Daily southern opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 186?-1???, May 22, 1868, Image 1

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OLUME IL! ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 22, 1868 JNUMBER 78 Bates of Adrertlalaff. . •, v KKTISING.—Card* la CITY DIRECTORY, A five line*. *1*1* per Special > * ‘nTuilVivs Cents per line thereafter. The 1 Inre* will he made for advertisements \ vl ng iWfe than a square, obituaries. and all Ji a personal nature. Jfixcept in cases contract, other advertisement* will be . V^-,1 the following rates: fw I -Ui amk, one insertion, u .. •• two Insertions, three insertions, .. •• one week, - „ •< one month • three months. - $1.00 1.60 *.00 3.60 10.00 • *5.00 . 4 tales, per levy of ten line* or 1m*. . .*2 60 rni *» Mortgage fi. la. sales, per square.... 5 00 ,,n tors’s sales, per square 5 00 1 tor Letters oi Administration 3 00 S:: . 1- lor Letters of Guardianship 3 00 * -Tuts ot application lor dismission from v,i!;iinistrauon......................... .... 4 50 . , u . r< ( .i application for dismission from , tianship 3 00 , " .. „.as lor leave to sell Land 6 00 i‘ : ■„to Debtors and Creditors 3 00 : ui Land, etc., per square 5 00 . .. ; i.erisbaUe property, 1© days, per sqr. 1 60 .Notices, HU nays 8 «♦ ijTt‘ ’lositre of Mortgage, per sqr, eaeh time... 1 00 T: M K KEQUIRED FOB LEGAL ADVERTISING. 1 of Laud, etc., by Administrators, Execu- „ ouardians, are required by law to be held l!u . iii>t Tuesday in the month, between the u ' iiUl . 0 f tea iu the forenoon and three in the af- at the court House in the connty in h i ine property is situated. Notices of these mii't oe given in a public gazette 40 days ' rt V iov:' to the day of sale. of the sale of personal property must \cn in like manner 10 days previous to the ui -ale. \\ .. i - to the debtors and creditors of an estate \ ~: a:?o be published 40 days. “ Notice that application will be made to the , .a oi ordinary for leave to sell Land, etc., n.u-1 be published for two months, citations lor letters of Administration, Guar- iKU .-mp, etc., must be published 30 days; lor dis- ^,, Si ou Horn Administration, monthly 6 mouths; i ,i n-iuission from Guardianship 40 days, liuics lor lureclosure of Mortgage must be pub- monthly for 4 months; for establlsbiug lost : lor the lull space of 3 mouths; forcorn- ... uties lrout Executors or Administrators, wi.i.c uiul has beeu given by the deceased, the i. pace of three months, i u. .ltaiious will always be continued accord- to these, the legal requirements, unless other- vr.'C ordered. |p«-LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS will be made u .early advertisers. ly lui transient and foreign advertisements n e prepaid to secure publication. PASSENCBR BETWEEN Atlanta and New Yprk, Philadelphia, Washington, AND OTHER KailroacL etcheatUen. i,i.uKbiA RAILROAD—171 miles—Far«- l.l ' mb ]»er mile.—John P. Kino, President; E. \\ loll, superintendent; G.T. ANDKK80N, Agent at Atlanta. DAT TA88XNOKX TBAIN. Leave Atlanta ............7.00 A.M, A,uve at Augusta 6.30 P.M Leave Augusta 6.UU A.M Arrive at Atlanta 4J0 P.M -N o TRAINS ON SUNDAY. MOUT rxSSANUXX TMA1N. Lv.;.t Atlanta 5.10 P.M. A:. • i. Augusta 3IM A.M. Li^.l Al.