Daily southern opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 186?-1???, May 26, 1868, Image 1

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olume II.I ATLANTA, GA^ TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 26,1868. t.o y l ci k^JSSSVxT* ww per line ttewafter. The v^TlzSm wlU be made V^‘ ,harites WlU « MAmav I ^irine less than a equate, occupy 1 ®*. personal nature. -.v^. — v~-~~ artw^f contract, other advertisements will Pe the following rates: •■^Cuah*, one-insertion, - • fj«r| U'* ^ >• two insertion*, « • 1<E0 u three insertions, - • *.00 ' « one week. ... 8.00 „ .. one month - 10.00 » three months. - - • *5.00 " ,*», cries, per levy of ten lines or less.. .$* 60 abed"•« Mortgage fl. /a. sales, per square.... * 00 ^^l ecwi& salee, per sqtisie. 6 00 Ta^' .Jr Letters ol Administration 8 00 11W m lor betters of Guardianship 3 00 < application lor dismission from tot HuimJsi ton rroi * ® ""iSKie»Ve to i'U Limdl Z'.V.'.V." ’ <8 !? r : 5 8 ureol Mortgage, pCi.’. ’%htlme... 1 00 1 lilt lttyUIitEliFOBLEQAW . TRRTISINU. v .. lei 0 f Land, etc., by Administrators, Execu- . uuardiana, are required by law to be held \.Tuesday in the month, between the r ten in the forenoon and three in the af- at the Court House in the county in u u h ttie property is situated. Notices of these must be given in a public gazette 40 days ‘ / v ;oU5 to the day of sale. ' s of the sale of personal property must m like manner 10 days previous to the d s 'uctV to the debtors and creditors of an eatau „i -i il>o he published 40 days. \utice that application will be made to the ; rl ..i ordinary for leave to sell Land, etc., _ u . t t>e published for two months, citations for letters of Administration, Guar- lauship, etc., must he published 80 days; for dis- “ .„, uU irom Administration, monthly 6 months; t ,i admission from Guardianship 40 days, i: c- tor foreclosure of Mortgage must be pub- -: ; c i monthly lor 4 months; for establishing lost xT', for the full space of 3 months; for com- V mg titles from Executors or Administrators, w :,cre oond has been given by the deceased, the n... -pace of three months, i . dications will always be continued accord- _ to the-e, the legal requirements, unless other- w*'C ordered. jojr LliitttAL DEDUCTIONS will be made o • i ..rly advertisers. par* All transient and foreign advertisements b,.-i ,.c prepaid to secure publication. KaUroad octusdules. fer GEORGIA RAILROAD—171 miles—Fare Sit ^ents per mile.—JOHN F. Kmu, President; K. n cols, superintendent; G.T. Anderson, Agent it Atlanta. DAT PA88XNOXB TSAIS. Lave Atlanta 7.00 AM, Arrive at Augusta 6.80 P.M Leave Augusta. B.UU A.M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.3U P.M No TRAINS ON SUNDAY. NIGHT PASflXNGXm TBAIN. Leave Atlanta 6.10 P-M. Arrive ai Augusta 3 00 A.M. Leave Augusta 1010 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta pyr- ATLANTA A WEST POINT RAIL- 11 .il»—s7 nnlea—Pare, per mile—John P. K:>u. lrcsident; L. P. Gbant, superintendent; K il Laakae, Agent at Atlanta: DAT FAS8KNGEB. T»‘'“ ave Atlanta w Arrive at West Point Lv .’.t- Wet Point 1*-50 P- M .nt at Atlanta Ai. s;oUT fHEIGHT AND FA8SXNG11B TBAiN. .ive Atlanta. Arrive at West Point l»-d» A. Ai. tale West Point II I - M. Arrive at Atlanta 6:45 A. M. PAsacNom BETWCEJ ./ Wo ./!;«; Atlanta and New York, Philadelphia, Washington, AND OTHER 1WTO GREEN UNI, PAST FREICHT BBWXBW LINE Pay- MACON At W KSTERN RAILROAD.