Newspaper Page Text
The Georgian Hs the Leading Want Ad Medium of the South
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga
• Entered at Atlanta Postoffice as second-
class matter
' Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year. mail, postage prepaid, $5 00
Six months. mail, postage prepaid, 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 1.25
One month. mail, postage prepaid, .45
Subscriptions P yable in Advance
Delivered by carrier, one year $5 20
Delivered by carrier, six months 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month4l
■ Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
" other cities, one week 10c.
Help Wanted—Female.
n WANTED—Bright girls, between sixteen
H and twenty-two years of age. attrac-
tive occupation, with excellent opportuni-
H ties for rapid advancement. Applicants
must have common school education and
“ be able to furnish satisfactory references
as to character. " Apply in person at 25
k Auburn avenue. Atlanta 5-1-26
. LADIES—Big money .doing the Herr
mann permanent wave with hairdress
ing. manicuring, facial massage, elec
trolysis or chiropody; few weeks qualifies,
positions waiting in best parlors for com
petent operators Call nr write Moler
College. 53 West Mitchell street 56-4-5
WANTED —Experienced pants maker,
also to do busheling London Tailoring
Co.. 24 North Forsyth st 5-4-41
WANTED—At nee. an experienced maid
at 76 West reachtree 5-4-48
iv TO INTRODUCE Vera Moller's Pure Cu
cumber Face Cream send for free sam
f pie and judge for yourself. 135*4 White-
Mi 1 street Main 299".62-4-5
WANTED—GirI for light house work;
good pat 41 Bass st 5-4-31
■WANTED—A laundress two days a week
Apply 20 Fort McPherson. 41-6-5
WANTED —Cook for family of two and
do light housework Call at 356 For
rest avenue Dr. Brannon _ 5-6-8
nographer. Experienced.
Must write good hand and
L bo rapid and accurate with
» both figures and dictation.
J Address. H. G. G.. Box 333.
| care Georgian. 5-6-2
I 'WANTED—An experienced collar girl; no
K other need applv. Address l aundry, care
■ Georgian.s-7-5
52.50 PER DAY paid one lady in each
K town to distribute free circulars for
A concentrated flavoring In tubes; perma-
B rent position. F. E. Barr Co.. Chicago_
? "WANTED —Girl to assist in light house-
work. Apply Mrs. J. H. Hodges, 54
H Larkin st. 5-7-7
ffi; WANTED -A good cook. 155 Peeples st.
if; t 5-7-23
WANTED - Competent and reliable
cook: Apartment small family. Call 85
BL East Siyth street, third floor. 47-7-5
■ WAXttai—An experienced cook; small
family; good wages. 21 Columbia ave.
| 5-7-40
F WANTED —Stenographer who has had ex-
perience in law office or legal work and
who understands filing. Answer, stating
experience and salary expected. C. 11.
care Georgian 5-7-41
I WAN'tElb Office girl, age 16 to 18. to do
w office box work. Address F. O. Box
j, 847. Atlanta. Gas-7-35
f WANTED- A white woman to do general
housework in Macon, Ga. Apply 760
■ Peachtree street. 5-7-52'
EXPERIENCED linen room lady: one
Colored chambermaid. Southern. Busi
ness Agency. 265 Candler Annex. '5-7-58
A-l HEA D~W AI fR ES Sat " o nee ’’’Acme
" Business Agency, 1018 Century Bj<ig.__
A THREE "colored - mafdi for summer fe
” sort Call this afteronon. 1018 Cen-
fiiury Bldg 5-7-54
Help Wanted—Male
L STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city;
10*4 Walton st., if you want a clean,
quiet room: transient 50c; open all night.
[A WE A ANT five ambitious young men to
jfc, become real estate salesmen: we are
s now selling lots, on easy monthly pay-
ment plan and will give you contract
i which will enable you to make 825 to SSO
. per week, and at. the same time afford
? “you an excellent chance to learn the real
■9 estate business. Apply Charlton Barrett,
>6014 X'. Broad st. 4-6-18
WANTED—First-class cook (mate on 1y)
■ to go to work at once; room on lot if
desired 103 Washington
! YES. Professor G. O. Branding will teach
|, 'ou the barber trade (it's easy! We
K 'teach in one-half time of other colleges.
Course, tools and position in our shops
K only S3O Why pay more" Thousands of
■ our graduates running shops or making
V good wages Atlanta Barber College, m
East Mitchell streets-11-17
WANTED — Fiftv men at once to learn
the barber trade We have the Jobs on
file. Top wages. Tools furnished. Di
plomas granted. City or country appli
-cants rail nr write. Moler Barber Col-
]ege, 58 W Mitchell street.s7-4-5
nographer. Experienced.
Must write good hand and
be rapid and accurate with
both figures and dictation.
Address H. G. G„ Box 333.
care Georgian. -3-6-2
b WANT ED— Fits rd as s butler not over 16
• references. 40 Kennesaw avenue.
' Phone by 1762-L.
