Newspaper Page Text
R«i>reHC‘ntat!vcM Speak Tlielr Minds a* to
the President’s Letter.
Washington, August 80.—Members
of the House are not so reticent as the
senators in regard to Mr. Cleveland’s
letter to Representative Catching. Rep
resentative Sperry, of Connecticut,
said: “I was in hopes the president
would spare his party the infliction of
another letter. The tariff bill is dis
tinctly a party measure, and according
to the president's letter to Mr. Wilson
it is a measure permeated with periidy
ami dishonor.
Representative Johnson, (Ohio) —“The
president's letter is conspicuously
silent on the most important question
—sugar. The effect of his failure to
sign the bill and writing a letter will
be to intensify and continue the fight
against protection —not republican pro
tection, as he puts it, but democratic
Representative Warner, (N. Y.) —
“The president’s letter will meet with
unqualified approval from all true
friends of revenue reform, especially on
the party policy there outlined, and the
prog'ram of aggressive action, first
against trusts and then in favor of free
raw materials, and in favor of every
other democratic principle to reach the
fulfillment of which the ranks of
tariff combination must first be j
Mob in the Infected Districts Protesting !
Against removal of the Diseased.
Milwaukee, Wis., August 30.—South j
side polish and low german districts j
are now in the possession of a howl
ing mob. City Health Commissioner j
Kempster has dropped all effort to
control the situation there and the state |
board of health will declare a quaran- j
tine on the infected district, to be strict-1
ly enforced by stretching a cordon of
state troops around it. This is a plan
that has heretofore been discussed and
tacitly agreed on as an emergency re
sort. The south side mob are driving
the guards away from houses quaran
tined by the health department and
defy the authorities to take any more
patience to the isolation hospital which
they say is so badly managed that near
ly half the patients taken there die
within a week.
Fifteen new cases are reported today,
all from the riotous district and the
reckless exposure of hundreds of per
sons to the disease during the riots of
yesterday and today will adds'scores
more to the sick list within a week.
Among Them That of Ex-Governor Dorter,
of Tennessee, for District Judge.
Washington, August 30. —The fol
lowing nominations were not confirmed
by the senate during the second session
of the fifty-tloir l congress'which ended
Tuesday: United States District Judge
for the eastern and middle districts of
Tennessee, James I). Dorter. United
States Attorney, John IV. Beekman for
the district of New Jersey; William M.
Marbury for the district of Maryland.
Collectors of internal revenue, George
W. Wilson, for the district of Florida ;
A. Augustus Healey, for the first dis
trict of New York. Collectors of cus
toms; David G. Browne, for the district
of Montana; James IV. Ball for the dis
trict of Yaquina in the state of Oregon;
George M. Hanson for the district of
Passamaquoddy, in the state of Maine.
Indian agents, Thomas E. Teter, Fort
Ilall agency, Indian Territory, Mar
shall Petit, Klamath agency, Gregon.
Also a number of Brevet appointments
in the army and twenty-eight postmas
ters, sixteen of them in New York
Witnesses for the American Railway Union
Before the Labor Commission.
Chicago, August 80.—Today witness
es for the American railway union will
appear before the national labor com
mission in rebuttal and the sitting of
the commission may come to an end at
once. Chairman Wright says the com
mission has not yet discussed the evi
dence with a view to forming an idea of
what its recommendation will be.
The report will be made directly to the
president and will probably be made up
before the commissioners leave Chicago,
The principal business of the commis
sion yesterday was the examination of
twenty-three witnesses, most of whom
testified that at the meeting at Blue
Island at which the Rock Island men
decided to strike, Vice President How
ard had counselled violence and used
profane language. The gist of the'tes
timony was that only about one-half
of the men who voted to strike were
railroad men. Besides this, many of
the railroad men present were opposed
to striking.
New York, August 80.—In a state
ment Jack McAuliffe says he is wil
ling to meet Griffo, for a fight lasting
ten rounds or to a finish at the light
weights limit for any sum up to SIO,OOO,
the bout to take place within two
months. He also says that he is ready
to post a forfeit.
Under the Protection of the Chinese.
London, August 30. —A dispatch to
the Standard from Berlin says: Ac
cording to the latest communications
from the east the Korean king is under
the protection of the Chinese General
Another Yacht for the Goulds.
London, August 30.—The St. James
Gazette says that George Gould will re
visit England next spring- with a new
twenty-rater designed by Herreshaff.
We Shall See.
On every hand we are now told that
labor will appeal to the polls. Will it?
