Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 03, 1912, HOME, Page 8, Image 8

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8 BRITONS CHARGE TITANIC LAXITY Ship Rushed Headlong Into Ice After Being Warned. States Attorney General. LONDON, May 3.—The International Seamen's union today demanded repre sentation at the government's Inquiry into the Titanic disaster, which is being conducted by Lord Mersey and five wreck commissioners at the London Scottish drill hall, and it was granted. Attorney General Sir Rufus Isaacs outlined the government s case by say ing that he would introduce evidence to show that there was dangerous ice in the lane which the Titanic was travers ing. and that he will bring before the court evidence to show that warnings of icebergs and Ice "growlers were given to the Titanic by the Baltic and Caronia on the day of the disaster. He would also show the court, he said, that a southerly marine route was available for vessels at this time of year. The Titanic had compiled with every safeguarding law, continued the attor ney general, and the disaster which eent her to the bottom had not resulted 'from a breach of such regulations. “The vessel steamed at the rate of 21 ■knots an hour from the commencement .of her journej So far ae con be as certained, this speed was never reduced and she was traveling at that speed ■when she struck the iceberg that sent her to the bottom." Rushed Into Danger. Lord Mersey here interrupted tn ask. "Am 1 right in supposing that the Titanic ran into a locality where ice ■was after being warned that the ice was there?" "Yes," responded the attorney gen eral. Lord Mersey continued: "According to the indications made for me on the chart by my colleagues, it looks to me HS though, after being warned of the location of the ice. the Titanic made di rect for the danger zone.” After these interruptions Rir Ruftis went on where he had broken off when Interrupted by the presiding official. "I wish to emphasize to the court the Importance of the fact that, after be ing warned of the ice dangers, the Ti- ■ tanic did not reduce her speed,” he Baid. . >. ./ -More than wireless warning had , been given. Just a little while before the collision the lookout on the ship's; crow's nest had sounded three bells, indicating that the ship was approach ing something It win be shown that ; the lookout men on the Titanic had special instructions to watch for Ice, but so far as I know nothing further than this was done" One thing which Inevitably stands out in the inquiry, said Sir Rufus, » the triumph of wireless telegraphy. If It had not been for the wireless, he said. It is doubtful If any one on the Titanic would have been saved. Further along, reviewing the evi dence. he said: "It seems clear from the evidence at | hand that -me of the lifeboats were not loaded to their full capacity and women and children were left behind Lord Mersey announced to the com missioners and counsel that there would be no sessions tomorrow or Mon day. but that the inquiry would be re. Burned Tuesday. To Probe Sneed. In summing up. Str Ruftis said "Th" salient points which appear to re to be of greatest importance are these: "yfirst, the speed the ship was making after the warnings. "Second, the number of lifeboats car. Tied was Insufficient to accommodate all aboard the vessel "Third, the construction of this ship and the utility of the water-tight doors of the compartment. "The relative number of the various class passengers saved must also en gage the court's attention at some length "Roughly. S 3 per cent of the first cabin passengers were taken off. 42 per cent of the second cabin passengers, and only 5 per cent of the third class ; "Another fact that stands out Is that out of the large number of men carried i as passengers, only 121 were saved. Sailor Saw No lea. The taking of testimony was com menced Immediately after Sir Ruftis had concluded, and Archie Jewel, a sea man on the Titanic, was the first wit ness called. He was interrogated by Solicitor General Sir John Sinton, who appeared for the Board of Trade. Jewel said he. with another sailor named Symons, was in the crow's nest of the Titanic on the night of the dis aster. Jewel testified: “I remember receiving a telephone message from the bridge tn be on the lookout for Ice. both big and small We were warned to be verv alert.” "Did you see any ice?” "No." U. S. Inquiry Is Nearing An End NEW YORK. May i'nitod States Senator Smith, chairman of th> senate committee investigating the Titanic disaster, who is conducting a series of star chamber sessions in the Waldorf- Astoria hotel in this city, announced today before the sitting began that the inquiry would be pushed to a conclu sion before night. "I hope to clear up all matters con nected with the disaster by night. ' said the senator. "Three passengers on the Titanic have been summoned to ap pear before me during the day. and I shall make final inquiries of Edward J Dunn ” It was Dunn who testified in Wash ington that he received information that the White Star line was advised by wireless and ’< legraph of the sink ing of the Titanic many hours before tne news was given to the public. REALTY COMPANY OF COMMERCE CHAMBER ORGANIZES TODAY The Chamber of Commerce Realty Com pany. which !f» to own and control the new Chamber of Commerce building, will be formally organized this afternoon at a ! meeting of the directors of the chamber Officers will be elected and the common stock will be taken by