Newspaper Page Text
tbv tirst indication of Pain or ’
?n»'d wit i DEt asr or Sickness, the Cur'* will !»<• made
bH.-n- the family doctor would ordinarily reach the
< CRES Till: WORST RAINS tn from one to
twvnß minute”. Not o\F l!Ol II HI; r read ng
this advertisement need anyone HUFFhI Y- *’ H
ACHES AN I> PAINS F r headache • both r sick
or nervous i, toutliiiche. neuralula. r.tcukuilisio, iam
bi i ;o. pains or weak ee-s in t ie back, spine or ki Im ys.
. t k pleurisy, swelling ot the J hits
aiKlpainsol :dl kinds tl.o application o! s
Heath R dit l " ill atlbr I Imm •diato va c, its contin
ued list for t I w days itl et a pel manent cure. A
cme i..r all '
\ hall I • a 1 a-peon!cl o! Ready R< ,iel <>> ■' I' dt
tmnh v i asofu
coni turat • R
, rd i mine-*
di.-iti' rei, I’.-. Il l • io;, "lie. L a < ure.
lT»tm millv A hill t«- al. i-i>oonful fit had a
oi v. ill in j> ;• minute*’ rare < ramps, pay ms.
Koi.r .'I h.ij'-h. .xaiitf.i. Vonutimr. Heartburn. Neiw
ou»m • -s. r ;■ I. H' ad.H hr. Fin! drum and
all . , I all i S \ ari-ms forms
entrd lei lot 111
tin- vorid t .al v. ■!! rure Fwrand Aand :«.i of her
Malui'<l ■ iog s and other I"V<t . aided • RX D
WAX > I’l » <;ii’ckl\ ns RADWAYREADY
I’rice 50 Cents per bottle. Sold by nil
Gwhinett Lands for sale —i,Soo
Acres Divided into 16 l-anns.
The | an( | (1 f n . ■ : John V Born,
fl, <<a. ■ ••:. will I • -!■ lat mi 1 -: . auction on
th, first T <l:i\ in ember. 1S!»7. at i
fcumi ■ ”■ ■ - snb "
divid'd so as t" iiiak. It- < onilortablo
lioc.. . with kinds In cult 11 ion. linito s.
.. ~ , . • t ream and forests on
'I y1 . I; l'.C I’.-i’V 1 II".' r- d. t’.reC |
mil' ■- from S-iw.’in d. :mt. un : mi: i- rn .
r:l t -.. n- • - I’roni l ... wr n<-< - :
v ~.'.| , ■ .< hnr. hes. schools |
ano m ,’ :I---. iH-rf'Ct. 1.-rim- oiy- ;
,' t. twidvo nioath i, ,
■ . ’a: !i • .■ t • s •1 r' wh IK '
v , | ( .n 1 1.' i x u:• or wt to him t
a; | . J. I'olfN, 1 A.__ j
j], ... .. • man. of Atlanta, Ga.,
- ' ‘ tp'.'St I', iiclng; in ■
, i -. . tii paid,
t'a t alm v ■ ■■• for r .
■ i '. ft-i.
i- ' .
! ;1 ' ■ <i v us,-s,sii..-.i', ftj :
■• . . ti o... . . .. .
■- ' : «
Mention The Constitution.
j ... ... ..• i . « 'i.tlvri -.i | i <".:vl :i<i!:t '■ rifl,
! •
!. • • • ' ■
i, r'al (. . ■ 1 .■”1' 1 i- ■
( hicßf.ol iru- rrcLinu < <>., and Irvn sirei t-, Chicago.
Meutinu iiiH Const it at I 4 '*
H /. ■<;X i) I v,„.;c PRICE.
\ \\ nov.-wliL.ilswilbn :,. w
n.i.itintnly. Prir. . . A ilkrs,Sv,.jt-...’-.
,• • . . lit . . • f. ' ' .. .a- 15.17 ir.0.1.
(rninin'.i < ! Shipped (Hl HJ-'W.V.'d. DI WAX!
ii 1 i- tn '.I . Vet ein nmkr money nur
Bie». leH, V, rj;« ,j;:- I ! f t-ti'C find torn.-, "•
will idee h n lire I free ».• in jour ncl~'>l.i!ri.:><,ii. Writs
< ( '• i’lA » u.
1S» Vau Kuren Street, A S t Chicßgu. _
Mention >iie <;<•; -uiuu-iu.
'■ ■ S ■ Q . C : .
..... ..
nir r. •. -V , ( iIL
Hentlon The CouaHtutloß.
i. •
f, ‘-it* \ , 1 ' . . i’alrjiyra F.i.
V tael,
2 llf < a- -r e.'it li
1■ • L. ’ , St •- : \\ hfl . . . . sl2 eacli
Send lor t Yi.pH -o-.
.• fl . \ 'i.Ux’DWARE CO ,
A (la.
■ •> . . ■ ,' f : <•“ ■ "lit ••! unit
■ t'W'.. i'.S
.. .
.Mention Ti;e C'Histi'.utlon.
A . A.”'
y •’ ■ ■! - ■\. <f. -. I
. ‘ '• . f - I
t’ ' '■ iri.m vj Jib. fin-, /
10 ■•■•rs. .0 up. ! rm. ;, Raro-s '■ A ’•
‘ ri'.i .. prtf ba • "i:)ti ’ nds.f k . '■!
!l ■ • ■' " f;r76. ; ' 1 C linlo'iii ■ and V' 7
' ' ' - ' .. .1' .1; St. t
’ c ConstiLiitlm.
fy r ■ '■ ■ V '
6A: F !MHN :• or '• i? . ;t month * t nd
• f: io; . urif-er-’- 1
p. n »’TP L”A .!<! il nor (ID WnHhlnrt-.n,
: • ■ ' ■ - 1 *:\ " i.‘.<u < i .
..... 1, : 1....
. .. . ...1..:
: ’ ■ ' S ■■■".: : 'A
Dr. ' Knox i , 1 ein
Cl RE. X -a: , permanen
\\ is mid p unless cure, and for the
OPIFS bast nione’.. Adair. ■ Ihtija- ‘
ft 1 f. r K-.fth- mhi’ I’liarinm v, At . ala. < ~i.
Z r ri?f' ■ .A 'md V hokey Ilnbits
■ - :’■■„>! L ,‘ J; i <'itr< d al 1 v. .t!.-
H H ... 1; :.,th .'lit: .. .'
[■.'•lib Si ■ tviilar'o-nt FH'iiW.
C' ."iTtTb .; ■■:. - ; . r-'... .. ... v . ( ,. rJ .... ;1
n._ Ki. Oll’iee "0 .’i. J‘ry<,r at.
£ a rfiSh ■'c ; -d
. ■■ 1 ■
X?’. .. .1.: o y., ;. 0 .,.. 3i .:., Cnlo.
ELECTROBOLE u nSM,h E ?ii 'h
t . •
euro and quick. For tie by druggisiH.
Mem ■ i The Constitute
fcnj Best Cough byrup. 'l>miGi««L Ijsc t ‘ta
♦< Short Talks With the Men Who Guide the Plow
r--~ c
♦ ♦
1. Write'plainly nnd to the point.
( glvhig only the qiivsti'.inH to which
i nnswcr-4 urc desired.
< ’online I nt> u trie?* strictly to mat-
' tors co: c ‘ruing Iho fnrtn.
' 3. N< \ t r ask for answer by mall.
•I. Never ask where an article can
I i bi* bail, nor tin' prior.
o. ’ Alway -i ui v<- your full namennd
in, !r<?s l! yi’ii’do n d wish your
, ' name published. Hay so, ami Initkilrt j •
only \\ ill he printed.
(I. ('a rein if tile this page for future
j, reference, ami before writing ex- ,
amine your (ilc lo see if it lr.<H not
I pen already answ <■; <‘d.
7. J .ook nilead and send In y our In
qdirles early. Fo not expect us to
' “answei in next paper. '■ The<‘4ltor
must hand in his copy a week be fora
1 he paper is published.
8. Address all in<|Uiries and com
municulions mr this department to
< F. ami F. Jjepartment.
