Newspaper Page Text
era! bayous arid lakes, and this will hold
;;ie water t »£••'. h*. r tn .< great • xtent. and
prevent its sur- .ding nut and wreaking
«.fstruetian over a \ rv large area. But
» v-n under this favorable condition there
will bo considersbb damage in Critten
den co< ••My. Arkansas, from the break.
What will result from it alnng tin- St.
Francis river canno? be forecasted.
Marion. Ark.. Inundated.
M>mph:fl T-"i . .V.i’.j Jff If nrts at
m late hour i«*rr»;ht from Marion. Ark..
t*-’l of great havoc by the flood at that
point and ays that Mich extremities
hive ho>n report-d by the people them
that it was decided tonight by -a commit
tee of ci’izens • • dynamic the I* vee to
morrow at M<»nnd City. Ark., unless the
S-. Francis b-v- e board -ent a rescu ■
boat through th- i»r-a \ at Tri a's land
ing before noon.
Wat«: is running cd,at feet deep
t : ” ”' -h c \ sn e-t of the town with
Fill'd force id rapid i ise is in
pi ■•>gre-- Twenty whit • p-T-ans of local
famdiv- a:> quare.-d in the sc-ond
si- rj. ot the court hous- and fuiiy
negroes, many without lad. are
1•• i up iu \; lions ail-lings of the
U.igc. S-’ hundred ba?.id of stock,
with -it sufl’r ;* nt food are on platforms
• the village and the fust story of all
; - are und; r water
Th- Frisco raiir-’.id track- arc covered
•nd wash -i f-r m:i- and a hand car
i-ariag General Mauag- r B F. Win- hep
v. -s pa; through fl *m :h< w-v-t today
g’’ at- diflu illy and grixe
• Mr. <i!'”d that he so w
• F pc d' ap- uing the lin-- tin •ugh t >
M- inpl'.is for ai b isf w ek ;»U*t the
wo- t shill subside
Railroads Shut Out of Memphis.
Metnpb March IS. The fl*»•• 1
« .ati-Of tnuig'ht .-haw a nun; ’.-r "f
r w and d* vH »pm-tit< and there
<r- ’• - re v hope for improv, d
; iiti ‘V,s \ . t . x . pt t f.a t th.;' i! I ■ <
' ■ - ft- M . '; pi t - t h north t
Id- -d the • . -une in t'
*r - \i. ; iphl i, io: W. Si I ? lev -e
‘ • -a* ■: * ’.'fl , tha T two p1-
>• trains w- r meat ’»■ 'w- : wash-
• w • -a . ’ < k ■ ■• •h- •\crfl-‘a -
* ’-t'-ir- ■•••>• r n;P. - w • t of I’aidge
- • <• \ cni \-:i - ■ ; •- -• i'«r-Ts and « r.-w
t ; ght over on< h mdr* d of
1 a- r ••-m.i'u the lr.tin.< wiili
’ : .--p. • « f ng taken off until t »-
u -r- '-.v H’--' ’i -'A' ■ -T. thev ar.- c, -t
c .. . t b» •*: l.r«g- r »nd t'-
wh. rct-i-ne-i fro m th- surr-»:.uded
• • ' ' ' ' «t ’ ■•• ■ : p ■ ■ igeis
R- i f..j t :
Passenger*- Aie Rescued.
■' hr. fr; : ■ -r tba t rack -f ta. W m
Mn-mvo-y near Altmar. Ark Before
t m a?« wash' d out r teks ard on this
: dr rhr • ut,-I.j 1;• «n ha?, been -• irrb'd aw.iv
.’•!1 *•» If the extreme
F . ’ «kit<g ns ■ f ' h ’nd •rs <u- -
.'■ ,J .-- rh. W a(- • ).;nd trams
tight t i ci: •ihir :g-d and
■k ■. :; . xs Ti r !?• i ; u ;»-r )• f is* d
tho C', . • . b go! b\ the r.' dr-• i :
op.i: . A >• d 1' ■ • tr.i in
■ ■ ■
»< ■ •.* L- at t y- : io. v b '
. x ,r er. t/n. the draWag-
»W al a,'..' ' , ,;'.C.
I Br«»w M« r- antHr <o.. M . !.o»d*.
k '* '■ ■■■'o i\)
S 5
It is “ IT.”
~?S only Sanilac
: A7- V’ r ,b ' *br information.
C. F. Nightingale f
3Q Vurr.T, Xcv. York City.
5 2 5 R~WARD
. , .... ■ ! !■ M- . „i, T
"Jy'/TflW ;
• ‘tr-xF, r-.c« bot’rxf. * Boxr> an
LeniFville Ky.
feißidM 1
I Hoo<l.
®l A/ S
Redder than her little hood AJ & Wj.A ' tfFx
I Was her blood,
So pure and good.
