Newspaper Page Text
Rates of Freight
On Watermelons in Gar Load Lots, 24,000 lbs.,
Via Western <& Atlantic Railroad.
Taking Effect Ju.r±e 15th, 1886.
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Atlanta Ga; 37,4091.... 120 401 33 10 34 55
Atchison Kan 15,105 103 00 111 65 111 35 125 75
Bav City Mich 20,693 83 90 92 55 102 80 106 65
Billingham Ala 19 50 30 85 40 80 52 80
BloomiSo-ton 11l 17,184 81 50 90 15 100 40104 25
Buffalo ° N.Y 155,124 87 50 96 15 106 40 110 25
Burlington la 19,450 110 30 118 95 129 20 133 05
Cairo ° , 11l 9.012 56 90 67 70 78 50 85 30
Chattanooga Tenn 25.101 19 20 27 351 40 20 41 75
Chicago... 0 . 111503,305 81 50 90 15 100 40 104 25
Cincinnati Ohio 255,139 56 90 67 70 78 50 85 30
Cleveland ()hi0160.146 79 10 87 75 98 00 101 85
Columbus.” Ky 1,139 '56 90 67 70 78 50 85 30
Columbia Ohio 51,647 68 90 79 70 90 50 97 30
Council Bluffs la 18,063 103 00111 65 111 35 125 75
Dalton Ga 2,516 16 80 23 00 40 20 38 90
Davenport la 21,831 110 30 118 95 129 20 133 05
Dayton Ohio 38,1)88 68 90 <9 tO 90 »0 9t o 0
Denver Col 30,629235 00 234 65 243 35. lot 75
Detroit.... Mich 116,342 79 10 87 75 98 00 101 85
E. St. Louis Il) 10,016 68 90 79 70 90 50 97 30
Eric Pa 27,737 87 50 96 15 106 40 110 25
Evansville Ind 29,280 56 90 67 70 78 50 85 30
Fort Wayne Ind 26,880 68 90 79 70 90 50 97 30
Grand Rapids Mich 32,015 81 50 90 15100 40 104 25
Henderson Kv 5,365 56 90 67 70 78 50 85 30
Indianapolis Ind 75,056 69 50? 78 15 88 40 92 25
Jamestown N. Y 9,357 87 50 96 15 106 40110 25
Jeffersonville Ind 9,357 64 10; 77 55 90 50 97 30
Kansas City Mo 55,787 91 00 99 65 99 35 113 75
LaFayette. Ind 14.860 68 90 79 70 90 50 97 30
Leavenworth Kan 16,550 103 00 111 65 111 35 125 75
Lexington Ky 16,656 56 90 67 70 78 50 8.5 30
Louisville Ky 123,758 56 90 67 70 78 50 85 30
Memphis ...Tenn 33,593 56 90? 67 70 78 50 85 30
Milwaukee Wis 115,487 88 70? 97 35 107 60111 45
Minneapolis Minn 46,887 92 90 103 70114 50121 30
Murfreesboro Tenn 3,800 44 20 52 35 65 20 66 75
Nashville Tenni 43,350 34 70j 45 50 56 30 63 10
Norfolk Va 21,966 72 00 82 00
Omaha Neb 30,518 103 00? 11l 65111 35 125 75
Peoria 11l 29,259 81 50 90 15 100 40104 25
Pittsburg Pa 156,389 87 50 96 15 106 40110 25
Rome Ga 3,877 19 20; 25 20 40 20 31 20
Sandusky Ohio 15,838 76 70; 85 35 95 60 99 45
Shelbyville Tenn 1.869 44 20 52 35 65 20 66 75
Springfield 11l 19,743 81 50 90 15 100 40 104 25
Springfield Ohio 20,730 68 90 79 70 90 50 97 30
St. Joseph Mo| 32,461 103 00 111 65 111 35125 75
St. Louis Mo 350,522 68 90 79 70 90 50 97 30
St. Paul Minn 41,473 92 90 103 70114 50121 30
Terre Haute Ind 26,042 68 90 79 70 90 50 97 30
Toledo Ohio 50,137 74 30 82 95 93 20 97 30
Topeka Kan 15,451 112 60 121 25 120 95135 35
Troy N.Y 56,747 111 50 120 15 130 40 134 25
Union City Tenn 1,890 64 70 75 50 86 30 93 10
Utica.../ N. Y 33,914 111 50 120 15 130 40134 25
Wheeling W. Va 30,736! 87 50 96 15 106 40 110 25
Youngstown Ohio 15,435? 81 50 90 15 100 40 104 25
Zanesville Ohio 18,113? 71 90 80 55 90 80 94 65
Some couple of years 01 more, ago,
some of the competitors of the West
ern and Atlantic Railroad endeavored
to make capital with the fruit pro
ducers in Florida and south Georgia
by advertising that they would run
freight trains on Sunday, and thus
save 24 hours in the time of the deliv
ery of the fruit in the northwestern
markets, as compared with the ship
ments which would be sent, via the
Western and Atlantic Railroad.
