Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 08, 1912, EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14
14 I Always Does Good JThousanrfs Take it in the Spring. "I have taken Hood> Sarsaparilla .when needed for a number of year.* ' f; writes James Hey, 3070 Amber St.. E y Philadelphia. Pa., "and have always . found that it does mo eood. I always take it in the spline with (ho best r<=- J Suits. I have that tired feeling in the > morning and ran not oat, but after tak. *n« two or three bottles of this nwll £ cine always feel like a different person M and advise very one needing a tonic to ' give it a fair trial " Get it today in usual liquid form or ’* chocolated tablets called Farsntahs. J “FETHER-WATE” BAGGAG? It’s no burden to carry these cases, for they’re i i very light. For your summer trip, they’re the only thing to 5 , use. Sized from 16-inch up to 24. SI.OO an up II LIEBERMAN’S The Trunk Store 92 Whitehall I J ‘F l l ■■■TH- I - i■*— II -HI awv H * jarc- . < ----niTTt> rw.— ■ >■■■■„ -J [MffIGH C«iYi rXMWfMMY! I I 1 SENSATIONAL SALE OF Sm— s Ready=to=Wear A fortunate chance enabled us to buy the entire sample line of a high class manufacturer at one half original wholesale prices. These gar ments will be placed on sale, beginning at 9 o’clock, Wednesday morn ing. Women’s Linen Crash and Corduroy Suits and Dresses, Linen Auto Coats, and the finest values in Serge and Whipcord Skirts ever shown for the money. GARMENTS “ c GARMENTS Worth $7.50 to SIO.OO Worth $12.50 to $15.00 $7,95 i UNDERMUSLINS Extraordianry Values—-Our Entire Stock Offered at Great Reductions At 25c At 49c \ 190 do ’ en women ’ s hi £ h - Nainsook Kimono Gowns, I \\ | grade cambric Drawers, open , / \ .‘WwHWwi' I ggWglsa , , . „ . , Round Neck Gowns, and i l XF- ■ SraßySin or c ’ ose “’ ln a ” sizes, hem- | \ stitched, tucked ruffle or good cambric Gowns, muslin Z j|R I with linen lace edged ruffle; , and cambric golf and full / ’/ Z? \ ■‘ lso br<,l " n line o( siscs Lkirt,; Drawer,. Corset Cov. 1 \L k iWffffplrer f Corset Covers, lace or em- ers and Chemise; all the best I I J/J broidery trimmed; 75c and 89c values; I 25c - 49c ' At 98c Fin * embroidery trimmed | Fine Corset Covers reduced V iff r ' S’’ ' jr~~- Gowns, excellent styles in from $1.75 and $2.00, that skirts; beautiful Corset Cov- Bre slightly soiled, and the I ers in a big variety of styles; ° f S ?J endld / --mu— ti / - ~ $1 25 and $1.50 new Gowns, lEM ” / J? Dorothy and apron Drawers; Skirts, Chemise, Corset Cov- > U SM ZfM J7 all values that sell regularly ers. Combinations and Draw- j V ft at 88c and $100; ers p 7^c 98c At 88c lAt $1.35 At $ l5O j At s l - 98 Everything pretty that can Fine French hand-made gar French hand-made, hand em French garments. every be imagined in lace trimmed mente to $3 po and algo Cor«pt Covers stitch hand made; lovely Gowns, Combinations, Pnn- . Chemise. Corset Covers and ce? . s sli P s > Corset Covers, our prettiest American sniise rawers, no. a Drawers, such ixarTnciits as Skirts, Chemise and Drawers, , goods, values $2.50 and $2.75, large variety, but excellent we p’l aiwav-ci nn of lovely sheer nainsook and ... , . . rr>iiar+, n n , nn , . ’ a ai ays at, s_.oo cambric; regular $2.00 and w * n c °H ect!on ' SI.OO and $1.25 garments; | and $2.25; $2 .25 values! garments of all styles; B 88c £ $1.35 B $1.50 I B $1.98 _ - - Rigg’s Disease If your teFth are loose and sensitive, i and the gums reoF-dfng and bleeding, you i have Riggs Disease, and are In danger [ of Inking all your teeth T'se Call s Anti-Riggs, and it will give | qii’-k relief and a -cm plot e cure It is j a pleasant and economical treatment, j used and recommended by lead’ng min lawyers and theatrical neople who; the nerd <-.f perfect teeth Get | a 5Ar bottle of Call’s Anri Riggs from) Jacobs Pharmacy, with then guarantee tn refund the money if it fails tn dn all that - claimed fnr ’t If is invaluable in relieving sor n mouth due tn plate pressure Circular free CAT I/S A’x’Tl- RIGGS co 23 WilHam-st., Elmira, N Y THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: WEDNESDAY, MAY 8. 