Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 08, 1912, EXTRA, Page 16, Image 16
3 HF. ATT'ANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: 16 Tailoring, Altering, Cleaning and | , Pressing. WE do French dry cleaning. pressing and altering, also suits made to order. Holt, the Tailor, 2 South Forsyth street 4 11-63 METROPOLITAN PRESSING CLUB. 210 Edgewood. Pressing by the month. Call Atlanta 2894.1-25-49 CLEANIS G. pressing ano repairing neat ly done at 226 Houston st. Atlanta 4101 3-21 10 Srook wood dry c!le\ntng and PRESSING COMPANY. ,W. Peachtree and Fourteenth streets ladies' and Gentlemen’s fine garments cleaned, pressed, altered and rcpa'red J-.y 5386. 4-10-2’> Mattresses Overhauled. BEST work, reasonable prices; new tipks if desired Give us a trial. New- .inck aon-Orr Company. Both phones 4-22-4 ly~- . ..... .... | Mattresses Renovated. WE MAKE OVTTR old alrh j furnish new ticking, best work. give us. >8 trial Acme Mattress Company. Jack- * son and Irvin streets Both * Stove and Range Repairing. DAN Till< FIXER. Sell second-hand ga.« Moves We pwprp ' <hlmneya. We take down heater* We sell wick and v irkless oil stoves We sell irwdine Move* and ranges Atlanta . 'phone 2235. 121 Whitehall st. Bril phone „ 4 12 * .’B’T SELT. ga« stoves set up $5. We buy ; Moves Rlankinship Ptme Company,', 14? Walker street. Phone Main 47A1 J | JUla-ntA 4-13-22 1 " ■ - ~~ For Safe—Miscellaneous. XEW " rubber tires put on your baby carriages repairing Phone Ivy 3076. Robert Mitchell, 229 Edgewood avenue. 3-5-0 > SELLING OUT -BECOIffD-HANU FI’RNI I PRE of all , kind a Southern Wrecking < ’<»r r.tnv, t*H4 Routh Forevth street Both p>" nee . 3 14 33 ufoD4 FOPNTS Bargain In new and sec -frndhand soda fountains, easy terms; ewrite fcr prices. I’. O IJoi 1022. Atlanta, G« 3 16-76 I ‘JWf'PPIN T nianny. $3 month up Be sell pianos. ?5 month up Barcra’n in second hand. tiflfl up K r Berhr Company, no Temple 1 ourt -btiUding Bell rbon* 667 Main 4 ■'’.-20 SCREENS. T?E RT’RE and *** our screen* and our prices before buying Kan** Blind Screen Co. J. J. Crawford, 2<’U Kiser t3Bklg_ M 192? 320 11 Atlanta Tent and Awning Co.. JIANVFACTURETtS high grade tenta and armings ID’s J.uckio st Ivy 6867. i 16 54 BfTGEF’ MEATS SND FISH 4T CUT PRICES. HELI, PHONE IVY 3767. XH.ANT*. 1893 228 AUBURN AVE 1 ’ SEE cur linn of Wagner go carts. We •Jan re tire go carts. 41 .> Marietta st. At lamp phono '1797 4 22-41 SFLY~ SCREENS, doors, refrigeratora. oil a tore? We are -riling *eme at reduced yrioe” See us before you buy Caj] ~\t Junta 2653 and our man wHI come tn see you. Harrison Hdw. Co., 213 Peters st 4 1J ?.R £LACK S MI TFI arid wood *hnp in best town in Georgia plenty nf work: nil cash Bnx 262. Quitman. Ga 46-3 5 JPRAcTTCAI.It NEW Ntbv carriage, cAst 116. Will sacrifice. 39 Pavilion fee- 5-4-17 4fr r, iT RALE —.Meat marke* outfit; 260-so * count MrCawkev register, ehmv cases fend scales, will sell cheap Call st 311 (Auburn avenue 5 4 81 ONE Shannon market refrigerator. also large family -ofrlgerator and one .mo In •valid rolling chair cheap Phono Main «550 .1 5 6-1 A GOOD GAR RTfil’E arf small coal stove for sale cheap A ply at 173 Crew Street 44 6 f. PRJVATT PARTY wtghes t* sell several fine white diamonds Telephone Ivy «?4S _ 63 6-5 USED PIANO BARGA INS Know this one thing—an advertised jtoangaJn at Cleveland-Manning’s Is grorfh your time to Investigate -Itlrth Everett upright 1210 44M Vose & Sons upright .$127 '8450 Kranleh & B«ch squares 47 '4350 Schubert upright $lB5 These pianos traded 1n exchange for eur popular Holmes <t Son Player . Plano Our Easv Payment Plan applies on All sales. CLEVEL A XT» -M.\NN IN G PIANO CO, One Price. No commission:-- SeTuTyn>r §AFSF RmaJl. medium | and large home safes sl6. Hall's lank •nd f)re-pr''of Hr-, vault doors, etc. C J. Daniel. 416 Fourth National Hank Rldg ! 9 .’ 3* FOR SALE—F’ignr Fhowcascs. scales. McKeskey register, s<ifes, meat refriger- , fttor 4UO Decatu_r st 3n 7 5 UHAIfF \ AJJ'F. handsome Flemish dining I furniture with leather chairs. 1/4 Wil ;I!axns st. -t 7 fTSfT SALE National cash register and : barber’s looking glass. 53 Decatur st FOR potato slip- Nan- \ Hall; I’nrto Rim yams Kev W \a»v $1 25 per thousand jn lets <-f five th<» sand or more: rash with order. J \ Huohiiur snn. Lakeland. Fla .1 . 