Newspaper Page Text
G. D. RUCKER. Editor & Propr.
Mr. W. C. Wall, the popular ijiummer,
was in Alpharetta yesterday.
The Fkee Press r.turns thanks to the
railroad authorities for Rew year favors.
Bob Nesbit is the proqd father of a
new girl, and mother and babe arc both
.doing well.
Jim Smith has named his new boy
Robert Berner, in honor of pur Georgia
Harvey Webb returned to Pallas,
Texas, last week, and will u.akp that
pouutry his home.
The young man who fails to attend ,
the Alpharetta high school is
in his own light.
The pleasant and familiar face of Mr. I
John P. Webb, of Norcross, was seen on
our streets yesterday.
The snow is about gone, but it lias 1
left the public roads in a most dreadful |
condition. They arc as aqfj. as a rotten |
Mr. T. A. McCleskey has pqi’chascd ’
Mrs. Rinnie Letson’s residence, on Ros
well street, and will immediately take 1
Let our in tlicir •
letters on Tuesdays, as The Free Press ■
will hereafter be born a day earlier than j
Mr. G. H. Collins has taken charge of !
the mercantile business at Warsaw, and
is making it hum. Green deserves suc
cess, and we predict hn will succeed.
We observe that the machinery qf the {
Alpharetta debating society lias not yet
been set in motion. Why is <t that Pro
cessor Swanson docs not touch the but
Several Alpharettians went to Atlanta
yesterday morning. Miss Alta Howell,
>rho was among the number, will spend I
Several days with friends in the Gate
TiirFrke Press will hereafter goto
Roswell on Thursday instead of Satur
day. This change j; made necessary in
order to accommodate our one hundred
readers at that office.
Mrs. S. T. Kimbcll wastakaq violently
(11 last afternoon, a»,d
thought for a while that tjie could not
recover. However, she rallied after a
Short While, and is now out of danger.
Nothing has yet been heard of Bob
McGinnis, who mysteriou ly disappeared
about four weeks ago. His family are!
greatly troubled at bis failure to return !
They think he has been foully dealt :
If every militia district in Milton
county is hs scarce of rabbits as Alphar
etta district, the county is out of seed.
The boys about town have caught more
than two hundred rabbits during the '
present snow.
Fire wood usually sol's for 50 cents a
two-horss load in Alpharetta, but the re
pent snow ran it up to 75 cents a load,
and even at that price it wasliard to get. ;
Some of our citizens ought to go to. the j
ant and learn her Wi.ys.
Mjf. J. C. Booker, of near Bu|uth, was 1
found dead last Tuesday. He had been i
hauling and it is supposed his
team killed him. He lived with Mi.
Joel Webb last year, and he was buried
on Wednesday at Union Hill.
One of the crying necessities of the
times is the immediate establishment of
a tri-weekly mail line between Alphar
etta and. Doraville, via Nyc and Haist
tUg. The good people along this pro
posed rotate, are almost without mail
Owing to,the severe and continued ill,
ness in his family,' the editor has had no
time to get out and collect what is due
The Free Press. All who are in arrears
\vill confer a great favor by calling at
the office and settling and renewing for
this year.
Mrs. George D. Rucker’s condition re
mains unchanged. She has been very
IjOW for nearly three months, and lias
been a most patient sufferer. With the
pleasant change of weather now taking
pljZ.ce w<? hope for a favorable change in
her condition.
John Manning, colored, swore out a
warrant against his brother-in-law, Joe
Teasley, last Saturday. Joe was charged
with having attempted to break John's
head with a flre-poker, but when the
fact was recalled that John’s head is
Ifinky, the case was dismissed as a farce.
Uncle De;;qy Gentry died last Monday,
and was buried on Tuesday at Lebanon
graveyard, where wife was buried
several yeays ago. Unclje Deijny was one
of the oldest and most highly respected
citizens of the county. He leaves infiny
relatives and a great host of friends be
hind him, and the place made vacant by
his death will be hard to fill.
For the purpose of closing out oiy
stock of winter Clothing, Shoes, Etc., we
have established a temporary branch
house at tho Treadwell old stand in
Alpharetta, where, beginning next Wed
nesday, we will sell these goods regard
less of pripes. This is your, opportunity.