I Pure, good, abundant N \ x. \
| blood is made by
Hood’s I
which expels every humor, inherited |
or acquired, strengthens all the organs
and builds up the w hole system. 11 is
The Spring Medicine
par-excellence used in thousands p
and thousands of homes.
“ I havo ben a nnr«o for nin--fe«n
If Ton are bilious Rrs - end 1 Unnw of no be,tftr biood
renovator than Hood 8 Sarsaparilla,
or constipated n makp , purP rich blood, tones the
take liver and kidney, and invigorates
u J. fl>s ,bp whole system. It has relieved
tiOOCI S KUIS onP o f njv friends of catarrh and
Also. cured many others of blood dis-
" eases.” A. C Pmmkr, Rochester, >
bew Hampshire.
A Accept no Substitutes for Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills.
beii -nd the ; y.- f| I. d port ><»n
of Askars i- wiit’hi ohu- 1 a foot o’ :
the height <-f th-- water -»n the river side |
■P ' ted sh > M- • - -pp. •. . r m.a \ - how i ;
face ( ' *he bt- »k ! while m- ii-- o z
Jurr-’b of w- '-r w. ••• b« r g drained Ht » i
; ’he inimediate : rritor? w :i. h been I
.f 1 ahh-<i w>- ilin-'si at .'*'•■ ; i>. of |n< |i
an h • • Thi< fact has ’ U a’| past per
: formanecs at tu-aght and h-’w that the I
nev-r bt n di atnei ot from form' 1
. flo., :s
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
i:; !It d. Bb ed ng o r «\-..iru i--,g
rile Y- druggist v . i ; refund ye T
mon. if FAZ(? • >l.\ : MEXT lads to < ’
••-ou. C'-rns
Eartb.quake Shocks Felt in North >
Georgia Town .
Fa ■>, <; ; March !»• <Sj- :.v ) |
i Ci rec nr four difdint ' earthquake shocks I
I Were f'-'it h*'f e ;tbuul S O t ;Ock yesterdax I
j morning.
, T): «ame in su •-s -n about thirty |
• seconds apart The n- was likt that ■
of ■ -ut r .mbii'-g t :nd- i it -1 th p j
j shocks W-T» p’-ii A felt i'.,. •• . i
IF were shaken and th*- wlndox
: rarth'd, causing m .uv ; IS I. oun ,
‘ iiighicii'd and : a to the -ji.<:s
Tlu sho< ks wen nuo* dlstr •tly (
I than Wose r.f the Charleston • a rtii'iiiak- j
i I’r - wI. w« -■ ;p 11 a*: c o • h r .
I state ;hat th.- m-*st disiy-i sho |< w -- ;
• felt a-’ \ <•'< lock
Three Shocks at Elijah.
Eli iy, •- t . M '.reh P- •Sf 1 ;
: Three distinct but - icT.t • arth'i take 1
i du- i> »A er- dl her. *’• -rd-- mon-- '
y, . pc ■. ■ -a'. r»- i ’.a rrn. d -. -1 j
Shocks Felt nt Calhoun.
G*i. M.> ■!> 1« -Sp‘ .e— |
w h .ini- yesteril - ni- r ni::g
\i. - •. .k.i r :.nb!n ;; >■ is. w:-.« j
J: d tl J, ’fhvv< ‘t follow- I b'• a I
Earthquake in Montana.
G: ve Chrc tic Chit! Cure
d ■ Mi I of t fc >w ig fl dd
■ ?. ..
■>>- 1 : ' ' ■ I '-11 ■ X.. !'-I ■ . y- c ,
L.i' : T . En i:y Returns Charged I
to Governoi Davis.
’ ••. I 'tiit • I S ' ?.]a rshal i 'lor. • a r
VI. - • - i witness, h -s .
: i!.. -lth< ugh tw ■« ;bv - > j
•••■•- .. - - - -u I fv h;m »i w■' d I
i..! '- rr . that h<* w dd r *t c -m-* to ;
I ■ • H k «.! • < he was « »mr*' - I t ,f ,
-i • i id d< ib -1 to a k th- h< a ■ for •
.-!) .dta 1 m- u. . ir.p« . ' ’or|- nt r nf-
-. ’. his wi 1- (lap- M la -.
wa . .fp o srand to t< siif*. as to i
3 . 1 •- ill i pr b. M’ • ■-! p- Ut'-I ;
>< « thai ‘ iry-ri'-r met him on th<‘ ■
:> ■■ ■: L -I 1 :i.'ist st.iio -1 -i. . rat:- ;
t- I I iiim : < X-v- rn -r i
I ■ . . ■im < - • the 'plr-ne ,
-i -i -.n i'iirk ■ lunl.' hah gone for ;
"I ..i ■. m • -<; < ip. ni• ■ u> - f S.’ii j
Xot a minute should be lost when a child
shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedv given as soon as the child be
comes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough
appears will prevent the attack. It never fails
and is pleasant and sale to take.