—l(fc m e-—Fare, live cents per mile—A. J. Whitb, i’resMeut; E. B. Walkbh, Superintendent; It. A. A.MiEHso.v, Agent at Atlanta: DAT rASSANGES TBAIN. Leave Macon - - - - 7.46 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta - - - *00 P.M. L- .iVc Atlanta - 7-ls> A.M. Arrive at Macon • — • 1-3U P.M. |Leaie Macon - - 8.40 P.M. jA.riic in .Atlanta - ... 4.30 A.M. Leave Atlantia .... 7.16 P.M . rive in Alacon ... 4.10 A.M. iar mail siage link from Atlanta > DAHLONEgA.— I'C Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and r relay .... 6.00 A.M i rut i uesday, Thursday and Saturday 7.UU P.M. til// Business Directory• HATCUJCa, VLUCA'S, JEWALK. P, dtC. 11. lik.UMAN,dealer in Watches, Clock? and Jewelry, Silver Ware and Fancy «v »iood>, uold Pen, and Spectaclts, corner wiiAtt d.n ieita and W intetiall ktreeie, (old Nor n.ti , AiL.nta, Ga. W atcheo, Clocks, JeW- •v. , lepanedaiid warranted a|>rls-d6iu ,, W M. Lul.l.AlAN, Dealer In Watches. y> flocks, -lewdry, Oold Pens, Spectacles, WiiiuliaU street, ml door above M L a Co.’s BooA Store, Atlanta, Ga. r-a .a,: 111 fc ot>il style and warranted. ftjvli—<Uy -B- A£ Ai! £6 Adi A. AST 3ST, dealkk IN F1HST CLASS "ATches, JEWELRY, S1VER TABLE , ^KTS, Kl>i E TABLE CUTLERY, Ana ever y article pertain- ’ *" Ing to a No. t Jeweler’s V“ >e - Also, une VV atones and Jewelry ■ urtd promptly, and warranted togivt motion. Call at coruer ot Marietta - • •jt.naii streets, where orders will be promptly xd. b-Av.xdq-e^r7 Dentist Office, oral.lie Block; Broad street, adjoining Railroad Georgia. HOO.H No. 8, lOFFICE OVER MEADOR * BR08 N B.—Notice Sign, R. D. Badgbb. Ej^S r J?BT^2sr OITIBS, via J: . • j o.;r Western and Atlantic, —AND— Y irginia & TenneaBoe Railways. ALL BAIL ROUTE! Time Table, May 1st, 1868• NORTH. Leave Atlanta 7DO t *1 Leave Dalton 38U a M Leave Knoxville 11.17 A li Leave Bristol yjg rx Leave Lynchburg 8 00 ax Leave Washington 7.00 t it Leave Baltimore 8J6 T M Leave Philadelphia l*ii Arrive at New York 5*0 A M SOUTH. Leave New York Leave Philadelphia Leave Baltimore Leave Washington Leave Lynchburg Leave Biistol Leave Knoxville Leave Dalton Arrive at Atlanta . 7.80 r XT .11-00 r x . 3.30 A X • 80 A X . 5.85 T X . 7.10 A X . »o» r i . V48 T X .446 1 1 Time between Atlanta and New York, 57 hour*. fg^-The GREAT MAIL between Atlanta and New York is carried exclusively by this Line. Sleeping Coaches on all Night Trains : o: THROUGH TICKETS GOOD UNTIL USED, —AND— BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH SiaLouiSy Louisville & Atlanta. . ’ a f. - »T t ' a* 1 * — ——*— NO CHANGE OF CABS Between Louisville or end Atlanta. Hiekuas THE REDUCED TO 55 HOURS. Redaction in Rates. TO ai * may5—d3m JOHN B. PECK* ipoi* W. A A. Master oi Transportation^ 1 8 6 8. Summer Arrangement. TO THE NORTH AND EAST, —VIA— LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI —OK— febay—dt>m E. H. Ac II. A. OLCOTT, Auctioneer* and Commission Merchants, Nos, 54 and 64 Market street, Montgomery ALABAMA " ii -L K«ve special attention m JXVYVv VA »*)*•? .^hing oi Rear Estate, Stocks? ^ 1 b-'* 11L tit, and gpods of all de- " becti.d ’!^'bonsignment* of al kiSu^? ?pcctlully solicited. marts—dti GLO. n. ALLEN Ac CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, COTTON AND TOBACCO FACTORS, N ASH VlLLt! .! 5 . r .? d , ?. n .‘!. C ?. Ufcg . tt . !t^KS8EE IIM IDX^Isr^-JPOILjXS. 