WANTED—One good pipe fitter at once
Wr'te or apply to Hampton Springs Ho-
I tel Co . Hampton Springs. Fla .>-6-14
W \ v-jrED—Experienced form carpenters.
L Applv at once to .1 A. Ggboury & Son.
Cedartown. Ga. 4 ~ b 7.2
PHYSICIAN —Registered in Alabama tor
Ik medical office; salary and expenses.
Rnbt Par. P. O. Montgomery, Ala ,
unmarried men between ages or A Ma
35 citizens of United States, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the ,
guage, For information apply to Recruit
ing Officer. 23'2 Whitehall street. Atlanta
or 411 Cherry street, Macon. Ga. 4---1
YOU ARE WANTED for government po
sition: SBO month; send postal for list
of positions open Franklin institute.
. I'opt 4'l-I’.. Rochester, N. V.
W WANTED - Experienced man ‘ solicit
I trade for retail grocery store. ,U’V
| 138 Pulliam street. 4
I \vNNTED —A voting man about 16 years
old to take care of automobile and learn
to drive, not much experience necessao.
Applv Pyrene Mfg. Co., 601 Austell _Byig
WANTEDA good reliable butler.
541 Equitable Bldg"7 ‘.A?
WANTED—Man to tamp stone in alley.
12 Ki m bal! st. __ ..
WANTECt—First-Class gin man: Me who
, understands training and breasting Ar
ik plv with references tr G< irgia Agr.cul-
> P-a! 'Works. Fort Valley. Ga 5-.-3«
Carrying more Want Ads than any other Southern Newspaper, Bellow are the figures showing the number of’Want Ads published
by a0 the Atlanta Newspapers for the year Mb The Georgian carried 1189,413 Want Ads, Journal Constitution 92,009 Want Ads.
This count is for six days to the week===for The Georgian prints no Sunday paper===and seven days to the week for The Journal and The
Constitution. 389,4 M Want Ads are by far the most ever before printed by Tn Atlanta Newspaper in a year. Both Phones 8000.
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED—Bright, quick
office boy. Good place for
right person. Address in
own handwriting. "Office
Boy,” Box 300, care Geor
gian. 5-7-53
WANTED—Job press feeder. Apply to
Dittler Bros., 216-218 E. Hunter street.
■_ 5-7-42
TWELVE experienced colored waiters:
must be European plan men: two first
class second cooks: one first-class colored
chef. Southern Business Agency, 265
Candler Annex 5-7-57
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
blood troubles, tetter, scrofula, catarrh,
old sores, eczema, cancer, pellagra, rheu
matism. SSO for case specific blood trou
ble we fat! to cure. J. S. Dobbs, agent,
513 Austell building. Phone 614, 2-17-105
nographer. Experienced.
Must write good hand and
be rapid and accurate with
both figures and dictation.
Address H. G. G., Box 333,
care Georgian. 5-6-2
WANTED-TWO musicians.
Mutual Business Agencv,
Phone M. 3163. 411 Gould Blds.
Public Stenographer,
1003 caXdler building.
710 Third National Bank Bldg. Ivy 2447.
Agents Wanted.
$25 TO SSO per weeK easily made selling
residence lots on the easy monthly pay
ment plan in our Decatur Heights sub
division. experience unnecessary; im
provements down and artistic homes how
being built. Apply Charlton Barrett,
Manager. 60D N Bread st. 4-6-19
AGENTS WANTED in every town in
Georgia to sell automobile tire remov
er; does the work in one minute what
it will take two hours to do without thte
tool. For sale by A. G Inman, Midville.
Ga. 2-29-32
DISTRICT AGENTS—Sickness, accident
insurance; stock company: liberal pol
icy: insures both sexes, claim settle
ments and business methods strongly
cotrynepded by insurance examiners Our
liberal profit-sharing contract gives won
derful opportunitv for permanent income
to capable producers. Representatives
wanted in all states. Address Federal
Casualty. Detroit, Mich., giving expe
rience. references. 59-6-5
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED—Capable salesmen to sell on
the easy monthly payment plan, finish
ed lots in our North Decatur residence
subdivision. Apply Charlton Barrett, man
ager, 60D North Broad street. 4-6-17
EN Elti 'l-; TH reliable party wanted to
represent the sale of high-grade office
and electrical specialties' electrical
knowledge not required; liberal salary or
commission on contract; exclusive terri
tory. Electrical Goods Mfg. 00., Wash
ingtbn. D. C. 1-10-45
WANTED—Salesman for high grade line
of riders and vinegars; exclusive or
side line; liberal commissions, with week
ly settlements; fine opening for good man;
references required. Atlantic Vinegar
Co., Richmond. Va. 88-4-5
WANTED —Fjve or six bright, active,
young men of good character who want
to learn the real estate business. We
will pay you a small weekly salary add a'
good commission. You will have the ad
vice and assistance of old salesmen, and
have as clean a proposition to handle as
there is in Atlanta Tt is ThO'Ohance of
a lifetime. Address Box 602, care Geor
gian. 5-4-75
Teachers Wanted.