+ :
The low prie< s for cotton that have pre
vail'd for some y,:irs past have cam-oil
thousands of farmers through the south
to cast about for some other so-called
i '‘mem y < iop." In the course of our expe
i rii ii.. in .in .■igrfcultural writer smd during
• tl;,. lasi tin liars we have rei'ilvid hun-
I dreds of letters of impiiry which evidenced
an anxious d, sire tn find out sont now e.rep
that might be substituted, more or hss,
fur the ..I'tiiii crop. Some have ask'd
about toll .. ~tii' rs in regard to hops,
rli.c, sugarcane, caster ins.iis, paeans mid
: dozens of other crops, all tnanifi sting a
! disgust at eotton. amounting to a. eonvie
l lion tiiat there was no longer anything to
| he in.ido by cultivating this staple crop,
i During' all this time it is remarkable that
| it has not been fully realiz' d that ; ■! of
I the crops above named have fall 11 off in
' nim’lo-t. jirieis almost, if not unite us much,
i us cotton. Tobne. i, is po d.'ly the must
I natural substitute for eotton as a money
I erop, and probably more ventures haw
been made in that direction than in any
i other. But it cannot be denied that sueii
I ventures, as a g. n■ ral rub-, have not met
i -With the ‘lto ■ that seemed to be j rout-
I ised. aid tl.e '.itlon fmmer, .-i- n fille,
i remains a eotton producer still, and relies
: mainly.on bis eotton < i o|> for the measure
1 of his profits as a farmer. Tho truth is
: that till the raw products of ’.lie I'dl have
lied the same experii ..■■■ ot low prices mid
unprofitable return'. The tobacco grower
of Virginia and Kentucky wishes most
heartily that, his climate wire suited to
cotton cultui'. Ki'a tin-'si t bis "f Okla
homa are seeking to make eotton a ]• .iding
crop, l-'or years pa t tb" wheat i irur rs o>
Mimi' >ota, tl.'.' Diiitolas, lowa, and K< bras
ka, have been in a bad way with wh at nt
at» < '.ms, m ire or h .-.-I per bushel.
The truth is, .11 of th' e et-e that We
hill' incut ioi" d, a v.ll ; - other' that
might I"- nam' d, includ • nothing more
than the production of the ran ma" rial, j
Til.' farmer produces wh' as- not
flour; th" mh oi farmer goes no lurth ' ‘
t<> gin hi.s eotton. mid pf" it "n the !
marl: :; the tobacco farmer is emit''.,: to
ill'., ai ' o? io W " m e >' '• r
in hog'slu ids fur ib" mark'd. Nadine. :
through its agemjes oi soil, mi'istur'' and i
sunshine, In ' d a ■ the 1 "wr purt ot th
.-eientife and skilled work in tho pied'!' - ■
■ tion of these raw products—whe at, etto :.
tobacco, it". Tlii-re I. ;>••• n room lor the .
"xerclse of si.:.' .'..a in tlnir ]i diu-tion
up 10 the condition of sab able products.
! This is jiartii 1 ‘ ■ true, of toba ■
tint depends n on tin kill of tl ■ ret
th: on tbat o tln* mi va
\\ , mi nt m :.o points lor : 1 Tlit
t In‘ pr<'d k > - r ■ iin . ■ >.i iv pr ■ .u-. ~ t u,i. d
exercise mot*' intellig' n* e ami skill I* l ■’ I ,
tlic o1" i i'' *i ' 1 **' 1 1 Hili* the * " i *■ ’
of ti.■. ■- ■ crop Hom 111 e pre pm ■ 1
> liz; ■ '
■ ,i. to tint mil nation mid mi l'!', t
in;: of the mat'.iied r.i w pro'iui is. In.s j
ini, <■ and kill should I- ■ <lir. .' ■ d io
improving the qualitJ d > • ::. th
c0 .e ~f j.i ediieiion r.'ibir I'niii to simply :
im .wring tile .nigre ate output of th" i
fail i i 'i'-’nt anil ‘I" 1 '
i a much mor.' n a-onabl" pdiei I’.i'i i'i
, :,.a <is of mwh big!: r skid and imclli
for a farmer wh > has been pi ■ u
■ .
1 I bush. I mol . idling it for ai cent. . .o i
pwduee till- sm:.' e'oi.m ot V. mat .Il
I .ms a bushel, ra t'ler t'nmi > t> a' a ,
. v i r,. mrw ( iml hi ■ credit, too) in Hi i
..ffort to busiiels i ■ no wing
.in imr'-a ed at an of thin i “ill "'J' I’i" l ''
. • of ■!■"> • '■ills P' r bin liel. The rmm
... . mm: appii to otinr crops sueli as
. at,,tl, tolw.-i o. ' Want t' ■ farmer
. wmits to do i-i to ni'.idu ■■ a higher <pial
i<\ <.iiruduel nt t-inall lirs: < si.
The IP Rt 8 tha ’ inti •
farm, r should st ek lo <l< v< I'P some <l<
’ia.rtri‘l l nt of farm industry so’ io heteio
fore i: r.le. ten mid despis-d r. mirci in '
,■ . '.l in. re re ualitnit a opi,' 1 : a ata -• io'
.. pm. m ami rm.- ■ of mt Hi- i
, .■ and skill. To illu trate, ■■ ■■
Hl ,'W. : w:i'" lorm <if sot k 'a.', di: g m:d j
f. ..ling it, : ■to is a iv wld o: worn
;bill ml. llig. aee to li:. l :i - f high- :
e-,t <n vei :. No mi' >‘ t re-ciied
: ■. Oiilt "l .'"fl i
> p. < • p r;..iuii.g to t!m bf.- din:". tr.iJn- !
■ t:"... lot l<<:img aml gvn' r.d em I .al .'.'ll
mi'.'ii. Tin r< is always “room al the
to But we believe the dairy hi'.sbi ndry i
. I!u most invit im: field ‘ w
<i, ; farming :cm mH' "’"i' in'S'
be mentioned, i Here is room in th. ii.-ln ■
try for unbound! ,1 skill. Skill in m b cting I
< breeders mid dairy stock, -mH! in breeditig
■mid in handling, skill in feeding, in milk
ing, butter nd ■'a making, :.i
<>m. iii;:.'iit say that ■ u indm .ry io
oairiiii; so in".' !; kill would 1" dtscomag
-1.',, it > to tie 'l'll II !0 do • no pro
pose to [.nt .any bruins ir.'o hi- l.u-'iw■
•I’l,., liebi to" the "I i ' Hi
genet and skill t t i ifford. d by In
, stock hu. iimidry—'mi'- 1 P'"’l: Uy I’l' 'lan i
<..L; ;j ( ; i th" e.'edition '.bat .limil i < m
m-'i d sm n bwHnw ' to th" in mi wl.o i'i
-. ■ ■ to put brains into bm-i E
a man know-' tba: he will meet coni' < ni
ti'iillon, but )’< also knows t -it sktil. ln-
■ du. try and entiTprise will .-Tt. inly be ,
reward.<l, Tl." < mn'"l it ion will not be .i :
. ..j y.. c.’ht <>f inetTib i an incubus of
11\. r- pin " i:' t ion ot I>w grrnl" products "f
u-.siiill d and ignmant liiod-'.
\\ . knoiv of no nmr. invit ice field today i
than dairying. 11 the one ‘Tone" indt s- ,
, try that li t b"ld it: own in tlw great I
■ amtliii-'" . O ' I li as in many p l "' s 'a
th ■ -out!!, dtiri th<- la. tl-w y ars of ow ■
ami iv i.' • id di.- aster.
K. J. it.
Hollow Tail.
.1. E. G ■•. W 1 .. ’ ' I rt ad- *
li ~ the H'.i: in and 1.1 rai -■'>' d< pir m< nt !
