Newspaper Page Text
Ficm The Daily Onxiox ot Monday. J
AnnK*TPD.—Joe. Brown (colored) wa»
arrested title evening by tlio military for
threatening colored voters for voting the
Gonlon ticket,
Thk Electiox To-Day.—The morning
wj» dark ami cloudy, with rain falling oc
casionally In heavy showers* Yet by seven
o'clock, the hour for opening the polls, not
less than a thousand whites and blacks had
assembled within and around the Court
House. When the polls were opened
general rush was uiado lor tho different
doors where the tickets were received.
Then began tho usual excited electioneer
ing by both political parties, and each
seemed determined to out do the other in
tho way of securing votes. Tho most of
the work seemed to be expended upon the
colored men, some of wlioui seemed to
stand the pressure and vote as they had
intended when they left their homes. The
Radical tickets wero printed upon
blue paper, with an engravlngofa rail
road train on the hack, the train running
upward on the ticket. The Democratic
tickets were white, yellow, red and n
dark blue, with the train on the hack, tho
locomotive heading downward. The Rad
icals kept n sharp lookout for tho dark
blue tickets, and were quite active In rush
ing around to sec that none of them Were
voted by the Intelligent colored sovereigns.
The negroes were all excitement, and en
gaged In expounding tho new Constitu
tion ns valuably, If not as intelligently, us
so many Webster* might have done. Home
rather rich scenes occurred.
One negro came In. elbowing hb way
through tho crowd, saying he wanted to
“ Have you a ticket," asked a young
gentleman with h roll of blue tickets In
his iiatid. Just at this moment another
young man approached the colored man,
and asked him to take a white tickets—
“O, lyes,” said the shade, 1 * 111 take It nod
will remember you when 1 see you again."
Another negro cried out: ‘•Gib me de
Express ticket; 1 goes on dat train."
" 1 can't ride on dat Bullock concern. It's
too near busted; I goes on de Gordon
wagon." said another.
Every white man had some especial ne
gro to electioneer, and every negro seemed
to have some sable brother under bis charge.
Many of the uninitiated were constantly
searching for some new Information, yet
asking the same questions over and over—
all showing that desire to have those whom
they have been wont to regard as their su
periors to be familiar with them.
•‘ Golly," said one ancient shade, u deso
big folks do come down to us now. After
de election dey won’t .-peak to us common
White men of every class and party
seemed to think it a duty to be iu close
caucus with the negro, and did not shrink
from imploring ids vote; the candidates
were partietihuly so.
We overheard one candidate in conver
sation with a colored man. when something
like the lollowlng conversation ensued:
“llow arc gou going to vote?"
“I’ll vote as Mars .Songo does," replied
the negro.
“Then you will vote against your race."
Jald the candidate.
*•1 don’t euro if 1 do." replied the negro,
‘•1 am free and will vote as 1 please*"
a Wh»t l- your name?" was the next
question. The darkey gave ir. What tho
mative was for asking tiie negro for his
name we do not know.
-You got ills face on your ticket ?" asked
one negro of another, at the same time
showing a photograph of Col. Bullock.
“Go way wid dat huv," said tho other,
• liar's too much iielly for do face."
A colored man named Aaron Dobha pro
claimed publicly that lie had been paid
three weeks ago to work for Col. Bullock
and the Radical ticket, and that he then
had the money III his pocket. Tills state
ment he repented three or four times. In a
very loud tone, and iu the hearing of at
Jpast twenty person*.
Although the whole Hall III the lower
story of the Court House was crowded,
and some live or six hundred whites and
blacks on the outside, yet the utmost good
order prevailed.
From Thk Dailt on*ion of Tuesday.]
Tun .Jm-KKSOX UoL'XTV Prison**•*—
We this morning visited the gentlemen
• who arc now confined In the calaboose by
order of the Military authorities. We cer
tainly found them as comfortable aa could
la? expected under the circumstance*, with
'hut one exception, stnl that la that their
rations are of the ssiue kind and quadty
Unucd to soldiers, and ulso that they have
but little to read or aid them In passing
Miav the tedium of prison life. We have
not i|Aca to give more than the name, age
*nnd reside**® of each. • _
j t. Darker R a native of Jefferaon
county. I* rtity-t»oywr.of »K»U » mcm-
l*r of tins MctlioUUt Church. During thn
wnr ho engaged In the ltallro«l D*-
iMUtmont. . . _
J.uie. M. DcriMo iu born In Jeflbnon
county, D thlry-clghl jr«nr« ori«*-ni
In the Cobh Union and wrvsd under Oen.
