Newspaper Page Text
Items of interest
A Georgia woman, 70 years old, has
never eaten a mouthful of meat of any
A North Carolina editor puts on his
free list every woman in the State who
becomes the mother of twin boys.
In Holland, the church doors are
locked during the sermon, so that
nobody can interrupt by going in or out.
It is suggested that ball dresses may
be rendered safe from fire by accident
by impregnation with a 25 ner cent,
solution of tungstate of soda, which
iijiures neither fabric nor color.
When they have a funeral in Lead
ville.they end it with a dance, and when
they have a dance they kill two or three
men, and of course the remains demand
funerals; so it’s hard to see why an under
taker shouldn’t prosper in Leadville.
The Garden of Eden, now called
Gournah, is forty miles northeast of
Busreh, in Turkish Arabia, at the cou
fluence of the Tigris and Euphrates.
The country is destitute of vegetation
with the exception of date palms, which
are quite luxuriant.
A Nebraska man has settled the ques
tion of how prairie dogs obtain the
water they drink. He says they dig
their own wells, each village having one ,
with a concealed opening. He knows !
of one such well 200 feet deep, having I
a circular staircase leading down to the
Cuttings of roses, heliotropes, etc.,
will grow better if taken off at the junc
tion of the old and new wood, and
should be cut off’ just below a joint or
bud, as the roots start from that point,
and if a bud is not left near or close to
the base, the cutting is liable to decay
in the soil.
A balky horse in Philadelphia the
other day was proof against all ordinary
methods of persuasion, until a little
man smoking a big pipe came along.
Just as soon as the man had emptied
the burning tobacco and hot ashes from
his pipe into the horse’s ear, the horse
went tearing up the street as if he never
intended to stop again.
Italy has an annual average of eight;
murders to every 100,000 inhabi.ants,
against nine in Spain and Hungary,
two in Austria, one in France and Bel
gium, and only 0.5 in Great Britain.
In crimes against public morality the
rate of average for Italy is four, while
that of Germany is thirteen —the highest
figures on the list.
The book on which all the kings of
England, from Henry 1. to Edward VI..
took the coronation oath is in a private
library in England. It is a manuscript
of the four Evangelists written on
vellum. The original binding, in a per
fect state of preservation, consists of
two oaken boards an inch thick, fas
tened together with stout thongs of
A fireman, employed by the Lehigh
Valley Railroad Company, whose capa
city for drinking enormous quantities
of cold water made him famous along
the line, has died after a short illness,
ascribed to his inordinate absorption.
It is said that he often drank two
quarts without taking the vessel from
his lips, and he had been known to
drink as much as eight gallons of water
in one day.
A leading physician says that a
patient who is lying dying of exhaus
tion is generally dying of starvation.
We give him beef-tea, calf’s-foot jelly,
seltzer and milk—that is, a small quan
tity of the sugar of milk and some fat;
but the jelly is the poorest sort of food
North-bound. STATIONS. South-bound.