ATTRACTIVE positions for state and in
terstate teachers Write for registra
tion blanks to Teachers’ Agency Com
pany, 1012 Empire Building,' Atlanta. Ga
3 2 9-103
THIS is an established agency Our seventh
season. Have filled all classes Openings
in universities, colleges, public and"private
sahools. Write for literature. Foster's
Teachers Agencv. Third National Bank
Bldg., Atlanta. Ga.4JI-39
WE NEED men and more teachers, elec
tions taking place rapidly; our twenty
first year Sheridan's Teachers' Agency.
307 Candler Bldg.. Atlanta, Qa Other
offices Greenwood, S. C.. Charlotte. N C
TEACHERS WANTED for all class posi
tions. Free registration June 1 Write
today for circulars. Register Teachers’
Agency. Register, Ga. 5-6-21
Situations Wanted—Female.
Rates Under This Classification; 24
■words. 1 time 10c; 3 times 30c; 7 times 40c
CUT OUT all washerwoman troubles
Have your clothes washed the sanitary
way Thirty cents a dozen garments.
Sanitary Rough Dry Laundry. S. D. Mul
linax. mgr., 24 and 26 Brotherton street.
Phones. Bell 1802, Atlanta.3s3. 4-13-J 6
WANTED —Maternity cases by experi
enced nurse, hospital trained; best ref
erences; reasonable charges; no objections
to out-of-town cases. Bell phone 1054
West. 14 Sells ave 3 2-2-5
BRIGHT, intelligent young lady desires
position as cashier or saleslady at once.
Address C. E. A , 62 Kendall st., Atlanta.
Ga 96-4-5
('iiMI'ETENT stenographer desires tenv
porary work. Ivy 2559-L.105-4-5
YOUNG LADY with experience Is anx
ious for a position as telephone operator,
office work, multigraph work. Phone Ivy
4222 5-4-28
CoSFPETENT’ young lady wants position
in drug store as clerk or light office
work. Address Miss T. E. F., care Geor
WA NTED--A place in a private family to
do rooking and general housework by
a middle age white woman. Address Miss
Sal lie Williams. Tate, Ga.<3B-6-5
EXPERIENCED business woman wants
position as stenographer and assistant
bookkeeper: local references and reason
able salary. Box 691, care Georgian
LADY would In show either in or
cut of city. Pal. Box 694, care
keepei wants a position at once salary
no object Address Miss Lottie Thomp
son, Lillie, La. 53-6-5
Situations Wanted—Female.
YOUNG LADY’ stenographer will accept
position in small town in any state: six
teen months experience. Address H. H..
Box 35, care Georgians 4-6-5
POSITION as cashier, clerk or ticket sell
er by refined young lady. Miss M
Thomas. Ivy 1934. 5-6-44
WANTED—By a young woman, position
as housekeeper in wealthy family;
week. Box 20, care Georgian. 34-7-5
Y"OUNG LADY steno-bookkeeper with
several months experience desires posi
tion with reliable firm; employed at pres
ent but desire change. Bookkeeper. Box
1. care Georgian.4B-7-5
WANTED—To sew by day or costume;
well experienced. J. M. B. Me.. 18-A
Chestnut avenue. 49-7-5
EDUCATED young lady alone; bright dis
position; must have work at once: sev
eral years experience sick nursing sna
companion. S. J., care Georgian. 51-7-5
Situations Wanted—Male.
Rates Under This Classification: 24
words, 1 time 10c; 3 times 30c; 7 times 40c
WANTED—Position as salesman by.first
class experienced man Best references.
Address R L G . care W. A. Stewart. 121
Capitol avenue. Atlanta. 4-29-45
WANTED -Position by first-class expe
rienced bookkeeper Best references
Address R L. G.. care W. A. Stewart. 121
Capitol avenue. Atlanta 4-29-46
WANTED—Position as traveling "sales
man. seven wears' road experience, can
furnish satisfactory reference; am em
ployed at present, hut will be open for
proposition by May 15. Address Sox 444.
care Georgian. 41-3-5
YOUNG MAN, 20, desires position where
he can learn business; good references,
willing to start at bottom; experience of
fice work. Address Box 89, fare Georgian
- 105-4-5
BOOKKEEPER that can keep books;
eight years' experience: references past
employers, would appreciate considera
tion immediately. Phone Ivy 1856-J.
cleaning. J. H. Davis, pl Williams st.,
in rear.
WANTED—Position with reputable hard
ware firm in good town: experienced:
best references. Write Lock Box 16. So-
Cial Circle, Ga 58-6-5
SALESMAN, hard worker, must have
employment; 15 years' experience res
taurant. cutting meat and groceries, etc.;
can furnish good reference. Call me.