5 J>Ol-BLE YOl ’R BI’TTER celebrated Butter Merga enables v<. : to take one pound of butter, a pint of sweet milk and make two pnnrds <»f ho<’ butter. I will send ’he complete < to anyone for 50c. It will pv-itiveb Money cheerfully refunded if '• .»$: are f leased, or if 'ou prefer <’amp ’ c w<II prove it to you. .1. V. Hu< h nt >n. Lakeland, Fla > Wanted—Miscellaneous. WANTED We pay highest ash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture Cash advanced on consign metits. Springer f Auction Hon«e, 25 South Pryor-Bt Pell phone Main 5. WE PAY HIGHEST rash prices for household good*, piano? and office fur niture Cash advanced on consignments Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitch cll-st Bell phone Main 2424 S 26 26 J BI'Y men’s old clothes and I > Drop a< a rd. I. B< 32 jßell.-: - i ; 4 DROP A CAR! > Wil! bring cash for old clothes and shoes The Vesta ire. 16G Decatur street.. 9 '-7-3 WANTED To purchase two copies of I'ln- Atlanta i'nnstilution of No\ L? !?’ L . <••■».re <Georgian 4 2 5-5 WANTED-Tn purchase Avo copies V.f’l'lu* Atlanta Journal De* S, HH‘‘. 1- .pc Georgian. g 7 .. BFPT CASH PRICES *or furniture. lie useh old gccnJ ■ an d -•f n. c f•,i n 11 ur e Pembroke -.’aler * -I - <2 peij phone Main 187. 4-5-- For Exchange—Miscellaneous. WITH. E.\‘"'llANGE room and hoard rh -* in on (‘apitnl avenue for motorcycle nr j 1 ’ ladies’ diamond ring Small nay- I ment Box 739, rare Georgian 4 27-16 Automobiles. j Warlick Sheet Metal Munufactur in-j Company. 1 ALTO REPAIRING our specialty. 248 Edgewood avenue. Bnth phones 4G 0-64 FOR SALE' < ’HEAP Twn tops for Hup i rar; hnct leather, and all curtains com plex Nover urd For barga n, write W. A Marhesnn & <V- , 'Tnrcoa. 4-19-4! REPAIRING. STORAGE. PEACHTREE GARAGE TIRES, TUBES AND ALL OTHER SUP PLIES. i 828 PEACHTREE. IVY 2272 4 -10-24 AVT()S REPAIRED” i STORED, WASHED \ND POLISHED. Magneto and carburetor work a special ty; first-olass mechanics. Work guaran i teed Hartrampf A Yarhray Company. , I’hone Mam 3810 56 TMgrwnod avenue, j I Just belov. -22-5 WANTED 'fo trade s-uno good real e:- j j fate in East Point. <’.a , for high-pow- ! t ered roaxlsler automobile Call <>n or ad- i ■ dress Atlanta Auto and Repair Co.. 289 i I Ed g? w nod ave 5- 3-31 j I fi-E ifFTii’fqrn (>f-T( _ pffio.^<T | -. ( -, | i HEALERS on nil Tinrn SPECIAL 32x3 I I .<6 7,n GT’A RANTLED for 3.500 miler.) lightly used I’asing. 34x4. :16x4, $6.75. > 1,000 pew stai'dard Capiups just received (’HEAP. McPherson Auto 'lire \t lanta. Gr. 37-7 5 ;F< >r‘ RaT/F oFTFadf ’for Ini. BulrCHve" passenger. I^ll mndei, in perfect con dition. Xddre:s Buirk, rare Georgian 50-7-5 - ' Motorcycles. ALL MAKES AND 1 !’ largest mo- j tc.rryrlr drab rs in the South; exclusive Southern dlstr hutora for Indian. Elyea- ; Au-'<]i Co ..., North Pryor st 131 I John D. Miller. M^TORCYCI.E.S. bicycles and supplies. 42 Walton st . opposite postoffire Al ways open 4-13-28 Money to Loan. MOR ; I ’® l ‘’ A NS on Atla&ta Ir» i es tate Establibhed since 1889 S. R. Turman & Co., corner Broad and A)a harna sta <l-20 idpm LOANS placed In anj amount nn Improved farm lands in Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould building 7-11-1 Nl< »NKY S l “PPLIED SA LA RIED PFO PLE. uomen keeping house and othere ' without security; cheapest raie<; easy j payments Offices nil prior I pal cities. D. ! H iriiiia t’uilding. wEYM AN k- co Singes, ESTABLISHED 1890 Mortgages on Real I'stite 4 1-1 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for : straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood ave. rrnrTf a'se-manry N’na-’EsTji for a client either flrat or second mort gage notes on Atlanta property. Have SIO,OOO tn Invest j. m Worsnam, 90R Third National Rank building Ivy 5626 / 2-6 47 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount, 6 per cent. Write or call 8 M Carson.* 24 South Bread st 4 1 17 Without Indorsement With out Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Money loaned at I4AWFUL RATES. NATION AT. DIS COUNT CO., 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. 9-8-55 REAT.TY TRUST COMPANY, FORSYTH BUILDING Capital SBOO,OOO. Surplus $350,000 Can negotiate any good Beal Estate loan on Atlanta or suburban property. Urine us voui applications 'Phones. 