That has been what we have beea urg
ing it to do for years. The number of
union workingmen in the city of Chi
cago is claimed to be 100,000 to 150,000,
and this does not begin to be the total
number of wage workers in the city.
What have these people been doing all
the time that they have permitted the
political machines to do as they con
tinental please? With this vote they
could have dictated the policy of the
machine or made an independent politi
cal movement a success. Mr. Peffer
says that the people are not represented
in congress. Well, whose fault is that?
There is no sense in grumbling while
there is a disposition to do nothing. It
is very certain that the men who com
pose our congress never could have got
there but for the vote of the people.
They have voted and kept on voting
with both eyes shut and both ears
stopped. They have voted for the pro
fessional tools of monopoly, knowing
them to be such. They have rewarded
the most barefaced official treachery
I and dishonesty at the polls, and now
torn ronnl and enrse their own work.
We shall look forward to November with
j keen interest. We desire to see if all
j this robust determination to appeal to
the ballot will fructify. For 20 years
we have been urging and begging the
i people to become in fact what they are
in theory—the government. The result
!is an open book, and it is pretty neai ly
filled with b’ank pages. Next to noth
ing has been accompUshe 1. (V ill street
i still holds us by the throat. Eastern
and European Shylocks are the power
behind the throne. Our congressmen
take their instructions from the London
Times and legislate for the benefit of
Europe. Is there to be a change after
the November election? We must
wait to see.—Farmer’s Voice.
Some Light on the Nora Scotia Coal Syndi
A little of the truth about the Nova
Scotia coal syndicate has at last come
to the surface, but it is a small part of
the truth. The whole story yet re
mains to be told, but, it never will be
told by a senate investigating com
mittee which has ro power to compel
witnesses to answer questions, and
without doubt Bill Chandler brought
it up in the senate for the express pur
pose of having it examined by a body
that had no way of getting at the
truth, that a nice whitewashing report
might be made, similar to the report on
the sugar scandal.
It is currently reported and gener
ally believed that the Nova Scotia coal
syndicate was organized in the office
of Mr. Cleveland in New York city a
little over two years ago, and at the
organization Mr. Whitney and Dan
Earnont were present. About $18,000,-
000 of stock and bonds have been is
sued, and the only investment of real
cash was four or five thousand dollars
spent in negotiations in Canada to se
cure the lease.
The company did secure a lease of
the Nova Scotia coal beds for a term
of ninety-nine years, for which it was
to pay a royalty of 12 % cents a ton on
all the coal mined, and there is no re
quirement in the lease that any coal at
all shall be taken out. The syndicate
can leave that coal there for ninety
nine years, never touch it, and there
will be no penalty to pay. Inexausti
ble quantities of it lie right on sea
shore and it can be put into our
seaport towns at a cost so low that
not a mine of bituminous coal can
be worked in either Maryland or Penn
sylvania, if the tariff on coal is taken
off and freights remain the same as
now on the railroads. The grand
scheme is just this: Put coal on the
free list and Mr. Cleveland and his
friends can sell their $18,000,000 of
bonds and stock, which did not cost
them a mill on the dollar, at par, and
put the money in their pocaets.
If a president and his cabinet lias
ever been caught in a more infamous
job than this, history has failed to re
cord the fact. The evidence to prove
these facts was being collected when
Chandler prematurely introduced the
matter in the senate. The motion to
investigate the matter was first de
clared lost, then reconsidered and
finally went to the foot of the calendar.
If an investigation is ordered, the re
sult will be a whitewash after the
manner of the secret sugar inves
tigation, unless Mr. Gorman, ' of
his own free will, furnishes the evi
dence to establish the charges. Gorman
knows all about it, and it depends upon
’ whether it is to Gorman’s interest or
not whether the truth shall be told.
This sham tariff fight is nothing more
or less than a game of bbodle. If there
is free coal, Mr. Cleveland and his
friends will make millions. If there is
a tariff on coal, the coal roads and coal
barons will continue to make their
millions. The question of the Ameri
can workmen does not enter into it at
all, and yet these senate and White
house boodlers talk for hours trying to
make the American people believe that
they are toiling, sweating and working
i through these hot summer months for
the sole benefit of the American work
ingman. -Cor. Nonconformist.
' ' 1—
Candidates can take advantage of
our offer of 500 for fifty dollars and
thereby have a local paper. Do it at
Plinq’riVn \ “OLimMITII A SITLLIVAR'R Bub. COLL, &
uuns uin wi \ Crichton's .school or sboutuand.
