came to Ids
senses lie found himself tightly Jammed In
nmong the contents of his car, with the
forward trnck close to his head, tho heavy
Iron safe within two Inches of his side, anil
several boxes and packages mllcd up over
and around him. After some labor no was
yot out, when it was found tpat he luid only
(a? he then thought) sustained scverul so
und look alter his freight, lie discovered
that one ankle was so severely sprained
that he could not stand. With the utmost
coolness he had himself supported to a con
venient sitting position, and gave direc
tions for the care of the packages entrusted
to his care. The money packages were all
recovered In good order, as was also a largo
lie brought through and delivered them
safely at the office, although suffering much
from his injuries.
The train arrived here at 1.20, r. m., tho
■passengers all thankful for their providen
tial escape.
I3T A correspondent at Little Rock
writes that up to the 20th inst. 2,032 persons
had registered in that township, of which
741 were whites and 1,291 colored. It is
predicted that about four thousand voters
will he registered in Pulaski county, and
tlmt tho Republican majority will be at
least two thousand. Our informant says:
The colored men will stand by their^l’e-
publicnn friends, although the Conserva
tives are moving heaven and earth to de
feat us. and they arc well organized. They
Rope, by registering as many of their ad
herents ns possible, and keeping the nc-
the calling
jgroes from the polls, to defeat
of a State Convention. The Republican^
however, are conildcnt of achieving a vic
tory, although the opposition continue to
control all the important offices in the
State, the influence of whicli they know so
well how to yield.
Uisiior Timon’8 Will.—The will of the
late Rishop of Buffalo has just been ad
mitted to probate by the Surrogate of Erie
county. It Was made more than thirty
years ago. It; provides:
All my property I consider to be the
property or the Chu
_ 3Church; for though I ac
quired most of it through long Journey
and many dangers, yet I only asked io
table Institutions in this diocese—never
did ask for myself. But though I consider,
and ever considered, tho property held in
my name in this light, to bo administered
by my successors, yet to (comply with tho
spirit of the laws, as mucli as is really and
legally mine, and held under my name, I
bequeath to tho Kt. Rev. John Loughlin,
Bishop of Brooklyn, State of New York,
nil my real and i>crsonal estate; but with
the condition that out of tho proceeds ho
pay my just debts. I also name the most
Rev. John McClosky and the Right Rev.
John J. Conroy, Bishop of Albany, cxccu-
uuiiit ui v^unruy, jdihiiiju ui /viuuiiy,
tors of this my last will and testament.
John Timon, Bishop of Buffalo.
The Muscogee IUilhoad.—lion. J. L.
Mustain, President of tho Muscogee Rail'
road, lnhisannnal report, recently made,
exhibits the receipts and expenditures of
his road, as follows:
The receipts from .11 aoarccs for tho
year have heen ,203,108 00
The expanse, fur thu suluu time have
ic cxtruoi
fur thu
175,101 70
The extraordinary expcnlcs bavo tiecn
27,201 31
But ibr this Item growing out or the
caiualtlea of the war, iho earning.
overexpenaeawould bare been.... OS,Sit S3
Tho extraordinary expense., ax exblb-
To this add 17 sham guaranteed S per
cent, stock redeemed..
1,700 00
out of the comings of tho road, o
lags o
and above the onlinary expenses of
' sof......
operating the road, the aum of 180,ISO 45
From this amount should bo deducted
<43,000, Increase in Bond Account for two
years. This, under ordinary circumstan
ces, would have netted an amount equal to
*8 per share on General Stock, annually,
and left a balance of <37,400 for contin
StosincANT.—Tito Philadelphia Press
thus alludes to matters in Tcnncssoc:
Since the late election In Tennessee the
Stato bonds of that Commonwealth have
advanced live per cent. In the New York
market. Now that It is known that Ten
nessee Is free, with the flag of our govern
ment lloating triumphantly over every
section ot It, the bonds will not go up, but
Northern capital will bo better disposed
towards Investments of all kinds In the
State. 4V ill our Democratic cotemporarics
Inform us whether the Kentucky election
has bettered tho financial prosperity of
that rcbcl-ridden Stato.
Tho St. Louis Democrat says:
Immediately alter tho Republican victory
in Missouri last year, tho bonds of this
Stato Jumped eight per cent. In the New
York market within a few hours, snd they
have since risen over thirty per cent.