8011. Main 1304 At!. 633. 2-15-1 1 Business Opportunities. STUDIO— SSOO. other business causes forced sale Ground floor N sky light Opp Candler Bldg T. R. Math REST boarding house business in \Ganta, 45 flrs!-class hoarders Will sub-rent house, beautiful location, between T’earh •rpc and West Peachtreo, Address Mrs F Dunn. 17 Ehsl North avenue 5-1-7 DF\ r | STR S’ For le to a reliable, sc her man. one-half Interest In dental practice in good town; $6,000 practice an nual!) Xddress I’. D Box 612, Douglas. G<c 5 4-47 \\ \ NT man with SSOO tn to estab lish an off!cp for largo corporation, will be his own boss See Geo. Brenner, Room 511, Kimball Hotel __39-7 K FOR SALE---Saw mill, 10,- 000 capacity, one and half million feet pine timber, all ' within 3-4 mile of railroad track. \rt quick if mean h it si n es s. No inriim . hranees. Lock Box 11 Uazle 1 hurst. < la. 5-7'.’7 Real Estate For Salo F'OR SA LIT No. 240 Howell street. rlx- ' rooms, gas. waler, hath., sewer Conner- ■ , lion, alb ) <m sm!»-, i'H>m for two tenant houses on rear of Lu facing alley. Ad- j dress C T. Garrett, Williamson, Ga 30-15-41 Till-; IIO( Sl'. you buihl. buy or • reut will not he a modern home | unless it <s wired for eleetricitv. BARGAIN Kit 1w o' >4l, for- ale by ow ner. sb. room new bur.ralnw inm t iilrui to rar ine .-lr< t.-;.- fU, (l r?s; In 50x255: ■ $?. aoo , . cu tMlaru'e Io -u’’ . *r\\ erage end l I Diet sidewalk \r-pl) lonwner. 511 \us- ,iNF \F \A ‘utrMll -tTcr-'t ~nW B?hC9O DC u }o -r . pnr lr< a t ion ('* I’ ana t•m *n t j ' ’ ; m Call before 9am I va' I-i Cl S\l F ic i-Atier. new j live joi>”hall and hath, all enliven * oners w 'lnn cr,r blork cur line, large ; ide 'A.dks Prus2,4o9 $■»00 pash. ' 750 }>• ’ ii ontb tddress < ‘wnrr F.«»v t • < ’..■..1 g an. -'’ J-’ 19 , SALI 1 nn ■ < n houst on one . ’ ■ 'or tu s burbs. i? ar public school; ; 'LI 70. s. tl! . t u . u.ent. balance like _ !’• ■ - !.• \\ • st -.62-J 5-3-35 . !s:,:.on BFYs -w sub chan ■• five - j , rc’ins .uni h.ill, hu 150x50; more”band if • dt sirru . si" -••. ik<-. i a J;-, ..nF- "f factories. -• ' c<i«w| v.;«’• •• and stores ii ? <»jn m • ■ iv... . Vl i j,, h ..-alp term? I ;i ’ • ’ l ■ i; “ inta «; H j jF* W M 1 • 1 “ • rl-s.-.e -.n .s-n O r r. ; . • . ■ -v Id®, r her* ■- Pea . A'i Nat Bar .. . ■ , ■ READ FOR PROFIT-GEORGIAN WANT ADS-USE FOR RESULTS Real Estate For Sale I FOR SALE By owner and ncrupant, nice 1 six-room cottage on large lot Good gar ' »len. barn, chicken houses and runs: beau i liful privet hedge excellent well in hack . porch, artesian water mams m the street. I Good n<dghb‘T c . five and ten-minute carl I service; just 20 minutes from Pryor street; . | reason for selling, leaving the city Price. . *2.756 rail at 34 Murray Hill avenue. N. | Kirkwood, 27-6-5 ' DEf’ATI R One of the most charming! bungalows imaginable, on high lot;' beautifully shaded: Price, $3,850; I very easy terms. \\ H s Hamilton, . ! Decatur. Phone Deratur _H3 5-4-2 | HOME f< •!.' < ■( •!/ >RED PEX►PLE- 16 pl le FSO <’ASH Balance like rent. Phone Ivy 6189-J 61-7-5 ->■- . ■■■■! 7 ROOM COTTAGE, OAK-i LAND AVE. •3.256 NEAR GEORGIA AVE You ran get this nice I.’t? -story house, with a!! rnnvenlenres, for abrii® low price, on terms of SSOO ca-h and $35 per month NICE 5-ROOM BUNGA- LOW. *5. .500 ON BROOKWOOD AVE. JU3t off j of rE.b'IITREE ROAD, we are nffer mg this jam-up cottage with every t envenienrp np terms of 1 750 raah and 35 per month. See this. FOR COLORED PEOPLE; $2,500 TATTN ALL ST , very close in. yen ran get a g<->r»d six op seven house s>n term” of SSOO rash on carp house, and hg’anre easy. Rent for DO per num th.' good investment or home proposition. See us. S. B. TURMAN «£ CO.. Cor. Broad and Alabama Sts. Real Estate Exchange. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—4M Teres south Georgia yellow pine timber laud fop Mlanta tenement property: Improved •>r nnlrnpro'. p<| Xddrcss. giving full par ticulars v, c t rare Georgian 46 7-5 Farms For Sale. SEi'ElV’t. xfee"farMß? N»ar Barnes ville. M. P. Owen, Barnesville, Ga. 58-19-4 Farm Lands For Sale. HOMESEEKERS OrPORTUNrrY?