Atlanta phone 5870-M,23-7-5
WANTED—By reliable man. circulars and
samples to distribute, or advertising mat
ter of any kind; results guaranteed. Ad
dress Distributor, care Georgian. 38-7-5
YOUNG MAN. 28. desires position with
reliable realty company: excellent tes
timonials; will accept salary and commis
sions. Address Box 193, Blackshear, Ga
WANTED—Head waiter's place for sum
mer. R. M., 36 Fitzgerald street. 60-7-5
Situations Wanted—Male and
WANTED—Position by German family:
wife good cook; man can drive car and
all-round work. Address A. H., 114>>4
Central avenue. 58-7-5
Boarders Wanted,
RATES. $7 to sl2 per week. References
exchanged. 2-28-5
GOOD board. Ivy 5348-L. 20 West Har
ris 4-11-50
GOOD B<‘iARD and large, cool rooms:
home-like, close in, all conveniences
115 South Pryor st Atlanta phone 4949.
WANTED—Three boarders, nice, cool
place for sumnler. Ivy 5079-L. 4-30-11
LARGE, delightful front room, also small
er room; lovely location for summer.
Table board; home comforts. 241 West
Peachtree Ivy 1959-L 5-1-18
ROOMS with ail conveniences: something
good to eat 109 West Harris. 5-2-26
139 Av PEACHTREE—Largg, cool rooms;
excellent meals; home comforts for re
fined guests in small private boarding
house. Phone Ivy 5551. Table board.
NEAT ROOMS, excellent board, close in
?. 18 Whitehall streets- 4-52
NICELY furnished rooms. 121 Capitol
square. Main 4830-L. 5-4-20
NEAT ROOMS—Good board; young men.
261 E street. 5-4-23
THREE young men can secure home
comforts by applying at 52 Formwait;
clean and close in. Atlanta phone 3904
24 XV. BAKER—Front room and board for
couple or two gentlemen. Ivy 1788.
ROOMS—With or without board; close in.
32 E Cain. Phone Ivy 2903. 5-6-29
WANTED —Boarders for three neatly fur
nished upstairs rooms or one down
stairs room with bath: ail modern con
veniences, near in: best north side neigh
borhood. Call Ivy 5278.5-7-19
LA RGE front room with board; small
private family. 148 West Peachtree
Ivy 5775-.1.5-7-13
A FEW BOARDERS can be accommo
dated at 37 Poplar street, opposite gbst
office; also neatly furnished rooms. 5-7-9
IDEAL HOME for couple desiring to
spend summer away from the heat and
noise of the city; city conveniences. De
catur 2 70. 5-7-11
TRANSIENT and table boarders wanted;
nice rooms; excellent meals; close in
92 S. Pryor street. 5-7-29
UwnTfT’BDARIi four men at >4 50 a week
each; excellent front rooms; hot bath
and all conveniences. Call Ivy 2856-L
33 Forrest. Young men. Ivy 6341-J.
DELIGHTFUL room, excellent meals 26
E Cain street. One-half block of Peach
tree 5-7-45
Board Wanted.
JEWISH YOUNG MEN want room and
board in private Jewish family, mod
erate. Address K C.. care Georgian.
COUPLE with baby desire to board with
nii e family in suburbs; place with large
shady lot preferred: give price. Address
Box 73, care. Georgian. 62-7-5
ment: newly fitted: clean; rooms 50c up:
heart of city. Peachtree. 2-20-67
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
TWO or three furnished or unfurnished
rooms. 191 E. FfinC;.66-4-5
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms,
furnished or unfurnished, for light
housekeeping. 261 Whitehall st. 5-7-21
FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnithod
rcotns, also suitable for light house
keeping very close in. Bell phorfe Main
3734-L. 45-7-5
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NEWLY furnished rooms; reasonable
prices; centrally located, baths free
Broadway Hotel. ~’->i N. Broad_st_. 3-_2t -7 3
FOR RENT —Three connecting rooms,
phone, gas. water and sink in kitchen
Phone Ivy 4948-.T.4-29-48
TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms;
all conveniences. Atl. Phone 5853-F
LARGE furnished room, suitable for two,
adjoining bath; close in. 200 Ivy st.
ROOMS with or without board. 256
Courtland st. Ivy 6288-.1. 4-30-43
LARGE front corner room on second floor
of the most pleasant near-ln apartment
in Atlanta, elegantly furnished in ma
hogany with brass bed, three windows,
closet, electric lights, bells, telephone and
adjoins beautiful white tile bath, hot and
cold water; also opens nn very large front
notch with reading light. 190 Ivy st.
Phone Ivy 5078. 4-30-3
FOR RENT —Neatly furnished rooms;
board if desired. Close in 36 West Ba
ker street. Ivy 1475-J54 -36
NK'EI.Y furnished front room, single or
double; also small room. Ivy 6662 74
NEWLY furnished, modern rooms; also
housekeeping suite; reasonable 152
West Peachtrees-1-43
NICELY furnished rooms with good table
board, all conveniences. 62 West- Ba
ker street Ivy 5025-J.5-1-41
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms in Ogle
thorpe apartments Apply at No. 15.