The Western and Atlantic people,
however, did not shirk the issue; but
conspicuously and extensively adver
tised in all the southern fruit stations
and the northwestern markets that
they would not run freight trains on Sun
day, and that such business as parties
wished to send on Sunday they would
have to send via other lines than the
Western and Atlantic, as its manage
ment did not believe it was scriptural
ly or otherwise right to perform this
service on Sundays.
When the season ended it was found
I N Ort b Stations? Soutb-bou.«L _
iwriu»irnT ATLANTA.h:: y:: ; g-’?ri 11 m
2.59 ,IU 12.14 am Lv Kennesaw ■'■. 1.1/ pm 6.13 am
7.1'7 pro 4.30 am Lv Chattanooga Lv. b.-M a m 2. 0a m
050 Im 6.00 pro Ar....... ..CINCINNATI Lv. 8.4, pm| S.<a m
, 7.25 ani ®0 fSIF C1NC1NNAT1.......... Ar. 4.45 p m 6.10 am
11.30 am 11.45 pm Lv Columbus Lv. l-.oopm 2.00 am
' 7.10 pm 7.00 am Ar Pittsburg Lv. 6.30 am. ~ a |uu
' 2.35 am 1.55 pm Harrisburg U.oO 260 pm
. 5.30 a m 4.40 pm “ Baltimore 8.20 pm.l•• oam
. fi.3o am 5.50 pro “ Washington t.lO pm. A am
, 5.35 am 4.45 pm “ Philadelphia 8.50 pm. 11.2 am
I 8.00 a m 6.55 pm “ NEW YORK “ >.OO pm. 9.00 am
' 6.00 p m 0.50 am Ar BOSTON' Lv. 10.00 and 10.30 p m
I _ ——
, Pullman Palace Buffet Sleeping-Cars between Cincinnati and New York, without
( change; and Pullman Palace Sleeping-Cars between New York and Boston without
c h ange.
I. Pm ~ 17bo”|> mLv ATLANTA Ar. 2.30 p m 7.25 a m
2.-5!) pm 12.14 am “ Kennesaw Lv ; 1.17 pm 0.13 am
* 7.07 pm 4.30 am “ Chattanooga ‘‘ 8.55 a m 2.00 am
’ 6AO a m 6.00 pay Ar CINCINNATI Lv. 5.17 pmß 05 am
' 7.10 am 7.U2 pm Lv. ...... ,CIN( Ar. 6.35 pm 7.55 am
' 9.00 am 8.50 pm “ Ihivton... Lv. 4.40 pm 6.00 am
i 2.35 pm 2.50 am Ar Cleveland “ ,10.45 am 12.2.) am
> 8.00 pm 7.40 am? “ Buffalo “ 5.20 am? 7.45 pm
11. pm 10.30 am “ .Rochester “ 4.00 am 0.50 pm
0.10 a m 4.00 pm “ Albany “ 10.15 pm 1.15 pm
' 10.30 a m 7.30 pm? “ NEW YORK “ ; 6.00 p m 9.50 a m
' 10.57 am 12.40 am? “ Springfield “ 6.05 pm 9.00 am
. 2.45 pm 6.25 am Ar BOSTON Lv. 3.00 pm 5.00 am
Elegant Wagner Drawing Room Sleeping-Cars between Cincinnati and New York, and
' between Cincinnati and Boston without change. All connections made in Union I‘assen
-1 ger J )epots.