-' Buy lands In Terrell county, southwest Geor gia. fmm us and we will loan you most of the purchase money 800 acres level, pebbly clay; mules; implements; well Im proved. $25 per acre 600 acres unimprov ed. 300 arras cleared, 300 in heavy wood land. $lO per ar-e Adapted for pecan grove 'This is a good Investment Write for free descriptive lists of many good farms for sale. Irwin Loan & Investment Co , Dawson, Ga. 4 6-24 Auction Sales. AT AUCTION HOFSEHOLD GOODS AND STORE FIX TURES. INCLUDING LEATILEFLCOV ER E D ROCKERS, COUCH, PARLOR LAMPS. MOR RIS CHAIR. COMBINA TION ROOKCASE AND WRITING DESK, SMALL IRON SAFE, TWO ETGHT-F O O T SHOWCASES, SCREEN DOORS. WATER COOL ER. ETC., THURSDAY. MAA” 9, AT 143 SOUTH PRYOR STREET. PROMT*TTA at 10 a m Thursday we will offer to the highest bidder several con signments consisting of oak bM room suit, meta] beds, ma.ttressea. pillnwa. bed linen. refrigerator. princess dressers, washstands, chiffonier, hall rack, child’s go-cart, chairs, mckers. mirrors, show cases, nonklceeper’s desk, door screens, ■ ash register, rugs, ga« stove, range, din ’ng table, library tables, cooking uten sils. etc Sale starts promptly st 10 a., m. Thursday, May 9. PEMBROKE SALES CO. 143 South Pryor Street. Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ■■PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH" ARRIVAL AND nEBARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA The following figures are pub lished only as information, and ara not guaranteed: •No Arrive From—l No. Depart To— -35 New Y.. 500 ami 36 New Y.. 12 IS am 13 Jaxviys. 8 20 am 30 Coi’bus.. S 20 am 43 Wan ton. 5 25 am 13 Clnci.... 530 am 12 Sh’port. 630 am! 32 Fort V.. 530 m 23 .laxvilie 650 am, 35 B ham... 545 am •17 Toccoa. 8.10 am 7 Chatt'ga. 840 am 26 Heflin.. 820 ami 12 R’mond . 655 am 29 New Y 10.30 am| 23 Kan. Cy. 7.00 am 8 Chat'ga 10 35 ami 16 Brun.s'k. 7.45 am 7 Maaon. .10 40 am! 29 B'ham. ,10 45 am 27 Fort V. 10.45 am 38 New Y. 1101 un 21 Coi’bus. 10 50 am! « .laxville.ll 20 am 6 Cncl.. 11 10 am 40 Chari te 12 00 n'n 40 B'ham. .12 40 pm 30 New Y. . 2 45 pm SO B'ham.. 230 pm 15 Chatt'ga 3 00 pm 39 Charlo's 355 pm 39 B'ham... 4 10 pm 5 Jaxvlllc. 5.00 pmius Toccoa.. 4.30 pm 37 New Y. 5.00 pm 22 Coffins.. 5.10 pm 15 Bruns'k. 7.50 pm! 5 Cinci.... 5 10pm, 11 R’mond. 8.80 pm 28 Fort V.. 5.20 pm 24 Kan Cy 920 pm ! 25 Heflin... 5 45 pnr. ' 16 Chat'ga. 9 35 pm' 10 Macon... 5 30 pm. 39 Col'lms 10 20 pm! 44 Wash on. 845 pm St Fort V.. 10 25 pm] 24 Jaxville. 9 30 pm 36 B'ham .12 00 ngt l 11 Slfport. .11 10 pm 14 Cinci. .11 00 pm 1 < laxvlllo 11 10 pm Trains marked thus <•) run dally, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run dalle Central time. City Ticket Office. No 1 Peachtree St j Georgian Want Ads Get Results ' I SPouStry, Pet and Love Stock. ■i-iS *• + + ATLANTA QUOTATIONS. + May 7, 1912. 4 4- nr- 4* I 4- (Corrected by McCullough Bros.) 4- 4- Eggs- Fresh selectefl. no guineas 4 j- or dirties. 19(&20c; miscellaneous. 4 ISfiilOr; guineas and dirties. 14®<15c. 4- 4- Poultry—Live per pound: Turkeys. 4 , v 12%<i 15r. ducks. 10® 1214 c. geese. 8 4 I 4 9c. hens. 13ft 14r. roosters, Bft 10c; 4. 4 broilers. 30®35c each, owing to size; 4 i 4 fries. 30ft 35c each. 4 i 4. Dressed, per pound: Turkeys, 18 4 4 ft2oc; dtwks. iß®2oc; geese, 101 J 4 4 121tc; hens. 16£17c; fries, 22®24c; 4 4- roosters. 10@llc. ' 4 ! 4« d* i METHOD OF FEEDING AT MICHI GAN STATE COLLEGE. The method of feeding rhe laying a stock is very sim- fluVlCf? pie and effective. A scratch food is given morning and r 1 ymtl night in a heavy * ' straw litter, thus compelling the hens to exercise, lilt i Practically twice jas much is fed at r, ! night as In th» / OilItKV morning, the aim being to keep the birds active dur- / Jnrtnr Ing the day and Lur to supply enough so they can have full crops at roost ing time. The scratch food' varies with the price <>f grains, but is approximately "flual parts of cracked com and wheat. Sometimes wheat screenings are substi tuted, or barley or oats added, but not in large quantities. At noon a dry mash is fed which consists of equal parts, by weight, of bran, middlings, ■ orn meal and beef scrap. Green food is supplied by feeding beetj and cababge. Grit and oyster shells are before them at all times. Green hone is fed aboul twice a week during the winter. By affording a va riety of food, plenty of fresh air