Newspaper Page Text
Mr? Charlee E. Faverly has entirely j
recovered after her reecnt illness.
Mrs. Elizabeth Winship Bates nas
* been Hl for several days at her hr>m r
r on West Peachtree street.
Mr. Cliff Moore, of Fort Worth. Tex
as Is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs
C. W. Moore, on Peaohtree road.
Mrs Lute Hunnicutt had as her
guests at the Forsyth matinee this aft
ernoon Mrs. P H Boykin and her
* guest, Mrs. Allen Miles, of Charleston. :
' Mrs. P. J. Baker has issued cards to ‘
the afternoon reception which she gives :
on Tuesday, the 14th. for Miss Marga- i
ret Welch, a pretty bride-elect.
Mrs. John Carter has gone to Bir- '
mingham to spend a month with Mrs ;
John D. Carter. Jr , and Miss Margaret L
Carter at their home on Burton ave- I
nue. |
Mr. and Mrs William C Fplk p r have .
returned from Pittsburg where thev
were called on account of the death of
Mrs. Spiker's mother. Mrs. Mary Pot
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berry, whose
marriage was a recent event, taking
place at the home of the bride, in De
troit, passed through Atlanta on their i
way home from New York today, but
have postponed their visit to Mrs. Bu
low Campbell until a later date, on
account, of the death of Mrs. Berry’s
cousin. Mrs J. S. Thompson, of Bir
. announcements]
St. Marys guild of the Episcopal
church will hold a rumamge sale Sat
; txrday, May 11, at 250 Edgewood ave
nuo. and they ask donations of cloth
ing, household goods, etc. Miss Emma
' Sharpe is president, and donations are
- to ba sent to her at 397 Williams street
by Friday morning. The other officers
T of the guild are Mrs. Albert Mason,
j treaynrer, and Miss Klelnwachter, sec-
L rotary.
? "underwoodTmarch” is
■: BTRMTNnHAM. ALA., May 7. -The |
Underwood march, the official music '
t adopted by a committee named to pass ■
on many, presented by composers in
Birmingham, is now on sale in Bir
: mingham. The march will be played by
the Birmingham band which will go tn
T Baltimore in June tn the national con
vention with the marching club from
;. Birmingham. Mrs. Dowman is the com I
t- poser of the piece and the pktim- of ’
• the presidential candidate of Binning '
j. ham covers the first page. The . |
: tion includes national airs and is al
y ready being played local bands.
? White City Park Now Open
' —I —- r '
Chamberiin Johiison Dußose Co. | Atlanta New York Paris Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Co.
~ 1" - "■ - I I
A Suit Sale of First Importance
Tomorrow morning at 8:30 o’clock, begins a Suit Sale that you will remember. We have
been going through the suit stock—gathering the best styles that we have sold down to the ones
and the twos and the fews. Two lots have been made of them.
Now comes the momentous occasion of their disposal—Don’t you miss it if you have the
purchase of a suit in mind. It would be the height of extravagance. For you may have all the
style and individuality that the season has brought-in this way:
$12.50 $17.50
For Suits That Were 5 21 15 to ’3F S For Suits That Were ’33* to M 3"
Seventy-five in all. Serges, cheviots, whip- Fifty of these. And among them are many
cords, men’s-wear mixtures, novelty weaves and of the always w’anted navy and black serges
black-and-white stripes. Besides the greys, the and black with white line stripes. Grey and
shades ol ( openhagen and turquoise blue tans— tan whipcords are prominent—and charming
there are plenty of staple navy and black serges, styles in Copenhagen serge that show the heavy
Vk hen you sec the styles and the tailoring you lace and button trimmings of the moment. All
will know why they were $21.75 to $31.75. beautifully tailored and lined.
None Sent On Approval or C. O. D. None Taken Back or Exchanged
i Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Co.
h . I
' AT 72, H IKES 932 MILES
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Photo by Staff Photographer. vkJ
This old veteran. J. C. Williams, of Louisville. Texas. 29
miles above Dallas, walked the 992 miles from his Texas home
1° 'LII 11 in attend the reunion and find a Georgia bride. He
is 72 years old. but says he. is plenty young enough to marry
i< he finds the right girl, and he is looking for her right now.
{music notes
A ptano recital will be given by the
pupils of Mrs. Manelle Shropshire Wall.