Young, tu* bu.lnua U Umt of , flirtn«r.
U T. Mnnlcy w*» horn In I'.ndolph
county. U Iblnj-elght ycnn of ngj. He
served elghto*. month* In the !8th AM*
b»ma Infantry, under Ocn. WUhijfc-
Dr. It. A. Gsrwiu wn* born In Joflbnon
county, U thirty *cvcn yean of
a member of Ooi. Brown’. Stnto MUItls.
0. tf. Lumpkin was bom In Burke coun
ty. la thirty-six year* of age- waa a addler
In the iWth Georgia Infantry.
• R. J. Pannel la twenty-nine year* <o f JK*
was born In Augusta. Waa In the Confed
erate army during tho whole war; lint In
the 1st Georgia Infantry, and afterwards
In the 03d Infantry. All of liU service was
done hi Stonewall Jackson's Corps. He
was wounded once In the side of tho head.
R. A. Diehl was born In Banks county,
la twenty-four years of age—was a soldier
In tho 4th Georgia Infantry, and served
through the whole war !u the Western
• JL L* Gobiirt was lx>rn InJeflenou coun
ty, is twenty-three years of age—was In
the 8th Georgia Cavalry, and did all of his
service Iu the army of Northern Virginia.
O.W. Qulnlcy was born In Jefferson
county, la twenty-two years of ago—was a
member of tlic 27th Georgia Battalllon of
Infantry, and did all his service In the ar
my of Tennessee.
John A. Watkins was born In Banks
count)', is 21 years of ago—was a soldier
In the 2d Georgia Infantry; served lu the
army of Virginia, and was wounded four
Win. A. Tompkins was born In Jefferson
county, Is twenty-four years of ago—was a
racmlter cf the 2d Georgia, under Gen.
Longstrcct; was wounded at Cblcka-
A. J. Oliplmnt was born In Jefferson
county, Is twenty-one years of age, and
was n soldier lu tho 42th Georgia.
O. T. Bnrganter was born In Jefferson
county, Is nineteen years of age.
They arc all confined In one room, and
arc properly In the custody of our excel
lent City Marshal, Col. Thomas. They
speak In the highest term* of the military
officers who had them in charge while at
the Barracks.
AT Joe Brown, tho colored politician,
who was Incarcerated In the city ptlson,
yesterday, i.y order of the Military, for
threatening and attempting to Intimidate
freed men lor voting the Gordon ticket. Is
still held iu confinement, lie has proba
bly found out by this time that other
darkles arc as free ns he, and that they
have the same right to vote for Gordon
that he has for Bullock. The action of
Gen. Monde in this matter is but an addi
tional evidence that hej* taking no part In
the partizan strife, hut that lie seeks merely
to discharge Ids duty, as a conscientious
and sworn otlicer of the Government.
urn Tux Daily Upikiom of Wednesday.]
Attkmpteo Stamiino.—Monday night*
brakemnn on the Western and Atlantic
Railroad, named Thomas Brady, broke in
to the house of Ko.«u Thoiimoii. a ttymph du
pa re, who resides in the jungles on Mariet
ta street, known as Brooklyn. Yesterday
Rose swore out n warrant and bad the
midnight prowler arrested, and was hound
over by tlio Mayor to the Superior Court.
Sut hJlcd. Rose started for her den, and
when near there, some female friend called
to her to “run," n* Brady was behind her,
and would kill her. Looking round, she
discovered him hut a few yard* lieliiud Iter
with kiilfo drawn, evidently intending to
murder her. Affrighted, she run down
ii|m>11 the railroad track, lie i**r*uiiig her,
nut fortunately was met by olllcer Jack
Smith, who cheeked lihu in Ills wild career.
