Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 04, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE NINE, Image 33

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BENNETT HERE FOR ABBOTT GO. He Will Establish Branch Of fice in Atlanta to Handle the Abbott-Detroit Cars. A L. Bennett, of the Abbott Motor Company of Detroit, is here and an nounces the establishment in Atlanta in the. Immediate future of the South ern branch or distributing point of the Abbott-Detroit ears. Mr. .Bennett has just made a trip throughout the entire South with a view toward selecting the most logical, point for the management of his com pany's business in this territory. He says that Atlanta has impressed him more favorably, than any other city he has visited. Cp to the present time the Abbott Company has never had a distributing point South of Cincinnati, but Mr. Ben nett states they are coming into this section and expect to do a great busi ness. They will have agencies in all the principal Southern cities, but the headquarters and main distributing point will be Atlanta. The Demons of the Swamp are. mosquitoes. As they sting tin y put deadly malaria germs in the blood. Then follow the icy chills and the fires of fever. The appetite flics and the strength fails; also malaria often paves the way for deadly typhoid. But Elec tric Bitters kill and cast out the ma laria germ.- from the blood: give you a fine appetite and renew your strength. "After long suffering." wrote William ITetwell. of Lucama, N. • '., "three bot tles drove all the malaria from my system, and I've had good health ever since." Best for all stomach, liver and kidney Ills. 50 ets. at all druggists. A danger signal! At last the world is beginning to com prehend that excessive weight in a man-—or an automobile --is a sure indication of trou ble ahead. We are selling seventy-five thousand new Fords this year because they are lightest, lightest—-a n d wonderful I y economical. Ail Hords are Model T’s—all alike exerpf lhe bodies. The two-passenger runabout costs $590 —the five-passenger touring car $690 —-lhe delivery ear s7oo—the town car S9O0 —f. o. b. Detroit, completely equipped. Del latest catalogue from Hord Motor Company. 311 Peachtree street. Atlanta, or direct from Detroit factory. if I■'* | I If'^! ( / .. ' j' b •?• a ' ', . '*''■ -•' .-*’ ■'/ • ■'''•• ' •*:*- .i' '■ -.' ■» • INCOMPARABLE WHITE . A TN this era of motor car refinement, the White Six £1 j stands pre-eminent as the one and only Six that ’ S t Vy : embodies all of the most advanced and desirable ’ H - : features of construction and design. -- 0 PELECTRIC STARTING ANO LIGHTING SYSTEM '•.' pl ; LONG STROKE MOTOR '’ H i ' MONOBLOC CYLINDERS M ■ '• *' LEFT SIDE DRIVE ; H RIGHT HAND CONTROL fl ; ■ FOUR SPEED TRANSMISSION ‘..j N.» CONCEALED DOOR FITTINGS ' ; H i , features, combined with perfect spring suspension and road . M L | p a |ance, deep and yielding upholstery, absolutely positive oiling and ja M? i ' cooling systems, together with unequaled body lines and finish, ,ta •L. tV- ■' make the White the ideal Six. ; |1 The t|J ' : i manufacturers of gasoline motor cArs, trucks and taxicam -El 132 PEACHTREE STREET J/ Jf .». I.iw I. IIJ ■ I 11 in »mTmHMMwrniFi wjhii f-wfi r - How They Measure The Distance in a Race of Aeroplanes “It ha? always been a matter nf special interest to land-lubbers as to hon dis tance is judged in an aeroplane race.” says H. C. Lower, of the aeronautic sup plies department. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, comment* ing upon the recent race at St. Louis between Antony .1 annus and James Ward. “Pylons are fixed at turns on the avia tion field.” explained Mr. Lower, “and an official known as an observer is sta tioned at each pylon. As the machine passes overhead, the observer tries to get his line, of sight in a straight vertical line. It might be surmised that the avia tor could easily crib a yard or two. but as a matter of fact in rounding corners, be rarely flies high because of the time lost in reaching an altitude It is com paratively easy therefore for the ob server to see whether or not the aviator travels on the wrong or the right side of the pylon.” Ward, who steered a Curtiss, machine equipped with Goodyear tires .and fabric in the rare with J annus, covered the lif