Newspaper Page Text
NOAH B. FOWLER, Treasurer of the Union
Loan and Building Assaciation Vft, GRANT
F. EDWARDS—Mortgage, Ac., April Term,
1867, Superior Court of Fulton county, Georgia.
Present, the Honorable Umax Wabkxk, Judge
of said Court. * t * »
It appearing to the Court by the petition of
Noah K. Fowler, who sues as such Treasurer, that
on the sixteenth day of May, in the year or our
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one, Grant F.
Edw ards, of said county, made and deliwtatlto
your jietitioner, his promissory note of that date,
payable on demand of your petitioner, as such
Treasurer, his successor in office. ot his or ttfofr
order, six hundred dollars, with interest at the
rate of six per cent, per annum, said interest pay
able monthly, for value received, and that alter*
wads, on the same day and year Mores aid. to *e.
cure the payment of said Instnmaent,*eaectAea
and delivered to your petitioners, as such Treas
urer. giving it the same date, hia Deed of Mortg
age, whereby he conveyed to your petitioner, as
such Treasurer, his successors and assignees fhr-
« er all that tract or parcel of landifr t£e city 'of
Atlanta, and county of Fulton, being part of lot
number (1) one of sub-division of city lot num
ber (2*) twenty-three, bounded west »v Foundry
street, fronting thereon (50) fifty feet, south by a
lot known as Thomas Levy's los, north bf the lol
known as Thomas Fowler’s lot, contain iA#a>qlUkr-
ter of an acre, more or less, conditioned that if
said Grant F. Edwards should pay oil and dis
charge said promissory note according to its tenor
and effect, that then said Deed of Mortgage and
said note should be void. 'i3\ •.Da ( |
And it farther appearing that said promissory
note remains unpaid: it is therefore ordered, Shat
said Grant F. Edwards pay Into this Court by me
lirstday ot the next Term thereof, the principal,
interest, and cost due on said promissory"note,
to-wit: fifty one dollars, besides Interest, or show
cause to the contrary, if there be any i aid that on
rail ure of saidG rant F. Edwards sotodo, the eqnity
of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises
be torever thereafter barred and foreclosed.
And it is further ordered, tfiat this Bui# he pub
lished in the Atlanta Opinion, once a montn for
lour months, or a copy thereof served on the said
BT virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina
ry of Paulding county, Ga., will be sold before the
Court House door, in the town of Dallas, on the
first Tuesday In February next, between the legal
hours of sale. She following property, to-wit:
Low of land Noe. 232,12S, west naif of No. 324. in
the 19th district and 3d section of Paulding coun
ty, Ga. ; also, at the same time, in *be county of
Haralson, before the Court House door, in the
town of Buchanan, lot No. 490 in the 1st district
and 4th section of Haralson county, Ga Sold as
the property of Nathan Paris, deceased. Sold for
the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash.—
December 11 th. 1867.
JOSEPH RAGSDALF, Administrator.
derl8—wto Printer’s fee $5
BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordln-
aryof DeKalb county, Georgia, will be sold be
fore the Coart House door, in Decatur, in said
county, on the first Tuesday in Febrvary, 1868, be
tween the legal hours of sale, part of the real
estate belonging to the estate of William McEl-
j*oy, deceased, late of Said county, consisting ot
Nos. 347,«, S» and west half of lot No. Ill;
also, lot No. 192, with fractional lot No. 162, con-
taieipc 80 acres, more or less, Ml lying in the 18th
district of DeKalb oosnty, Georgia, bold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Terms ot sale cash. December 5.1867.
decl2—wts Printer's fee $5
orant F. Edwards, or his special agynt orgtto
ney. at least three months befo feth/lie^TfcA of*
this Court.
By the Court, April Term, 1867.
Petitioner’s Attorney,
A In.e extract from the Minutes of court. May
21»t,l«r;. W. R. VENABLE, Clerk.
decl—wlanrtm ,
BY Virtu* of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of Gwinnett county, Ga., wttl be sold before the
Court House doot, In the town of Lawrenccville,
Gwinnett county, Ga., within the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in January, 1SC8. 6*2>£
acres Of land off of lot No. 105. and 50 acres of lot
No, UB| and 10 acres of lot No. 157, in all 102X
acres, more or less, in the fifth district of said
county, bold as the property of W. W. Bass, de
ceased. Sold for the Deneflt of the heirs and cred
itors of said deceased. Terms cash. December
11th, 1867. E.B. SMITH, Adm’r.
14—wts Printer's fee $5.
GEORGIA, Forsyth county.
WHEREAS, it is represented to *>e by the peti
tion oi Alexander M. Yancy," through his attor
neys. Clement A Roberts, that the estate of Joshua
Owens is unrepresented:
Th* »e arc, therefore, to give notice to all persons
concerned to show cause, if any, in terms ot the
law. why letters of administration should not
i-sue to the Clerk of the Superior court, or some
other lit and proper person on the first Monday in
February next.
t.iven under my hand and official signature,
this December 14ih, 1067. MMHMMWDnn
W. D. BENTLY, Ordinary.
declf*—w30d Printer’s fee M
GEORGIA, Gwinnett county.
WHEREAS. Mi ram S. Perry, administratrix of
the estate of William A. Perry, late of said coun
ty. dc rated, represents in her petition duly Wad
that said estate lias proved insolvent RWd that she
has fully discharged said trust:
A *1 persons concerned are cited and admonished
to file their olneotions within the time prescribed
1>3 law. and show cause, if any exist, why letters
of dismission should not be granted to the appli
Witness my hand and official signature, this
December 6th, 1867.
tx. X. RAKESTKAW, Ordinary.
decl4—w6m Printer’s fee $4 50
GEORGIA, DeKalb county. . ' ;
WIIKREAS, Stephen T. Mr Elroy having applied
to ha appointed guardian of the person and prop-
erty of John A E. Me Elroy, a minor under lbnr-
m <>f age. resident of sai<l county:
Thisis toaite all persons concerned to be and
»pi*ear at the term of the Court of Ordinavy to be
held next t ier tn« expiration of thirty days from
tin first publication ol this notice and show cause,
if they can. why said Stephen T. McElroy should
not l>e intrusted with the guardianship of the
person and pro>*erty of John A. E. McElroy.