^U^td 10.10 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta 7.46 A.Ju. WEST POINT RA1L- per mile—John P. ('resident; a. F. Grant, superintendent; t Aitaah. Agent at Atlanta: Sl'MMtK AKKaXGKMKNT. I»AY PaSSBNGKH TaAlN—OUTWARD. Leave Atlanta 1:15 A. M. Anne at West Point 1:10P.M. Day 1'ASSENGl.K Tit AIN—INWAi.D. Leave We-t Point 12:35 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta 5:15 P. M. MuHT > atloiir AND PASSKMUKS—OfTWASD. Leave Atlanta 4:80P. M. Arrive at West Point ,;'..l*:ac r. M. NIGHT FREIGHT AND PASSENGER—INW A HD. 1 cave West Point .11:40 A. M. -vjiive at Atlanta 0:46 A. M. cities, VIA Western and Atlantic, —AND— Virginia & Tennessee Railways. ALL RAIL ROUTE! Time Tablet May lsf t 1868• NORTH, Leave Atlanta 7 00 p If Leave Dalton ISO a* Leave Knoxville 11.17 A N Leave Bristol 7T8 T U Leave Lynchburg 9 00 AM Leave AV ashington 7 00 P M L?ave Baltimore 8.55 p_ji Leave Philadelphia _ 1.22 a M Arrive at New York 520 am SOUTH. Leave New Y ork Leave Philadelphia Leave Baltimore Leave Washington Leave Lynchburg Leave Ilii&tol Leave Knoxville 2 Leave Dalton 9 48 p M Arrive at Atlanta 4 45 A x 7.80 P X ....11.00 P X :..: 356 a at 080 A X 6.95 F M 7.10 A X 155 1* Time between Atlanta and New York, 57 hours. g£a^“The GREAT M AIL between Atlanta and New lork is carried exclusively by this Line. Sleeping Coaches on all Night Trains THROUGH T GOOD UNTIL I C K USED, E T S FAST FREICHT LINE BBWXEN St. Louis, Louisville & Atlanta. {. * —■——— NO CHANGE OF CARS Between Louisville or uml Atlanta. Hickman TIME REDUCED TO 55 HOURS, ► Reduction in Rates* —«-w fJlIIE ATTENTION OF -- SHIPPERS is called to the following low rates by the “GREEN UNE” TO ATLANTA. n From Louisville. 1st Class i 74 3d Class l 43 3d Glass 1 18 4th Class 91 Bacon per 100 lbs 90 Flour, Apples, Onions, Potatoes, per bbl 1 82 Salt, Cement, Plaster, pei barrel.... : 2 18 Beef and Pork, per bbl.... 2 73 "orn, per bushel 35 fheat; Rye, Barley, per bushel 88 Through Bills of Lading will „ points oi Shipment, and all claims for loss, dam .age and overcharge will be settled promptly at point of delivery. Thariffs showing Classification, etc., may be obtained atoihce of Western and Atl antic R. R. JOHN B. PECK, M. T., mart—d3m W. A A. B. R. From St, Louis. 1 94 1 63 1 88 1 11 1 11 1 97 2 62 9 08 39 be 41 given at NEW FREIGHT ROUTES. NEW ORLEANS AND ATLANTA. —AND— UJT ATLANTA A in ilea—Fare, K< t:>u. 1. li tar MACON A WESTERN RAILROAD.—103 rule, live cents per mile—A. J. Whit*, i'.«i lent, E B. W alkik, superintendent; K. A. Amiaason, Agent at Atlanta: DAY PASSENGER THAI*. leave Macon - - - - 7.45 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta ... 2UU P.M. Leave Atlanta - - • • 7.15 A.M. Arrive at Macon . • - 1.9J P.M. ix.avc Jkiiicou - • • 3.40 P.M. -V.ivt ii> .itionta - - - - 4.30 A.M. 1 '.an aVtiauia - - - - 7.10 P.M Arrive in Macon ... 4.10 A.M. «*r mail stage line from Atlanta 1 > t'Atl I.U.N EUiaY.— L av e Aiianta Monday, Wednesday and Friday - . . - 0.00 A.M Arrive i ..erday, Thursday and Saturday 7.00 P.M. BAGGALC CHECKED THROUGH TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. T HE following low rates have been agreed on between New Orleans and Atlanta, taking effect February 1st, 18<i8 All Rail via Grand Junction. No charge for Insuranoc, Dray- age, Commisson or age roi may5—d3m JOHN It. PECK, Master ol Transportation, W. & A, R. R. 1 8 6 8. Summer Arrangement. th// JJtrectory. I'--:/ UaA, Clocks, jkwmlry, <tc. is HLKMAN, dealer in Watches, Clocks . uni Jewelry, silver Ware and Fancy j-* *a < iikjUs, txold i'eiis and Spectttclta, corner 1 .ricttu and Whitehall streets, (Old Nor- •»i'i.er, Atlanta, Ga. W ate lies, Clocks, Jew - 1 - • Ac., iepaircd and w arranted api.s-tttm *v M. boLLMaK Dealer in Watches. r . ■ uI'h ks, Jewelry, Gold Pens, Spectacles, -r^AfiAc.. \\ bitcliaii street, 2d door above M thUXB Lynch A Co.’s Book Store, Atlanta, Ga. *> i-.ii mg in e ood style and warranted. no v,a— uiy INSURANCE* \h.;.N., Lift 1NSCRANGE COMPANY— Y'l’cts, jj.iM.uoo. Wx. Jknmnu*. General Ageiu. Lyncii’s Building, corner of Alabama and seeoDd door. Mhuehail streets. my9-ly IB. -ti E JR, M ^ 1ST 1ST , DhALfcK IN FIRST CLA88 WA K5H.