K J I id idm-'-l the
c ■ : i • b\ ni ) b'rfl •
••This will nd rop’i'-.fl fl-wnruor
H.«vi>. ’ you must r» turn the county f-T
<; -verrutr * l.»rk»' !»> uu > ; B- mem
bor I gov.rn •: and if x.-u get
t ; i)i>ie I XX !! pi.H. -’ »;• pnrdtui
I>r W lib till - 1' stilb <1 F.' •• th •! Mi.
■"'irpvt'r t’d-l linn <' y.-vrbax I. -t
lu- wt.iiltl t’dl lb- • \ -■ I truth 11 c-ilb'-l
upon I■ • d- • -- • but (hit b- W'on’t’ Tint
(••me »c» Ettl- lb- k i;nl<\M be x*. .< - < c»m-
_ -
Huff..)-.. X 5 ,' : i .’1 Wh-n the
inqu. I. inlri 111.- I'.’ murder nix s
terx ■- l-r-- :sli! ' i • - mi Mun.liy
■ i Tm I.: I ’ - pt -b Uli•-. nl> ■.-
iii- ■ mution is I irtln .nnimr
I li.. t ver<l t wi tie i' nin -i t<< t lie
if. .t r .11 t ■ -in xvi .mi;’: i I -
0 ror p- r- u-ikr,.>u
"At i !>.. pr. S- ’il litu- :•■■■ :.i ;> II offi ;i!
I'-- i. ■ ’ ’ 11- !••• i 1 -1" VI-.- 11l . t' -I- 11-IV. XX i|.X
< >mmnt’-.i the ri:.u-. \\ 1:11. t)i<r«- is i
■ impl '■■>• -pi■•••:> 'i-.iin-t --lie
■ it Hi - not been made dear h- xv
that p- could 11-ive <■ mimitt.-.1 1 io
. rim.- with"ut . oiiu-.i.iu ft in inside the
b vs. X" p: ■■' ,i off.-: ed -a' ■ • •■'n
- "I’ll- -a: -X. ’ lit ’ sitspii i -n, and that
-i"> • u"t i-is’r . ti;- iiati- ■ u xx : r
: .11 x, . P ■ k he filled u, in
t.. I. if- n ;t VP- • ■ is r’-iiardi-d as
.-I ;.1 >ll S mb learn .1 sb- Is
> x.i i.itied I", the dis rict attori'ej
l: ;’ ,\ Y Ma rii ' Th inn. st
■ i iv. in 1.. It . d. ■ k -■ ill
r- .:m .i . .1 . I«--. Mur, hj ■ ■ rt
morr-’v. .fton -a t .’ - -I• ’k The
M xx h" i ■ a-t’-ii’-x- I".’- I turd;- k.
and in wh->s dli.- Hadi ii and H
l i. .11 met 1-: i -•m i- - ’.-vi-ral
XXi; !•■■: • !.-•>•; ■ nil : -I-" I ' d.i"V. j
mi. - - xx in I’.-:.•>••11 t- » -I -n |
i ir. f. . :i. ill -n t-■ n hi l: i--- >< j
Til. thu d vi! m O1 th- da |
.x; .. • • ti ■ Mr... x : : •■- Hard iK. |
xx id ’x- ■: i- i :•• d m■ ■ I'' u> sc j
w: nc ■ > hi- tbt vj ■’ ir- «l ■ ■ I -ic I
■l.: im r pr-- -’lug-? in lite ’
pi; I . ■ ,|ti:t xx ill ■ nd lat pi l . -pan
tn- d- '. i-luprm rit< tomorrow
\\ i ■ d . i .-. a- :. in I'- .f
--■..v-.t-: - i h. ’• I. ■nd w'a mur-
. -:i ■-.>■: m--i- l - hytU- i
XX •• IS !1 ?< • W \ i. ■' ll
X\ fl H U’U Hi.! ;•• > ’ ‘ .
T - null! .■<•;. • n :
’ .M.’i.-h ’7 -Th- Sliann • k 111 I
wc -t ,t. .- -1 ’i'. ufl-ir tin mQht p » :
■ ; . -..lit Sh •irt---lm . . I
xxife . • the ..-"tnmudore of tin- li ’- .il 11-
. Y 1.1, 1 id ■ II v.the ■a- lit 111 !