Ho iiltempteif resistance to the olllcer, who
applied Ids ~i*vi>ii;tdt-r” gently once or
twice, which had such a sootliing effect
that lie went to the calaboose In a spring-
This morning he was released from cus
tody about six o’clock, and shortly uftcr-
wanls nn ottb-cr appeared with a warrant,
hut he hud flown. He might just as well
conic lu, for the olllcer* arc after him.
Wiikkk’s that Laxd and Mclk?—Quite it
number of colored men have been making
Inquiries upon the street for the office ot*
the man who was to give them the laml
and the mules if they would vote tho
Radical ticket. This may not be what
would legally Ik? called corruption or tho
sacred Ballot Box, but It looks to us ilko
something very nearly akin to it.
When political parties are reduced to
such straiu in this. It seems to us that lc
would lie much better for their reputation
as a party, that they close out and bo hon
orably defeated. If a |K>lltlc*l party uses
corrupt mean* te secure the office* of a
State, they will most certainly use tbe of
fices til the same way, little earing how
much the State may suffer. Tbe man who
will report to lo«v and unlawful means to
get position, u ill prostitute that position
to low* and unlawful uses. Well may tho
people leur the success of the Radical
Vnm far Daily Orixiux of Thursday.'.
II. K. QuRluit. Ltuigdon Kills ami Rich
ard Hall, citizens of Alabama, who liuvo
been tried by a Military Commission, con
vened under General Order* No. 57, Head
quarters Third Military District, upon thn
charges of ••obstructing Reconstruction,**,
h ive liecr. a quit!c I by the 1 omniiaalon, anil
their finding approved by Ueo. Meade, and
the parties discharged. The evidence
•bowed that the charges were entirely
without foundation.
DaRIXO Bobbkby— United .States Bonded
Wart home Broken Oi*n—Twtnly-on* Boxe*
of Tobacco Stolen.—Hometime last night a
party ot burglars effected an entrance to
Dr. N. L. Angler's Bonded Warehouse, on
Forayth street, by drawing tho ataplo to
the United States loca with a crow-bar,
and unlocking the private lock with »
skeleton key. The entraiico Is at the side
door, where the pood* were taken out upon
(tie street and loaded upon a dray. They
succeeded In getting boxea of
tobacco of the best brands. Smith & Rich
mond lose seventeen boxes and Meador &
Bros, four boxes. The whole low Is call-
a t $800, No clue to tbe robbers baa
yet been found.
GfThcy have strawberries and cream
In Montgomery, Ala.
from Tax Daily Orntiox of Fridsjr.J
FionT.—A regular old fashioned country
fight, of tho fist ami skull pattern, took
place lit tho streets this afternoon betw een
Gen. L. J. Gartrcll and Geo. Hammond,
Esq, both of this city.
The difllculty, we understand, originated
lit sorao words which wero passed between
Get). Gartrcll and Judge Hammond (the
father of one of the combatants) yesterday.
As there were no deadly weapons used, it
Is thought that neither party U seriously
Cot.. Townsend axi> thk Klkction at
Marietta.—Wc were pleased to he inform
ed by a gentleman from Marietta, that tor
tho fairness and good order of the election
In Cobb county, they arc indebted to Brevet
Lieut. Col. Townsend, who Is temporarily
In command at Marietta. This we knew
would be tho result when we learned that
this officer had bcon assigned to that post.
Col. Townsend graduated at West
Point lu 1850, and after two years* service
In the Third Artillery, resigned Ills com
mission and entered upon the practice of
law lu Detroit, Michigan. When the war
began, he tendered his services to the gov-
inent and was appointed a Captain and as
signed to the 10th Infantry, then a new
regiment in the regular army.
From the first occupation of Nashville,
Tennessee, he was chief Ordnance officer
of that depot, amt supplied General Sher
man with all theamiiKiultlon he spent upon
Atlanta. In 186(1, when the new regiments
of the regular army was organized, his
the decay of political pabtib*.