5 Passengers by this Route have choice of Twenty-five Different Rwutee l. NEW YORK, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Passengers holding tickets by this route to New York, Pnila<*elphia, or Baltimore, can visit Washington wiibout extra charge. ly^Fare Name us via Kmaxville nr Augusta. TRAINS LEAVE Daily at 8 1~» «. m, ATLANTA and 7 V* After arrival of all Southern Trains, and make close connei'tious to above named cities. fiyCheck Baorgaore to Louisville, and It will be re-checked to destination on Trains ot Louisville and Nashville Raihoad be fore arrival at Louisville. Magnificent Sleeping Care OX AI.L NIGHT TRAINS. :o: AMPLE TIME FOB MEALS k GOOD HOTEL*. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA LOUISVILLE. IS^Tickets by this Route for sale at General Ticket Office, Atlanta. JOHN B. PECK, Master of Transportation, mays—d3m W. A A. R. R. mHB ATTENTION OF SHIPPERS is called to fLjg»> ^followln^ Jow rates by the “GREEN TO From Louisville. 1 74 From St, Louis. 1 *4 1st Class. *d Class.......a 1 43 Bd Class i is 4th Class 91 Bacon per 100 lbs 96 Floor, Apples, Onions, Potatoes, per bbl J. 82 Salt, Cement, Plaster, pet Beef and Pork, per bi)V.2 73 “ofn, per bushel 35 r hea£ Bye, Barley, per bushel 88 Through Bills of Lading will be given at points ol Shipment, and all claims for loss, dam age and overcharge will be settled promptly at point of delivery. Tb&riffs showing Classification, etc., may he obtained at office or Western and Atl antic R. R. JOHN B. PECK. M. T. t marl—d3m W. & A. R. R. 1 63 1 88 1 11 1 11 1 97 » 6* 2 98 89 41 given NEW FREIGHT ROUTES. NEW ORLEANS AND ATLANTA. T HE following low rates have been agreed on between New Orleans and Atlanta, taking effect February 1st, 1868 FAINS Tito Nxw Rkgimk.—It is understood that Wholesale- Grocers, SST- wh ‘ ch ’“* Commission Merchants, AGKNT8 ROSWELL COT TOM MILLS, TREDEGAR NAIL WORKS, J. O. EARNESTS’ FLOURING MILLS, Ns. 7 Peachtree street, ATE AMT A GRDKGIA, Hare In Store and offer to the Trade the following - articles at Bottom © All Rail via Grand Junction. No charge tor insurance. Dray- age, Commisson or Forwarding. 1st Class ,...,...1 75 Sr,onus’. i 25 4th Claes i w By Steamer to Mem phis, Teun., or Hick man, Ky„ thence ail Rail without tranship ment. No charge for Dravane or . Forwranl- lst Class i e *uuass..:..;::::::. i zo 3d Cl ass 1 04 4th class 84 Through Bills of Lading will be given at points of Shipment, and all claims for loss or damage and overcharges will be promptly settled at points of delivery. Tariffs allowing Classifications, etc., may be ob tained at office Western and Atlantic Railroad. JOHN B. PECK. M. T., mart—d3m W. i A. R R. RECEIVE0 THIS WEEK, AT- I* T. BANKS’, OVER ONE HUNDRED CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. Style and variety suite! to the Season. TEN CASES UFFER LEATHER AND CALF SKINS. TEN THOUSAND Pounds Ilemlook and Oak Sole Leather. SHOEMAKERS’ TOOLS A^D STOCK Of all kinds. , I Also,HARNESS LEATHER. Se|ing Tor CASU ONLY, and at prices satisfactory to the closest buyers. Remember the Place an} Sign. I. T. Ii.