IVhst Is the reason that Republican vic
tories make State bonds go up like a bal
loon, whllo tho so-called Conservative vie.
CSfAugusta will soon be a able to boast
of her Street Railroad. Tho Chronicle and
Sentinel, of the 27th, says t
We have seen a letter from Messrs. Hoy,
•Kennedy & Co, of New York, tho con
tractors for the building of tho Street Rail
road, dated the 13tli lust., in which they
say the Iron, chairs, spikes, tools, etc,
necessary Ibr the construction of the road
was shipped to Charleston on the 12th Inst.
They alio say that their Agents and Su
perintendents will he on tho ground ready
to receive tho material by the time It ar
rives here, and that the work will bo put
through as rapidly as possible.
’Still another now and atrocious
a Isle hour last night not a single
had found hi, way, on account of bis weak
ness tor strong drink, to tho hospitalities
of the city.” Ndltlsts should restrain re-
portlsts from trifling with the English lan
guage la tola way.
T)UBLI8U upward ot TWO nuVDXED TjtXf
J. books, adapted to nearly oil denartment# of
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Cornell 9 a Geographies.
First Step in Geogbahhy. Child’s 4to.
72 pp. 45 cents.
Primary Geography. Small 4to. 00 pp.
90 cents.
Intermediate Geography. Largo 4 to.
00 pp. $1.25.
Grammar-School Gkooraphy. Largo 4to.
108 pp. $1.50.
IIigii-Scuool Geography and Atlas. 2
vols. $3.50.
No other School-Books ever published in
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Ojjlcers; by Presidents and Professors of
Colleges, Principals of Academics, and
Teachers of Public: and Private Schools
throughout the whole country.
millions of Coplea Have been Sold I
They are used in the Publio Schools of tho City or
New York, and to tho exclusion of all others in
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troit, Charleston, and scores of other cities—they
1st In philosophical arrangement.
ad. In the gradual progression of their steps.
3d. In presenting one thing at at a time.
4th. In tho adaptation of each part to its intend
ed grade of scholarship.
5th. In tholr admirable mode they prescribe for
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6th. In tho explanations anil directions for de-
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i tho explanations and directions 1
scribing tho natural divisions of tho
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A New Series of Arithmetics.
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Clear, thorough, comprehensive: logically nr
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Harkness 9 Latin Series.
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i series, although recently published, Is al-
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ler. 1«B pages. Price, $1.25.
Single copies of the aloes storks will be instiled,
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set f4 of one-haif the retail prices. .Liberal terms
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Da APP - “
ION A CO.. Publisher*,-
r0 ??l K J.. Al<D . VA . , .‘ U . ABL 5 * A, L*OAM IK TUB WORLD,
m It Is tho sole link of communication between
the Paeiflo Coast and tho Great Interior Basin,
and tho
Principal Portion ok tho main Stem
Line between tho Ttvo Oceans.
The present western terminus it at Sacramento,
vigablo waters of the I 1
‘“’Ifrom San Fra; 1 .
; populous parts of California,
Nevada, and Utah, contiguous to all thu great
Mining Regions of the Far West. The Company
aro authorized to continue their line eastward
Assuming that they will build and coutrql half
the Missouri River.,
teems probablo, the
tton of 70S miles $«8<509<000f or at the aver
age rate of t3a»000 t>er mile-not including an
absolute grant of lOyOOO.OOO acres oi the
Publio Lands. By becoming a Joint investor in
the magnificent enterprise, ami by walv* --
first lien in favor of the First Mortgago
holders, tbb Gjcnkbal Govjcbkhkxt, jk jctfkct,
I their interests
Ists, and has carefully guarded the:
against all ordinary contingencies.
Tho Central Pacific Railroad enjoys -
vileges, grants, and subsidies conferred by the
Ants or Congress upon tho other parts or tho
throuirh lino, and nas, in addition, several
exclusive advuntageM appli
cable only to tho Western Half.