At s recent Htatc Convention of the
Democratic party In South Carolina, reso
lutions were adopted favoring qualified
negro suffrage. Similar resolutions hate
been adopted by primary meetings and
district conventions of the party In other
Southern States. These manifestoes have
wrested the attention and commanded the
Approval of lending journals and politi
cians North—men connected with each of
tho contending political parties. There
arc thousands of Democrats In that sec
tion who arc not Copperheads; nor la It
true that the masses of the Democratic
or Conservative party South are Rebels.
It Is equally well known that there ore Re
publicans, North, whojare not Radicals, and
Reconstruction!*!* South who are not “ne
gro worshipers," Thublow* Wkku, for in
stance, and men of his school of politics,
are neither Democrats nor Republicans;
they arc neither Radicals nor Copperheads;
because they endorse tlio Platform of nei
ther forty as an entirety. The same D
true of Mr. Raymond of the Times, Mr.
Bryant of the Post, and others connected
with the metropolitan press. Mr. Ciiask
has always been more Radical in name
than fact; and the recent onslaught-* upon
him by the leader* of the Radical party,
Ids position on the Impeachment issue, and
Ids subsequent virtual withdrawal from the
ranks of the Republican party, are Indica
tive of his private political sentiments.
Adams of Massachusetts. Gen. Hancock
Gen. Sherman, and Ri.aiu of Missouri, are
battalion of the IGth Infantry was made certainly as far from being Copperheads aa
the basis of the 25th Infantry, with which ! they arc from being Radical Republicans,
regiment ho is now serving, although he J Judge Reagan,of Texas, Gen. Loncistrkkt,
stands first on the list of Captain* for pro- 1 Obr of South Carolina, and Irwin and
motion, and there Is now a vacant Majorl-* VakCY, of this State, a* far removed
ty In the army. ( from Radicalism as they are from w bat has
We arc sorry that this distinguished and | been termed tho “Rebel Democracy."
gentlemanly soldier is not permanently to ; Now the question arises, is tliorc nocorn-
serve In our midst, but when lie does' mon ground on which reasonable men of
leave us ho will carry with 1dm the kind both section* can unite hereafter? If it be
wishes of many warm friends lie ha* made hue (and no intelligent man will dispute
during Ids short stay. | It) that there Is a large and powerful ele-
nient In the Republican party. North, who
OT We find tho following editorial; disapprove the oppressive legislation of
parogragh Ir the Cincinnati Commercial j Congress touching the question of Reepn-
of the 23d: ! stnictlon, and who arc advocate* of quali-
The Georgia papers ju-tify tho murder A** negro suffrage only, what Is to hinder
of Asiiburn, on the ground tfmt lie was a this clement from 'miring with the Demo-
vulgar. Inn,.rant an.l jlijrepuuble man. C rat* of South CHrollna uml of other
They linrp upon tins thing continually, i a .... , .
So we HIT tort to the vonclu. Ion llwt In Southern SUtet, who llkewljc favor <ju»!l-
Georgia murder and U’Wiivrtiiiitlon are con- fled suffrage for the black man? It ha*
sidcred moral means of punishment for (icen confidently assorted that every Na
tl** want of education and sanctity of prl- f .i onjl i n..|i»orrit and ConrervatliP Ri>n,.l».
vatc life, and that the knife and pistol arc I \ onal , ,, ‘ 0crn , creative Kepub-
rccognizcd hupleun iiU in tno m Iioo! of *» Georgia, would unite with that
manners. If a mini is ignorant, stab him j party bavin/for its platform n standard
in the brean; If he 1* gn»*s and vulgar In | ofuualfjlcd suffrage, under which all men
of color can b. permitted to
the mask and when the victim U defense- J vote. We believe that a large minority ol
less. That l* the Georgia code of honor In j both the political parties North, hold the
same opinions; they certainly do, If the
uoiigh to , ^ inc t j |U ncwg p U | K . r press of tliut country
this year of grnc
\\ ill tlio < ’OiniiK'H i.d he g> ^ r» - — . nuusui me newspsuK-T press oi uiuveoiimry
inform It* readers trh<u pijn rs iu Georgia t|, u sentiments of the |*cople. It
“Justify the murder of A»hlmrn, 1
ground that he ’
the ,
Is natural for |M>lith-al parties to run
disreputable man?” WJJJ It do this, or
cease to misrepresent the “tieorgia press"
without discrimination ?