<.; T •• < ••>nsilintb»’i of : 3Mh 1 saw :
an :.rt « !•• iho « r in au- : y\« t’ I*‘ 1
.... '• ‘ < m . •■ ■
« attle known a Hr ■ 'a •> ->w I. 1 v
(<• say that a number o’ ■ i * s of hollow’ ‘
tail *havo .<)!.'.<• tinder riy p- rvi’ W "t I
knowl in the pa.-: ton .. ai-. T • • I - i
tor s«« ios to la'.nk that t is a m app’’- ;
het on on the part o ' • I’" 1 '
this down as ad; case and attidbu'e it to
dogs pi' tl“ tail or the row •_ , .tiing
'.r tail brtosid. I l.uow t‘; : F - *
th<* case. t’ows that are ro'Fi ,n dry.
nros v er< 11 <
and the wat« r sear- e and wu« l.n . ••’o
n i sall e d the cows . ■ •
to I • the hollow tail ” ~f
t h i disease ■ cows
that have this disease :'!<• s < n to :• land <»’t
from the others; they arc v ry inert, do
not notice anything, lose tin i*’ app* Ute, ;;o
moping around and tl ‘ f f* 1
down and die If not attended to. The
3 < >
remedy is simple n:.d cusy. If you will f
not ice .ibout < glit or ten inches (.snm"tim<‘s |
not so far. sometimes further, up the tall)
you will lint! the vertabrae missing some
tinu's light inches or more comidcteiy
gon,-. If you will at this split the
tail (about, tile or six Inches in length) and
salt it ri il well: do not be afraid to use
plenty of .'alt; tian .lose th. split pl.-ue.
bring tile edges togi ibcr and wrap a cloth
tightly irouiid il. tying it .<<■< in -. let ft
remain on the tail till the inw r. l ' I '-' well.
In a f"iv d-iys the cow will begin to m. nd
:ind finally get W' If this not duiii
the cow will inv.irhib! die. The v. rt.'ibrai
will finally be replaced.
To you who do ">t believe til's I ask
von tn try th" reni"'ly ind the effectual
working tl.<r> of. The remedy '.' ill not
hurt i .iur cow; in •i • ry instance (If not
too far gone) tlu-y will speedily re over.
VCo add "til;, a r- mark or two: We think
It Is certainly a in -'. iko to suppose that
tho vertabrae of the tall wli"U once re- ;
moved by disease or otherwise will ••
reproduced Or replaced: it is simply a
' physiological Inipos-’blllty. Broken boms
will reunite If brm: :bt together and held
in contact, but r> missing bone, for in
stance, the joint of a finger or th. Joint :
of a cow’s tall, will rmier be replaced.
Such renewals of members do occur in i
trails, lobsters and some other creatures
of low organization. Moreover, the ab
sence of a joint from a cow’s tail is no ■
groat privation, as the tail boms do pot i
perform any essential function :md are not i
more necoi s.’iry to tho health of the animal i
than the t ail itself.
Bermuda Grass.
A. T. Stipe. V> in i. 11. N. C I it’ll tl;
you to give me the name of th- accomp.nly
ing grass. In it uut.riti.m- and valuable lor
ji. >■ till’" tor cattle? It des not go tn s. ed. I
If desirable. ' ■ -■ can yon s t I
land? Hr giving the <1 'i ■ 1 inforn it on
yo It ob ■■ ■ subscriber to your v in-
ble paper.
The grass Is bt rinud:;. grass (eynodon dao
tylon). Dci'li ips tlic announct tm nt ei’ Its
name w ll be -iili’u iom as il hits oft- n i
l. 'll written about and la eon ' r,-1 i nd
justly) as the most valuable sinnimr P" -
Hire gl’-'i.' s in th" : elllh and as far north as i
il, will i.i'itv. I' rarely pre lue s , Very
few. : ".it <, ' i::i: . , - d In tills country. It nriy
lie propogti:'■■! f’. 'in import' d d, wbi< li i
are sold Ic. : il so"dsni< n : : ab.-m $1 p. r
pound, six pounds. li.-ing sutlieb nt for ono i
acre, .-own iu Mareli . April. The lii' .ip
est and most certain w: y to propomite it.
howevi r, is by tucous of the .i'Hntcd : i n:s. i
which uro product! on the si'rl' o’" or just ■
b. ii' iili the surface of the ground, t ier your i
i.ii’.d iti good, condition by thorough plow- i
Ing .ind hari • ■ winp in February or March.
Thon I "’l’ i 'll .iv f:ir" "ivs two or thr ■■
feet apart, drop a. small bunch of tin- stems
■ very foot or so. and cover with tli- foot ;
or with a for!’.' d plow. Then l"i<-i tho
ground Well with harrow or roller.
Foundered Horse.
To M. I'. Hetri'li-v'llo, N. i' -Vour ’
hot.-'' is <• ’’t iinly f.cindered, and It scorn.’.
: . be > p>. tt - bid e i:". The lorn. tv. >
days’ drii e after b cl shoeing is what did '
j ;!ie n. • ’ill. f. Tile I".lowing is th.- proper i
treatment for fouader:
liemovii ill" :'ll" at once a- <1 ' b an the '
I fi i t of all i in I and dh l. For < '.'li afl'. et. d
. foot make a cioth be. ~ liltl" I r.-er tha.i
the foot, ii I long enough io r, .a ll v.’. II I
I "'..' t'.e leilei’k. .Mak up a p .l of l.’.iu
wi:!i hut water, pm about two
th ■in ‘i in tin bottom of lim b.c,. I’m the
b.'i'; on the foot, fill up all around with t
' i: i di. and tie above ’ind b tow as to
k, ■;i the o' .' in pla ■■'. Wet the 1 a ."' vera!
a day ami cliam u the’ nts one.-
d l\ . Item iv this poultice every " i.v until
'gi’s oi sorem.-. at' gone. Also at the
!' '.'..mi'.ll.g ", .'■ "11" of Salt).' t"l' ill til"
dr I, aI. r. er i'i . bran tn...-’ll. ‘ !:t’ee
mes a day. Il th f r be hi . . . ■
■■. tin .' j's of aconite «i’ i’. two or thr-.-
'"Ui.; um 11 th" fever is ri di:i’- d. Bm our..go |
tho animal to lie down as mu< h a possible,
ind give absoliitc r. : until linn :: :.■?
.-Hi..:it goU'-; tii- ii a inode:..: ■ amount ot’ t
m title l.’-' lci ’e daily Will be best. Be •••lire
■ > try to gat him lo lie v. u a-' much as
I•" ini' ■. AI. ■■!’ . 11 or less is gon.- if tie a
be any ;, ad- . is s . of the feet 1- I t bli t’ r 1 lie
coronets with an ointment made m two :
drams, oi' <-iti 11 a t".-i- ..."! one on, .- ei kit I.
Mt'r t n 'ii 11 ti.iii ’ ii'-m’.'. li.- i it. o.i’ .Hid
iit him luu in j-.:-'turn for two w. < ks. It
mivssary ii-in'W th.- olnt'.nenl after two
.Vceks. When in tile table let. there !'■ ■
oi. my ot ni'i sirsiv or .-an dust or smivings
. o .... to li nipt him to lie down.
Crab Grass zlay.
1. W. S<4 , t’oiijeis, G u—ni<’l"-cd . li U li
y u sample ■ r.i" L ; ra.-.- ma:, giew in cotton
. ii- . it m m 1»\ . plJilh lllllir, I.' . .» .. L V
It I > and E*-<IB3 tiu;
glows i.. tii" world. (Ivoryi i eoiia 1 r.i;-e,
. :al bale m nsoi.s ot pulil. ..- of Ji
m. .-1 ry ;. 'i.i’ and s .-il tn.' s.i.: • ala
l. .) 1 A nundn’t’ of farmers ci ib" is
u.'.li- lia\" mowing, i:..• 11iri• and rak's, i-ut
, . baling ...ui t1.:., . ai d lice tuey ni. . j
no (ounce i" put the bay on :i ■ regular
::■ iil.-.'ts ; clang li:iat not lli '"l’.‘d at
. • bg!a -. 1..: ai in > 1 o:gt i, :i i l i i
;... a If llllif Os i ■ .a
1:; a ill grus.- tl'. 111 Ti- t lit I
no; ii" I’,: off (lay bi lay b I,‘vc.”o ml.
V. .: a hi ci.ib a: till’.nigh: T’i is'.’
(’oust it.u t ion a.iul give full cum: a.-, pi'.-
nm 'ii in aonie v... y for la st tie? : n .xt i
'll.o .ihoV'', address'd to the editor .n i
Chief, a.'.-; b, en till a d. v. t > this u. jc’r ■ ’
mentai.'l Wi pubii i th" su»" Wl'.’i ---i.s- I
ma . \l.‘ hole li.i than once "ill -d at- '
teiition to .li" tact of the -re .’ i-iii">i’:a:. ■ ;
if m. i’.:. :r; out Isi til • • s- s f hi y. On ;
(~ ( .': ion we V' lilui' d the a*’;., iti'i- ,
i ila | • ’ . ’ la If of t . ■ 1 i'i)’’ I’ 11.11 ,i ‘.li t
that ha I tI. 1 ■ .pe’.di d ill kill; crab '
a'al . i. Il ! oi in til’ cotton "ill lial
bo.-ii dc.ii:..': 'o < I."’ iu'.".gin.g their growth,
til f." r;i . ( ". il b ■tl r off at the el il ’
of the year. Bn: we wish to dis nt from j
tlie Hie'i ( f (. ”.:’ ' "IT I’ hi bnt tn t 'h- ’
farmers in tl: ■ . ■ on 'mii-rajly i •>, • h.iy ;
for sale ns hay: but they shomd raise it '
feed to cattle. 11 au l mid ling-. !