«?' EL » Y i S1VER table M.ls. E TABLE CUTLERY, And every article pertatn- v^Clng to a N*. l Jeweler’s in-use. Also, line Watches and Jewelry » iepaired promptly, aud warranted to giveflS '.iti'liu’tioii. Litll ut corner of uuwin»» MU l | Clial1 strcets ’ w 'b«re orders will be prompt!? - __ f«U<0-dfoi_ Dentist Offloe, Granite Block; Broad street, atijolmng Railroad At,aula Georgia. ' ROOJi Mo. 8y OFFICE OVEK MEADOR * BROS., R - D K * **• A; H. A. OLCOTT, Auctioneers and Commisoion Merchants, Nos, r.-i and 54 Market street, MONTGMMtKY. ALABAMA f-I . " 1 '-L five special attention to ■.- i 'v --‘ l L ln f of Rear” KrVv'.T?^ Re:i , l - Kstllte » Stocks, r* KNfTl Kfci, ami j(oo<h of ill de- |HS9 V° n8, S ,,ment « ot al kinds re l»eetfuiiy solicited. marl3-dT TO THE N«niH AH) EAST, aU ) II I / —VIA— LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI —OR— IJM jDI-A^JST-^IPOXuIS. S Passengers by this Route have choice of Twenty-five Different Rentes to NEW YORK, Philadelphia, Paltimore and Washington. Passengers holding tickets by this r< Y'ork, PnilaJelphia, or Baltimore, Washington without extra charge. route to New can visit |^*Fart* Same as via Knoxville er Augusta. :o: TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA Daily at 8 :15 a. m. and 7 p» m. t After arrival of all Southern Trains, and make close connections to aliove named cities. £3^”Ulieck I5:i^«‘ige to Louisville, and it will be re-checked to destination on Trains ot Louisville and Nashville Railroad be fore arrival at Louisville. Magnificent Sleeping Cars ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. AMPLE TIME FOB MEALS A GOOD HOTELS. : o: ASK FOR TICKETS A VIA LOUISVILLE. i^^Tickets by this Route for sale at General Ticket Offlee f may5— d3m Atlanta. v. JOHN B. FECK* Master of Trail sport at Ian. W. & A . R. R. Chicago Ale M E. K ESN V has constantly on • a full supply of the celebrated LILL’S CHICAGO ALE, and Is prepared to supply dealers in any quantity. He is also dealer in BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKIES and SEGA&8. Sample Rooms. No. 14 Alabama street, next do to the United States Hotel. aprl—dly orwarding. 1st Class 1 75 -id Class 1 50 3d Class 1 25 4th ClaoS 1 uu By Steamer to Mem phis, Tenn., or Hick man, Ky., thence all Rail without tranship ment. No charge for Dray age or Forward ing. 1st Cl ass 1 42 2d Class 1 23 3d Class 1 04 4th Class 84 Through Bills of Lading will be given at points of Shipment, and all claims for loss or damage and overcharges will be promptly settled at points of delivery. Tariffs show ing Classifications, etc., may be ob tained at office W'estern and Atlantic Railroad. JOHN B. PECK, M. T., mart—dSm W. A A. R. R. RECEIVED THIS WEEK, -AT— I. T. BANKS’, OVER ONE HUNDRED CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. Style and variety suited to the Season. TEN CxYSES rrrER LEATHER AND CALF SKINS. TEN THOUSAND Founds Hemlock and Oak Sole Leather. SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS AND STOCK Of all kinds. Also, HARNESS LEATHER. Selling for CASI1 ONLY, and at prices satisfactory to the closest buyers. Remember the Pia.ce uml Sign# I. T. BANKS, Corner Whitehall and Hunter streets, apr28 Atlanta, 6a._ ATTENTION, G lURGIANS ! Cheapest House in Town ! A LL who want to HAVE MONEY before buying your GROCERIES and OKI' oOODS, go to BOYD, WALLS &. CO., Corner Whitehall