Close in, north side; reasonable rates.
every convenience Ivy 1333-.T5-1-1
ONE or two clean, "nicely furnished
rooms, suitable for couple or young men
in private home: all conveniences. Call
after 6 p. m., 252 Houston st. 29-3-5
N'iCE rootn; couple or young men; con
veniences. 140 Trinity ave., Apart
ment 1.5-3-12
LARGE, new connecting rooms, house
keeping if desired; fine neighborhood.
165 Grant st.s-4-5
TWO nice rooms, small kitchen; fur
nished for light housekeeping 357
Capitol ave. 43-4-5
FOR BENT—Two nicely furnished rooms;
all conveniences; in private family,
gentlemen preferred. Phone West 1154
TWO rooms with kitchenette, completely
furnished for light housekeeping; fur
nace, electricity, telephone and gas. 88
Park street.s-4-39
FOR RENT—One furnished room. Main
5451 -J. 51 Whitehall terrace. 5-4-55
FOR RENT—Two completely furnished
front connecting housekeeping rooms.
$3 75 weekly. 31 Hood, near Whitehall
Main 2758-t 5-4-59
RENT- S’lcely furnished room, with
private entrance to bath, at 96 East
Lindep avenue; two blocks off Peach
‘£s® Call Ivy 6358-J5-4-63
TWO rooms and kitchen: nicely furnish
ed. for family without children 396
Spring street 5-4-16
FURNISHED ROOM for rent; private
family. Phone Main 3755-1,, 58-4-5
NICELY furnished rooms: all conve
niences; close in; two blocks of Peach
tree 50 Williams street.s-4-18
NICELY’ furnished rooms, all conve
niences, close in 244 E Fair 5-4-21
NICELY furnished rooms: all conve
niences; close in 339 Courtland st.
LARGE, nicely furnished front room, all
conveniences; private family; north
side Ivy 2906-L. 5-4 36
NICELY furnished rooms; close in; *w>
blocks from Peachtree. 50 E. Ellis
LARGE CORNER ROOM: partly furnish
ed; will sub-let June 1 to Sept, 1 See
Janitor. Frances Apartments, 325 Peach
tree street.llo-4-5
TWO rooms furnished for housekeeping.
close in; rent reasonable 109 Rawson
street Call Sunday and Monday 118-4-5
LOVELY housekeeping rooms for sum
mer months or longer; new house; new
furniture. ' 79 Chatham street, Druid
Hills. 34-6-5
NEAT, clean and well-kept rooms to re
spectable people 44 Houston street.
Ivy 4370-L. 5-6-4
FURNISHED ROOM—Close in. one party
SB. or two parties $lO. Phone Ivy 4607-J,
68 Currier street 5-6-12
I"OR RENT—Neatly furnished room ad-
.iolmng bath. 160 Central ave. 5-6-28
FOR R&NT—Neatly furnished rooms for
gerftlemen. 112 Crew st. Main 2378-J
TWO nicely furnished front rooms; con
venient for housekeeping; to couples
only without, children; 516. Bell phone.
All conveniences. 290 Washington.
FURNISHED front room; . all conve
niences; close in. Atlanta' 6086-B.
CLE, \N. well ventilated room: five min
utes walk <>f Candler Bldg. 11 E. Alex
ander streets-7-43
furnished rooms; close im all
conveniences. 270 Courtland st 5-7-46
FURNISHED rooms, close In: all conve
niences; reasonable. 250 Courtland st.
FRONT room, upstairs: new furnish
ings. tinted walls; convenient. 78 E.
Ellis street. 5-7-48
A NEXVLY furnished upstairs room; in
strictly private family. 94 Forrest ave.
NICELY furnished rooms; ail conve
niences: walking distance. 343 Luckie
Ftreet Atlanta 42115-7-16
NICELY furnished front room, all conve
niences 221-A Luckie street 5-7-18
TH REE furnished rooms, complete for
housekeeping 103 W. Peachtree Ivy
2979-J, 36-7-5
TWO rooms furnished complete for light
housekeeping to couple without chil
dren; separate entrance and all conve
niences Call Main 5381-J.5-7-2
NICELY furnished rooms to gentlemen;
all conveniences. 255 Courtland street.
Bell phone Ivy 5603.5-7-3
NICELY - furnished rooms wtth or with
out- board 60 E Cain street.s-7-4
EXTRESIELY large room closets, sep
arate beds; meals if desired, young men
or couple 74 West Peachtree Ivy 1040.
IN DECATUR. GA - Large front room.
all conveniences; cool, shady lot; beauti
ful place for a irenfleman to spend the
summer Decatur 510.5-7-8
ATTRACTIVE ROOM to lady, reasonable.
references exchanged. Ivy 5829.28A_-5
THREE neatly furnished rooms; private
entrance; for light housekeeping: good
street: nice people. Call Ivy 2856-L.
TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping.
cheap 520 Central avenue. 30-7-5
FOR RENT—Small furnished single bed-
room: private family; $5 per month. 85
E. Fair street.s-7-26
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room
in Ogiethorpe apartment, 195 Ivy street,
apartment 7.-5-7-27
DELIGHTFUL upstairs front room, fur-
nished with kitchen; private porch; also
nice single room for gentlemen or busi
ness ladles. 243 Whitehall. Phofie Main
3623-J 5-7-33
EOK RENT —Two exceptionally
nice connecting furnished
rooms; every convenience; bath
same as private; electricity and
heat ; best car service in city. Must
be seen to he appreciated. 78 East
Linden Ave. Ivv 5098-L. 42-7-5
NICELY furnished front room for rent:
reasonable '“all Ivy Ifli-l. 5-7-38
FOR RENT—Rooms, convenient tar serv
ice. Address A , 33 Candler street. De
catur, Ga 5-7-50
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
LARGE pleasant front room; close tn. 65
E Cain street 53-7-5
Two or four unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping Phone Ivy 4082-L
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE nice upstairs rooms and recep
tion hall; all conveniences; good neigh
borhood. 756 Highland avenue. Ivy
6373-L 42-30-4
TWO connecting rooms tor light house
keeping 161 South Pryor; $8; private
TWO large first floor front rooms for
light housekeeping; all conveniences,
close in; reasonable rent. 65 Pulliam st
THREE delightful first floor connecting
rooms: sink, reasonable. 225 North
Boulevard 73-4-5
FOR RENT—Two or three unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping, with
kitchenette; hot and cold water Ivy
4939-J5-4-60 j
NORTH SlDE—Three Connecting rooms
in bungalow home; to couple only; good
home for voung couple. Phone Ivv 3352
TWO connecting rooms at 265 Cherokee
avenue, opposite Grant Park 5-4-25
TWO light housekeeping rooms: two
blocks of park. Main 4129-J. 31 W.
Pavilion 5-4-15
FOR RENT—Entire upstairs; four nice
rooms, porch. Private bath. Ideal for
light housekeeping. Home wty> owner.
Choice section West End. Young couple
preferred. References. Phone West
791-L 11 Lucile avenue.ll2-4-5
FOR RENT—By couple, one large front
room; terms reasotMble. near car line:
t; widow with daughter. Mrs. 0.. Box
5u9, care Georgian. 36-6-5
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms
and private bath, also trunk room and
stable bv the 10th; north side. Call Ivy
2587-J. 5-6-26
FOR RENT —Three large connecting
rooms, one single room, every conve
nience. 339 Whitehall st Main 2025-J.
FOUR connecting rooms with porch: one
block of Grant Park; parties without
children. 271 Oakland ave. Main 2191-J.
Atlanta 1804.5-6-30
TWO. three or four connecting rooms or
upper or lower half of house; all conve
niences; as desirable as one could wish;
very reasonable. Ivy 6470-J, or call at 1
Angler ave.s-6-31
THREE connecting unfurnished rooms
near Grant park. 24 Rosalia street
THREE desirable rooms, suitable tor
light housekeeping; screens and electric
lights; hot and cold water; sink in kitch
en; appreciated when seen. 304 Rawson.
or call Main 4980-J5-7-17
FOR RENT—Best 'established boarding
house in Atlanta; 45 boarders: couples
paying SBS: some furnishings for sale.
Apply 17 E. North avenue, between
Peachtree and Welt Peachtree. 6-7-34
FINE second-floor room and bath. $17.50
month. 167 Crew street. New house
Ph one Ivy 2 807-L.
FOUR ground-floor rooms and bath. $11.60
month 158 Simpson street, near Luckie.
Rhone Dvy 2807-L. 56-7-5
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED —Nice rooms, prefer West End
section Address Couple. Box 100. care
Georgian. _____ 6 ~ 7 ~ ls
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR ItflNT—Three beautiful rooms, also
Iwo large rooms, with kitchenette; mod
ern improvements. Delightful for sum
mer Phone Ivy 24785-2-24
FURNISHED or unfurnished second floor
front apartment; modern conveniences
Phone Ivy 43895-4-38
FOR RENT—Three-room furnished apart
ment; reasonable. Phone Ivy 3960-J
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT —Four-room steam-heated
apartment, with all modern conven
iences. Apply 46 West Baker street.
Furnished Houses For Rent.
ALL or part of an eight-room house, rea
sonable. until September 1. 14 West Pine
street. 5-2-27
Furnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED—At once, a furnished house;
four bedrooms; north side. Address D.
H. W., care Georgian. 59-7-5
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT. HOUSES—Ca!L ~wrl~te' «
phone for our rent billletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 Sou£h Broad-st.
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired'for electricity.
NICE little house; three rooms and hall;
good lot. $8 50. Apply L. R. Albert,
809 Gould Bldg. 109-4-5
Desk Space For Rent.