A Rbw ix Auuksta.—Tlio Augusta pa
pers, of yesterday, contain tlio particular*
of a disturbance which occurred in that
city on the la«t day of the election, and
which well nigh resulted in a hioody riot:
After the polls closed. Foster Bloilgctt
appeawl on tin* stc|i* of the t’oiirt House
with a roll of money iu ills hand and of
fered to lict $1. 00 that Uu.hH’k was elected
Governor—»luiklug the roll of money at
the crowd. This produced considerable
excitement and called forth from the white
men present shouts not very complimenta
ry to the Military Mayor. The negroes
became insulting and aggressive at tho In
stigation of the miserable wh'te scalawags.
The negroes arnu d thennelvcs with clubs
and the whites (wlio were not more than
one to live) ar n*«l them-elves with bricks.
Then commenced n skirmish (ii which
bricks were used freely, several lsdng
woumhHk but none seriously. A serious
riot was Imminent bur the military and the
Influence of several respect ible citizens,
allayed the row uud the crowd finally dis
Press €ileanlng«ou the election.
A Vlltainoua Outrage—Judge L. D.
Bunrcll was reuiovcil from office as Man-
gar, ignorant ami | n toextreme*. The Republican party lias
become oneof extreme, narrow proscriptive
measures; so much so that the more patri
otic and able men of the organization are
abandoning it. The Democratic party
North Ini*, by force of circumstances, been
driven to the opposite extreme; and the
Cop|«erln*nd and IVmilcton wing occupies,
to all intent* and purposes, the same
ground occupied by Mr. Vallaxpioiiam In
lSGI. The consequence Is, that tlio intelli
gence and worth of both parties have
ceased to act ill unison witli either, but
•bind ready to meet upon some coir mon
ground, basing suffrage upon nuoli qualifi
cation* a* would exclude from tbe polls
and from res|ioiisibleotUcestlie great mass
of ignorance and vagabondism thrown to
the surface by Radical revolution.
On the Ramfaok.—'The Radical disunion
press of tbe North (s getting furious over
what it calls the “continued disloyalty of
tbe Southern people," for the purpose of
stimulating weak-kneed Extremists in the
faltli. The continued quiet of civil and
political affairs In the South, the steady ad
herence of our people to their holiest sup
port of the Government, lias so dis
appointed the Revolutionary leaders that
^ uru •? rc r? 10
and a man now under indictment before same nu-ans to deceive their |*copie
oiinty for liog
. J. Juilgo Bur-
well lin* been oiioof the Managers ofelcc-
tions In Rome lor tiie pi*t ten yesrs; lias
alwav* inaiiitalncd tin* highest integrity
tor character, and stands unrivalled aa a
man of honor and a rhri-tlan gentleman*
We m turd hi* removal a* uu outrage u|ion
the good |tcoplc of Rome and vicinity, and
until some satisfactory explanation lor the
course pursued I* given, we shall deem
those Instrumental in Id* removal as par
ticipants In an unwarrantable piece of
treachery, instituted to praetiec fraud upon
our people in the election now going on.—
Bom* Commercial, 23d.
Vreedmen Arretted.—'Two negroes were
taken up on Tuesday last, by Col. Ritter,
for Violating the order* of Gen. Monde in
threatening voters with death or other
penalties In case they failed to vote the
Radical ticket-—lb.
The election here lias passed off quietly
w ithout much lighting or quarreling, hut
a heap of work and intrigue. The polls
are open at two places in the county—
Kingston and t’artersvllb*—and we think
when the vote is coiiiiDhI out. tlio result
will be very gratifying to tlio Democracy.
C'artentitle Krpre»».£Uh.
The election In till* county Is progress
ing as we go to press but w Itli what result
we have no accurate Information, a* the
managers, under General Meade's orders,
are not allowed to count votes until the
close of Hie noils at 0 o’clock on tbe last
dav of tite election—tills evening. From
Information, however, derived Iroui per
sona who have watched the polls very
cloeely since they opened, wo think It may
be safely sahl that it will lie found, when
the votes are all counted tills evening, that
Whitfield has gone the entire Conservative
ticket by at least one hundred and fifty
, majority* Gordon will run ahead of the
j ticket—nU majority, wc doubt not, will be
I at least two hundred and fifty.