- assisted by Mis? Sylvnia Spritz, on
Friday. May 10, at 4 o’clock, at the re
cital hall of the fleveland-Mannlng
Piano Company, on Pryor street.
A program will be presented by the
following young women: Misses Han
nah Grossman, Helen Adams, Sarah
Alston, Ethel Niell, Frances Ralston.
Julia McCullough and Lucille Fischer.
Miss Spritz will also give several num
The Music Lovers club will present
an attractive program this evening at
the residence of Mrs. W. L. Brtdwell,
215 Ashby street, for the benefit of the
choir fund of St. Anthonys church,
and ft is hoped there will be a large
attendance. There will also be a game
of eucher and handsome prizes will be
The price of admission, including re
freshments, will be 25 cents.
COLUMBUS. OHIO. May 7 —Women
of Ohio have raised a campaign fund
of $130,000, and will spend SI,OOO a day
from now until the constitutional
amendment granting votes to women
comes to ballot.
Rk / /
/ /
T / /
& /
- -jWlr 7
,■ -
Experts Endorse It
I “Marlon Harland.” Mrs. Janet M. Rill, and
Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorej are among the cooking
authorities whose names are fa miliar to almost
every housewife. Each has her own distinc
tive methods of work, hut It Is Interesting to
note that on the all-important Question of a
1 cooking fat. they are unanimous In recom
mending Cottolene.
i “Marton Harland"saysof Cottolene:‘‘rth/M
‘ pfren complete eatiefaction,.'- Mrs. Hill says:
"Very eatixfactory: gladto recommend it." Mrs.
i Rorer says: "X much more healthful product i
I than lard."
With such authority behind It. every house- I
keeper will be safe In giving Cottolene a trial. '
It Ispurerand more wholesome than lard— and
It Is more economical, too, one-third less being
“The Underselling Store’’ “The Underselling Store’’
A Special Sale of Genuine
White Heron Aigrettes
White Heron Aigrettes are the scarcest, most wanted and most expen
sive articles in the millinery trade today. In the few downtown stores that
have these aigrettes, prices are almost prohibitive.
We have secured a limited supply of very fine quality genuine White
Heron Aigrettes and will place them on sale tomorrow at the bargain prices
quoted below.
There will be quick buying and late comers are apt to be disappointed
—so, come earlv.
$5.00 Values at $2.95 SIO.OO Values at $4.95
$7.50 Values at $3.95 $12.50 Values at $6.95
Bargains in Untrimmed Hat Shapes
An immense offering of new and stylish untriftimed hat shapes at bargain prices
tomorrow. Included are all the novelties in style, all the popular shades and combi
nations. Prices are less than half real value. Four big tables:
Table No. i. Table No. 2 Table No. 3 Table No. 4 ''
Choice Choice Choice Choice
95c $1.45 si-95 $ 2 -95
——-—■ 1— ——"— 1 " —— ■
Ready-to-Wear Hats A Sale of Ribbons
A choice collection of new models in hand- Plain and fancy Ribbons— Taffetas, Mes-
made, ready-to-wear Hats in smart “tail- salines, etc., in all the pretty colors; up
ored” effects; $2.50 (TH fin to 6 inches wide; up to ORf*
values hJliUU 50c values
A Sale of New Suits and Skirts
Spring Tailored Suits —serges, Panamas, New Skirts of Panama, serges, voflea,
fancy mixtures—real AR etc.; regular values $7.50, in (IM QK
si7.;o values v|3lLi*tw this sale onlyl
Red Norfolk Jackets New Leather Bags
The popular Red Norfolk Jackets for la- New Hand Bags of genuine leather; some
dies and misses; made of good all-wool lined with genuine leather; values up to
fabric and worth $7.50; (£E fin $2.00; choice, (TH Ofi
tomorrow iJJwiUU tomorrow ... ... ..*PliuU/
“Styleplus” Suits for Men $17.00 —Worth More
Do you want to save $5.00 on your Spring Suit, Mr. Man?
Buy a “Styleplus” Suit. It will cost you $17.00 — and look as weH, wear as
well, and feel as well as any $25.00 suit you ever wore.
This store is the exclusive Atlanta agent for “Stylep4as w Softs—aS the newest
models are Gere, plain colors, black and fancies—s<l7.oo.
“The Underselling Store’’ Take Walker St or Lucile Awe= Oars