and good, clean water, one has gone .a long way toward egg production. About 2,50fi chicks are raised each year Their flrpt feed is fine grit. Aft er being removed tn the brooder com mercial chlek food Is scattered In the litter of clover chaff In the brooder, about twice a day. This chick food Is used until the chicks are large enough to eat cracked corn and wheat. Tn ad dition to the chick food a mash con sisting of bran and raw- egg Is s<i about three times a day until the chicks ar» four weeks old, when thes - are given more In quantity at less frequent pe riods. The first week the mash con sists of bran and raw eggs, th» Infer tile and cracked eggs being thus dis posed of. The egg is stirred In the bran .and is diluted with a small amount of water to make It crumbly At the »nd nf the first week a small amount of bone meal, corn meal, beef scrap and powdered charcoal Is added The amounts of these are gradually in creased until at the end of four weeks the mash consists of equal parts of bran, middlings and corn meal, and one part consisting of beef scrap, bone meal and charcoal. Crumbly mashes are fed until the chick has learned to use the hopper feed, and then they are discontinued As soon a.s possible the chicks re moved to the rang’', preferably to an orchard or edge of a corn field, where the chirks can have plenty of shade, fresh, clean ground and access to in sects. One can not overestimate the Importance of shade, and where artifi cial shade Is necessary, sunflowers are hard to beat and they also furnish considerable feed. *BAVBJ SCRAPS FOR THE FOWLS. •Meat scrapi, from the house should never be allowed to go tn waste. The poultry need meat foods and most housewives have some scraps of meat that are usually thrnwm away A good plan Is to have a pall or some other receptacle In the kitchen into which such scraps should be thrown. Once or twice a day the person who feeds the fowls should pother this material and mix it with the ground feeds that are being used for ih<- chickens. If a bone cutter is at hand, more value -will be secured from the scraps if they are run through the cutter be fore mixing with the food. Tn prepar ing the mixture, the ford and scraps Should be stirred together with hot water Os course, one must be careful that the water is not so hot that it will Injure the fowls when they oat the food All letters and communica tions on poultry matters and for the question and answer column should be addressed to POULTRY DOCTOR, THE GEORGIAN, Atlanta, Ga. Orpingtons. RABT ’"chicks from high class White Orpingtons. 25c earh, in lots of ten or more Charley Dobbs. Gainesville. Ga 3-27 29 THO.ROT G'hBRED miff Orpington hens and cooks, eggs $2 for fifteen Phone Decatur 322. E Kirkpatrick. Decatur. Ga 29-6 5 8. C. BUFF ORPINGTON eggs, $2 per fift»®n Guaranteed fertile G. L. Per rv. 635 Highland ate.. Atlanta. Phone Ivy 3857-J. 125 3 Leghorns FOR SALE Five White Leghorn cocker els $1 09 each. Isaac Sisk, Mt. Airy, Ga. -2 33 WYCOFF strain; eight one-yoar-Md fi«-n= one cock, sls, Satisfaction guaranteed White Leghorn Poultry Yards, P t>. Smyrna. Ga Yard. Conway Station, Ma- I riet ta ear line.s-3-22 ! BLUE RIBBOX While Lesrhorns. Day-old chicks. 10c each. E<f£s. 5c each. Satisfaction guaranteed. While Leghorn Poultry Yards. I’. O. Smyrna. Ga. Yards. Conway Station, on Marietta car line. -21 I FOR SXLE-Three pen?- select j Leghorn.- ten her® each. $6 ner ten i ! The' a t rlfs®n month? old. thoroughbred , I thrift-. I'Ci'' ' la>ers beaut”" j i tilled for ic-? than ten Guyton Farm i i White Plain*. Ga. 45-1-5 i Houdans. FOR SALK ‘ Faultless” Ihnnlans: this strain has been egg bred from trap nest records since .April. 1890; I have bred them twenty-one years for gteat layers and twelve years for large size chalk white eggs These fowls are extremely hardy; have neither comb nor wattle to freeze and are the best all winter layers in open front coops. “Faultless” strain Houdans have won every blue ribbon at N* w York. Boston. Chicago and Phila delphia shows for past six \oars: eggs and stork sold on honor: rend Iflc for ’he I’argest illustrated po»dt»' catalogue ever; • ■ - i how > breed these ‘ ’.-n i no- - ave nge ?