T. 30 p m ILOO~p mLv ..ATLANTA Ar. 2.25 pm 5.51 am
2.41 pm 12.14 am Lv Kennesaw Lv. 1.17 pm 4.47 am
7.00 p m 4.30 am Lv .Chattanooga .Lv. 8.55 a m 1.00 a m
6.50 am 6.00 pm Ar CINCINNATI Lv. 8.47 pm 8.05 a m
7.25 am 8.00 pm Lv CINCINNATI Ar. 4.45 pm 6.10 am
11.30 a m 11.45 pm Lv Columbus Lv. 12.55 p m 2.00 a m
7.10 pm 7.00 am Ar Pittsburg Lv. 6.30 am 7.45 pm
2.35 am 1.55 pm u Harrisburg “ 11.50 pm 2.00 pm
5.30 am 4.40 pm “ Baltimore “ 8.25 pm 10.55 am
6.30 am 5.50 pm “ Washington “ 7.10 pm 9.50 am
5.35 am 4.45 pm “ Philadelphia “ 8.50 pm 11.20 am
8.00 am 6.55 pm “ NEW YORK “ 6.00 pm 9.00 am
6.00 pm 6.50 am Ar BOSTON Lv. 10.00 am 10.30 pm
Pullman Palace Buffet Sleeping-Cars between Cincinnati and New York, without
change; and Pullman Palace Sleeping-Cars between New York and Boston without
1.30 pm 11.00 p nijLv ATLANTA Ar. 2.25 pm 5:51 am
j 2.41 pm 12.14 am “ Kennesaw Lv 1.17 pm 4.47 am
7.00 pm 4.30 am “ Chattanooga “ 8.55 am 1.00 am
650 am 6.00 pm Ar CINCINNATI Lv. 8.47 pm 805 am
7.15 am 7.02 pmlLv CINCINNATI Ar. 6.35 pm 7.55 am
9.00 am 8.50 pm* “ Dayton Lv. 4.40 pmj 6.00 am
2.35 pm 2.50 am Ar Cleveland “ 10.45 am 12.25 am
8.00 p m 7.40 am “ Buffalo “ 5.20 a m 7.45 p m
11. pm 10.30 am “ Rochester “ 4.00 am 6.50 pni
6.10 a m 4.00 pm “ Albany “ 10.15 pm 1.15 pm
10.30 am 7.30 pm “ NEW YORK “ 6.00 pm 9.50 am
10.57 a m 12.40 am “ Springfield “ 6.05 p m 9.00 a m
2.45 pm 6.25 am Ar BOSTON Lv. 3.00 pm 5.00 am
Elegant Wagner Drawing Room Sleeping-Cars between Cincinnati and New York, and
between Cincinnati and Boston without change. All connections made in Union Passen
ger Depots.
r --/n— ~ii cainT- ■* °i rg-mana— aroaEMTW w hbihm w wbu. r i ■ HMgaaswi ■, m ni .1 ■«— paamuuf k. g .u" um in. 'm WMBfl&tfsz im rjym.xamauukiWßiMMßMmß
Via N. Y., P. & O. and ERIE
1.30 p m 11.00 pm Lv ATLANTA Ar. 2.25 p m 5.51 a m
2.41 pm 12.14 am “ Kennesaw Lv. 1.17 pm 4.47 am
7.00 pm 4.30 am “ Chattanooga “ 8.55 am 1.00 ain
6.50 am 6.00 pm Ar CINCINNATI Lv. 8.47 pm 8.05 am
7.50 a m 10.00 pm Lv CINCINNATI Ar. 6.45 p m 6.45 a m
9.52 am 12.30 am “ Dayton Lv. 4.40 pm 3.25 am
10.43 am 2.50 am Ar Springfiefd “ 3.47 pm 2.10 am
9.45 p m 5.23 pm “ Salamanca “ 4.40 a m 10.25 a m
2.47 am 10.25 pm “ Elmira “ 1.44 am 5.48 am
4.26 am 12.07 am “ Binghampton “ 12.15 am 3.53 am
11.25 am 7.30 am “ NEW YORK “ 6.00 pm 8.00 pm
2.15 p m 6.45 am “ Albany “ 10.45 p m
Pullman Palace Sleeping-Cars between Cincinnati and New York without change;
and between Cincinnati and Boston without change. All connections made in Union
Passenger Depots.
Via B. & O. R. R.