(■■a. and ■<■'! the hay in the form es sur- |
ph: ■ lives’." k. butt. . . beef. pork. eic. Tie r ■
.r. i f. iv farm r. wa. ~re .i. . pt: nn Ii
located wlm i f to rais :
rhe market. <'f • tin hmm > nand
la i.iir cities and t'livi'.- should h" :b’i ii- 1
anti;.’ m t bi our own 1 irm.'t '. Th' r
is eu ' si'i'.-'i' for buying a :•ing'i dei ar’e |
of outside h:i v.
Moon Blindness.
It W. (’. t;\. Ala. i ’i."' e•• hor • .
(:■ !>t or nine . , old. Hi-’ "i- ’ be. i.m- :
w ai. and run mat:- r ry i i- ■• ’ ■
Tlaai tile’’ get all right m ain. I • : ’ ' i ■
alw iv. .ill’' eted wot ipatii.d
l ev. r in lids and uro’md ■v. s; ;om t i>
sb"V.s signs of :lfe!lt i bh'"!
■ ; ■a. fiv. nr .i • ■ Da’ t .
I" I-.- .vi- -i. k ii. 1.!.-’ lit. . -:i I :■
iu. tur.: ...’ in '\. i s otlx-r i -p- .
1’;. .1 lA c .: ■ It ’ >. .
The .ilii'ie is a I descript; >n of t!’a’
1, '.uly kn.'.vii a- tn ■ l.ils.dii' b.ii 111’1’
. ..I i. called ... I
is a very eonum-i ■! n many p.’irt'i
of tlie cou c•. . ■ . pi cia a ii : M■- -
slssippi valli y. I Hi a < institutional d
■, : p: ai t a’... :h i i ab’ . at d . v nti -
ally . nds n bill . if t’: animal Hl' s
Img . i .ou:.’.li. <1 . n . • t a tl".
is aff' .’i d, I".’ .-omc-tlnii s boll’.. <me at
tack usually la ’ ■ ■ : : it or (■ n d ii -. ami
then tin' in!’ :: in si’’ . mli to
recur in a few v,-. each .’in. i ;i •
ii i ■ ■ ■ I " ’ ■ ’ ■ ■ a : i ■ ■ • . : .
: A A .. A
oiil-r l’v:-ir,3.'’ ( Pt:-:Bi:‘.'-'. ■ a’ F ! '‘ I'<mi'’" ’ tl '•
J'.vcry drop tii wortli its iirigiit m a..." v. >.('>.
med it. Address Franklin Hart, Station K.,
N. Y.
.ilvuttoii The Constitution.
As we E.av ■ said, it is in. ma Ide: but by
proper attention and treatment niaiiv . .i--’ -i
van lie helped and the evil day (biiiitin-’■’■■)
postponed for long time. Wlnm tin at
tack comes on keep the animal in ti mod
erately dark place and bathe tin- eyes
for tell or fifteen minutes with cold water,
three times a day. After each batliing ap
ply to t! a ■ - - ball the following eye-water;
Tin grains ac« tatc lead, ten drops lauda
num, uno and one-liall ounces ot water.
Also give in a bran nmsb twice a day lor
lour days one dr.mi ot ot potash.
Keeping Cider.
A. M. l-’rlx I’, 11l answer to
ymir cori i.-pondeiit ashing lion to 1-v 1>
e. turning to viu ” 'i'. 1 ' I y" i
th'- to.lolling I'l.i c- :: tub I-. Wat. r on ill'-
ll.m; • ci'.-■■■ uj- the v.-ssef eontai img i.i-
I'.-ii Ii i-iilir. I'lai c on - cn I H a
nilib, r to- ( . Hi, or six f- t. long, into the
op.mim.: of the v 1 com i ining tie- 1-. ,
b< ■ ii. I'ci t:ol lo I t the ii '- - i.meh uiC
ell Im . I : i. -iind I his II ' pelf I-11.,’ I :g! ■ .
:• j I ,al i'i gs . .an esiut"’ cxci-pi iim.i.-
j>. -. t! ■ tl I'.ose. pla-' 'he mln r
I id Ol‘ ll.e > (.)■'■' in the lull ' > IV I ' ' As
t I.- I - ; : U.S it fl "I ".I 'IS If till- mgh the
iv it- ■ and ibe iva’.'-r i scbid'S the 'iir trout
Ihe i im- t. Alien the wat‘-r <■" is -s i -bub
ble, cork t i;;l tly and it’: tvady lor uro.
Tim al."’ -- Is e.-r ii-’ly a eb--i” (!■■ ■ r'mtion
of 1 tie i ■ "'l' c cider,
or apple i- ’pc. We not C'-r ’ilti. liow-
CV'-. it -..-I’: tbs th" inquiry M the
< i it'-spond'-nt. v. lai w , to Jtn .iv
“how 1.. ’ii .- at ehl.T from ti t.’.ii’'; to
“Liniberneck” in Fowls.
D. W , Suinnii-rv He. <lI tint: -d In
ri r< -mt Issue of your i ip«r a om i’v
to iv’:.:' i 'ii d : nd.. imei-k" In cb.lek-
.(> . This u.imo :s < m :i only given to th-3
• . .becati ■ chi ken ms to
love 'd 1 ]ion,-r to I:"id up i■ ■’. In ad and iets
I it drop g’.'adu.'i lly loii ■ r and lower mit.l
it .-an go im furtl.m- down and remains in
this position timil It -il'-s. 'I m di is
! i-.-iii-" d I.v , itim.-’ th" wriggling whit.?
to.i ’”. -I s I’m". i 11 ■' 1 ■ ’■ I d. i-l
< Hcki'ti.s ai I p. ■ other uninml'’, lut
found in g -• 't nunil-i rs in the fm’tiu r, I
am sur.-. A f tv i m l:. ” . < str ,millv old
In-ns, will die . v.-'y strninr-r S'Hnew!’.' re
about tlm | ■ ■ f'-mt i: • or nnol'.i- r
cause, and nm pl.imly iu sight or too
much ■: ' l ' ■■’ ■ m, 1 to decay upon
the lOP "f ' ’ " " ' ’I.I 'I
Oliu-r chickens. ’!'».<• d id chickens soon
tx. <ime 1 ‘h-d wu'i t > " ’ ort. v.
,.■:’.• writ lit i which the other
(‘ili ’kens ’-.‘lt. Ji’ t l ow toe * fleet IS p.’O
l 1 (io «1I " ’ but e.i
wort ’ ’ - -■ ■; ’' ' ■
ki own as "limb, rm cl-:.” and it always
■["... ri m< dy, of cour ■ . Is to cin -
•,,:- ■": out and remove from tho
..... a ll de "I • " ’■ i.
sort. ~ i ■ ' of his is a
d '.lii-uit tbing to do, is most, premises are
allowed, as thev should not be, to grow
up in wild imi ." :■»■ 1. ’.
i mt if (ei. ips :•>-<;> hinb* I
;■ ■ :■’ '|, nm t t the the troubl, , even if
he h-ts i‘> ‘h> it ill*’ rests ut dhinci.
Knuckling < s .f Colt 3 ITcet.
![.. l>:-.m 'trinch. S. < Have a
, ~ , .1 ' ~i !■ " ' f.’’"’.l I"" R’■
,m rd: lit bind
j. <m i; eUr . i ■;t'"'>m f,li <.ow:i
. . ~, . i’. ■ advise what
~.,i )>.'■ dor." . nd oblige.
'l':, bending forivard of tin* fetlock Joint
. - '
~"’U. |t c.lliil “I, nu. lilitm ' and It U--
■ I . ■ . ’ et, S.itiee the jo;
i. ill str., ig'ati.ii up me colt ,;''-iv . If
treatment ■ ems to I yquired, proceed :
foil'iws: Batin’- tlie- yts with hot water
n .If hour at • time or four times a
i i’ll I ol itV- t wit 1. a io: ■ m of
e: r aini mm i . ' of
i ~ | '.. ■ :.. l"
>iill . - ' > :: i" I I. ■
li .I li : ■ m iniu.i om. mine-. . m i of
t i • tu’.• o ' '. „I -■ k:im:ii and -me
imi: "i ii..'’.