II. The haedest and costllf t!part of its cot
has been successfully overcome within tho llrbt
ufter which progress to Butt Lake will be e asy
HI. The local business alone of this road e-tub*
libhes iucomplete financial success, independ
ently or tho vast through traffic which must
pass over it. Tho grots earnings for the
months of Jane and July, upon the 94 miles
then open for business, wore upward o/$2*J7,-
tJOO in gold; ot which four-fifths
V. The road lies wholly in territory yielding tho
ilvuntagcous, being more than three times
those of roads lying cast ol iti aiid tlio ration/
1 interest obligations whicli the Com
net earnings upon an averagi
arc vcrjllgb
amount of hnnuaLintersst (labilities to be
snmed its burning it, and were $833,000 m
than the annual interest on the entire amount of
miles, in* MH, were ncarl;
First Mortgage Bonds which the Company c
issue upon the first VtBenilss.
The Company offer for sale, through usjthcir
Principal and Interest Payable In
Gold Coin* in New York city. They are in
sums of $1,000 each, with scmi-annnal gold com
pons attached, and are selling for tho present at
currency, at which rate they yield
Nine per cent, upon the Investment.
These Bonds, authorised, by Act of Congress, are
issued only as tho work progresses, and to tho
same amount only as tho Bonds granted by the
Government; and represent, In all cases, the first
lien upon a completed, equipped, and productive
railroad, in which have been invested Govern
ment subsidies, stock subscriptions, donations,
surplus earnings, etc., snd which Is worth more
than three times the amount of First Mortgago
Bonds which can bo issued upon it
The agreement of this Company to pay princi
pal snd interest of their Bonds in coin, being
made under the Specie Contracts Law of Califor
nia, authorizing and enforcing contracts to pay
gold, it legally binding, unlike similar agreements
made |by companies in States where no such
legislative sanction exists.
in these important particulars the 8ecnrities of
the Central Pacific Company qfer an unusual ds-
‘ y.stabUUy and profit combined.
a ■
obtuaqk Bunds or this company
, the money mark”
eta of this country and Europe, and will, without
doubt, be eagerly sought for, and anxiously dealt
in hereafter, at ratos materially In advance ot tho
price at which they are now o
Having carefolfy investigated the resources,
progress, and prospects of tie road, and the man
agement ot the Company’s affairs, we cordially
recommend these Bonds to Trustees, Executors,
Institutions, and others as an eminently sound, re
liable and renumeratice forms of permanent inveet-
Conversions of Government Securities,
now realize for tho holdera about
For sale by Ranks and Ranke,* generally, of
whom descriptive Pamphlets and Maps can l»c ob
tained, and by
Bauktn and Dealer, la Oovaranant BecurlUea,
No. 6 street, New York.
the .bore Humls. Alt.,
entities kept constantly on Itund, and
Bought, Sold or Exchanged.
;d Coin and U. S. Coupons bought, sold
(STDeposita received on liberal terms,
subject to check at light.
Legal Advertisements.
GEORGIA, Bartow county.
TKT HERE an; Vlrant K. Hardy apidles tome
for letfors or miininistration on tbe estate
of i). H. Clattlv, late of said county, decease 11
These art*, therefore, to cite ami admonish all
and singular, the next of kin aud creditors of said
deceased, to lie and appear at my office, within the
Hiuo prescribed bylaw, and suowr cause, if any
they can, why salq letters should not be granted.
Given under my iiand and official signature,
this 8f'l day of August, 1867.
J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary.
aug24—w80d [Printer’s ie« $81
GEORGIA, Bartow county.
TYniKBKAS, Andrew J. Rodgers applies to me
V V for letters of administration on the estate of
Samuel Rodgers, late of said county, deceased: ..
These arc, therefore, to cite aud admonish all
and singular, the next of kin and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear nt my office, within
tlio time prescribed by law, and show cause, if
they ran, why said letters should not be granbxl.
Given under my hand and official signature, this
22d day of August, 1WT.
J. A. HOWARD. Ordinary.
nug2i—w30d [Printer's fee ♦81
GEORGIA, Bartow county.
TX/’HKRKAS.T M. Sloan and F.. M Sloan apply
Y V to be nppointe<l guunliatis of the person and
property of John D., Elizabeth and ClmilesTrob-
her, minors under fourteen years of age, retiduut
of sail! county:
llicse aro, therefore, to cite all persons concern
ed to la* and appear nt the term of the Court of
Ordinary to be held next utter the expiration
of thirty days front tho first publication of this
notice, and show cause, if any tboy can, why said
T. M. Sloan and K. M. Sloan should not be Intrust
ed with tbe guardianship of tho person and prop
erty of said minors.
