Newspaper Page Text
All West End Streets Lead To Westland Estates
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Entrance to Westland Estates Now in Course of Construction
Why Your Money is Safe, Sure and Sound
in Westland Estates
In the first place, you want to “save up for the rainy day.” In the second place, you
want to put your savings in the line of profit. In the third place, yon want to know the hank
won t “bust” and leave you playing back to where you began. Georgia banks have a splendid
record of stability, yet wo offer you—not an equal chance—but better.
Simply because we have the real estate- the final answer in bankable security—to sell you.
When you buy a Westland lot. and get the little brown book, you have a savings account
started. You are fully protected. You may die. but you get more than you have paid. You get
sick, and we protect you. You live and long before you have paid, you are a profit-maker on the
lot you buy.
You neither guess nor gamble. There are some things that are inevitable. Lapse of time
briims age and finally death. You are immortal on this earth if you leave children or others. de
pending upon you. The finality is there. What have you got? If you have a Westland Estates lot
you have an estate that means profit on every dollar invested.
You know how Atlanta is growing, how it is spreading out each day. until the corn and
cotton fields of yesterday become the residence section today, irowded y.ith houses and streets and
When that happens then there is higher prices and profit in lot investment.
Atlanta has had no slump in real estate in the memory of man. A thousand people every
month come into the city. It is estimated that 500 lots every month must be sold to satisfy the
ordinary demand. The transfer and trucking companies are daily busy unloading goods from
trains and putting new people into the city. Xew factories of all kinds are springing up. and the
city long ago grew beyond the limits laid down by the lawmakers. And every man and woman
and child who conus into Atlanta, every factory and every new business, adds value to the prop
erty in and mar Atlanta.
At the present rate of growth the city will have close to, if not quite, a half million people
in the city and close-in suburbs before the next census. Long before you have made the last pay
ment on the lot you have bought in Westland—the savings bank of the thrifty—your property
will be in the center of things.
You are not asked to buy a lot in some unknown town on a prairie or in the woods. You
are not asked to put your money into swamp or sand pile—but if you read what people say,
and look at the facts regarding Atlanta, you will readily see how perfect is the opportunity.
A lot in a splendid close-in neighborhood.
Prim based on present conditions, and giving you a profit on Atlanta's growth.
Payments so arranged as to make it possible for you to meet them.
Xo taxes or interest—but a savings bank with big profit to you.
No Taxes and No Interest to Pay on Westland Lots
Interest! It's the bugaboo of the saving man, the one gaunt, ever-howling wolf that stalks
before the door of the man or woman who lacks capital. If a person buys property the interest
charge is always eating like a canker and is the hardest thing to pay. It's the thing that wor
ries. In Wetland Estates you can buy property and know there is XO INTEREST TO PAY.
We can do this because we know we will sell more property, and we can get along without it.
AVe pay all the taxes until all the payments are made and Warranty Deed is issued to the pur
You sign a contract to buy a lot in Westland Estates And you know exactly what you arc
going to pay. Xearly all tlm lots cost a payment of 25 cents a day—a few dollars a month, and
you become the owner of a splendid piece of property hound to make you a profit.
Protection to Purchaser’s Heirs in Case of Death
If you ’my Westland Estates property, you know your family won’t lose everything tn
case of your death. That is a great satisfaction, and one feature alone that makes anyone con
template the purchase of Westland Estates property with pleasure. If you buy a Westland lot.
make the first payment and die, your wife or family <an have a deed to the property by making
ten payments at otn time, or if you have made ten payments or more before your death a war
rant} deed will be at once made to your wife or other heirs designated.
Southland Estates Corporation 'Wffiß,
603 Third National Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga. |
• ‘ - 13
Suburban development in the past'
few years astonishes every one.
Yet it is merely the result of the
law of demand.
Necessity pushes thousands of
people into the suburbs to solve the
problem of living and thousands of
others go for more ideal conditions
of life.
“Out of the din and noise” is the
i logan of those who can get out —
and this class is swelling every day
moved both by choice and by ne
It is the business of the Southland
Estates Corporation to supplv this
GROW'ING DEMAND— to take ad
vantage of these endless opportuni
ties to develop and market, high
class residence districts, as the needs
of the city appear.
And in this worthy work, so close
ly identified with the LASTING.
Millions Have Been Made in Real Estate By Purchasing Just a Little Ahead of Development
, "ith piactieallj no exceptions beyond those you can count on the of one hand, all the big fortunes in At
an a avei ieen made in real estate, and these by exercising judgment in buying just ahead of and in the line of de-
? p opmen . Jhe men 55 ho bought large acreage and developed subdivisions have made money. but the people who have
mug it ots 111 anj of the subdivisions have in the aggregate made more money than the people svho put on the subdi
' il ', l " n , ' P °P ’’ "ho nought out at a distance from the city center a few years ago were called crazv. but in two rears
values have generally increased one hundred per cent, and the skeptic then is paving the big advance now. and glad to
he permitted to get property at the higher figure.