; ... pi i mmb< <; < mg--is!:. •! I
1" ■ ' '"f Si 't • I I. K >'l th" !
and \- i ■ : i . • ■ s’ iincHP <-• hop* ■
-Ail h -• 'he
111 - mm s\ dl h i.. ■■■ sling ; 1
Reliance Is Cup Defender’s Name, j
H* Fl-.I H. I M »r. h I. A f*-w hour-'
r I’m' /'.merit 1 m cup < h.u 1 longer
S -.-tiiV’ lx 111 rum’r- Imt mniden phmg ■
;:>:•• '' - 1 • 1 : w 'fl lU'-n at the
I!< rr.'.-)?->f: -gai; the prelim in.i rx t.i'"
pla-’ing th' ni-*r ; - e- ii!w;-x in < --ndi
1! m fm . !m- Fum ->f th- Rchan<-
N’- v. sb- .i .u r m - r-' to 1 ?! th*-
.nd of th f->: thu •:* ppir:»i «»f tile
mast ju the ih-w t •»! ) tu-< v • !■- sub
■«:•••• ’ • ■ ..ih i-‘si t"d.i • and ea i.\
I d .p - in :• ••vi • . v ’u»wiug that
!’ V lib’ •'•’ 'll 11V !• swing Hi'
big h»‘ 1 ni;> • wh‘. fl w ’gl-> th-mt six
i . -
President of Venezuela Tires
of Strenuous Life—May
Not Be Accepted.
Cara'-'. M.-rcn 21. President Castro
has resign. -1 He placed his resignation
in the hands oT congress alb r reading
the presidential messag. .
In ‘h» ordinary c'*ur--- <>: event.-, I ’i
ffl-nt < astr<>'; term would have outlf-i
February 1903 He was elect'd pi>'-i
--deiit of Venezuela, l ist year in February
for six. y-'.trs. If- had been elected
pr -visional president oi Vcuezm ia on
.Marh . la.-i, the constituent as
sembly. S-imr C.i tr *. when th-: presi
dency - iuing' d hand.- s“nie time previom-
I- that dai--. ha-! pr - laimrd himself pr-s
--idem, and the 1 idled Stat.-s government
in N"r. -a.;, j j ri j oflbdaliy r» ieg
nized ilu de'.i- tn government headed b\
iiim. I'h. action the <<msli(m;it a.---
semhl,-. it gab.zr-I hi> p f, siti -n and inx-S’-' i
him with the full p >;*?.•■ of a j’-si-hu: !••>'
ruler to the limit of authority I p : •
that time, while o<i".g g--nerall\ rot-og
niz< d i*-- i-’ -'i-u nt ot \- n« zmu ’.i ■ ha-i
in rea-iix b.---u simply dlct it-'f of the r--
i public \ • «-;i r to ,i • all* id r B“d.
| tlu- VonozueFn ro:igi»'.<- ratifi- d his ••I*-. -
' tiou and i-gul.irly install*.i him a presi
; of Venezuela for a term of si < \eors.
! dating f»om Ft-hru n \ 2“, 1?').:.
j Decline to Accept Resignation.
j Caracas. V»- n . M.n- n Th?
\ vin zuelan congr- b\ a im.mimous
i x ote, has d- . lined '<■> Ip. -■i-h-i,t
resolution reuiusimg him !-• r-■ vid-r
his de- i.-’--':. It j . iu lh-ved I’r- '-u
--de.'it (’asim w;fl yield to tla- , \p:e <-d
desire of •ongt-s-, .md remain in p we*
'l’he « -iigress.ona | Ir*?. was crowd' d
yesterday aftejnoon a*'-l all f’u* m**ni
bers of :h» diplomat to e-ups w- t. pre--
nt when President < o-tr-- to id bi< m*s
sage to congress, president <’;• :ro tu t
passed hi rexip’v th-- tcrri’.dp -udi r i-ci .
whhh prevailed In ;he <• • mire, .ml de
nounced th errors his countrymen
But,'’ b'* continu'd. *hf it ,s pajr.f:;]
to consul* r how ranch bl -od ha.- i--"'n
shed and how man . tears, It >- a r<»n
--soLiti-m to think that their biiter <o ea:it,
i>\ the law of <• .• mi . u;i; f.-.
cun-lite something lb.-' irvald *••»: ia
• present dax asp:'.i toms, sin • • v- i -
an onward step h.a ■■ -• ti tak» ri on th.'
road ia human pcrf"cti«»n. • «ur
ilHZi’l h gis’i.i tor- . .. I ‘hr .'•)
versftbs which have •■ppr-: - .| js
must t' the ' .malls -f ■ n
• Über a ■ e w shod • a 11 a aanu ■’ ui
xl’ : ton."
A nglo-Grerman Exactions.
Touci mg tin t: or; ■ que' li-Ml of the
:a •• foreign int< • ■.'-nH >n, I*>- -.‘••r t
C. tro r.-Hd it had ■■ -m i.roi; :-,t ab ill
b_x league of >r u-10. wlm. ’mablc t'j
submit their claims to the impartiality
of the tribunal, had ernplo < 1 for ]l«
• i.l that, b* c i he ’•••»• i •-d ' • submit.
•>• th- A ng’oo h •ma n ra :ior.- • ing m
< imsion with the rm. 'luiionar' nu il.