Witness my hand and official signature, this 22*l
day of August, 1867.
J. A. HOWARD, Onlinary'.
aug24~w80d [Printer’s I jo $a]
CJIXTY DAYS after date application will be
0 made to tho Onlinary of Bartow county, for
leave to sell all the reul estate of Wm. Crow, de
ceased, late of Bartow county, Ga. Sold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
August 24th, 1HJ7. 11. F. PRICK. Adm’r.
nug27—wXni [Printer’s lee $5]
GEORGIA, Campbell county.
mWO MONTHS after date application will lie
JL made to the Court of Ordinary of said county,
ut the !li>t regular term after llie expiration of
two months from this notice, for leave to sell all
the lands belonging to the estate of Thomas A.
Latham, late ol said county, dcrcuscd, for the
buncllt of tlio heirs aud creditors of said deceased.
W. 4. GARRETT, Administrator.
August 17,1S07. of Thus A. Latham, dee'd.
uuglM—w2in | Printers fee $5]
GEORGIA, Conn county.
'\AriIKKKAS, Mrs. Caroline K. Ormsby having
YV applied to mo for the udministratron of the
estate of Theodore D. ormsby, late ol said county,
These are, therefore, tocitc and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to file their objections, if any they have,
in my office on or licforu the first Monday in Octo-
l>er next, otherwise letters of administration will
he granted the applicant at that term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county.
Given under my hand, at office in Marietta, this
August SBd, 1807.
JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Onlinary.
nugt4—w90d [Printer's fee $3]
Dekalb sheriff’s sales.
TYTILL be sold before tbe Court House door, at
Y V Decatur, in Dekalb county, Georgia, on the
first Tuesday in October next, within tho legal
hours or sale, lot of land nu in tier two hundred
and eighty-ono (281), nnd the west half of lot of
land uuinhcrone hundred and eighty (180), both
said lot and half lot being in the fifteenth district
of DcKalb county, and levied on by virtue of a
Mortgage fl. fa. issued from the Superior Court of
DcKalb county, In fuvorof Bell Brunner against
Robert A. Alston, os tho property of said Robert
Sheriff DcKalb county.
August Will, 1W*.
GEORGIA, DkKai.ii county.
TTt J. DAILY having applied to me in proper
Pi. form for letters of administration on tho
estate of Lewis Ethridge, Sr., lute of said county,
This is to cite all persons concerned to be and
appear at my office, within the time prescribed
by law, to show causo, if any they have, why let
ters should not be granted tne applicant.
Given under my band and official signature,
August 19.1867. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary.
aug29-w30d [Printer’s fee $3.)
GEORGIA, Fayette county.
TAMES M. PALMER having in proper form ap-
plied to mo for permanent letters of adminis
tration on the estate of Barary Palmer, late of
said county, deceased!
This is to cite all and singular, the creditors and
next of kin of said deceased, to lie and appear at
my office, within tbe time prescribed by Jaw, and
show causo, iratiy they can, why permanent ad
ministration should not be granted the applicant
on said cstato.
Witness my hand and official signature, August
tCtb, 1887. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary.
au|27-w30d [Printer’s foe $8)
GEORGIA, Faykttk county.
A LLISON SPEIR, Jun., administrator on tbo
21 cstato or Allison Speir, deceased, having
made application to this Court for leave to sell thu
land belonging to the estate of said deceased, for
the benefit of tne heirs and creditors, all persons
concerned are notified to file their objections, if
any they have, within two months from the first
publication of this notice, clso leave will lie
granted for tho sale of said real estate.
August 28,1807. KDWAltD CONNOR,
ang27-w2tn [Prs fee $5) Onlinary.
GEORGIA, Faykttk county.
/CALVIN J. FALL having In proper form ap-
plied to mo for permanent lottors or admin
istration on tbe estate of Joseph Mpler, late ot said
county, deceased:
This is to cite all and singular, the next of
kin and creditors of Joseph Spier, to be ami ap
pear at my office within tne timo allowed by law,
to show came, if any they can, why permanent
administration should not be granted to tho appli
cant on said estate.