Witness my official signature. December11th,
1967. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary.
llaiO—w30d Printer’s fee $3
I )V virtue of an order from the Court ot Ordinary
) Of Henry county, Ga., will be iohl on the first
YnesaRy in December next, at the Court House
door, in the town ofMcDouough, as the real estate
of Rirani F. Elliott, deceased, late of said county.
345 acres of land, more or less—loss dower interest
of wkldw—known as plantation of intestate—
lying near Cotton Indian River. Teiins cash.—
October 15,1867.
ROBERT HARPER, Administrator.
octl9—wdbd l*rinter’s fee 45
GEORGIA, Sumter county*
WIIEREA9, Benjamin B. Dykes applies to me
for letters of administration on the estate of W.
M- Whitlow,deceased:
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased. to be and appear at my office within the
time prescribed by law, and snow cause, if an;
they can. why said letters should not be grunted
in terms of the law.
uiveu under my hand and official signature,
this December3,1967.
L. P. DORMAN, Ordinary.
dee6—w30d Printer’s fee f3
WILL be sold bofore the Court House door, at
McDonough, Henry county, Georgia, on tho first
Tuesday in January, 1868, by order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county, as the real estate of Wm.
E. Lambert, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors. 16N acres of land, more or less, being
part of lot No. 20, in the 6th district of said coun
ty, and known as the dower interest of the
widow, now dead. Terms of sale cash November
14tb, 1867. J. A. MAXWELL, Adm’r.
novl6—w40d Printer's lee |K
BY virtue of an order from the Court or Ordina
ry of-iwwlttn county, Georgia, will be sold on the
first Tuesday in January, 1868, between the legal
hours of 6ale, one hundred acres ot land, more or
less, part of lot number two hundred and eighty-
eight, in the 16th districtof originally Henry, now
Newton county, belonging to tho estate of Alex
ander F. Hammock, deceased. Sold lor tho bene
fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Terms cash. November 23d. 1867.
JOHN HAMMOCK, Administrator.
nov35—w40d Printer's fee $5
BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordine
ary of Bartow county, Georgia, will be sold befor,
the Court House door, in the town of Cartcrsville
in said county, on the first Tuesday in January,
1868, within the legal hours of sale, the following
property, to-wit: One half interest in lots of land
Nos. 188,192, 262, 261 213, 244, 317, and all of lots
Nos. 500 and 561 in the eighteenth (18) district and
third', section of Polk county, Ga. Sold as the
property of Benjamin Turner, late of said county,
deceased, and for the benefit ol the heirs and
creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale cash.
November 16th, 18*7.
J. C. SIMS, Administrator.
novl9—w40d Printer’s fee $5
BY virtue of aa order from the Court ot Ordin
ary of Paulding county, Ga., Will be sold before
the Court House door, in the town of Dallas, on
the first Tuesday in February next, within the
legal hours of sale, the following lots of land, to
wn: Nos, 202 and 416, in the 2d district and 3d sec
tion of Paulding county, Ga., also, town lots Nos.
7, 5, 9, 6, 8, 4, in Block G, Nos. 11, 2, in Block F,
No 22 in Block A. Nos. 19, 2!). 21, In Block B. dJold
as the property of Wm. C Lee, late of said coun
ty, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors. Terms cash. December 11,1867.
LAV1NA LEE, Administratrix.
dec!3—wts Printer’s fee $6
WILL be sold before the Court House door, in
the town of Fayetteville, Fayette county, Ga., on
the first Tuesday in January, 1968, between the
legal hours of sale, east half of lot of land No. 149,
on the road from Fayetteville to Palmetto, lot No.
25, on said road two miles west of Bennett’s Mills,
lot No. 86 and lot No. 107. all in the 7tb district
of Fayette county, good frame honse on the place
and outbuildings, containing in the aggreate
908X acres, more or less. Sold as the real estate
belonging to the estate of John D’Vaughn, de
ceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said estate. Terms cash. Novem
ber 12th, 1867.
M. B. D’VAUGHN, Executor.
■ovl5—wtds Printer’s fee $10
GEORGIA, DeKalb county.
WHEREAS, James C. Cowan having in
pru|K.r fonu applied to me for permanent letters
of administration on the estate of 'William H. C.
Cowan, late of said county:
This is to cite all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of William H C. Cowan to be and ap-
jwar at my office within the time allowed by law
and show cause, if any they can, why permanent
administration should not be granted to JamesC.
co.van on William H. C.Cowan’s estate.
W itness my hand and official signature, this
December 11th, 1867.
J. B. WILSON, Ordinary.
de<-12—w90d Printer’s tee $3
GEORGIA, Xkwton county.
WHEREAS, Robert B. Smith, administrator o l
Win. A. Patrick, deceased, represents on hisne-
t it ion duly filed, that he has fully discharged his
trust: (
T>erc are, therefore, to cite and admontabAll
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
decea-ed to be and appear at my office on or be
fore the first Monday in May, 1863, and show causes
if any they have, why letters of dismission should
not be granted the applicant.
Given under niy hand and official signature,
this November 5th, 1967. . >**■ i
WM. D. LUCRIE, Ordinary.
nov6—w6m Printer's lee $4.50
GEORGIA Newton county.
VS HERE AS. Mrs. Emily Neely. administratrix
of the estate of Francis 6. Neely, necem-i-d, applies
to me for letters of dismissfob •
These are. iherelore, to cite ard admugmh the
kindred and creditors of said deceased to lib- their
ob ections in my office, if any they have. i>n up be
fore tl e lii-t Monday in dtthe next, wiry said
dismission should not he granted to li.e ap
plicant. J
Given tin ler inv hand and official signature,
Not emiier Full. 1967.
WM. D. J.UCK1E, OjiirfiarT.
no\29—wT.m Printer*-fee $4 50
WILL be sold at the Court Honse in Thomastoo,
Upson county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in
January, 1868, withiu the legal hours of sale, the
lands belonging to the estate of Abner McCoy,
deceased, lying six miles west of Thoiuaston, on
the road to Columbus, to-wit: Lots of land num
ber one hundred and eight, and the west half of
’ot number one hundred and nine, containing
three hundred acres, more or less, comfortably
improved, with a good dwelling house and other
necessary houses, and a part oi lot number seven
ty-one, containing eighty-five acres, more or less,
all lying and being in the fifteenth district ol
originally Monroe, now Upson county. Sold by
orcP'r of the Court of Ordinary of said county, for
the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms
cash. November 26th, 1867.