We are gratified to state that the election,
i thus Ikr* has passed off very quietly.
I Xortk (Go.) lit publican, 24 th.
that the founder of their party—the
Devil—did to deceive our first parents—by
lying. Having no unfavorable facts to
make capital out of, they resort to making
capital lie*; and so well do they succeed,
that we cannot but think they are follow
ing the natural Instincts ol their nature*.
But we think mat they and the devil will
not succeed this time. We believe a ma
jority of the Northern people arc tlio
friends of peace and union, and will not
be deceived Into the support of a party of
scoundrels who would destroy every ves
tige of the old government and establish
upon lu ruins a despotism with themselves
at IU bead. The Radical )*pen may rave
and bowl over tlio ill success of their
schemes of treason, for their power is bro
ken, and their throne will be trampled to
dust by the people next November.
OT General Ashley, of Ohio, who got
bla title at General by being general agent
for Brandreth*s Pills, and who declared
during the canvass, In 1806, that “he would
not give slumber to his eyelids until Mr.
Johnson was Impeached," Is evidently
making up for lost time In a huge nap, as
we hear nothing of hint now, and It can
not be possible that so Important a crea
ture as himself could be awake, and not be
noctead In the public prints. Bleep on,
“Jeems," the country don't mis* you.
Kansas Hotels.—General Sherman, In
writing to a Wend In Columbus, fays of
the Kansas hotels, that “their price is three
dollars a day—hoard and lodging extra."
UTJasper Hay, a well known sports
man of Columbus, died one day this week.
From tbr New York PrSM^AMoclatlon.
I'rtai Washington*
Wahiiixu rox, April 24.—Just before tho
Senate adjourned the Presldeut's Secreta
ry' arrived with a number of messages.
Immediately after adjournment an ex
cited crowd gathered around and the mes
sages were opened amid apparently In
tense anxiety, sbowlug that the Presi
dent's actions are still regarded u of some
Tlio President withdrew the nomination
of Ewing, and nominated J. II. Schofield
as Secretary of War, vice Stanton to be
Grant issued an order instructing the
Commanding Generals of the Military Dis
tricts comprising tho States of Virginia,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgk»
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana,
and Tcxua, that all vessels at |M>rts within
their commands, from fort* Infected with
yellow fever, cholera or other epidemic dis
eases, but having bad no case during tliclr
passage, be quarantined fi»r fifteen days,
mid thoroughly fumigated.
A short Oibluot meeting to-day—all
Customs for tbe week ending tbe 19th,
Mr. Nelson spoke all day. He kept the
Senators and galleries well seated and In
terested throughout, the attention becom
ing closer as the effort drew to a close.
Ills |K>Int* were well made, nnd iu some
case* startling.
Mr. G roes beck speaks to-day.
The end wl.l not be reached under two
A pointed part of Mr. Nelson’s 8|>eecli
Implicates four of the Mnnagers in the
alia vclla affair, which interrupted the re
lations between the President and Judge
Prom Virginia.
Richmond, April 21.—Schofield issued
an order this morning that Congress hav
ing mode no apprepriatlon to defray the
election In Virginia, for the ratification or
rejection of the Constitution, the election
will not take place June 22d, unless Con
gress should make an appropriation before
that time. It the election docs not take
place on tliut day, Congress will doubtless
substitute a later day, of which due notice
will be given.
Miss Putsell and Uortunn Cox, ot tills
city, a ferryman and negro, were drowned
Wednesday night while crossing James
River at Judge’s Ferry.