Given under my hand nnd ofllclnl signature,
August list, 1867. EDWARD CONNOR,
augtt-wSwt | Prs foe $81 Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Faykttk county.
TY ACI1EL EASON, administratrix on the citato
XV of Richard Eason, late or said county, dcc’U,
having made application to this Coart for leave to
sell tlio land belonging to the estate of said do*
'ceased for tho benefit or tbe heirs and creditors,
all persons are notified to file their objections, If
any they have, within two months foom the'first
publication of this notice, else leave will bo
granted for tbe snlo or said real estate.
Given under my hand, this August 81st. 1887.
EDWARD CON NO It, Ordinary.
aiitfiJ—w2m (Prs foe $5]
GEORGIA, Faykttk county.
'1Y7ILLIAM 8. MILNER, admlniitratoron the
Y Y estate or Susan A. Griggs, late of satd coun
ty, deceased, having made application to this
Court lor leave to sell the land belonging to the
estate of said deceased, for tbe benefit of the heirs
and creditor*, nil jiersons concerned are notified
to Ale their objection, if any they have, within
tuo months from the first publication of this
notion, i lie leave will bo granted for the sale of
»uid real estate.
Given uuder my hand, this August 21st, 1887.
aug22~w2m [ Pm foe $5]
\ If ILL bo s»ld before the Court House door in
Y V tho city of Atlanta, Fulton county, Ga., on
tlio first Tuesday In October next, within the
it-mil hours of sale, tho homestead or KHsabeth
Fain, late or said county, deceased, consisting or
Land l/4i No. 88, and part or Lot No. ST, or tbe 4th
•tin riot of originally Fayctto now Fulton county,
containing SMI acres, more or less, lying on Camp
creek, and on the road leading from Atlanta to
L mpbcllton, abont IS miles from Atlanta. 8old
us the property of John Fain, deceased, for dbtri-
Imiion, by virtue of an onicr of the Court or Or
dinary or aaid county. Terms, cash.
JOHN J. FAIN, Administrator,
August CM, 1887. . . Ds bonis non.
mu*24- wtds [Printer's foe$ib]
g9*Cellcctioni made throughout the country.
HTSpcelal attention given to tho ex-
cliatigu of Bevwi-Thlrly Notes of all the
scriea for tho New Five-Tw enty Honda of
1805, on the most favoraldu terms.
4SIMI Hill) -BTC W» laaiu, a. uvaug pm
u IM.IU tho rourth <4th) dl.trici or or
I oury now Fayette coouly. sold as the d
: 11-aging to the estsie of Francis f. Jj
.-eu- sold nr tho toraedi or tho hei
,. iltors or said deneensed. Terms cash.
JANh JONEtt, Admlntttr
AugiMt2l,ira. »iin27-wt‘
Legal Advertisements. Legal Advertisements.
T>Y virtue of an order foom tbe Court of Ordina-
,D ry of Fuyetto county, Georgia, will be sold
before the ( onrt House door In said county oi'
Fayette, within the timid hours ol sale on the
first Tuesday in November next, one hundred
acres of land, being part of Lot No. 122. In the
fjurth (4th) district of originally Henry now
Fayette county, bold as the property of Francis
l|. Pat’erson, deceased Bold tor the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash.
attgtt-wtds [Prs foe $5) Executor.
GEOKOIA, Fui/rox cootmr.
\XrHKHKA8, E W. Holland, executor ot the
YY last will and testament ot M. H. Hargrave,
deceisod, and guardian of Flora Hargrave, de-
censed, rcnro«ents, in his petition duly filed, that
he has fully dUchargod his said trusta and prays
for lettci s of dtomUtTon;
This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all per-
sons concerned to show enuse, within the time
allowed l»y law. If any exUt. why letters of dls-
mission shall not l»o granted tho applicant.
Witness my official klgnature, this August 22d,
1867. DANIEL PUTMAN. Ordinary.
auR23—M6m [Printer’s fee $4 30j
GEOKOIA, Fcmon couxrr.
■\YniEREA8, Marcus A. Boll, Guardian of
V Y Jennings J. II nLev, represents, in bis petl.
tioi. duly filed, that lie hus fully discharged bis
said trust;
This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned, to show cause, if any exists, within
the time allowed by law, wny letters of dismlssiou
should not Im granted ttie applicant.