M.i. - pnd«av<.-n<l .. ret rid • r h’m
tonflrmaii»n of thi- <• it. vnt, Bi lent
tr-- cited -i I dti r writ :■. .. th •
• -m:n;<ndt j of ■ <1 • : :na n aa s .a p
S: -st h. l’r. ‘ id • x •
th i t flic save:, nt*. »f 1m T. •; • ’ h.-
been yaf. gu -. r>.
“1 DL w delix -C .. ab’::.- . . . ( -u d •
that you may j - ••• > b to ill
him who should lake my plate. . .. th it
there may remain > no Xxm zm-i tu . v
slightest pr* (ext f-»r h svb.t t.-> :'ui. emm-,
try, oi for connivam-e with fm-.
w:i >. without any gi ■•.•'id save tm , f'-ll
up-'a unfart un;i: • \* j; -z.-.m!. trampling
umjer foot I*-.!-- n and ju<u • t-> ''i-
ti- :rim< st f chiL/.ui ’ -ml rig -’ \\ ith
h- id uplifle i 1 : a I • {... • • •
nr . I r< 'urn t t t ’fort : tu!
whi a hon >r aml digni ’ M • •> r
gi'-s and pc - jb'hii s • n-' life a: a t
your r\ a e should it a- <une n-. ••ar,,
ai’se and def- ■ d <-i - . -).i r. . • m- ••t
the attacks of the foreigners A!! :h
mm ' 1 ask Is o contemplate \ - i.t
i--c ming r p. t h pr ’--p-Tmas am!
’! io pn sident I -i • ’h< n r -eix -.i
I’* ■ blent c.i :ro *e<‘ • atirm. .-cd .. '•tn
mi.-don was a; . oini nnmediai iy -«
’ <:■ . w ip a i • 1./ tm.-Fr.d i • stg
!’ ! t\. , -.x... .xr, Tom- <n, t o ln
! CT- it*d :a! ■•; • . trum>' in p‘d ■a!
i I' . .- .! th. -I! X ■ m-.ined <, :et.
Request Him To Reconsider.
I Eater a night si*-.*; •■•?ngress was
jln -I ami a i* -oluti 'n v. s <h>pt"d
’qm st! I’i- sr eut •’ tro ( r-.? .
hi i. sign Hion Pi . exx- ■! i h-> aii. ,i 1
: • »ndi Hon f t : | ami - \ >•- of
. oHidei. • i’l hi pal wis pass<-I . .1.1)
I i*• 11■ - mil : hir s« ■' i I - Ih» pr ■
■i ■ .!-■;• :1.1 j app ’ b ? . g; -
I gr* -s 1• fa ing • • .a.- pt h r. -i:• Hi •»,
!.> ml ; equ- Lum him ’ «• im id- .
i wiii’-.i I.- X' in ■ . I>i • t .
I F.-.fl ii xx.n- -Tip Tr.r ■ ■ t.-ft
: 1 ’Gtl.ivrr. G.r ■>: !- ■■ n .p
■ ‘ -lieuting >’. .t tii." Is is. r. i 1 •
. ar tn" rnnl • ..mi- ntb ’■-> •'« > r. - ilt
• "■ IT !■!< nt' < r-slgnn-i»n
Do You Suffer with Piles?
I I)., protrude?
| I’" thoy
| I’" th.",- pain you?
1 l>o j-’.i have ui.n 'is nr bloocly dls-
! charges"
I I ■ (’r*:itnly eur<» vnu Write me
full-. \ilxb-r perfect!'.- fr.-e Dr.
: T... k.T. !.. Rt., .1 Sircef Atlanta. Ga.
Death of Canon Farrar.
I.’.n-i '". M <• h Th.-' Vet x
; ’I- -:, iv Will: ini I rat dean of -'an
1 ' riutry i>i.■„ 1' ■ .li- -1 ■ ..1,. 11- xx >s
lint: <■ nt : . X” tr
I > ’Oil I •: ar It ..I long b. rit I-t ’I. • e
health and di- ■j i ■:> paralx
nt irnitic ■ >■! h- cx’iir’-.l )■• icefuitj- at
7 o'cl" k this evening.
How Ont Bible Takes.
Tlic Premium Blbh came to h->. 4 last
v.... k.
V. .are In’ig'n* xxlth It .tn ! consider
it tl most complete work that xvc have
We sh.ill alwn.s appreciate 1' as a
cht >-tm.-’ ■ m-'sen: from yot. the ."st
i< too small to enunt. compared to its
real value !• 1. HINE
Mmkka. Fla
Wood Goes to Manila Next Week.
V\ .lalltnuii.m 17 il. O’ ’ ’: ■ I
;iiO | irtx vx .■ I here Thursdax- »■
next week f. t Maiula. g’ ing by wax- of
Nantes General Who.’, xvill take <om
’>■' tin department "f Mindanao m
til hr mlxiii. f > tin i.immitnl
■he Phiiini’h.ns
Great Shooting by Tars.