Chronic Meningitis.
■ 1
l:-.t.- •• 11 • m:' ■. I iii f :io v. ing m.i I ..■ r: 11
til’s: had In."g f--v. r, a inm a y. ■ ■:m at.d
fr -m that h seem > ki
ll: - w'lole spinal ■or 1 ■ . ins lo I■ aIT■ I. d.
lie.; :i.h.every Ibr. ■ I" -" x iv- ■ I-. .
Ma: ■ a la it . i-imt a n "sk, and I nrni g- :r.
b t . r. V. rv hi :h I’- ,- : , during a'ta. k-,
l ■ eats verv 1 . . ( xeep during at-
t acks.
From the d". .-rlpt mt we think It proi-i
--bl. that tho iiorse ■ >-■ : -m-«■:bin--; l:k" :
a ■' ni. iiis m .-" m'. form. Give tiv -■
a. day two .it inis of iodid, >f pot: ;Ii in tin?
drinking, water. AI o give tv, bea .lay ono
dram of l.i-t.iic i iron at’-l, on-m a
day one dram oi. m. womb a.
.1. K. Carroil. Dotban, Ala. -I haven horse
I will ;
\ .il tho p irt:• -lii.’ir - and iv nil. you to name
■ii.- 11i.-1 • , . 1 f y.m .11, give me V :<i-
. ■ ■ ■: > i ■ tn
I-.- s-mie :'ff.'Cti’in <• ’m- 18-lin is. A ll' ll Im
lies 'lo-.i’ii in- . in l .’.dy g.-t up. and .-"ems
to he- paralyze.l in ,>i.- hlrd p iris sum - ill
tie tin.-- Sl’l'-r im m i.’ up. !! he lias h..- l.ind
i. -as . - (:■(••: ani ■ . . ■ an’t g. : up mull
In- j - mov' d, if you • i> t 'me any :
forum ion -m tb : ■ 1 ’ thro ■ . your
i.iluable p-ipi r. i: v I be gladly rec iv d.
Wo would . :,H i: . .of ;• irani, ii. •’•’
partial paralysis i ’ i!ie lim-ler p.i’i . .-im
■ a ■ d '’l: .1 ns l’- '. , ■ ; ■ by- ,1 ’. i
c ’i'il i.v :i" .: ":’.c on i■• ’' :mma ■. 1 : i . -
f. th' ■!, or i'„ may dm
■ o of
er.ll n -’’i' i! ir. .. :i?’ m m -
tlsm, call -■. by bl ml ■< ■ in. First apidj
« !•» ti.- wrung out ■ .'i -: waler to tlie loin :
and small of .im >• - ; half-!i‘i:ir at a time
and two or till'- t:mes a day. You may
also rub in Hour of mtismrd alm ai--l
-.'tin in! ii -. • . .- iv i t ia.:■ -’ . ■’l' ’. " r
foi an hour, tl eti wash "ft’. G:-e im-
li mu drain of powd- ri.'.l in.ix vomi a, or
t vo drams of stryehniii" t n ■ ■ a aiy im:il
i ivi:• “»ii:g of s."me of t tie ma ■ occur;
then li ai c it off for sei - r 11 -I. vs; t ii-m <■.>’.■ i
mi a-- ■' i with a snit'll t <1 - gradua 1-
ly inei'i.::sing until tivitchi’ig oc.-ur- a-am.
Give mod.-rale but nutritious, loud, g'-’d
d gl - , : ' ’ '
Kentedy 'jr Snake Bite.
By S. 1 . Lane ter. Bi ’- - . ’■"■ ■■ W'k n
one is ill ''.. Hitt- -’I H" a cord tmhtly a’ oim. l
lit lb just ov ’ tile
t, 1 , a | ■ ~- of alum alrmt til* m.<" <n tl ■
tir i joint of tlie tlnmi.i, and in al- tit
fiv.- minutes t >!■;. a . of cat.■; li- r gmn
a ."■ tin- m.. of tin' end of th< little
igcr and put tt ]ioul tice of lye s tip ami
■ • : . wou : Som« t ■ ■ 1
a iv. .d timt i' dl’ d "Que.-.:’ ’. D.-ligb .’’
N'ai 1,. e\• ry ii. "i mmi knows what it
1" is whme I b.u ti' -l it' ii It- I. a
C '-nr. il. Etc.
1-1. S. Ro! i-rt'-o:. .Imm-i :!!.• Bostoffl -o. f.-i.
Wil you ph • 11 me through t lie col-
ei mis m i " ir . ■ . :-;lv papr th.- number
poui ds ol < otto i seed hulls th- >ll mill >
"■ . i.-n of a 'mi oi cm ton •.■.:? Al num ■
In i of pounds m. .ii lioi.i a 'mi of m. -l?
I" ad mills s..nie number pounds
from ;i .i.i?
I'mi ion oi i (imi .-d wll ord in. i lily
yield the following products: Forty-oi.o
gallon:; of ctedo oil, '••i«' pounds of huil-.
... pounds "i meal, twenty fiv- pounds o’l
lint' rs.
Wounds of Horse's Feet.
It. W. K . I,"•■ m . Tl", -1 11..1.- I'- * :i n t'.!
in;-; .. 1 <i-.'l about mill, ll.crn ai.-i
harrow tioth in a ho:.-"'s toot.
Trv my t- .. .1 rcp ir: i til s: .\s
■. . Il as f!:c im .1 o: t im. n i ■ v. .: I.dra wn
tii. 5,.:. | I.i-i tin or tiftimi ii. ru: s.
m until the. v.mmd 1-1. -: . .’.itii a p.i idt •
\ or 11 ir i' mg a >•> I : ■ b:’- . :m
tw . ting,-. ’ . : u" I w ■
-r. ■ . - ’"> bn .-ii’ aii lie bru .- "i
blood, etc. 11 m no; b ’:to
m ill. any :>p' mi lo th.- im!. at.d
on. usim. -f l i pid-l- -a. --ri -i wll
1.. suftic’. m. and I hav. ticv. r know n ■ ■■
treatir.i u: to fad to < ffc I a • nr--. I have
tried it in ■ vei ’ ■ ' ! d the
pata-nt always got lip v. ’i: oil.
Top (’rep of fotlon Is Entirely Ruined
in Some Secfions.
The Pri-seni Ver> lle-lriu-tis •• Itroiith I* <-« s»—
ei-al llai-i-jii in n J-’cw at tui- lixlrvnie
S.xithv, (-.."-i-a ('oimiicM IJ(-;ioi-i
ol Oti-ersci- )t;u-Inir<.
Georgia's cotton crop vll ' a f t hi:’".
Not th. ,i largo ...old will rot I’-' Imr
v. .-i--I or 11.. t '.he cn>p v. dl not I.- almost
''ii m .i , ’ I -' yea t. Im I. w ii-'i) d with lii" pl 'Kild prospeem of
a month crop will be a failure
i and .Ippoititm. ut.
'l'i .- i.-p ■i>p i totally ruin.-I except l i
sm . parts sh. | : , .nd drought have
.I in ’ d to 111 ■.. I slop i|e\ . io;, ■
• ■ ■ .ji it’emattti'e bursting
alal opi mi.g of th- Imus, j li- top forms
hat .'.d tiieii,-ci,.a, the majority
oi’ tin- i iop is nmv op-;i. < -nly i small por
t.on is j - t to <-i" ti. and what now remains
Is of a m ill and jut-rior kind.
B ist ivo k's bull, tin stated that tho
crop would bo oli m G. orgia fully 25 per
cent, it looks now as it’ this wits a too
• ■ -r ativ.j . i Tie ie will not bo
ot • ; a' ! "i (> nt of a full erop.
l a-- i n t as ; : • p u-<■ by Section Direc
tor Al.ui'.iy, ot tlm local dtvls.on of the
; ii;.''ii .--i.ii. I:.i- .hi of weather and
' crop set > a..-, follows:
General Review.