Witness my official signature. August 22d,
1887. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary.
auglS—w40d [Printer’* fee $$}
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
TXniEKEAS, Elias Wood, administrator of the
YY estatoof Jane Oliver, late of said county,
deceased, represents in his petition duly filed,
that said estate is Insolvent, and that he has fully
discharged said trust:
All persons concerned are cited and admonished
to file their objections within the time pretcrihed
by law, if any exist, why letters of dLmmisklon
should not be granted the applicant.
Witucss my official signature, this August 23d,
1867. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary.
uug24—wfim [ Printer’s fee $4.30]
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
WJIIKREAS, John R. Wallace, administrator
VY ds bonis non, of the estate of J. 11 Badger,
deceased, and guardian of the estatoof Glauciik It.
Badger, deceased, In his petition duly filed, repro-
sunU that he hat fully discharged suld trusts and
is entitled to letters of distuLslon:
All persons concerned are cited anil admonished
to file tlieir objections, if any exist, in term* of the
law. else letters of disiubiduu will be granted the
Witness my official signature, this August 23J.
1867. HAMEL PITTMAN, Onlinary.
aug24—w6m [Printer’s fee $4.6UJ
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
TimiEKEAS,John.!. Thrasher, administrator
V V of thu estate of Joseph A. Thrasher, late of
said county, deceased, represents in his petition
duly filled, that he bus lully executed his said
This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to show causo, lrany exists, within tho
time allowed by law, why letters of dismission
should not be granted tho npplleant.
Witness my official signature, August 22<1,
1867. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary.
aug23—wfim [Printer’s fee $4 00]
GEORGIA, Fcltoh county.
WHKREAS, .Tames E. Williams, guardian of
YY Mrs G. D. Donne, (formerly G. D. .Johnson,)
and John L. Johnson, represents, in bis petition
duly filed, that he has fully discharged nis suld
tnikts^and Is entitled to a dismission:
This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all j>cr-
sons concerned to file their objections, if any
exists, within tbe time allowed by law, why let-
ters of dismission should not be grunted the ap
Witness my official signature, August 2id,
1867. DANIEL PITTMAN, Onlinary.
»»«*5-w40d [Printer's fee $31
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
TTTllKREAB, E- W. Holland, gnanllon of
Y V Georgia and 1/m Craft, minora and orphans
of W. If. Graft, deceased, represent* that he has
fully discharged his said trust, and Is entitled to
a discharge:
All jiersons concerned will file their objections.
If any exist, within the time allowed by law, else
letters will bo granted according to the prayer of
Witness my official signature. August SSd, 1807.
Da.MKL PUTMAN, Onlinary.
augfifi- w40<i ]l»rlntcr’* fee $3]
Wm. M. A B. J. Lowry es. Tlio North western
Bank of Georgia—Assumiisit in tho buperior
Gonrt of Fulton county, Ga.
rpiIE defendants are hereby notified und re-
X qulred personally, or by Attorney, to lie and
appear at the next 8u|»erior Gonrt, to bo held in
and for said county, on tbo first Monday in Octo
ber next, then and there to answer the plainti/P*
demand an action of *u*»niui»kU, asffiin default
thereof tho Court will proceed as to Justlue shall
Witnoss, the Hon. John Collier, of one the
Judges of tho Hanerlor Courts.
August fid, 1867. ,W. U. VENABLE. Clerk.
aug*8— w8t [Printer’s foe $4]
Wm. M. ft R. J. Lowry rs. The Northwestern
Bauk of Georgia—Assumpsit in tho bujivrlor
Court of Fulton county, Ga.
mo W. If. Inman. Roiit. F. Carry, Mile* Dick-
X son, II. J. bpraylterry. William J. Whitsell,
W. P. Inman and Jos. T. McConnell, stock holders
of the Northwestern Bank of Georgia; You aro
hereby notified that on the first day of August,
eighteen hundred and sixty-f even, we commenced
suit against the Northwestern Bank of Georgia,
in tne Suimrior Court of Fulton county, Georgia,
on the hills of said Bank, for three thousand and
cighty-six dollars.