; Wnshilißi'iu M.ireh 17 i'it" l.alt i.■ ■■!.in
I Msst.'lius.-t t nt Fens..""!:. in tiring
| xx itli sitb-e iii!.- r guns .-t t i nn>x ing t argei.
dir-tani 2’ie ya'd... nut so v.-dueed its siz-'
n to tie equi dent tn a t iritnt 17 f. by
21 fret, ~,t i di-toner of I.7i't' yards, mad
ten hits nut f ten sh 'ts with a turret
c in and six i .t« out of F- xen shots xvith
a broadside g in.
, -\s\ -- \
Why Women Should Confide In a Man.
- J’. Ige ! t fore friendstnp. tln-n confide."
~T r ■ ■ nt n !i easier for i woman to con-
• fide in the average riait than in the
: -L. average xvoniau. Slit- knn.xs that
flic man xx ill respect her coutidences
nnd keep them to himself. He is strong,
■ has more experience of lite world and
i can help the xvomati who needs adv: e.
It is said that lovaltx- is usu.-iIU lacking in
the feminine make up. Without ,i j ertect
understanding ihr-re can be !:■> helpful
' advice, and not one woman in ten place:.
I implicit confidence in her own se-; The
i consciousness of her own weakness p it'
, her on guard against the failings of all
other xx’ornen. In the same wav a worn
j an hardly feels I'ke confiding her xx-om
, anly troubles - her x\. ikness dm- to dis
. eases essential!x- feminine -to a woman
. That is probahlx win xvomen do not
• usually succeed aS ph r-aciatis. Then is
I every reason v.-b.>. xxomcn houM not
■ trust their dele ate constitutions in th"
i hands of unskilled person.-. It. requires
. a thorough n.— lii al eilucaiion ' appte
! ciate aud understand the womanly or-
I ganism. When a woman has ills and
I pains that she cannot bear alien li'e
' seems dark for evei v xvomaii slie should
I confide b t ttoubles t<> a pin -tnian
standing in the comm::nitor one xvbo
has a nat on il re’ i"n. i -.-rtaini- it
would not be th- p.i;t of wnilo ii to con
fide in an ignore".: : ■ . witi out med
ical edncal ion ' imply ! ■ >u ■ she xxa- i;
avntnn. There ■■ n -.x i she
should v.rile !■>'"Hl li Speci.ii ■ . one
xvho has made the d: -•. oi xvomen a
specixlt- for a third of a eenturv. like
Dr. R. Fierce, i\ ■::n7-r of the Inva
lid’s Hbt<4 an Sm <1 In ' -ate. of
Buffalo. N Y All la .or -.ixmdem-i
■ is held sacr.'dlx- conilde’itia':, and h"
I gives his advice free ami v.ithout charge
si---'.:.’-: ano Mxi<i:;i'.n whmi-x
Verx- Otten fin’! th- is rer-ugnant to
then feeling's to c- r '-dt their fiimilx
' physician. In suck a ■ >.se thvx- <in put
perfect confidence in Dr. Fierce, who
, I lias marie meh a suec’.'s-, in the tre.t
inent of woman s .’ -s. ' : ' • xx
give you tile verx- b< ■’ l . :-.-e ]
, and without cost to you. T > grow beau
tiful, healtliv am' ’: should be the
desire of every x’. irii.: i II is then possi
ble to hi bi a iiiisb.'.ml ami *’ make home
happiy and brie.; contentment to i’.
Nothing is more ':■■ ■. iiful '.nd iefresi>-
ing than t" see a worn ,n with a sx met
rical form, a ebe- rfir, lie.iltb.v sparkle ;u
her eve'., an elastic si’-p ice: F walk
■ aud gestures, a sc- relnuice blended
xvith a sxi’et repoc.-iu! manm-r aud en
veloped in a cloak of self respect Ten
I years ago it was '< to be weak,
[ to appear timid .nd to faint under any
! undue excitement Tb-- woman of to
! dax- is an altogether ditfen nt cre-rtme.
She reeogni trim it is her <".:t-.
make an effort to dev’-b•;> li'-r body am 1 ,
her mind, and there is no reason xxhx
she bould sutler pi- odicallv Inm pair
j Then again women approach the ordeal
of maternity with great fear l-.-cause of
a run-doxiH > oristitntion i xx to the
drains and xvea.kened vit ilitx bv reason
of su h pi ’ca-i. 1 -'utter: eg. .-ill fcl'.
women 'in’ ild turn •<> tin- right person
for - m am! ."■> —i advci' In
’ most c.i: s Dr. Fieri >'• I'-ivor:!'-
■ scrim ion will lit the needs am! put tm*
. in -i lie.ilthx- coiidituin. It !
made ilic : uv.:-. i ni.-luncholv in- u:■
era'ce womi-.i . he. ::nl and happv.
curing 'lie y- nhil wot" in • o ■-■•a' s
which umb-rmim . xxormn's 1-!i tic
r 'iigtli. It < ■ bl. he ■ •i . x ami
I so does axiai' with monthly ni’.--e’x-. It.