‘-’ n eggs ?si : ar’e-e It net ' • a i ear from lAOl A 0 her ; E F Ma-a.o . sec retary Moudan club. Cambridge. N Y 3-21-43 Plymouth Rocks. TEN TRIOS White Rocks; $7.50. not culls; breeders nf prize-winning stock. C, O- Harwell. Atlanta. 5-6-6 R. I. Reds. BAbL'cHICKS from 'high class” S~ c" Rhode Island Reds. 35c each, in lots of ten or more. Charley Dobbs, Gaines SINGLE COMB REDS are leading In the biggest egg laying contest in progress in America today. Our P.eds lay with the best and are wonders in size, color and shape. Cock birds all from best Thomp kins eggs. $3 a setting; reasonable fer tility guaranteed. P. Whiting, cars Geor gian. 3-29-7 QUALITY REDS J. I. Hosford, Easi Point. Ga. 4-25-31 ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds, won at Southern International and Georgia. «how«. Eggs $2 and $3 per fifteen. T. L. Wright. 649 Highland-ave., Atlanta. 2-1-41 CALLAHAN’S famous Reds always win. They will-win for you In the strongest shows. Send for mating list and photos of Ideal Reds. Stock and eggs for sale Callahan & Son. East Point, va. 1-31 20 Wyandottes. fHE of White Wyan<Tottes. For the balance of the season we will furnish eggs at half price; $2.50 per fifteen. Regal Wyandotte Yard. 230 Oglethorpe avenue, Atlanta. 2-1-1 Ducks. XOW is the time to set White Runner duck eggs, and Rpn dotte Farm is the place to get the best. SIO.OO eggs the next two weeks for $5.00. Rendotte Farm, P. 0. Box 300, Atlanta. Ga. 4-24-16 INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS. T HAVE elpbt ducks and three drakes, beauties, which T will ship to th* flrs f person who sends me check for sl7 50. R MHner. Covington. Ga 5- 6-2.8 HAVE A TJNnTED number of select du<”ks and drakes for sale, standard fawn, also Penciled fawn; order now. supply limited: they are new laying Mod el Poultry Farm, Colbert, Ga., "The Farm nf Quality.” 4-23 7 Eggs- __ MONTIREW FARMS—lncubator eggs, $5 per tOO; hens with chicks: turkey eggs, Turkey tnm«, $5 Phone Decatur 27 J. THOROUGHRRED Ruff Orpington eggs’: best strain. *1 per 15; guaranteed fer tile. 285 Euclid ave. Phone Ivy 958-J. 3-12-49 EGGS for hatching Single setting, $1.50; ) two settings. $2 75; 50-egg lots, $4.00:' 100 lots. $7 50; Ruff Orpingtons. R. I. Beds. S. C. White Leghorns. Barred Rocks Large flocks Able to ship incubator lots promptlv. Choice stock at low prices. 1 R. duck eggs, $1.50 per twelve. E. W. Burke. Macon 12-22-41 EfJGS from pure White Runner ducks. Spender strain, breeders direct from the Pacific coast; fine type and excellent lay er* of large w hite eggs; price, $5 for 12; infertile eggs replaced free. L. H F’er guson. Taylors. S. C. 4-26-36 THOROT-gHBBED Buff Orpington eggs. $1 per fifteen. 126 Windsor street. Phone Main 3588 4-27 25 EGGS from high class S. C. R. I Reds. Now is the time tn set eggs io get the best colored nlrds Write at once for my illustrated catalogue and reduced prices. Joe L. yallace,, Dalton. Ga 5-16 EGGS For the balance of the season 1 will sell S C White Leghorn eggs from prize-winning heavy laying strains ar $1 per thirteen. A d’Antlgnac. Sunny Side, Ga. 55-4 5 EGGS—lndian Runner duck eggs, heavy laving prize winning strains, white eggs. $1.50 per setting: tinted eggs. $1 per set ting Kell d'AntJgnac. Sunny Side, Ga. EGGS FROM firn REST pens at reduced prices. White Orpingtons. $3. $2. Reds. $2. $1 50; While Rocks. $1 50 per fifteen Some breeding stock for sale Gresentha Poultry Yards. College Park, Ge. 1 1310 Miscellaneous Poultry. EOF THE REST 'White Orpington stock baby chicks and eggs write Charley Dobbs, Gainesville. Ga.; 4.000 catalogs ready to be mailed free. Write for one 3 27 30 FOR THF REST S C. Rhode island P.ed stock, hah' Chicks and eggs, write Charlev Dobbs, Gainesville. Ga . 4.000 catalogs ready to be mailed FREE Wrije for one. 3 27 31 H. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seeds men for the South, 16 W. Mitehell St. Four city deliv eries daily. North and south side 9 a. m., Jnnian Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell phone Main 2568. Atlanta 2568. TOMATO PLANTS, 15. C per dozen, pest paid. 2'c; Hot and Swort Popper Plants. 20c per dozen, postpahl. 30c; Etrg Plant Plants. 20c per dozen, postpaid. 30c; Cab bag* s Plants, 15e a bundle of 50 plants, or 25c per 100. LEE' s’ GER MhZONE The poultry medi cine For roup, cholera, canker, etc. Easy tn give just put it in the drinking water. Price. 