'i 1 I s»I mil sli >v.m ,s hive fallen 111
I tl: : mt . -lei a counties, wlneh have
><> a I'- ' i lie 1 to growing ci ups but rather
i !■ ' ■' . i lo open cot ton, c.’i iisitig It t i
am. .. ,i. : ti.e ii-mamd'r ol' tn.- utile
a .- w , li- : nd high t < uipi i’.i lei’'' nave
: 1' -v.-... a .-ml ~ t--ry I mug shows tlie ill « f-
1 I -:ts. - .it" i ' imiinU's to open v ry lapid
iiy a.-- pi -ibl‘- l!i- bolls in many places
■ r.- - in j b-;- .'■■ i ri d up and rust is very
, 1. id mi gray i ’ul. Tho top crop is coinpl- tely
; lU'm d m >" iiy al; s-,1.10n-;. Bat cm a
need ■ i ■ ■, ,i foil ; -
("tiling paiiii'd oi. tm. stalk. H here HO
: on fill"', pins, potatm-s aial otli.-r
'! ’p iv :i., >!i;i tiy. J;ii -. Imrv'- -’ii.g
i now in pri r. ,md the yield i- s.ti .' to
In i.ii’ !;. g"i-ii. Sugt.ii .'.lie is very good in
i 1-w in aliii'S, i.ut as a rule it lias b en
badly (lain:-m -l by emninm d drouth. I’as
ll'-’' at ■ I liliag rapidly il;d In -'om ' .ocail
tb-s . t"< k i- is gi tting si arei-. Rain
v- a d ) growing crops, but would
injure cotton.
Northern Division.
Durlmf the past ~, n day-, bat day-.
I ■ "ii i.i-... -Hi m: i.t sii'ishim- ml nttlo
i’ : o " . h:iv, I- en Very iiiifavorabl I to
j ill ii '; s, -,i -I.' Iy eotto.i and coin. The
tm? ■ r--;> ol <•■>..- >n I; timmst entirely -!.-
H" d. . : I n many m- I i ’h • " i is
' -ii'. 1 ' • I - I : i: burs: Img ripen
l.ii< r g: ■' . . '■ ■ -. A ; i i’-: 11 t 1 I .a
l ull -rs■ Inm i i’ ■ co > i clou w;.l l e
I ,m. a!■ ■’.i bly : 1 <:i I - t vear, but the
. i ■i" . of th . • m ■ o mi" >.. las there
: 1' I ' n m ■ r i : "i dr eolo.’ < r iiijui e It
su ■ op,mi’:;:, i . <l.!>palling has been un
’ iiiti ifi-.ii- -I mi n . Ii ini- s l:av. - ah >ut
: ’--il . "d this br.inea of v. o k Tlie I)FG-
■ •: .tv drought a: m d fodder eon
■i r..i;1... I .lama ’. o lltlt It before tile
: i • ■■ 1 . \ • I I iy crop 1 : s bmn
sov. d in • m i ’.id;tion. I’ot.atoes aro
1 r.el -sum’ .V--11, ;.: ill y have r. iffi’l’-d S"-
i ■ "".-Iy Joi v.ant ut niol.-t ai’'. Tile -oril
■ C’l.p 1.-1 .iliimt ."Il .'.veral'. P'-l.t aV? badly
' i.i.'Ui'd by d: i' w itl ' i. Turnips are dying
’ ' ?
i will b. i iit oil materi'i lly. Gardens :i"<- fast
’ drying ii.o and pastures are also failing.
in some s-.'ctlon.s steel; water is becoming '
s. re . Tlie l ite crop of lii’h potatoes is
I very poor.
Southern Division.
\\ 1 i th.- • pti"n of a few scatti red ■
I. :". ' ri a:.’! hot w '.".ther lias pre- :
mi::-.; tlm w- i-k to th- d urlnient ;
•i I! i ■ (.‘nt:, : 1.3 all op- n am’l is j
: ■ i:--. rapiil’y as it Is possible to
I i q lit . " . ■
’-1 •’ : ml: li b"lo\v til-- average. It is
. :: f our • I . ■ ' '
-i ■ . "" St a:l v ill I’.i’.. b, 'ti -m k d by j
, t .-ell!'.' e; ''!■■!"!>■ r. Tim tou crop : very j
irt ami !>.!!’ ;..:ow’i bo" htv.- d’-opp d ,
i off am! miw ‘.lm gr-cn liolls ar - drvi::;; tm [
; ,1-i't f.illieg off. Nearly the entir.- eu.;’ is i
■ Field pmi and : ■ .• ■ ■ cr.
, vo ’ p""”. a’ I i .-.m.ot m ike favor ibie ie-
I tv::: . F::: rm-: have .--aved < ' 'it-;, 1.-rib! ■ (
I li■ ■ "I'ri-r I! ■' ".■ •!!. Quite a S'.-v r--wiad
i storm ■. eon'pat'.ii-1 by r iin oe nrred on tli ? ■
i !’,’ i ... I’, in Bill: .- -mm counti' ,
" di much c and ■ r ■ set ■ ■
'• >■" !•’.>-. ii i '.wn ami b ully danm t’i d. Tn ;
' T ; . ■'"i.- .ty s ma hour" ; w> n- unroofod ’
’ ii’iii a ■ ::■,! il 1 of < at".’ v. a; blown out. ,
. ■ . . a ■ ■ ' . d ■ I a ■ ! is quite
'- ’’.ll. Pot are making very lit’l. I
I turnliis ar- failing rapidly '
■ -’’ent of rd' I'lr'.mc; failing c.on-
MicklJe Division.
Throne'bniF n ■ 1 ’ oft! w.-Rnrri counties
i In tlii-- <!-•. i D»n th'-ro h:»° 1* on mor.' or less
ruin (lurin'’. An' w ok. w. < b nolle* :tl ,
it f;■’! «■ •>’>■< luf w.i-’ ; l-irjoiis to np -n ■
i on!ton. Tho major portion of tho eron 1;
It’ly. In tho n icolo and o;» .torn ortlnns j
; fills division <i*\v and ho? w* other lios •
j <•! ■. r i <•*• ! I’/.* d •!’-■ w<”T? ai d oil enwlni: i
i < -••; tr- -i;fr<-’iC’i.<:!'' , n is of rood < !
: itv. but th*' vhd- 1 is mhor!. In v ome e
i lions I’. is diflD’.pf to ‘ : ”curo n:<‘k 'rs. Wee !
i i li inr h fTV’' ; ' J in flro- oondhion. Sir_r r- !
o.'inn .'.nd po not *o>T.-rk r
i f? rn Arnuri't. are 1’ ’ v■ 'd and
about i :o. S oom i';irm<‘rs nr
; • im* a F ri'*'* '?on of v. l.ile In as, ;
] t of
j tbi--. . roT». 'Fr -dp ; ■i r r.> »o;' <iohU’* w il. ;■ I
th void Will ho yr'o.-Jlor f- nn USViI. 11l 1
loon lif i--« l’',. \V“,'i ? ’” > :* li-. ■ '/on >--r .
min d turnins. <; rd- ns :v. ronor.)lly p >or,
o . ‘ fair . nd : t • >m-- s< <■* ion : ’
j. n.
Sr-oo 0 « T>'rot ‘Ai’anta, Ga.
Shows Growth, of V’F <-.f Fertilizers for
Twenty-Five Years.
i The state printer now lias tlie annua!
import of i’<ei’imi- - :om r of Agriculture R.
! T. Nesbitt ri li'ii’d f"’ publication n d i '
: ” deal of ini crest has b< n manifest 1
I tbimig'mut t ." state as to (lie showing that i
it would in ike. Th" Constitution is able i
I to .-’iy tii ■ morning that the showing is i
, only ind ono. bnt tliat It is the best
t. it has r 1 i n ’imde ti.-.- til- 1 .-late .
: erm 1 the depaitmcnt of wh: h Colom 1 '
: Ne.'l"itt is now Hie lirnul.
j Dm- is th" mlm which shows tlie sale
: of lertil’Z'rs in .:. ins-, tWen'. y-1 wo years. .
I '1'1... las; live pa y rap's have i-• :i g::uge.l ,
i hr tin- am.'Ullt of tags sold, wilii'' the ‘
; (cliors liar- b'".m - imllia' 1 by weight. 1
I But tlm ri-suit is lit" same:
T ms of t'-rt il mers Impm led
: S’ :, e.m (if IS7I--T tons I
:• son ot 1875-« ■ ’
Season ot lS’lfi-7 75.1 I 'M tons i
S’ . sm. of 1X77-S .. '.13.17x.0-I tons
<■ I' -.m of P7 ■ ' ''A' T'-’" 1 ,
in ■ : I-?.' ■' US.