and Mitchell streets. ATL ANTA GEOKGI A. apr!4—d8m HOOK O UT M O UN TAIN Educational Institutions. Mew. C. F. p. BANCROFT, Principal S UMMER SESSION begins May 13,1868 bit ' OF TWENTY WEEKS Board and Tuition, $100, payat e in advance. For partiefftars send for Circular. C. C.CARPEN TER, superintendent, (13 w Lookout Mountain. Tenn. FAINS A PARROTT, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants, AGENTS ROSWELL COTTON MILLS, TREDEGAR NAIL WORKS, J. O. EARNESTS’ FLOURING MILLS, No. 7 Peachtree street, ATLANTA GEORGIA, Have in Store and offer to the Trade the following articles at Bottom Prices for Cash: A ft CAR LOADS CHOICE WHITE CORN, ‘iabUf 500 sacks J. O. Earnest’s celebrated Family and Extra Family Flour, 300 sacks U. F. Earnest’s Extra and Extra Family Flour—very line, 150 sacks A. Bowman’s Extra Family Flour, very fine, 150 sacks Brabson’s and Washington Mills Extra and Family Flour, 150 sacks Watanoo Mills Flour, 150 sacks Nathaniel Kogan’s Choice Family Flour—none better, 200 sacks Fresh Ground Corn Meal, 20 barrels Florida and Southwest Georgia Cane Syrup—a beautiful and excellent article, 90 barrels Choice New Orleans Molasses, 26 barrels Baltimore Golden syrup, 60 barrels Portland Molasses—cheap, Ni bags Fair Rio Coffee, 26 bags Good Rio Coffee, 60 bags Prime KioCofifee, 25 bags Choice Rio Coffee, 10 bags Laguyra Coffee, 90 barrels Baltimore Extra C Sugar, 10 barrels Baltimore A Sugar, 5 barrels Baltimore B Sugar, 5 barrels Baltimore Crushed Sugar, 6 barrels Yellow C Sugar, 60 barrel* bright Havana Sugar, 60 barrels Fair Havana Sugar, 7 tierces Prime Carolina Rice, 60 boxes Star Candles, 50 boxes Starch, 10 > boxes Soap—common and fine, 600 kegs Nails—all sizes, 10 cases Sardines, 61 cases (Jove Oysters, 6,000 pounds Tennessee Bacon Hams, 96 gross Parlor Matches, 900 dozen Mason’s Blacking, 60 boxes (5 lbs. each) Spanish Float Indigo, 500 pounds Madder, 9,000 pounds Copperas, 26 dozen Brooms, 300 pounds LorilUrd Maccoboy Snuff, 20 nests Market baskets, 30j pounds Ground Pepper, 300 pounds Allspice, 3u0 pounds Race Ginger, 800 sacks Virgina Sale. Besides many other articles usually found In a Grocery House. Call and examine our stock be fore making your purchases. FAINS Sc, PARROTT, No. 7 Cherokee Block, aprlO— Peachtree street. Chief Justice Chase and the Presi dency.— Washington, May 17.—Tbe stories about Chief Justice Chase and the Presi dency are Anally coming into some tangi ble shape. He has formally put himself into the hands of his friends, and said that, while he is not a candidate, he cannot ob ject to the use of his name, and will run if nominated by the Conservatives. The movement in his behalf seems to originate iu Philadelphia. He was waited upon last Thursday by two gentlemen representing the Citizens Conservative Association of that city, one of them being the assessor in Kelley’s Congressional District, and the other the late Democratic nooinee against Kelley for Congress. The report of the in terview is furnished by the former. Both gentlemen were delegates In the Philadel phia Convention of 1866, and both are now in full fellowship with the Democratic party. They told the Chief Justice of the high respect they had for him; said the people were all turning toward him to lead them out of a perilous condition into which they had been brought by the revo lutionary conduct of the Republican party, and tickled his ear with some tine phrases about sweeping the country from ocean to ocean with his name. Mr. Chase responded that lie was much gratified with their visit; that his position forbade him from entering