50c. Roth liquid and tab lot form. The tablets can be sent by mail G.XN.VRY, parrot, mocking bird and squirrel cages, bird seed, sand, manna, ruttlebone. song restorer. biit<ers, etc '’"XKEY’S. Lees anil Rust's Lice Pow ders. Lee’s and Liquid Lire Killer. Gnnkey’s Roup Remedy. Rust’s Rtiup Pills X.RMOL*R’S FLOWER poop wDI “mak* s all potteil plants grow <iff fast Price, ono-half pound package. 25c. postpaid ;sc. one pound package, 50c, postpaid. bOr. GOLDFISH Just received a shipment of beauties Price. 16r, 15c, 25c and 50c each Fish Fnnd. !"c a package, post paid. 12c. All size fish globes. IF Y<H* ARE IN'ITHfESTETt in poultry, we are sure that we can interest you in poultry foods, supplies and remedies, •’all in or write for a ropy of our poultry supply catalogue. Cows. FOR SALE Eight fresh milk cows. 16’ Pecatur st reel. 5-7-25 I '■ 1 Horses and Carriages ■ FOR S XLE -Harness of every description s of extra m- e second hand car- : ’ ’age harness Fmdin.-int Harness ’ I l? Q Marietta street. 2-27 y ONE go O .|, mund hers c . harness, run about. doctor - phaeton fer sale cheap j I9t Piedmont a.enue. Rell phr»ne Iw : FOR SALE. A splendid Shetland pony, harness and surrey I’hone Decatur 32. 111-4-5 FRESH FISH AND CRABS SCARCE IN MOBILE BAY i M'lBlI.i:. ALA M.-iy 7 imp result of j the rc< out raiii~ and flo<»»lc a’«-n* I ’he Gulf >■g :♦ $ .4 • ’irnti of fi n an r ! j i■» h 1’ e. h B’e ■' cs’ ?d - out in t _■> j the baa f f> r M' miles dr’’ mg c-h and crat s cut i?f ’he tuual hahmg oeds. Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Renting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FOR SALE. FOR BENT. WE HAA'E a piece of property fronting 3-r, apt.. 52 East Cain street 386 feet on the car line and 293 feet on 3_ r b , 728-B East Fair street 4 a prominent street; in one of the growing h ’ 1n - tr nw i pr street . .. w 600 seotion? near East Lak*. This property •- r " • ' ow ' ‘ - * g , 60 has a house on it which with some re- 3-r. h.. 94 Berean a enu . „ nn mcfeeling would sell for at least $3,000. 3-r. h., 751 Whitehall street . - • This would leave six lots over 60 feet 3- r h., 39 Gaskill street ’ h - front and about 200 feet deep, fronting h ’ ~, p„„ | pr street 10 00 ’he ear line This entire property can ’ “ 860 be bought for $4,000 Some builder or ;- r n ■ 126 '.oy e . tre t. 2 3.10 speculator can make money by buying <-r apt • ls ® e ». ” 20 00 this; $1,500 cash will handle the deal. <L baker siteet .■■■ Sep Mr Hook,Cr. h., 410 Randolph street ‘J oft FIVE%ROOM house, on large tot: Lake- t’J 2 1 ’ Spring s'reet wood: one-half block of car line; $1,650; E Z Y- street easy terms. Sep Mr. White. h ’ «o Glennwoori avenue 15 ON KING'S, HIGIUWAY, near College 5-r. h„ 237 Whitefoord avenue l- »o avenue and convenient to the North 5-r. h.. 357 Formwait street ' j,- Decatur car line, a six-room bungalow 5-r. h., 42 Alice street An rwi on lot 50x208 feet. This house lias every 5-r. h , 64 Ormewood avenue ■ - A. modern convenience except gas: piped for 5-r. h . Manderz st.. Edgewood. Ga furnace; handsome mantels; good plumb- 5-r. h., 328 Ormond man ing_ We consider it good value for 5-r. h . 33 Olympic place $3,750. and can arrange for easy terms. 5-r. h.. 28 South Park ‘ ’ Would exchange for vacant lots in At- 5-r. h. 18 Rankin street 7 n nn lanta. See Dews 5-r. h., Johnsons Crossing . • • lu ON NORTH WARREN STREET, con- 5-r. h.. 16 South Jackson 'store a.-. ven lent to the East Lake and Decatur 13 SO ears, having fifteen-minute service all 5 r h., 1-4 Mayson atenu 12.50 day and seven and one-half-minute serv- , Fem houses Ice morning and evening, a good five- AXP A LONG LIST of larger houses. room house and hall, with all the city ———— <*>-im* conveniences except gas; house is rgpe- deep A splendid pnrcnßF* k xv/irion Hally well built out of the ver best ma- SI.IMM cash and $25 per rnonth >o io®" terial; on a dandy Int 60 by over .350 feet to assume See Mr Dews IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO L PAN, WE CAN PLAGE IT "for’ rent. 13 r h , 66 Houston st $52.50 I 10 r h . 31 Hayden e 12 r h . 422 Whitehall st $50.0n 9 r h , 80 E. Fifth st.U’?- m r h.. 22 W Peachtree 5t545.00 ! 9 r b . 