We Offer This Opportunity for Profit in Atlanta To Everybody in America.
Fhe Wonderful Movement of Crowded Population Out
to Sunny Suburbs of Atlanta
XctSS K k . xir"* 1 ~
lanta i growing at m aXntehhJ A7J Th’ F , denizens ; " bo are gfling to th. suburbs and buying huw. Every suburban sortion of At .
of the cir llnea’and nodJe th> h T * r ° wth s °me of Atlanta's suburbs in ten years is a little short of mn .culoits. Take a ride on „nv
wan buihis a home he is esta bl'ishing a'nucleus For a centor°of popu s'pre^" 0 " 16 h"™ °" nin? EVWr a
b inrrJ'.«ine\vWh U >hl I raH loV ; ment solving many problems for Atlanta that are puzzling the learned men of the universities. Domestic felicity
owned home h ° meS ' Ther L‘?™ d ° Ubt about ' Vhen a man flnal,y rPalizi ' tbaf is *
the fireside It is true 'lfv>la Ir' • h r tht -', n responsibilities: he becomes more domestic in his habits; he finds comfort and happiness in
n , ls ,ru ,• ' ou rto not believe it. make an investigation in the suburbs.
ing the* "aceAiickle n moblem at Takingmtm? 1 11 0 ’ 1 'IT c ? !l f dto by the census takers. The home-owning movement has worked along the line of solv-
urbs h ;i r J‘de<'rAsed A. mtio of' mAalitychildren arF’dy- atmOsphPrp of th ” thipkly P n P ulaterl S . the freedom of the sub
mg; that is one point. Another one is that more children are I
being born. A woman in a self-owne«d home is surrounded by’ a •
g< neral neighborhood atmosphere of healthy domestic common I
?v nsp . !,nd rt ' i,!iz es that home without children is incomplete.
Healthy c hildren are being born and growing up in the suburbs *
amid environments that augur well for the future Atlanta. Home
pride is demanding good school facilities, churches and all that -
tends to educate and elevate, that tends to build up good char-
acters and fit children to battle with the world i 'Z 31
It is actually coming to pass that it is a sort of a reflection on n r~—l t?
a man if he does not own his own home, or a place on which he *£l* 'tt; HiH IF. *’£'■««* K?. t—l -J
van build some day. Deny it as you may. it is so. The man M ® .SwwsO'SlEs ZZZ tzj
or woman who owns a home is respected: they are raised in a 4S& SU I—-j t~ —?
sphere above their companions in the flats or'the rented houses. tz.l i
,* 0 not own a home is becoming more and more a confession of jSr I—' 1 —' 1
. initiative and that force of character essential to success F? • I -
in life. . Success does not necessarily mean accumulation of JEBr .4® rrJ -— 1
wealth it means first of all happiness, and a self* *» —~.J
"\vned home is the prime essential. It >'
may be humble, but there never was a truer JSkF r—l f > —3
saying than “There Is no place like home.” 3lust ..r— r .— t — i
you be classed with the wanderers, the renters rrr. LL.l— ) V— lJ —1
who can not say. -This is my home?" C=lEmDE_. tl)
55 ith the of homes there hn.s come CID’—~II—IfTZ)L i 1 1 11 I ~i wQa - —?
increase in civic pride. The home owners form tJtZIQCZir. —)r~s I 1 W~H Zj
clubs in the suburbs; they become interested in jtßf !/'ZZIO I iT~ ■ —it —V —l r —f V~~ —?
municipal problems, and help in working them A?g> ■ r ~~> l ll < —1 1 —b r~i' —>i —y 1 yr- c)
out. When a man becomes a home owner ev- Jw tl~ ~d —it —it —.t —,r —,r —> ( h —<{_ ZZZ
erything that concerns the city con- i=^^lXX r~W EE 1
cerns him more personally than if Os ;a. I
he simply resides in another man’s ft SSr ? r ~ J * \ —* • —j
house. If a man owns his own fl ~ Ks 1 —yl— —.