-. .... . ’ txso-l 152,12-1 10 to
i m psi-? '?...:’.:,’7ji.i tons
of 1 3 125 . .; ) tons .
; . .: ; 1 J ; i i.-i ;, '
S : - 1-3 17" ■ ■! tm
rn I’i 1 _ • ; *'• 7 " ' 2 j" '
i Cramps
A ;dlm j ; . L : aa- Ji in every f.nni’v
; h- .' : . I>. .• -•-. i.M V. I. ivc h *:i j
! tl. l’i.-. . ■; • - •JU fCH <••:> , the VAt.ll lll'miir.
ta S'"
' _1 Eq^is 1 ’ 0 ’!
p - - j ;.;> •■ 1• • i ' • ■” !
j; ii <n. . i i ?- .1 more ii.e-i
; • i< • ' • >ii,. .in / I h;i.i nny rcni. iy
It HS’-.! Mid «• ’ rt.i.-.p •. -i-i dv- even vl "d.
-1 • i-i. ■! ••!■! ’A ' ’■ ’ -H»t
, ■ ’ i<» live I j. i • Lt’)- i ft • of
v A’l '-.t 1 lit i'.. • ii.’ 'A.!-- e •cd
Vriv > s. l. i y, m. . ’Tv:..
r-' - ; • ■ v'A
t;,' ' ■" : ’ I ■ ’ ' I" . all
I;. .. : / ..V
W) Bugles, Surreys. TrapsJlariess
*'■/ liuj .D.riMt from f.K-buy Mhek rule [’r.;-r?\ I's f A /
Z 'rrx GuuMa’ei-lUxQjc-.... Wdt.’i ’rli:i-dr’'-d< . I. -■ i 'A
V. . . • ;. L . I-;.x." ’ " J II" I art -
' display attiieNii;!..’! I. '' ’ I ' ! ’’ ‘’’ ’" ... ' .., V nJ \-
PrkeC-K.-’.l.i: 6S '■■ ■ ’-i.i F.i..' AIUiU«E( 0., 217 >c: -1.-J - ”
Ment'mi The Gmatltutloa. ts
L ■ : ! ti N S|S"STANDm”GU!I SIS
! ‘ ■'
. . I -. . , . I is > •
n „ Our Improved (ta MIKG MiCBIIK
..F ■ ’’ Automatic I’ol n Wit ler and
S/.i'/i’ TlisWtuklyCo sliisiioiliYaaf 0:i7520
frvlght . -3/.A _ DlJ.n;.l’t:n IIIEI.TH ANY H
8-; /
-** l r..-:>m ’■Hl” ip'. I’t" <’<’■ 3Tltii tli" fol-
- - i ■ ii ii’-r l
Vi , .'im ' ’
. . , ; •; i. kot tnstruedona ts profusely
■ . - ’ ’ r , : . . - t
_m. v F -, .i <Q. .. ” : ..J .■ - t- ' •’•
. ■’ ”, J /- n .
N' ' -
CH/'V'm-.. . -mi'. -, it ,1m -l.
4 ■ Addrass with ar .-rm!;
XJj Tӣ C /i/arfu
"T fiove been in ti : one of r-’ur nt.--h Arm stcwt'i: Mr.-lili.--! n’.i •. ‘ \ ‘
ft’xr'.lly .'Jim nvirla Qjf the uv'.g'iixtiH. It .s yet a goo! mu .4; I rv. ' '' v- *
Tit it. i t .
■ "• ■ ■' /■ ■' ' :.. ’
■ ....’ ~ F ... 'A
r s r » L » /■’ M V ‘ /T'H" 31 : * TNG ' 1 <’ON
■ ■■ i
The h”',:. (cn’ii’n- ; !«.• ,u n* has hvi n :«■ .i phi-t’d fit.:.- ■-•>*•- •' ’J.
Ghs' !• r ri..< ••(!)■•.' » hI mt. < ■ . ’ "'O . ii -■ ’> vt’• f ■
'fH • •• c r '
inn v I inc.'ii 1 ’t- t ■ .'i 'k! .t: ;-i\ r < ■i . .• > i rvi - ..o Om •
h V-. t t;. ■■ 1 v * ' 00. - -•••\> ■■ : .■ > ■ • .■ '
im.' F'■ tm- . m ■' cm • ' mm--. - ■
r ■ : ■ ' ■ ■ ' '
; - ■ :.s . . ■■ - . .. nmiiti.s. l-er .-s b you .'i-n ge: tsur j’;.- ■ .m<. Tn . ■
I |.. ’n , nl . -. ~ . ... |. :. ■ ■ i . : ■ . ■ . ■ : iltil "■
. th'-’-.iii.-’ri, . ■ -■: . ■’ .n or tn it all. -■ ■ •' • ' :m " ',. I"-.,. 11 m ,’f tl ' ■ firn.: m" 1..'I..' 11 <■■ rn.'l :■ 1 - .1.1 T" ’-.'l .
1..-. . . . ’ , rr- • ■ 11 I a llr-'t t -"■ I j-"""
: .. ■ ; .... , ';■ ’ ' a ■ '".’J . ! “ ' ' ’ '
i , i i u t’vi'i ■ .aivi- i ar. - <’■ (•> " " - I" "H ort '1- rt matter,
r'th t"-r'.nt ’ r -rm-:r'.», ir :.: i:’’.en tu ’-ir un :m ik-”.--:’.m mt-, r rli .-.. -an •
Page ■ - . ■ ” . ' .
■ •
... . . , • " <-(l Not I ' - '
I MU I -."(• lUrcei-icnth- ■ v-m •: mi i °
m! J*. ’■/<- ; nv. . .■(; •* ' L • «H Jj : ,c ■ :v-v .■< . i • • ■ • ■ ■■■
: A?-; ■’ ; es ;>.•••■” i’Iol:-.-. o-iti-v Jf pnrej..-.--'hi th ‘ j*■ • / ,v ilcoityoa
.% r/i-C’’ * h!D'-. which :7: y■ < want and If: vC. "nt yn r1• en . r )--“ tp v-(
/\(F«r ; ai-r - TKX? .S(,NN » r-.:h./f.U, Aifantn, Ga,
* > r s''; ■<«s*s■«7 4, <7 ’ / 7' r r h* e s IJ’ :r.;• 'J -(-•,•,<■■'■ ■' j ( h’i At’tn»
, . . , .. i
7 N
seas< n of ISS6-7 ’ »
i ScH.-oti of s .: .■ ■■ ■
I Season of ISSS-'i - ■ ■ " <■
, S< asun of ' ■ ■ 1 ‘ l!s
:ton ol 0 -1
Si ason of lbM-2 :
not 92-3 for ■
, Season of for- ton •
Sea ton of ISDS-6 forl tons
Season of 1896-97 for 402,110.10 tons ,
It Will Be- Out oj tbo Fields Thirty to
Forty Bays Earl' ir Than Usual.
■ Albany, <!a., Scptem wr -*•.».-■<<:.•■>• I.)—
■ There is <-very indie;.: ’on that the (otton
, crop of wid '"A -t ' :rg::i will to out
of the fields from thirty to forty days
< arli'-r th-'.. u mJ.
, Cotton ut‘ n es this section nil ..gre>- on
| tilts point, and the r<■ ■• Ipt-. of Albany ;<:.d
other mnrkets In this part of tbo -tab
support their opinion.
Alban; s \ -th tn
one Ims had tiny idea they v.ot.ld bo.
Thou ■ the ci p ■ ■ ■ ’ t ted at
fourth to ct: hint ' >rt, ; ■ ; up <n. id to wmit t!t"y Were
I year. A Ilia ■ 's "■ pis by v..’igon :>■• i: mt
I Sat .re w<i ■ .’:;«>r<- i: .an I.'' 1 t 'l '. ;' 'I
’ on ; ,..y< r ■ ,' ■ 1 ...... . I -
’ ectpls ti ally I'-.'iell . .’’'o- |j ■■ r, . e,e
iisno ■ ci-1 11’ ■i' Hi' ■ ' pi" '■■■ " t"'U:: ;u
■ ... ... H i ningiy rapid ra; , ati.l ' n nr. rs
■ .: r< - moi bin ■> , ■■■■.:■ la nor sa:f .1 . '.l
1 '1 ;,u...... el poum.s 01 1 . ..i-, .