Come and examine the goods and get
prices Caim, Lrqs A Love.
The last legislature changed the jury,
law of this state. The names of all grand
jurymen will hereafter be placed in the
traverse jury box also. The commission
ers will meet in February and make the
required alteration, It is a good law
The traverse jurors should be men of tie;
Clearest intellects and most spotless
Integrity, many of which class of citiaens
are to be found within the limits of the
good county of Milton
Tl.v new Miltou Enterprise made its
appeal ance yesterday. J.din F. Barnwell
is edit r, and (*. A. Nesbit publisher. It
is a very creditable sheet. The Fi;kp
Press extends its best wishes for the
success of tho Enterprise. There js no
reason why Alpharetta should i;ot have
two great newspapers. There may lint
be a fortune in cither one, but there is a
world of fun, which will increase as she
next political season draws nigh. Tho
Enterprise, however, does not seem to
have any political sex, but this is doubt
less owing to its infancy. Put The Free
Press on your exchange list, Johnny,
and let us sec what kind of a caper you
are going to cut.
During the recent snow Jim Smith
bought a live rabbit to show to his chil
dren. He took it home and put it in a
close room, that the children might see
it rum The rabbit hopped put a window
and fled, with Jim after it. A ffegro boy
overtook the hare a»id returned it. The
children had seen the rabbit rup, and
now Jim must show them how io kill it.
lie took it out doors and hit Jt on the
head with a stick and said, “Now, chil:
then, watch it die. 11 Jim threw the
timid animal down for flpad, but it lit
on its feet and split tjie spow for the
swamp. If you see a rabbjt, please take
it to Jim, as lie very much desires to
teach his children how to kill the thjngs.
The Free Press notices that several
of the schools in North Georgia are
boasting of their numbers, whicj] range
from one hundred to one hundred and
twenty. If the Alpharetta high school
did not excel in numbers any of these
schools, wc should feel like calling upon
our worthy professors to vacate until the
weather clears up. Tho attendance this
wepk lias been one hundred and fifty,
au;l when the weather finishes its arctic
performances the regular attendance up
on this most splendid educational insti
tution will defy enuMeration. We repeat
what we have often said before —the
advantages afforded by the Alpharetta
high school are unpqualed in this section
of the state.
Mr. John Smith, of Coker, Cojib coun
ty; son-in-law of Mr. J. M. Dodds, of this
place, last Tuesday Was the victim of an
accident which may prove fatal. He was
caught jfl the machinery of a saw-mill
and literally crushed to pieces. His ribs
were torn from his backbone and broken,
and he received other internal injuries
which will inost likely produce death.
Dr. I'ace, the physician, says there is a
bare possibility of his recovery, but the
chances are greatly against such a result.
Mr. Smith is well known by many people
m Milton county, having lived here a
great portion of liis life. The pews of
tlie accident will carry sadness to the
hearts of many people who know and
like John Smith.
From Cautoii.
Gaston, Ga., Jan. 24.—The largest
snow since 1880 fell during last week, it
beiflg twelve inches deep, and is staying
us well up to date. Tlie boys have
been having big times sleigh riding,
snowballing and rabbit hunting, and ar«
now perfectly willing for the snow to
melt away. Tho Etowah river was frozen
over for the first time since 1886, and
several men have walketl over ou the
How will you swap or sell cows? has
been the question in and around Canton
for the past week. A good milk cow or
a fat beef seem to be in deiqand at a
One of the main troubles with our
farmers of the present day is (u keeping
more stock than they have a need for.
They feed away their corn an,d stuff to
surplus stock, which pays but little in
this country. A man ought not to keep
but just the stock he actually needs, but
keep good stock—and then, when he has
any to sell, he can get a good price, and
will have more money than to feed away
his stuff to stock that ;4it all and pay
nothing. I wisli our farmers would Jtink
over this matter and prosper thereby.
Corn is now 5,0 cents per bushel in
Cherokee, and wi,ll probably reach 75 or
80 cents before summer.