HENRY* McCOY,| Executors.
nov27—wtds Printer’s fee $10
BY virtue ol an order from the Court of Ordin
ary «f Fayette county, Georgia, will be sold be
fore the Court House door in Fayetteville, in said
county, on the first Tuesday in January, 1863, be
tween the legal hours of sale, the land belonging
to the estate of John Parrott, deceased, late of
said county, being north half of lot number eighty-
seven and east half of lot number ninety-three, in
the seventh district of Fayette county, containing
two hundred (209) acres, more or less. Bold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Terms cash. November 16th, 1967.
novl9—w40d Printer’s fee $5
GEORGIA, Jaspmb county.
W HEREAS, Charles T. Preston, administrator
on the estate of Kirby D. Lowery, deceased,
late of said county, makes application to the un
dersigned for letters of dismission from said ad
ministration :
These ure, therefoiffi to cite and admonish all
persons interested in said estate, to file their ob
jections, if any they have, in my office, on or be
fore the first Monday in April next, why said ad
ministrator shall not be dismissed according to
the statute in such cases made and provided.
Given under my and official signature, atoffice
in Monticello, this 12th day of September, 1967.
M. H. HUTCHISON, Ordinary,
sepffi—w*m (.Printer’s fee $4.50]
GEORGIA. Sumter couniy.
W HEREAS, j. ( . and W. L White apply to we
lor letter- o:‘ dismission fiom administration
on the estate ol Robert While, deceased:
These -re. therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, and all person* coneerned, to be and ap-
pear at my office, within the time prescribed by _
law. and file their ob ections, if any th^y have. ^ rftIjr , T . » —
otherwise letters w ill be granted ill terms of the GEORGIA, HENRY COUNTY.
Given under my hand, in office, at Americus,
this :*t*i day of September, 1867.
L. P. DORMAN. Ordinary.
sepl2—w6m fPrinter's fee $4 50!
GEORGIA, Fayette county.
WHEREAS, Francis Patterson, administrator
of Francis M. Patterson, represents to the Court
that he has fully administered Francis M. Patter
son’s estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause why saia
administrator should not be discharged from his
administration and receive letters of dismission
on tbe first Monday In June, 1868.
Witness my band and official signature, this
November 30th,1867.
de<*5—w6m Printer’s fee $4.50
GEORGIA. DeKalb county. —
WHEREAS. Mr9. Mary J. Terry, one of the ad
ministrators oi tae estate of Thomas Terry, de-
it-ust'd, having made applicat.on to me lor leave
to sell about twenty acres of land ia the north east
part of lot No. 179 in the 15th district of DeKalb
countv. Georgia:
All persons concerned are nptifled to file their
objections, if anv they haw*, w ithito two months
from the first publication of this notice, efise leave
w ill be granted for the sale ot said twenty acres
of land
Given under my band and official signature,
this December llih, 1867.
J. B. WILSON, Ordinary.
declJ—w2m Printer's flee $5
WHEREAS, Thomas Hambrick, guardian of
Kcron H. James, having applied to this Court for
a discharge from his guardianship:
This is, the more, to cite all persons concerned
to show cause, by filing their objections in my
office why said Thomas Hambrick should not be
dismissed trom his said guardianship and receive
letters of dismission.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this November 14,1867.
<$. R. NOLAN, Ordinary.
novl6—w40d Printer’s fee $3
GEORGIA, Gordon County.
J A MEs C. G Alt LINGTOX. adm i n istrator of John
W Darlington, represents to the Coiutifihis
petition, dulv filed and entered on record, thnt he
ha* fully administered John W. Darlington's ns.
me: . \
This is therefore to cite «U persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to shew cause, if any they
cuii. whv said administrator should not be dis
charged from his administration, and receive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in March,
J9L-. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary.
sept-3—w6m [Printer’s lee $4.50 ]
GEORGIA, Upson county.
WHEREAS, Edwin H. Kelly, administratorof
Lucy Reed, deceased, files his petition by his
torncy. John Rutherford. Esq., for leave to sell 1
undivided half of lot of land No. 181. in the'
district of originally Houston, now Upeon
1 'These are to cite and admonish all pe:
tcre>ted to show cause, if any the? have,
two months, why the prayer or the pei
abonid not be granted.
Given under my hand and ofleinl signature,
this November Bad, 1967.
inis *o» WM. A. COBB, Ordinary.
dec4-w2m rri*te*’» ft# $5
GEORGIA, DeKalb County
MICHAEL A. STEELE, administrator on the
estate of Jasper N. Smith, deceased, having made
application to me for leave to sell the real estate
ot Jasper N. Smith, deceased.
All persons concerned are notified to file their
objections, if anv they have, within two months
from the first publication of this notice, else leave
wilkbe grmated. for the sale of said real estate.—
Givefi under njv hand and official signature,
this flat day/of November, 1*67.
. JOMAWtAN it. WILSON, Ordinary.
novf2,2>i ’< Printer’s fee $5
A, Fa Error county.
AS, Starting J. Elder, administrator of
Thomas E. Pvrseas, represents to the court that
hwJws fully arl mini It* rad Thomas £. Person’s
estate: , ^. ,
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should not be dis
charged from his administration and receive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in June,
•ad official signature, this
OOHNOB. Ordinary.
Printer's fee $4 50
■at date application will be
Ordinary of Paulding coun
ty, for leave to teti (he real estate belonging to
tetoek Plnkanl, late of raid county, deceased.
This the M day of December. 1867.
WiTm. W ALLAC^Administrator.
4fiC*~W%l Printer’s fee $5
BY virtue of an order from tho Court of Ordin
ary of Gordon county, Georgia, will be sold on tho
first Tuesday in January, 1868, at the Court House
door, in the town of Calhoun, Gordon county, be
tween the legal hours of sale, lots of land, Nos.
266,266, 275, 276, in the 7th district and 3d section,
(subject to the widow’s dower.) Sold as the prop
erty of John M. Cannon, deceased, for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors. Terms—One-tenth
cash; the balance twelve months credit with good
security. Tills November 25th, 1867.
E A M. CANNONf’ i Administrators.