R< port Snys ?-D - > 0 - ierstund
ing with Each Othei
I a 1i- • 1 ' n, :>
jof r.<v. Th' ; : 'D‘3liou v- p: '•
tliui ini-. -- have .-n nndcrsfl '.ndm . ;ii” ”
: th-'ii; •'ve . nt h onie t
• rh . v.!,] .<1 nfi from h’r.:’ fl '■ ’>F
■ law
", t . .-.xld :c Ices down
I on mm ■il " ■ '' ' ■ ' ’ r
: ( .xx . .-ti”i
tlu ir purefli • 1■ • nh, ■ H’ B
I Ujv southein ' i“P ,v ••xh-iosß'd. M:id- t‘>
i (ij ■ rr ing- -aIF f'*r ’-•» < •
[ xx-hi.h lliex nimbi’- ■ ■ proem. M■ ■-1
. of the mills are f-ir i. -c scpplie.l xx
I . m i>... .-mm ■ -mi" mm,
! iiinimh :i f* vv !'-•’■ ■• ’ 'nir.u ft'u 1-t t . 1
. \ u»“ d
: 'l'im- rriills ku"\v t. 11 :■ - ’
i w ii! •' t‘> '• ‘‘A ’ ’ "'■ 1 •‘•’ l, '‘ !l ll, " n ' I,s
■.. amint "■ lie I"■ J" ..' r ' ' :lt
; ■ that ■" "-ytlmig ■- f-iidlmi I"
'XX o’l "mner t"t ri« >'mTl
. Tl,. mills in nit" ar.' d"fr. '• " V
’ is >ai.l that "ill' m ’ i'S irr liirii.'.l
, > :■ mills ■ ".miny l 1 i: pr- ■■ nt
pl v :■ ix '■• th< m a suflicient mar
: kj,. ~|- m-otit. The sltwittnn :.-• extremely
! i I "'l'l'.'-I i i IS. to S'V the l-iml.
Worst Blizzam' ■’ '■ •’"'» Reported
Raging i’i Colorado.
:, nver. . -.i1",. Mar h IV Tim mimv
.".■ii xvliicii " ,-he.i ih"- city fi'i'ni the
l’.'-- inerini'ic li'"’- pi”X’’l I" Im ihe
mo -1 m■ r i.. i;-z i"■ i , x ’.-rmii. ■,I i:< r
: t;/. v- 'iii'-y. ’i'll-- -n-»\v dri\ »-n !u r,u-;y
' . for .. lii. ’n '"."th wiinl. make-, xvalk
l ing iliiTirmt and bw-im-.-s is g.-iwraifi
i There u- every indication that the
■ dries debilitating drains and so cures the
| cause of much womanly weakness. It
heal< inflammation and ulceration, and
' cures the bearing-dow n pains, w hich are
such a source of suffering to sick women.
i "Good actions speak louder than
words,’’ so too, does the testimony of
nianv thousands of women during a third
of a ccntui v speak louder than mere
claims not becked by a guarantee of
some kind. That is the reason why 'he
proprietors oi Dr. I'ietcr-'s f avorite F:<
scription are xxilling to offer re
ward lor women xxho cannot be cured.
Such a remarkable offer is founded on
the long record of cures of the diseases
and weaknesses peculiar to women. It
there is ar. inxalid woman, suffering from
female weakness, prolapsus, or falling
of womb, or from leucorrhca who lias
used Dr. Fierce's Favorite Frescription
xvitho'it complete success, the original
proprietors and makers of that world
lamed medicine would like to hear from
such person and it will be to her advan
tage to write them as thev offer, tti jx-r
--feet good faith, i reward of fsoo for any
case of the above nu’lacites which thev
cannot care. No other medicine for
woman's :il> is posse ssed of the unparal
leled cv.rative properties that would war
taut its makers m making such an offer.
"I suffered for five years xvith terrible
pains, especially at the time of menstru
ation, and diil not know-xchat the trouble
was until the doctor pronounced it in
flammation ot th- ovaries, .amt pr. pcsed
an operation.’' writes Mrs. Sybil i’aiae.
of v>4~ Indiana Avenue, Chicago. 111-.