52 Cooper stM. ?» 10 r. h... 433 Central ave.s3o 00 I 9 r. h , College ParkLtUH BVE Pt BLIESH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of ev erything we have for rent. Get a ropy. JOHN J. WOODSITE. THE RENTING AGENT. 13 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 811. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY 8 WEST ALABAMA STREET. 16 ROOMS —605 Washington street, on large, elevated lot; gas. hot and cold water, electric lights, two baths; house in perfect repair; stable atnd serv ant's rootn on lot $75 per month M ROOMS--132 Capitol avenue; Tot 50x100. house has ga=. hot and cold water, and is in good repair; three blocks from state capitol. S4O per month. 10 ROOMS—79 East Merritts avenue, near th* corner of Piedmont avenue. two-story, all conveniences; house In perfect repair, with servants" house on lot, and in An* location. $65 per month. 8 ROOMSSO Ponce. DeLeon place, one block from Ponce DeLeon avenue. This house has hot and cold water, house in perfect repair; lo cated tn fine neighborhood. $35 per month Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For B'.le. *BEAUTJFUfj eight-room house, on a three-acre lot; watei ans sew ers down and pair! for; fronts 400 feet on car line; has barn, chicken runs, fruit trees; an Ideal suburban home, with all city con veniences. A real bargain. Tyn WARREN STREET. KIRKWOOD, we have a nice five-room cot tage with hall on lot 50x200; plenty of oak shade. This is a. real bargain at $2,000. on terms of SIOO cash,'balance S3O per month. See us quick. This pica* will not be on the market long. ATLANTA SUBURBAN REALTY CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. 31 Inman Building. Bell Main 2053 Property for Exchange LOTS IN PENSACOLA, FLA., 'for equities or for good automo- ——> bile. COTTAGE TN BILOXI, MISS. Equity for vacant lots in or V near Atlanta. LOTS TN CHICAGO for unproved property in Atlanta, LOTS IN GULFPORT. MISS., for equities or vacant lots in At lanta. EQUITIES in Atlanta for vacant. FARMS IN FLORIDA for equities in Atlanta. JOHN R. SCOTT 814 Grant Bids. Phone Mam 1869. ■■■BSBHBggggMWWMMBMM—■— _ iwi»,r— b CASH BARGAIN No 467 SIMPSON'STREET, between Vine and Elm streets: lot 55x100 three rooms and hall, built for a home and occupied by owner, no trouble to show; fake a look a' this place; bring us $1,850 cash and it. is yours. "Well worth the mono, CHICKEN RANCH THREE A r RES with five-room house, surrounded by streets, chicken house 60x24; plenty of fruit trees, chicken runs and vard; just three miles from center of city, just two blocks from car line with ten-minute schedule, will sell cheap for cash HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO. Phones; Atl. 226, Bell Ivy 4157. 34 N. Forsyth St. M. L. PETTY & E. L. HARLING Real Estate. * 32 East Alabama St. ON DELTA PLACE, tn Inman Park, we hate a two-story. seven-room house, on a lot 7j\300 The owner ha: offered to sacrifice this, place at $4,250. SSOO cash. Any kind of terms for the balance. Let us show if to you and if it suits you. make us a proposition. ' ON MADDOX DRIVE. In An?l»s PariT we have a lot 7nx237 fee’. We offer thi= lot for $2,750 If you have some south side property you would like to exchange for an Ansley Park lot. one nf the nicest ones «n Maddox drive ——— ■ Wc will exchange this one with you. ON”EIGHTH ‘STREETT’between Myrtle and Bedford streets. wFhave the cheap- est building lot on the north si< e: 50x163’.. ; for $2,750. The lot adioining this sold for $3.500, Take it up with us at once. x f>N THE t'HtU'EST part of Ponce .DeLeon avenue, we have a corner lot 50x145 that we offer for SI,OOO. One-half cash. We would like to show you this, as it is to cheap at our price. • 1 ' - A MODERN HOME IN THE SUBURBS NOT FAR from Hie mid of the East Eakp rar line, a vprv at.trautiA p 6-room bungalow with hall, On lot 1"»Ox45(L s+,ooo. If this is not land enough, wp ran give yon as niurli as you want, up to 10 arres. and spII the whole proposition to you on attractive terms and at a bargain price. Owner leaving the state is the only reason for selling. This property is located so that it will steadily increase in value. FOR FL'LL particulars sec either Mr. Hook or Air. 1 tews. FOSTER ’ ROBSON, Agents i 11 Edge wood A e I