Many of our farmers are preparing to
plant more cotton this year than last,
which is a very good idea, if they do not
jo to extremes. A farmer ought to raise
: his hog and hominy at home, and then
I his overplus in cotton, so that he ean
realize the cash in the fall to mpet his
obligations and have some sjuire change
Ipft over for spending money the next
year. And another good idea is to stay
j out of debt. I do wish our farmers
i would qui,t this everlasting business of
buying so much on time that they could
.do without. They could live as well
j and be happier and better oft' at the end
;of the year if they would try thig
! scheme. Let's see if we all can’t live
’ qlofjp f,qj; one year and get out of debt,
j Then ws will be in a condition to hold
I our crops for better prices and owe
nojhyjg, which w ill beat any sub-treas-.
uryplau or farmers’ alliance; and then
! we can all rejoice together in hopes of
' better times. Let's try it this yeag.
Mr. Jasper Doss, who lives iiye miles
above Canton, awoke at 1 o'clock one
morning last week and found his babe
dead in his arms. The babe died of
croup, it being a worse case than the
parents thought. It was five or six
months old.
Good times are in store for all those
who work hard and live economically
for the next four years, and I hope fop a
longer time.
Success to the farmers, as well as all
other people, for 1893, and to The Free
Press and all its readers. Come up,
.Mr. Editor, and see us. There is plenty
rabbits and birds here that we could
find and enjoy a few days’ hunt.
"I;, bi.iyiqg a cough medicine for chil
dren," says 11. A. Walker, a prominent
druggist of Ogden, Utah, “never I. $
i afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. There is no danger from it, and
rolief is always sure to follow. I par- 1
ticul uly recommend Chamberlain's be
cause I h ive found it to be safe and re
liable. It is intended especially for colds,
croup and whooping cough." 50 cent
' bottles for sale by J. M. Howell, drug- ■
t"’- I
To Correspondents.
Th] J'ree Press desires and is going
so have a correspondent at every post
office in Milton, Forsyth and Cherokee
bounties. Stamps and stationery will be
furnished to cqi;e#poi)dei)ts with tip) un
derstanding that tlipy are to write the
news every’ week.
Now, if we have no correspondent at
your office, write us for stamps and en.
velopcs. We want good men (or women)
who know a piece of news when they see
t, and who Iptow how to write it up it; a
readable manner.
The paper will be sept free to every
correspondent, who w|Jl ho expected to
take an active part in making the paper
a success. All porrespomients should be
in harmony wjth the policy of the papei'
but this is not absolutely necessary.
Now, gentlemen and ladies, let us heap
from you. Let every postotlice in the
three counties be represented. The pa.
per circulates all over the three counties,
and we must have all the news.
Notice to Teachers.
The Board qf Education of Vtlfoll
county tho public teym of one
hundred days to be returned from Jam
nary, February, March to 15th of April
and July and August.
The Board also requires fhc teachers
to make monthly reports of the time
made by each pupil of school age during
the months and half month above named.
G, M. Hook,
County School Commissioner.
January 27, 181)3. ts,
Sheriff’s Stile.
Will be sold at public outcry’, before
the court house door in Alpharetta, Mil
ton county, Georgia, between the legal
hours of sale, on the tjriit Tuesday in
March next, the following property, to.
wit: Lot of land number 91), in the first
district and tiist section of said county,
containing forty acres, more or less,
Levied on as the property of J. I). Low,
cry to satisfy a fl fa issued from the
superior court of said county in favor of
T. L. Lewis and J, H. Sqnnnerour, ad
ministrators of tiie estate of 11. M.
Autrey’, deceased, against said J. D.
Lowery. Sa;’ land is well improved.
Also, at the same time and place, will
be sold lot of land numbey 5.7(1 in the.
first district and second section of said
county, containing foyty apres, more or
less. Levied on as the property of John
Jett to satisfy a ti fa issued from the
superior court of said county in favor of
H. L. Cunningham and D. B. Cunning
ham against said John Jett, Adam Jett
and James Jett. Said land in we)! im
Also, at the same time and place, will
be sold lot of land number Ci)!), in the
first district and second section of said
county, containing forty acres, more or
less. Levied qn as the property of James
Jett to satisfy q 11 fa issued from the
superior court of said cougty (n favor of
IL L. Cunningham ami D, B. Cunning
ham against said James Jett, Adam Jett
apd John Jett. Said land is well im
proved. Thjs Janparv tlie 24th, 1893.