Bonkkoepincr, Shorthand. T«!d»rraphy. Ponmamhip. ko.,
taught hv Npfria’iKts. Iv> TfffloherH. Titno Short. Instruction
ThoromcV At ore t linn 7»o graduates in politicos in Atlanta
OatatofUM treo Scu.ivan k Crichton's Bus. Coll
Kiser itMg Afinnt* r.
All Act of Campbell County.
The People's party of Campbell county
met in the courthouse at Fairbnrn, Aug
25th, inst., and was called to order by
the Chairman. W. H. Phillips.
A move was carried to elect W. H.
Phillips chairman for the day, and S. B.
Lee secretary.
A move was carried to adopt the plan
for putting out a man to make the race
for Representative of Cambell county,
to the next general assembly, that was
formulated by the executive committee.
Next thing was to prepare onr tickets
and vote for our choice, and the result
was that the Honorable William H.
McLarin was elected on the first ballot.
The meeting was very harmonious, not
a discord was seen or heard. Bro. Me-
Larin then came to the front and ac
cepted the trurt imposed upon him by
his people, and gave us a short but ap
propriate address. Bro. McLarin is one
of Georgia's best, patriotic men. and we
think the boys should be very proud to
vote for a g>od, upright, straight for
ward, Christian gentleman. We trust
that the boys will elect him in this race.
We Hre proud to state that we had the
Hon. R ibert E. Todd, our candidate for
congress of the sth district with us to
address us upon the political issues of
the day. Tais noble gentleman
gave us some good, sound doctrine.
His speech lid not consist of anecdotes,
mud thre wing and tom foolery, but
pla'n, simple, solid political facts. He
said nothing that was unbecoming or
degrading to any Christian gentleman.
His speech was very much enj eyed by
his hearers.
The meeting then adjourned, subject
to the call of the chairman.
iV. H. Phillips, Ch’in-
S. B. Lee, See’ty.
The First Law of N;itur<*.
If there is one argument in the whole
range of economic philosophy that is
more conclusive and convincing than
another it is that man has a right to
preserve his life, and where there is
denied the right of access to land he is
thereby denied the means to preserve
bis existence, i’rivate property in land
debars man from access to natural op
portunities, i. e.. from the right of pro
ducing the means to live, for is it not
manifest that that system which places
all the natural opportunities in the
hands of the few must necessarily pre
clude the many? It is clear that the
institutions of private property in land,
by enabling the few to exclude the
many from the land, thereby excludes
the many from the natural opportuni
ties absolutely necessary for the. sus
tenance of life, and therefore private
property in land cannot be sanctioned
by the divine law.—Colorado Catholic.
—When we use gold in trading with
foreign countries it is weighed and the
stamp is disregarded. If we had a pa
per money and gold demonetized, we
could then, as now, use the bullion to
settle balances.'-Montesano (Wash.)
Alliance Demands.
Finance—We demand at naional curren
iy, safe, sound an flexible, issued by the
General Government only, a fall legal ten
der for all debts, public and private; and
shat without the use of banking corpora
tions a just, equitable and efficient means
of distribution direct to the people at a tax
not to exceed 2 per cent, be provided as set
forth in the sub-treasury plan or some bet
ter svstem; also by payments in discharge
of its obligations for public improvements.
A—W t, demand the free and unlimited
.-oinage ot silver and gold at the legal ratio
of 16 to i.
B—We demand that the amount of circu
lating medium be increased to at least SSO
tr caoita. exclusive of legal reserves.
o—We0 —We demand a graduated income tax.
D—That our national legislation shall be
so framed in the future as not to build up
one industry at the expense of another.
E—We believe that the money of the
oountry should be kept as much as possible
In the hands of the people, and hence we
demand all national and state revenue
ihall be limited to the necessary expenses
of the Governmen, economically and hon
estly administered.
7—We demand that postal savings banks
oe established by the Government for the
lase deposit of the earnings of the people
wd to facilitate exchange.
Land—The land, including all the nat u
ral resources of wealth, is the heritage of
*ll the people, and should not be monopo
lized for speculative purposes, and alien
ownership of land should be prohibited.
▲ll lands now held by railroads and other
corporations in excess of their actual needs
and all lands now owned by aliens should
be reclaimed by the Government and held
fer actual settlers only.
Transportation—Transportation being a
means of exchange and a public necessity,
the Government should own and operate
the railroads in the interest of the people.
A—The telegraph and telephone, like the
post office system, being a necessity for the
transmission of intelligence, shonld he
owned and operated by the Government in
the interest of the people.