much into poli tics; that he was, however, the servant of the people, and should they call him to pre side for the next lour years over the desti nies of the country, he should feel it his duty to comply. He farther said that the office of President never is an agreeable one, and would not now be necessarily agreeable, but he deeply felt the deplorable condition of the country, and would do anything he could to restore confidence. So if the people called him to the Presi dency, he should not feel at liberty to de cline allowing the use of his name. The gentlemen said they were much pleased with the Ivonls of the Chief Jugtice. and, after they left him, called on various lead ing Democratic Congressmen to concert measures for placing him in the field as the regular Conservative candidate agauist Gen. Grant.—Dispatch to the N. Y. Times. COTTON GOODS. I BALES AUGUSTA 4-4 SHEETINGS, JLVJ 19 bales Augusta 4-8 Shirtings, 20 bales Roswell Cotton Yarns. For sale by FAINS A PARROTT, No. 7 Cherokee Block, Peachtree street, aprlO— Atlanta, Ga. HERRINC A LEYDEN. CLOTHING HOUSE, Comprising ail Branches of the business repre sented in the Departments of Childr— Custom and Beady Made men’s, Boy’s and Children 1 OLOTHXN-Q-. STAR SHIRTS! A Third Political Party Proposed. The most astounding political intrigue ever known to the politics of this country is now on foot among prominent politicians and office-holders in this city and else where. The chief movers in it are Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, alter acquittal, aud Chief Justice Chase. The object is the formation of a third party and the defeat of General Grant, if nomi nated at Chicago. On Tuesday hist, ex- Governor Pratt, of Maryland, said that ac quittal would follow, and before the week was out the country would be astonished by an entire change of Cabinet. It has since transpired that the President has agreed to send in a new Cabinet of Repub licans immediately after acquittal, and to adopt and strictly carry out the reconstruc tion measures of Congress. Senator Hen derson last night stated this agreement to be a fact, and it Is believed by shrewd judges to be one of tiie principal elements whereby sufficient strength and Dower m» v given, tg Mr. PftJftf&itial election into the House of Representatives if not to elect its candidate before the peo- This movement expects to be able to pie. This movement expects to be abl defeat General Grant by arraying itself against the extreme Radical element in the With FURNISHING GOODS of every description lfenublican party, which, it is believed, i.iiwer prices lor READY Cash hjs main support. The proposition that the President shall abandon his appo sition to Congress, is intended to neutral ize the power of that body. One thing is certain, the Chief J ustice is still a candi date for the Presidency ; any one who doubts this deserves a straight jacket.—Xctc York limes Washington Letter. at LOWER PRICES lor READY CASH ONLY than ever sold in this market. HERRING & LEY'DEN, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. BOOK ‘XSIL.-Aa3sriD Manufacturing Company. F ine aii-wooi spring uassimeres, jeans, Ac., on consignment, for sale VERY LOW to Wholesale buyers. Merchants are invited to call and see Styles and Prices. HKRlilNG Sc. LEY'DKN, Agents, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. DOMESTICS At Wholesale Only* 4 a sheeting, 7-8 SHIRTING, 3 4 SHIRTING, 7-8 DRILLS, OSNABURGS, STRIPES. YARNS, BURLAPS. For sale at FACTORY' PRICES, by HERRING A LEY DEN, Agents, Whitehall street mar20—Y Atlanta What will They do with It.