W. C. ANDERSON, Sheriff.
Convenes First Monday i;; February
md Third Monday in August-
County Officers.
P. I), McClesky, Ordinary,
W. N. Manning, Cjerk Superior Court.
W. C. Anderson, Sheriff.
A. P. Shirley, Tax Collector.
J. C, Shirley, Tax Receiver.
Qeobge J. D- Tribble, Surveyor.
J. S. Baker, Coronet;.
John AU, Treasurer.
G. M. Hook, County School Com.
Justice Courts.
Second each month. M. J.
Seale, J. P., S. L. Rucker, N. P. Post
office, Alpharetta.
Big Creek District, 1227. Court
Fourth Saturday in each month. J. L.
Fisher, J. I*., Lewis Morton, N. P. Posh
’ office, Mazeppa.
Crossville District, 1175. Cour
Fourth Friday in caeh njputh. V. A.
Pin-sell, J. P., J. A. Voss, N. I’. Post
oilice, Roswell.
Double BnVWt.ii District, 823. Court
First Saturday in each month. R. M. Bal
. levy, J. P-t F- M. C. Fowler, N. P. Post
, offjee, Freemansyijle.
i First District, 842. Court Third
I Friday in each moyth. Thomas Collins,
■ J. P., T. B. Hogel's, N. P. Postoffice,
- Sbeltonville.
Grogan's District, 1226. Court
I Third Saturday hl each month. E. J.
Copeland, J. P. x A J. Bal), N. P. Post
office, Dunwoody.
Kittle Riyifij District, 892. Court
, Third Friday in each month. J. A. Mos
teller, J, I’., J. L. Stewart, N. P. Post
office, Arnold.
Newtown District, 1172. Court
Second Saturday in each month. W. G.
Scott, J, P., J. 1.. Garron, N. P. Post
offipe, Skelton.
Has secured during 1892
W. D. Howells, H. Rider Haggard,
George Meredith, Norman I,oekyer,
Andrew Lang, Conan Doyle,
•St. George Mivart, Mark Twain,
Rudyard Kigling, J. C. Harris.
R. Lewis Stevenson, ly.ijliata Biack,
W. Clark Russell, Mary E. Wilkins,
Frances Hodgson Burnet.
An i many other distinguished Writers.
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the
Price oc. a copy. By mail $2
villus THi: SI N. Mew York
Shiloh's Catrrrh Remedy, a marvelous
cur for catarrh, diphtheria, canker
mouth ami headache. With each bottle
' lher is an ingenius nasal injector for the
more successful treatment of these com
plaints without extra charge. Price 50c.
j Soh| by Seal';.
:Fȣlic3L Izx, SGO.COO.
"Warorooms, IF’ottclxtroo.
si's) rianos. Organs'j™
Best Country Weekly
The People’s Journal!
Twenty-Eight Columns
one dAlar per innuiw.
The CeWateQ Gullett Gins, Feeders,
The Gullett produces the finest sample known in the mar
ket, and generally brings from an 1-8 to 1-4 cent per pound
more than any other cotton.
Send forjPrices and Give Us Your Order Early.
Atlanta, • Georgia.
Ladies’ Bndnsar, SMn Waists. Carsets,
Hosiery, Bells, Handkerchiels, Hair?iiis, Hatpins,
Etc., Etc.
Cl 6 th i ngTH atsTCaps, Shoes
A. H. MEDLOCK & (g
Norcross, Ga.
W/itcH h’s
Christmas Goods
IPrcsli r’roxxx LKTo-w '3Tox*lsl.
jJSF'You talk about stealing goods, here is something worse
than stealing:
A $lO suit of clothes for $4.50 from now till Christmas is
Everything in Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes cut down at
half price till the holidays glide by.
Stock Must Be Sold Before Christmas!
Christmas Goods for almost nothing.
For 25 cents you can buy more Santa Claus than you can
tote home.
Anything You Desire \
* Roswell, Ga. *
Groceries, Hardware I
Tinware, Minn, Notions, Hats and
General - Merchandise.
Provisions Are a Specialty.
b• b h b b b
My wife keeps a full and complete line 6f New
Millinery goods and can suit the most fastidious ln>
the land.
Roswell, Ga.
Diamond Patent Flour, $3.75 uer Barrel!