^NKS, Comer Whitehall and Ilunfcr streets, mprt8 Atlanta, Ga. Chicago Ale Depot M E. KENNlhas constantly on hand| • a full supply of the oelebr LILL’S CHICAGO ALE, and is prep to supply dealers in any quantiiy. He dealer in BRAHDIES, WINES, WHI8KIX* and BMUUUk Sample Rooms, No. 14 Alabama street, next do to the United States Hotel. aprl—dly ATTENTIO^GiGBGIANS! Cheapest Mouse In Town ! A LL who want to 9AVE MONEY before buying your GROCERIES and DRY G»ODS, go to BOTH, WALLS Sc GO., Corner Whitehall and Mitch^l streets, ATL ANT A GEORGIA. Uprl4—d8m LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN EdueationaJ_ 0 jnstittition«. Rev, C. r< p. BANCROFT, Principal. S UMMER SESSIOlToF - TWENTY WEEKS May 13.1368. Board and Tuition, fiw. C. cTcaRPENTER, Superintendent, aprrf—d3w Lookout >lountain. Tenn. _ Prices for Cash: A f\ CAR LOADS CHOICE WHITE CORN, trU 500 sacks J. O. Earnest’s celebrated Family and Extra Family Hour, 300 sacks R. F. Earnest’s Extra and Extra Family Floor—very flne, 150 sacks A. Bowman’s Extra Family Fleur, very *ne, 150 Backs Brabson’s and Washington Mills Extra and Family Flour, 180 sacks Watanoo Milts Flour, 150 sacks Nathaniel Kogan’s Choice Family Flour—none better, *00 sacks Fresh Ground Corn Meal, 90 barrels Florida and Southwest Georgia Cane Syrup—a beautiful and excellent 96 barrek^cfhoice New Orleans Molasses, 95 barrels Baltimore Golden Byrup, 50 barrels Portland Molasses—cheap, 50 bags Fair Rio Coffee, 95 bags Good Bio Coffee, GO bags Prime Rio Coffee, 95 bags Choice Rio Coffee, 10 basra Lairuvra Coffee. 90 barrels Baltimore Extra C Sugar, 10 barrels Baltimore A Sugar, 5 barrels Baltimore B Sugar, 6 barrels Baltimore Crushed Sugar, 6 barrels Yellow C Sugar, 60 barrels bright Havana Sugar, 50 barrels Fair Havana Sugar, 7 tierces Prime Carolina Rioe, 60 boxes Star Candles, 60 boxes Starch, 10 f boxes Soap—common and fine, 600 kegs Nails—all sixes, 10 cases Sardines, » 61 cases Cove Oysters, 5,000 pounds Tennessee Bacon Hams, 26 gross Parlor Matches, 900 dozen Mason’s Blacking, 60 boxes (6 lbs. each) Spanish Float Indigo, 600 pounds Madder, *,000 pounds Copperas, 96 dozen Brooms, 800 pounds Lorillard Maccoboy Snuff, 90 nests Market baskets, 80o pounds Ground Pepper, 800 pounds Allspice, . fiuo pounds Race Ginger, 300 sacks Virgina Salt. Besides many other articles usually found in a Grocery House. Call and examine our stock be fore making your purchases. FAINS A PARROTT, No. 7 Cherokee Block, aprlO— i Peachtree street. ^JWTllTN JLU 1U bales Augusta 4-8 Shirtings, 90 bales Roswell Cotton Yarns. For sale by FAINS & PARROTT, No. 7 Cherokee Block, Peachtree street. aprlO— Atlanta, Ga. HERRINC A LEYDEN. CLOTHING HOUSE, Comprising all Branches of the business repre sented in the Custom and Ready Made Departments of Men’s, Boy’s and Children’s OLOTHIHQ. STAR SHIRTS! With FURNISHING GOODS of eveiy description at LOWER PRICES ior READY CASH ON LY than ever sold in this market. HERRING A LEYDEN, Whitehall street, Atlanta, GA book "isi^isra Manufacturing Company. F ine aii-wooi spuing cassi meres, jeans, Ac., on consignment, for sale VERY LOW to W holesale buyers. Merchants are invited to call and see Styles and Prices. HERRING A LEYDEN, Agents, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. DOMESTICS At Wholesale Only. TING, 7-8 SHIRTING, 8 4 SHIRTING, 7-8 DRILLS, OSNABURG3, STRIPES, YARNS, Bli RLAPS. For sale at FACTORY PRICES, by HERRING A LEY DEN, Agents, W hitehall street, Ga SHEETING mar20—IT Atlanta, Ga Atlanta Medical College. T HK NEXT REGULAR COURSE OF LEC TURES in this Institution will open on the UiSt MON DAY IN MAY NEXT, and continue till the first of September following. FACULTY : A. MEANS, M. D., Prof, of General and Medl- Ca !