August 24J1867. Plaintiff’s Attorneys,
augxfi— w 4t [ Printer's foe $3]
Atlanta, Ga, August IT, 1807.i
rpills 1STOUIVE NuTIUKtThat,on thu 31«l ilay
X *>f uViigukt, A. u., 1867, a warrant in Bank
ruptcy w as bkuud against the estate of Charles
L. Woolen, In tho County of Fulton nnd State
of Georgia, who has liecn adjudged n Bank
rupt on u is own petition: That the puymeutol'ttiiy
debts, and tho delivery of any property, belong
ing to such Bankrupt, to him or for his uso.ortlie
transfer of any proporty by him are forbidden by
law: That a meeting or the creditors of said
Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose ouo
or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a
Court of Bankruptcy, to beholden at room No.
66Mnthe United Stato* Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia,
before Lftwsox Black, Register, on tho lfith day
of September, A. D.. 1887, at 10 o’clock, a. it.,
augSl—2t Deputy Marshal as Mesaenger.
TUOMA8 8. POWELL. 1 Fulton Superior
I Orurt,A^irR Term,
JU \VF ST Ml) UK i.AND. jeovory, roller and
formally with the hill and process in this case;
it is, ibtrcforo, ordere<l by thu Court that publica
tion bo inado In some publio gazette published In
tho city or Atlanta. Georgia,> *-“*“*“
months, re<|Uiring iho dufem
near at the next Octolicr Tel
e a month for four
pear at the next Octolicr Term or said Court and
make defence, or said Bill be taken for ronfossed.
Solicitors for Plaintiff.
A true extract from the minutes of Court. May
17th, 1W7. W. U. VENABLE, Clerk*
Jel5—latnfoi .
GEORGIA. Gwinnett county.
ANIKL HARRIS applies U» me for letters of
DailminlitratTon onth'epitateof linckner Har
ris late oi said conaty,deceased
all and aingnlar. the kindred ...
aaid deceased, to show cause. If any thev can, why
permanent letters should not be granted the ap
plicanton the first Monday In OcUdicr r —*
Given —
lh ‘. TlltAKEsTUAW. OnUonryt
anaSl^wlOrt IPrlntcr’s fb»f3|
GEORGIA, GtviNNBtT county.
ceased, to show cause, ir an y they can, why letters
should not M granted the applicant on the first
Given under my hand and official signature, this
August tli. 1867. .
GEORGLV, GwinNktt county.
J “t 1 ' 11 .o Per f y b) me for J
sft-ap or (
'I'hutu Mm ii.s.v.irr.F.. ... TV. ._Tr. ..
These are, therefore, to cite ami admonidi nil
and aingnlar tho kindred and creditors of said
dacea.eJ.toshow t cauhe, If any they have, «hy *
letters should not be granted tho applicant fa
terms or tne taw.
augtl^waxt U'rs fco orillnary.
T WO MUNTIIH aft r .lata application will bo
made to the Court of Ordinary or said conn-
ty, for leave'to sell llie real estate of Shepherd
Ethridge, Into oi said county, deceased.
August23d, 1H51. 11. A. RLARKY, Adm’r.
aug24-wflm tPrinter** fee $5j
TY Y virtue of an order of the < 'mirt of Ordinary
XJ ot Gwinnett county, Ga, will be »o)d befoie
ihf ( om t-homm door, in the town of Lawrence-
villi;, on tlie fir«tTuesday in O. iolier next, within
tlio legal hours of sale, the following land.-,
to-wit: m acres, more or le»», In the 7ih ilistrl t
of said county, liemg isart> ui Lot* No. 1$; nnd fgl,
known as the Johu W ebb place, mijoinluing U ui.