teen-mile course in thirteen minutes one half seconds. The distance will be offi cially surveyed by the Aero club of St. Louis. There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Cham berlain's t’otigh Remedy more than now. This is shown by the increase in sales and voluntary testimonials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold, give it a trial and become acquainted with its good quali fies. For sale by all dealers. Athens Sunday rate of $1.50 goes on next Sunday. Seaboard. White City Park Now Open Panamas cleaned. Bus sey’s, 28 12 Whitehall St. HM ATLANTA GEORGIAN A XT) NEWS: SATURDAY. MAY I. 1912. HILL-CLIMB DATE IS FINAELY FIXED Cars Will Race Up Stewart Avenue Hill on Saturday, May 11. Th'- hill climb of the Atlanta Auto mobile and Accessory association will positively be held on Saturday. May 11. <>n the Stewart avenue hill It has been decided to hold the climb under class <’ and class D rulings for the automobiles, and the motorcycle e<-\ nts under classes 3'V 5o and 'll of the E. A. M. fuels. • 'lass •’ of the A. A. A. specifies pis ton displacement only, and will be run in six events. Class D is the free-for all. open to any gasoline ear which complies with the definition of a "mo tor car," without restriction as to pis ton displacement, price or quantity pro duced. Sanctions have* been received from both the American Automobile associa tion and the Federation of .American Motorcyclists, and- the following con ditions will prevail: All events will be given a flying start. Trophies will be awarded win ner In each event. At lehst two ears of different makes must start in each event. The right is reserved to reject any entry for any cause, without, ex planation. The management is not lia ble for injuries to, or caused by. con testants 01 machines used by them. Each entrant shall hold the Atlanta Automobile and Accessory association harmless anil indefnify them against any loss. An electric timing device will be used. The entry fee will be $5.0il for each ear and,sl.oo for each motor cycle in each event. The length*of the course is 1.010 feet. The maximum grade is 4.74 per cent. The average grade is 3.61 pet cent. Amateur duly ers must register with the contest board of the A. A. A in Now York, or with Charles 1. Ryan in Atlanta, or at the hill climb, upon payment of regis tration foe of $2.00. Entries close M-.n 7, 1912. at noon, with E. 11. Elleby. secretary, at 7>rf Auburn avenue. The officials of the climb are: Tech nical committee. Ed L. Wright Jr.. C 11. Johnson. I>. T. Bussey; starters. Wylie West. John Smith; referees, Lindsay Hopkins, Erank Long Charles Elyea. W. T. -Waters, Jr.; clerk, E. H Elleby; timers and umpires. H. A. Price. R. N. Reed. C. C. Loehridgo. The referee for the motorcyle events will be W. V. Miller. Remember the Bijou prices are only 10c. Very Important pages of newspapers are the Want Ad pages, because thev contain I’ve and up to—he minute ous • ness of the day This Is an age of the live up-to-the-minute business men and 'Aomen Georgian want aus cost one cent a word. From the factory direct to you. This means, quality considered, best Piano val ues for the least money. CABLE PIANO CO., 84 North Broad st. POTATOES BUY FARMERSAUTDS Crops in Maine and New Jer sey Are Being Turned Into Cars. "Much has been said and written as to the way farmers have taken to the au tomobile during the pant few rears. The purchasing of automobiles was taken as the best sign of prosperity in the rural districts, ' says F. ft Hump, assistant general manager of the R-C-H Corpora tion. "but it was not until last fall that Aroostook. county. Maine, and the south ern part of New Jersey gave evidence of their prosperity by auto buying This spring these districts are listed among the best territories by sales departments of auto factories. "Potatoes are the cause The citizens are literally turning their potatoes into automobiles. Aroostook count.v js the extreme northern division of Maine. Its sandy soil does not impress one as being especially good and. indeed, the residents themselves had the same idea until re cently. Last fall when the potato crop tell short in many parts of the I'nited States., Aroostook county was among the exceptions. "When it, became known that Aroostook county was prepared to furnish the .coun try with splendid potatoes, its fame grew and the money fairly poured into the pockets of the residents. Now they're buying autos and wp received an order from our dealer there recently asking that three carloads of R-C-H ears be shipped him before May 10-with others to follow . "The circumstances are abbuctlic same in southern New Jersey , only there it was found that sweet potatoes were the bps* producers and wealth returners." Roger <'iab. the hermit aud.a.