> L C^^K f-EFE, M. D., Prof, of Theory and 'SFT’WBPSoRIM.ASD. M. D.. Pro., ot P IUNgTm' ^l*rolfor r 6b6U;tric. Mid Diseases of Womeu. _ _ . . UL. V. M. MILLER, M. D., Prof, of Clinical M J dl M. n JOHNSON M. D., Prof. °f W. S. ARMSTRONG, M. D., Prof of Anatomy. J. Q. WESTMORELAND, M. D., Prof, of Ma teria Medica and Therapeutics. . G L JONKh, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. n’ D ; ALVIGNY, M. D., Curator. For wnwr LKD. DeM.. Atlanta, Ga., March 26,1868—dtf tially in the Capitol, with General Butler at the head, has used ^ the prodoetion of the deposit adcduntS 6T VYrtoltS Tn«ivl(!uals at OAeof the banks in this city. Bank books are said to have been inspected, not in a court, not in an open committee-room, not even before the packed star-chamber as a whole, but priv ately and alone, at dead ot night, by this Butler—a max whoa* very name is an actyective stronger than « e Could empioy. How far this prying inves tigation was extended, none can tell, nor to how many of the opponents oi Radical ism the indignity of an inspection of their private business was offered. Much a prac tice as this tramples not only on every pri vate right, but it is in the highest sense annoying and injurious to the business portion of the community. Once tolerated and endured here, the outrage will be ex tended to other cities, and fnade the vehi cle of corrupt or malicious proceeding by fi&dicals towards their Conservative rivals in business, and even towards arch other. This matter Involves very serious reflec tion for our whole community, and it be hooves them to consider what steps they shall take to protect themselves against a practice so monstrous. How far is this to extend ? By whom are the spies and menial servants that dog Senators, private gentlemen, and even women paid ? Does It come from the Fed eral Treasury, or from the Grant election eering fhnd, or from the booty of New Or leans? The people want light? They want to know by what authority all the despatches, public and private, sent from this city on Friday last have been seized and laid before this committee. If the dispatches of Friday are not sacred, then those of the past month, or twelve months— nay, all those sent or to be sent in any city of the Union, are the pleasure and proper ty of the honorable managers, with the prying Butler at their head. And if all dispatches are to be subject to Butler’s ex amination, censorship, and approval, then why not also the mails ? Are letters to bo deemed sacred ? While we write we feel no assurance, that the infamy already known, this baseness so hostile to the spirit of our people, has not been added. It is impossible not to recognize in the proceedings thus far the footprints of one whose tule in New Orleans has gained him a bad reputation wherever men are taught to abhor what is vile, cruel, and mean. Are we to have the practices ot one who was repudiated by all men of genuine courage revived and made a permanent feature in the Government of the country ? ■■■*-- -™-« wLum the espoiuaye upon ladies, and dastardly references \ w— 5fo. 49,‘emanating with the attestation of the managers, and asserted in “the name of all the people?” Let us know; for the time may speedily come when the people, -vhose authority is thus forced, and whose Hherr"-*are thus outraged, will apply a K . lr _ „ _ **iin remedy. Is this New Or leans of 1S6± a" 4 ^ GenenU Butl8r in leans oi isbi, ai, Avalan‘'he command ?