I.OV26—■wtds* Printer’s fee $5
BY virtue of an order from the honorable Court
of Ordinary of Butts couajy, Georgia, will be sold
on the first Tnesdav in January, 1868, before the
Court House door, in the town of Jackson, in said
county, between tbe legal hours of sale, the fol
lowing property, to-wit: Three hundred aces of
land, more or less, known as the Matthew Barber
place, and adjoining lands of William Hodges,
< urri>* K. Johnson aii.l George W. Barber, bold
lor the benefit »d'i he heirs and creditors. Terms of
sale cash. November 18th. 1867.
g. W. BARBER, Adm’r,
Do bonis non com testamento
-did \»4 <l Printer’s fee $5
BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordur
ary of Pndd'ng county, Georgia, will be sold be
fore the i o ;rt House door, in the town of Dallas,
Paulding county, Georgia, between the legal
bouts of sale, on :hc first Tuesday in January, 1868.
tbe follow ing lots of land, to-wit: Eight hundred
and eights seven (887) and nine hundred and
fourteen (• U), all lying and being in the 3d dis
trict and 3d section ol Paulding county, Georgia.
Sold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors
Terms cash. November 14.1867.
H. M. WHITWORTH, Administrator.
novl5—w40d Printer’s fee $5
BY Virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina
ry of Henry County, will be sold on the 1st Tues
day in January next, at the Court House door, in
the town of McDonough, the real estate of John
Calvin, deceased, late of said county being 100
acres of land, more or less, known as the late farm
oftleceased, in said county, near the waters of
Tessahaw Creek—less dower interest of the wid
ow. Terms cash. Nov. 19, 1867.
G. G. WEEMS, Administrator,
Cum Testamento Annexo.
nov 21 w40d Printer’s fee $5
BY - virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina
ry of Paulding county, Georgia, will be -old on
the first Tuesday in January, 1868, before the
Court House door, in the town of Dallas, Pauld
ing county. Georgia, between the legal hours of
sale, the following lots of land, to-wit: Nos. 464,
472, 474, 473, 468 and 537, in the third district and 3d
section. Sold as the property of R. Grogan, de
ceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors. Terms cash. November 14, 1867.
H. M. WHITWORTH Administrator.
nov!6—w40d Printer’s fee $5
BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi
nary of Fulton county. Georgia, will be sold be
fore the Court House door in the city of Atlanta
on the first Tuesday in January next, between the
legal hours of sale, the following pr perty to-
wit: Forty acres of laud, lot No. 174, in the 14th
district of Fulton county, being the southwest
corner of said lot. Sold as the property of George
Latham, deceased, lor tne benefit of the heirs
•and creditors. Terms Cash. Nov 12ih. 1867.
nov22-40d. Printer’s fee $5
BY virtue of an order, from the Court of Ordina
ry of Paulding county, Georgia, will lie sold on
the first Tuesday in January, 1868, before the Court
Honse door, in the town of Dallas, Paulding
county. Georgia, between the legal hours of sale,
the undivid hall of lots of lamfNos. 620, 676, 675,
677, 678 and 691. in the third district and third sec
tion. Sold as tbe property of L. A. Corrutb, de
ceased. bold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors. Terms cash. November 14. 1867.
H. M. WHITWORTH. Administrator.
novl6—w40d Printer’s fee $5
BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of DeK/lb county, Georgia, will be sold on the
first Tuesday in January, lb6s, at the Court House
door, in the town of Decatur, DeKalb county, be
tween the legal hum s ol sale, lot ot land No. 293,
containing 101 acres, more or less, in the 18th
ill trict of DeKalb county, (with tbe exception of
the widows dower.) hold as the property of
Robert Baxter, deceased, for the b» lielit of the
heirs and creditors. Terms of sale cash. Novem
ber the 4th, 1867,
GEORGE BAXTER, Administrator.
nov8—wtds Pi Intel » fee $5
I WILL sell before the Court House door, in the
town of Cumming, Forsyth county, Georgia, on
the first Tuesday in January next, within the le
gal hours of sale,one hundred and thirty-three and
one third (133>i) acres of land, more or less, lying
on Big Creek, in the second district and first sec
tion of Forsyth county, belonging to the estate of
George James deceased; this place has thirty or
forty acres of fine bottom land on it, in a high
state of cultivation. Sold for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased.
TERMS—'Small notes with approved securities,
payable in specie or its equivalent, and due 1st
day of October, 1868. This 2<Jth November, 1867.
J. T. BROWN, Administrator.
nov29—wtds Printer’s fee $1U
WILLbe sold before the Court House door, in
the town of Cartersvillc, in Bartow county, Ga..
on the first Tuesday in January next, by virtue of
an order from the Court or Ordinary of said coun
ty, ten thousand dollars of the capital stock of the
East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Company;
also, at the 6arae time and place, six thousand
five hundred and fifty dollars of the capital stock
of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Compa
ny. Sold as the property of the estate of John W.
Lewis, late of said county, deceased. 8old for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms cash.
This the 25th day of November. 1867.
JAMES R. BROWN, Administrator.
nov26—wtds Printer’s lee $5
GEORGIA, Gwinnett county.
WHEREAS, James A. Hutchins, administrator
on the estate of Mary Quinn, deceased, having
made application to me lor letters of dismission
from said estate:
These are, therefore, to give notice to all con
cerned, kindred and creditors, io appear at my
office within the time p>escribed bylaw and file
their objections, if any they have, why said letters
should not be granted the applicant.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this November 5th, 1867.
G. T. KAKESTEAW, Ordinary.
nov8—w6m Printer’s fee $4.50
*?. tk
BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinar
of Gw innett county, Ga., will be sold before the
CourtHouse door, in the town of Lawrenceville,
Gwinnett county, Ga.. within the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in January, 1868, lot of
land No. 32, containing 125 acres, more or less.
Sold as the property of Samuel H Starr, deceased.
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said deceased. This November 19,1867
SILAS S. STARK, Administrator.
nov22—w40d Printer’s lee $5
WILL be sold before the Court House door, in
town of McDonough. Henry county, Georgia, on
the first Tuesday in January, 1868, by order of the
Court of Ordinary of said county, the south half of
lot No. 16o in the 12th district, and 180 acres off of
lot No. 160 in the 11th district of Henry county,
being 280 acres, more or less. Sold as the real
estate of Wm. M. Cook, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors. Terms of sale cash. November
14th, 1867. JOHN COOK, Adm’r.
nov!6—w40d Printer’s fee $5
■ BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of Gwinnett county, Ga., will be sold before the
Court House door, in the town of Law renceville,
Gwinnett county, Ga., w ithin the legal iKursui
sale, on the first Tuesday in January, 1868, 92
acres of land off of lot No. 229 in the 6th district of
Gwinnett county. Sold as the property of Johr
Scott, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heiTs
and creditors of said deceased. November 19,1867.