1.30 pm 11.00 pm Lv ATLANTA Ar. 2.25 pm 5.51 am
2.41 “ 12.14 am “ Kennesaw Lv. 1.17 pm 4.47 am
7.00 “ 4.30 am “ Chattanooga “ 8.55 am 1.00 a m
6.50 a m 6.00 pm Ar CINCINNATI Lv. 8.47 pm 8.05 am
8.25 am 7.20 “ Lv CINCINNATI Ar. 5.15 pm 7.45 a m
12.38 pm* 10.25 “ “ Chillicothe Lv 1.00 pm 4.40 “
5.10 p m 2.30 am Ar Parkersburg “ 9.40 am 1.40 “
1.13 am 1 9.25 “ “ Cumberland “ 2.43 am 7.45 pm
3.35 “ 11.24 am “ Martinsburg Lv. 12.28 am 5.29 “
6.00 “ j 1.15 pm “ 'Washington “ 10.10 pm 3.30 “
7.10 “ i 2.15 “ Baltimore “ 9.00 pm 2.30 “
10.47 “ ! 6.11 “ “ Philadelphia “ 4.02 pm 10.16 a m
1.20 pmi 9.20 pm Ar NEW YORK Lv. 1.00 pm 8.00 am
Elegant Palace Sleeping-Cars between Cincinnati, Washington and Baltimore, without
change. All connections made in Union Passenger Depots,
Through Palace Bufiet and Mann Boudoir Sleeping-Cars
Atlanta and Cincinnati without Change, Connecting
with ahove Through Sleeping-Car lines for New York and Boston*
Only via the Western and Atlantic
railroad can you go to Elizabeth, “the
marble city of Georgia,” where there
: is the most wonderful marble cutting
• machinery in the world. Tourists
will miss it if they do not stop at Ma
rietta and go up to Elizabeth, only
I two miles distant, immediately at the
foot of the famous Kennesaw Moun
Sam Jones, the evangelist, lives on
the Kennesaw Route.
Sixty-eight different kinds of miner
als and ores found on the line of the
Western and Atlantic railroad.
Only via the Western and Atlantic
railroad can you get to the healthiest
county in Georgia, if not in America.
and the beef- tea is a mere stimulant.
The popular belief that beef-tea contains
“the very strength of the meat” is a
terrible error —it has no food value.
It will surprise some people to learn
that the sagebrush lauds of Idaho,
naturally the very emblem of sterility
and desolation, can be readily converted
into fruit farms whereon apples, peaches,
apricots prunes, grapes, nectarines,
and all the small fruits are produced in
the greatest profusion and of a quality
unsurpassed. It is declared that the
Boise, Weiser, Fayette, and other Idaho
valleys cannot be excelled by any region
east of California for the production of
An ingenious calculator has been set
ing down the progression of the hand,
and finds that it travels as fast, if not as
far as the foot A rapid penman writes
thirty-five words a minute, and in doing
so—what with curves and turns of the
pen necessitated by every word, not to
mention crossing his “t’s”—draws his
pen through sixteen feet of space. In
forty minutes his pen travels a-furlong.
Thus many persons who do not walk on
all fours progress 300 miles a year with
their hands, or, rather, with one hand.
Neither in China nor Japan need you
look for beauty of architecture in the
sense generally implied by that term.
Their temples are, one and all, of the
same type, which is simply that of the
one-storied Indian bungalow, with its
veranda and heavy roof; nevertheless
some of the larger temples have a cer
tain solemnity and a wealth of rich
color. In the Honam temple the inter
est centers in three colossal gilt figures
which represents the three Buddhas, on
either side of whom are ranged a num
ber of statues. All the minor adjuncts
of lanterns, draperies and temple fur
nishings are handsome and harmonious.
Although New York had more than
fifty regiments at Gettysburg, only one
has raised a monument on the field,
while Massachusetts has already erected
twenty-eight, marking the location of as
many organizations.
A Kennebunk, Maine, man recently
captured 800 bees while they were swarm
ing in the woods He daubed himself
with honey, the bees lighted thereupon,
and in this way he transported them
home without receiving a sting.
Among the latest inventions is that of
a match which may be used over and
over again an indefinite number of
times, the wood being it is claimed,
soaked with a peculiar chemical solu
The island of Arran, off the west coast
of Scotland, is said to be so mild that
palms and camelias thrive in the open
air, without injury, in winter, although
the laiitude is that of the northern part
of Labrador, on the continent.
Chinese children turn their backs on
the teacher when they recite. There is
no catechising of children in the
Chinese schools; they simply learn a
thing by heart and go up and repeat it,
with their faces turned from the black
board and the teacher.
The oldest Episcopal church in this
country that in Williamsburg, Virginia
which contains the font in which
Pocahontas was baptized and which has
had among its communicants George
and Martha Washington, is said to be
sadly out of repair.
Woodworms can be destroyed in
books and woodwork by benzine.
Books are locked up in a cupboard
with a saucer of benzine. Furniture
and carvings are placed in a tightly
closed room with an open dish of ben
zine. New woodwork can be protected
against their entry by a coating of glue.