1912. FAMILY GARDENS Most homes in and around Atlanta have back yards. Most of these hack vards are hare spots gone to waste. These back yards, now wasted, amount, in the aggregate, tn hundreds of Acres. These waste acres put into family vegetable gardens would produce enough vegetables to supply this entire city with vegetables all summer and fall. These now waste acres would make an enormous dent in the much-talked-about “high cost of living.’’ i How about your bank yard? Is it doing its duty in supplying your table with crisp, fresh vegetables, better than yon can buy? A small quantity of seeds of the vegetables you like, a ; a few plants of tomato, pepper and eggplant are all that’s necessary for a good, money-saving family garden. You have the ground. We have the seeds -and plants of right varieties at right prices. We are always glad to see you at our store, but if you can’t come, just phone us. H. G. Hastings & Co. 16 W. Mitchell St. Phones 2568 BBMW young men are wearing better clothes than ever before — \ they’re demanding better clothes \\m —more perfection in fit, fabric, I style an d finish than ever before. jK Yet they must have them at a i satisfactory price—a price easy to 1 P ay - / We’re meeting all these re- v x / quirementsand more—we’re giv- [ ing you the best clothes in the dev/ j r ; wor ld "-cl°thes of originality, Er quality and value that gain recog- H nation at sight. The priceswill Isl / M&sis meet with your instant approval. [i Suits $lB, S2O, $25 and up Fine Spring Shoes // 1 he new Oxford styles are very fetching - some flat lasts with broad heel that many like, Lots of others and every good leather. Some/ % special values at $4, $5, $6 a’nd $7. DANIELBROS.CQ. HI —Il II n>l 111 I HI 1 1 a—PWMWI Mid-Week Specials Ju.-I a few hints fojav of the manv monev-saving j : : f 35 specials to be offered at tbp Rogers stores Wednes- day and Thursday. Economical housewives will be iJ quirk to appreciate the attractiveness of these values. X^y.l1 1 * J Order from the store nearest yon. New Irish Fresh,Crisp 1 Ac Potatoes .. ”2 qt. Snap Beans ” qt. These Money-Sa vers Wednesday and Thursday I Regular 16 cent Evaporated Full pound package of Corn Peaches; two days, per pound IIG Starch; 10c kind wC Red Rock Brand Canned Apricots; =S Gf* cans Georgia Pie Peaches; 25c kind, per an JVV Wednesday and Thursday 25c bottles of Brooks' I'hdi Sauce; 4 cans °f String Beans; A Wednesday and Thursday IWv Wednesday and ThursdayvC 15c bottles of Brooks’ ( hili -J 91c package of Iloyal Scarlet Tea; Sauce; Wednesday and Thursday.... IbV very special 1C Regular 25c tins of Cocoa. Wed- - 4 0 nesday and Thursday IvG berries; full packagel faC Wednesday and Thursday only i /®\ Swift’s Premium slams Extra Fine and 1 £Jlc in popular sizes * lb. Two Soap Specials for Wednesday and Thursday OCTAGON SOAP, SWEET MAIDEN SOAP, Wednesday and Thursday, Wednesday and Thursdav, 3 l-2c Cake 3 l-3c Cake i (Not more than 6 cakes to a buyerl (Packed 3 cakes in neat box) Wednesday and Thursday Only Snowdrift p^i 0 99 c WSI; No better Shortening on the market Try it once; you will use it always T hese Are Specials for Wednesday and Thursday Gold Cross Evaporated I Rejpilar 10c combination “Baby M’lk. 5c size, per can *SIC Elite" Shoe Polish £0 Gold Cross Evaporated Milk, 7'/* Regular 25c package Gold Dust 4fl 10c size, per can I'< v 1 Washing Powder .... 1 California Dessert Peaches, regular Enoch Morgan’s Sapolio, hand 25c value; per can I ni?w or scrubbing; cake /0 ■ lack Frost Baking Powder; 4 Old Dutch Cleanser; Wednesday regular 25c cans Ivw and Thursday . . f Regular 5c cans of Potted Q’d* ' '^ e "’orth of Regal Toilet 0 4 Meat (tongue flavor V/G Paper for only (i. I C BIG VALUES FOR BIG BUYERS ; 60-pound tub? of 1 ClO-pound bags of No. 3 nans of BEST SHORTENING BEST GRANULATED VIRGINIA TOMATOF* 8 3 4c POUND. SUGAR $1.15 DOZEN. (Full net weight.) $5.40 BAG. (Case of 2 dozen, $2.25 ) Rogers’ 35 f“ o r S Stores