MARI’ SCOTT, Administratrix.
nov22—w40d Printer’s fee $5
BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of Gordon county, Georgia, will be sold on the
first Tuesday in Jannary, 1868, at the Court House
door, in the town of Calhoun, Gordon county, be
tween the legal hours of sale, part of lot of land
No. 3u6, in the 26th district and 3d section of
Walker county, Georgia. Sold as the property of
E. P. Ware, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors. Terms cash. This November 25th,
Administrator with the will annexed.
nov26—wtds* Printer’s fee $5
BY' virtue of an order frem the Court of Ordin
ary of Paulding county, Georgia, will be sold be
fore the Court House door, In the town of Dallas,
Paulding county, Georgia, between the legal
hours of sale, on tue first Tuesday in Jan
nary, 1868, the following lots of land, to-wit:
Nos. 698, 754, 749. 691. 763, 764, 687, 750. 689,690 746,
four acres of 693, and east half of No. 690; also the
undivided half of lots of land Nos. 775, 739, 788.
137, 7U3 and 702, all lying in the third district and
third section of Paulding county, Georgia. Sold
as the property of Oliver Russom, deceased. Sold
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms
cash. November 14,1867.
H. M. WHITWORTH, Adminsstrator.
nov!6—w40d Printer’s fee $5
WILL be sold before the Court House door in
Fayetteville, Fayette county, Georgia, on the first
Tuesday in February next, between the legal
hours of sale, the land belonging to the estate of
Thomas H. Horn, deceased, it being the north
half oi lot of land No. 162, in the 4th district of
originally Henry, now Fayette county, containing
one hundred one and one-fourth (101>r) acres
more or less. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and’
creditors of said deceased. Terms Cash. De
cember 16th. 1867.
. -- MjAEY a.. R. HORN, Administratrix.
dec!7—wts Printer’s fee $5
BY virtue of an order of tho Court of Culinary
of DeKalb county, Georgia, will be sold on tho
first Tuesday in January. 1868, at the Court House
door, in the town of Decatur, DeKalb county, be «
tween the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. ’-*>4, i
containing l97>i acres, more or loss, in the ImIi ;
district of DeKalb county (with the exception <" i
the widow’r dower.) Sold as tho properly ot
Thomas Henderson, deceased, lor the benefit of tho i
heirs and creditors. Terms of sale c->sh. Nov< tu
ber 4th, 1867.
ELIJAH M. HENDERSON, Aduiin-t rator
novS—wtils Printer s .ee $5
BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina
ry of Forsyth county, Georgia, 1 will offer for sale
before the Court House door, in tbe town of Cum
ming, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in January,
1868, one hundred and seventy-two acres of land,
more or less, being the place on which Harriet
Bonds died, nine miles uoi th of Cumming, Ga.
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol
said Harriet Ronds, deceased. Terms cash. This
5th dav of November. 1867.
WM. C. JACKSON, Administrator.
nov8—wtds Printer's fee $5
I WILL sell before the Court House door, in the
town of Cumming, Forsyth county, Georgia, on
the first Tuesday in January next, with the legal
hours of sale, oue hundred and twenty-two and
two-thirds (122*]) acres of land, more or less, lying
on Big Creek, in the second district and first sec
tion or Forsyth county, belonging to tbe estate of
Alexander Herring, deceased. Twenty acres ot
good bottom land. Sold for the benefit of the heirs
and oreditors of said deceased.
TERMS—Small notes with approved securities,
payable in specie or its equivalent, with interest
trom date of sale, and due 1st day of October,
1868. This 20th November, 1867.
J. T. BROWN, Administrator.
nov29—wtds Printer's fee $10
BY' virtue ol an order of the Court of Ordinary
of DeKalb county, Georgia, Will be sold on the
first Tuesday in F'ebruary 1868, at the Court
House door, in the town of Decatur, DeKalb
county, between the legal hours of sale, lot No. 9,
in the town of Stone Mountain, containing one
and three-fourths acres, (once sold but terms not
complied with.) Sold as the property of Julian
A.Juhan, deceased, for the bunulit of the heirs
and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash.—
This December 4th, 1867.
NANCY' JUHAN, Administratrix.
dec5—wts Printer’s fee $5
BY virtueof an order Horn the Court of Ordin
ary of Paulding county-. Georgia, will be sold be
fore the Court House door, in the town of Dallas,
Paulding county, txcorgia, on the first Tuesday in
F'ebruary, 1868, between the legal hours of sale,
the following property, to-wit: Lots of land Nos.
225. 226, and ten acres off of south side of lot No.
120 in the 18th district and 2d section of Paulding
county, Georgia. 8oldas the property ol Jasper
Mahaffy, deceased, hold for the benefit oi the
heirs and creditors. Terms cash. Dec. 3, 1867.
P. A. C. ALLEY', Administrator.
dec7— wts Printer’s lee $5
BY' virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of Newton county, Georgia, will be sold before the
court House door, in the town of Covington, in
said county, on the first Tuesday in February,
1868, withiu the legal hours of sale, two hundred
and ninety acres of land, more or less, lying in the
sixteenth district of originally Henry, now Ne v-
ton county, being the place whereon Archibald
Scott lived at the time of Ms death. Sold as the
property of Archibald -cott, deceased, for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors ol said decased.
Terms cash. December 2, foot.
ADDISON RILFY, Administrator.
dec4—\vt8 Printer’s lee $5
BY virtue of an ordertrom the Court of Ordina
ry from Paulding county, Georgia, w ill be sold on
the first Tuesday in February next, between the
legal hours of sale, before tne Court House door,
in the town of Dallas, the following lots of land,
to-wit: Nos. 112, 113. 121, thirty acres off of the
north side of lot No. 120, one half of apple orchard
on lot No. 225 in the 18th district and 2d section ol
Paulding county. Georgia. Also, at the same time
and place, lot of No. 224 in the 18th district and 2d
section of Cobb county, Georgia. Sold as the
property of Adolphus Mahaffy, deceased. Sold
for the benefit of the heirs anti creditors. Terms
cash. December 3, 1867.