At a Republican meet I ng at S o'clock r. m„
3,W0 negroes were addressed by Mr. Hun-
Xerth Carolina Election*
Kao.ioh, April 24.—The following ma
jorities arc reported against the Constitu
Catawtm 800, Iredell U)00. Orange G00,
Alamance 300. Cle\eland 700. Cumberland
200. Rowan, official, 477, Lincoln *200, Gas
ton 200, Davies 250, Dublin 400, hnmpson
600. New Haven, Craven, Kdgecomlte and
Halifax are largely Radical, but by de
creased majorities. Carteret bis gone <’on-
servative, but no figures. Franklin doubt
ful. Chatham reported against the Consti
tution; Wayne for the Constitution by 213.
official; Wake between 800 and UUU, In
cluding Raleigh 804, official, for tlio Con-
Nkwiikrn, April 24.—'The Republican*
claim Craven by 1,944 majority, and lamoir
by 300 majority. It I* rumored that Green
give* 150 majority for the Republican*;
Jones, official vote, 149 majority for the
Republicans. Carteret—majority against
the Constitution 26, Catawba 1.200. Iredell
850- Caldwtdd 290, Stanley 200, Alexander
:W0, approximated Conservative majorities.
Burke and McDowell ltulicul by small ma-
WiLMixaTox. April 44.—I'nluiiilm. cpnt-
pU’tr, 373 CoiiMrvatlve majority; lllwlrn
ami Riibeaou, «nt.ll Kn.Ileal majorities;
UlelimoiKl doubtful, with tlio clianee In
litvoruf Itmlleala; Dublin 437 Cumervu-
tlve majority; Bnmawlck mull Conwrra-
tlvc majority; Halifax complete. 1.630
Radical majority; Kl^ceombe reported
nbout 1.600. The rtturna tbit, far. Indicate
that tlio vote nn the Conatltutlon lm very
cIom. Tho extreme We,tern rountlea will
decide It.
U*.rrla Elacli.M.
Savannah. April 44.—The Board ol
Registration commenced counting at lour
o'clock r. M. and have lasen delayed on
thu queatlon ol admitting tlio challenger,
andutlion. Tbe olty role, up to 7:30r,
la 143 Conacrvatlve and 401 Radical,.
Tbe large boxei arc yet to count.
Tlio Conaervattvea claim a majority. It
la tho general opinion that the Couierva.
tlve, are ahead In tbe vlty by a large ma
Ordera hare been received to-day by the
Commander of the Pott, from Oen. Meade,
to notify the Dally Advertber to ccuae III
Incendiary and Indatnatory article, or It
will be auppremal.
Ai'Ot'erA, April 44.—Counting of the
voter la progressing .lowly. It will be
Mverel days before tbe oWcial rcault la
known. It U believed that the Radical,
have carried the Dietrich electing Prince
to Congress, and giving ■ ntalority for the
Conilltutlon end Bullock. The Democrats
claim live out of the seven member* to
Congress end e majority of the Legbla-
turc. Tlic Republican, an coalldent of
Bullock', election, the Democrats ditto of
Gordon's; but all this l» conjecture. The
official count will ihow a close rote.
A negro man, bayonet ted by the mldlen
In the nw yeeteidey, was buried this af
ternoon, followed to the gnve by a large
procession of men and women. All ierenc.
r teas Ualilau,
Xew Pel etna, April *4.—Thera was a
grand Maaonle proem bin to-day on tha
occasion of the eoneaentloti of the Ms-
•onto Cemetery. All the Orand Officer, of
the Hlafu were preient, and organization,
of the highest degree, wero represented.
Further return. Incream tbe majority
for the Constitution In the parishes. It
will lie mine days before the result can lie
officially promulgated. The,Constitution U
ratlflodaml the RadicalStato ticket clot ted
beyond a doubt. The Republican any. tlio
scat of Mann, tho Democratic Congrcas-
man elected from the First District, will
be contested by the defeated Republican
frauds by Radicals, In city am] country,
arechurgd, and cosesMted In ono precinct
in this city where over n Ihoiuand more
votes were polled than registered. One u f
lhc Ilvgl.ters olllelslly to the Com-
mandlug (ieneral that ono of tho ballot
Ikixom U-ar. marks of violence ahowlng
conclusively that It ha. Imtu tamper, d
... From Wu.hlngten,
>\ AaiiiNOroN, Ajirll 25—It Is Gun. J.