he is interested In the ques- // g SIMPSON STREET X w-X
of the city, which vitally affects him Tj ?W|i| • \T gjHSrt: □ | I i___niL.‘J l ' 1 1 —rt-n ’
In many ways. He becomes a work- If ana J I S 3 <S 9lfl U I \\ •—i —’r —■ ct’ts -J"
inc. a.nv.. citizen, and this Increase I /jSlil! BSiSI B? 11 -\\ • 7=o . —• F—c-- - <
:sz^.. pr K 'siisx'^ M Simiiitmi
kk i iiHiiiisiiiiHHiiti
or home place. It means that if A ~IgESR ~“l| mLXXXXo XSSSryRmX S'
you buy a Westland Estates lot you /I M ~ r~Z3 18110 “I
Win have a profit from your savings M ■■■■■ ■ i - ± -\-q enzj emez:trmtra u —i
How the Man Who Does i
Not Live in Atlanta May 1 '
Buy Westland Estates Lots B "SSg’Sxgggggl
There are thousands of people outside of At- IB OCI CjDOCI
lantM who, believing in the city’s splendid future. nA r— —1 CZjLJI---J F— b—,
desire to invest in its propenv. ill such 5t l ~ 3C= -' FZ3CT3 CE3C3C3EXI’
sents a proposition which makes it possible tn ~ c ~ 3 <!_
for the outside residents to get absolutely a —Z7t—ZTCXJd__i IC. —l t—□ Cl I ~r~"~
square deal. We have lots from S2OO up tn S6OO. Vlk —j 1 L_ zz
I pou the po \ ment *'f S2O wo will select for anv ~tt—3l——a C j C..?-J 1— I »—-i—J .
outside purchaser a lot. and if the purchaser Wk —~j IS £ I _C - jr —-
will investigate the property and make an ex-
amination any time within six months and is IKk c |-P'Zl'W f~-
not satisfied with the lots selected for him. we Wi r~li > ■ —,,Un F
will pern.:! :>im t. exeli.inge - an other un- IjSk „ ZZzf 'l —ll J <_ZJ 4—J kJ. -L\
sold lot r.f the sat,'." price, or a different pri< e aS'i
by an arrangement covm-ing the difference in Wk bwWi VTZZJ'ZITJ— I—-r
values. Nothing can be fairer. For an invest- 3 ',== F" 3 XF?, —' F£- '—
ment of S2O. without t axes or interest, and the !=£ rxj /—-l L—J L-J I-JU ,5 >'_J d
pawnent of 2.5 ea dn you btiy a lot in tie di- WV > *— l £3 VU CX ZJ.dCj IZ
rect line of Atlanta’s development, which is ' ll1 1 1 ~CZZJJIZj <--" ■ 1 tUDCn 12 _>_j d
' ' tlue md when your ’ 1~-JILJC3C -JOX3 d.
monthly savings mean a large inti rest on the in- Z'Va r~ —j t * ' ’ L
vestment. t—-JJI—JI f—‘XZJ 1 )A
55 rite us today for booklet and information. i-rZ > I Os ZZ
un czj un trzzj q >—
CZ2 CdidJ tzr-,,-, rw
_ - aaqEr-,r ( r
We are trying to make properties,
not merely good properties, but the
best properties of the kind—places
which, in the future, will be a credit
to the city—places in which people
will have pleasure and pride, so long
as they dwell therein and profit
should they sell to go elsewhere.
In a few years land selling for
hundreds of dollars will bring thou
sands, and the people who buy of us
will make a greater proportionate
profit on their lots than we do on
the acreage.
PORATION has put on the market
its first subdivision, WESTLAND
ESTATES. The Corporation owns
this property. It is in the best part
of Atlanta's suburbs. It is reached
by beautiful cheated streets, through
a neighborhood which there is no
better in Atlanta and a lot in this
subdivision will in the ordinary op
eration of events increase in value
by an enormous percentage long be
fore the payments are completed, if
kept up in accordance with the con
tract for the purchase.
There was a time when West End
was a separate town and farther
awav from the real active center of
Atlanta than WESTLAND ES
TATES is now. Park and streets
and all those fine thoroughfares were
far out in the county. When you
went out to the old Adair homestead
you were in the countfv. And so
WESTLA/MD ESTATES, with al! of
its natural beauty, and some im
provements which will be made, long
before the young man of Atlanta has
reached old age, .become an integral
part of the city itself, and no doubt
far within the city’s boundaries.
It does not require that the man
who makes this statement should be
the seventh son of a seventh son or
gifted with any superior power of
prophecy-or be acquainted with'the
mysteries of reading the future.- As
Patrick Henry said, "The only way
we can judge the future is by the
past." and Atlanta, continuing to in-
crease and grow by the same P er *
centage as noiv, will soon surround
and enclose practically all the near
in property as a part of the city
itself, with all of the improvements
which attend. The cotton ftt.d of
yesterday becomes the residence
places of tomorrow.
It is the experience in every grow
ing city that the man who has made
money in real estate on a small cap
ital is the one who has purchased
out of his savings property in the
direct line of the city’s growth and
improvement and awaited till, by
reason of the increase in population,
his lots and lands have become of
great value. The corn fields of the
Bronx and the goat hills of Harlem
have made millions for the owners
of the property when the skeptic
stood by and would not give ten
' cents an acre for any of those lands.
Coming nearer hpm ;j , there are a
score of instances in Atlanta of
numerous profits which have been
made and fortunes which have been
secured by the operation of the same
immutable law.