J. F. COOK, Administrator.
dec7—wts Printer’s fee $10.00
BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of Gordon county, Georgia, will be sold on the
first Tuesday in January, 1868, at the Court House
door, in the town of Calhoun, Gordon county, be
tween the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 101
in the 24th district and 3d section, containing 12o
acres, more or less: and, also, east half ol lot No.
31 in the 15th district and 3d section, containing
80 acres, more or less, subject to the widow’s dow
er. Sold as the property of E. YV. Hannah, de
ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
Terms of sale—Part cash; balance on time with
note and good security. This November 25,1867.
J. \V. PARROTT, Administrator.
nov26—wtds* Printer’s fee $5
BY virtue of an order from the Court ol Ordina
ry of Fayette county, Georgia, will be sold before
tne Court House in Fayetteville, in said county,
on the first Tuesday in January, 1868, between the
legal hours of sale, the land belonging to the
estate of Richard Eason, deceased, late of said being the southeast corner of lot No.
216 in the 5th district of originally Henry, now
F'ayette county, containing 89 acres, more or less.
Sold for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said
deceased. November 12th, 1867.
RACHEL EASON, Administratrix.
nov!5—Wtds Printer’s fee $3
BY virtue of an order irom the Court or Ordin
ary of F'ayette county, Georgia, will be sold be
fore the Court House door, in F'ayetteville, in
said county, on the first Tuesday in January, 1868,
between the legal hours ofsale, the land belonging
to the estate ot Allison Spier, deceased, late ol
F'ayette county, being known as the plantation ol
said deceased, being lots Nos. 24, 34. 35, 42, and
parts of lots Nos. 36, 37, 43 and 56. all in the 9th
district of F ayette county, the parts of lots being
101K acres of lot No. 36, 101 acres of lot No. 56,
50 acres of lot No. 37, and 186 acres of lot No. 42,
making in the aggregate 1,247 acres, more or less.
Sold in parts or parcels 10 suit purchasers —
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said deceased. Terms cash. November 12,1867.
ALLISON SPIER, Administrator.
novl5—wtds Printer’s xee $10
BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of Jasper county, Georgia, will be sold before the
ourt House door, in the town of Decatur. DeKalb
iounty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday iu Januarv.
1868, within the legal hours of sale, one hundred
and one and one-fourth (101%) acres of land, be-
onging to the estate of Jesse Spear, late of Jasper
county, deceased; said tract ol land is situated in
DeKalb county, Ga., about 1% miles from the city
of Atlanta, ou the F'lat Shoals road, adjoining the
lands oi James Brown, John Fayette and others;
no improvements, about fifteen or twenty acres
cut down; the balance tolerably well timbered;
will be sold in small lots, probablv ten acres in the
lot, to suit purchasers. TERMS CASH. This
November 15th, 1867.
JXO. A. J. SPEAR. Administrator.
”nov20—w40d Printer's fee $10 00
WILL be sold by an order of the Court of Or
dinary of Gwinnett county, Georgia, on the first
Tuesday in January, 1868, before the Court House
door, in the town ol Lawrenceville, Gwinnett
county, the following lands, to-wit: 250 acres of
land, known as lot No. 335, and 50 acres of lot No.
336, all in the 6th district of Gwinnett courty,
lying near the Walton line. Sold as the property
of Benjamin P. Weaver, deceased. Sold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased
Terms cash. This November 5th, 1867.
JOHN E. MAGUIRE, Administrator.?
nor8—ir80d Printer’s fee $5
1 iTT'l ■■ ■"»%
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
W HEREAS, John J. Thrasher, administrator
of the estate of Joseph A. Thrasher, late of
said county, deceased, represents in his petition
duly filled, that he has iully executed uis said
This i«, therefore, to cite and admonish all and
singular, t ho kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to show cause, if any exists, within the.
time allowed by law, why letters ol dismission
should not be granted the applicant.
Witness my official signature, August 22d,
aug23—w 6m [Printer’s lee $4.50]
GEORGIA, Cobb county.
WHEREAS, it is represented to me that the
estate of Mary A. Manning, late of said county,
deceased, is unrepresented:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
concerned to be and appear at my office on the
first Monday in February next, to show cause, if
any they have, why letters of administration
should not bo vested'in the Clerk of the Superior
Court or some other fit and proper person.
Given uniter my hand and official signature,
this the 17th dav of December, 1967.
JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary.
di‘i-17—\v30l Printer’s fee $3
GEORGIA, Fulton count*.
WHERE A 8, J. R. Wallace applies for letters of
administration upon the estate of Joel Kelsey
Sr., late of said county, deceased:
This 1 , therefore, to cite all persons concerned
to show cause, if any they can, within the time
presorib d by law, why letters of administration
should not in* granted said applicant.
Witness the G06. lianielPittman, Ordinary of
said county, litis 2d December, 1867.
I NO. F. COOPER. Deputy Clerk.
dec4—w 301 Printer’s fee $3
GEORGIA, Gordon county.
Superior Court October Term, 1867—Present His
Honor, James Milner, Judge.
vs > Libel for Divorce.
IT appearing to the Court bv the return of the
Sheriff that the dotendant does not reside in the
county: and, it further appearing that he does not
reside in tins State. It is, on motion of counsel,
ordered that said defendant appear and answer
at the next term of this Court, else that tbe case
he considered in default and the plaintiff be al
low ed to pro eed. And it is further ordered that
this rule be publisher* in the Georgia Weekly
Op mon once a month for four mouths.
J. C. Fain, Plaiutiff’s Attorney.
I, n. C. Hunt. Clerk of the.Supcrior Court, certi
fy that the above is a true transcript from the
minutes of Gordon Superior Court. This Novem
ber 16,1867, H. C. HUNT,
no\21—wlam4m Clerk Superior Court.
vs. t Libel for Divorce.
It appearing to the Court that the defendant is
r.ot a resident of tne State of Georgia, it is or
dered by the Court that the delendant be served
by publication of this order once a month for four
mouths in the Atlanta Opinion, the paper in which
tlie officers of the county publish their advertise
Passed. D. A. VASOX, J. S U, S. W. C.
A true extract from the minutes of Sumter
Superior Court, October 28th. 1867.
>f .Vo
GEORGIA, DeKalb county.
WHEREAS, James H. Born, guardian of T. Z.