Via N. Y., P. & O. and ERIE RAILWAYS.
' 1.50 pm 11.00 pm Lv ATLANTA Ar. 2.30 pm; 7.25 am
' 2.59 pm 12.14 am “ Kenresaw Lv. 1.17 pm 6.13 am
I 7.07 pm 4.30 am “ Chattanooga “ ; 8.55 am 2.00 am
l 6.50 a m 6.00 pm Ar CINCINNATI Lv. 8.47 p m 8.05 a m
i 7.50 a m 10.00 p m Lv... CINCINNATI Ar.? 6.45 p m 6.45 a m
9.52 am 12.30 am “ Dayton Lv. 4.40 pm? 3.25 am
10.43 am 2.50 ani Ar Springfield “ 3.47 pm 2.10 am
9.45 p m 5.23 pm “ Salamanca “ 4.40 a m 10.25 a m
1 ; 2.47 am 10.25 pm “ Elmira “ 1.44 am 5.48 am
i 4.26 am 12.07 am “ Binghampton “ 12.15 am 3.53 am
11.25 am 7.30 am “ NEW YORK “ 6.00 pm 8.00 pm
2.15 pm 6.45 am “ Albany “ 10.45 pm
I 3.00 pm Ar BOSTON Lv. 3.00 p m
i Pullman Palace Sleeping-Cars between Cincinnati and New York without change;
i and between Cincinnati and Boston without change. All connections made in Union
( Passenger Depots.
’ Via B. & O. R. R.
I 1.50 p m 11.00 pin Lv ATLANTA Ar.i 2.30 p m 7.25 a m
( 2.59 “ 12.14 am “ Kennesaw Lv. 1.17 pm 6.13 am
7.07 ‘‘ 4.30 am “ Chattanooga “ 8.55 a m 2.00 a m
6.50 ain 6.00 pm Ar CINCINNATI Lv. 8.47 pm 8.05 am
8.25 am 7.20 “ |Lv CINCINNATI Ar. 5.15 pm 7.45 am
12.38 p m 10.25 “ “ Chillicothe Lv 1.00 pm 4.40 “
i 5.10 pm 2.30 am Ar Parkersburg “ 9.40 am 1.40 “
i 1.13 am 9.25 “ “ Cumberland “ 2.43 am 7.45 pm
t 3.35 “ 11.24 am “ Martinsburg Lv. 12.28 am 5.29 “
. 6.00 “ 1.15 pm “ Washington “ 10.10 pm 3.30 “
I 7.10 “ 2.15 “ “ Baltimore “ 9.00 pm 2.30 “
' 10.47 “ 6.11 “ “ Philadelphia “ 4.02 pm 10.16 am
i 1.20 pm 9.2opm?Ar NEW YORK Lv. I.OOpm B.ooam
Elegant Palace Sleeping-Cars between Cincinnati, Washington and Baltimore, without
change. All connections made in Union Passenger Depots,
Through Pullman Palace Bullet and Mann Boudoir Sleeping-Cars
between Atlanta and Cincinnati without Change, Connecting’
with above Through Sleeping-Car lines for New York and Boston.
that the Western and Atlantic had
handled over two thirds of the busi
' ness. Comment is unnecessary.
: { Sixty-eight different kinds of miner
als and ores found on the line oFthe
Western and Atlantic railroad.
Only via the Western and [Atlantic
railroad can you get* to thetheaTthiest
’ county in Georgia, ii not in America.
The Kenesaw Route is the only first
class and reliable route to Chattanooga
from this place. Only line running
through cars to Memphis, Little Rock ;
connecting closely with trains for Ar
kansas and Texas points. Only Line
running sleeping cars from Atlanta to
Nashville, St. Louis and Chicago.
The Kennesaw route is the shortes