—It is dif- ficultj' even to guess what will be the next move of the foiled impeachers. hut it seems certain that they will uot give up the ship without another fight. They cannot hope to persuade the “doubters” to vote for con viction. and they now see plainly enough that in the Senate, as it stands, they have not a two-thirds majority. To the South, in all probability, will the Radicals look for help. They may attempt I to drive the omnibus bill through the Sen- i ate and over the veto, and with eight or ten Southern Radical Senators to baek them. ! can take a new vote and find the l’resident ten times guilty. Mr. Johnson has gained a victory; he i has fortified his position and that of his friends, but lie is far from being safe. Other charges aud other dangers still threaten the m»tM(>irDAY*EN M AY'NjE'XT, and" continue till President, and his supporters must not the first of September following. venture to shout until he is out of 6a. Atlanta Medical College. T he next regular course ot lec tures in this Institution will open on the FACULTY: A. MEANS, M. D., Prof, of General and Medi- D. f Prof, of Theory and oal Chemistry D. C. O’KEEFE, M. the woods.— Charleston Neios. WESTMORELAND, M. D., Prof. of Northern people to the fact that whenever 58 and Practice of Surgery. , „ n v Radic al firebrand, loyal leaguer or 2KK5£.“- U " 1>ro ‘- of ob ‘ tctr ‘ os i Sro is killed or hurt in’ebeSohk the M. D., Prof, of Clinical Practice of Medicine. W. F “ ' principles JESSE B Diseases of Women. H. V. U. MILL ER, M j'* 1 M. n JOHNSON. M. D., Prof, of Physiology. W. S. ARMSTRONG, M. D., Prof, oi’Anatomy J. O. WESTMORELAND, M. D., Pro; “ teria Modica and Therapeutic*. ^ X. JONE>, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy N. IPALVIGNY. M. D., Curator. For further iuiormation address J. G. WESTMORELAND, Dean. Atl:into, Ga., March 95. 1868—Utf The New York Herald deserves credit for calling the attention of the Important Notic rro consumjers of coai,. Radical press and orators of the North make a terrible noise about it; but that they never have anything to say concern- of Sla- • in 0- murdered Southern whites and black outrages. The Conservative press of the South giv<* both sides, but the Radical press. North and South, studiously conceal every Radical outrrge in the South, which they cannot, bv falsehood, charge upon the other side. llORN 12 Sc ftOBDON, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES, LIQUORS AND SEGAJtS, Bay street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. SOLE AGENTS for Georgia and Flori da of McPherson & Don Aid Smith’s -cele brated PALE ALE, iu barrels and half b*rr«is. marl2-a* WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD,) Or kick Masts a or T*a«sto*tatioj(, > Atlanta, Ga., March 93,1W8D O N xn«t after A on Coal will Constitutionality of the Income Tax. The Philadelphia Ledger says; “A bill in equity has been filed in the United States Circuit Court by John O’Byrne, designed to test the constitutionality of th« act of — The bill nril 1st 1868 the Rates ofFreig* ! Congress levy ing the income tax. The bill ^he reduced to One and a rfali aver s that the act is in violation of article Cento per mile per ton of 9,000 ponnds. 4 section 9, of the Constitution ofthe L m- Thi» Rate to continne in tom) until Octobrist 1 . hich ^ ‘ no capitation or after w -iob the present rate of Two uenu per ton ; tea ^ ^ un ^ ^ pn> _ W By b ordterof^the Superintendent. i portion to the census or enumeration here- 1 " ‘ uv R PRt K Inbefore directed to he taken.’ ” mar3JL-dY JOHN B. PECK, Master Transportation.