Renl. having applied to the Court of ordinary ol
said county, for a discharge from his guardian
ship of T. Z. Reid’s person'and property:
This is, therefore to cite all persons concerned to
show vause, by filing their objections in my
office, why the said James II. Born should not be
dismissed from his guardianship of T. Z. Reid,
and receive the usual letters of dismission.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this November25,1867.
nov27—w40d* . [Printer’s fee $3]
WILL be sold before tbe
door, in the city of Atlanta, Fuit ♦
ty, Georgia, between the lawful
sale, on the first Tuesday i u V V
1868, the follow ing property.
A part of land lot Xo. 4.* ( u ,
Henry, now Fulton county,
mencing at a stake corner on ' >
the Georgia Railroad right■
eastwardly along said rignt-of.
feet, thence southwardly at ri
one hundred and twenty-four'
alley, thence wcstwardly ah,,,.
fifty feet to Wyman street, tb-n
wardly by sail strict one [•,'
twenty-four feet to the G _-:nn :
as described in accitain In
executed by Thomas Ham*;
Kelley, deceased, to Felix
vied on as the property of Th
ailin’r of John Kellpj. decea-
of and to satisfy a mortgage 1
from Fulton Superior Court,
Felix 31a«*uire vs. Thoma- llan
John Kelley, deceased. l*ro;«*
out in said Mortgage li. fa. lie ■
Also, at the same time and pha ,
of land lot No. 50. in originally
now Fulton county. Ga. >a:d ., trt
levied on is in N ard Xo. 4. city of Au
and beunded on the cast by Butts ,; r .
on the west by Wheat street. I^ing Q .
corner of Wheat and lfuth r -tn* kS c
taining three-quarters of an acre, t u ',^
less. Levied on by virtue ot and t... -
a Mortgage fi. fa. issued trow i
Superior Court in favor of A ni. i;.
vs. Lee Smith. Property pointed cu:
said Mortgage li. fa. Dec. 9. lv;7.
Also, at the same time and place all 5
tract or parcel of land situated. Ivin,
being in the city of Atlanta, in said
and State, and known and distinguish?
the plan of said city as the east half of,
lot, number eleven, being a porti *
original land lot No. 45, in the lith duj
of originally Henry, now Fulton cou
Levied on as the projierty of btejdj?:
Oat man, by virtue of and to sati-i
Mortgage li. fa. issued from Fulton >
ior Court, in favor of George M»r.:
Stephen II. Oatinan. l’roperty jioini
by plaintiff's attorney, and by said:
December Uth, 1867.
Also, at the same time and place t •
divided one-fourth of the Rock 4Jaan
being worked by' W. F. Harris A *...
being in the western portion of the -
Atlanta, Fulton county. Ga- togetlwr
all the laud, containing ten acres, b
west by lands of John Collier. Lev
as the property of M. II. Beil A Co. t»y
tue of and to satisfy a Mortgage fi. 1..
sued from the Superior Court of I
county, in favor R. F. tt oodward a
vs. M. R. Beil ft Co. Property point,
by* plaintiff's attorney and by sai,.:
December D. 18G7.
Also, at the same time and place all
tractor parcel of land ly ing and t- .*
the county of Fulton, and known ar,
tinguished as being pari ot lot X
the 20th district of originally Henry.
Fulton county, containing one at .
acres, more or less, bounded on th** »•
a street, name not known, on the ca-;
R. Wallace's land, on the south by a -
name not known, and ou the non
Medlock's land. Levied on as the j.r
of Green B. Bridwell, by virtue of a
satisfy a Mortgage li. fa. issued lr>
Superior Court of said county of I
in favor of Matin Bridwell. ailiu'r.
Harriet Bridwell. adui’x. of J. W. Bn
deceased, vs. Green B. Bridwell. IV;
pointed out by plaintiff's attorney
said fi. fa. Dec. th 1»U7.
W. L. HUBBARD. Deputy Si.
declO—w T tds
GEORGIA, Bibb county.
WHEREAS, I. C. Plant, executor of the estate
John M. Kunze, late of sai.l county, deceased,
makes application to the undersigned for letters
of dieuiission upon said deceased’s estate:
All per.-on interested are required to be and ap
pear at the Court ol Ordinary on the first Monday
in June next, to show cause, if any they have,
why letters diswissory should not be granted the
Witness my hand and official signature, this
November 20th, 1867.
YV. M. RILEY, Ordinary.
nov21—w6m Printer’s fee $4 50
GEORGIA. DeKalb county.
WHEREAS, Edward J. Bailey, administrator
on the estate of Lewis Ethridge, Sr., deceased,
having made application to me lor leave to sell all
real estate of said intestate:
All persons concerned are notified to file their
objections, if any they have, within two mouths
from the first publication of this notice, else leave
will beg ranted lor the sale ot all the real estate ol
Lewis Em ridge, Sr., deceased.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this 31st day of October, 1867.
J. B. WILSON, Ordinary.
novt- w2m Printer’s fee $5
GEORGIA, Bartow county.
W HEREAS, Thomas J. Wofford, executor of
William B. Wofford, deceased, represents
to the Court. 111 li is petition, duly filed and enter
ed 011 record, that he lias fully administered Wil
liam B. Wotlord’* estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said executor shuuid not be discharged
from his executorship and receive letters of dis-
missiou. This 2d lAJumiuy ; September, 1867.
J. A. HOWARD, ordinary.
sept4—w6m (Printer’s fee $1.50)
W’ILL be sold before tli Court lloc .
the town of Cartcrsville. Bartow county..
within the legal hours of saw. on in*- to
day in January, 1868, tea Mtvaii
Oue brown colored n<ule. to satisfy .■ .• i
County tax li. la. in lavor ol the -t.iir
vs. G. H. Warring, ageut ior j..s 1 »V .1 •
Also, at the same time an 1 pia-«
mule and one mare mule. Levied on
erty ot J. W. Dillard. ue *ea ed, in t .«
G. G. Itoy, executor, to sai 1-11 one li nt *
tax fi. fa. iu lavor of Mate of ccoi gi * v*. i» <
executor 01 J. W. Dillard, dcecu-c I. ai
tow Superior Court u. la. n. latoi ■< >
Ezzard. trustee of F'lora Roy. is *. <■
noy and Jos. A. Tay lor, umM- ••.
lard, deceased.
Also, at the same tin e anil pl&, c «*•
to satisfy oue Bartow county lax li .
state of Georgia v». W. c. Muuh. -
property of dc lend ant.