the Chamber of Commerce. The general understanding is that Wilmer B. Moore, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and Walter G. Cooper, secretary, will he chosen for the same offices in the branch organization. A hoard of directors will also be chosen. ONE DAY SPECIAL $15.00 DRESSES $7.98 Sale Starts Saturday at 9 A. M. Cone Early and Avoid Disappointment This very handsome and stylish dress comes in navy, black, gray and old rose taffeU silk. Trimmed with 1 striped satin. Waist has shawl col- VTMWiM hr of stoped silk running down to wg waist fine on right side, and ending at jfrj '' \ bottom ol yoke on left side, where it W‘| H \ is caught back by a plain taffeta revere, K U| piped with striped silk, and trimmed j| jfy with five buttons and loops. Lace jS i collar and square yoke, no yoke shown H | in back, as silk collar runs right around. Wjl II Set-in sleeve with striped silk cuff. |jlJ L I Skirt has tunic effect in front and M \a| panel back. M M cbedit f l Mb* yonrswlf •■<( (amity bars* All ■ ecaunta payable a little aaah week, Menter & Rosenbloom Co. CASB UPSTAIRS. OVER I”; - 71 WHITEHALL STREET riaair casniT CLEAN-UP SALE OF DRESSES I am going to New York next week to replenish my entire stock and consequently wish to 11 "■• —■ // -7// ! dispose of my present line of goods, though at a great sacri y Here they are at your own prices. A Special Sale of Hats / Soft and tailored shapes, regular $lO. sl2 and sls fiJIE nn tK?" ’wSSILx * values, for VW One k ot All Serge Dresses ’w In white, blue, tan and brow n. in the > latest cut; reduced qtzi Qfl front $8 to sls to \ Silk Foulard Dresses J , Handsomely trimmed, tert neat and stylish; sls values, $5.48 « // °f Serge Silks, • </ T n ,fln wl >lt“- vert attractive rs «nd stylish; reduced C *> I/ C front $5.00 and $«.50 to Long Silk Hose; will sell for 23c and 48c. A special bargain in Lin gerie Dresses. I. SPRINGER 95 Whitehall U..Hll.—■ —I. "H z e Soi’e You /Ae Retailer’s Profit’’ SEWELL’ S 115 WHITEHALL STREET We are wholesalers and buy in immense quan tities only (mostly in carload lots) and undersell competitors. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS DRESSED POULTRY—Big lot on sale Satur day at lowest prices in Atlanta. We dress it fresh daily right here on the premises. EXTRA SPECIAL HOME-GROWN STRAW BERRIES—Just received and fresh as the morn ing dew. Low prices on these. Also a solid carioad each of California lemons, Florida fruit and vegetables and poultry and eggs. Sewell Commission Co. Wholesale and Retail Everything Retailed at H holesale Prices THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN’ AXD NEWS: FRIDAY. MAY 3. 1912. WHITFIELD ASSESSMENTS FIXED FOR AUGUST RACES DALTON. GA., May 3.—The county executive committee has agreed on the following assessments against candi dates for their names to appear on the ticket in the August primary: Candidates for congress, $25; for judge and solicitor general. S2O; for state senator and representatives, $lO, for county offices. $7.50; candidates for coroner, surveyor and county commis sioner will pay no assessment. The as sessments must be paid by July 1. In the race for treasurer, J. M. Cash's announcement this week brings the number up to fourteen. J. H. Gilbert has announced for re-election as sher iff, making four entries in that contest. A Raft of Bargains Awaits You at My Store Saturday X Monday 3 win Never before in my history of selling have I been able to place before you such wonderful prices. Visiting the Northern and Eastern markets with the ready cash was a terrible temptation for the fellow hard up. I was on the job, always looking after my friends and patrons 9 interests. Now I am here with the goods to deliver same. Hope you will honor me with a visit. It will pay you. Truly, DUFFY Ladies’ Gents’ Children’s Everybody’s Section Section Section Section » 1,000 long Kimonos; re- 1,000 pairs Seamless 610 Boys’ Suits; this is 1,000 pairs Ladies’ member, long Socks; all cheap; rn p Shoes, high fl fl ones; listen, each.. colors, pair wU su itor low MHiUU 860 short Kimonos; 780 pairs pure silk enn Bovs’ Summer Un- 750 pairs Children’s beautiful designs; 1 fl r Socks; 10p l ghoeS( any gize Q just think l "v pair 1 g uits ZOO and color; pair hlT Skirt5 ’ all , C »' p! ’ ilS . Porous 'Knit 700 Misses’fine Dresses; 150 paiix Men’s Shoes; ors; hear Efl n Undervests nr n n solid leather; $1 tn this OUI and Drawers 23C "* es 50C pair JI .OU -1 y _ - ■ - ■i= muslin "and 6 very’ wide; 850 pairs Elastic Seam 1,000 pairs Drawers, the tSiig 8 ; 23c 35c “ ched; 10c sl ' oo 610 all-linen Skirts; 540 fine Work Slurts, straw House Slip- “rthsWsl.oo collars 2sC Hats,easy; pair l 8C . ■, . -21' . .r..—- -■» - . __ J- , . -JU " ■ 365 fine Corset Covers; 650 fine Straw Hats, the 275 fine Parasols; all P airs OW Ladies’ lace lEp $3.00 rfl colors, ntn Comfort 01 fl fl trimmed ' 3L oi«3u each Shoes; pairv I iUU. 780 pairs Corsets* all the 400 pairs Suspenders; 175 pairs Boys’ Easy 298 pairs Ladies’ leading while they in„ Walkers, tflp Pumps; the $2 Oi nr shapes, pair last, pair'LL pairvub kind, at, pair... V hZu 650 Coat Shirts, French "W* 5,000 Hand Knit Silk cuffs, best quality of per- H »g| I B J W? • Four-in Hands, the kind cale or madras; truly $1 LJ PJT A k 5 he sdls values; now them for “Home of Lou) Prices” I 50c Corner Mitchell and Forsyth Sts. 25c I COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH ■ y -ISLSLl I .’' '.IL.' S? 1 111'J'g 1 11.!" 1 .! J. fl . V.. ’L . - , ■ ,