Seale* aud other*, tolerably well Improved; lol t
wires in thu Otis district of said county, part ol J..»t
No. 2'.»5, adjoining lands of John Rutledge v
others; 40 acres, more or less, part t
known by No. 274, it being thu place on which the
deceased lived, known as the homo plate;2»)
acres In the 6th district of Gwinnett ami 4th dis
trict of Walton couuty, No. 276, known us the Ja -■
cob Born place; M0 acres, knowu as thu t lic-uf
place. No. *76 in the 6th distr'et of GwinnuitF} b*
acres part or Lot No 278 in the 4th dtouatof*
Walton, adjolnlnlng the almve; 250 acres, No, !<••, Ijn
in the oth district of Gwinnett, known a* the
Jones lot; M0 aeres, No. 07, in the 6th district of
place; 248 acres, No. »7, in
Gwinnett, knawn as tho Lewis Moon idace; 200
acres, part of Lot No. 188, in the 6th dlstrii
acres In the 4th district of Walton county, ad job
ing the above; part of Lot No. 218 known as “
the Jas. W. Webb placet 250 acres In the 6th
trlctorGwlnuctt and 4lli district of Walton,
the Rogers place; «2J4 i
D —ille lot,Tn the Ith districtorWaltodi I j
adjoining the above; part of I/it No. 188, and 1 f
“ as part of tho above lot and part of So. 1 Vi. Ii
* — — — Ner * -**
in tbe 4tb district of Wa’top. Nearly all th
lands are Joining, and nearly all imp
rless. Sold as thn property of Wi
... , - r , Wiley W.
Webb, Sr., deceased. .Sold for the benefit ol the
heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash.
JAM Kb W. W KltiS,; ,
E.M. BRAND, Adin rs.
August 14,1MT. augfl-tds (Pra fee $r.»)
I^Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina
i rv of Gwinneit county, Ga^ will he sold L
h the Court Hoiifto door, at Cedar Town, i’u
Sold as the property of Asa R. Wright, late of
Gwinnett county, deceased. Hold f<
of the heirs aud creditors of said dcceu<ed.
HEWETT, Admlniktrator
aug21-tds tl’rs fee $10J
TY Y virtue of an onlcr of the fk>nrt of Ordinary of
Jj Gwinnett county. Ga.. will be sold on the first .
Tuesday in October next, between the legal hours I
of sale, before the Court House door, in the town
of Lawrcncoville, 00 acres of land, part of I/»t
No 255, and 5 acres of l ot No. 236, in the Oth dis
trict of Gwinnett county. Sold as thu property of
JotiseR. llunnicutt, deceased. Sold for the benefit
ash. 1VSI. P. IIU N NIC ITT, Adm’r.
August 14,1807. angvl-w td» (Prs fco $5.1
Sugar 9 Coffee, Molasses and Syrups
Broad afreet, Atlanta, Georgia,
'YyoULD call the attention of the TRADi^
Important Leading Articles,
250 bbls. Rcflncii Stiffars, '
10 hhtis. Raw Sugure,
55 bbl*. Mo1iv48C8 and Syrups
123 sacks Rio Coffee,
33 sacks Mocha, Java and Lngtiuy-
ra Coll'ce,
330 pkgs. Assorted Groceries.
The alHive, in addition to my former stock. rTrtl-
cuts, w ith the REDUCED PKICKS,
To the dealer NEVBa bbvobb orrKRBD.
augl7-d4twlm Atlanta. Of.
L O V 13 J O Y.«
“““•Orders solicited and promptly filled. i /, t
11 ._!A>v£lO"
Cherokee Block, INiachtrce street. ,
Cor. of NaaaanBtreet..
K buy and sell at the most liberal currant!
V V prices, and keep on hand a full supply oti
KST NOTES, and execute orders for purchase am
lie or STOCKS, BOND8 and GOLD.
We convert tho several Issues of 8ivkn-Thik;
ties at the most fovorable market rates into Fivtt
Twenties, which, at present price or gold, ylelf
the bolder about one per cent, more Interest pc;
annum. Circulars with full particulars furnisLe'
upon application.
,ugff--d8m JAY COOKE ft i
(UrorKla, AUlMU..,n,| ;
ATLXNTO. Hi., August*
ilraan and •uiiimoncd, but oal, [
Juric* alrumlr drawn and •nmmonu.l, that,
damn tlixll U rciulmt to Uko thu Oath ,iiuc[Xo
nottnkYtiiia Oath',7iiaii a 'bo ropiauud™
li Jurlurx ihtU Uu huruaftur ItsteU, drawn
inmanud ai ruqulnxl In that ordor.
Ily Uomiaaad or UruTUU^Ior General Pore.
«. K. SANDKK80N, * _
„ . , Cant SSd U. 8. Inft'y. and A. A. A. 0.
Offlulat. O. K. SXK.xuax,
Inf. and A. A. A. i