Also, at the same time .and pi ,ei <>:
to satisfy one Bartow couuty lax 11 >
the State of Georgia vs. Robe: 1 sumt
property of said smith.
Also, at the same and place one <1*
Levied on as the properly o; !e- <
satisfy oue Bartow county tax ti !.. .
State of Georgia vs. Jesse A. An-ley.
Also, at tbe ,-ame time ami !*...
mule, to satisfy oue Bartow tax n 1- 1
stuteol' Georgia vs. G. li. Warnug,
G. H. Warnug.
W. L. GOODW -V '
decl6—wts finite; - l*
GEGRG1A, Fulton county.
HEltEAS, J. R. Fain, executor of Elizabeth
WILL be sold on the iiist 1 uesd..
next, between the legal hours «•.
Court House uoor, iu the lumuii 11 .
county, Ga , the follow in.. p
One lot of land uuiube. •>.!< . 1101.
eight (168) in the fiiicent , ,i:>, ,.-.i ■<
Carroll, now Heard co .my, k ■ > 11
formerly owned kjr Jack
being levied on *as in.- pn
Emory, to satisfy county court ii. .
the July Term, i"tJ6«, one m i ,iur •
Finney, gtiardiau Ur the mi.
w Fain, deceased, represents 10 the court, iu his Sinittf deceased, and one u
petition, duly filed, that he has fully administered 1 L. Atkinson ami \V. H. < i.n ., -
said estate:
Tnis is, therefore, to cite a’l persons concerned
to show cause, if auy they can, why said executor
should not be discharged from his said trust and
receive letters of dismission on the first Monday
in March, 1868.
W itness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary ol
said county, this 4th day of September, 1867.
JNO. T. COOPER, Depnty Clerk.
sep5—w6in [Printer's fee $4.50]
GEORGIA, Gwinnett county.
YVHEREAS, James W. Mills, administrator on
tiie estate of Robert Hope, deceased, having made
application to me for letters ol dismission from
Saul estate:
These are. therefore, to give notice to all con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to appear at my
office w 1 thin the time presci ibed by law and file
their objections, if any they have, why said letters
should not be granted the applicant
Given under my haud aud official signature,
this November 5tn, 1867
— G. T. RAREST RAW, Ordinary.
Printer’s fee $4.50
of Atkinson, Clarx A Co.
J. A. i'U.SlIZk
DkKALB SiiLiiii 1 rs .-.
WILL be sold on tne tii'i ii. »
1968, before tbe Court Mouse .u. *r 7.
Decatur. DeKaio county, bvur.i.i.
legal hours of sale, tue lolfow tug pi*.,
One tow n lot in the tow 11 01 smp..
said couuty, containing one a.*ri. u. r»
joining lot 10 James Maiming. Uoum
street, known as lh« Juo. U M .1. iff*
two bureaus; also, two settee-, on* <
one bedstead. All ivvieq 0,1 .*- 1.
William C. Sadler, to latt.-iy ail 1
the superior Court 01 said county
William S. Ilerriulon v>. 6*
This the 26th day of November, 1*«7.
LEWIS WlGulNs, AM-put
nov26— wtds Prinui -
EL1ZABE1II MORGAN,] Bill for specific per-
,,. nnd . forniauce, cancelation
MARY W. MORGAN, I of deed, Ac., in Walker
by her next friend, Ac., >Super*or court.
vs. I
aud others. J
I T being shown that William Morgan and Henry
c. Hunter, two of the defendants in the above
stated case, reside beyond the limits of this State
so that they cannot be served by the Sheriff- It is
ordered that said defendant be served by publica
tion of this Order once a month for four months
previous to the next Term of this Court, in the
Opinion, a newspup* r published in the city of At-
lanta, ami that sum William Morgan and* Henry
C. Hunter appearand defend said bill at the next
lerm ol the Superior Court for said countv of
’• ulker, on the 4th Monday hi February, 1868, or
that in default thereof tne bill will be taken as
conlessed, and the complainants be allow'ed to
proceed ex parte as to said defendants.
Chambers, September 3d, 1867.
A trite extract Irom Minutes ot’ Court, JSeptem-
her 2lst, 1867. JAMES H. ROGERS, Clerk.
oct6—w lam4m [Printer’s fee $12.00]
GEORGIA, Clayton county.
AT the October Terra of the Court of
of said county, conics Jonn A. Nash. »'
tor on the estate oi Andrew N >»*n.
— i and prays for letters of dismission 1
These are, therefore, to cite admonish ail and | estate:
singular the kindred and creditors of said de- This is, therefore, to cite and *Jin ni.- -
ceased to be and appear at my office, within tbe 1 sons concerned to be ami atua-ar at * ’ *
tune prescribed by law, and show cause, if any < within the time prescribed oy It*. «* 1
tney can, vvhy said letters snould not be granted , cause, it any they can. why letters oi a.-^ 1 -'
to applicant. : should not grinted tue applicant
official signature, Given under my hand auu ounia
WILL be sold before the Court ll*.i -•
the town of Decatur, DeKalb count<.
within tbe legal hours ol sale, on lb* hi -'*
i in January next, the follow 11,g pnqw-ii.
Two cottage bedsteads, two ui^t-
small chairs, one shovel, u jugaiiu j..r
one pair tongs, one large knit*.. live i»« -
Ail said property levied on as tne pro;
defendant, William G. M ilson. uimer - ■
the Superior Court of DeKaio county. 1
Robert Jones, and pointed out b. i; ■
This December 3, 1867.
dec4— wtds print* 1 - <*
GEORGIA, Cobb county.
WHEREAS, it is represented to me
estate of Jackson Uramtieiow , late oi *-*. •
deceased, is unrepresented:
These are, thereiore, to cite and;
concerned, to be aud appear at my off** c
Monday in February next, and
they can, why letters ot admini-liat.
not be vested in the clerk 01 tne
or some other nt aud piApcr person.
Given und* r my hand aud oun ial -
this December 17th, lrt>7.
dec!7—w30d Printer’s t«
GEORGIA, Monroe county,
Y\ HERE AS, M. J. Wilson applies to me for let-
L®‘ administration ou the estate of Pleasant
T- ilson, deceasedi
this 4th day of December, 1867
. e Q. MORSE, Ordinary
dec6—w30d Printer’s lee $3*
this October 7th, 1867.
_ _ C. A DOLLAR.
ftocttO—w6u — Printer’s «*• **