"1 felt weak and sick, was suit- that
I would not survixe such an ordeal, and
decide'! that ! would not undergo an' ■!>. !! ■ t:i> I to persuade me.
but I rem.'.ine 1 1 fnm. Tin- following
week 1 read an arivertisement in tin
p iper a- to the x dtv < f your * Favorite
Pr< cr: lion ' tn such an igetic . an I
1 <’.■• rmitled tot:"- < it wa> mx
j"v li> fin’: that I b:i'! actually improved
aft- r taking txio buttles. i dared not
believe that 1 s.'s getting well but kept
tip. ti--.ii'-iiTt. and within eleven
week- from the time J took tile first
do ■'. I was w ell. Have . i He'd igllteeil
p'ltinds, am in health, ml
- in 1.- e i’: ■ 1 i ■ ’ from the dv.-.d. You
siir-ly deserve great success and you
have nix "-.-'t wishes.”
Read all about votirself, your system,
t’: - pin sioloi’x <>f life, inatomv, hygiene,
simple home cures, -. : . ~ in The Common Mei’tii d A<h her, book of toco
page- For cloth-bound copy send >.i
cents in olic-< etit stami -. or for paper
covered -t '■tannw. Address Dr. R. V.
Fierce Btitfdo, N A
1 nd : it xx .In ’■ xi : ortie >li-
;. ~ .i; .la in:. .- ta . it xx i it"
tb 11;.-. it w>: 1 1 them
j--!, tl! ■ th- will die
' s Tl • M : > : ■ a.. !.- iVI, ’
Blizrnr." in Kan-ms
D- ’ >!■ . ■ ■
Do ; . ■ ■:. •■■
■ ,ve rtneß9
1 I ! '” ’ iVe ’Huy In
fegfiV .-tsp
■ '- ;or " n ' s,r ’
c‘ fl W'l’W'’' ■ . •
I’i T .--k<T, Broad
better than cure. Tutt’s Liver
i'ills will not only cure, but. if
taken in time will prevent
Sick Headache,
lyspepsia.biliousness, malaria
■ constipation, jaundice, torpiu
' liver and kindred diseases.
■flfl ’■ - ■ .fl s' .fl fl
.kws WMWi’onr »r<rei
I furnish the werk nnd ie*ch you you work
t'.fl lociiit-; wn*.re you itN-r.d nt y<mr addre-» aud wewll
i *x rls n th* bi» M| fully. ’*o3*o'o*- puav»p , *o » le*r prefix
•jfs I f r sv(*ry day *. worr absolutelysuro - 'Writ* on<*e
’ BOW’ WASI hfl* T> CO., VeUolt, M;*K
good times and bad times
I The eiiiti'Hi is almost exhaust" ! -•-
igiv-'. out til" offer .-top.-, ord. ' ut
■if you want it "tirst .-"ino. first served.' -
This Is the only t-iok of Ftur.
I K.ett'B inimitable sketches that has ever
I been printed, it does not contain ar ; ’
h t later letters, but is filled with some
io-' li'" best ■ arli-r productions Amrr.g
i'hem ar.' his war stories, stori-s of the
I home the customs and some r.f the
1 uuairit Ideas of the cracker, and his home
n'a'.l.- philosophy and observations .
I worth the reading.
The book Is In paper cover. 2<X) page.
wt ." printed nn« wit be sent pest q
to ‘anv address nnd-r th,- above -e :
a premium with The V.’-w-k'.' Gons::,
tutton one year. SI-', the b. 'k :•
co<ts y ,l; i nothing. We will send the
book almm upon receipt of cents
O'tr supply is limited a-ui the Ter i ■ a
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Address 1 orders I ' ■
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ior r-■ a:"’ ■'i"' ■ 1 letter, wherein we
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on; ex
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W .v cC' l Pend 2nii-h.?r-J . ■ 2 ■ '
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. A. Addr-xEURr ... 20 fl"<
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Irotn your regular o- c tuaion n; • '• > t
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J \\ . Key 'too: I ». u ♦-ft •**
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W'fleS! Paul Association Suite 949, IS Virß^renSt .Ch eAgo
Ti>lU AMA IX < | I
!’a< c I la*» I>< hm' :i ]> Dm ng in Aim a ,\fl L« u’.
*.’n» E.>rmn, the hr.nt.-; and the Mart-* . f Trade V
r‘ <'t>rd <>i iifl .'it’hiuvpinents and a (ieui“;:Sf.r.ui;> n• '•
hH pnsfl h:' if les. .’i-’j pages, -..’■'•i ens• •? v .-n; - By !•• •
’..J I’d, ’kin. >ijp'?rvi3ed .ii:d intr’‘dm”.’d by *,e
•b>hn B.<;. ’rd - *n, former Ma jo i tn n*fl U ;n <'iift'de
.ate Aci.r. Aduresfl f-'r dt's-'r; pti >n, t'-rrnfl ’’.".d
full parfieulars and what is said ui it by Demo 1
cram and Republican*—• white and bla**k .
N.D.THt»MrS'»N’ ?’! BbIhHING ( • 1-’U •