Another Tragedy. This Time at Aiken—A
Young Man Killed by a Policeman,
Columbia, S. C., August 30. —Another
tragedy was enacted last night, and
created as much sensation as the ndw
famous duel at Blacksville. William
Chalfield, son of Manager Chalfield of
the Highland Park Hotel at Aiken, was
shot fatally last night at 8:30 o’clock by
James J. Wingard, a policeman of that
city, dial field was ordered by Wingard
to stop cursing on the streets and some
words passed, when Chalfield struck
Wingard, the latter attempted to use
his club. Chalfield had seized Wingard
but the latter, breaking away, fired two
43 calibre bullets into Chalfield, one
striking him in the abdomen and the
other in the side. Wingard was ar
rested. Chalfield died a few hours
later. He is twenty-five years old.
Wingard is a young man and has a
The Cholera In Europe.
Berlin, August 30. Thirty-two
deaths from cholera and sixty-eight
fresh cases are reported throughout
Germany for the week ending August
27th. ‘
Fair, Variable Winds.
Washington, August 30.—Forecast:
For Georgia and Alabama—fair, varia
ble winds. For Tennessee—fair, north
winds becoming variable.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreadful
disease that science lias been able to cure
in all its stages and that is Catarrh.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional disease,
requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, |
acting directly upon the blood and niu"ous
surfaces of the system, thereby d> stroying
the foundation of tlie disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have s» muc h
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Beud for list of
Address. F. J CHE HEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
Pi? - Sold by Druggist, 75c.
J. E K<>sF. C. C. RULES.
Fruits, Veoetables, Etc
1004 North and Third Streets,
Eggs, Poultry, Dairy Products, Eearly Fruits.
CHICAGO, ILL., HI South Water St.
MEMPHIS, TENN., 336 Front Stree
Engineer and Machinist,
Repairs Engine, Pumps, Injectors, and all kinds of
Also dealer in Pulleys, Shafting, Boxes, and Mill Supplies.
25 and 27 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga.
______ -
Edwards Gallery
58 1 2 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA.
NOTICE. Promptness, first class work and reasonable prices our motto.
It's Our Winner—This $13,25 Suit,
Don’t be a When You can
Ready-Made I have a Tailor
Man at this Price.
And we make TO. ORDER from Black or Blue Cheviot,
and a large line of Fancy Mixtures in Cheviot or Smooth
faced Cloths suitable for Business or Dress.
C. S. SIKES, Manager,
Write for samples to No. 70 Whitehall Street.
The advanced business school of the
South. Patronized by graduates and
teachers of other business colleges.
Special Attention Given to
Students from a Distance
Send at once for catalogue Summer
Session, 23 Whitehall St.
Atlanta to Chattanooga UiJ.OO.
Western & Atlantic Railroad will sell
round trip tickets to Atlanta to Chatta
nooga an 1 retnrn at rate of two dollars
for the round trip. Tickets to be sold
on Saturday, Aug. 25th, for train leav
ing Atlanta at 8:05 a. m., and good re
turning on any train from Chattanooga
until, and inclnding train No. J, Sunday
night Ang. 26th, 1894.
This is the very cheapest rate ever
named from Atlanta to Chattanooga
and return. There are hundreds of
people in Atlanta who have never en
joyed the beautiful view from the Sum
mit of Lookout aud this cheap rate gives
everybody a splendid opportunity to do
so. If Lookont was in Switzerland Atlan
ta people would travel thousands of miles
to see the unequalled and beautiful
views from its summit. Go next Sat
There will be ample accommodation
for everybody. Low rates have been
secured at both the Lookout Inn and
Point Hotel. The rates at L lokout Inn
will be 3.00 per day and the Point Ho
| tel $2:00 per day. Mr. J H. Latimer,
Traveling Passenger Agent will accom
pany the party and see that everybody
is made comfortable. There will not
be another as cheap rate from Atlanta
to Chattanooga this season,
A Splendid Trip.
A magnificent gathering of the
Knights of Pythias will be held ;n
Washington. D. C., beginning Angmt
2~ih, Tickets over the Piedmont Air
Line will be put on sale Angnst 23 28,
and will be good nniil September Sr,n,
Only one fare will be charged for the
round trip. In addition to the regular
train special trains and special through
Pullman and other curs wlil lie rnn for
the accommodation of special parties.
No man’s education is complete unless
he has visited the National Capitol, and
it wonld well for all who can to take
advantage of this opportunity.
W. A. Turk, S. H. Hardwick,
Gen. Pass. Agt. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.