—Memphis „ oala _ ' T ourney- u *Vnue con, i Ac UOBDOYt Wholesale Dealers in AN D SEG AKb, Important Notice TO CONSUMERS OF COAL. HORNE Importers and WINES, LIQUORS lOo Bay btrout, GEORGIA. sn^sss'i , ’^sstiists& uSoitZw *u. i» w««U!5Sr BA VANN AH... WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD.I Office Master of Transportation, <: ATLANTA, GA., March 93,1868. > O N and after April 1st, 1868, the Bates of FreUr* onCoal will Ibe reduced to One and a Hall Cents per mile per ton of 9,000 pounds. __ Thi> Rate to continue in force until October is. after*™ thepresent rate of Two Cento per ton will bef esum— , . . . By order of the Superintendent. max**—dlT Master JOHN B Tri FECK, reimportation. The Working People.—The men Plasterers of this citv still their strike for $5 per day/ Many of the*/* have left the city to seek employment else where. The Master Plasterers, by taking the trowel themselves, and by the aid of their apprentices and such laborers as they can procure from other places, have been able thus far to carry on their work; but the jours expect that when the busy rea son comes the bosses will have to succomb. The latter, however, express their ability and determination to hold out to the end. The New York piano-forte makers, son in number, have succeeded in obtaining rhe advance of 10 per cent, on their present rate of w ages, the principal establishment having acceded to the demands of the men, and the other manufacturers having agreed to abide by the decision. The stair build ers In New York, now obtaining wages from $3.75 to $4 per day, are making ar rangements to demand a general advance to $4.25. The New York brass founders and finishers, having succeded in their ap- S eal for a return to their old rates of $3 per ay, which were paid before the general reduction last winter, are preparing to ask a further increase of $3.50. llie w orkmen in one shop are on a strike in consequence of the refusal of the boss to pa\ the $3 per day. The window-shade painters in New York, principally Germans, earning on an average $3 per day, and $4 by piece work, propose to invite the window-spade paint ers to join with them in an association ior their common benefit.— Washington Mar. A Hasty Declension.—Mr. N'.B. Judd, the Radical Representative in Congr»»-«*. irom the Unlcago district, has made an ass of himself. On the 18th instant he sent from Chicago the following dispatch to the President: “A. Johnson, President of the l sited States: After leaving Washington. Satur day evening, I saw in a newspaper my name announced as having been appointed a visitor to West Point. Assuming the truth of that statement. I decline that or anv other appointment within your gift. J “ N. B. Jcdd. On the 19th instant, the President replied as follows: u Hon. N. B. Judd. Chicago: The appoint ment of visitor to West 1>olD ^ decline in your telegram of the 18tK has not been conferred upon you. nu “Andrew Johnson.” If Mr. Judd was not impervious to such an exposure, it would silence him. it should cover him a.l over with ln- famv He will perhaps, be more circum spect hereafter in his malignant attempts towound a political opponent. ry Be deaf to the quarrelsome, blind to the scorner. and dumb to those who are mischievously Inquisitive.