NICE, large desk space for rent with use
of both phones 1301 Empire Bldg 5-1-21
Business Property For Rent.
FOR RENT - Business space. White
hall street, fine location for pool par
lor. Price only SBS month Will have
two years and four months lease Ad
dress Box 92. care Georgians-3-19
FOR RENT—Warehouse and office space;
about 30x70 feet; rear new Postoffice
building, use of lights and phones (“all
Ivy 51835-7-1
Lost and Found.
FOUND—W M. Cox cleans all kinds of
carpets; rugs a specialty. Ivy 3135-J.
Atlanta phone 1818. 145 Auburn ave
LOST—One diamond par screw on corner
of Peachtree and Auburn ave. Return
to Mrs W. B Hajes, West Hunter
qtrppt Liberal regard. 25-5-5
LOST Between 38 Whitehall and 392
Oakland avenue, or on Central avenue
car. gold gracelet. engraved Mamma to
Floren< e. Main 54T Reward.l3-6-5
DOST A suit of blue serge clothes Sat
urday: probably loft some place. Re
turn to Chattahoochee Brick <'«».' 27-7-5
FOUND- A little money; owner may call
with sufficient evidence to prove that
it is yours and get same from C. I>. House.
34fr Highland avenue (’all at 9a. m. or
after 7 30 p, m 5-7-6
LOST -Saturday moi ning. April 27, pearl
opera glasses engraved L D . ‘ in
white crochet bag Reward. 271 Central
*4 ven u e Phono _M I £24 5 -7-12
STRAYED—-Two Jersey heifers Re
ward Phone Main 4586-J. 5-7-14
FOP SALE—XX’hit* Spanish peanut?.
W. P Dale. Smyrna, Ga , grower of
White Spanish peanuts. 41-7-5
from trusses
Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and It
will coat you n 6 more to have him fit you,
and it means Insurance. 6-24-19
HAIR CUT, 15c.
3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree
and Broad. 3-21-36
washerwoman. We will wash all your
family clothes and get them white. Rough
dry, 30 cents a dozen garments. Sanitary
Rough Dry Laundry. S. D Mul
linax. mgr , 24 and 26 Brotherton street
Main 1802: Atlanta 353. 4-13-15
SCREENS —Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens. hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips, furnished anywhere
tn the South. Write or phone W R. Cal
laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310
STILL another big shipment of new wall
papers Prices right. All work guar
anteed. Better be safe than sorry. Bar
nett & Gordon, 22 E Mitchell st.; 30 sec
nnds from Whitehall. 4-13-45
‘Tacme letter co.
NOTHING but first-class- work and
prompt service. When you are ready
for this kind of wmrk. phone Ivy 1436.
ACME LETTER CO., 417 Wesley Memo
rial Bldg. 5-6-33
By Mrs. A. Lee Champe, 56 Howell Place
Phone 428, West End. 3-21-62
LADIES —Ask your druggist for Chlches-
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble; buy of your druggist. Take no other.
Chichestrrs Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by druggists everywheres-2-1
MORPHINE. liquor and tobacco addic-
tions cured within ten 1 days by our
new painless method: only sanitarium In
th* world giving unconditional guaran
tee: our guarantee means something, not
one dollar need be paid until a satisfac
tory cure has been effected: we control
completely’ the usual withdrawal symp
toms. no extreme nervousness, aching
limbs, or loss of sleep; patients unable
to visit sanitarium can be treated pri
vately at home. References: The mayor
of our city, the president of any bank, or
anv citizen of Lebanon. Write for free
booklet No. 5. Address Cumberland San
itarium, F. J. Sanders, Mgr., Lebanon.
Tenn. 32-7-5
camp in tent. 138 Whitehall afreet
v 4-29-1
PALMIST and Life Readers. Consult
them on all matters Prices, 25 and 50
cents, 17 E. Mitchell st.s-6-18
DR EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation. Irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mall,
50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro . manu
facturing chemists. 14 South Broad-st.,
At la nta,G a. 2-17-14
LADIES—SI,OOO reward. I positively guar
antee mv great successful "Monthly"
remedy; sa’fely relieves some of the long
est, most obstinate, abnormal in
three to five days; no harm, pain or In
terference with work; mall $1 50. Double
Strength $2 Dr. F G. Southington Rem
edy Co . Kansas City, M 0.4-2-34
LISTEN? I treat any disease for $1 a
week and furnish the medicine John
T Patterson. M D, 445t»> Edgewood ave
nue Atlanta phone 2757.2-15-45
DROPSY CURED. Relieves shortness of
breath In 36 to 48 hours. Reduces
swelling in 15 to 20 days. Write for par
ticulars. Callorn Dropsy Remedy Com
pany, 513 Austell building, Atlanta.
IrjrjJ xl without pain.
2384 Whitehall St. 3-21-29
DRESSMAKING at reasonable price# at
226 Houston et Atlanta 41R1 3-21-11
collection; no charge Atlanta Collec
tion Company, 604 Gould building 4-20-57
Milk Depots.