1 ' ■ ' ■ i ' : ■ '
\ every ,i wind .■:
’ ....pillars ni'- l. ’.' •■'■■ from, w. :bt-
I p.-s ini'.'' a ;;•■"<! -d '' da iii’li '.a v.on-
I dii'fuliy 1 -l ' ■ ' 111. ~f I
Hiat 1
Sumi 'r County.
Am • 1 ■ , : ■ ' J.
Cotton po into it ■ i- •• ' - 1
i, \ < >■. li\ 1 r it. yi * rd r< ■ pts by
wagon ’ • ' ’ <thi£ ' bHe .
sides this la rg. amount . ■■ ton 1 '
several httndted bah' ■ ■: ■ ■ ’ ■■ to
; th" enrnpri ■ ••• ■ ' from nitt • p lots. '!'■
' I
' the warehou: ■ s and presses, v. ill re 1.
I )s.oti.t 1,.' I. Th < rap is V' y I .
1 I’-..;-.;:,' I'.ii’.y til" e-'iton 11 rm'.
ol the sta/.i. lias :■■•■: milrli ■. . ■ ■■
i 1 tie, •■ n. . selling ■■ ■ st 11
1 to 1 heir obid’n Ta: iirill::.. I"':' "i;'-’ "'■'•> I
less now ! i.a ii ■ I- > ■ ■
■.. ■ . 1’ < fi 1 ’ ’ :
. <]<■!.> pus 1.1 "Il ( .i.ioi I . o ■ ■ ■ TlTll -
1 ti,. , mil.'. I- ■ -'■ <■ I’ • "" ■"< •’’ '-.111 .
■ all th, larger ■■;.■■ • i ■■■.:,•. A 1.1 :e . j |
| is how tn i>. io., will', all th" .ow::s 11 la.a ■
' tmiii. diate > '.'on as ■ i 1 -
i ■ m .. • 11: I " H", ■ n.'i ..' i :
I in lav;'.' hi..'ili'• on ih ■ y |' i 11..: > b - I
]|.\v !'• :’< ; ‘ l rn I
cotton devour . aml
I ns wed. 1 " ion w ■ 1
been >1 '■
: Two tne’i.b ■- of to. -1 - -f btrir ars ■
Vl' ' • ■ ’•’ ?
eaptured ve day j .-A '' ■ .
1 ■ , arched ■■ or t ■ h id tn • ■
.. 1
room >1 .Mr. < 1 ? I V, I- ■ ! .
. ov.„>'-t to break up il.e emire r vvi'hi'i
a week.
<'-rw. :!;. worry ami -n •".••• ■ •• o'c■!’em- nt
are ruiniiia the ■i. h of 11 ■ ; ' By’ '
its t> • ’.l''" r ■ r itiv" ' '!!’■' S.i r- i - ,
I>.l fill., a.. ': "" ■ b'o ■ ' . "I
A Gr.-Pt Brrg'.’.in.
b'or ne ily i 1 ' ' ■■' "' v 1,l ’ ! ' i
>• 1 ;ibl>
; ... ieuitut ;,.i su'o.ii ets hat > The
' t
;> iris frmn its own >■.■: ■ rlm.-m f.'.tr th,'
1,....- jiitim ith s in tin- >■ unit.. <o".;ii .:,to 1
1 i'o'i" •x !> -rieiH'i' P.I it. tltl'i H r til" |
qm :■ : : s, :■ i v la , . Tai.-.
why -onto i nie -rib' rs < all I' a good as a 1
farnti rs’ in ■: i: lib', c'.: of Hie b- st ■
ii'forin.'d ni' n in tin countri at your own (
I tire-O < <V. m w< . !>.
■ I it. .1.1; I'd Ip-’, farm cd lor Toe |
' Constitution, say beyond all doubt
. T.. Ktiral N.-w Yorker 1» the best agrl
eu'.tural paper p ■! ■ d In the United
; ■ . ‘ pt n plice is $1 <a year,
, but wo .• able to .".id II and ’l‘,.e ijonsti
tmion b a o •■■ yar >r We can
i semi otli' r . :n paper for a little less
money, i-it: larm a- w.lO wants a real
i belplul, roll.! ole f irm paper, we consider
, • (.■•..■ 11 1. 'Ao
I I.: m til. value of Run I -'>'"v. Yorker
( > well', w ■ ’■ io 1■" :u ' !:■' money for
lit if not .-■' ■ >. after tin •■• months’ trial.
i . 1 .■ I l' 1 i 0 1 " ■ . '. t . 1 Tnu
C ■ ■ .A;-
u.'■ . s all . '... i 1 <■)'<.■ rs to
>".>?. .if 1 T A?■:. A u.ttim, Ga.
■ read
.' ■ . ■' .0 ?.'•?■ 9.
For tug u< s. ;> Too t lip i cks.
The best toothpick n.o; > any where tn
i the w ."Id eonie H mi T e l,siy’s The
' Mew Yom; -tin. . •.. "v-" h. ' •d by hand
' the <m ! ' i> co ■ i ■
I kmfe. ni ■ ■>. .x >ry
. ■ - . t
dmy 0:. .'■■.' o'" • . . • ■■, p. r
.■ 1: ' t ' ...I . 1 -o. l' .• 'Hi i u
■' 1 ■ 1
I A. . • • n ;■.. ■ iml k .1 a .hr. Tiio
I )o : <nt Am. .1!, i■ ■ ■ ■. Iu-
I si VI ■ .... r'l .>. ■: r. ' . CIO ■ of
i ... i . u. ■ ■ 1 ' 1.1 ■ d
’ Willi ha ‘ ■ I " ' - . |' . ■ ". ’ • 11-
'/ c -
I ... 'mV- I' ■ ' 1■ ■ ■ l > ■ y
lon ri: o. ■ ■■’"l. ;o 11 . • ./•>.. bm ■
qm ' . "I a mm, le ■■ i.'m ' •>. :. a d..
; Ct aft.
Tt is ■:.! <’;• t I’.'Hf Hi' r”iop.e horn die
I much.
'.wtdrq st oq usa w njqn.msrui fj
or A ttmtt 1: ... ,1 : ~ llj S| o;{
; 11. ~W I’.l'i :>■ ■•' Till >: t i.-puialo uv
Sl:'., kior* m"'.lt'nvtiP'fiTice.
• "Ar., i' "■ '■ w.""cr .as <■.>. ’-■ v.ncant
"'■’"l I <.»•■; a woman nt the soa-
. ■ WHO :.'.m,l Up I'.':' . 'ex' with
■ ' ■>. ’.. A : b> n> ■ ■ • v. • . 1 o • «
I '<-' 7 " l "' -* A
. .....
! a I '../.I ...A
CCm.-'i? Wlfil.E YOU J'.. H?.
:>r. : ; .I'd’’J
I •' X ' U ; . IJIIIO,' •
j f 1 ‘ ! H’ur
• ‘ ‘ ' >• .UGVO CT f.l .•!' ''■ ■C'l mJ • • its-
' / t< .i, ’ h’i r
; ' • i--
ill I !’ • ’ ' < ••. -ting ’!>
’••i • . vvi‘?. tl.' ’• icture,
i - tIAIL.
I:: - 537.
p ■ ;« 7 -mtn •; r . ■' >i cure in n few
; L ■' • t... • .1 .if.t; hV-t
pa;. :. 1 .* • '..J., k . . » huJ'i.V
: Me.Hioii t.’onsiitiiLiGti.
..■ ' ■
It / . i V r ’ < | •.; ■ ,• ■ | a • m<> • L
| ■> . .Suihl - hiMtd.i nil 1 > ■>’ t at
' t ! t'G L l !', H. 4* Suu*, .xti.'.nl i. ’• i
Brownsvl'le, T an.
■ "i :.■ ■ :. . ■ p'.i Ho
■fa r n: .'.' ' " : ■■: ■.r m:-.- a | ■ be -1
. chill "m. , A-. | |i.m . >■• ; .1. Imtinm
1 the p-.-I t'.'.o ya.trs I s'o':d I.early twelve
■ ■ universal
< m
' C. "IHd I S" \(’Y l.llltll.
I ' d I. drU";id'' 5 e ami $L bottle.