-trol oger, almost solved the problem of how to live without eating. About 1641 Im began to restrict himself to a vegeta rian diet, avoiding even butler and cheese. From roots he got to a vege tarian diet of broth thickened with bran, and-pudding made of bran and turnip leaves chopped together, and he finally resorted to dock loaves and grass. He drank nothing hut water, and lived for nearly 40 years on three farthings a week. He. died in London in 16S0 ip his sixtieth y ear. Standard Model j^ lllwu E| K M Model EE || fcfj SBSO 1/4 «Hs9oo»’ij Wfly' ~ ~ of MIL fl MB Equipped with 32x3% tires, -W f ully o<iuippo<| with t«»j», BSi demountable and quick de- windshield Keiv'i atm- side waS SSI® tachable rims, extra rim. Boseh S USftjf r . . e.- ■■■«■'■■■ magneto, gas tank, windshield. fK eiirtains, '* lamps, horn, tools lamps, horn, tools and kit: and 1E EK" the famous Jiffy Curtains, which IBs ■-T-'uAfj and urn repair kit. long strok- << Tr « I - ” ff van be adjusted in an instant W HE? I won IV-rive « nfl make the car entirely K Hr motor. ~ sp. • ds. enclosed * VT ««.J * 1 VV. weatherproof. Long stroke mo- S ■•’V /W valves. Bosch magneto. 5-Pc^^ er Touring Car--,1 10-Jneh Wh<-e)ha, t 1 I A I IE English-type body, used on the R-C-H exclusively among pop- B H ' JL ular-priced cars, is admitted to be the most artistic body con- sH siruction which the industry has developed. It is a much-admired sea- T SI / rgtiigß lure <>n <-ars of quality abroad: and a few of the very highest-priced American » SB cars have recently adopted it. w W rite, telephone or call on nearest dealer. %£> General R-C-H Specifications, S j Motor I < ylinrlors. m bloo .'li-imh b<'r«\ •-huh stroke. Twn boa ring nr ank shaft- Timing grars and 18 /i'Jr x.'Hvns om’lo.-fd Tl - |u>i ni Drive—Left side. I rro\•■rsiblr worm gear. 16-inch whppl. Control- , Center lever operated through II plau . integral with universal joint housing just below. Springs—Front, semi- | fl 'dllptu . r«ai. full elliptic .uni mounted <»n swivel scats’ Frame -Pressed steel channel. Axles—'Front, I-beam. f j drop-forged; rear, semi floating ’> !■• Body—Rfigdisii type, extra wide seats. Wheelbase -110 inches. Full 9 i f l equipment quoted above. ’ |/f R-C-H CORPORATION, Detroit, Michigan $1 ik i JD. PALMERLEE, Manager Atlanta Branch Phone Ivy 477 548 Peachtree St. ■ I 0 Bl j I 1 " ® ffRiESSH W > i wT \ ny Hn-un ■- I rv<«Mv • . y. , . . t JfWr WMUHMk / TBy / •_• --*-A xWF »■■ -•-• / Bl mgy t -> / .® s j III 30" louring Car ” ■ Touring) Cnr *lwo sizes "GO Touring Car-sixcylinder **, The White ’ T 120-22 Mhrietto.St. - • -- • -:2j FULTON AUTO SUPPLY CO. 249 Peachtree Street Automobile supplies of every kind. Mail order driven j prnmni attrnfion. Lowest prior." obiainable. Write for rata- In" M.-ikr your car rnrnplctc. ANNOUNCEMENT The Sigma Engineering Company. of Atlanta, has acquired the sell ing agency for the following well-known motor cars: Matheson Silent Six Ranging to'oin S;>.SIN) in $6,509 in price, and the famouts tars, selling at $2,100 ami upward. Io these lines ha re been added the Imperial Line, starting with a roadster at $1,250. ami extending to an astonishing ly attractive 15-horsepower touring car, with 36-im-h wheels. 120-inch wheelbase ami foredoors. which sells, completely equipped, at $1,750, f. o. b. Jackson, M i<-h. We offer One Hundred Dollars' worth of car. in real value, for every hundred dol lars of prlifl l ; together with nno-riidyiiic'. competent service Io every purchaser through out the life of his car. . » Inspection and full investigation of the above lines is cordially invited. SIGMA ENGINEERING COMPANY 222-224 PEACHTREE STREET. Simple Engine * Accessible * Economical ’ Aj-k forJkzjriojirt ration '' ’ l ’* w * The ’ ’ __ 120-22-Marietta. St. _ CADILLAC STEINHAUER & WIGHT 228-230 Peachtree St, Ivy 2233 I— MAG AZIN E SECTION. PAGE NINE