THE Houston st. creamery for milk and
cream. Call Ivy 1293 Bell. 3-9-32
DON'T WORRY over your family wash
ing We wash everything clean and
white Starch all garments that require
ft. Iron all table and bed linen for 36 cents
a dozen. Sanitary Rough Dry Laundry,
S. D. Mullinax, mgr . 24 and 26 Brother
ton street. Main 1802; Atlanta 353
Colored Undertakers.
Fountain & Robinson,
233 Auburn. Atl. 5921-F; Night Ivy 3609.
OLD hats cleaned, dyed and reshaped;
best work; prompt service; satisfaction
guaranteed. Out of town orders solicited.
Both phones. Acme Hatters. 10014 White!
hall street. 3-15-6
Furniture Repaired.
FURNITURE repaired, packed and
shipped; expert carpenter. L. Wellons,
99 N Forsyth-st.l-24-63
Shoe Repairing.
don. in new quarters: good work done:
work called for and delivered. lOIR-J
T. J. SMITH, 36 E. Hunter.
Fire-Proof Storage.
p’anos Office and warehouse. 239-241
Edgewood-ave Ivv 2037. John J. Wood
side Storage Company.
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M 'FURNITURE trans Li.-. we pack
and snip. M. 54y0-L, A. 1219. 30 West
Hunter. 3-J2-T
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912.
One cent a word each insertion
unless on agreement. Minimum
10c an ad Ads to appear in ordi
nary reading matter type. Ads in
larger type 2c a word.
Ads on contracts. 4c a line for
90 consecutive insertions: 414 c a
line for 60 consecutive insertions;
5c a line for 30 consecutive inser
tions; s'/jc a line for 15 times.
(Count six average length words in
.small reading matter tvpe to the
"Situations Wanted" ads contain- >
ing not over 24 words will be
printed one time for 10c: three
times for 20c, or seven times for '
All ads, such as Boarders Want
ed, Furnished or Unfurnished
Rooms. Apartments, Houses For
Rent or Wanted, also Lost and :
Found. Help Wanted ads that only >
get the benefit of the “city cir
culation” of The Georgian, will be >
lc a word for one insertion; three /
times for the price of two or seven '
times for the price of four.
To secure proper classification of
Want Ads it will be necessary to ,
have copy in The Georgian office /
before 1" o'clock the day of the' i
issue. I
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
should ne counted. Each Initial
counts one word; compound words 1
are counted as two words. I
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8600) when
it is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always ask
that your telephone Ad be repeated
back to you by the telephone Ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can /
not guarantee accuracy or assume <
responslbllty for errors of any kind '
occurring in telephone advertise- '
Out-of-town advertisements must
be accompanied with cash In full
payment for the same. Note the
foregoing instructions about count
ing the words and the rautes per
word. Agencies' discounts 15 and
2 per cent.
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given by The Georgian to
patrons making payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as no
mistakes can he rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser asks to
show references, send a duplicate t
of same
All Ads must be ordered out In
writing or at the office. No dis
continuance notice taken over tel
Builders' Column.
Contractors and Builders.
* ***■
I Will Finance You
IF YOU wish to build; all kinds of build
ers’ material for sale. B. F. Mitchell,
514 Austell Building 4-25-14
ARCHITECT, contractor and builder,
cabinet shop; carpenters furnished.
R H Jones. 190 Houston st 3-21-12
HOMES built for cash or terms; archi
tectural designs furnished free.
Century Construction Co,
Architects and Builders.
CONTRACTOR, cabinet shop; carpenters
furnished. John Allen, 106-A Edgewood
avenue. 3-22-43
Building Materials.
AUSTIN BROS., Atlanta, Ga.
Builders' hardware, supplies, equipment
and tools of all kinds. 53 Peachtree-at.
Office Fixtures.
Paints and Wall paper.
Discounts On Roof Felts.
TOP OF ATLANTA gone to the bad. I
sell roof paints, repair all kinds of
roofs. J N Little, 82 East Hunter at.
Phone M. 3927-J.4-24-12
Monuments and Stone Work.
TtUanta 'T Finite” company,'”
Al! kinds stone work.
17-19 Fraser-at Phone Main 3540. 1-5-47
ALL KINDS of cemetery work for 60 days
at a big discount. Everything must and
will be i-Mci. J. N. Cook, manager, 82
East Hunter street. 4-17-71
Plumbing and Steam Fitting,
H. C. Gullatt Plumbing Co.
LANTA 722. 4-18-57
Sewing Machines.
WE REPAIR any sewing machine. Work
called for and delivered anywhere. M.
McNair. 229-B Auburn avenue. 3-14-9
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired: prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893, Singer Sewing Machine
Company. 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Wood Patterns.
Robertson Pattern Works,
Ivy 6026. 140*4 Edgewood avenue.
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
retailed" and
PHONES: Beil Main 1576, Atlanta 1654.