M. Scliofiilik coinniimliiig Um First Mill-
lary District, whom the President has
nominated Secretary or War.
Pen. I.otell II, [tousseau hits arrived
from Alaska, under Auiiinions as witness
for the dcfciite*
Regular pools have been opened at the
fashionable gambling hou*e* whore bets
urc made on ull impeachment question*
involving the final result, rotes on In
terlocutory quest fon^final’rwniU, termina
tion of trial ami votes on Interlocutory
Mr. Nelson’s speech i* universally read
and applauded. It is admirable.
General Rousseau left Sacramento on the
4th of April.
In the House communications were re
ceived from the Secretary of War regard
ing the detention of the steamer Sabine at
the Navy Yard. New London, for alleged purpose*, and from the Secretary
of the Treasury regarding sales of gold,
but were not read.
The !!ou«c then went to the Impeach
ment Court.
In the Senate the resolution that the pro
ceeding* of tl»e Court, in retirement, in*
published by regular rc|K-rters In the usual
way, was postponed unfit Monday.
Judge Chase ordered the prosecution to
Stevens being aWnt tlio prosecution
asked time.
The defense then proceeded, and Grocs-
bcck U *|H*aking.
Weather inclement.
Prom VlrRlnla.
Alixanoku. April 25.-Tlic Radical
county Convention recommends Uuux-
lmr«t for Governor, and nominates one
white mid one negro for the Legislature.
A split occurred, when nearly half the
delegation withdrew. The receders are
r4tiit|Mired of about an i*qunl nuiiiWr of
whites uml idaek*.
Tiik Elkctios ix Fulton County.—At
tlie time of our going to press the vote of
tbl* comity I* not counte i out by aisuit
eight hundred vote*. Gordon’* majority
will not lie far from three hundred cither
Gruhh and Willis Republicans arc
Tlic Democrat* have the other offices.
Dnr impular friend. M)f. Venable, received
tlic entire vote of t>oth parties.
Floyd County.—Tho Romo Courier of
the 25th say* It I* believed that about fifty
negroes in Unit town voted for Gonlon.
The total vote I* 2/1.19; White*. 1,296; Col
ored, 742.' It is probable that Gordon’s
mu|ority III tho city will lie about five hun
dred. The vote of last October stood a*
follow*: For Convention, 057; Against
Convention. 5; Not voting on the question,
1.423; Total Registered vote 2.397. So it
seems that some three hundred dhl not
vote in tin* Inst election.
Mi scoork County.—Tho 8m* ami Times
of the 24tli says: The total vote is given at
2.791. It i* said that some 150 white regis
tered |ier*on* did not vote, and that over
175 additional were prevented from voting
by the arbitrary action off he Registrars.
Not fifty whites voted for Bullock, whilst
over a third of the negroes voted for Gor
OmcR.—Our dispatches to-day inform us
that Mr Johnson lias withdrawn the nom
ination of Hon. Thomas Ewing, and *e it
to the Senate the name of General J. M.
Schofield, Major General U» S. A.* the
present Commander of the First Military
Distriet. General Schofield Is regarded by
those who know him as a Conservative,
and If court rim'd would probably act In
harmony with the President.
But the Senate regards Mr. Stanton as
the Secretary of War, and It Is not proba
ble that hotly would throw away so pliant
a tool us lie k for one they could not con
trol. Ami more than this. It would look
a |ioor exchange to give the Commission of
k Major-General for a ten months lease
upon a Cabinet office. We think the Pres
ident la wasting time In bidding for the
Military Chieftains of Jhe country.
Judgk Ciiask axd Politic*.—'The cdt-
torof the i Inclnnati Commercial writes
from Washington that “the Chief Justice
occupies a position of elevated neutrality
on tho political questions of the day. I
doubt whether he propoeet to become en
thusiastic about the Chicago nominations.
We rosy not have the pleasure of seeing
him at home next tall to vote."
Remains or Gur. Skmmks.—The re
mains of General Paul J. Somme*, who wa*
killed In one of tbe engagements In Vir
ginia In 1963, have been removed to Co
lumbus by bis friends and relative*.
OTHarry Macarthy Is playing In Au